HERE is My Pokemon Game Story! - Asone Region Plot

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[Music] hey guys ron here and it's finally time you've seen me create pokemon for the assone region over the last few years you watch the videos on the starters and legendaries you watch my videos on the gym leaders and the map of the zone if you haven't you need to check them out now because i won't be talking about the gym challenge new battle mechanic or the individual locations in this story video because i already did in these videos press the playlist to get caught up before moving on because this video and the next few will be exclusively on the plot of myason region these non-existent games considering this is just a concept are pokemon jade and pokemon amber but considering so many fan projects already have those names this project is simply called the ison region and it all comes together now if you're up to date let's begin welcome everyone to the wonderful world of pokemon that's the name of my series of online lectures you know what pokemon are of course they've been at the center of our society for generations but did you know that my native lasaun region was actually the first to create pokemon training and even battling after being ahead of the game for thousands of years the pokemon in the sun have been observed to be relatively more intelligent and powerful than in other regions as you all know i professor cedar have made a name for myself studying the intelligence of pokemon they're way more capable than we give them credit for some people even fear the potential of pokemon but i welcome their evolution i don't believe we would have made it this far without pokemon by our side and that's why today i would thank you no problem kids whoever a wild pokemon threatens innocent lives team ozone will be there just always remember to stay away from a voltelope they may look small but there will always be a thundorix around ready to charge as this clip from the teemo's on show wraps up your mother enters the room and scolds you for watching videos only minutes after arriving at your new home she says that if you want to take a break from unpacking then you might as well go introduce yourself to the new neighbors they happen to be acquaintances of your father a famous estonian politician who is on a business trip you exit your new home in aliyad and make your way next door gabby is at the entrance oh hey welcome to aliad my dad mentioned a kid who goes to the same high school as we just moved in now i have someone to walk to school with i do enjoy the trip you know if i had it my way i'd go on one of those pokemon journeys but it's not like i'm strong enough to be a trainer plus i'd miss home too much oh sorry for oversharing how about you come meet my dad he's busy with his research in the backyard you enter the backyard in there you see professor cedar running around with three friendly pokemon elephant smoke half and dollflo all three are participating in an obstacle course that the professor has set up elephant rolls through smoke half speeds past and offload jumps high you seem completely enamored by these partner pokemon nice new record good job you three no didn't know you were there gaby is this another friend of yours who wants an autograph i'm happy to oblige wait you're a trace kid aren't you you look just like him i was uh i was just doing some fun experiments although i think i overdid the fun part i don't really think i learned anything from this you seem to enjoy the show though the real research is done out there in the wild where we can see how these partner pokemon react to certain situations how they solve the puzzles found in a son's terrain and how they battle [Music] but now that they've been fully accustomed to humans i've been eager to actually monitor their behavior during battle what do you say how about you pick your favorite and have a friendly battle with my daughter dad i don't think i'm good enough to show you an exciting battle yet nonsense your bond with your pokemon is way above average this is a good opportunity to see that bond in action oh fine you're brought in front of all three starters for the sake of the series you picked the first starter elephant a friend of humans and pokemon your battle begins and gabby sends out smokaf the battle is neck and neck but you managed to win that was pretty fun actually it almost brought me to tears seeing smoke half giving it her all i'm very proud wow you clearly know what you're doing you fought quite intelligently you and ally fans seem to be quite fond of each other i think it would be a genius idea to leave it in your care i'm clearly too busy to bring out the full potential of the pokemon in this lab how about you train it and fill me in on how you guys progress over your journey don't make me beg so you three return to your home your mother gasps when you enter with a pokemon of your own she doesn't seem to be keen on the idea of you training a pokemon but professor cedar buttson i assure you it's one of the three most friendly and intelligent pokemon in its own and it's also the perfect pokemon to protect your son from the wild pokemon on your kid's way to school and i'll be there to protect your son just in case think of it as a housewarming gift your mom admits that your partner pokemon is awfully cute and seems strong enough to protect you two on your way to school she relents and everybody is happy you wake up the next day get your stuff ready for school and before leaving your mom gives you some pokeballs she says that there are pokeballs left from her journey although she comments on how long ago that felt like it was you hug goodbye and your pokemon journey begins route 1 is home to all the optional tutorials you'll want all you got to do is talk to gabby who will be wandering around behind you at a distance she'll even heal your team there are wild pokemon to catch and even one trainer battle of course if you haven't check out last week's math video to know about each location