Pokemon Sapphire Hardcore Nuzlocke With SHINY GHOST Types ONLY

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okay hi this is not going to be the typical bubbly intro to one of my videos that will happen in a moment but for right now for just a few seconds i want to talk about something that's been weighing so heavily on my mind and that's the tragedy that happened in uvalde a couple weeks ago as a former educator in texas i taught high school for five years and as a new parent i have a 10 month old daughter just a few bedrooms away i cannot fathom what those families are going through it is unimaginable to me but i can't even say that this tragedy was unimaginable because they happen so frequently at this point and we're all so numb to it but i've always believed that if you have a platform no matter how small you should probably try to use it for good once in a while so in an effort to use my platform for good and give back just a little bit i'm going to be dedicating 50 of all the revenue that this video generates in the first 31 days to the uvalde survivor fund and then 50 to texas gun sense which is just a non-profit aimed at reducing gun violence in texas i think it's the least i can do i will leave the links to both of the funds that i am donating to in the description down below if you have the means to contribute and you would like to please do so also please disregard the massive tone shift between this and then the intro to the video they were recorded at wildly different times okay that's it that's all i wanted to say thank you for listening to me ramble now here's the video that you came for all right it's time this will be my attempt to do a hardcore nuzlocke with only shiny ghost types in pokemon alpha sapphire ghost is one of my favorite types in the entire game up there with grass and poison so i am super pumped for this one hello for the uninitiated my name is vivid and i've made it my goal to do a hardcore nuzlocke with every single type in the game but also i hate my free time so i'm taking on this massive challenge using only shiny pokemon that's right i will have to shiny hunt for every encounter i get you should know that i've bumped up the shiny odds a bit because i want to finish this game before pokemon black and white 3 are announced i personally think ghost is one of the better offensive types in the game and being immune to both normal and fighting is great for a hardcore nuzlocke but don't let that fool you the rules for this run are intense in addition to the standard nuzlocke rules i must play the game on set mode i'm not allowed to use any items in battle other than held items and i can't overlevel my pokemon past the next gym leader's ace with these rules and the abundance of dark types and dark type coverage moves we face in this generation things could get dicey quickly before we get into it please consider subscribing if you enjoy these challenges i would love to hit 50k by my birthday which is coming up soon on july 31st so help me get there if you enjoy what i do also leave a like on this video if you appreciate the effort that goes into these runs and let me know your favorite ghost type in the comments down below mine is one thousand percent sable eye i love how creepy it looks the way it just has gems embedded in its body and it was the mascot for my draft league team the south texas stabilize it's just an s-tier pokemon okay with that out of the way let's do this starting off there are clearly no spooky boys for us to pick and none of the available starters are particularly good or bad matchups for us so i just pick randomly and end up with torchic this was my first mistake it doesn't really matter in the long run since i don't have my real starter yet but i just kept losing to may the first battle you have with me the easy introductory battle of the game yeah i lost it and i don't remember how many times i had to redo it but i wasn't willing to level this torchic up because i won't ever use it so i just kept smashing into her until we finally got a battle with a crit and a burn for the win moments like this make me rage in this game but you know what game doesn't make me rage oh he's gonna do it isn't he that's right rage shadow legends let me thank them real quick let me level with you for a minute if you're watching this video i already know that you love strategy rpgs that involve building a team and theorycrafting the best strategy to get through any situation so rage shadow legends the sponsor of today's video is the game for you what i love about rage shadow legend is the huge number of champions keeps me coming back and actually playing the game but the visuals and storytelling in the game are also top notch all great games should have some insane challenge near the end of them to really test your skill and for raid that content is the doom tower it's a multi-level prison containing vile bosses that will actually require you to master specific mechanics just to beat them it will really put you through the ringer there's special events going on all month in raid including the path of light where you can explore three different paths to get some epic loot raid's also currently running a special deli on a chase event where you can get your hands on deliana one of the strongest support champions in the game just by logging in and playing for seven days between now and july 20th now is 100 the best time to get started in raid and if you're a new player and you click my custom link in the description or scan the qr code on the screen you'll unlock special bonuses worth thirty dollars i mean these gifts include one free epic champion tyrell two hundred thousand silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient shard so you can start summing awesome champions as soon as you get in the game and the gifts don't end there either because new players can also simply enter promo code mydeliana once you're in the game to get everything 50 xp brews so that you can already max out deliana's level and a ton of silver so what are you waiting for use my custom link in the description or scan the qr code on the screen and i will see you in game thank you once again to ray shadow legends for sponsoring this video and helping me continue to make content now that we can finally move on we do all the intro nonsense of meeting our dad and helping out wally and then we make our way into petalburg woods where we can find our very first encounter of the run now you're probably wondering what ghost i could possibly be hunting for at this point in the game and honestly i don't blame you if i was using the standard encounter table for these games i wouldn't be able to get an actual ghost on my team until after the second gem but i have a clever solution and i'm sure some of you might have guessed this the national pokedex normally you wouldn't have access to this until the post game but thankfully my grandma works for sony and sent me a special copy of alpha sapphire where i have the national decks at the very start so i can use the dexnav function to find encounters i wouldn't normally be able to and in petalburg woods you can dexnav