Pokemon Sword and Shield, But I Can ONLY Use Snom

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this beautiful creature here is snom and out of all the new pokemon released and sword and shield it is by far one of the weakest it's an ice and a bug type pokemon which gives it four very annoying weaknesses flying steel rock and fire having a double weakness to those last two its base stats total up to 185 making it the fourth overall weakest pokemon of all time behind such incredible pokemon like Azurill Caterpie Pichu and even Magikarp yep that's right even Magikarp has better stats than this thing and naturally by level up it only learns two moves I'm Mike punky tips Mike and today as requested by the fans who want to torture me we're gonna see if it's possible to beat Pokemon sword and Pokemon shield using only a single snom now for the rules we're keeping it very simple rule number one once I get snob that's the only Pokemon I could use rule number two no Pokemon camp this way I won't get any crazy bonuses like surviving a hit that should normally knock me out and that's about it originally I was gonna play with no items but I'm also using a snob so if possible I'm gonna try to avoid using them whenever I can will I be able to get far in this game without losing my sanity well let's find out but before we get started this video is sponsored by raid Shadow legends now I know you've probably already heard about raid before the game is crazy popular with over 15 million downloads in the last six months but did you know now you could play raid on both your mobile phone and also on your PC that's some pretty cool stuff and if you haven't heard about raid yet you must not watch a lot of YouTube raid is an epic dark fantasy turn-based RPG it has a fully voiced storyline intense boss battles and you can even do PvP as well but personally my favorite part of raid is the large collection of characters there are hundreds to collect and personalize like Gaelic and this guy right here the Grinner look at that smile and the best part it's free-to-play so what are you waiting for go to the video description click on the special links and if you're a new player you're gonna get 100,000 silver and one free champion hex Weaver who between you and me is a really good champion for new players all this treasure is can be waiting for you at the inbox here good luck and I'll see you there thank you to read for sponsoring this video and let's go ahead and start this craziness we begin the game like normal we wake up we don't get a starter from Leon and choose scorer buddy because snom is unfortunately not a starter but my adventure doesn't really start until I get the Wishing Star right outside a professor magnolias house they say if you're lucky enough to get a Wishing Star any wish you make comes true so I guess that means I have to wish to beat the game using only a snob I really need to re-evaluate my wish choices anyway so at this point I can finally trade pokemon and since you normally can't get snom until very late in the game I'm gonna have to trade a snom over from a different game to this game so I could actually attempt this challenge and it's gonna have to be in an egg as well because you know that whole tree and Pokemon disobey you if you don't have enough badges thing now I've got this egg I need the hatch and I decide there's no better place to hatch this egg then in Sonya's room so I start running around in circles in her room like any normal person would and it gets me thinking about what it would be like if she walked in and saw me doing this no son it's okay I'm just trying to hatch an egg so I run around this fast as I can and become speed and I'm able to hatch the egg before she comes back let's give a nice warm or I guess chilly welcome to numb the snob now not only is nom our partner for the run now but it's also a pretty special sanam as well this snom was bred to have the hidden ability ice skills which basically halves the damage that snom takes from special moves this makes num special defense a little bit less terrible actually Who am I kidding it's still awful now looking ATS noms moves it knows the move powder snow which is a decent special attacking ice move although it only has 40 base power and then struggle bug which is a 50 base power special bug attack its bonus effect is actually pretty good when it hits it's always gonna lower your opponent's special attack by one stage not awful moves for a level one Pokemon but those are the only moves that snom learns by leveling up throughout the whole game yeah we're gonna need to work on that too so we leave magnolias house we put away our other Pokemon and we're ready to take on the world the only problem is our snob miss at level one I don't really think we're gonna be going too far using a level once numb so obviously we have to do some training normally in these solo runs training up your first Pokemon isn't really that tough you just go to Route one knock out a bunch of stuff and boom your level twenty or something but since snom is started off at level one and it's a snob life isn't too good to us Ruka d that super common weak bird kills us in 1 hit with Peck even Wu Liu can be a little too much for us