and what pokemon are found there so you can develop your own team as we go along when you enter bait rock gabby decides to go explore you look around the markets and beach too but as you make your way to the town square you see a demonstration by team ozone but things go south as team ozone notices a boy and his infantry hey kid stay away from that infantry it's incredibly dangerous what that's my partner pokemon he wouldn't hurt anybody what an infantry is a partner pokemon a kid like you can't possibly train one hand him over it's for your own good gabby who witnessed the whole thing makes her way to you and proposes that you two intervene you and gabby get closer and interrupt hey that fn trek isn't causing any trouble do you know what that pokemon evolves into it's too powerful to let loose in the middle of town looks like we're going to have to teach you a lesson how else will you learn gabby takes on the ozone officer while you battle this one he uses a half inch and twug in this battle but in the future know that these are all the potential pokemon team ozone officers will be using during your many encounters with them throughout your journey most of them are pokemon who could be seen as heroes or villains in the pokemon world like fast mask and assassin you manage to defeat team ozone but gabby loses against the other team ozone officer oh no i'm not strong enough you'll have to battle her as you reach for your pokeball captain ozone arrives now what's the commotion here oh wow you managed to defeat some ozone officers of mine you must be a skilled trainer train harder and you might very well be an ally in our fight to keep us zoned safe don't worry everyone it seems like we have strong trainers like these around to help us protect you against dangerous pokemon like infantry i entrust the safety of these citizens to you young trainer team ozone move out team ozone flashes the bright light on their heads and vanish gabby apologizes to the infantry trainer for not being able to deal with team ozone team ozone disgusts me they're the reason there's growing distrust of pokemon like my infantry it's despicable but it's my fault for not being powerful enough sorry for the trouble my name is evan i promise next time you see me i won't be so helpless infantry says thank you too evan runs off gabby looks defeated though she regressed being so foolish to think that she was strong enough to take on team ozone if i actually want to go on a journey on my own i can't be weak like i was in bait rock i'm going to go back to route 1 and train i i can't put all the pressure on smoke half anymore but you're seriously good if you want to become an actual pokemon trainer head to school and challenge our principal if you win he'll let you continue your journey got it tell them i'll be late bye you head into route 2 where actual trainers loom and eventually arrive at gimel hug you enter your school which is also the first gym make sure to watch my gym leader video to understand how the gym challenges in a zone work remember that upon defeating a gym leader you get access to an overworld technique like cut or rock smash that you can teach your pokemon without sacrificing a move slot you defeat daniel and he endorses you as a trainer once leaving the gym you encounter evan again did you just have a gym battle i knew you were an actual trainer i need you to battle me if i'm to become strong i need a real challenge you finally battle evan he sends out infantry and sharpine he battles properly by utilizing status effects and type advantages he's not a pushover but you win i knew you'd be tough it's kind of poetic to battle here in gimel hub you know these walls separating the northern and southern districts they were built in ancient times and fortified by a legendary in order to protect against rampaging pokemon ever since then pokemon aren't allowed through these gates you see this fear of pokemon is rooted in the stone's history only a trainer who knows about the past can fix the future i must become champion and show people that even powerful pokemon can be our closest friends that's why i need to be stronger if you really are an ally to pokemon get stronger too and meet me at the top catch you later whoa did you two just battle i think i could guess who won okay so i finally made it to school daniel's going down then i could finally go on my journey no time to lose you head on to route 3 now that you can cut the blocking trees maybe even leave a pokemon of the daycare monastery in delta's far you can get a head start learning about a song's history and lore if you enter the lighthouse library there you can learn about azera the ancient pokemon who came down and taught humans how to utilize pokemon for everyday life and shimmer era the legendary pokemon who showed other pokemon how to utilize their elemental abilities for skilled battle eventually you enter the delta jungle but can't access half of it because of the rocks blocking the split path you enjoy the sights in hayban and make your way to route 4. once exiting the market temple's gates gaby shows up i found you i got my badge so battle me she confidently sends out smokaff mateen and stikhit she's stronger than before switching out pokemon when necessary but you still defeat her what but i trained really hard but i gotta get ahead somehow i think i know the trick well good luck on your gym battle not like you'll need it you enter the excavation site in battle terra upon defeating her you now have the rock smash technique you backtrack to delta jungle but it's infested with team ozone officers thankfully you use rocksmash to enter the other half and discover the massive crater inside delta jungle team ozone has repelled down into the crater they seem to be looking for something but in the process are destroying a bunch of ancient artifacts as you get deep into the crater we begin to fight tmos on officers one by one they give you a bit of information they tell you how this is the site where azar era and shimmer era landed in the zone that