Pokémon Ultra Moon Hardcore Nuzlocke - ICE Types Only!

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[Music] an ice only nuzlocke in ultra sun and moon this was a combination that was bound to happen so let's see how i do the ultra games are definitely some of the hardest games in the franchise and the ice typing is definitely the worst out of all of them or at least according to this guy so let's see how i beat a hardcore nuzlocke in ultra moon using only ice types i personally really like ice types so i have high hopes for this challenge the variety of ice type pokemon made available to you is incredible so i'm really excited to see how this challenge will turn out this is my first nuzlocke video made in my new apartment at university so i'm sorry it took a long time to get this video out but i hope you enjoy it pause now for the rules and let's begin as always we give our rival the starter that has the best type match up against our ice types which is the fire type incineroar in this case now a challenge like this will be extremely tough so i'll be exploiting every game mechanic and do everything i can to get an advantage the first pokemon i can catch is a crab brawler in the berry trees on route 2. since it's technically not an ice type yet the challenge has not officially started but once i get my first actual ice type i am no longer allowed to use any pokemon that's not an ice typing even if it evolves into an ice type pokemon this means that once i get a legitimate ice type pokemon crabwaller is gonna have to sit in the box for a while now this first totem battle is not technically part of this challenge since it hasn't officially begun but i'll show you how it went anyway easy the first ice type encounter i can get is in seaward cave where i have an option between delhi bird and smoochum now you might be debating to yourself which one is better smoochum has a better move pool but deliberate has better early game stats the real answer is actually a third option since i said i was going to play this challenge most optimally the optimal strategy is to change smoochum sos encounters until i get a jinx ridiculous i know jinx only has a one percent chance to be called as an sos encounter by a smuchum and you might be thinking well don't you need adrenaline orbs to sos call multiple pokemon and you'd be right but each sos pokemon called in can also call an sos pokemon of their own this means that by jumping back and forth between which sos pokemon to kill they will always be calling in another sos pokemon and eventually one of those will turn out to be jinx after nearly 80 consecutive sos calls a jinx is finally called in yes i know i'm over leveled but remember the challenge has not officially started until i catch the jinx another thing with chaining sos pokemon is that after a certain number of chained pokemon they're guaranteed to have some perfect ivs the jinx icon happened to have perfect speed health defense and special attack making it a great starter pokemon of course with a starter this good the first kahuna battle was made trivial if i'm going to spend 50 minutes finding this jinx it better be good after reaching the second island i head into the daycare center where i can get an eevee egg of course we don't get glacier on until right before the elite four so evie's gonna have to sit back for a while i also make sure to check my hidden power on jinx just to see what i have against the second totem battle and it just so happens that i have hidden power flying making us super effective against toto maraquin unfortunately using just jinx is not going to be enough iraq when it is really bulky and can deal a lot of damage with leech life but i do have a plan okay so our next two encounters are gonna be shelder and evie that we can later evolve into a glacion how are any of those two pokemon gonna help you with the next uh totem pokemon right because now that we do have an ice pokemon in jynx we have to stick with using ice pokemon right but cloister is an ice type move now how do we evolve cloister within waterstone right and you can buy water stones in the konikone city which is after toto aid but by hatching the eevee egg given to us in paniola town the girl at the reception gives us a water stone that we can use to evolve the shelter into a cloister making it usable for the battle i just realized that fishing you get the fishing rod after you complete the trial not before so everything i said with the cloister shelter water stone stuff that that none of it applies so now i'm back to using just jinx fortunately though the plan that i resorted to did work i started the battle by putting the racquet to sleep using a lovely kiss now i just have to hope that it stays asleep for enough turns for me to take it out hidden power does just under half health which means i'm gonna need three shots to take him out he stays asleep for those three turns so we do get our third hidden power off and knock out the arachnid dewpider also goes down to a hidden power this finishes our first official totem battle in this challenge with the fishing rod in my possession i can now go get the cloister that i was talking about since most ice types are incredibly weak having a bulky defensive pokemon on our team is going to be a great asset jinx takes care of the special bulk and cloister takes care of the physical bulk now with a cloister on our team this third trial just