Brilliant Diamond but I only use Shiny Pokemon! (Full Odds, No Hacks)

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anyone could beat a pokemon game they were literally made for children is baby on board are you said baby the secret behind pokemon games is that they've been playing wrong this entire time and that the correct way is you gotta go fast so how fast exactly can the brand new pokemon games pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl for the nintendo switch be beaten wait wait what is that 17 minutes see i i meant um while only using shiny pokemon i know just hearing that statement makes no sense you know going fast and shiny pokemon hunting you know though quite a line it's like a brother and sister that like each other just a little bit too much it'll never work or else everyone would be doing it and that would be the shiny pokemon i'm mentioning right now it's nothing to do with the brother and sister thing anymore everyone would have their dream shiny pokemon team but you see i'm built different i actually do that i have done that before so let's be the first to complete pokemon brilliant diamond and shiny pearl only using shiny pokemon but since you guys demolished the light goal on every single video in this series so far and your overwhelming support i want to make it bigger and better than ever and give away some of the shiny pokemon that you see in this video later on but one day embark on your own shiny only journey but let's be honest you know most people they'd rather just not it's kind of like sanity suicide if you ask me i'm gonna be giving away some of the shiny pokemon in this video to a lucky subscriber simply by liking and subscribing but most importantly leaving a comment i'll fill you in more later on in the video for you to understand what the comments about but for now let's aim for 15 000 likes for the fifteen thousand hours of my life that is now shorter because of these uh the stress of these shiny videos hey let's just jump right into it [Music] it's time to venture off into the world of the pocket monster more specifically the cinna region where our rival here is time and it it it's the time to acquire six shiny pokemon not not this guy right here name time he's just uh uses a suss imposter we do some not very important storyline things like you know watch cable television and talk to our mother you know you can really tell this game was based in the early 2000s you know it's just two things people don't do nowadays but one important thing that we do do here is we change the tech speed to fast and we turn off auto save cause you will not dictate my life game freak i decide when i save oh and uh we changed the text borders cause i mean look it's cute pokeball now we then have a run in with time himself and as you can tell he moves so fast that he skips the frames in between and he just glides he's not very fair you know we don't even have the running shoes yet i can't even move at a moderate speed this guy he just defies the limits of speed itself this only occurs because i didn't update the game so far running on version 1.0 i had to do this because it made faster resets and i'll explain that a little bit later oh so internet expensive so that that might be why too but without updating the game it's much faster for resets and our starter pokemon has it has a one in four thousand chance of being a shiny so we're gonna be doing this a lot and every second counts in the reset this is this is seriously no joke takes easily over a minute every time for this reset here maybe nothing to regular joe blow over here who maybe sees this screen twice but imagine thousands of times just for a monkey to be slightly more red after about three days of resetting i realize this could probably take weeks months hell could take a year you know you never you never know when the stars are gonna align and you're gonna get your chance and this this can't possibly be the fastest way there's gotta be another way and then it happened i got a shiny starly encounter and i thought hey well i'll just make that my starter right there oh no but you see we can't we don't we don't have the pokeballs to do it we don't have the boss i was forced to knock out the shiny starly and choose the non-shiny monkey that will one day be shiny this is a long story in itself right there and we go on a hunt to redeem our shiny starter that we had to knock out earlier and after many hours of running around in circles in front of this fancy cave for about nine in-game hours it happens let me be honest with you i'll hype for any shiny pokemon encounter is lost when you've waited this long and you have about five more to make and you have the stress of being first but i was really excited to finally start the challenge officially with bird you see my brain was fried from mindlessly shiny hunting for a few days so please forgive my creativity in the room of the nicknames for this challenge we train bird here to level 14 where it evolves into star ravia aka just just just a bigger bird at this point i was quite confident with the combo of using double team and work up to beat roark with just a little bit of patience at the low level 14 following