Can JUST ONE Bidoof Beat Pokemon Legends: Arceus?

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the doof the goofy beaver pokemon with awful stats and no hope of ever being useful so i decided to see if it was possible to beat all of pokemon legends arceus with just one single b-doof could a pokemon this week conquer all of persui by itself and does b doof actually have some hidden godly power well let's find out we meet god and wake up in hassui with one goal find my beedoof the professor gives us a choice of starter pokemon and i don't know it's a tough one who would you pick like for b doof subscribe for b doof or comment for b doof now we can catch a b doof straight away but this isn't the b doof that i want the one i want has sparkles so i decided to hunt a shiny b doof and this was a terrible idea i was playing on full shiny odds and must have seen thousands of those little beavers the hours rolled by and i was starting to have my doubts until just after the seven hour mark this happened oh we got it there it is hang on i have to make sure i catch it let's not be stupid here there's a golden boy right there the chosen one all right eat the berry all right get in the ball stay in the ball boom there it is now we had our champion this little guy was the chosen one i gave him the perfect nickname beedoof while we still need to catch other pokemon to progress the story we can only use beeduff in our party so everything else that we catch will be grinded down into grit rocks to power up our thick beaver but after getting our one star trainer rank it's time for beedoop's debut fight solo run battles in this game are way harder than in previous titles the new turn system means that you take more hits and if you raise your stats the boots wear off after a few turns but that will come up later for now though rey only has a pikachu so a few tackles from our buck-toothed hero give us a pretty quick win although the next fight gave me way more trouble mai's munchlax is much stronger than badoof and since we have the same moves our b doof was quickly slapped around our first loss but after getting some more levels on my b doof i lost again okay this is only the third battle of the game and i'm already struggling how are we even gonna stand a chance against a full team of stronger pokemon well that's a problem for future keegan for now after losing many many times i got badoof to level 17 and now my tackles finally hit hard enough to remove munchlax next up is the alpha qrikatoon he's less of a problem because b duff knows roll out which hits qriketoon for super effective damage and a few of these give us the win weirdia comes looking for a fight but runs away like a coward when it sees the monstrous power of mybidu add a man and irrita argue about who's god is best but you fools there's only one real god around these parts now next mission is to stop the enraged cleaver and wait are you getting bigger no no i think my eyes are just playing tricks on me little leanne tries to stop biedu's wrath but all it takes is a few tackles to put his gumi in its place by playing the sacred forbidden tune [Music] wedi is seduced by badoof allowing us to ride it which is really useful as beedoof's chunky little frame isn't built for long distance walks irido tries to stop us too but like an autobot we roll out all over her glacion for a quick win next up is the first noble lord cleaver and the good news is that we don't have to actually beat it with badoof so after it slammed my badoof i took over and with some pro gamer movement i won the food fight and cleavor had been calmed by the beauty of badoof now that's one damn fine looking pc box once i get the three-star trainer rank hadoof can learn some extra moves from the tutor these are going to be crucial in this run as we really need the type coverage on badoof before we can leave town we're ambushed by rey and this is the first time that we're going up against more than one pokemon and with a new turn system in this game soloing multiple pokemon is way harder than usual as proof of this after removing mime junior with a crunch vaduf falls just short of taking pikachu out and sadly vadoo fell but on my next try i used mime junior to begin charging rollout this approach is slower to ko the mime junior but it means that when pikachu comes out we've charged up enough rollouts to take it down in one shot much smoother this gives us access to the crimson mylans and it's here that i meet one of the most despicable disgusting people i've ever seen calaba who took the coward approach and evolved her bidoof you make me sick volo wants to test our strength and sends out a teeny tiny little egg who doesn't stand a chance against my almighty oh this togepi is really annoying with its calm mind and draining kiss combo so after losing a few more times i tweaked badoof's moveset and stepped up to volo once more i've got iron tail now which is super effective and obliterates togepi in one turn so i don't i don't know why badoof can even learn iron tail it's tail is just these balls on its butt anyway next is volo's gibbel who hits me with two bulldozers in a row but badoof tanks it and on the next turn one four times effective icy wind turns gibble into a snow cone i'm glad that's over but if i had trouble with those two pokemon what would i be able to do against volo's full team but now though we had another problem the miss fortune sisters stole some old rock i have no idea why they want it but it's our job to get it back but to do that we need to defeat coins toxic croak this guy is a problem because badoof is weak to fighting types a rock smash crushes badoof for a big chunk of health but by