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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thatonefrogboiYT 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh how did it you how are you doing today yeah blue skidoo' you can - oh there's my rival hmm friend excuse me I feel like I'm a milkman baby Oh what's this is it a Pikachu let's go Pikachu like Pokemon let's go Pikachu oh is that my only option okay I got 10 pokeballs wait okay hold up hold up yeah I know can I whip can I whip oh no no this is too powerful there's pokeballs over there Wow I swear there were only two of them but now there are three Oh perfectly reasonable reaction my boy two plus one is three hahaha okay that's actually really cute yes I would like to give to speak achoo a name now watch me how do i level up I don't know oh I just get XP anyways oh oh [Music] yep on the shoulder you go buddy goodness me you shoe here seems like it's really calm really you couldn't have broken the sentence up any other way to be a true partner to you alpha oh gamer time stupid Oh you sent out Eevee ah yes of course oh the Pikachu off the battlefield why don't you as long as the good boy gets the good pass I'm happy oh my god ten out of ten game I changed my mind pokey Mart employee did you just get laid off yeah you look pretty pleased about something alpha that mmm I think you're wrong about that one Oh from the heavens you go uh hello I can just hold both droidcon right is that the story of Adam and Eve every time also who is she she doesn't have a name she doesn't have a backstory she just appeared let's go Pikachu no I get to 2v1 everything I do think we're not doing the osseous justice they need some names blimey slimy Karl so we don't know anything about her but if I'm alpha we got a color the beta she's just the lemming who's here to help I suppose alright let's go fight Rox Ronix Brock Oh No Oh why did she just leave did you see you're just flying in outer space cuz I cut see hit my people need me she saw you're here wasn't there a girl here just like 16 frames ago you can see my looking on my Pokemon how rock hard my I'm gonna edit that word out and I'm just gonna let your imagination go wild so be it show me your best what Conda forever I guess oh yeah jump up and do that double kick again now oddish Oh Carl okay good Carl's really out here trying his best you know as proof of your victory take this badge Wow what what is what is this oh that was the highlight of the game all right what's wait hey and you newbie whoa it's actual blue then old coupe we still my grams smell you later newbie he did it he did the thing now our other rival does not smell Oh baby she's back oh you're a new trainer I'm a coach trainer we stand in various places cool dude hello there laddie I got just the deal for you a seeker Pokemon sure guys we caught a magic card look up here and look I'm distracting you wow oh yeah Oh get away a little kiss shouldn't be messing around with grownups I feel like the phrasing in this game is just horrible whoo hey twitch chat which one do you guys want me today stop right there Murr Team Rocket I'm Jessie I'm James please say it please do the thing that's not the Team Rocket I wanted to prepare for trouble and I wanted to make it double God look at this guy this guy lays pipe all the time cuz look first he has an outfit then he has a whip then he has these devilish good looks and then you think you have them solve and then boom lollipop but someone rolls up with a lollipop and a wimp I don't want to know what they're doing tonight I'm pretty sure that because you can learn two marvelous moves I've developed he just made a move you can do that Zippy's app oh god we're about to roast misty alive with our zippy zap bang she's got girls posing on every corner this Goldeen yeah that's a critical hit with bursts of electricity at high speed this move always goes first and results in a critical hit oh why would I use any other move I can't see I can't watch I'm pulling my eyes I don't seals dead aren't they and then we get stabbed and then it's super effective yeah no that's disgusting you know you can leave I understand all right you can have a cascade badge because you beat me you zippe zapped everywhere high-five Pikachu okay so after one good gym battle our team is fully healed beta you're ready to go you're ready oh why do you look so mad you're not gonna believe this up up up up oh c'mon it up what what oh god I can't I can't do it uh-oh I don't feel good about this I felt that all right it's not like me to lose my cool like that there's a house up ahead oh wow I hope he's not turn into a Pokemon or something that'd be wild oh dang that's a Pokemon Wow I don't like how Stan stuffy is right now I'm Anna yee-ha thanks bud I owe you one awesome SS tickets Wow look it's my rival I mean best friend seems like we can't pass through the gate if only there was an underground walkway that we could use is he about to kiss me oh god what what happened in the dark uh I think he just kissed me I think