Pokemon Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke Electric Types Only

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hey guys we're back with another pokemon nuzlocke for you guys in this video we're going to be playing pokemon sun electric types only and if you don't know the rules to nuzlocke i'm going to be putting them on the screen right now and i'm not going to make you guys wait so without further ado here's my attempt at a pokemon sun hardcore nuzlocke with electric types only [Music] first off i want to start this video by actually talking about electric types pokemon sun has nine electric types that i can get in this game and most of them are really good and they all could help me out a lot during this run sadly for me most of these pokemon are extremely frail so if i don't have a good game plan for pretty much every single route i could lose right then and there since this run is extremely difficult i've decided to give myself access to z moves but to balance it out i can only use two z moves throughout the entirety of this run this means that if i use a z move once then i will only have one remaining throughout the rest of the game i am 100 convinced that this pokemon nuzlocke will be my hardest yet especially looking at the totems and just regular grand trials in this game my main worry for this run is definitely the ground type grand trial but before we get there we actually have to start the game so i name myself xango and walk outside into the alola region i talk to the professor and go through way too many tedious cutscenes and i finally get my starter pokemon for this run i'm gonna be choosing litten mainly because it gives us a harder rival battle in the future of this run after we get him though we're basically done with him as right after we can get our real first pokemon in this run pichu my pichu has a mild nature and that's a little bit weird especially considering that his defense is already bad enough still this should help a lot especially considering that special attack is his best attack stat i catch him a name of zeus and after i level him up a little bit i fight my rival this battle actually could have been really hard but thankfully it didn't end up being as i paralyzed his rowlet right in the beginning of the battle after doing a little bit more story i make my way to the trainer school where i can actually catch my next pokemon magnemite magnemite is one of the few pokemon in this run that doesn't have extremely low special defense or defense i catch him and name him tesla and then i find out he is a bashful nature this isn't good or bad so after this i just decide to fight the rest of the trainer school i leave the trainer school and make my way to the next real challenge of this run with captain lima he leads the battle with jungkoos as i lead with tesla immediately i decide to go for a super sonic as he goes for a lear on the next turn he decides to use a full heal for the confusion and i go for a thunder shock that did pretty moderate damage so i decided to go for another one as he goes for a pursuit i then go for one more thunder shock bring him into the red as he goes for a lear since i know he's going to heal in the next turn i decide to just switch into zeus he does go for a heal but thundershock does a lot less than expected as he gets two leers off before he goes down to a few thundershocks next up is smeargle who i confuse with a sweet kiss as he hits me extremely hard with a tackle now at this point it's just a luck game as my defense is down too low for me to really do anything and he knows ember so he can just one shot magnemite i go for two thundershocks as he hits himself twice in confusion winning me my battle against captain lima after this battle i move up to route 2 and deal with team skull once they've been swiftly dealt with i decide to start my first trial i had one close call by battling gumshoes in the cave but other than that the battles went pretty smooth and i went on to battle totem gumshoes i decide to lead with zeus and immediately go for a sweet kiss he hits me with a scary face lowering my speed and on the next turn he calls his ally pokemon and hits me with a bite as his ally hits me with a lear on the same turn i'm able to one shot his ally with a single brick rig gumshoes then snaps out of confusion and goes for a lear so now i know i'm one shot to any move he really throws at me i hit him with a brick break not nearly doing enough damage as i'm forced to switch on the next turn into tesla he hits me with a bite on the switch in as on the next turn i go for a super sonic and he hits me with a bite once again i'm now down to 11 hp and i'm scared of a crit so i decide to switch back into zeus as he hits himself with confusion on the switch in i then finish him off with a brick break and electro ball winning me my first totem battle after that totem battle i'm able to catch my next pokemon in melee melee meadow this pokemon ends up being oricorio and she should be really useful in this run her and vickable are the only two pokemon on my team not severely weak to ground type moves and they don't even get hit by them regardless i catch her and name her synergy as i find out she is a bashful nature which is not good or bad i then have to go get cosmog because lily can't do her job and after that i make my way to fight my rival i beat him in a battle pretty quickly and after that i had to fight the grand trial in melemele island holland leads the battle with manki as i lead with synergy i decide to set up two workups as i get hit for minimal damage and i one shot him with an air cutter he then