the hardcore nuzlocke rules uh but uh it didn't go over very well and i was forced to just just to focus on the speed aspect of this video in over level i mean it's not my fault he's got three rock demons with our first gym badge and having worked the minds at the very young age of uh like 13 hours old or something like that it was time to make our way to the second gym leader and secure our second shiny team member until i realized that my plan for the the shiny double battles was uh was going to be very risky as i've already over leveled and let's be honest if uh whatever shiny i catch here it's not like i was gonna use it in the grass gym anyways when i could just wing attack my whole way through it we wing attack our way through the second gym and save a bike shop owner's pokemon from the space mafia and they're not not the ones affiliated with elon musk no no no mars is safe to live another day no new we get our bike and we head to the most important area of this run the daycare see regular odds for a shiny pokemon and brilliant diamond shining pearl is one in four thousand as i mentioned early on and gen four was the first generation the half the odds from generation two and three where the odds were one in eight thousand yeah i understand it is a quick mask you know no more numbers i promise but you can improve upon your odds even more if you get a pokemon from another region of the world through trait and breed them in the daycare this is referred to as masudo method named after one of the developers you know it's very this is very not vain of you to do that pokemon have to be opposite gender of course and or of the same egg group opposite gender as well or you can use this pokemon it's called ditto and also the pokemon flip by doing this you increase your rods to an amazing one in six hundred so the initial plane here was to use my friend hpt honest pokemon trainer that that lives in australia to trade me a pikachu so i could bring a shiny one and uh well first off he sent me a mail meaning the pokemon i breed with it will always become the female variant and he'll never be the father you know you just you just you're just not the father but secondly i was wrong this is actually how the masuda method works in this game at all pokemon caught in a different language speaking game actually is how the boost is achieved even though australia is the farthest country from canada here they they still speak english well well sorta that's it's debatable but i guess close enough i had a new plan i booted up my shining pearl on my girlfriend's nintendo switch light and i played for the first two hours of the game completely in french i know you see i knew that a second language would come in handy one day so i catch myself a french pacharisu in the language of love and start breeding pachirisus for what seems like forever hundreds and hundreds of eggs so many blue electric squirrels so many eggs i started to think is this this trying to even exist is even thing was even look like after over 200 eggs later in an identity crisis we have our purplish pink squirrel no painting required meaning we can finally move on well quite i i caught myself a french shinx as well to make up for not getting a shiny pokemon back in gym too you breathe that as well and well let me just say the pc is filling up with children like uh someone with someone better take care of that we got over 500 level one bred pokemon he's just filling up quick you know i want to do one dumpster dumpster baby those you know we finally hatch our yellow cat had after about 500 shanks eggs and yeah i i named it cat not chris pratt like our last shiny shanks in the last video hey buddy but at least we can walk with this one nice cat seems very happy you don't say you know how many of your brothers and sisters were sacrificed so that you could walk with me right here i bet you wouldn't be very happy no if you knew that huh you see cat is a very important member of this team as i will be giving away this shiny cat to one lucky subscriber who likes and comments below and i'll be choosing the winner by december 20th you could own a piece of shiny hunting history by making sure you're subscribing just commenting down below also just make sure your comment has some hint of chris pratt in it somewhere in the context of your comment so i can search through them easier and put them in a random generator easier you know just just make my life a little better and fair also make sure you have switch online or else i won't be able to send you this thing so uh good luck oh and if you're watching this after december 20th yeah i'm sorry to tell you this but it's already over but at least spider-man's out so you can go do that the winner will be announced in the pinned comment down below i dropped into the underground and trained both squirrel and cat evolving cat at level 15. in them yes squirrel this little guy yeah i guess they just never got yeah so they never got smart enough to evolve they're too busy burying nuts some say it was even these and now it's finally time for the third gym after running around in circles for hours while solving the new puzzle for the gym and fighting the mandatory trainers spurt