Pokemon Black 2 but I can Only use SHINIES

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i randomized my favorite pokemon game of all time pokemon black 2 and today we're gonna find out if i can beat a randomized nuzlocke using only shiny pokemon for this challenge i've hand selected a few nuzlocke rules to make this as interesting as possible for me but mostly for you namely i can only catch the first shiny pokemon i encounter in each area if a pokemon faints it's considered dead and i can no longer use it no items from the bag can be used in battle and for this challenge i won't be using level caps because it's really annoying with the randomizer but i've tried my best to avoid over leveling where possible this was a crazy run and we ended up catching a whole bunch of really interesting shinies you don't want to miss this one we kicked the run off and are presented with our three starter choices dynamo happening and litwick and honestly there's really only one right choice here and that would be the baby candle itself litwick shiny chandelier is just too awesome to pass up so we begin resetting for our shiny friend if you've ever shiny hunted the starters in this game or seen a shiny only run you know how annoying this process is you've to get through a bunch of dialogue then choose the pokemon then go into the party screen to check for your shiny it's quite tedious luckily we get pretty lucky and don't have to spend too long doing this whole thing and before long we see the blue flames of our shiny litwick and this thing is insane it's got a modest nature which raises its special attack and lowers its attack which is the best nature possible with the candle on the team we head into our first battle against hugh who i guess decided that bianca's pokemon weren't good enough for him and instead brought his own musharna this thing being fully evolved and pretty tanky could be an issue for our litwick but thanks to a few clutch flinches from astonish we managed to make quick work of the brainchild now at this point we head out of town to kick off our adventure on the very first route we run into some pretty scary wild pokemon but thanks to the levels on litwick we got from the sharna we aren't in too much danger and as we enter the next town we're introduced to the titanium need cliff jumping ex-champion himself who sizes us up and decides to take us under his wing after a quick lesson or something and a spooky encounter with a local landfish we have yet another battle against our rival hue this one certainly ends up being a bit closer than the first but thanks to a clutch burn and confusion we win yet again with you defeated we decide to start looking for our first wild shiny pokemon and it turns out that at the flochesi ranch there are quite a few good options but there is one specific pokemon that we're really hoping for that pokemon is rock and roll if you follow the channel for a bit you know that shiny gigoloth is one of my absolute favorites and with the help of the universal randomizer trade evolutions are entirely possible so we get to work looking for a shiny rock which thanks to it being the most common pokemon in the area and our continued luck from the starter hunt we find it within basically no time at all of course we catch it and nickname it giga chad in honor of the og giga chat from our previous pokemon sword run then we check its summary and see that it has an insane impish nature which raises its attack and lowers its special attack not only that but it also has the shell armor ability which prevents it from taking critical hits and is one of the best abilities for a nuzlocke at this point we have a bit of an odd encounter with an evil team grunt out in the woods then head back to town for a lesson with the champ where one of his trained child assassins almost wipes us with a surprise hard counter to our team a marshtop but we managed to survive and now it's finally time to challenge our very first gym but on the way there we end up getting an insane surprise encounter but before we get to that i do want to take a quick second to ask that if you're enjoying the video you scroll down and subscribe to the channel and throw the video alike just simply doing that helps this video perform better in the algorithm and helps me out more than you know i really appreciate your support thanks anyway this surprise ends up being a random encounter with a shiny crocoroc which despite its best efforts we managed to catch a nickname girl croc this thing ends up having a whatever gentle nature and the download ability which is actually pretty good but the best thing about it is that it's a middle evolution meaning it's by far the strongest member of our team at this point so after training our girl croc up we head in to take on the first gym leader charon and you know what thank goodness that we have this croc on the team because the first kid in the gym leads with a porygon z and anchors his team with a clang two very dangerous pokemon that probably would have swept us if it weren't for our crocodile friend thanks to her we're able to clear the two trainers no problem then head up to challenge charon this fight ends up being a bit of a doozy let me tell you sharon leads with a good bite who on its own isn't too bad going down to two bites from our croc then