Running Away From Home

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new witch of the woods backpack and spiral notebook in the shop click the link below to get them before they're gone [Music] oh hello my geeks and peeps my explainers and entertainers my little oolalies rebecca ferrum here i know exactly what you're thinking right now you're thinking becca why do you have that handkerchief bag on a pole commonly referred to as a bendel that was popularized in the 1930s as a way to visually represent the impoverished migrant workers of the great depression are you running away now what would give you an idea like that i'm just out for a picnic however if you care to join me i'll tell you a story about running away i believe every single one of us as children went through phases some of us had a dinosaur phase a pony phase a space phase any period of time where you got particularly fixated on a subject or idea come to think of it i don't think we ever stop going through phases now i know you're not going to believe this but as a kid i was kind of weird breaking news an adult artist was weird as a kid this in a new research study showing that youtubers are not as energetic in real life as they are in their videos more at eight all right all right yes it's no surprise to anyone that i was a weird kid and one of the really bizarre phases i went through around the third grade was this idea of running away from home to play this game i would tie up some things into my baby blanket hang it from a stick over my shoulder and pretend i was leaving home mostly by going into a different room in fact at one point i began to lock myself in the bathroom and pretend it was my tiny little house in the woods running away to a house in the woods the things children come up with honestly though as a kid i never once thought of actually doing it i was weird not stupid apart from having no life experience to take care of myself adults were generally in cahoots with each other the grand majority of them had this belief that kids shouldn't be walking around outside by themselves or some such tyrannical nonsense i knew i'd never get out of the neighborhood without a concerned adult picking me up and returning me to a very angry set of parents so no i had no intention of running away but mom and dad didn't know that i don't know what got into me but one day i wanted to play a practical joke on my mom and i enlisted the help of my sister to do it around this age rachel and i were no longer going off to the local daycare after school we were old enough to walk home that's right i eventually achieved my dreams and thereby became a latchkey kid rachel and i would walk home from school use our own key to get in and then we'd have the place to ourselves for about an hour or two before mom got home just enough time for tomfoolery one unsuspecting day after school i was bored and thus came the aforementioned harmless prank i was still in my running away phase so i wrote a note for mom to find when she got home the note basically said dear mom and dad i ran away from home but i'll be fine don't put up signs trying to find me i'll build my own house and get a job blah blah blah yadda yadda love you and goodbye all right come to think of it in retrospect this might not have been the most harmless of pranks to play on a parent but listen i pitched the idea to rachel and she was all in all this child is supposed to know better just saying really shirking your responsibilities as a big sister there rach i put the note on mom's pillow and when we heard the garage door opening i made myself scarce apparently rachel hid too i guess for good measure and when mom walked into the house she went into her bedroom looking for us and noticed the note mom did you read the letter yes weren't you gonna go out and look for her oh well i figured she'd come back when she got hungry oh the care and concern i felt from my loving mother in that moment obviously rachel and i were disappointed but then mom got an idea an awful idea mama got a wonderful awful idea let's get your dad you know parents may not always be cool but sometimes they're pretty cool our prank had been given life once more and when dad came home mom met him at the door and put on her best acting chops oh my gosh i found this letter on my pillow i think becca ran away what yes look what did you do did you say something to her no he actually did that he blamed my mom immediately no i did not rachel have you seen your sister no she walked home ahead of me i haven't seen her and the academy award goes to these two because dad bought it hook line and sinker [Applause] dad naturally was very upset and flustered i mean the man thinks that his daughter is wandering the streets alone and cold and hungry and probably being eaten by coyotes or squirrels or something i don't know so he declares we must go forth and return the second born to her rightful place in these the hallowed halls of castle param okay i wasn't in the room at the time but i'm pretty sure that's what he said in his mind either way he told my mom and sister to get ready for the search but before the harrowing journey could commence he had to make a pit stop at the bathroom now up until this point mom and rachel had done their parts perfectly but leave it to me to mess up the joke the joke that was my idea for you see there was a wealth of hiding places in that house any number of spots would have sufficed but i chose possibly the worst place apart from just standing out in the open with a lampshade on my head i picked my mom and dad's shower that had a frosted but still very transparent glass door so when dad walked into the bathroom [Music] [Applause] listen all i'm saying is that i already paid for the order it's not my problem how you get 426 pumpkins out here i'll call you back hmm dad found me in the shower and was rightfully upset probably very relieved but very upset mom and rachel soon came in laughing hysterically further rubbing salt and dad's wound you all are a bunch of jerks and as if this whole video couldn't get any juicier look what my mother found this is the actual note from this story she kept it all of those years you could carbon date this thing and get 25 years of gunk off of it and if you'll make note fellow scholars you shall see that the handwriting has scarcely changed also i just love the fact that at the bottom here i wrote i love you four times just to make sure that my parents knew this was not personal those of you feeling sorry for my dad don't worry they say there's only five love languages but my family has a sixth one messing with each other dad got his revenge hundreds of times over the years and trust me when i say i loved every moment of it and who would want to run away from that thanks for joining me for a picnic explainers and thank you so much for tuning in but now this
Channel: Let Me Explain Studios
Views: 4,170,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AcPPVZFixo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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