Can you beat Pokemon Sword if EVERY trainer has LEGENDARY Pokemon?

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i took every trainer and pokemon sword and replaced all of their pokemon with legendaries will i be able to overcome the might of the literal gods of the pokemon universe or will i fold under the pressure let's find out we begin the game in the usual way with an unskippable cut scene of chairman rose and his freshly oiled cue fan once we finally have control of our character we meet our rival hop and our mom then set off on our journey to become a pokemon master we head into town to meet up with hop's older brother the champion leon who the people love so much they start moving in slow motion except this guy he's just hungry yum yum then we finally arrive back at hobb's house and get to choose our starter but before we do that i do want to say that i am officially at 50 000 subscribers at the time of recording this video so i wanted to take a second to say thank you to everyone who supported me i really appreciate it but we're not done yet it's a huge goal of mine to break 100k subscribers this year so it would really help me out if you scroll down and subscribe to the channel even if you think you're already subscribed youtube does unsubscribe people randomly from time to time so worth a check and who knows maybe you could throw the video a like while you're down there too anyway i agonized over this choice and i really wanted to pick the funny meme frog but i just really hate it so we go with the best boy grooky yes after that sick high five we nicknamed the boy mookie and now we get into what you clicked on the video for the very first battle against hop what's he gonna have oh my god a kaya rim is literally one of the worst matchups possible the first three turns this thing plays with his food a little bit with a couple ancient powers making us think maybe we have a chance i kind of thought this battle was scripted in a way that wouldn't let you lose it but once we're barely starting to get some hope of winning hop immediately pulls the plug with a super effective freeze dry one-shotting our poor little monkey luckily we don't have to win this battle to progress the story because i actually think it would be impossible so holding our fat l we slog through the rest of the beginning of the game and eventually we catch a wulu that we find on the side of the road which we nicknamed lumpy with our new friend on the team we move on and after having leon mansplain how to catch pokemon to us we arrive at our very first and potentially largest hurdle of this entire run this kid who has a freaking reggie drago of course but with no fear we send in mookie and hit it with the cutest move ever branch poke oh yeah no this is this is not gonna go well for me is it lumpy no i feel like this is a good time to explain a couple rules that i'll be using for this challenge first every time we lose a battle we have to reset to the previous save this is to prevent us from getting ridiculously overleveled by trying battles over and over which would make this whole thing pretty lame second i won't be allowed to grind for levels on wild pokemon for the same reason so since we lost this battle we of course reset to our previous save but not being a dummy we know that we have no chance with our current team against this big ball of fun so we set out looking for some help but which of these adorable woodling creatures will actually be able to do anything against the might of reggie drago i can tell you one thing for sure it's definitely not squove it and after racking our brain a little bit we have an epiphany so we set out to find and catch a gallerian zigzagoon who we catch a nickname squiggy oh wait this one has a bad nature hoot we catch a nickname squiggy too with our limited options at this point there's one thing that makes zigzagoon the best choice for us here and that thing is a little move called sand attack which lowers the accuracy of your opponent making them less likely to hit you as you can see here so with the help of a few lucky misses we're able to lower this thing's accuracy all the way down rendering it effectively useless then once it starts missing every attack we get to work lowering its defense with leer then we're finally able to take it out with some tackles and with that we have actually managed to beat our very first trainer wow a big accomplishment even if it was just a little boy let me have this okay from here we move on down the route where we have a battle that i forgot to record half of with this other little boy who looks a lot like the last one that we fought i don't remember what his first pokemon was but he does have this super annoying tapu boolu who just tries to stall us out but eventually it does fall to the might of low accuracy now we arrive at our second encounter with hop and after realizing how thoroughly unprepared i am for this battle we try to head out to maybe catch another team member or something but no such luck turns out i'm gated in with an invisible wall of dialogue like a lamb for slaughter so we do the only thing we can do base our destiny this time hop has some new faces on the team like his lead and officially my new favorite pokemon buzzwole yup this is a real pokemon in this game hilarious right turns out buzzwol is a pretty terrible matchup for our best boy mookie and it also has this fun little ability called beast boost which makes it so every time it takes out a member of your team it gets a stat boost to its highest stat which in this case is its attack stat that in combination with its main attack power up punch which of course boosts its attack every time it uses it as well and the fact that it's a fighting type move that two of my team members are very weak to all sort of adds up to a sad situation for your boy yeah we lose this one bad we might be the first person in the history of these games to lose these two battles to hop but luckily it doesn't matter because the story moves along regardless of a win here we maybe could have pulled this one off with sand attack strats but would definitely need some luck here so i'm thankful for the time save