luckily though for us we do have a pretty decent way to get exp so when all the newer Pokemon games whenever you catch a Pokemon you'll gain an exp for catching it so I run into a level 4 wool ooh end up catching it after a few pokeballs and it gives me enough XP to level me up to level 6 now that we're level 6 we can actually fight against the wild Pokemon although again it's not very easy eventually through a combination of knocking out wild Pokemon and catching them for the XP I get myself to level 10 now from here we could start progressing in the game so I go back to town take the train with hop and we end up in the wild area which is actually a fantastic place for me to be right now first off we could hop into max raid battles and that's a really good way for us to level up since right here surprisingly the NPC's are a lot better than my slalom at taking out other Pokemon so I go through a few of those and get enough candies to level me up to level 16 also at this point nom tries to evolve and I unfortunately have to tell it it can't poor snom all it wants to do is become a beautiful moth but its trainer is a nut but before I leave the wild area I'm also trying to go to as many max raid dens as possible and collect as many watts as I can in the wild area there are lots of NPCs that'll offer to trade UT ARS which you could use to teach your pokemon new moves in exchange for watts now if the stars align just right one the NPC's in the wild area will actually have the tr4 bug buzz which is basically the strongest generic bug type move there is and it just so happens our girl nom thus nom can actually learn that it's also the strongest overall moon that snob can learn so we need to get this at some points might as well do it early and after collecting enough watts and changing the day a few times we get lucky and we're able to treat and get the tr4 bug buzz and teach it to Nam so we leave the wild area on top of the world and we headed into the next town moto Stoke now moto Stoke is where things start to get real first things first we got to go check into a hotel because after a long day of running around with snom I'm pretty tired but before we could check in we get ambushed by team yell I've been playing the game for well over a few hours at this point and this is our first real trainer battle and surprisingly despite all the trouble I went through with Nam so far Nam actually does really well here the first team yelled runt sends out a valerian Zigzagoon which is a dark-type so we really get the test at our new bug buzz here which straight up one shots the Zigzagoon then we fight a few more of them but they go down just as easily because they use a bunch of low-level dark-type pokémon so now we can finally get our rest and as soon as we wake up we've a busy day ahead chairman rose introduces me to the gym leaders I'm gonna have to fight and this is where I start regretting the challenge because I realize there's gonna be a fire-type gym leader which if you're trying to beat the game with only a snom is your worst nightmare but I decide we're not giving up foolishly and we keep going as I try to leave the town hop challenges me to a battle and this is where things start to get real hop starts off the battle sending out his level 11 wound Lu and even though it's five levels lower than us everything and its mother is faster than snom so it goes first and hits us with a tackle we're actually able to take it out pretty easily using bug buzz next up he sends out a level 12 rook a D which goes for a super effective Peck and brings me to about half of my health I go for a super effective powder snow on that rook a D and because we're snob we're not able to take it out even with a super effective move and it lives with just a sliver of its health Hoppa winks at me and tells me something about tight matchups and after that we find out that we actually froze this thing the next turn yeah boy hop for some reason decides it's a good idea to use a potion on this rook a tea which doesn't even bring it back to full health and we just go for powder snow and knock it out he winks at me again stop it hop you're making me uncomfortable and then sends out his groupie and uses branch poke on me again not the smartest move coming from hop we just go for bug buzz and were able to take it out I really really wish the rest of the run was this easy so we've run on over to route 3 and we try to make our way over to the first gym but before that we run into a trainer school boy Peter now this is usually one of those trainers that you don't even think about however for me he is a nightmare why is this guy my nightmare well he leaps off with the fire and bub types is Lapine which automatically resists all of my moves on top of that we have a huge fire weakness so the first turn he goes for wrap that's okay I'd rather him do that than a fire type move I go for struggle bugs to try to lower his special attack and survive the next turn we take some wrap damage and move on to turn to where he finally does it he goes for Ember and burns me so I take rack damage super effective ember damage and burn damage in one turn and of course he's faster than me so the next turn he tries to eat me and I lose I don't