10,000 Villagers Simulate Civilization In 2050

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what will the world look like in the year 2050 what if there was a way to know the answer by using minecraft i've created a mod using ai that will make villagers just as smart as real-life humans isn't that right all right then here's 10 000 smart villagers now go build us an advanced civilization don't forget to subscribe let's fast forward to 2050 and see what they came up with [Music] damn look at this place y'all really all done yourselves look at all these futuristic buildings i don't even know where to start hey it's the holy wait how come i can understand you what that's crazy yo there are no more gas stations i guess everything's gone electric nobody even had to touch the charger what no more drivers too that's cool but come on guys it's 2050 is that all you got damn these self-driving cars get picked up by drones and become air taxi all right all right i'm not gonna lie that's pretty cool these villagers already got flying cars and man all we got today is like tick-tock and the other cars go underground into a tunnel system i guess that's how they fix traffic speaking of traffic do you know why traffic lights turn red you would too if you had to change in the middle of the street anyone bruh is that a flying amazon warehouse and it's sending all packages with drones damn that's crazy now no one's ever gonna run out of toilet paper uh-oh looks like someone's jaywalking uh what damn my guy just got taken away by robocops all that just for jaywalking is kinda harsh if you ask me teachers got replaced by robots too and factory workers heads too they even have robot sports [Applause] if robots basically took all the jobs then what about all the villagers damn now all the villagers work for the government they can assign jobs based on their natural strengths this guy doesn't look too happy with his job though i guess they don't really have much of a choice they got robotic limbs on the villagers too and these blind villagers can see again damn these deaf villagers can hear again these paralyzed villagers can walk again i guess there's no more retirement homes because villagers can live way longer with all these scientific advancements what about all the other cities are they like this too how do we even get to them anyways damn they got a super fast train inside a vacuum thingy you can get to another city in just a few minutes wait a second but how about crossing the ocean what they take rockets instead of planes now damn damn damn check this out there's a freaking floating hotels in space now if only they could fix the problem with crying babies on flights that would be real genius yeah yeah mars has been colonized duh that's crazy my guy good job elon what the villagers on mars grow their food inside labs even meat yo what's going on in here they even use the same technology to fix global warming on earth you down for some lab-grown sausage look they built farms right inside the cities in these towers yo they got these machines that can suck the pollution right out of the air so that's what these buildings were for just like your mom and there's these other machines that go through the ocean and pick up all the trash wait that's the same guy from before seems like they got everything figured out 2050 is kind of perfect right at least i thought so until later that night one of the amazon drone packages shows up at my window i open it up and there's a hidden message emergency meet me outside [Music] so then i tracked down the guy who sent the note [Music] i find him inside this tiny apartment whole place is filled with sticky notes all over the world doomsday 2 100. what does that mean i've got a bad feeling about this madman total conspiracy theorist vibes he's telling me that the government controls everything if anyone steps out of line they're never heard from again i'm like yo how's that possible in this civilization apparently the money they use is all digital so the government follows the money and knows exactly what jobs they work where they go and what they do in their free time i'm like so what clearly whatever they've been doing is working look at how far you all have come you even solve global warming but he tells me something really bad's gonna happen but it's illegal for anyone to speak up about it but before he says anything else yo chill chill we're just talking in here the romo cops break in and take him out [Music] now you got me curious what really bad thing is gonna happen was this guy just talking crazy let's fast forward and find out damn are we in the right place this place looks completely wrecked yo the robots are in charge of everything now and the villagers are in cages or what's left of them yo what happened here let me get this straight since the villagers were living longer and longer they were also being put to work longer by the government most of them got assigned a job they hated so after work they'd rather plug into their vr headsets than go out and socialize so less and less villagers were having kids and more and more of the population got older over the years and as more of the villagers got older one thing was inevitable let's see by 2100 there was a pandemic that killed off almost all the senior villagers at once aka most of the population the villagers that were left alive had to be reassigned new jobs to fix the civilization but the ai that's responsible for assigning jobs deems that most of the surviving villagers were unworthy of any of the jobs wow that is tragic they created the very thing that replaced them huh uh y'all looking at me i think there might be some kind of mistake [Music]
Channel: ZMDE Gaming
Views: 1,039,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde animations, simulate civilization minecraft, minecraft simulate civilization, minecraft villagers meme, minecraft villagers, minecraft simulate civilization in 2050, villagers simulate civilization in minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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