what oh wow we're on a train now oh hey look it's a wild area oh wow it's a ralt nice it's a male oh we caught it yeah i think salt is a good name oh look at that temple oh no we we didn't we didn't catch it and now we're in town for something but team yell won't let us check in with the way we have this run set up these team yell battles go from being some of the easiest things in the game to some of the hardest you see the way these work is they're a sort of gauntlet where the battles are back to back normally this isn't an issue because their pokemons suck but you know when the first grunt leads with a zygarde you're in for a bit of a ride it mercilessly takes out salt with a bite and a bulldoze then we send in mookie who's able to stand up to some of its punishment and get a decent bit of damage before going down then squeaky 2 almost finishes the job but not quite and so we swapped a lumpy who barely hangs on and takes it out alright good first battle done oh okay right into the next one i see oh against the zama zenta a pure fighting type against our two mons who are weak to fighting great luckily we had some revives hanging around in the bag so we're able to bring mookie and salt back from the grave on the less lucky side of things this dog knows howl and keeps boosting its attack and eventually it does in fact sweep us alright let's try that again this time we bring out the old sand attack strat against the zygarde we get as many accuracy drops as we can before going down but unfortunately it knows the move haze which resets all stat changes including accuracy drops i must have not noticed that because i keep charging full speed at it with mookie who is amazingly able to best this digital snake thing in 1v1 combat so we head into the next battle where thanks to a few misplaced from the ai going for too many howls we are just barely able to take this dog out before it sweeps us oh another battle great at least this time hop does heal our team up and joins us as a battle partner and i don't know if you can tell but one of these things is certainly not like the other but thanks to the help of hopskyrum we're able to take down the classic kyogre zamasunta combo from team yell with teemiel finally defeated we're able to check into the hotel attend the opening ceremony that we're in town for and move on with our life until of course we're stopped on our way out of town by none other than hop himself i think this is a good time to talk through the reason why i don't have a full team yet and that reason is you're not subscribed to the channel yet nah just kidding but you know maybe consider doing it if you didn't do it earlier pretty cool thing helping your boy out maybe get me to 100k subs maybe then my parents will accept my career as a youtuber talk to me again maybe oh also i forgot to mention this before but this video is just the first half of this run if you're liking what you're seeing and you want to see the exciting explosive conclusion to this whole thing go ahead and throw the video a like and let me know down in the comments i really do want to hear from you on this anyway the real reason we only have four pokemon is a rule that i made up to keep the run challenging as our pokemon gets stronger basically i said to myself we should only use four pokemon in the major battles that'd be fun right and so with the new rule in place we head into the battle against hop with squiggy 2 matched up against whatever this thing is man this challenge is really testing my pokemon knowledge kirk cree circa re circuitry oh oh because it's wires i see cool kind of looks like the cable management on my desk finally had enough am i right gamers who's with me [Laughter] so this thing messes around enough using charge over and over for us to be able to take it out with the old one-two punch of squiggy into mookie then he sends in his next pokemon silvalai which apparently is considered a legendary who would have thought and if you're a quin fan you'd love to see silva live because it's probably one of the least dangerous pokemon that we can face in this challenge so we clean it up no problem then he brings in his big ace reggie gigas which is quite imposing but has the horrendous ability slow start which has its attack and speed stats for the first five turns it's in the battle rendering it pretty useless overall a weak showing from hop lets us get an easy w for once nice and mooky gets to evolve into a different monkey but he's starting to get a bit over leveled so in order to combat this we box him for the time being and catch a rolly coley on our way into the galler mine which we nicknamed squeaky hey look just because i can only have four pokemon in major battles doesn't mean that we can't have a rotating cast of characters okay it'll make this whole thing more interesting trust me well turns out squeaky had a bad nature and the same with squeaky two so we end up with squeaky three then we head into another one of these battles against some cracked kid this battle kind of feels like what would happen if i booted up fortnite for the first time and played some ranked games complete obliteration of this kid we barely scrape out a ko against his reggie leckie then he sends in his second lawn grumpy little kubfu i know i said silvala was the easiest pokemon but i was wrong it's definitely this little scrub we beat this kid then head into the mine where a miner destroys us with herlanderus which we have no answer to without our monkey so we come right back with our big brother mookie and screech this thing until its defense is basically non-existent and take it out with some really sharp leaves or something then we head in to take on bead for the first time what in the world is that thing turns out this thing is a certified origami killing machine that thanks to its super high attack beast boost ability and typing that just kind of counters our entire team at this point we are completely unable to defeat it and this is just his first pokemon mind you we try everything and we just keep losing i know that i said that grinding wild pokemon was against the rules but i never said anything about grinding on skippable trainers which