he sends in his ace sharpedo this is the point where we realize that our whole team is very weak to water but thankfully this thing doesn't have a water move yet so we're able to take it out with the tag team combo of girl croc into giga chat at and with that we secure the normal badge as well as the thunder punch tm which might help us out a little bit with our water weakness now with the first gym badge in hand we set off to burbank city to take on the next gym before heading down into the nightclub pokemon gym we take care of a few things in the city including picking up an early stone edge tm for rock and roll and trading this guy a pokeball for a great ball no take backs now with all that stuff out of the way we head in to vibe out to the song of our generation and challenge roxy not so fast there big guy we also have a battle against the drummer of roxy's band where we almost throw to his second pokemon this among us but thanks to our killer pokemon instinct we managed to clutch it out then challenge the gym leader roxy honestly nothing too crazy happens here because we've managed to one shot her lead chameka with the bite from girl croc then her ace turns out to be a nidoran which is frankly embarrassing and that allows us to secure the toxic badge with ease roxy also gives us the tm for snarl which is a pretty insane move then after being selected to star in the newest pokestar studios feature film yeah no big deal and dealing with some more evil team nonsense we set sail to castellia city on our way into town this clown gives us a free bike thanks i guess we take a wrong turn down an alley and see some things yeah and we have to pull the gym leader out of the sewer of all places man i don't think that i'm cut out for the city life but with berg retrieved we can head in to challenge the third gym which keeping with the creepy theme of this entire city of course is full of clowns covered in spider webs and that i hate it here luckily we don't have too much trouble making our way up to the top of the gym to take on the leader berg on the first turn we take a big from his lead nidoran's super effective double kick on girl croc but luckily the croc survives and takes it out on the next turn then we're able to take out his family with litwick and a rock and roller and finally we dispatches a spoink easily with stone edge and with that we secure the bug batch as well as the hilarious but not super useful tm for fissure then we head on our way before we progress any further we decide it's time to grab another team member and so we double back to get something from the burbank complex which has some really awesome pokemon in it including hydragon espeon pharaoh seed and melodic and after a while spent hunting we end up finding a shiny melodic all by its lonesome we managed to catch it without any casualties and nickname it pretty boy it turns out to have a neutral hearty nature and the pickup ability this melodic is awesome not just because of its killer shiny model but also because it addresses our big water weakness now with our new beauty king on the team we train up rock and rolla until it evolves into a boulder then head north of castellia city where we're challenged by coleris expecting just a normal calm fight we lead with litwick but it turns out chorus is rocking a hydrogon as his lead which is pretty unfortunate to say the least knowing that we're probably in trouble and we can't afford a switch we stand our ground with litwick and managed to get a super lucky quick claw proc which allows us to land a willow wisp on the first turn with the hydrogen burned we're able to live through a bite and get a minimize off the next turn thanks to yet another quick claw proc unfortunately it lands dragon breath through the evasion which forces us to switch to melodic after some more burn chip and tanking a few dragon breaths chorus uses his super potion but we have enough gas in the tank to outlast the pseudo-legendary monster and take it out with twister then we clean up his second pokemon mindful without too much trouble definitely a close call but i was i was i was never worried from here we have a random run-in with a biker with a giratina and pick up the sludge bomb tm which is pretty strong then head in to check out the desert resort but on our way in we have yet another random shiny encounter with a knock dowel who we catch and nicknamed mrs owl not the most exciting shiny by any means but we'll certainly take it and this is the point where my brain decided that the run was going too well and things started to go off the rails for a little bit first i had no idea what type keldeo was so we ended up losing boldore to a bubble beam in glorious fashion next we went into the woods to potentially grab another shiny and ran into a breeder with a kyogre lead who ends up taking out mrs owl and girl croc rip good thing we have a lot of encounters left right so now we head out to route 5 where we do manage to find a shiny keldeo awesome right yeah but it ends up taking out our melodic we know our litwick probably can't get away from this fast horse so we stand and fight and we managed to barely live a bubble beam but we just can't catch it in a last-ditch effort with our litwick on 5 hp we throw a hail mary great ball which somehow ends up catching it and saving the run