got a lot easier i tried going for a water pulse on the first turn but merorak predicts me and protects himself with detect this allows him to call in selazal who gets off a poison gas to poison me and then i get hit with a brick break by marowak fortunately water pulse does enough damage to bring marowak below half health we even managed to get the confusion on him i switch out into jinx as i get hit with the fennel shock and marowak manages to hit himself a water pulse on the next turn takes out the marowak defeating the totem pokemon but we still have to worry about solazzle we activated his cursed body which prevents us from using water pulse on the salazzle so i just used protect and lovely kiss to stall out some turns until cursed body wears off once it does though two water pulses take out the selazal winning us our third totem battle after finishing the festival plaza tutorial i find myself in lush jungle where i face off against the grass totem pokemon considering the last two totem battles this one was quite easy by comparison he hits me with the solar blade dealing nearly all of my health but a 5-hit icicle spear takes out laurentis on the first turn taking it out with no problem it's a good thing that these totem pokemon are either all physical or all special attackers if we ever encounter a mixed attacker then we wouldn't have anyone to deal with it after making my way to coney coney city i buy myself a sail fossil which i revive into an amora admittedly she is probably the worst pokemon on this team so i doubt i'll have any use for her other than taking some damage the next big fight is against olivia and her rock types she starts with a physical attacker so this is the perfect moment to bring out cloister and set up on her she hits me with smackdown as i set up iron defenses okay plus six shell armor they can't do anything the damage they were doing was less than what leftovers was healing me for so a couple of frost breaths takes out the aneurysm cray daily lives in the red range and gets off a super effective giga drain luckily she can't grip me so we survive on the red health and our next frost breath takes it out lastly lykan rock simply dies to a frost breath winning us over olivia that battle came pretty close on the lily it's important to keep in mind that cloister has no special defense while jinx has no physical bulk after defeating the nikhiligo and destroying howe i find myself in mount hokulani preparing to take down totom togodemaru tokudamaru is an offensive beast so this is gonna be all cloister here i start the battle as always by setting up iron defenses this is plus six easy okay and now it's going to take a while but we're gonna get there all right so now we just focus down the togo tomorrow oh my god we flinched holy taking a while oh my god and we flinched oh my god i flinched again oh my god i flinched again that's three flinches i flinched again that's four okay finally oh my i flinched again i flinched again that's fine okay finally we're done finally oh my god okay i kind of deserve all those flinches then i kind of deserve it then yeah that was fun there's a long stretch of the game before we can reach the next totem battle and there's this battle against guzma that really challenged us he started with a galissa pod that we easily wore down with icicle spears from cloister as he switched out into masquerade i also make the switch into jinx we tank a bug buzz that i fully expect to live as a figgy berry heals me back up to a healthy range on the next turn i hit a frost breath which i expected it to kill the masquerade but it lives in the red health and hit us with an icy wind lowering our speed this is a bad situation masquerade now outspeeds me and sees a kill with bug buzz i can't switch into cloister either because he also dies to a bug buzz so i do the only thing that i can do i don't understand why did it live why did it live you're not holding an expert belt oh i'm so dumb i'm so screwed okay guys you're gonna hate me for this but we're gonna have to do it okay look we have a bunch of good encounters okay we got we got frost last we have we vile we have a lowland sanchu right we have lapras coming up we have vanillux okay we we still have a bunch of good encounters so i'm gonna have to do what i have to do okay i'm sorry i have to that was a necessary sack that was a necessary sack i know it hurts it hurts me too i know i know it hurts me too guys as a nuzlocker is something you have to learn is that you can't get attached to your pokemon right the moment you get attached to your pokemon is when you start making bad decisions and right there that was the best decision obviously not forgetting expert boat would it would have been the better decision but in that situation i just had to a necessary sack is a necessary sack trust me i don't like that either but after rushing through route 12 i make my way to tapu village where i can catch myself a couple more encounters i decide that i want to vanillix on this team because vanillix has the ability snow warning being able to summon hail instantly upon entering a battle seeing that we are an ice type team having hail on our side will be very useful unfortunately vanillix is only obtainable through sos encounters so after chaining sanchez for another hour we finally get a vanillux on mount lanakila i get myself a snow run which happens to be a female with a plus speed nature