hunt for a fan tomp with the dexnav method you can also see some information about what you're hunting before you actually encounter it and after some quick theory crafting i realize i most likely won't be able to make it out of the early game without hunting for a very specific phantom so finally after hours of scaring away every phantom without its hidden ability and well over 100 encounters i finally found a white spooky little tree boy with the ability harvest i catch him and name him ryuk as always my nicknames have a theme and it's up to you to guess it but i'm sure this one already gave it away for most of you it was just so juicy i couldn't pass it up now i'm sure some of you are curious as to why harvest is important and it's because it will let ryuk regrow or harvest any berry he consumes at the end of the turn 40 of the time in this context it just gives him more effective health and will let him solo certain trainers much more easily now that i have my actual starter i clear the aqua grunt in the forest do some grinding and it's already time for the first gym challenge but before i go in i want to consult a ghost expert just to make sure that this challenge is even viable [Music] what's up okay so grim i'm doing a hardcore nuzlocke with only ghosts and i know your whole thing is you know being grim and spooky or whatever so i was wondering if you have any advice on making it through the early game of alpha sapphire with only ghosts so you're doing a nuzlocke right yeah i mean just don't let your pokemon die it's it's not really that hard man bro how are they gonna die they're already dead they're ghosts [Music] all right you know what man i'm in the middle of editing i don't have time for this uh just watch out for sharks all right watch out for sharks you know what i'm sure it's fine definitely go check grim out though even if he didn't really help he's been pumping out a ton of content on tick tock and youtube and it is top tier i'll put his links in the description down below so ryuk will have to do this alone but since we have harvest and oren berries i think we have the tools to get through i challenge roxanne and send ryuk out into her lead geodude and on the first turn i set up an end grain to give me a little bit of residual healing each turn and the geodude goes for a rock tomb on the next turn i use confuse ray to lower the rock's chance of attacking and from here i'll spare you the play-by-play since it's pretty monotonous the too long didn't read version is i start setting up growths to raise my attack reconfuse the geodude when it snaps out of confusion and consume and harvest my oren berry several times while we go back and forth eventually we're left with just 10 hp meaning i need geodude to hit itself in confusion or i risk getting ko'd and it does allowing me to take it out with an astonish roxanne then sends out her nose pass so i confuse it on the first turn hoping i can survive an attack but the big nose rock just goes for hardin at the end of the turn rook harvests and eats his berry taking him to a comfortable 24 hp and over the next several turns the nose pass luckily just keeps hitting itself in confusion or going for hardens while i'm able to pick it off with boosted astonishes wow that battle was actually incredibly stressful i'm pretty sure ryuk ended up eating 5 oren berries during that battle meaning i needed around 50 points of extra health plus however much extra healing i got from ingrain just to make it through the first gym which is insane i 100 had to have harvest to win this battle so good theory crafting on my part with the first badge under my belt i can go grab another encounter and honestly i could have done this before the roxanne fight but it would have been exceedingly useless so i run around in the grass north of rusboro city until i encounter one of the most controversial pokemon in nuzlocke culture and it shines it's this thing a ninkata i catch her and name her rem a few things before anyone sounds off in the comments about how this isn't a ghost one it evolves into a ghost so the rules i use make it okay two i cannot get through the next part of the game without it i don't unlock my next proper ghost encounter until after the second gem the aqua museum fight and a really hard rival fight against mei not only could ryuk not solo all of that i would very quickly go over the level cap as for how busted shaninja is i'll address that later now we have to go save an old man's pico de gallo to progress the story and this is one of the fights that would have been impossible without rem it doesn't matter how many times ryuk can harvest an orenberry we're almost dude's never since it can easily two-shot me but with rem the fight's actually super easy i return the salsa to the old man and now he'll let me ride on his boat before i do i go see this incredibly important businessman and i've played through this game a ton but i never knew he was religious praise lord helix now we can take up that old man on his offer for a boat ride and we can just immediately take on the next gym when we get to doofentown brawley can sometimes be difficult but he only has two pokemon and only one of them can even touch ryuk so i'm feeling pretty confident i challenge him and lead off with my ghost tree into his machop which is the pokemon that can't touch me i start with confuse ray predicting a switch since the ai will sometimes do that when it has zero moves to hit you offensively with and i call it right i confuse the incoming makuhita and on the next turn i set up an ingrain as the little sumo guy hits himself in confusion this pokemon has bulk up and knockoff so it can actually be pretty threatening but on the next turn it just uses sand attack and on the following turn i flinch it into the red prolly heals it on the next turn while i keep chipping away with astonishes but then makuhita starts setting up bulk ups which is scary so i confuse it again and it hits itself in confusion down to the red letting me murk it with one final boo on the following turn from here brawley just has machop so i claim it soul at my own pace since all it can do is wish it could hit me easy fight for the second badge now we have a lot of story to get through before i unlock my next encounter but it starts with me delivering a letter from the lord helix follower to this incredibly attractive man in a cave you would think he could just call him especially since it turns out that he's his son but the fact that it had to be a letter makes me believe that there is something in this letter that he doesn't want traced he wants to deliver this information in a method that can't be tracked perhaps this information is even pertaining to the church of helix itself it could be a conspiracy the likes of which we've never seen in the hoen region this could go all the way to the top and shatter our reality as we know it it could be catastrophic anyway moving on in slateport city i have to charge up some aqua grunts in the museum and i just remembered that in my last run of alpha sapphire i called them piss babies since they're worried about liquid and they whine a ton so