event changed history forever but what are they looking for are remnant of the legendaries you manage to defeat them all though they give up on their mission and leave the jungle tara arrives and thank you for saving this historical site as you move on to route 5 with the ability to smash rocks you now cross the searing sea by jumping on the salt pillars on the other side is evan he tells you that he's here to train with pokemon found in harsh environments like this one he offers to battle he sends out his evolved cap toxic and crest toxic along with a newly acquired esonian mariana once beating him he states it said that the legendary kirkhosmic once flooded a stone and when the waters receded all the salt collected at the lowest point in a sewn and created the searing sea that we stand next to but pokemon don't just do things without any reason why would a revered pokemon like where cosmic flood a zone and then disappear for centuries is this just more fear-mongering or did pokemon really cause so much destruction in the past i need to know the full story if i'm gonna change anything see you later at cinema you participate in optional ritualistic battles they're all one by one and you can't use any items instead of winning or losing money you receive rare items when you make it to cevidar you see the gym leader leila talking with far's pokemon she inquires if you're the trainer her friend tara emailed her about she still doesn't believe you're a trainer who really cares about the past she tells you to go to the abandoned citadel and challenge her once defeating her there she acknowledges your bond and tells you more about ason's past in ancient times azer era came down to teach humans how to train pokemon and shimmer era taught pokemon how to battle but as humans gained tools to control pokemon from azer era and pokemon became strong enough to fight with strategies taught to them by shemarera tensions between humans and pokemon became soul strained that a war between the two broke out she tells you that if you're to become a son's champion you must be able to acknowledge the past and usher in an age of true peace and understanding but how about you also usher in an age where you wear these new t-shirts i made that's right i loved the possess shirt i gave layla so much that i turned it into an actual wearable t-shirt so click the link in the description to get the shirt and represent a sewn and the lovable flea larva that is possessed it comes in original red alternative purple and shiny cyan all in a white or black shirt i love discreet designs like these so you bet i'm wearing one too now let's continue when you climb down route 7 and enter route 8 you see gabby lounging on the beach oh i was just taking a break trust me i've been training really hard here i'll show you you battle her ag-night mateen stikid and voltelope but this time she'll be using really rare held items that you can't acquire yourself until later in the game it makes the battle a bit tougher as you defeat her she exclaims i guess my strategy isn't solid yet maybe i'm not using the right item i don't know i'll catch you later my dad's waiting for me in the next town over just head through the cave if you were wondering she storms off and you make your way through riders mountain and into theta v as well you go to the gym fortress but the gym leader is actually out of town and will be back the next day when you arrive back to the town square you see the professor and gabby oh there you are gabby was just telling me about how strong you've gotten i'm actually here for a meeting but i thought i'd stay an extra day to catch a pokemon air show i also have something exciting to show you you follow him to the hotel now that you two have successfully gone through your first three gyms it's time you learn about poke tactics as you know the pokemon in the zone are intelligent enough to utilize extra skills in battle developed here in a song called poketactics the remaining gym leaders you'll face will entrust you with the knowledge to use these poke tactics in battle how about i give you a code to download the action recorder app on your rotom phone this will allow you to fully remember these poke tactics when you learn them if you want to learn more about poke tactics make sure to watch the gym leader video i release where i go into detail on this new battle mechanic wait isn't that your father on tv looks like he's wrapping up a press conference and that is why we must ensure the protection of his own and its people by passing this new law i'm sure our son's other senators will do the right thing that is all i guess we missed it i'm not really into politics anyways but it was cool seeing someone i know on tv what do you mean you've seen me on tv a bunch of times yeah but i'm used to that anyways did you bring the items i asked you to bring of course i did but are you sure you know how to use them properly yeah yeah the next day you challenge the gym leader acquire fly and the dodge poketactic and move on to the rest of mount ridis as you exit you arrive in xi'an city the gym leader doesn't challenge any trainer so guards don't let you into the power plant as you leave the power plant gym citizens seem to be panicking and running away a rampaging tyranitar is causing a commotion in the business district you make your way there captain ozone jumps in to save the day but is visibly petrified team ozone officers try to prevent you from intervening you battle them and make your way to the tyranitar this agitated tyranitar is like a totem battle it's clearly not in the right mind when you defeat it team ozone runs away captain ozone seems to be pretty shook he expresses gratitude thank you uh i'm sorry he walks away and the gym leader who just made it acknowledges your service she invites you to a battle at the power plant once you defeat suri and obtain strength and the poketactic charge you can now access break mountain inside the volcano you notice team ozone leaving ah i guess it's not here either hey kid what are