sends out makahita next who hits me really hard with fake out bringing me to 16 hp i hit him with an air cutter bringing him to one hp as he hits me with an arm thrust not doing much damage he heals as i finish him off with two air cutters leading into his final pokemon crab roller since i'm faster than him i just get off a single air cutter winning me my first grand trial of this run once that's all finished up we get on our boat and head to akala island once there i do a little bit more story and after that i make my way onto route 4 and i end up catching a grubbin i catch him with a single ball and name him sparks and since he's not an electric type yet i can't use him until he is after i finished all that up i had to fight my rival in paniola town immediately i decide to lead with zeus as he leads with pikachu he immediately goes for a quick attack as i go for a brick break doing a lot of damage since brick break didn't do exactly half i'm forced to go for a few more taking out his pikachu leading into his final pokemon dartrax since i'm a little bit scared of what he can do i decided to switch into synergy and try and take him out as fast as possible on the turn i switched in he hit me with a peck and on the next turn i try and go for an air cutter but miss as he goes for a razor leaf hitting me for not too much damage i hit two air cutters in a row and then he goes for a z move break neck blitz thankfully this didn't end up killing synergy and i'm able to take him out with one more air cutter winning me my rival battle after this i head through route 5 and get ready for my first battle with gladion i leave the battle with zeus as he leads with zubat i seriously thought an electro ball would one shot but it doesn't bring him to one hp as he goes for a bite i didn't really plan for electro bowl not one-shotting so when he sends in his type null i'm a little bit scared i hit him for a brick break bring him down a third as he hits me with a tackle bring me to 17 hp his zubat hit me for way too much damage and at this point i don't really know what to do i decide to switch into magnemite and when i do i immediately go for a thundershock as he hits me with a pursuit he hits me again bringing me to 11 hp as i paralyzed him on the next turn i was really hoping he would get stopped by paralysis but sadly he does not and he's free to get a pursuit off as i'm trying to switch making it do double damage finishing off my magnemite i really did expect to lose magnemite in this run but i didn't expect to lose him so soon i end up switching into zeus and finishing him off with a brick break winning me my battle against gladion really sad to see tesla go so early but after this there's only really the water trial and did you really expect a water trial to be hard for my electric types i really hope you didn't because this battle ended up being a complete sweep he did bring zeus pretty low but other than that the battle was actually really easy once i complete that totem battle i head down through route 6 where i'm able to catch my next pokemon ev i can't evolve eevee until i get a thunderstone so i'll have to wait until then to evolve it but for now i catch it and name him bolt and find out he is a docile nature i do a tad bit more story and get ready for my quadruple battle once i finish that off with no deaths i start my grind to get ready for the third trial before i started this run i attempted this part three different times and every single time i lost because my pokemon were too low of level i usually try and keep my pokemon as close to the totem's levels as possible but for this battle i really couldn't do that since i'm basing my level cap off of grand trials anyway it's not considered cheating but it's still a little bit cheap so i promise i will not be doing this regularly i truly think that this battle would have been impossible otherwise as i spent about an hour and a half straight just trying to think of a plan to beat this battle without over leveling i seriously think that this run would have been impossible if i didn't over level there but if you guys end up thinking of a better plan please leave it in the comments below because i'm genuinely curious on how i could have done this battle better with all that being said i challenged the third totem of this run i decided to leave the battle with synergy and go for a workup as she hits me with a flame burst she then calls in her ally so i go for an air cutter one-shotting her ally and bringing her down a third she then hits me really hard with the flame burst and calls down an ally i then do the same thing again going for an air cutter one shotting the salandit luckily enough i get a crit with synergy and since i got that crit i bring salazar to the red she then eats her berry which raises her special attack and she goes for a flame burst bringing me to 5 hp she calls down one more ally as i go for another air cutter finishing off the third trial of this run after that totem i head to route 8 and i find myself a chinchou this chinchou has a relaxed nature which is honestly pretty bad but i'm forced to catch it so i do catching it and naming it ion i then make my way to go to the next trial of this run i go through this awfully weird trial but i end up getting all the materials i need to fight the totem laurantis i decided to leave the battle with synergy and go for a workup as laurentis goes for an ex-scissor she calls down her ally trumbeek and honestly i was prepared for a cast form but that's fine because trumbeak is probably easier to deal with i get hit with a razor leaf not doing much damage and i decide to go for a workup