we're moving forward with that this is another fight that would be impossible without rem but with her we get through both of the piss babies pretty easily once we win blue jack sparrow shows up to call his own men's sims and talk about the ocean or something pretty chill dude honestly now remember how i said none of these fights would be possible without rem well i lied i did the math on the upcoming mayfight and even with rim it's still impossible since her slug my nose incinerate which is its strongest move so the one it's most likely to click and it will burn up any berries i'm holding nullifying my harvest strats i'm starting to think the run is dead here but then i remember phantomp is a trade evolution which works out fantastically for me in this moment a quick back and forth and my phantomp evolves into trevenant giving itself a massive stat boost i could have technically done this at the very beginning of the game but i didn't want to trivialize the first few gems with ryuk now in his final form i challenge may and here's the thing even with a fully evolved pokemon this stupid slug can still be problematic so since may leads with shroomish i abused that and set up home clause just to make the fight a little easier if phantom had access to this move i wouldn't have even needed to evolve him yet but he doesn't so i did i get enough attack boosts to one shot the slug and in doing so i end up one-shotting her entire team and all i have to say is slug my nuts may you did this to yourself after the battle rim evolves into not ninja but we also get a shaninja in our party now i know a ton of people are probably asking if i'm going to abuse shadinja in this run and have it sweep through everything without being touched and to answer your question no not because i feel like i'm above that at all i would one hundred percent do that if i could but because she ninja is dog water for basically this entire run just go look at the gym leaders in this region every single one of them has a very easy way to absolutely dumpster her she was caught to absorb experience and help out with some early fights and that's about it and for that we can kinda half salute her now that we have access to marvel city i can finally grab the mock bike head back to dewford town go into the granite cave and start looking for an actually usable encounter this one takes what feels like my entire life because i employed a similar strategy to my phantom hunt only encountering stabilize with their hidden ability and the egg move recover because that is an insanely strong combination but eventually i found this absolute gem of a pokemon pun intended 144 encounters might not seem like a ton but dexnav chaining in a cave is a nightmare and on top of that always scaring away any encounter that didn't meet my requirements just made this entire hunt such a grind anyway i catch him and name him light and i am stoked sable eye is tied for my favorite pokemon of all time with porygon and any run where i get to use it is one thousand times better with light and ryuk at the level cap i decide it's time to challenge watson i only have two real pokemon since rim can't really do anything here so this could get pretty dicey i lead off with ryuk into watson's magnemite and on the first turn i set up a home clause while the magnets just hit me with a thunder wave triggering my cherry berry curing the paralysis on the next turn i dropped the magnet to one hp with a bulldoze while it just goes for another thunder wave paralyzing me but at the end of the turn i harvest and eat my cherry berry to cure myself solid watson plays around with healing his magnets for a while to see if that will help his game plan but eventually i just bodybagged the tiny magnet and from here the rest of his team is one shot from bulldozes making this an incredibly easy third patch for the spooky boys harvest is just such a dope ability and planning strategies around it is also super fun the map opens up a little bit with the third badge and i can go find my next encounter on route 114 and a mischievous this hunt goes 110 smoother than my last two since i'm not looking for any specific ability or move and we managed to find the shiny and just 67 encounters almost nice i catch her and name her misa mischievous is also one of my favorite pokemon so this run is really just cementing to me how many ghost types i love after catching misa i have a run-in with the piss babies at meteor falls where they have kidnapped some nerd and it's my job to save him aqua admin shelly's team is actually kind of terrifying for me since she has a mighty anna and a carvana but ryuk has learned leech seed and light is neutral to dark type attacks thanks to his typing so i'm able to pick up the wind by stalling out with leech seed chip and prankster recovery on light i know hold your applause this was a very heroic way to win the battle after smashing shelley this other nerd with red hair shows up and i guess he's the leader of the rival gang they mention their plans which involve going to an active volcano and since this is a pokemon game i have to go stop them since sending a child into an active volcano to combat an evil team is basically par for the course here i then make my way to the volcano where they're actively participating in dogfights not a good look i beat down some lower level piss babies and now i have to face off against blue jack sparrow for the first time his team has both a mighty anna and a sharpedo on it so this fight looks terrifying on paper but i have a cheeky plan i challenge him and lead off with light into his wolf hyena hybrid and on turn one i just fake out for some chip damage on the next turn i go for a power-up punch just knowing the dog is gonna swagger me but it doesn't it roars me out into ryuk instead which is not how i planned this to go i stay in and get confused by swagger but i break through and manage to set up a leech seed which will give me some reliable recovery and chip damage on the next turn i switch into light who immediately gets word out into my chicken starter who i've been using for hms awkward i switch back into light and the exact same turn happens again double awkward well third time's the charm so i switch back into light a third time and this time the dog finally goes for a swagger on light raising his attack stat two stages and thanks to my person berry not confusing me a power-up punch bodies the puppy on the next turn forcing him out into his ace sharpedo and light is clearly very calculated since he dodges a screech from the shark and then guts the fish with a single punch golbat is his last pokemon and it lands a confuse ray on light in a sad attempt to not perish but he breaks through and jots golbat's name down on his notebook with one single rock tomb i was planning on light getting swaggered on turn 1 but this works too as he's leaving the team aqua leader says something about this being the day i will always remember as the day i almost caught captain blue jack sparrow i'm super busy so i just ignored him and went straight to the next gym flannery uses exclusively fire types likes to set up sun and all of