which is great for a frost last also since we are on the base of mount lanakila i am able to evolve crab roller into the finally usable crab dominable with the team now set i make sure to get the shadow ball tm before i enter the ghost trial however seeing that we do have a frost last on our team i shouldn't be too scared of this next trial as the camera fires up we're challenged to a totem battle by total mimikyu i start the battle with vanillish and use protect on the first turn this way toto mimikyu calls out his ally baynette i then taunt the baynet so that it can't use curse or willow wisp after switching the cloister and taking some damage i get a five hit icicle spear into mimikyu breaking its disguise and dealing some damage after taking some more damage and getting another five hit icicle spear into mimikyu he's almost down however since i did protect the first one that i switched cloister in thus wasting a turn bayonet was able to get up a willow wisp burning me and forcing me to switch out the problem that now arises is that frostlast is the only pokemon that can take out the mimikyu and i don't have anyone else to switch into jinx is way too weak and simply dies to any physical moves and both cloister and vanilla are way too damaged i also can't just switch into frost last because it dies to a shadow claw so again here i make another crucial decision i know he hasn't been with us long but he's probably the worst ice type out of all of our encounters he does survive this turn but that doesn't mean he's going to be staying alive as her brawler goes down it gives me the safe switch into frost last allowing me to safely get off a shadow ball and taking out the mimikyu we then end this trial by finishing off the bayonet with another shadow ball it was tough losing crew abominable because i had high hopes for this pokemon but i guess once again a necessary sack is a necessary sack as we go to settle down team skull it turns out that lily has been kidnapped and we have to make our way to aether paradise with the level cap now raised i decide that now would be the best time to get a vanillux not only does this give us a snow warning ability it also gives us perfectly accurate blizzards before heading out to aether paradise though i have to fight the island kahuna nanu both the sablai and persian have a rock move in power gem so we'll have to watch out for those two sableye fakes me out on the first turn but on the next turn a stab ice beam takes him out in one shot he then goes directly into persian who also fakes me out but he meets the same fate as sablai getting one shot by ice beam on the next turn as he sends out croco rock i definitely have to switch out into someone else because croc rock definitely outspeeds me here frostlast comes in on an earthquake taking about two thirds of its health but a single frost breath takes out the croc rock this defeats the island kahuna of ulaula island now that we're at ether paradise we have to face two of the hardest battles in this game one against guzma and one against lusamine the guzman battle goes pretty nicely he starts with galicipot so i start with cloister i start with iron defenses to build up my defense and eventually i send him on his way by chipping his health with icicle spears he then sends in pins here to try to do some damage with storm throw but frost breath easily does more than half of his health so two frost breath is all i need to take him out when he sends out vote i make the switch into vanilla to take a t-bolt i hit him with an ice beam which does half of his health as he hits me with the flash can and i survive in the yellow health since i do outspeed him an ice beam on the next turn takes out the vika wolf the second last pokemon is a masquerade since i'm dead to a bug buzz i switch into frost last we resist the hit and kill it next turn with a single frost breath this just leaves the galicia pod i switch back into cloister and set up my iron defenses again before taking them out with frost breaths this defeats guzma in a pretty comfortable battle this brings us to the next big battle with lusimi all of her pokemon have anti-ice attacks so it took a while to calculate everything but here's how it went okay so this fight is actually kind of difficult because she does have some legit coverage we are gonna start with our snow warning vanillux bring in the hail we're gonna swap into jinx and use aurora veil that should reduce all damage yeah this is like the only situation where roar veil is actually like usable uh we're gonna swap into you and then we're either gonna smart strike or probably smart strike right okay so we are skill link which means we're going to be icicle spearing um two icicle spears should be enough to take it out so hopefully we're not in too much trouble uh we're not going to protect in between each turn because we want to conserve aurora veils turns right we want aurora veil to stretch as many pokemon as possible so we're not going to waste time here yeah he'll stop okay so this is liligant which wants to pedal dance so we swap into you and we take the ice beam that's right we take the pedal dance and then we ice beam it hail back in so the next time we send out jinx we can use another roar veil that's fine we have lumbery on you just in case i used teeter dance or stun spore so we're completely fine la penny um fire punch i plan to do this with you a little bit later but