as trumpy misses the supersonic i've raced my stats enough at this point and i'm ready to start going for air cutters laurentis hits me for almost no damage with an x scissor as i go for an air cutter almost one-shotting her and trumpet trumpy goes for a supersonic and thankfully on the next turn i don't get hit by my own confusion one shotting glorantis and trumbeak's remaining hell this ends up being my fourth totem battle down out of seven synergy actually goes over the level cap in that battle so for this next grand trial i'm gonna need some big power in order to win it thankfully i'm getting that pretty soon as i do a lot of story and i make my way through all of diglett tunnel finally making it to the jeweler where i can buy two thunderstones to evolve eevee and pikachu before fighting my grand trial i have to deal with team skull and they're all a complete pushover as most of them have poison and flying types making them weak to zeus thankfully after that there's nothing else to do and i challenge olivia for the grand trial of akala island she leads the battle with nosepass as i lead with ion immediately i go for two bubble beams bringing nosepass into the red as she hits me with two rock slides not doing too much damage she then decides not to heal in the next turn and i'm able to finish off pass with another bubble beam leading to her next pokemon baldor i hit him extremely hard with the bubble beam bringing him into sturdy range as he hits me for not too much damage i hit another bubble beam finishing off the ball door and she sends in her next pokemon lykan rock she goes for a continental crush as i'm fully expecting to lose ion here but i actually don't as it brings me to one hp and i'm able to use one of my few z moves in this run to finish off the grand trial of akala island after that grand trial me and my rival head to the aether foundation where i encountered my first ultra beast i beat that ultra beast like it was ultra trash and me and my rival head to ulula island where immediately we get into a rival battle he leads the battle with raichu as i lead with ion i immediately go for a confused raid as he tries to hit me with an electro ball but thankfully i have volt absorb on the next turn he goes for a psychic as i go for a bubble beam both of us not doing too much damage he switches into his vaporeon on the next turn and i don't get any damage off due to him having water absorbed we trade attacks and he finally dies to an electro ball leading into his next pokemon dartrax i decided to switch into synergy to tank a doom bloom and after i do that it's a pretty easy battle as i get off two air cutters finishing off the dart tracks his final pokemon raichu goes down to two hidden powers from zeus winning me my rival battle i talked to professor kakui after the battle and i make my way to talk to professor oak as well after all that's finished up i head to the library with lily and make my way to the next trial before the next trial though i have some things to do but they're pretty minimal so i'll cover them as fast as i can first things first i deal with team skull outside of the bus stop so i can actually get up to the mountain once i'm done with the copious amount of story in this game i decide to fight melane beat him and i start my battle with totem vicavole i start the battle with zeus and since i'm scared of his bug bite i decide to switch out immediately with a volt switch into synergy he summons this charger bug in the next turn so i decide to go for a tear dance confusing both of them but sadly they both get through and i'm forced to switch on the next turn i decided to switch into bolt who doesn't take any damage from the spark but he does get hit really hard with a vice grip i decide to go for a hidden power in the next turn as he hits himself with confusion and his charging book goes for a string shot not doing anything just because i don't want to risk a crit i decide to switch out into ion and he takes two hits very easily vickable actually heals me up with a spark and i get hit with a vice grip not doing much damage as i go for another z move my final of the run hydro vortex this was a complete waste of my single remaining z move as i only bring them down to about a third they both hit me not doing very much damage as i go for a confused route on the vickervale i get brought to 14 hp by vickervale and chargebug as i decide to go for a signal beam bringing vicavole into the red i decided to switch into sparks and when i do vikkapul hits himself with confusion and chargeback hits me with a vice grip vigil goes for a charge on the next turn as i'm able to finish him off with an acrobatics and i finish off his charger bug with two more winning me my fifth totem battle after i finish that up i fight guzma destroy him in a battle and i make my way to the next totem of the run before i fight that totem battle there's still a little bit more i have to do so i'll talk about it really quickly i end up getting my next ride pager from hapu and after that i'm actually able to catch my next pokemon of this run this pokemon ends up being an ella kid which is the best encounter on this route this ella kid has a gentle nature and i catch him and name him thor on route 15 i do even more story and i deal with team skull in front of lily after this the only thing left to do is to fight the sixth trial and fight totem mimic you i decided to lead the battle with ion and get hit really hard with the play roof as i get rid of mimikyu's disguise with a bubble beam on the next turn mimikyu actually misses with playroof as i get hit with a nightshade from haunter and i