her pokemon have incredibly hard hitting attacks like lava plume and overheat so i feel like this could be a rough match i've got what i think is a clever strategy so let's just see if it works i challenge her and lead off with misa into her slugma and on turn one i go for a taunt since the slug really loves to set up sunny day and light screen and i call the turn right as the slug fails to move at all next turn i use double team to raise my evasion which i hate relying on but feels super appropriate for this battle the slug goes for a strong overheat dropping misa to right above half health and on the next turn i click spite robbing the slug of its last for overheat pp and revealing my galaxy brain strategy step one of my plan is successful misa keeps using double team while the slug sets up sunny days light screens and gets in some chip damage here there with rock throw until i finally curse it to death with a couple of hexes flannery sends out her torquel and on the first turn of it being on the field i hit it with a soft hex since the light screen is still up and it misses an overheat because of my evasion boosts and that is checkmate i spited the tortoise on the next turn once again robbing it of its last overheat pp and now it can do nothing to hurt me since the only other attack it knows is body slam i take it out over the next few turns with hexes bringing out her final pokemon numel i switch into light as it just sets up a sunny day then a fake out for some chip damage into a single dig are enough to crush this baby camel earning me my fourth badge are evasion strategy super fun and great no but don't lie and say that using evasion to dodge an inaccurate attack and then spiding away the rest of its pp wasn't absolutely fire because i think it was sure it's a little rng dependent but as i always say i would rather be lucky than good we don't really get a breather at all so it's straight to the next gym to fight my dad you would think that this gym battle might not be hard since he only uses normal types but surprise every single one of his pokemon uses fain attack which is a dark type attack that never misses so i can even use evasion strats to cheese this battle to top it all off two of his pokemon have the stats of gods even if they loaf around every other turn it looks not so great for me because they can just one shot a large majority of my team but once again i feel like i have the solution i challenge dad and lead off with ryuk into his first slacking and on turn 1 ryuk gets out sped and yawned then uses power up punch for an attack boost on the next turn while slacking is loafing around i click dig to go underground and then at the end of the turn i fall asleep but my chest obery wakes me up immediately from this point on i am in a loop where i can always dig on the loafing turn so that i am underground on the active turn i eventually get the slacking low so norman heals it but we just end up in the same loop and i'm able to take the monster out with a final power up punch vigoroth comes out next and instead of doing anything reasonable it encores me into power up punch letting me take it out in one shot norman sends out his final slacking and since i'm still at full health i don't even go down to most critical hit fain attacks so we punch once on the active turn and then once again on the loafing turn and ryuk has just dumpstered my dad's entire team looks like i'm my own dad from now on with the fifth badge we can now finally surf so i go grab a temporary surf buddy hit the ocean and start hunting for my next encounter this hunt goes pretty smoothly and it only takes a couple episodes of stranger things and a little over 100 encounters but finally i find a shiny frillish it's the female frilish which is objectively worse in both design and color but i'm still stoked to use this pokemon as now i have a pretty solid defensive piece on my team which is something that i was severely lacking i catch her and name her kiomi now that i have my permanent surfer i can move on and this is the part of the game where steven shows up looking hella cool and then just gives you one of the random lady twins which is neat but i can't use this garbage so it's kind of pointless for me it will make a dope hm mule though the weather institute is where the story takes us to next and this is mostly uneventful except for one thing do you see it take a second yeah there are magma grunts in my alpha sapphire game so here's the thing i'm not 100 sure if this is the cause but from the start of the game to up to the rock sand battle i was playing omega ruby just because i played alpha sapphire last and i didn't think there were any version exclusive ghosts wrong sableye is a sapphire exclusive and i didn't realize that until mapping out how my encounters were gonna go after the first gem so since i spent five plus hours hunting for a phantom i just decided to use my omega ruby save in an alpha sapphire game and i guess these were the consequences it's kind of weird to see and definitely my fault for not doing better research before starting but like i said in my last video you should probably just count on me to up often anyway we heck up the goons in the weather institute and move on as we're trying to progress to the next gym mate ambushes us but this fight isn't super scary so we'll just speed run it for time misa hexes her shroomish into an early grave and then kyomi drowns her slugma and marshtop while in the rain clean fight now it's time for the sixth gem but first i have to go talk to steven on the bridge this really isn't relevant to the fight he just gives us some goggles so we can see chameleons but he looks so cool doing it so i'll include it with my rebranded silph scope i make my way to winona and i learned in this playthrough that with some good timing you don't actually have to fight any of her gym trainers fun fact i challenge her and lead off with light into her swellow and in the name of consistency i start off the battle with a dope fake out to get some chip damage and a flinch on the next turn i take a soft aerial ace and rock tomb drops the chicken into the red this causes winona to heal her chicken on the next turn but a crit rock tomb just takes it out light levels up mid battle and learns power gym which is actually insane timing winona sends out her altaria and since it doesn't know dragon dance like it did in the third gen it's honestly not super threatening we trade attacks back and forth for a while both of us healing off damage with roosts and recovers but we eventually get to a spot where the altaria starts the turn in the green and since i now out speed it because of the rock tomb drops we can take out the toucan on the next turn with the power gem skarmory comes out next so i start by lowering its speed with a rock tomb while taking a soft steel wing and on the next turn i recover up to almost full health as the pigeon misses a second steel wing i click power gem to scale damage and it doesn't do a ton so on the next turn i switch into misa taking a steel wing and i have taught her charge beam for this exact situation from this spot misa will out