he's a bit more of a friendly rival than I expected maybe my therapist was right y'all remember pika boy well we're back baby I'm sad that she doesn't follow pokemon or follow me at all anymore she's off and there she goes again it's a hallway and he is now still Karl anyway go meet the captain and have him show you his secret technique that that doesn't sound good wait how do you cut a tree actually what what did he do I don't know all right class let's recap what have we learned today that's right we learn how to cut down trees with the powers of our mind alone pokemon battle is war I'll show you civilian God lieutenant surge is a total Chad let's be real well it's up to Carl and whit Master oh I forgot to heal dogs yippee you know be nice if I had a bike oh hello misty yeah hi I did that I snapped you could say thanks for healing my Pokemon where were you before the battle where am I headed next you mend it diglettz cave sure this is a cave yep sure is okay bye misty why am I here what did she mean when she sent me into this cave please help me now I don't know what I should do oh she left that's how you know there's a cutscene coming up hey you're the guiness getting in our way wait what did what did that what was that oh god I'm being ambushed aya this is where I die right hold it oh hello is that Lorelei that is Lorelei okay I wonder how much new rule 34 has been drawn of hurts a day but his Lorelei of the Pokemon league's elite for shallow freeze you all Solid 3 a lead for woods well they're gonna take the time they actually have a tail Oh God oh that's that's okay this song is gonna make everybody die imagine buying a let's go cartridge at a garage sale and this song just kept playing on repeat and then Pikachu pulled out a gun and shot I don't know just turn that in a creepypasta somehow a biggest creepypastas just saying I went out to a Walmart and bought Pokemon let's go it ends right there I'm not gonna lie that almost looks like a virgin killer sweater oh no I'm about to subdue patreon our night look he's all ours what a few moments later have I not thought of this name sooner I think it works on the dog mmm subscribe please can I get a three leaf stone but let's do that a few more times I like the vile pile and feels powerful speaking of power hello Erica lovely weather we're having I don't know we're inside a house she fall asleep on me what's that say we've been milk yeah yeah no oh yeah that weeping Belle's dead high five squad but what about well this gym alright he's bouncing that's how you know he's ready to fight alright which one is it boys Oh Hitmonlee looks his ice tariffs oh no don't ever tell anyone why he's named Nath's it's it's our little secret whoa whoa whoa accoring me hello alright let's go try and do that again what is this a big boy oh let's head to the rocket game corner in celadon City anyways hello sir at this rate the location of the Team Rocket hideout is gonna be discovered I must say I'm impressed you get there still hiding his face I just walked up to him alright anyways criminal enterprise yadda yadda yadda and I am the leader Giovanni whoa alright and that is it for gia but what no that does not sound right what why where are all of his other Pokemon he's supposed to have and take this as my apology for mocking as a trouble that's really respectful honestly like I didn't expect that kind of respect from Giovanni of all people to the spooky castle we go up and not her though do you think there are really ghosts in here hmm I don't know buddy I'll reveal your true form [Music] the big boy is here and the crowd goes wild people love taro ha see he loves the people he's a man of the people and Team Rocket's blasting off again as they slowly walk outside the building Oh poké flute I'm sure that'll be very useful [Music] hah that's just bizarre you's want more berries white oh this is not the safari zone hello welcome to the go park oh oh let's sync Pokemon go o to the moon I'm gonna hit the neighbor kids with that one oh yes I would like to learn to Ma splishy-splash and now we just got to fight Koga huh ha there's a little ledge right there if you didn't know oh hey good to catch up with you betta did you know that the gym leader was right here right where we were oh and he's gone this is the famous self-destructing wheezing huh oh no he's gonna take us down with them take a soul badge all right don't mind if I do and I'll stay underleveled mean what's the Oh Oh No bosses in a meeting well I'm gonna break into his office and say something really cool or they create a master ball yep that's they're talking about master ball blah blah blah hey boss man your five o'clock just showed up you just got promoted to customer you're fired hey boss man I'm all ready Tracy you better move your five o'clock cuz you're booked oh it out that's good anyways we're gonna fight Giovanni alright that's it Thank You Giovanni have a nice day I have little choice it seems I will respectfully congratulate you will alright see you later buddy wow what a kind guy