switch out with volt switch i decide to switch into synergy who gets hit extremely hard by a play roof and i decided to go for a teeter dance confusing the whole team i then switch into ion to sack him and get a free switch into bolt so i can go for a few shadow balls i end up bringing the mimikyu into a third while taking no damage and i go for one more shadow ball finishing off the mimikyu haunter could have definitely killed me with a nightshade there but thankfully he doesn't as he decides to go for a hypnosis so i'm forced to switch out i decide to switch into thor finishing off the haunter and getting me my sixth totem win of this run before i continue this run i just want to say really quickly that some of my pokemons will be holding z crystals the reason for this is that i was kind of fluctuating between the rules not sure if i wanted to do two or three z moves but in the end i decided on two so that's why you might see my pokemon with z moves you'll have to take my word for this one but i promise i did not use z moves past the fifth trial after that trial i move on to route 17 to fight guzma and team skull i beat them down pretty quickly and i end up catching a haunter in the previous travel site this haunter actually has an in-game trade so i decide to trade him for a graveler and when i get graveler he evolves into golem he's already pre-named veller and when i get him i find out that he is an impish nature which is actually pretty good after that i find out lily's been basically kidnapped and gladion comes in to fight me with his type null he doesn't end up killing my pokemon but he does get close and after that battle i decide to go fight the next grand trial of this run i decided to lead the battle with thor as nano leads with sableye he goes for a fake out on the first turn making me flinch as i go for a light screen on the next and he hits me for almost no damage i hit him with a thunder punch almost doing half as he hits me with the shadow ball not doing much i hit him with another thunder punch bringing him down to the red as he hits me again not doing much damage he then decides to switch into crook rock so my thunder punch is useless i decided to switch into synergy and i go for two air cutters finishing off his kurukurok from there i decided to switch back into thor as he paralyzes himself due to my static i then decided to go for a light screen as he heals his paralysis not wanting to risk a crit i decide to switch into velvet and i go for a rock blast finishing off his save alive i decided to switch into bull as he hits me with a fake out and since i know i have one light screen turned left i decide to go for an actual move and let him hit me with black hole eclipse thanks to light screen i live on 53 hp and i decide to paralyze him with a thunder wave i hit him really hard with discharge bringing him below half as he hits me for massive damage bringing me to 10 hp i'm then able to finish him off with another discharge winning me my grand trial of this island we head to the aether foundation next and i blast through that place beating faba not once but twice in a row and i make my way to the final battles of this place i'm forced to battle a ton of team skull and when i'm finished with all of them i make my way to go fight guzma gladian got here before me so you'd think he'd soften him up a little bit but you'd be completely wrong as he has all his pokemon at full health and they all can one shot pretty much all of my pokemon the only pokemon they can't one shot is synergy so i decide to lead with her as he leads with glycopod i activate his emergency exit immediately with an air cutter as he switches into ariados i decided to set up five workups against this thing and after that i go for an air slash one-shotting him in the process he sends out glycopod again who gets finished off by another air cutter leading into his next pokemon masquerade i decide to go for a revelation dance as he gets me for almost no damage and he gets one shot at he then brings out his pincer last who goes down to a single air cutter and this wins me a battle that i thought was going to be a lot harder i head through this game's pretty awesome cutscene with lusamine and after that i end up battling her i lead the battle with sparks as she leads with clefable she goes for a cosmic power as i hit it for about a fourth with a poison jab she hits me pretty hard with the moon blast on the next turn as i hit her with another poison jab bringing her to about half she hits me with a moon glass bringing me to one hp on the next turn as i hit her with a poison jab bring her to about a fourth since she's faster than me it kind of leaves me in a really awkward position so i decide to switch into veller she hits me with the moon blast on the switch in and the next turn as i hit her with a rock blast finishing her off she sends out lillygate next as i decide to switch into synergy and i get hit with the teeter-dance since she confused me in order to get it off i decided to switch into thor who takes a pedal blizzard and i decide to switch back into synergy she tanks a pedal blizzard really well and due to my ability i'm able to hit lilligant with it on the same turn she hits me with another pedal blizzard bringing me to 21 hp as i'm able to hit her with her own pedal blizzard and finish her off with an air slash i decided to switch into veller next and he gets hit really hard with the shadow ball and now at this point i make the decision to sack veller because i need a clean switch into bulk i then nail miss maggias with a bite as she hits me for a little bit of damage with a power gem i then