speed the rest of winona's team and charge beam drops the steel pigeon in one shot forcing winona to send out her african grey parrot pelipper she already knows the battle is over but tries to stall a turn with protect in hopes that i'll miss click on the next turn but i don't we fry the parrot with another charge beam earning ourselves the sixth badge and we're still deathless in this run which is wild super strong performance from the spooky boys with most of the map unlocked now we can finally hunt for the ghost duo from the hoen region i start by hunting for a shiny shupit on route 121 and it's a pretty straightforward hunt that i actually find pretty quickly with just under a 100 deck snap chain i catch him and name him l in mount pire i start another hunt and i get ultra spoon fed here finding the dust goal that i'm looking for with a chain of only 28 insane odds on that one even with the boosted rates i catch her and name her naomi while traveling up mount pyre for another piss baby fight l evolves into banette and now i have to decide if i'm gonna allow myself to use megas or not in this run really tough decision we make our way to the top of mount pyre where blue jack sparrow is stealing some balls and he just leaves this absolute mountain of a man to fight us i understand that this is a game and suspension of disbelief and all that sure i get it but this dude could pick me up and break me in half i'll never get over that we don't have to pokemon battle because this guy could just lay me out but he decides not to do that he has a sharpie which sounds terrifying but it doesn't have any dark type moves so it's an easy win for us after the battle and a little bit of grinding both naomi and kiyomi evolve into dust clops and jealousy respectively which is great because now i have some insanely bulky pieces to work with especially dust clops since it gets the evo light buff may ambushes us once again in lily cove city but with our new powered up team it's not even really hard to pivot around her anymore light power gems her swellow into an early grave swampert is hard walled and picked off by ryuk mccargo is ultra walled and drowned by kiyomi and her breloom is stopped dead in its tracks by the majority of my team specifically ryuk who is immune or resists both of its stabs we have the pieces to cover most holes in the team at this point so only specific types like dark or ghost are really scary for us now this is the part of the game where much like every other pokemon game the evil team of the region starts enacting their master plan don't worry it won't come to fruition until after the seventh badge but it has to start right now for plot purposes so we follow the piss babies back to slateport they steal a submarine then we follow them right back to lily cove infiltrate their secret lair and this insane moment happens in a 5v1 battle just watch this we have to fight a horde of grunts who all use pucciana no big deal i switch into kiyomi and get sand attacked one time my accuracy is dropped one stage then on the following turn i surf and i only connect on one little hyena dog puppy thing one what are the odds on that don't get me wrong this fight is easy and i dumpster every single one of these poochie anna but i thought that this was wild and i just wanted to show you after that insane 5v1 fight we have to fight the mountain of a man admin matt again and it's a super easy fight because his sharpie still doesn't know a dark type move but after we beat him he starts talking about how much he wants to kiss blue jack sparrow and honestly just be open about it dude it's pride month baby embrace yourself love is love no but really this is obviously a bit but i mean all of those things and if you have a problem with that i probably don't want you in my community moving on with that slight detour over we can head to the next gym and listen this is probably the most dumbed down fight in these games tate and liza have so much potential since it's a double battle and the psychic type could be really strong here but they just have soulrock and lunatone that's it i lead off with kiomi and naomi into the astrology signs and on the first turn well actually you know i expected to out speed and get a double ko on the first turn with surf plus shadow sneak but instead i am outsped and the sun sets up a sunny day and the moon sets up a light screen so surf does basically nothing okay touche twins on the next turn i shadow sneak the lunatone again with naomi and i switch kiyomi out into ryuk predicting a solar beam from the soul rock i call the turn correctly and ryuk takes a light tap from the sunstone but a pretty strong psychic from the moon stone putting him in range to eat his citrus berry a horn leech plus a shadow sneak causes a solar eclipse on the very next turn as the twins just heal their moon rock up but we cause a lunar eclipse on the next turn with the same combination of moves okay so i will admit the sunny day plus light screen was pretty cool but imagine if they had a full team this battle could be nuts anyway since we earned the seventh badge it's now time for the evil team's plans to come to a head and force me a child to save the world when their plans go terribly wrong so i make my way to an underwater cavern and i'm here trying to stop the piss babies from summoning a demon i think this part of the game culminates into my final battle with blue jack sparrow and his team is actually cracked i challenge him leading off with kiomi into his mighty anna and a dazzling gleam on the first turn almost one shots the puppy as it just uses scary face on the next turn he goes for a taunt of all things and kiyomi drowns him with a surf sparrow sends out muck so i switch into l on a screech and let's be honest i decided the moment i caught sabley that i was going to be using mega evolutions this run because the mega ghosts are some of my favorites so my mega evolved banette and use phantom force to disappear and dodge muk's gunshot and when l comes back to attack it's a clean one-shot because this pokemon has one of the highest attack stats in the game krobat comes out next and since i have a lower defense stat from the screech i switch into naomi who is insanely bulky with evolite she chews through a couple acrobatics like their gum burns the bat with a willowist and then i can safely switch back out into l and take out the purple people leader with a phantom force this forces blue jack sparrow to send out his ace sharpedo and knowing it is about to mega evolve i switch into ryuk who i've given a culver berry the shark megas and ghosts to take a bite out of me and even through my berry which reduces the damage by 50 this does an insane amount of damage easily enough to two shots huh so i guess this is what grim meant when he said to watch out for sharks i misplayed here because i didn't set mega sharpito's ability to strong jaw when i was running calculations and now i'm in a super rough spot since i can't take another hit even though i harvested my berry thinking on my feet i switch into light who takes about 65 from a single crunch and on the next turn i go for willowisk with