that's fine dizzy punch how many turns is hail or one turn okay we can't we can't get off another aurora veil so we just protect iron defense then actually no no we don't protect iron defense we just go for the kill because paralysis on us is going to suck okay we are skill link not shell armor so it can crit us but hopefully we take it out before that time nice okay okay okay we're good we're good we don't need cloister anymore uh we're not gonna sack him obviously but we're gonna bring out somebody else on the beware okay beware comes out we're gonna bring in frost last [Music] will chop shite let's go for psychic their choice specs doesn't kill dang it can we take that psychic again okay and last pokemon is milo uh and then that we have jinx this is random move between hydro pump and dragon pulse i think we are especially bulky so icy wind okay that's fine let's go with light screen damn that's a lot of damage i don't think we can stay in with jinx anymore so we might have to switch in someone else i think the right play here is cloister we do have light screen up so it's only going to do like a quarter because i can't stay in with jinx anymore okay we take this six turns okay so i need to hit this four times to kill it with icicle spear and so that means i can fit in two protects so might as well do it now no please here's a second protect and now we just have to go for the attacks now 51 to 22 that's what like 29 damage okay maximum is 33. maxwell is like 33 damage right so we're in range to die what can do enough damage to this right now no i can't protect because if i want to switch i have to switch now maybe frost lasts no frost last just dies it does maximum 24 to jinx and jinx can has psychic which can do like 30 percent both frost last and cloister are in range to die so i have to switch into jinx and since light screen is up right now hydro pump max roll non-crit is like 25 which is 41 hp okay so basically jinx has a chance of killing this if and only if it's within 30 percent 2.3 divided by 5.7 the health bar divided by its total health bar which is 5.7 which puts it at forty percent health oh wait no this is without any attack ev's special attacking does jinx have any special attack ev's it has 60 special attack evs which puts my damage range exactly at 33.7 to 40 meaning there's one rule it does enough damage cloister is in range to die frost last is in range to die vanilla can take a hit but it can't do any damage so it will also die meaning jinx is our only option the psychic has 1 out of 16 rolls to kill this mylodic now the math is incorrect right maybe it's like slightly less than 40 maybe it's like 39 who knows but jinx is my only option but jinx i'm counting on you we have light screen off so i'm counting on it okay like we said now you gotta hit hit the one hit the one percent okay goodbye jinx you did well dang it i came so close to i was so close uh my math was nearly perfect it was nearly perfect [Music] so yeah it was unfortunate that that happened but at least we get another encounter on pony island on pony breaker coast we can find ourselves another ice type in lapras since we lost our specially bulky pokemon and jinx lapras is going to take her place he has the ability shell armor as well as the modest nature which makes this lapras amazing also i didn't think i showed vanillix's stats before so here they are going into the dragon trial i wasn't too worried we were a full team of ice types so this battle shouldn't be too hard it's very possible it just dies here so let's go for it we have to lift this okay solid that's the one crit we're playing into fine easy is that easy as that you know no need to plan no need to plan the next fight with necrozma also went pretty seamlessly in ultra moon necrozma is a ghost and psychic type meaning it's four times weak to ghost type moves so frost last did the trick so we gave you a casted berry to reduce the uh the ghost type damage we're faster so we're gonna shadowball doesn't really matter just don't crit us easy and now we kill good better what 90 damage 90 plus 45 is what 135 oh we would have lived a crit anyway okay that's good yep 30 second cutscene for a three second battle i've already made two playthroughs of this game and i still haven't mentioned how many cutscenes there are but i'll say it now there are way too many cutscenes in this game ultra megalopolis is another one of those cutscene places a 3 minute cutscene for 30 second battle now if you're curious about my strategy for this battle and wonder what i was going to do you might have thought toxic stall right because if you did default to toxic stall then you're actually wrong i did not use toxic stall at all throughout this playthrough my strategy for this battle is actually perisong on the first turn that i used paris song he hit me with the power gem that brought me down to red health but since lapras is shell armor it can never crit me and i can never die on the first turn so once i stall out three turns this necrozma is dead the first turn goes by from me using a protect i then stall out the second turn by switching into vanilla who's holding a charty berry to reduce the power gem damage the power gem hits and leaves a third of my health i stall the final turn by using a protect and this puts narcrosma's parish count at 0 taking it out another five minute cut scene later and i'm at mina's trial she sends us out to collect