finish her off with a shadow ball and that sacrifice was much needed because she sends in my loadic next and if she would have gone for a hydro pump i probably would have survived because of my high hp i decided to hit her really hard with a discharge as she hits me for nothing going for a safeguard i'm then able to finish her off with another discharge leading into her final pokemon beware this cute and cuddly beast packs a punch as when i switch into zeus on the next turn he hits me extremely hard with the takedown bringing me to 6 hp thankfully my special attack is high enough with zeus as i'm able to take him out with a single psychic winning me my battle against lusamine looking back on this battle i probably could have handled it a little bit better seeing as my lodic didn't even go for a hydro pump so my sacrifice wasn't needed at all if i didn't decide to switch though it would have just been a game of chance and i'm really not down with playing chance games with pokemon after i'm done with that battle guzma and lusamine both go to ultra space as i head to pony island on this island there's actually not much to do so i do a little bit of story battle team skull and get ready for what could possibly be the battle that ends this run two more things before i start this battle one i decided to go back to blush mountain on ulula island and catch a toga gemaru this is really only a what-if pokemon that i'll only really use if i have no other choice i name him terabyte and find out he actually has a bold nature which is pretty bad the second thing i do is evolve sparks into a vicable in pony canyon using one of the rare candies i found throughout this run with that all being said i challenged hapu in what could be my final trial of this run i decided to lead the battle with synergy as she leads with doug drea for some reason the ai and sun and moon is really stupid and it likes to spam sucker punch a lot this makes it really easy for me to use setup moves and basically just try and sweep the drill uses sandstorm so i'm kind of stuck taking damage every turn but that's fine as i set up 5 workups against him i go for a mirror move hoping he's going to try and hit me with an iron head but he doesn't going for a sandstorm making my turn useless on the next turn i get hit extremely hard with an iron head bringing me to 54 hp thankfully i have a citrus berry on me so i heal after i get hit and go for a not very effective air slash one-shotting the dugtrio she brings out her gastroenteron next and i almost one-shot it with a single air slash bringing it to one hp as it flinches in the process she heals as i'm able to take it out with another air slash leading into her next pokemon flygon her flygon hits me extremely hard with the dragon breath bringing me to 14 hp as i one shot it with an air slash at this point i'm fully expecting to go down to the sandstorm but i don't as it ends on the turn i'm supposed to go down to it and she brings in her final pokemon mudsdale thankfully i end up one-shotting with an air slash losing no pokemon and winning me my final grand trial of this run that battle ended up being a lot easier than expected and after i finish that up i have only a few important battles remaining before the elite four of this run while i'm making my way through vast pony canyon i end up fighting a totem battle that i one shot with a critical hit psychic from zeus after that me lily and selgalio head to ultra space the only thing to do here is to battle lusamine and her new and improved team i decided to lead the battle with terabyte as she leads with clevable i go for a poison jab doing over a third and she hits me with a moon blast not doing too much i then hit another poison jab this one a crit as i finish off the clefable she then brings out bear wear next and i decide to stick in with terabyte and go for a poison jab she for some reason doesn't go for the kill with a hammer arm so i'm able to survive another turn as she goes for a pain split for some reason she just keeps on doing pain split and i'm able to stay in with terabyte until i finish off the bewear she sends in her miss maggie is next and i decided to switch out i decide to move into thor as she goes for a pain split again i go for a light screen on the next turn so as not to take too much damage from special attacks for some reason she just keeps on going for pain split and i'm able to get off a thunder punch on the next turn she then goes for her first original move a shadow ball but that does absolutely no damage as i'm able to finish her off with a thunder punch she sends in liligan next and for this i decide to switch out into synergy on the switch in i get hit with a pedal dance and i do damage with her own move she goes for another petal dance as i finish her off with an air slash leading into her final pokemon my loaded i switch into bolt as i'm pretty sure he can take a hydro pump but he doesn't even have to because she misses i then bring my loader to one hp with a thunder as she misses with another hydro pump at this point it's definitely game as i go for a discharge finishing off the my loader if you guys have any explanation for why she did so many paint splits please tell me because that was honestly really weird she had the kill on terabyte multiple times and she just didn't go for it for some reason after that final loosening battle we leave ultra space and i'm able to catch the legendary of this game sadly i'm forced to catch it so there's no real reason to take it out so i decide to try and give it a good life in the luxury ball but it declined so i gave it a cramped life and a master ball