boosted priority thanks to prankster which hasn't been nerfed in this generation to not hit dark types and it connects the shark lands another crunch which drops me to just 10 hp knowing i'm risking crits here i use recover on the next two turns so that light is over half health on the third turn i switch into naomi who takes a crunch pretty well and on the following turn i take another crunch to just 14 hp and i go for rock smash that is only on her moveset because it was required to navigate through this cave the burn drops the shark to what has to be two or three hit points and on the next turn a shadow sneak is enough to pick up the kill meaning i got through this nightmare fight deathless despite the gentleman's agreement we had pirate of the hohen seas still summons his demon and now it's going to drown the entire planet so i have to go clean up his mess and fight the water demon yeah cool cool so i ride kyogre down into the depths of the planet and then let ryuk devour its soul with a couple of horn lynches he did almost die to a crit origin pulse but we made it out alive with the water demon dead i've saved the world and now i can go back to doing more important things like getting badges before i do challenge the final gym leader though there is a ton of content unlocked now and a ton of new encounters i won't use them all but i'm a little bit of a completionist so i like to hunt for them anyway so buckle up i start off by going to c marvel and soft resetting for spirit tomb the way you encounter this thing is pretty convoluted but it's also pretty chill as far as soft resets go and it has a sick shiny it only took a couple of hours for me to find this shiny tail ghost and i immediately masterballed this creep because it knows memento and i don't want it to unalive itself i named her saiyu after that i found the substitute tm on a mirage island which is huge for one of my elite four strategies so big win there then i hunted for and found shiny kofo grigas in another mirage spot drifloon while soaring in the skies on ladios and finally snow run in the basement of shoal cave the coffee grigas and snow run hunts only took a couple of hours total but the driftloon hunt took close to four hours because soaring encounters are slow as hell and i swear drifloon must be the rarest one i almost gave up i cried during this hunt not because the hunt was particularly bad but i watched that episode of stranger things it's the one with max you know it if you've seen it it's in the new season i'm not going to spoil it but man that episode's really emotional it got me i named the coffee grigas sachiko the snow runt weddi and the drifloon near then as if this wasn't enough i evolved misa into miss magias weddy into frostlast and drifloon into driftblim okay i think those are all of the shiny ghosts you can get in this game it's time to beat it so the final gym leader is wallace he uses a mono fish and aquatic life team it can sometimes be a little scary so i went into the tank and came out with an intense strategy here's what i came up with i challenge wallace and lead off with light into his love disc and from here it's gg no seriously this dude leads off with one of the worst pokemon in the game what did you expect okay seriously on turn one i mega evolved mostly for the magic bounce ability which allowed me to bounce back a sweet kiss and then attract this fish might be terrible but both of those attacks make it a new sense to deal with sometimes from this spot i just set up calm minds because my entire goal for this fight was just to show off how insanely good mega sableye is it is truly the perfect pivot the perfect defensive piece and the perfect setup pokemon for a run like this it was one of my favorite pokemon to use competitively for all of gen 6. also it's holding a big ass gym and that's rad as hell i get some arbitrarily high special attack and defense boosts then i flush wallace's entire team down the drain one by one we should probably take a moment of silence for his fallen fish but honestly i don't have time for that we've earned all eight badges with only shiny ghosts and we've done it with zero deaths one final challenge stands in our way so it's time to head to victory road the cave is pretty tame but on the other side we run into wally for one final fight he's been a pushover this entire run but this is kind of his comeback arc since he has an actual team now he challenges me and i lead off with kyomi into his altaria we take a soft dragon pulse on turn one but crack back with an ice beam that leaves the cloudbird with just a sliver of health and freezes it allowing us to take it out for free on the next turn wally sends in rosalia so i switch into near as it misses a leech seed and on the next turn i set up a substitute as the rose tries to leech seed again causing it to fail two shadow balls mow the rose down so he sends in some magnets and i'm unsure how they work so i stay in and click shadow ball as the magnets break my sub with a discharge i sub again which drops me below half health causing me to eat my citrus berry which also triggers unburden doubling my speed and doubles the power of acrobatics berries have really been a staple of this run wally just uses screech which is a bad play i demagnetize his magnets on the next turn so he sends in this cat and two acrobatics are enough to ko it it does manage to break my sub with the crit fan attack while he sends out his ace glade who will mega evolve but i am sure i will grab the one hit ko with acrobatics so i stay in and click it i in fact do not grab the one shot with acrobatics and while he retaliates by doing absolutely nothing this was your shot dude my balloon was at negative two defense from screech but you just used swords dance wally you're bad i take out his power ranger thing on the next turn winning the fight and unlocking the elite four with that fight out of the way it's time to plan so after thinking about it long and hard this is the team i will be using for the elite four it's just written i'm not even going to get her to the level cap she's fine she's got this okay i lied this is the actual team i will be taking el ryuk light nir weddi and kiyomi i think this gives me the best variety of types in different roles spirit tomb kind of does a little bit of everything but i don't think i need two ghost arc types for the elite four and light has the ability to mega evolve and a recovery move both of which are super valuable here misa was the hardest to cut because i love miss mages but i decided weddi just gives me better coverage and fits the team better as a fast special attacker stab ice beam is just nuts and she also gives me another ice resist which will be super clutch for the glacial fight both dust cops and cova grigus are bulky ghost types and they both do basically the same thing they're both very strong but they don't have built-in recovery like ryuk or kiomi and honestly any one of my pokemon can do the whole toxic willowis plus hex thing if that's something that i wanted or needed those are my reasons this is the team i'm taking in let me know what team you would have brought but