using icy wind i'm able to move two turns in a row so with an iron tail to follow it up we're surprisingly able to take toxic croak down on our very first try so we get the stone tablet back calaba translates the sacred text for us and it's weird because it actually says subscribe to my youtube channel or badoof will curse you so strange right and as thanks for our heroic work we're thrown into a sludge pit to battle with ursa luna this guy is a demon it's basically badoof just bigger stronger faster and with better moves yep totally an uneven match-up time and time again i got demolished by this stupid bear seriously i lost like 20 times i only really stood a chance once badoof was a higher level and even then it was tough but eventually the duff barely survived a second slash on only one hp this allowed me to land a third icy wind just giving me the win but man that was tough that badoof is really strong yeah i wish i was as cool and as handsome as him shut up b-barrel you're an abomination and what is this clinging to ursaluna's coat it seems like some kind of powder whoa where's the luna what have you been up to aruzu's missing but she smells so bad that we're able to track her down using only her stench impressive beedoof is so strong that he can crush these boulders without even touching them my god what a monster with that now we can tackle the next noble liligant this one's not too bad though i can dodge its attacks pretty easily and beethoven can take it down with two consecutive icy wins before long liligant had been seduced by badoof and was quelled calaba shares some wisdom about not trying to do everything by yourself which isn't really helpful since this is a solo run that's kind of the point ah the fresh new worshipers of beedoof have arrived i changed my outfit so now i have a big stylish bee doof bursting out the side of my head very fashionable okay i swear you weren't this big the first time we met but but that's that's not possible i'm probably just tired our next mission brings us to the cobalt coastlands but straight away irrita stops us with her tail she forces us to battle and this is the first time that we have to take on two pokemon at once although one iron tail is enough to crush her glacion into ice cubes vadoof gets really low but a rest heals me back up with a few rock smashers finishing off the other eevee erida gets emotional and confesses that this land has no noble lord ah gotcha you want beedoof to rule over the coastlands got it uh no that's not what i say no more we'll take good care of the coastlands and as the new ruler we had some business to take care of we banished polina for looking to suss and evicted e-scan the bum for not paying his rent on time but then the misfortune sisters stole a growleth and that's not gonna fly in my town so i gave chase on my patrol fish before reaching the offenders on armpit island this is where the fun stops because we have to take on the misfortune sisters all back to back my one little b doof against therefore pokemon needless to say i quickly got slapped around not even making it past clover on my first attempt so it was back to the drawing board bringing bedu to level 45 lets me get past the obama snow with an iron tail but i still struggle against the toxic croak even on my furthest attempt where i made it to gengar it's so strong and fast that it just decimated my beedoof with two venoshocks this was easily my biggest challenge yet new plan after raising my research ranked to six zeso will teach aqua tale to beedoof again i don't know how that stubby little tail does anything but whatever even with these improvements it still wasn't easy i got slapped around time and time again while trying to figure out the best approach i had a strategy that i knew could work but i needed a lot to go my way i started making it to gengar more often but with a single strong style venashock being able to take beedoof out i really didn't have much of a chance that is until this run so the plan is to lead beedoof and immediately remove a bomber snow with an irontail i use strong style for the accuracy boost and there's no drawback of slower movement speed since each of the misfortune sisters are considered separate battles coin's toxic croak quickly hits me with a poison jab which is problematic because i need to be at full health against gengar so i heal up with rest using agile style for this gives me another attack but a lot of attempts died here because b doof was too drowsy to move although that wasn't the case this time and a strong style iron tail is enough to finish toxic croak last is charm and her ride on who i aqua tail into oblivion but then gengar comes out and this whole attempt relies on hypnosis missing most of the time it didn't but this was a blessed run with hypnosis missing on turn one although gengar does land it on the next one but veduth being the absolute stallion that he is fights through the drowsiness to land a strong style crunch finally giving us the win in what was our biggest challenge yet this honestly took hours and i was so relieved but things would get much worse later on for now we had the noble arcanine to deal with he's trying to overthrow beedoof as the lord of the land but an aqua tale quickly puts arcanine in its place from there i hid it square in the face with enough bombs to calm that puppy down you did well on your mission in the cobalt coastlands yep i really turned that place around it's thriving now madoof's next mission was to conquer the coronet highlands but before that adamant stops us for a battle although we're pretty high leveled after the miss fortune sister's gauntlet so badoof quickly removes leafeon with an