after that we do a little bit more story and i make my way to victory road before i actually make it into victory road though i'm challenged by gladion for the final time in this run he leads the battle with the crowbat as i leave with bull bolt immediately one shots him with a discharge but not before getting paid by a cross poison he sends out his water type silvally next so i go for a thunder almost one-shotting him bringing him to one hp and paralyzing him on that same turn he gets paralyzed so on the next i decide to go for a discharge finishing off his silvally he brings in lucario next so i decide to switch into synergy he's doing about a third every time with orosphere so i go for an air slash bringing him down to about hat as he goes for another aorosphere and i get scared and switch i switch into zeus as he tanks two aura spheres and i'm able to finish him off with a psychic leading into his final pokemon wii vile for this i decided to switch into terabyte and he gets hit extremely hard with a night slash since he did so much damage immediately when i switch in i'm forced to switch out again this time i switch into thor he takes massive damage here and when he does he activates his static ability paralyzing the wii vile after this i decided to switch into sparks and i go for a single x's of finishing off the weevil winning me my battle against gladion after this i storm through victory road and make my way to the pokemon league my rival challenges me one last time before the elite four and it's a sweep on my part one more thing before i start this elite four if you've made it this far in the video and you're enjoying the content please consider subscribing i'm going to try and make it to 6 000 by the end of the year and it would be greatly appreciated thank you for watching and let's get into this elite four first things first i decided to get the easiest elite four trainer out of the way so i battle flying type master kahili this battle was an absolute wipe as i destroyed her in every single aspect this ends up being one of my fastest elite 4 battles ever and after i finish off her final pokemon 2 cannon i win my first elite 4 battle with that all finished up that ends up being my final easy battle of this elite 4 as next i challenge ghost type master acerola she leads the battle with sableye as i lead with terabyte she hits me with a fake out flinching me in the process and i go for a toxic on the next turn to try and do progressive damage over time this works out perfectly for me as i'm able to go for a spiky shield and then a zing zap finishing off the save alive she sends up palestine next and since this is exactly what i was expecting i have a plan i decide to switch terabyte into sparks since she has levitate and she won't get hit by an earth power since i taught spark's energy ball i'm able to hit palace and for massive damage palace and then goes for his z move bringing me to 6 hp as i'm able to finish him off with another energy ball she decides to bring up frost last next so i'm forced to switch i make my switch into thor as she misses with a blizzard and i'm able to set up a light screen since she confused me on the turn i was going for a light screen i decided to go for a volt switch and she misses another blizzard as i get through my confusion hitting her with a volt switch switching out i make the easy decision to switch into bull and i end up one-shotting the frost last with a shadow ball she sends out delmai's next as i go for a shadow ball and he misses a slam and i'm able to take him out on the next turn with another shadow ball she sends out drift boom last and i'm easily able to take it out with a shadow ball and discharge combo winning me my second elite four battle next up i decided to challenge rock type elite four member olivia she leads the battle with relic camp as i lead with terabyte i go for a zing zap on the first turn doing a ton of damage as she goes for a yawn i use one more zing zap on the next turn finishing off her pokemon falling asleep and then waking up due to my chest obery she then sends out her probopass next and this is where things can get scary he goes for a sandstorm on the first turn as i think that he's gonna go for an earth power so i spiky shield it i was definitely wrong about this though so i'm forced to switch on the next turn into sparks i don't get hit due to levitate and i hit for almost no damage with an energy ball in the next turn as he hits me for massive damage with the power gem sadly this does force me to switch again so i decide to switch into thor and he hits me really hard with a power jam right when i do i decide to go for a focus blast and it doesn't kill this tanky monster as he hits me with another power gem and it does even more damage this time bringing me into the yellow i go for one more focus blast finally ending the probable pass she sends in lycanrock next and i decide i'm gonna need to sack thor in this battle before i end up sacking him he hits lycanrock for massive damage with a focus blast but sadly he goes out on the next turn due to a rock climb i decide to switch into zeus and go for a psychic finishing off the lychen rock she then sends out her next pokemon golem while i take out with two psychics but he does bring me to 59 hp in the process she then brings in her carving so i decide to switch into terabyte i beat carbink pretty easily with a combination of toxic and zing zap winning me my third elite four battle finally i challenge what should be the hardest battle of this elite four challah and his fighting types i decide to lead the battle with synergy as he leads with hariyama