with that out of the way let's go win this run sydney is up first and while normally he is the easiest member to beat i actually think he'll be one of the hardest this time since he has just dark types but i have an okayish strategy for him maybe i lead off with nir into his mighty anna and immediately i forgot this thing has intimidated because most mighty enemies you fight in the game do not so not off to a great start i go for a sub on turn 1 which was another misplay i assumed this thing would outspeed me and get off at swagger first making me eat my berry but it did not so now i'm at -1 attack and behind a sub with my berry still intact not a good start i go for an acrobatics but the puppy outpaces with a priority sucker punch and breaks my sub then acro does very little on the next turn i miss click because i wasn't using my mouse i mean stylus like i always do and i locked into shadow ball instead of substitute so this fight is just off the rails i take an ultra hard hitting sucker punch and now my entire strategy has been foiled in basically three turns i switch near into l causing sucker punch to miss and on the next turn i mega evolve and go for a prankster willowis causing it to miss again with the puppy burned and out of sucker punch pp i switch back into near predicting a swagger since the ai seems to really prioritize going for status moves in situations like this and i call it right nir gets to plus 2 attack for free thanking to his person barry and doubles his speed with mighty anna burned and in the red sydney will always heal so i go for an acro and it just one shots the hyena or wolf i'm not sure no one really knows sharpedo comes out next and an acro is once again a clean one shot but i take rough skin damage that i completely forgot about and i was terrified that this was going to ko me nir lives but he's insanely low absol and shift tree both fall to plus two acrobatics forcing sydney out into his last pokemon cac turn and since this pokemon can spiky shield i baton pass my boosts into ryuk we take a soft payback get chipped from a spiky shield but after that a single plus two phantom force is enough to pick up the ko here because even though it's resisted cacturn's defenses are dog water okay yeesh that was touch and go because i did not play well but with some clever recovery we made it through next up is phoebe who uses only ghost types another incredibly difficult type for us to take on but at least this time i'll also have the ability to hit for super effective damage i challenge her and lead off with l into her dust clops on the first turn i mega evolve and go for a phantom force which just claims the dust klopp's soul on the next turn she sends in her sableye and this thing knows foul play which would use my own attack stat against me so i absolutely cannot stay in i switch into light who is the superior stabili because he shines and he takes a light tap from foul play on the following turn i hit her inferior ghost with a willow wisp taking another light tap then i shadowball as it pivots to using power gem i have light recover on the next turn to stay healthy which was a little miscalculated i could have just taken her sable eye out but i didn't and the burn drops it into the red meaning phoebe will full restore on the following turn she does and i shadowball again but this time i get the special defense drop meaning my next shadow ball is always a kill never punished so we claim another lost soul she sends out her first banette and i shadowball it into the red as it hits me with a willowist burning me phoebe uses her second full restore as i foul play her possessed puppet back down to the red next turn i click recover to stay healthy but i take a pretty hard shadow ball which paired with the burn takes me to just above half health a shadow ball drops bennett a on the next turn bringing out banette b as i dropped to under half health light recovers on the first turn but banette shadowball just does too much damage for me to continue out healing it along with the burn so i switch into ryuk taking about 40 from the first shadow ball and kind of mindlessly click substitute here not thinking about it and the follow-up shadow ball drops me to just 8 hp but thankfully this triggers my citrus barry letting me get a substitute off a phantom force on the following turn lets my sub get broken but then allows me to one shot banette b down to just her ace dust noir i switch into l knowing i can always live one hex which i take about 40 from and a phantom force on the next turn is enough to clean up the fight and absorb the last lost soul okay so the first two elite four members were pretty rough but it has to get easier right well no glacia is next and she's a nightmare i have a cool plan to try and pass some boosts with near but let's see how i can mess it up i lead off with near into her glaily and go for substitute on the first turn which immediately gets broken by crunch okay not what i expected normally this thing starts with hail over the next two turns i set up calm minds as the glaily then goes for hail and light screen i baton pass my boosts into weddi who immediately gets crunched and her defense dropped so knowing she will die on the next turn it's back out into near who drops below half health and eats his citrus berry i set up another call mine and take another crunch down to just 46 health i then realized i can't even pass this boost because glaily has ice shard and i'm playing like a toddler so i hard switch into ryuk who snacks on the shard thanks to his yachty berry ryuk starts doing sub plus leech seed shenanigans until i can take the glaily out with the horn leech glaily sends out frostlast while i'm still behind a sub so i stay in and horn leach it down to low red instead of staying in and horn lynching again knowing glacier will heal her frost loss up i switch out to kyomi starting an endless cycle of dumb i won't go turn by turn here because it sucks but here's the short version frost confuses kiomi anytime she's not confused it sets up hail anytime hail is not up giving it an evasion boost i hit myself in confusion or miss multiple attacks letting it whittle me down forcing me to recover several times just to stay healthy and i never once get a skulled burn to be fair i do get two cursed body triggers and frostlast never gets an omniboost from ominous win so small victories eventually i get the frost last down to the red and i'm able to finally take it out with a dazzling gleam that should have 100 been a shadow ball for this fight i just forgot to replace it she sends out her second frost last and i take a hard shadow ball from it and then try to recover to stay healthy but this is not a favorable exchange for me i switch into light on the following turn taking a soft shadow ball and then go for a shadow ball of my own that i hope will ko but i get frozen by a blizzard instead making it impossible for me to move fantastic i'm forced to switch into weddi to resist her next blizzard and now i just have to roll the dice i have to out pace and my shadow ball needs to one shot here so i lock in and not only are we faster but shadowball