evolves for the last time and i quickly realized that this there's no chance for good old mei lane here and they're fighting type pokemon i'm sorry i just i just gotta go fast this is nothing personal kid we also picked up a cool outfit on the way i forgot to mention that you're so we can battle the space mafia with don here and uh come again still no shiny don when you're trying to sabotage the video people are gonna think that disgusting creature is mine this is this is a shiny hole there you go we fly daycare and reboot our shining shining pearl save we send over a female starter piplup now that i think of it maybe maybe these pokemon can't communicate and that's why they speak the language of love and uh egg making what uh of whatnot this barely different penguin color was the death of me but after 700 whole eggs later in every single box of my pc being filled to the brim we finally get ourselves the shiny pip lover you know i'm just i'm so glad it's so different after running around in circles getting armed cramps transferring pokemon one by one by one wait a second is that an ortho run okay never mind it was all worth it so i have so many piplups at this point i didn't even realize it when the shiny one happened so um i didn't nickname it you know i i'm very very upset you know my nickname of bird too didn't get to happen but back to the underground to level up piplup i just gotta ask how many hours do you think it took me to finally get to cynthia i'm asking before you you go to the end of the video and check the hall of fame time you need to don't do that you just just try to take a guess and don't be cheating and also what's your favorite shiny pokemon maybe on the team or not on the team that's fine but speaking of favorites cats evolves for the last time and this badass will be one of yours no honestly he takes out all of the next gym almost by himself other than the legend of the ground amphibian man so it seems that time is not on our side because i was chasing down the space mafia and time himself manifests right in front of us and stops us to battle and this is even though he clearly saw i had my hands full you know when the adult stuff also every time you battle this man he brings you to some sort of shadow realm where time stops entirely i guess i mean i guess you just couldn't animated a town battle background could you do we get a machine from everyone's favorite pokemon champion except for me lance is my favorite he's my hero look at his cape this sensei gives us a machine that gets rid of migraines why don't we just mass produce this bad boy it's genius no more shiny pokemon i'm joining the pharmaceuticals and hiking up the price nine hundred thousand percent wait what that's that that is of the illegals okay okay maybe not we'll go back to the shiny pokemon that's that's cool too on our travels we meet cynthia's grandmother and protect the wall painting i was actually very surprised here because uh we don't end up battling cyrus here because uh i've only played platinum you know once you know in the previous video oh my god why is it wait why you always have corpse face is that corpse husband on the popular tail end of a corpse bride you know halloween was two months ago pal you know drink some water some well another badge means another shiny pokemon and i remember i told you that our chimshaw would one day be shiny or maybe i didn't i don't quite remember i don't usually use these scripts very good well if i did say that it's because i meant its child will actually be shiny not it he'll be one of those dads that lives vicariously through its son the difficult thing about the last two shiny pokemon here is that i'm completely out of storage so i don't have any i don't have anywhere to restore these eggs so i just hatched the ones in my party and made a little bit of room and that's it so that resulted in me and not getting a good count of how many eggs it took if if i had to guess i felt about like two million at least at least one and a half million why they don't let you just mass transfer pokemon makes no sense to me i'm pretty sure match transferring has been around since like world war after many and many hours it's a shiny monkey imagine resetting for weeks for this no no no no can't be me i'd rather run three days in circles and transfer in monkeys and that's the strats right there it's just so cute it's so it's so the same infernape is one of those pokemon i actually prefer the non-shiny a lot better than this i feel like i feel that way about all the the shiny sinnoh starters to be honest with you this is really not my cup of tea after heading back to the minds of the underground and trying our monkey to a respectable level we head over to the ghost gym and has one of the scariest puzzles of all time that's right i'm talking about quick maths not 21. honestly it wasn't that bad cool thing they did here though is near the end they just start asking you questions like do you remember what the first question was don't get me wrong i still can't read these signs so i had to ask my mom for help fantana here or anthony fantano or whatever her name is was the first gym leader to put up an actual fight as cat takes out the