oh I got a master ball Oh [Music] oh hey by the way I caught an Evo off camera I get to play God they made me choose one of the other and I said both ocean man knock knock open up the door it's me oh they just turn around huh hey hey you hey hey oh and there she is also how did the whole audience get here I feel like not everyone solved this puzzle definitely not that guy I've had psychic power since I was a child oh you do respond a sign that bent itself that has to be psychic powers oh alright we just beat the game oh look guys want to dodge these trainers nice try cosplayer oh that's a Zapdos we have a cutscene for him keep us a little scared that's a big boy we got there please a stainable come on come on that was uh huh I'm feeling good about this one well not that good yes that's it that's good that's money oh oh and I'm out pokeballs that that'll work right hahaha maybe next time it's not going in that's not a catch what really oh my gosh right in front of me the giant ice bird so I read on IGN that if you keep doing this it's a guaranteed catch watch all right soon as I start shakin oh oh look at this see he doesn't even have the frames to get out of the ultra ball if I keep doing this this is it what what you're kidding what does he want me to show him it's a wait first question wait mr. Blaine it's not your turn yet oh that's right Oh resides which of these is the Spitfire Pokemon I'm gonna guess the one that spits fire [Music] thank you [Music] he's really is one for theatrics huh ha hope he brought some burn heals he did it he said the thing we got splishy-splash and scold it's over for you ha I have burned down to nothing not even ashes remain yeah anyways here's a volcano badge please leave me alone to indulge in self-pity what not blue so this is where you were I thought you might have made your way to the seventh gym being that your goal is to beat all eight gyms so how many gym badges you got these days dude we just talked like three minutes ago we talked yo champ in the making I don't even know who the variance how welcome to my hideout I mean the gym I just don't understand how Giovanni isn't in prison he's just bad at his job and his job is to be bad I'll write instead Yeah right on just died do we even have law enforcement because I've seen a lot of police officers but I never seen a police station and come to think of it I've only seen officer Ginny and they say they all just look alike but it sounds like it's just one girl playing pretend oh we did it we did it guys that's the central conflict I shall dedicate my life to Pokemon training again and he just leaves if you murder people you can't be like all right I'm gonna stop murdering people now and have the cops go like okay boy though what a shock never thought a criminal would use a poke what didn't you fight him too haven't you been through the ropes already oh he'll be the gym leader from now on all they absolutely do I do you have costumes of the cutscenes that's so good we got to dress up for the end of the game right like if we're gonna destroy everybody's hopes and dreams we got to look good doing it we have the earth badge and now we're at the moment well at the moment that's almost the moment we've been waiting for I think he's ready for word so you look at him he just looks so cool oh we got so close good thing Pikachu's wearing sunglasses this replied someone we did it well we got through the moment we weren't waiting for and now we have the moment we wake up and there she goes but here we are at the elite for the pokemon league and yeah they're really taking their time with the cinematic aren't they Dana I'm sorry but to be a real trainer I have to do this alone it's time to be the ultimate pokemon trainer oh remember her it's me oh that girl I was with oh she just jumped through the ceiling never to come back looks like you finally made your way here sure took a while come on Lapras is that your last Pokemon oh well she definitely tried her best I have surpassed you Oh yep and she is dead so you got stronger see don't we just kill that Lapras dude look at him he is built he is stance up right now ah that was powerful how did he do that that was the bad boys looking it no look at that he could shoot the absolute units the mad lad who and that's a one shot this Pikachu just sweat brudos whole team with sunglasses oh that's why he did it why how could he lose to one stupid Pikachu hey man he's cute okay aunt has sunglasses she kind of looks like oak actually in the face I don't like that oh don't will-o-wisps me you coward why would you do with such a thing SM page never mind friendship whoa wait I shut my droidcon on accident No Veda I didn't mean to she just couldn't help herself made a pulled up said what's good yeah essentially beta thanks for the help and hope well everybody gets one oh hello Lance quite a Dragonite you got there would it be a shame if I had one ice attack whoops ocean man take it back odd flex but go off well there were a lot of other often that could have gone because