is exactly what we do here our goal here is to get squeaky 3 to evolve into a car coal which will give it a secondary fire typing that we need to burn up this origami menace but after wasting a ton of time battling these non-essential trainers we just don't get enough experience to evolve squeaky 3. so we just catch a car call on the mine and nickname it squeaky with two e's this time and now with a couple flame charges we are more than able to take down beads first pokemon now we just have to deal with the rest of his team next he sends in his landorus so we bring mookie back in to give it the old screech and leaf treatment and send it to the shadow realm then he brings in his last pokemon caballion who could be a real menace but it just goes for a work up a bunch so squeaky is able to squeak out a ko get it and with b defeated we head to turfield town jeez and into the gym challenge where the only unskippable trainer has a reggie rock which kept using special attacks so we managed to beat it even without our best boy mookie and with the wulu successfully herded we head into our first gym leader battle against milo who leads with a yevotal that takes out the bulk of our team before finally going down but unfortunately his ace is none other than our arch nemesis buzzwol okay let's try that again yeah this this just isn't going to work after failing the fight a few more times we double back to catch some more options for our team including a temple named tentpole a rookity named crooks and a wingle named wingle to get them up to speed with what we're facing we take them out to the turfield fields where we battle some breeders and level up the team a little bit and i'll spare you the 80s training montage with our team leveled up and crooks evolved into a corvus squire we head back in to take on milo again we get the yevil tall down to one hit with squeaky then bringing crooks to finish the job with a max airstream which also boosts our speed for the final mon then he brings in his buzzwol who flexes through our four times effective max airstream like it was nothing but gets pretty low from the next one only problem is it crits us with its second max knuckle taking out crooks and leaving its attack boosted three times from max knuckle plus its beast boost so we just have to hope that someone on the team can out speed it and finish it off we do manage to do half of that with squiggy too but we don't manage to finish it off part and it takes us out and boosts its attack yet again then it out speeds mookie and takes it out in one hit and finally we just have one option left send in squeaky as fodder so that we can revive squiggy to finish the job turns out we don't even need squiggy because karkol is able to tank some hits like a beast and finish this big bug off with a flame charge now we head on our way to the next town and we have our first independent double battle where we put temple and a ralt up against ladies and glastrier you can imagine how this one goes so we reset and use a better strategy with lennon and karkol this time which nets us the victory then we arrive at yet another one of these team yell gauntlet fights the first grunt leads with a ho-oh which gives us our very first lucky match-up of this run with karkol as our lead who is more than capable of taking out a ho-oh with a couple four times effective ancient powers but turns out this guy was just playing around with his first pokemon and had a giratino waiting in the wings to clean us up ha psych even with an omni boost from ancient power thwacky prevails with some super effective knockoffs and after the battle salt evolves into akiralia who comes in very handy against the second trainer's guzzlord who gets absolutely demolished by our 4 times effective draining kisses with our new kirlia and bike that this guy kindly gives to us we double back to the wild area to grab a dawn stone which we use to evolve kirlia into a gallade then we head down this bridge and have another fight with hop his lead reggie steele takes some punishment from pretty much our whole team but goes down eventually then his neoligo comes in and it goes down to squiggy2 like it was nothing finally he sends in this menace his freaking tapu bulu it's not incredibly threatening but it does succeed in wasting my time it just sits there and heals with leech seed and mega drain after maxing out its defense with withdrawal at one point it's one hit away from going down then it proceeds to miraculously heal all the way back up to full health before eventually getting k out this was something like a 30 minute fight it was terrible after that hot fight we realized our team is a bit over leveled so we swap the members around a bit and grab another team member a gallerian far-fetched which we nicknamed fetch and finally we arrive at the second gym where the first trainer means business with her rayquaza thankfully she only has one pokemon and we're able to take this thing down but suffer heavy casualties in the process at least we have two revives in the bag but our heels are definitely dwindling and the second trainer has a stack attacker which on its own is not too threatening and goes down to the one-two punch of tim pull into far-fetched but then she sends in her second pokemon none other than mr cartana itself who takes out farfetched and gets an attack boost from its ability beast boost smelling a sweeping coming we bring in salt and go for a hail mary hypnosis which misses but incredibly on the turn it had a clear ko on us it goes for air cutter which is a special move and kartana's special attack is trash so we land our second hypnosis and start to chip away at this thing oh it woke up on the first turn great so it takes out gallade and gets its attack boosted again but we're able to take advantage of the ai here and trick it into only using air cutter as crooks comes in and chips it down with some plucks now we head into the battle against the big baddie herself nessa who leads with an urshafu against squiggy and right off the bat we have a terrible matchup for us nothing crooks can't handle though we pluck it down with ease then the big bird lugia comes in which is definitely