drip loom after i realize spark is more super effective than bite and next out is their gengar with the smug smiling son of a so squirrel hit it with a nuzzle paralyzing a ghost you know you know figure that one out it makes a lot of sense but after some switching around and taking some very big damage from sludge bomb cat finally takes out gengar and it was important to take it out with shockwave because this gengar had the ability to disable moves that you hit it with last for some reason i then bite the miss maggious when it comes out next unfortunately it only does about half and we don't get the flinch but we do survive with two hp so that we can switch into bird and end it all with a wing attack so that that's good see normally since we're headed into the 6th gym now i would get the last shiny pokemon here but not wanting to deal with the whole space in the pc and the egg grind and it was just you know i had to deal with it one last time i go into this steel gym first you know rorick's dead before getting our final shiny turd wig and i'm pretty sure this was the biggest mistake of our run because one i i had to get the shiny pokemon anyways like it's at one point i'm gonna have to do it and two we're losing out on some very important experience now and uh our torterra ends up being very under leveled anyways the most metal gym in this game is up few elevator rides and to run in with some super metal fans like matt watson over here luckily monkey will be a great asset to our team and the flame wheel is is really effective on all this good steel steel nuts and stuff so we start off with cat who takes down bronzer with only about two bites giving it time to set up sand and trick room next comes stealing so we go into print plup but we're not able to take it out and knowing he's either gonna heal or he out speeds and kills us next turn i switch out to bird who eventually takes it out with close combats and the metal boulder snake falls in battle to a bird with blue frosted tips leaving only mario thwamp thing bastard on or whatever the who primplop is unable to take out so he tags in his companion starter friend monferno who mock punches it in its face many times before being taken out due to the power of max potions and money so bird yet again comes in and finishes the job and bernie cat are really the most useful pokemon in this run so far and it kind of stays that way for a while after getting our badge we head over to a big boy meeting with the professor and friends and in times there as well i invited him and he invited me whatever just in time for the space mafia to start bombing lakes you know good old tnt fishing we had off to catch the fish in their operation and the head of it all was saturn isn't that the isn't that the cool planet with the asteroid ring i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure you're safe from daddy musk but you're not safe from the stars of these shiny pokemon we have to travel all the lakes and solve the all the adult problems i don't know where all the adults are you know where's the lady with the migraine machine no but after we deal with all that we can head over to the next gym in canada now that we finally made it through the storm into the into the candace's gym we can we can see that the puzzle is much easier in this game you know you just gotta you just gotta you just gotta yeah that's it the gym battle couldn't be any easier just flame wheel with monferno to take out the snowy vert and mark punching the sneasel who was four times weak to fighting had a barrier to reduce super effective damage for some reason you know get that plot armor so it lives long enough just so he can dig dig won't be able to affect birds so we switch into bird and just close combat it we just wing attack and close combat the rest of our team really you know what made me think maybe i need a bird sidekick in real life nah i'd probably look too long for a shiny one after visiting the last lake where the space mafia member jupiter defeated time himself and made him rethink his entire existence it's time to go back to collecting shiny pokemon while time's going through it and since i was tired of resetting i only sent myself one female tart wig capture a male roserade and mate the turtle with the rose bush which is already weird in itself so that i could get a male tarp wig to speed up the process but then i realized that that male a male turret wig is actually going to be mating with its french mother but i i don't know i don't know how these things work they just they just find these eggs you know i don't know where they come from but somewhere between 8 and 10 hours in game time we receive our shiny tart wig also known as yoshi and we can finally wrap this challenge up but this cute thing he commits a sin because it evolves into this tortoise with two bush mohawks on its back someone in the world has this as their favorite pokemon this thing's cursed although territera is a much better design in the end i can't say it's a very good walking pokemon you know any day now dude yep just about just about there you know i'm i'm right here man you uh you you okay yo i'm just gonna i'm just gonna head out over to the next