ice beam and evie went down with an iron tail too easy while traveling with ingo we're unfortunate enough to come across the human stain known as melee he tries to stop us with his big skunk in a one-on-one badoof does take a big chunk of damage but an agile style iron tail gives me two consecutive turns with another iron tail finishing off the job volo then asks us if we remember what we saw before we fell through the rift yeah i saw a divine angel and my god it was beautiful and next battle is against ingo himself and this one is not easy he's got three pokemon the first of which is a fighting type machoke does huge damage with a bullet punch and double edge although it falls to its own recoil in the process an ice beam quickly turns tangler into frozen spaghetti and ingo was down to his last pokemon but gliscor is tough however b doof just survived a poison jab and one more ice beam gives us the win and as a reward now we can ride on [Music] melee's back and stinkier than ever because in this battle we have to take on three pokemon at once and honestly i got slapped around the doof just isn't bulky enough to handle the onslaught of so many attacks in a row but through lots of trial and error eventually i found a way that gives me a chance although it needs a lot of luck to go my way so skunk tank is the biggest problem and i need to get rid of it asap it does big damage with a poison jab but by using an agile style swords dance i can make sure that beedoof gets an attack boost and gets to move again before scun tank since gun tank is pretty bulky it takes a boosted double edge from bdoof to finish it off in one turn problem is that does huge recoil damage and now mellie's other pokemon get to attack venashock from skarupi puts me at low health and this is where i need some luck not only do i need zubat to go for hypnosis but i also need to not be drowsy on the next turn on this attempt that's exactly what happened and b doof was able to recover some health with rest skarupi's the bigger threat of the two so i once again need to land my attack through drowsiness with an ice beam taking it down vadoof barely survives the gust from zubat and after recovering more health with rest one more ice beam just gives me the win so we embarrassed melly by soloing him with one badoof we put him in his place which is the trash where he belongs this clears us to take on the giant angry nut and his little balls most of this battle is me running for my life dodging explosions like it's a michael bay movie the doof manages to get the kill with a single ice beam and from here i run rings around electrode chipping it down until it finally mellows out it somehow hands me a plate despite not having any limbs so i guess it just spat it at me uh thanks after beating up rey and reminding him of badou's destructive power it was time for badoof's reign of terror to spread to the alabaster icelands most pokemon would find this freezing but badoof as the apex specimen has a thick layer of chubbiness to keep it warm he truly is the pinnacle of beauty and evolution okay badoof i know i said that you were getting bigger before but i was wrong and i apologize you're still exactly the same size as when we met this guy with a shredded physique and anger management issues is badouf's next victim garrick uses two ice type pokemon so a strong style iron tail immediately slaps glaily to an early grave his frost lass is a much lower level and all it takes is one crunch to finish it off and give us another win the puzzles of snowpoint temple are no match for badoof's giant brain opening them with sheer will but next up is another three-on-one battle this time against sabi who has some powerful pokemon and my first attempt did not last long they ganged up on badoof and slapped me around attempt 2 ended the same but by now i'd figured out a plan turn one take advantage of ryperia's low special defense by koi it with ice beam for some reason sabi's pokemon both get two attacks in a row this gets badoof really low so i take a turn to heal up with rest through drowsiness i land an aqua tail onto magmorta from here it's a one on one with electrovira falling a few turns later but duff is out here just clutching these 3v1s braviary on the other hand is much easier to handle with a few super effective crunches from badou's buck teeth getting the job done now we can fly but at this point i'm convinced badoof could probably fly too if he tried this clears us to take on the final noble lord now avalok is a big boy but we've got a big badoof its attacks aren't too hard to dodge so i throw a bunch of pies in its face it does take my bidoof out but in an act of vengeance with my heart on my sleeve and a beedoof strapped to my forehead i slay the beast with my own bare hands dinner anyone is keegan some kind of monster in disguise well i'm not but badoof might be a different story if you haven't played legends arceus yet this is the part of the game where the sky explodes kamado decides that i'm pretty suss and kicks me out of the village not like bedouth cares i mean can he even feel emotions we take on the lake trio trials but these are all one-on-one battles so bedouth clears these pretty easily the puzzles would be hard for a normal pokemon but badoof is so big brained that these puzzles are a breeze before long we had our giant red string of candy but as we headed up mount coronet in pursuit of kamado ahead of us would be by far our biggest challenge yet benny or as i now call him the reaper benny is a problem his sneezeler is a beast and it knows close combat which just kills meduf instantly he also has gallade another deadly fighting type that decimates us with drain