know if you've noticed this but these people right here will literally wave at a building I don't know if they're expecting you to say hi back but it's a building it can't talk to you anyway for round two I level up to level 19 so I have a little bit more of an advantage over this guy I'm scared going into the battle and he starts off with that rap again I go for struggle bug which I really feel like is what kept me alive an extra turn the last battle cuz that special attack drop really does matter turn - this is where everything can go right or wrong for me and he decides once again to go for Rapp thank you I go for bug buzz and unfortunately it does not knock it out but turn three things work out pretty well for me he goes her bite which doesn't do enough damage and I go for bug buzz and easily knock this thing out now I'm kind of afraid for a second Pokemon but it turns out it's just a Doppler which is pretty cool for us after that first Pokemon because Doppler is weak to bug move so we easily knock it out then we run through the gallery mine easily beat the trainers and we run into our second rival bead now beat is kind of a jerk and he talks a lot of smack getting into the battle but his team is full of psychic type Pokemon which we do pretty well against again bug buzz is the MVP in this fight and all of his Pokemon go down pretty easily so we get out of the gallery mine doing pretty well and before we run to turf field we have to make a quick stop on route 4 and pick up the items silver powder this is actually a really important item for us to get because it'll boost up our bug type attacks and make them do a little bit more damage and with that it's finally time for us to take on our first gym now going to this gym I feel pretty good about it because we really do have a huge type advantage over Milo all of his pokémon are weak to both my bug moves and my ice type moves and we do resist his grass type moves so this gym should be theoretically a piece of cake so we engage in combat with Milo and turn one we're not playing around in these battles we have the ability to Dynomax and I am certainly going to use it so we turn Nam into a giant snom and we try going for max flutterby which is an awesome move because not only does it do a lot of damage but it also lowers their special attack as well which kind of gives Nam that bulk that it desperately needs so once again we to go for max flutterby and oh my gosh were actually faster than something for once and we easily met a nice KO on that gossip floor then he sends out his second Pokemon the LD gasps and he also decides it's time to Dynomax LD Gauss is obviously faster than me so it's gonna go first and it goes for max overgrowth which again we resist and we take it like a boss num does not care about that damage we hit him with a max flutterby and at this point it's pretty much over because he's gonna do less and less damage each and every turn and we do just about half of its health a few max flutter buys and a bud buzz later and we have our first gym badge and I can't believe it we were actually able to beat one gym in sword and shield with snom without even being over leveled his last Pokemon was level 20 Nam was level 20 let me tell you that's never gonna happen again so now with our first badge it's time to head over to the next town hall buri but on the way there we run into quite a few interesting things first we run into a surgeon with some pretty bad posture he's getting harassed by Team Yale so I help him out and then afterward he gives me a bike so I hop on my bike go as fast as I can over the bridge wind flowing through my hair and you know what hop pops up and takes me off of my bike and of course he wants to fight again like last time his woohoo goes down super easy but now he's a new Pokemon Corvis Squire korva Squire goes for fury attack a move that can hit anywhere from two to five times so of course you know it has to hit five times nam gets off a powder snow which does more than half of its health and damage but it doesn't get the freeze and unfortunately next turn he kills me with Peck so I trained numb up to level 24 but even that's not enough I need to get pretty lucky to actually win this fight after a few attempts I do get that luck when korva Squire comes out this time it goes for pluck right away and I thought this was gonna be another lost attempt but on the second turn for some reason to the sides instead of attacking me it's gonna go for a leer and I'm able to knock it out with powder snow then like usual his grass starter is super easy for me to take out which between you and me might be the reason why I chose score bunny so I know we'd have a week Pokemon when we arrive at hole burry we meet chairman Rosen he's in his I guess vacation outfits I thought this guy was pretty stylish the first time I saw him in the suit but this makes me question things anyway now it's time to take on the second gym leader Nessa now neces gym I was initially terrified for it I know Nessa East Pokemon is dread doll which is part rock type so I thought originally that it had a rock type move but I found that later on it actually doesn't still that does not make this fight easy Nessa leads things off with her