you doing here it's too dangerous there's no time we gotta leave let him be as you exit you encounter evan in another dangerous route and battle his cap toxic press toxic barbarian and menhis after you defeat him he exclaims in frustration ah i just i'm the only one able to change a zone i can't lose to you again i gotta do this for my village my family you wouldn't understand he runs off and you make your way to bellick you go to the stadium and sign up for a gym battle but the guards say that the gym leader a host and actress is at ozone studios where they shoot the team ozone show you go to the studios and surprisingly there is no guard at the back door you enter the building and see they've wrapped up an episode of the team ozone show you encounter violet a team ozone executive and pr manager of ozone productions she politely asks you if you have an appointment before unleashing her team of baneko esonian rotom shift tree and crocodile upon defeating her you make your way up to the next floor and see amar a producer of team ozone meeting with the gym leader noel i told you i'm not gonna be part of your propaganda ammar this is the last time we're talking about it now excuse me i have some gym battles to host she storms off what are you doing here wait aren't you oh yes he sends out his pokemon freelance mice wine hound doom and drapion you defeat him children should listen to their elders captain ozon show our friend out on your way to the lobby captain ozil talks to you this is a good opportunity for us to talk after all who do you think let you in think of it as a reward for helping us with that tyranitar stunt i gotta admit i completely froze out there i'm kind of terrified of powerful pokemon now listen team ozone let that tyranitar out they wanted the citizens to see me defeat it but i i signed up to help us own and team ozone is becoming a little too extreme they made that tyranitar go wild with an experimental gas and they've been looking for the ancient legendaries for something i don't really know the executives won't tell us now depending on which game you play in one game captain ozone will tell you he assumes that they want to find azar era so he can create a tool that controls all pokemon or find shimmer era and have team ozone defeat it as a televised power move but in both games his hunches are incorrect as you leave the building captain ozone asks you to help stop team ozone's plans and that he'll stay to help you on the inside you go back to have your gym battle and when you exit the stadium gabby is waiting there outside she says she watched the match and wants to battle you once your pokemon are healed she sends out oxinerate captorant fast mask thunduryx and cryovabos all her pokemon are fully evolved and have even stronger items she also spams a couple of hyper potions she's been training but is still relying on items after defeating her she expresses how she still doesn't get what she's doing wrong she says buy and leaves now that you have access to the abandoned land you make your way through the desert and find refuge in itneras a holy town now through this whole journey your pokemon have been following you but upon entering the town you're asked to put your pokemon back in their balls pokemon aren't allowed on the white tiles of igneros you happen to see evan looking at the monument in the town center you walk next to him and elder comes to describe the origin of the town wheel a long time ago azar era in summer era once arceus's loyal servants came down from the hall of origins to earth as her error looked down on pokemon and favored humans he taught them how to create tools to control pokemon and use their power for the evolution of man shimmer era on the other hand hated humans and wanted pokemon to rebel against the men who encroached upon their territory so he taught them how to fully harness the power of the elements because of their doing the tension between humans and pokemon led to the catastrophic war arceus sent down his messenger the blessed emis seraph to deal with other era and shemer era hemiseraf sealed them away and left behind one of its wheels which could be wrapped around any being to control an unruly human or pokemon we here in ignorance praise emma seraph who ended the war and brought upon a peaceful age in a zone the man leaves such hypocrites they love orders so much that they segregate humans and pokemon this is why my father lost his job sorry i mean there weren't many opportunities in my hometown so my father a respected fire trainer went to work in a factory and gimmel hub to use his pokemon to masterfully weld machinery the owner however became indoctrinated by the fear-mongering of team ozone and decided to ban pokemon in his factory now my dad has nowhere to go so forgive me if i seem like i'm too hasty to change a zone i just want to live in peace attention citizens attention citizens a fire has erupted in talithar bay all trainers make your way to tarantar to help evacuate the oil rig i repeat all trainers make your way to talatar to find out what happens next make sure to subscribe and watch next week's video if you haven't check out the assone region playlist so you can see last week's video on the map of a song the video on the gym leaders of ison and all the videos in which i created the pokemon you see in these story videos check the description for the music i used and my social media links i'll see you next week
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 210,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating New Pokemon, Designing New Pokemon, Fakemon, Asone, Asone Region, Pokemon Type Swaps, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Scorbunny, Game Freak, Crown Tundra, Pokemon Legends, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Sinnoh Remakes, Diamond and Pearl, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, BDSP, Pokemon Cardinal, Kaskade Region
Id: JM2Lp1lMe-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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