a problem no worries though squiggy is here to save the day with night slashes easily dispatching this bird finally she brings in her ferramosa which is a pokemon i guess and we sack squiggy to get a free switch into gallade who comes in dynamaxes and hits it with a four times effective max airstream to take it out we definitely got some lucky matchups with the team we brought into that gym pretty thankful for that after beating the gym chairman rose invites us out to lunch and it looks like our boy has been hitting the twinkies a little hard huh next we head into the creatively named gallermine 2 where we have a fight with bead who shows off his ruby and sapphire combo of kyogre and groudon and we learned that groudon is in fact not a fire type but rather a ground type the more you know then he brings in this form of zygarde which is also a thing i guess and he rounds out his team with raiku who can't really do anything to temple and goes down then we have another battle where we team up with hop against team yell and he clutches it with his eternities while we do absolutely nothing then he flexes on us with his shiny groudon which seems pretty unnecessary but you know what i respect it now that we've fought our way out of the second line we arrived back at modesto for the third gym luckily there are no trainers to fight here just pokemon to catch and we add a new member to the team sizzlepeed which we nicknamed flambe then we go up against kabu in a zekram tornado restaurant combo that is really no match for the might of squeaky and at this point you might be thinking wow this challenge is getting pretty easy huh well turns out we're actually getting really lucky with our matchups and this is the part of the game where the level curve goes through a big jump as well case in point this shiny mewtwo from team yell that easily sweeps us and we barely pull out a victory with flambe on our second attempt oh wow it's a shiny urshafu neat oh also check this out circuitry gets its revenge with a clean sweep of our whole team wow but the second attempt we pull out the big guns and take it out with our frog toad thing now it's time for you guessed it another battle with hop we managed to take down a zapdos and tarakion but then his tapu koko is just too fast and strong so it sweeps us and that isn't even his ace he still has another pokemon that we haven't even seen but the next attempt the tapu is not so lucky because this time we brought frog girl with us who takes it out and manages to match up exceptionally well with his ace ryku with hop defeated it's time to head into the gym where we face a gauntlet of three unskippable trainers we do manage to defeat the first trainer in his heatran who sleeps with his eyes open like a psychopath and by far the creepiest pokemon we've seen yet blasphalon but in the process we suffer heavy losses to the point where we find ourselves unable to do anything to stop the next trainer spectria from just destroying us the next attempt we take a bit of a smarter approach not losing as many mods in the first battle so we clean up the ghost horse and the final trainer with his reggie ice and ladios combo with relative ease then we head in to take on the gym leader bia we take out her lead lugia but our team turns out to be no match for her second mon reggie drago who we can't really do anything against so we reset and take it on again this time we put the reggie to sleep and managed to take it out then easily dispatch her tapu finney but then she brings in her ace mewtwo who we absolutely have no answer for in any way okay back to the drawing board for this one our second attempt showed that we had absolutely no way to beat that mewtwo so we head out to take on some trainers that we left behind just in case we ran into this situation oh cool shiny raiku and after a few battles we end up evolving mookie into arilla boom and squeaky into a colossal and thanks to the might of our newly evolved team members we're able to defeat the menacing mewtwo as we're leaving the gym bead is casually destroying ancient artifacts so we head up to put a stop to that because we love ancient artifacts zarora landris tapucoco and ho versus one froggy girl who wins yup that's right baby tentpole the god well i guess she got a little help from her friends but still she earned this evolution and same with squiggy who we use an experienced candy on to evolve it into an obstacle then we head through this enchanted forest and directly into the next gem to take on the goddess opal herself but first of course we have to fight through the gym trainers honestly no matter what pokemon you give the trainers in this gym the stat boosts from the quiz questions really make it trivial and after defeating the challenge we put together an all-star squad to take on opal and we're gonna need it too because she leads with a crazy strong eternitis into our obstagoon nothing tentpole can't handle but still very scary then she brings in her shiny guzzlord to flex on us but it's really no problem because temple knows drain punch which destroys this thing next up is cresselia so we bring in squeaky and dynamics early to set up a sandstorm with max rockfall which boosts our special defense it doesn't go down to the rockfall but it's just barely in range for the sandstorm chip so thankfully we don't have to waste another dynomax turn on it then she brings in her ace stack attacker and we breathe a sigh of relief because this thing is pretty weak on the scale of pokemon that we've faced so far but i may have spoken too soon because it does manage to take out squeaky and squiggy nah just kidding temple the god comes through and cleans it up with opal defeated we head into the second chapter of this game but that's gonna do it for this video again let me know with a like and in the comments if you want to see the exciting conclusion of this run but anyway thanks for watching subscribe for more content till next time
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 495,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3HURr1UzXMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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