Goldeen which is surprisingly strong it's fast and by the time I'm able to take it out because of course I can't 1-shot it it hits me with two horde attacks and I'm at less than half of my full health next up she sends out arrow kuda and it goes for Aquajet and brings me down to 13 HP surprisingly though I was able to one-shot this thing with bug buzz and last but not least comes out her big bad dread nah we both go for our Dynomax and dread doll goes for max geyser which actually does not knock me out however our max flutterby does nothing to this dread naw and next turn its able to knock us out with a max strike but I'm not giving up that easily so we go back in there again this time with our secret weapon leveling up eight more times Goldeen is still faster than me and is able to get some damage off on me but now with our new levels we're able to take it out in one hit with bug buzz against arrow kuda i actually decided to do something a little differently and Dynomax right away against it since I knew it was gonna be faster than me no matter what I decide the Dynomax here just so I would be able to take whatever it throws at me a little bit better we knock it out easily and we go in against dread doll with 116 HP a lot better than the 13 that we had last time dreadnought Dyna maxes and goes for max strike this time and gets a critical hits everything's going well but it has to crit me at least for around 50 HP and we're able to get off a max flutterby which now does more than half all we need is one more on this dread na and we take it out now for the moment of truth dreadnought goes for max darkness and we actually survived with 28 and with that were able to just barely get off one more max flutterby and take out gym leader Nessa to celebrate my victory against Nessa chairman rose decides to take me out for dinner and gets me seafood but I don't even like seafood so I run away from his dinner and actually go back to Route five for just a moment because there's a good TM I want to pick up there near the bottom of the route we could find TM 31 attracts which i think is can be important in the next gym battle because we're gonna need all the luck that we can get now we go to the gala mind number two where once again we have to fight to be do is so free however worker Francis is not this is another one of those random trainers that usually is no problem at all but for me with my snob he's really difficult so Francis sends out a level 21 car Cole and my first attempt to really does not go well it is kind of my fault here because I go in this battle underprepared I was only around half health from the bead battle because I wasn't expecting anybody to be tough in here but despite me having 16 levels on this car Cole it's faster than me and goes for smackdown and takes out my snob but coming back the second time at full health he was a little bit easier and I was able to take him out now finally when we get to the end of the mine I meet the third gym leader Kabu he's the gym leader of moto spoke and tells me to go to sleep and get some rest before I fight him so once again I go back to the hotel I'm ready for sleep but I get interrupted every time I just want to go to sleep but know somebody's got to battle me this time it's our third rival Marnie she leads off of the level 27 Croagunk and I'm actually faster than it for once which is awesome we go for powder snow get a critical hits but even that's not enough to take it out crow dunk goes for revenge and brings my health down to nearly about half I'm able to knock it out though without taking any more damage next up comes her scraggy it's faster than me and a nose headbutt which is annoying because it can flinch us but luckily we don't get flinched and we're able to fire off a bug buzz we just barely miss out on knocking it out so it hits us again next turn with another headbutt bring us down to 4 HP we knock it out and Marnie sends out her final Pokemon her ace or Pico but since were only at four HP there's not really much we can do to it it's able to go for a quick attack and knock us out how many times have we lost already I really feel like every other battle kills me now I felt like I could probably beat this battle without training up some more but I knew I'd have to do it inevitably because of that fire type Gym Leader coming up so I went back to the wild area trained up the level 40 and picked up a few useful items I spent a lot of time shaking berry trees and picked up quite a few Sitrus berries which are really good for healing up my HP and octa berries which reduce damage from super effective fire type attacks and while I was shaking those berry trees I also got lucky enough to find the leftovers too so on our second attempt using the citrus berry in our new levels I narrowly managed to take a victory over Marnie now once again I do a little bit more training because I'm super scared of fighting against Kabu and we level up numb thus numb all the way to level 45 I know it seems crazy bring your level 45 Pokemon to the third gym leader but you'll see you'll see once we get into his gym Kabu comes out doing this weird little trots and we jump into a battle he leads off with the nine tails which is a very very very