some flower petals but the battles are pretty easy so i'll skip those for now when i return with the flower petals it calls in totem rabonbi and we're on to the next totem fight so the strategy for this totem is quite simple we are going to perish song right okay uh this should see bug buzz as the highest damaging move so uh we switch into you who can take a bug buzz and then we protect the last term okay i i almost just killed my lapras for nothing and then now we protect this bit i don't have protect maybe lapras lives maybe lapras lives a plus five we are shell armor and we are max special bulk okay [Music] okay [Music] okay okay i don't know what happened there never punished there is all of our total badges okay i i'll take that i definitely did not deserve to win that battle but hey sometimes we take those wins this brings us to our last kahuna battle with hapu which goes pretty easily she starts out with a go lurk so i start with our vanillux since blizzard in the hail is always accurate i equipped choice specs to vanillux and started blizzarding everything blizzard one shots the goler as well as the mudsdale when she sends a gastrodon i switch out my own pokemon for lapras a couple of ice beams later does the trick to take out the gastrodon papu then sends out her final pokemon and flygon she does hit me with an earth power that brings me down to one fourth of our health but a single ice beam later takes out the flygon winning us the island kahuna this means that i'm finally done my island trials and i can move on to the elite four okay all right you guys really want the lana killing counter fine i'll give it to you guys i'll give i'll give it to you guys yeah usually i wouldn't do this but you know what let's get that we vial there it is there it is oh jolly nature like i said i usually wouldn't do something like that but chat really wanted to see a second lanakila encounter plus i really like weavile myself so i just allowed it if we got anything else though i would have just said forget it we also get the glaceon evolution here so that's two new pokemon going into the elite four i had to do a lot of calculations and preparations and some of the damage ranges really stumped me for a while so preparing for this elite four took a long time but in the end i did come up with a solid strategy so here's how it went so the first one we're gonna do is a acer roll of the ghost one because i think weville basically walls it all right let's hope i didn't mess up we should be able to get off a sword stance here so let's do that okay nice we live a crit we live a crit that was a crit and now be sweet we are jolly nature [Music] aftermath i didn't take that into account but that's fine all right okay kahili should also be very very simple this should just be a clean sweep not by one pokemon by all of our members but like there just should be there should not be any challenge in this fight let's go for ice punch we have expert belts good this should just die to an ice pun it should just die to an ice punch good in fact the only thing that we need to watch out for is the oricorio and the amanda buzz okay yeah what we're gonna do is sword stance fit yeah that's the problem i was hoping it went for like a brave bird that's fine we are super super bulky easy easy i was gonna say protect for leftovers but we don't have protect um we'll just go we'll just go for ice beam this is okay because if i hit myself we're using our attack stat and on our special attack stat which means if we do hit the mandibus we'll probably kill it with ice beam okay so this should be a kill right nice i could have given you like a person very as well but whatever if this is rock blast can't switch we have to stay out and i think it is rock blast which means we have to stay in and use ice beam come on just live please live please live do it hey don't hit yourself then okay nice nice nice nice nice yeah air slash was actually in range to kill and if it goes for like a teeter dance we have person barry to like negate that basically okay and what's left i think that's it right that's it nice okay okay so you might be wondering why are we leading with lapras right didn't i train it to be especially bulky that's absolutely right but because i equipped it with a charty berry it should reduce rock blast damage and see an x scissor into a frost lass hopefully it's x scissor and frost last [Music] [Music] you piece of okay so i guess i was wrong in assuming that charlie berry reduces damage from all five hits okay i guess we'll just have to set up here nowhere on the web did i find that that was how rock blast works okay so my stats now look like this and i think we're ready to kill it's so dumb that that's how it works okay nice lychen rock okay so you're just gonna sack everything here's the credilly i think we kill this right oh no we don't rock tomb should i'll go here for the rock tomb then because like as long as the sand is up i can't really do damage to it with my other pokemon so we'll just protect out the sand this one losing frost last year was so dumb nice and now it's the pro pass i think it's gonna it's gonna use this turn to set up a sandstorm especially since we have a charty berry on us i think we go to lapras here this is his last pokemon right actually yeah no we're going lapras for sure thunder wave is okay uh this makes us slower there's the sandstorm so this boosts its special defense