we nicknamed this thing bro in honor of my favorite phrase for the last two hours or so of gameplay and this might be a bad situation but at least we didn't reset at this point we know that we can't take on the next gem with our two man team so we head into the relic castle where we managed to find a shiny togetic which we catch a nickname yogi then we see it has a timid nature and the normalizability which is okay i guess i i don't really know anyway after treating the team up a bit we decide it's time to hit the runway and challenge the gym leader elsa she leads with a hitmontop which doesn't know any moves that can actually hit litwick so we're free to set up full evasion with minimize then we take it out for free and she sends in her ace pidgey who whirlwinds us out but that's not quite enough to save it and it goes down to a bubble beam from keldeo finally her last pokemon cactus comes in which we're able to take out without too much trouble with some double kicks and just like that we have a whole new team and the fifth gym badge before we move on we decide we probably need some more backup on the team so we head back to route 4 and start looking for another member we were really looking for a shiny trico on this route but we end up finding a shiny kulava first which is really not too bad and we catch it and nickname it hot boy then check its nature and see it has a rash nature which raises special attack and lowers special defense which is pretty okay now we decide it's time to continue our adventure which brings us face to face with the heartbreaker charles himself who teaches us so many things that i really wish we didn't have to learn how to love what it feels like to have our heart broken and rotation battles anyway we close that dark chapter of our life and head across the bridge into driftvale city after grabbing some fresh moomo milk from the local market we head down to challenge the gym leader clay and this one ends up being a bit of a doozy his lead staru isn't too much of an issue keldeo gets it pretty low then we swap the toga tick and finish it off with a fly it's when he sends in his ace dialga that things start to go a little bit crazy luckily togetic is able to live one hit of dragon claw to get a yawn off but we end up having to sat together with the free switch we're able to bring keldeo back in and start chipping away with some super effective double kicks thankfully we live at dragon claw then are able to take it out without clay getting a chance to heal then he brings in his last pokemon celio this is trouble because our only pokemon not weak to water is keldeo and it's super low at this point so we make the hard choice and stay in to maybe try to take it out with one turn of double kick unfortunately the kicks don't quite take it out but through some divine intervention or something this thing decides to set up hail instead of attacking so we're able to clean it up on the next turn and secure our fifth gym badge as well as the tm from moonlight which we immediately teach to pretty much everyone on the team from here we proceed to 360 dunk on everyone in the pokemon world tour narrowly managed to stop an evil team invasion evolve kulava into typhlosion then head through the chargestone cave and arrive at misshalton city where we meet up with professor juniper and the gym leader here we find some leftovers on route 7. i also think we found some choice specs on our way here i don't remember but it's at this point that we start searching for another shiny to maybe fill out this team for once we do manage to find a pretty awesome new addition to the team in a shiny mammoth swine in the charge stone cave we catch it and nickname it mammy then head in to take on unova's second most deadly gym and we're talking trainer fatalities here not pokemon i mean who thought this place was a good design people must die here every day anyway we work our way through this wind tunnel slash death trap dodging most of the trainers along the way until we arrive at the gym leader skyla she leads with a mind show against mammy after some quick research we've realized that mine shall can't hit litwick so we make a quick swap as skyla goes for a jump kick doing massive recoil on the miss we get it down to heel range on the next turn then skyla heals and swaps to her ace primple up so we make a quick swap to keldeo and take it out with a couple serves next up she brings in her wab effect which thanks to the randomized abilities making it so it doesn't have shadow tag we're able to swap to litwick and burn it with willow wisp and stall it until it goes down from the burn chip finally she's down to just her mine shout which litwick finishes off and now with the jet badge in our badge binder we take a quick plane ride with skyla over to lentimustown all the way over on the other side of the region here we pick up earthquake from mammy at the move tutor then we check out this house aka the spooky zone and we make our way through reversal mountain with bianca as we're making our way through we decide it's about time to add another member to the suicide squad that is our team so we get to work looking for a shiny in the basement which just so happens to be the place where metagross has an extremely high spawn rate and before too long we find our blinged out badass metagross