scary Pokemon when you're a snob luckily for me it's moves aren't too powerful but it could still do a lot of damage so he starts things off by going for ember which immediately uses up my octa berry because of the berry we only take 13 damage which isn't really that bad but now we don't have an item anymore I go for struggle bug to try and lower his special attack thinks my berry is done but it does nothing to at ninetails it does so little damage I switch over to using bug buzz while he slowly embers me and we could see this battle is just not going my way Kabu has three Pokemon and I'm almost dead to his first one we end up eventually knocking out the nine tails when I get down to 21 HP but we used up our item so things really aren't looking good for us but then he sends out his second Pokemon arcanine which is ten times scarier the nine tails and it's over there's no way for us to beat this thing I try going for a try but before I could even do anything Arcanine has to be a flame wheel and I'm dead so I tried over and over and over again and nothing worked if we could somehow get past that nine tails the arcanine with its flame wheel just destroys us and I have to make the toughest decision of the whole entire run here I decide to give in to the items because look for this Jim it's either use items or get yourself all the way up to something crazy like level 90 we're struggling so much with just his first two Pokemon we haven't even seen the Big Boss yet so for this next attempt I changed my strategy up a little bit first I leveled up nom to about level 50 then I stocked up on some X items and finally I gave nam the leftovers that was lucky enough to find in the wild area going into battle against that nine tails I used a lot of X items I use 2x special defense 2x defense and 1x special attack because not only do we struggle actually surviving the hits from this stuff but we also don't do much damage to it we have problems everywhere with the help of items we're able to take out nine tails pretty easily because it doesn't really have that strong of an attack set but that Arcanine even with our 2x defense up right now flywheel still does a ridiculous amount of damage but by using some potions and healing up we are able to survive and get through the arcanine and last but not least out comes his level 27 sent to scorch he's gonna go for Giganta max and become the creature of my nightmares so of course I at the Dynomax - now for some reason instead of going for GMAC sent to Ferno which would have put me in a lot of trouble the first turn it decides to go for max flutterby you know the same move that i use so i resist it and it doesn't really do that much damage to me I go for my own flutterby here and wow I get so lucky I got a critical hit which did a pretty decent amount of damage to this sent to scourge if I did not get the critical hit here this thing would still have more than half of its health and we'd be in a lot of trouble right now now the next turn he hits me with it he goes for G max sent to Ferno and just look at that damage remember I use to ex-special defense so I'm basically at +4 defense right now and I'm Dynomax so my HP is doubled and I'm also a level 50 so I've got 23 levels on him despite that so this thing does so much damage to me that it's extremely scary I get my max flutterby off though and I am able to take out the sent to scourge if I didn't get that lucky critical hit there even with my usage of items I think we would have lost this battle we got so lucky and just like that somehow someway we managed to get ourselves three gym badges using only a snob but we're not quite done yet we have 5 more gym badges and the champion the fight before we could truly say that we've beaten the game using just snuff I originally wanted to put this all in one video with this video is already 24 minutes long so putting five more gyms a champion battle and all the other stuff in between yeah that would be a very very long video if you guys want to see a part two where I attempt to the rest of the game let me know in the comment section I'll definitely try it although it's very frustrating because snom faints pretty easily if you enjoyed the video and you haven't already make sure you give it a thumbs up right now and also since you made it all the way to the very end comment below cinnamon it'll be nice knowing that people watched all the way to the end and I didn't waste so many hours doing all of this my friends thank you so much for watching the video hope you enjoyed it and we'll be continuing this in a part 2
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 3,388,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat pokemon sword and shield, can you beat pokemon with only snom, beating pokemon sword with, beating pokemon sword, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, snom, can you beat pokemon sword and shield with only snom, pokemon solo run, pokemon challenge run, pokemon shield, pokemon sword and shield but, pokemon challenge, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, poketips, pokemon shield challenge
Id: rFSCptv_uV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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