but we have paris song so and it's it's the last pokemon too so we just need to protect a few turns counts to one protect this la we don't have protect great uh that's okay okay we live this we have charity berry easy nice count goes to zero and it dies there it goes okay so it kind of sucks that we lost frost last but whatever i kind of wanted to do like a destiny bond strategy at the very end but i guess not okay this is gonna be really really flippin tough all right so this is gonna be really tough because all of their steel types resist like literally everything we are going to start with a water pulse and if this cleft key okay that's completely fine so i was gonna say if it even if it hits us with a uh flash cannon we have citrus berry to bring us up above half so we can live another one good and now we're going to mirror coat dang it okay so with every layer of spikes it becomes worse and worse so just hit us with mirror with a flash canyon reflect is okay hit us with flash cannon no haters with flash cannon okay that's three layers which means it's now 25 damage every time we send in a pokemon so hit us with flash cannon there we go this should do about half okay bit less perfect [Music] oh that's a lot of damage okay take that and now we set up and we we set up to kill this basically this is okay though okay so we are done setting up we can now take it out with waterfalls or at least that's what we're gonna do yeah okay easy now as long as it sends out a physical attacker we'll be fine okay so here's the plan with magnazone oh that's a lot of damage i keep forgetting how much damage that is and it's starting to add up now thunderbolt that does like 60 so we shouldn't die yeah okay there goes your sturdy okay your max special book so good good good good good good good good and then now we just do as much damage as we can so let's go for hydro nice screech is okay because the magna zone is a special attacker we are faster right yeah water poles can kill this then nice okay because we did we didn't need to go for the miss on on hydro pump okay and we could have lived a thunderbolt because we have the walking bearing so we're fine uh i'm pretty sure this can do nothing to us we can water pulse here i had earth power in the damage calculator i had earth power in the damage calculator not earthquake [Music] that was just dumb on my part that was just dumb on my part like that death was easily avoidable too because i could have just easily switched into weevil who weevil who would have lived an earthquake and then just killed the last two pokemon with brick break right i actually did not plan like i didn't do any planning for this howl battle because i wanted to be like oh you know i don't know all right let's hope i didn't mess up anything too badly we have five deaths four pokemon left let's hope we can beat them oh nice crit all right what is this layer blitz right that's almost guaranteed to kill me is this a dark move or is this a fire move it's a it's a fire move okay and it's physical because it's based off of flare blitz so this was really my only chance here but i might lose a cloister like this uh always protect we don't i was i was gonna say always protect for uh i was gonna say always protect for leftovers but guess not on this case if that was a z move which is double damage this should not kill but uh now i realize that i probably should have used explosion because now i'm not in a position to do anything i should use shell smash there that's what i should have done i should use shell smash okay that was a throw that was a huge throw all right i think we go here we sack you and then into glacion okay is that gonna die to hail okay it's gonna bring out something super effective against me right because it because i'm sending out my pokemon first we have snow cloak here so we'll do that cringing oh okay i like this i like this match-up [Music] there's no way to win this right there's no way i win this yeah there's no way in this let's see what am i gonna do here or at least okay the question is what can glacion do here right uh all right let's go for hyperbeam he misses oh i have snow cloak too right that's why but he hits the stone edge of course also how is he faster [Music] he missed again there's no way i win this right like there's no way i win this yeah goodbye uh i'm almost certain brick break is not gonna kill so do i swords dance i think we're honestly just dead right all right let's swords dance sword stands for the views yeah and now we're dead oh my god would you look at that suck it oh my god wait how does turtles just suck that much because i have no bulk on i have no bulk on me right i'm like super not bulky i am max speed though i am max speed so yeah i evied myself to always outspeed the oh my god sometimes i wonder how i do stuff like this how did i just pull that out of my how did i how did i win i i threw i threw away lapras and frost last for no reason and then i threw away cloister for no reason and i still won how many of you guys want to bet that there's going to be like 10 comments in the comment in the youtube comment section saying that i i over leveled for the elite four i so did not deserve this win i so did not deserve this win
Channel: DocZ
Views: 128,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kIX8_ukQQMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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