which we catch a nickname ross and it turns out to have an insane adamant nature which is one of the best natures for metagross raising its attack and lowering its special attack next we make our way out of the cave then train up litwick until it finally evolves into a lamp then we head out of town but as we're trying to leave we're challenged by hugh again we make quick work of his lead ghastly with a zen headbutt from ross then take out as stoutland with another zen headbutt and finally his ace musharna goes down to some snarls from keldeo with hugh thoroughly embarrassed it's just a quick journey up route 13 until we arrive at lachinosa town where a bunch of exposition happens but we really don't care about that now do we so we mash through that then head out to route 12 where tragedy strikes in the dark grass we run into a wild meta-champ kingdra combo with lampat and mammy as our leads on the first turn we try to run but we can't escape and miami ends up getting double targeted by damaging moves from both wild pokemon an insanely unlucky draw but i guess that's just how it goes in the randomizer world but the miami-sized hole in our heart doesn't have to wait too long to be filled because as we're making our way across the village bridge we stumble across a shiny reggie gigas that's right baby reggie gigaass is back and better than ever we end up having to burn our master ball for it but i'm not too worried about that having a shiny reggie gigas for our second randomizer run in a row is pretty incredible it has a neutral nature and because of the random abilities it has swift swim now instead of slow start which makes it an incredible addition to the team sorry everyone yeah so next up we arrive at opelucid city the home of unova's deadliest gym and it's not just because of the bottomless pit without safety rails around it it's also this random trainer with a hydragon lead and a metagross anchor luckily we managed to defeat them without any losses and make our way up to face off with the gym leader drayton he leads with a vile plume against arkeldio so we swap to hotboy and take it out with some fiery dances this move is insane by the way then drayden sends in his lantern so we bring reggie gig ass in who takes it out with a couple strengths finally he's down to justice ace machamp so we swapped a lampant who the champ can't hit and clean it up no problem after defeating drayton the evil team opens fire on the city and freezes the town and the surrounding area luckily for the residents of the town this happened to be right as we were passing through so we skate across the icy ground decimating any trainers that stand in our way then we kind of forget about the active war that the evil team has just declared on all of society and continue with our gym challenge we head through my favorite area in any pokemon game ever the marine tube then arrive at homeowl city where we meet my favorite character in the game the gym leader marlon sup then we head right in to take him on he leads with a fur alligator against our lampant so we immediately swapped to reggie gigaass who takes it out with a couple thunder punches then he brings in his grumpig who also falls to reggie giggass and finally he brings in his ace clefable who manages to set up some evasion with minimize and be really annoying with sing putting us asleep but ultimately it's not very threatening so it goes down after a while after we beat him and secure the last gym badge marlon just kind of dips out boy that guy is so cool at this point in the story there's a bunch of evil team stuff with their ship and kairim or something and it takes forever so i'll just show you the highlights first off cool guy marlin helps us break into the ship then we make our way to the control room to have a double battle with hugh against a sage in a grunt they don't put up too much of a fight but the sage does have a meloeta in the back which is kind of cool i guess and after we defeat them the ship makes its way somewhere else and we make our way through the great chasm to chase it down also at this point we're able to use a dust stone a lampant to evolve it into a chandeleur and finally we get to see that super sick shiny that we've been waiting for all game after that we managed to find the evil ship and work our way into the control room yet again where we have a battle with kolras who has probably the best custom battle theme of any pokemon character he leads with infernape against our metagross but we managed to swap to keldeo who just takes it out with the surf then he brings in gardevoir and we swap back to metagross and take it out with a meteor mash next up is this heatmore who actually ends up giving us the most trouble which is kind of hilarious it sets up in amnesia then just hits super hard until we're able to swap around and take it out with reggie gig ass then as cricketoon comes in and does what it does best gets knocked out and finally he sends in his ace shaman this thing turns out to have no answer for chandelure so it kind of just dies now with chorus defeated we're finally able to get hugh back his sister's purloin but apparently he's been looking for it through the whole story but it's been horribly disfigured into a disgusting lie part so it's sort of a lose-lose situation i guess it's at this point that