punch and on top of that he's got two more strong pokemon in gardevoir and miss maggias basically he's bad news it became clear very quickly that level 70 just wasn't going to cut it and neither was level 80 or level 90 with b-diff at level 100 this was as strong as our little beaver was going to get and even then i was still getting slapped around miss maggias always outspeeds me and does decent damage on turn one i can take it out with a crunch but when sneezler comes out i just die instantly to a strong style close combat so what can we do well if i take out miss maggias with an agile style crunch the ai will opt for a regular close combat which beedoof just survives and since it's pretty frail one aqua tail can take sneezler out but with beedoof's hp so low gallade just ends me with drain punch and that's when i was lucky most of the time i would just straight up lose to sneezler i started to think that this run just wasn't possible until this attempt i'd made it to gallade with beedoof in bad shape and then the ai did something strange it went for swords dance which meant that beedoof could take gallate out for the first time i made it to gardevoir but was quickly crushed by psychic although it gave me hope see gallade could have killed me with drain punch but instead used a stat boosting move and gardevoir has calm mind in its moveset which made me think maybe gardevoir also had a chance to raise its stats instead of going for the ko but keep in mind that on top of this i needed the luck to go my way for literally every turn of this battle to even make it to gardevoir it was so unlikely to happen time and time again i was slaughtered mercilessly by benny but i still believed in our boy beedoof and so the hours rolled by until turn one the duke finishes miss maggias with an agile crunch sneeze look close combats and beedu barely hangs on sneezler then goes down to one iron tail which has a 25 chance to miss for a reason that i still don't understand gallade swords dances and falls to a single shadow ball luckily gardevoir sets up car mind and badoof lands a strong style iron tail to finally give me the win in what was by far the most crawling battle of the run so far benny i hate you so so much i was relieved but that wore off in about 10 seconds because as soon as we get past benny kamato is waiting and he also has four pokemon except his team isn't as bad as benny's a few super effective crunches take care of braviary with snorlax suffering the same fate golem does big damage with double edge but rest gives me some recovery from here an aqua tail cleans up golem and a strong style iron tail takes care of clefable so we managed to beat kamado on the first try which is insane like a good little boy kamato gets on his knees and pays his respects to our lord and savior bedouth don't worry commander we've got the red chain oh palkia might be a god but god shmod we have a beedoof and beedoof quickly slapped palkia around to remind it who's really in charge around here okay so the game does force me to catch it but once we do dialga also turns up probably to surrender peacefully because it doesn't want to face the wrath of badoof but like a coward kamado forces us to retreat in a rematch with charm the duth quickly takes care of raidon with aquatail and gengar with crunch we craft the origin ball and head back towards spear pillar the game forces us to bring a disgusting weak non-badoof pokemon which honestly utterly sickens me we make it to the summit and dialga tries to blast me but my trusty badoof shield protects me the fight against origin dialga is super easy and beedoof doesn't even get a chance to battle which is probably safer for dialga we slap it around shove it in the origin ball and the day was saved or was it legends arceus has one of the hardest post-game battles in all of pokemon so i wanted to see if one little badoof could really go all the way but before that we have to collect the remaining elemental plates and part of this is a rematch with kamado he was pretty easy last time but now he's stronger and has another pokemon to make matters worse his new pokemon is a fighting type with close combat pretty much our worst nightmare and straight away it was obvious that this wasn't going to be as easy as last time i can get past golem pretty easily but heracross just rips me to shreds with close combat and even if i'm lucky enough to get past heracross his snorlax can clean me up with a huge giga impact so i failed over and over again while trying out different strategies and even after i'd put together a solid strategy i still needed everything to go my way so i kept on losing until this attempt turn one and agile style aqua tail brings golem to low health and kamato heals with a full restore then i take golem down with a regular aqua tail on the following turn it was important to use an agile style one first as now kamado won't get two consecutive turns with heracross i need the ai to use sword stance first and then pin missile on the following turn if it uses close combat on either of those the attempt is dead but this time i got lucky and two agile style aqua tails can finish heracross with my hp still reasonably high vadoof just tanks a gig of impact and i've now got two turns up my sleeve i use the first one to rest and recover hp and the other one to land an agile crunch since giga impact has such a low action speed we repeat this cycle a few times if i'm unable to move through drowsiness on both turns then the run dies but this time it worked out and once snorlax's hp was in range and iron tail finished it off now it gets really risky because if i'm drowsy on any of the remaining turns i just simply