gym where the i'm just gonna head on over to uh yeah i'll just meet you there it's time to break into the space mafia headquarters well not really because they just leave us the key and we're sort of invited in so you know just whatever we have the final standoff with team galactic and cyrus well sorta we battle cyrus to recover the lake trio that he stole to make a red chain and i didn't realize cyrus was a belmont like that you know he kind of kind of struck me more as a little frankenstein you know frankenstein's monster to be more exact after battling countless space mafia members and even cyrus and jupiter back to back and freeing these like trio fetus things you know i don't even know anymore i just play and head over to the top of the stone pillar to battle guess who another then a double battle with time himself but he's on our side this time against mars in jupiter can you be any less help buddy he's really gonna use a giant fat child as your pokemon like i've seen what pokemon you have and you choose that time's never on your side kids leading to one final battle with corpse husbando and cat knocks out his haunch crow with a single spark gyarados just nearly survives a four-time super effective spark but it pops up we can vary not sure how the berry translates into not getting hurt as much or whatever we take it out anyways next turn with another spark and up next is its weevil he outspeeds monkey and uses digs so we have to pivot into bird who can't get hit by dig in in close combat the ice weasel thing whatever that what is this thing man come on leaving only his final pokemon where he has to mention to us that he's really being pushed to his extreme come on man just just throw the ball let's get this over with i got better and bigger things to deal with like that what the is that is that time behind you no not you the big the big demon is it his time dragon right there he sends out scrobat and shiny cat just sparks it right out of the ballpark finally challenged that dragon of time honestly i just masturbate and get on with my life as a pokemon shiny collector by day and the game reviewer by night oh yeah and for some reason we can't fly on the highest peak in sinnoh you know we have to go down one flight of stairs before we do i don't i i just play moving on to that the final gym leader he he thinks he's so cool and so strong that he's actually gonna take on the elite four if we if we don't put up a good fight if only he knew he he doesn't stand a chance like the the puzzle before the gym honestly took longer than beating this guy rachel just dies from an earthquake artillery from a single spark and pump from a mock punch into facebook and yeah shiny cat beats blue cat come on basically everyone knows that get our waterfall from jasmine from the the best pokemon game ever and head over to the elite four but before we can enter we have to have our final battle with time for the last time i fought time but not the dragon it is it's the king last time i fought him before the elite four doors he killed my shiny flareon for good it was gone forever it was just nothing it was nothing but a memory honestly they weren't even so great and we're fighting in some sort of purgatory between time and reality again you can just tell by the background but honestly catches don't care he opens up with star raptor that goes for rain dance huh and we go for spark but he has a focus stat so it survives just with one hp before i spark again take it out next up is snorlax we have an answer for this thing with monkey who close combats it and in return is he's just yawned on this time guy sure knows how to fight and we mock punch the giant bear thing back into his poke ball making him go and do empoleon which cat takes out in the heads ahead like literally it just smashes its electric head and it's taken out and then just to add insult to injury we go into our empoleon to flex the sparkle and the surf away is a fire horse and brave bird is his rose bush why why not at this point he makes sure to tell us that there's no reason to freak out because he believes in his last pokemon it was heracross the heracross the bug fighting type against bird why you know ty never been the same ever since you lost that battle over by the lake that's got to be one of the easiest late game battles ever i just want to wrap up this journey at this point you know so much cycling in circles after circle after circle just waiting for a slightly miscolored monkey or squirrel or cat brain is so far gone at this point i'm gonna need shiny rehab and the only thing standing in front of me in rehab in the first shiny only pokemon video of brilliant diamond on youtube is the five lash trainers first up is aaron this guy really bugs me no come on for real this guy bugs me who wants those things they've really creeped me out he opens up with dust stocks that we easily take out with a few area laces making him go into a hair cross this game never learns does it oh wait never mind this one out speeds us and goes for rock slide but since we don't flinch one aerial lace swat to swat that beetle leaving cat to do the electric spark on his butterfly and his queen bee i'm sorry kanye i didn't mean