actually manages to pick up the kill which is a massive relief glacia sends out her ace wall reign but she has no moves to hit kiomi super effectively so even though walrane manages to freeze me i can thaw with skald and chip it down slowly while staying healthy with recover her last pokemon is a glaily with freeze dry so i switch into ryuk and over the course of several turns i'm able to keep harvesting my yachty berry and take it out with a couple of horn leeches it took longer than it needed to because she kept protecting but that's honestly fine because it gave me more time to harvest my berry over and over again we're done with this battle and somehow still have zero deaths the final elite four member is drake and he has a team of terrifyingly powerful dragons but i have some shiny dead stuff so i'm not super worried about it i challenge him and lead off with nir into his altaria i decide that since he wants to lead with his weak link i might as well abuse it this altaria can do very little so i set up a substitute start using callmind and then pass all of those boosts over to weddi with a baton pass this fight is the biggest reason i chose weddi over misa for the elite four team and she justifies my choice by one shotting drake's entire team from behind a sub i probably didn't need to pass the boosts but after those last three fights i was mondo burnt out of the elite four and a little on edge so i just wanted a surefire sweep and i wanted to dumpster somebody and that's exactly what we got now with the entire elite four in shambles i head into my last fight of the run versus steven and even though he looks hella cool i have to destroy him so with everything ready and my party healed i challenge him i lead off with l into his skarmory and on turn one i mega evolve and taunt the bird to prevent it from setting up spikes l isn't great against skarm because of its massive physical defense so on the next turn i switch into near taking a soft hit over the next two turns i take a few hits that drop me below half health letting me eat my citrus berry while i set up calm mines i go for a shadow ball that drops the skarmory to low red and it uses toxic since its taunt wears off on the next turn i use sub as steven heals his bird then i baton pass my boosts and sub to weddi she comes in and takes a steel wing that breaks her sub but i should always live another one so i ice beam taking the bird down to it sturdy and it just toxics me in response next turn i fry the steel turkey with a thunderbolt so steven sends in his agron weddi is already on a timer and i can't take a hit from agron ever so i switch into ryuk taking a stone edge for about a quarter of my health on the next turn agron gets off a super strong iron tail dropping ryuk to below half health and procking my citrus berry as i set up leech seeds from this spot it's the standard sub protect stalling to whittle down the agron until i have to switch into kiyomi who dodges an iron tail on the way in and then outpaces and takes out the agron with a shadow ball crudely comes out next for steven and i realize in this moment i did not put scald back on kiyomi's moveset leaving icebeam from the drake fight which is a massive bummer i try ice beam once just to scale damage but a giga drain in response makes it not worth the exchange i fish for a special defense drop on the next turn with the shadow ball but we do not get lucky so i switch into light on a soft ancient power and on the next turn i burn the credilly as it confuses me i pivot into ryuk to take a giga drain and then take it out with a shadow claw as i harvest my berry back claydol comes out next and knowing this pokemon can't do a ton i set up leech seeds as it goes for a reflect then pivot into light since clay doll basically has to use a psychic move here i miss a willowist on the next turn but realize clay doll is now attacking with earth power since light is immune to psychic so i switch into near to abuse my immunity and convince the ai to attack instead of set up another reflect since near is low enough to ko using this to my advantage i double switch into l taking only a soft hit steven uses another full restore on his claydol fully healing it but l drops it to under half with a shadow sneak and takes it out with a second one on the next turn armaldo is the penultimate pokemon we have to beat to win this run so i switch into trevenet and take a critical hit x scissor to under half but once again my citrus berry saves me i set up leech seeds and then switch into light who also takes a pretty hard x scissor but shrugs it off thanks to the seed recovery light is able to burn the bug on the following turn with a willowist and with all of this setup in place i switch back into l who takes nothing from the burned armaldo and pick it off with a shadow sneak forcing out steven's ace metagross this pokemon is beyond busted but unless it crits me i should always be able to live one hit here on its first turn it mega evolves as i go for a prankster willow wisp which connects meteor mash lands taking me to under half health but metagross doesn't get the attack boost it's all or nothing now i lock into phantom force as the metagross outpaces and connects another meteor mash but elle manages to live on 8 hp he then disappears into what i can only assume is the underworld dodging metagross's next attack then reappearing behind him to remove his soul from his metal shell and with that we've beaten steven and the run this is the first and probably only time i will ever have a zero death run and it feels amazing while you might think that's because my team is so busted since i chained most of them i think it really came down to good planning doing well under pressure when things went wrong and a little bit of luck here and there which i'm fine with i will take the luck any day all in all this run was a blast ghosts are great and i got to use so many dope pokemon that i've never really used who knew mega banette was so cracked who knew that harvest was such a cool ability those are things you just don't get to see often and i loved them i don't even know if i could pick an nvp in this run since so many of my team members put in work but if you had to who would you pick i'm genuinely curious thank you once again for all the support on these videos it means the world to me and if you want to help me hit 50k on youtube by my birthday which is coming up july 31st please consider subscribing and if you enjoy these videos and the effort that goes into them please leave a like because it helps out a ton that's all i have for you today thank you so much for watching i'm kinda done here and i have to leave bye
Channel: in vivid color
Views: 267,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, in vivid color nuzlocke, pokemon challenge, can you beat, shiny only nuzlocke, shiny only pokemon, shiny pokemon, only shinies, only shiny pokemon challenge, only shiny pokemon, only shiny ghost pokemon, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Shiny Ghosts
Id: CreY51s3xTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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