immediately i go for a protect protecting me from the fake out and on the next turn i go for a calm mind and get hit super hard with a close combat i go for a protect just to get back a little bit of hp and i finish off the hirayama with a single air slash his next pokemon crew brawler could have been a massive issue if i didn't up my special attack i decided to protect on the first turn just to get back a little bit of hp and then i'm able to one shot with an air slash his primape is next and again i use protect to gain a little bit of hp this then goes a little bit differently as i get hit from massive damage with the punishment and i'm able to one shot him with an air slash at this point i'm not at enough health to survive another attack so i'm forced to switch i switch into zeus who gets hit for massive damage so i decide to go for a volt switch to switch out into another pokemon on the next turn i switch into bolt and he tanks a waterfall to the chest as i'm able to go for a discharge on the next turn killing the poly rat he sends out his next pokemon beware next and this forces me to switch i decide to move into vikavolt who doesn't take really any damage from his hammer arm and on the next turn i go for a thunderbolt doing massive damage to him he then hits me with a hammer arm bringing me to 42 hp as i'm able to finish him off on the next turn with the thunderbolt winning me my fourth and final elite 4 battle with that all being said i set up my final movesets and my final team to get ready to challenge pokemon sun's champion with only electric types i decided to leave the battle with sparks as he leads with lycanrock before the battle started i gave sparks a charity berry so as not to die from a stone edge for whatever reason lykan rock decides not even to go for a stone edge and if he goes for a stealth rock as i'm able to one shot with an energy ball his next pokemon bravery could have caused a whole lot of paddock but he decides to go for a tailwind and he gets hit for almost all of his health with a thunderbolt kakui then decides to heal him up on the next turn but his fate is already sealed as i finish him off with another thunderbolt and a volt switch for this switch i decided to move into zeus as he brings out his snorlax i decide to stay in with zeus and go for a brick break even though he has high horsepower because before the battle started i gave him a shakka berry i stay in for another turn bringing him below half with a brick brick as he finishes off zeus with a high horsepower i decide to switch into sparks hoping he can one shot his remaining health with a thunderbolt and he can not bringing him into the red as he gets hit bringing him to 62 health he then heals on the next turn and i don't do enough damage with my two thunderbolts so he takes out sparks with a body slam i then switch into synergy next and go for a protect to try and gain the health back that i lost due to stealth rock i was hoping to do a fair bit of damage with revelation dance but i don't doing barely anything as he hits me for massive damage with a body slam i go for protect one last time to try and survive another body slam and i go for a revelation dance on the next turn it doesn't do a lot of damage but it doesn't really matter as i live another body slam i go for one more protect hoping for a miracle but i don't get it as i go for a revelation dance it doesn't do much and i die to another body slam synergy did a ton of damage to snorlax over time and i'm able to switch into terabyte and do one poison jab finishing off the snorlax he brings in primarina next and i predict his z move going for a spiky shield so it doesn't even do that much damage i'm faster than primarina so on the next turn i go for a zing zap flinching her in the process i go for a spiky shield to gain a little bit of hp through leftovers and i finish off the pre-marina with a poison jab he decides to send in 9 tails next and i'm able to finish her off really quickly with a few poison jabs the 9 tails brings me down to 76 hp as he brings in his final pokemon magna zone immediately i look to play the waiting game going for a spiky shield to regenerate some health after that i swap between zing zap and spiky shield to just do a little bit of damage and heal in the process eventually he whittles me down to 48 hp and at this point i've run out of zing zap pp and spiky shield pp i can't go for a volt switch here because i have to save bolt's hell so i'm forced to sacrifice terabyte i then switch into bolt and have two choices i can either go with a shadow ball or a bite here and since i'm looking to keep him out of full restore range i can't do too much damage the wrong combination of these moves could very easily end my run so i decide to go for a shadow ball it brings him just outside of full restore range and i'm able to finish him off in the next turn with the shadow ball winning me my final battle of this run that was so difficult man i'm so happy dude i am so happy that that just happened first ever champion man gosh that run was so difficult man it was so difficult i'm so happy i got that done and with that that's the end of my run i really hope you guys enjoyed this video because i worked really hard to get it out and if you did enjoy please consider subscribing it would be greatly appreciated thanks again to everybody and with that being said that was my attempt at a pokemon sun hardcore nuzlocke electric types only you
Channel: Zango
Views: 58,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DPVf-Hv141c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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