lose but on this run the duke fought through the drowsiness like a champ a strong style iron tail spelt the end of clefable and one last strong style crunch clipped the wings of braviary we embarrassed kamado with a 5v1 b-duff clutch stole his fist plate and reminded him that badoof is his new daddy job done the rest of the plates aren't nearly as hard we just have to catch some legendary pokemon which the doof does with ease of course cogita gives us the final plate with volo and i now being bound for spear pillar uh keegan was your badoof always this big what do you mean he's always been this big and handsome but now it was time for our biggest challenge of the run volo his team is insane it's an eight versus one he's got some of the strongest pokemon in the region and a powerful legendary pokemon that i have to beat twice and if that's not enough his lucario can destroy me with close combat and his giratina knows aurosphere a fighting move that can't miss this fight is ridiculous even with a full team let alone just one badoof unsurprisingly i got destroyed over and over again the furthest i got was taking out three of volo's pokemon and i was really lucky to even make it that far so if we wanted any chance of beating this we'd need a war chest of items healing stat boosts everything even then it won't be easy because the stat boosts wear off in this game and it's still an eight versus one my strategy was to set up against spirit tomb with an aux evasion followed by orcs power guard which temporarily boosts both my attack and defense after healing up i can take spiritual down pretty easily lucario is always second and if i'm lucky it'll miss an attack but if it doesn't the defense boost allows beedoof to leave a bullet punch and close combat as long as neither of them crit assuming badoof survives a boosted aqua tail has a chance to knock lucario out in one shot if all that goes my way the rest of volo's main team isn't too bad i can reset my stat boosts against roserade and finish it off with one crunch an agile aqua tail can drown arcanine with iron tail slaughtering the toga kiss that follows i need to be careful against garchomp though my stat boosts won't carry over to the giratina battle but my health will so it's vital that i keep a doof at full health until garchomp misses an attack this opening will allow me to take it out while keeping the doof healthy for the final battle against the demon giratina on this run i'd already been so lucky to make it this far but against giratina all i could do was buy time by healing as soon as i tried to land any damage badoof would go down to aurosphere even with items it seemed hopeless it was so rare for me to even make it to giratina and when i did i had no real strategy to deal with it but then i realized something if all i could do against giratina was stall maybe i can make that work all of a sudden i had a plan now keep in mind i have to actually make it to giratina first and that takes ages so much can go wrong against volo's main team but eventually i had a run that was going pretty well lucario missed an attack and went down clean i was able to safely reset my stat boost against roserade and the rest of the fight went well with some luck against garchomp i took it down with beedoof still at full health once again it was time to take on giratina but this time with a new plan i immediately take a big aurosphere it's vital that i set up an aux power guard on this turn if i don't the ai will always finish me off with an agile plus strong style combo on the following tone with the boosts i barely live a second aurasphere and can heal back up with a full restore all this does is stall for time but that's all that i need to do see aurosphere has a smaller pp in this game of just 10. that means if i can stall for 10 turns then giratina won't be able to use aurosphere anymore but i take this a step further because once giratina is out of aura spheres i also stall until it's out of dragon claw and earth power once it starts using shadow force i know that it has nothing left that can hit me this means i'm free to renew my stat buffs and bring the doof to full health before finishing giratina with crunch this means that i'm as prepared as i possibly can be for giratina's second phase it's pp is reset and does big damage with aurosphere but a boosted agile crunch returns the favor the doof digs deep to just survive another aurosphere and one final strong style crunch is enough to send giratina back to the depths of hell well madoof you actually did it you beat all of volo's eight pokemon on your own wait the doof what's happening oh god the doof no my god what are you what have you become where's my handsome little bee doof we can work this out b doof now now but it was no use badoof had become too powerful and he'd lost his mind i'm the one who raised him so it was my responsibility to destroy the badoof who had become a fearsome god he's strong though and his constant onslaught of attacks are deadly but i've been with badoof since the very beginning and i knew his every move with unparalleled timing and clutch movement his health was getting lower i'm sorry badoof this is the only way and that is how i beat pokemon legends arceus with only one little badoof who became way too powerful jump into this video next for more pokemon content take care leave a like and an f in the comments for badoof and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 977,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Legends, Arceus, Bidoof, Challenge, Keegan J, Solo Run
Id: kYodmpQHDk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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