to do it i know she had one of the best videos of all time leading into a lot of switching and miscalculating until we finally take out his final thug the ground slinky bug we go through this fancy ski lift elevator contraction to go to the ground trainer bertha see that's a thing a thing that things two razor leafs from yoshi take out quagsire a close combat takes out the wish cache napoleon just surfs away the rest of her team well we're just one step closer to the end of a long journey i gotta ask you guys cuz this video is pretty close to being done at this point what pokemon games do you want to see shiny only neck maybe i should add a spin to that one too next up is this clown of a fire trainer even calls himself flint no i think he's all used up because half of his pokemon don't even make sense no fire pony that's okay he can't swim look like a creepy little bunny over here he's not fire at all some of you might find this thing hot but it's not even lit so close combat distinguishes its lack of flame easily metal boulder snake is literally weak to fire so i'm at a loss of words here but it can't swim so so that that that wasn't a very smart choice on your part either and drift loom i mean technically it's a hot air balloon so i'll give it a pass on this one it's not actually fire and this is getting pretty sad at this point so cat pops that balloon but at least you had the fire monkey you know making it two out of five or fire pokemon not bad but it doesn't stand a chance against squirrel and the friendship yeah i know you probably forgot about this thing has been really helpful so far but i don't know it's it's it's cute and whatnot off to the final elite four member at least his team makes sense final member is the psychic lucian he opens up with his screening mr mine probably has to get screened in real life tell all his neighbors that he's moved into the house near you if you know what i mean but this is a very slow back and forth between napoleon and mr mime with metal claws and screens and psychics and just keeps getting healed and we don't happen to do the most damage but he can't really hurt us in return so eventually polion steals the win over mr mine bird survives from friendships and takes out meta-chan with its bird skills cat bites giraffe rig and alakazam to death and monkey takes out his giant kettlebell pokemon by becoming one of those hot wheels it's finally time for cynthia we've played over a hundred hours collected six shiny pokemon beat time itself as a dragon and as a child there's some of these shiny sparkle stars so many times but are we really ready to test our luck and become pokemon champion i mean the easy answer is no you're never really ready for cynthia she just seems to be ready for you first she opens up with a spirit tune that we have no answer to so i start with pacharisu so we can at least land a nuzzle and paralyze it next turn i go for spark so she changes into gastrodon because she's unaffected by electric type moves so i swap in a big yoshi and two razor leafs is way more than enough to slice the slug which leads her to go into her melodic and this thing's very scary and bulky has the ability to marvel scale while holding a flame or you couldn't just let cynthia be sippy alright they just had to ramp her up give her perfect ivs evs perfect natures and perfect items we're going to squirrel and we just super fang that takes half of his health away no matter what and she even goes on to miss her first skull due to squirrel's friendship even though we've uh criminally underused this thing in this challenge you know can't blame it you know this cat's just much better but after a long heated back and forth of recover after recover discharge after discharge squirrel lands a crit and honestly secures us one of the most important knockouts of the battle this thing could have stalled out on almost any one of our pokemon leading her to go into rosarite that somehow even outspeeds bird and hits us with an extremely hard sludge bomb ends up getting us poisoned at the same time meaning our brave bird not only takes out rosarite but also bird kamikaze about half our team dealt with we returned to the beginning match-up of spirit tomb versus squirrel or squirrel can't really do much to it as it's defeated by one single dark pulse it's kind of strange if she never went into gastrodon and just dark pulsed us from the beginning she would have saved about three of her pokemon's lives by now but no you had to look cool and try to predict the electric attack on your ground type pokemon even though you're the computer and you can literally tell what moves are going to be picked based on what i mean it's okay we just gotta pull it together fight i go into cat and try everything here fight spark a crit discharge and even surviving with friendship thanks to cynthia's full restores we're no match for the cyclone ghost so big yoshi comes in and shakes the room and well earth itself tell it passes away again it's down to just lucario and the mighty guard shop kario is not too much of a threat because monkey can take an orosphere and return the damage tenfold with with a close combat leaving only the hardest battle in itself cynthia's