the real villain gets this reveals himself so we head into some cave to take on him and kyrim just before the battle and shows up for some reason and the legendary pokemon have a huge dbz battle scene then fused together into a rotom which we defeat then take on gets us himself he leads with a gengar against our reggie kick ass and on the first turn we managed to live a kind scary crit dark pulse then get a paralysis on it with a thunder punch from here we finish it off on the next turn and next up he brings in his hippodon who goes down to a surf from keldeo then he sends in his crowbat so we swap back to reggie giggas and take it out with a couple thunder punches healing up with moonlight along the way at this point he brings in his ho-oh who sets up sunny day as we heal with moonlight then it lives through our thunder punch and lands a life orb sun boosted fire blast which almost takes out reggie gig ass but the tank survives and finishes it off on the next turn and finally he's down to just his last pokemon chandeleur we stole out the rest of the sun turns by swapping around then bring reggie gig ass back in to finish it off and now with getz is defeated and bids us farewell bye and we're free to make our way through victory road and on to the elite four the observant among you might notice that there is one empty slot on the team and while we probably don't need it to beat the game i just really want another shiny as we're working our way through victory road we find the perfect room to hunt for our last team member it's a room absolutely stuffed full of soul rocks and before long martin rears his ugly redhead we catch him and obviously nickname him martin then we have a super anticlimactic final battle against hugh who can't seem to put up a fight even with a metagross on his squad at this point we arrive at the elite four ready to rumble so we make our final preparations then head in since it's randomized the order doesn't really matter so we decide to go from left to right that means first up is chantal who leads with a chinchino which proves to be too powerful for martin putting him to sleep on the first turn so we swapped a chandeleur who chancino can't hit and we take it out then she brings in reuniklus who goes down to chandler easy same with her dodrio who does manage to get some decent chip on us making us have to swap to keldeo for her last pokemon linux but it puts up almost no fight at all so now next up is grimsley aka the second trainer from the left who leads with the ludicolo which ross dispatches with ease then he brings in a flareon who gets surfed by keldeo next up is this lodious who gives us some trouble so we swap around but ultimately take it out with ross and finally his bear arctic dies in one hit from meteor mash with brimsley defeated next up is caitlyn aka trainer number three or flower girl for short first semi stage dives to reggie gig ass quicker than we forgot that it was ever a pokemon post gen 5. then her ace mammoth wine comes in and lands a crit earthquake leaving reggie gigas at a mere 15 hp very spooky but we're able to swap to keldeo who cleans it up with a surf then keldeo is able to take out her arcanine and her hancrow as well and finally we take on marshall or as he's better known the trainer on the right side of the main room in a super anticlimactic fashion his team sucks and just gets swept by martin and chandeleur and now with the elite four defeated we head in to take on the champion iris we leave with hot boy against her golurk and our choice specs boosted giga drain just isn't quite enough to take it out in one hit so we end up losing hot boy to an earthquake on turn one through absolutely no fault of our own no problem though we're able to clean it up with the surf from keldeo then she brings in her amungus so we swapped a chandelure and take it out with a fiery dance then she brings in her gorbus and let me tell you this thing was a menace we swapped to keldio and end up taking 75 from a critical hydro pump even through our resistance we managed to outspeed and heal up with moonlight but on the next turn it lives through a sacred sword and puts us at 2 hp with a super effective psychic thankfully it goes for a dive after that so we get a free ish swap to ross and get big damage with the zen headbutt but it lives and fires back with another hydro pump leaving us at 11 hp thankfully we're able to finish it off from there with another zen headbutt then swap to reggie gigas as she sends in her zeb strika then we managed to stall through a bunch of wild charges by using moonlight to heal up and ultimately take it out next up is her marowak who kills itself with the recoil damage from double edge as we swap to martin and finally she's down to just her last pokemon reuniklus after missing a stone edge we land the next one then we decide it's time to end this thing with a bang which uh ends up being a bullet punch from metagross anyway with that we've done it thanks for watching like the video and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more i hope you enjoyed the run as much as i did
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 590,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xcIJfnBhXRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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