he's not dragging I still can't believe my dragons lost mmm buddy you got a little type of there you have a you have an S at the end of your dragon you are now the Pokemon League champion or you would have been but you have one more Challenge left ha ha ha that trainer is whoa Professor Oak please tell me is Professor oh no ok I was I was actually really excited hello not blue seems like you're the champion and stuff hmm where did this ego come from you did it alpha oh man that's great I've been waiting I did it I think you just did I felt proud of I did it but first [Music] okay I really like that intro and my Pikachu with sunglasses is ready what you cannot do that to me you cannot pull out a vileplume the right place to bring out our canine but I am going to assert my dominance with Carl right here right now you really think you can out vileplume me same level same level and everything oh okay whoops whoops no no Carl cannot die like this Carl no you are the main character in the story you cannot go down like this well what he has a quality I have in quantity blimey go get him keep sludge bombing all you want the vial pile will take you down you think your sludge bomb is so cool huh you're under estimating what the vial pile has and that's that's part man something your vileplume could never have oh yeah that's fine sure take down - blimey watch what happens when I throw slimey out what we don't have an offense we make up for with family cuz watch this I can bring Carl back I can do that what you coward you're scared of the vile pile while she's gonna try flare blitz again huh oh you're gonna win trial wrap me - Bob you coward you absolute coward wait a second who's that bait is coming in throwing Carl back out Oh Carl you ready absorbs some more sunlight buddy Carl absorb that sunlight you got it buddy you know what to do next turn slow bro they're gonna send out slow bro huh alright Carl you know what to do hit up with some solar beam and just like that we are now the Pokemon League champion congratulations champion you did it just come back over here view 200 that was almost excellent dammit no he's gonna skate he's not staying in this one what why so this whole time I thought you just had to do this to catch pokemon but if you just whip you catch them all oh wait don't tell me you caught the super strong Pokemon didn't you it is called whip - you got to mute you before me or that girl whoa who is she hello how are you doing why'd you throw a Pokeball at me yeah no I felt that oh whoops you're not a Pokemon sorry so dark and dark huh well nice to meet you I'm green what you've caught it oh no she's mad she could probably kill oh gosh she's gonna assault us yes she didn't even ask for that battle she just wants the finest from you - all right then I feel like I'm probably gonna be underleveled like if you're an actual trainer you mean kids - someone pulled out me - against you right it's like no one else can do that just you oh well maybe whip - wasn't the strongest life form after all you know what maybe it's actually taro oh come on what's with that you have like four final blows lady taught me - she's not happy about that one oh I know why'd you become one of my what is that a weird fetish thing I don't what what is she doing oh I'm not a Pokemon it just doesn't end just I get it stop what is she doing what what does that even mean yeah I don't know she actually just threw pokeballs at me oh hello green fancy meeting you here oh she's still trying to catch me in stuff ain't that something it's just kind of weird I'm just gonna throw this hand off oh that's how you throw pokeballs twenty thousand experience points wow that sure is something yet we're gonna be here for a little bit anyways gym leader stepped it up blah blah blah yep let's fight ah a tauros classic well leave it to wit master no one can triumph look he's only level 66 how weak what poor choice on your part blue G G it's finally time to prove that we are the ultimate vileplume a master oh look see he did dodge that hyper beam and now what's gonna happen huh oh you don't mess with Carl oh and just like that we beat the game that's it that's literally all I wanted to do in the game was assert myself as the strongest via blue master and the entire Kanto region but wait there's one more fight hello what are you doing here mister you ready to pokeball and trust me I'm ready to battle pokémon trainer red versus vileplume master alpha and he sent out as speak as you will I got a whine answer to that one you want to see my Karl oh my god what just happened what did Carl just do to that Pikachu Oh mega evolve cute haven't seen this one before oh that's it and we are now the battle master and he's gone can we talk about the real hero here [Music] Carles happy you won the recent battle [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 2,070,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch
Id: UE2yP2nCwu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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