guard shop garchomp for my team at least was much harder than the rest of her team combined because it outspeeds all of my pokemon and i have literally no answer for this thing and it one shots almost every one of my team members giving me little to no options i had to strategize this pretty hard here we stand with monkey here because at least we can priority mock punch it before an earthquake seals monkey's fate but next up is empoleon and the plan here is to pray that i survive an earthquake even if it comes down to the friendship and land and avalanche that guard trump is four times weak and will even do double damage if we get hit first but we die so our last remaining pokemon is yoshi remember i said that almost all of our pokemon can't survive one single attack from garchomp well yoshi is special it can survive only one hit from garchomp turn one i revive empoleon and survive an attack and fully heal empoleon the next turn i risk it all with an avalanche and in this case we survive with a nick of hp to land a four times weak 120 base damage move thanks to being hit first and not only does it survive this it's somehow i guess somehow causing an avalanche is a physical type move meaning our pokemon somehow made contact during this so the guard chomps rough skin takes us out and we're forced to do this all over again this time when we get to the guard shop we still mac punch it the same but we don't have yoshi this time around we only have a three hp cat and a half health and poleon it's even worse although we get that the friendship avalanche to land again it results the same as empoleon goes down to the rough skin we only have a three hp cat versus garchomp and the only attack we can hit guard chomp with is bite due to it being a ground type who she even mocks cat that has three hp when it comes in and has no chance to attack it because of ruskin and being able to sped mind you by saying that she will not let this battle end and basically wants to play with her food a little bit more before she eats it oh oh because she's just having too much fun and you know what i'm not cynthia i spent 100 hours of my life trying to get the most complicated winning technique ever cat revives bird so when switched in the intimidate drops guard chomp's attack by one stage so i revive yoshi and bird dies so yoshi is up and can survive a dragon claw thanks to the intimidate all so we can revive bird and even max max potion up yoshi and bird and even get ready to start dealing damage until until guard shop goes for swords dance which boosts its attack stat by two stages making it a plus one total so we survived yet another dragon claw since we're at full health and finally hit back with an earthquake that brings its guard chomp down to the red meaning that she's gonna heal it almost indefinitely there's no chance she's not going to and this is going to be a battle i'll never forget she's going to heal it no matter what if she gets it into the red i go for another earthquake and hope for a crit but it only does about 40 without the critical hit so we bring out bird for the intimidate again to bring his attack back to neutral and well this goes on forever until its attack's low enough for yoshi to come back in an earthquake but cynthia just won't let it go she just wants to keep healing it i i couldn't get a break here for almost 10 more minutes until i finally aqua jeff priority and even that's not enough to take it out luckily she's finally out of items and she doesn't heal it up so we can go into monkey and mock punch this land shark dragon in its hammerhead face and earn ourselves the most bootlegged pokemon champion award in history by simply out moneying cynthia i mean outsmarting leading us to the hall of fame and registering the most shiny pokemon team ever with a grand total of 106 hours and 16 minutes well that was fun boy am i happy to close this chapter in my life hey you guys for the endless support as always and if you want to see more don't know what game you want to see next just shiny only you done it i've seen a lot of sword and shield comments and this seems to be what you guys want most right now and don't forget if you want to win the shiny lux ray aka cat just remember to subscribe to be eligible and make your comment have chris pratt in it to some extent so you know i i could find a comment so 15 000 likes and we'll do it all again but until that time i don't want to play pokemon for a while so i've been r9 and i hope you had yourselves a damn good time
Channel: R9beats
Views: 683,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r9beats, comedy, pokemon, shiny only, pokemon challenge, can you beat pokemon, can you beat, pokemon with only shinies, shiny charizard, shiny arcanine, pokemon nintendo switch, shiny pokemon challenge, can we beat pokemon, only shiny, smallant, zwiggo, porygon, challenges pokemon, pokemon switch, nintendo pokemon switch, smallant1, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shiny Only, BDSD shiny only, Shining Pearl shiny only, shiny luxray, shiny chimchar, shiny uncatchable starly
Id: 7G8-EG_O2Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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