Pokemon Y Hardcore Nuzlocke Steel Types Only

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we are back with another video for you guys in this video we're going to be playing pokemon why steel types only hardcore nuzlocke rules if you don't know the rules to win those luck i'm going to put them on the screen right now i'm not going to keep you guys waiting so without further ado here's my attempt at a pokemon y hardcore nuzlocke steel types only [Music] before we start this journey let's talk about steel types steel types are actually a really good batch of pokemon most of them have pretty high stats all around the board and there's actually a fair bit of steel types in pokemon y there's 9 steel types to be exact but all of them have some pretty glaring weaknesses for example almost every single one of my pokemon is weak to fire and or ground this doesn't really seem like much of an issue until you look at the elite four and how many ground type pokemon are in this game one more thing to make this run just a little bit harder i'm deciding to add the rule of no mega evolution meaning in this run i will not be able to use mega lucario one of the best pokemon in the game this of course should make my run a hell of a lot harder especially considering the mega evolutions in this game are absolutely broken with all that being said i start my journey as xango and meet serena and shauna outside of my house they teach me the basics and give me a starter that i'm not gonna use i make my way to route 22 where i can actually catch my first usable pokemon ryolu i catch the ryolu pretty swiftly and name him titanium since real luke isn't actually a steel type yet i have to grind to get him there this grind is way different than any i've ever done before because i have to run for 30 minutes straight back and forth in a straight line just to get him to enough friendship to evolve on his first battle like i said it takes me a while but i get it done and i get my steel type on lucario meaning i can challenge the first gym i walk into this gym battle a little bit short-handed she leads the battle with cersket as i lead with titanium i didn't heal before starting this battle because i was very confident i could win it and i'm at 30 hp and a little bit under leveled thankfully cersket really isn't that strong of a pokemon and i bring him down to a third before he can even do any damage really she then heals the surfskit wasting the potion as i go for a few more quick attacks ending the sur skit next up is vivillon a fully evolved pokemon and i'm kinda scared she may not be dealing a lot of damage but honestly neither do i as every hit i hit for only about an eighth with quick attack i go for about four quick attacks before i get hit with an infestation bringing me down every single turn i'm getting hit for a lot of damage on every single turn so i go for a quick attack bringing her down to the red and since she wastes her potion this doesn't really matter as now i can just one shot with another quick attack winning me my first gym badge of this run after that gym battle i walk past dexio and cena and make my way into lumio city i then proceed and make my way into the professor's lab where he gives me a trash pokemon we get out of there as soon as possible and after that i make my way onto route 5. i move on to route 5 and this lucario checks me out in an awfully weird manner i make my way past those weirdos and talk to tierno and trevor tierno challenges me to a battle and i beat him down pretty swiftly after this and a little bit more story i make my way onto route 6 where i can catch my next pokemon hone edge homage evolves into age slash and asia slash can definitely give me the firepower i need to defeat the rest of this run after i get him i pay way too much money to get into this palace help out the owner and he doesn't even give me my money back me and shawna watch some fireworks as i get the team for protect and i make my way to wake up the snorlax the rest of the stuff that goes on is kind of trivial so i'm just going to focus on the main important points me and serena challenge tierno and trevor to a battle and we destroy them after that double battle we make our way to amber town when we get to the city we immediately have to do some chores and glitter and cave once i'm there we get our first encounters with team flare and i mop the floor with them after i'm finished up there i completely forget about my maul wild encounter and glittering cave and to be honest with you this is gonna happen a lot in the run in this run pokemon just kept slipping my mind and i kept forgetting to catch them where i was supposed to making this run a lot harder than it was supposed to be after missing that encounter i make it to silage city and get ready to challenge the second gem this battle actually ends up being extremely easy i lead the battle with titanium as he leads with armor even though i'm two levels below her i steal one shot with a critical hit four times super effective power-up punch he then sends out tyron who i hit really hard with a power-up punch bringing him to a third as he hits me with a rock tomb doing almost no damage this battle ends up being a closed case from here as i finish him off with another power-up punch winning me my second gym badge of this run after this gym battle i realized that i didn't get my mall while so i make my way to go get one sadly without mega evolution mo while is kinda useless her stats are mediocre at best and she can't really do much to any gyms the only thing i can even think about using her for is the up and coming fighting gym but even that is questionable since i already have a home edge regardless i catch them all while and name it cannonball and make my way to the next town before the next town though i deal with team flare and forget about another encounter in the grass on route 10. after that i make my way into geocenge town this seems like a really unimportant town in the game and i'm sure nothing bad will happen here later on i battle karina and her weird lucarios before the next rout beat them and make my way into reflection cave i get through this cave relatively scot-free and after this i make my way into shallower city in this city is where i'm gonna get my first real rival battle with serena she leads the battle with meow stick as i lead with stainless her meowstic goes down to three shadow snakes as i get to 26 hp she then throws out her next pokemon absol so i send out cannonball to take some hits and hopefully do a lot of damage with fairywind i then remember that maul's special attack is horrendous so i go for a few vice grips instead i end up bringing him down all the way to about a third as he hits me with a critical hit slash killing cannonball in the process i send out titanium next and i go for a power-up punch one shotting the absol her final pokemon froggy deer goes down to two shadowclaws winning me my rival battle sadly with that final kill i bring titanium over the level cap this puts me in a really poor position meaning that i have to take out the entire next gym with only stainless with all that being said it's time to challenge karina again but this time for the third gym badge before i looked at karina's team composition this battle looked impossible but in all reality this battle was the easiest of the run so far she leads the battle with menfu as i lead with stainless men foo can legitimately not hit me with a single attacking move so i set up three consecutive sword stances and sweep the entire team the only problem is at the end of the battle with her lucha but she doesn't even go for an attacking move so it kinda just gives me the free win with that all being said that's my third gym batch of this run [Music] after this i remember that there's an encounter i forgot about in reflection cave this encounter ends up being phariseed and i catch him and name him tank i head to the tower of mastery to battle karina once more she apparently has no idea when to call it quits because i defeat her again with her own pokemon this time i do end up mega evolving lucario in this battle but i don't really count it cheating seeing as this lucario isn't even on my team after the battle her lucario basically begs me to join my team so i do the only proper thing and leave it on the tower and strand it after this battle i talk to diantha and the professor and i make my way to the next city before the next gym however i have a rival battle i beat serena with no issues other than the fact that i bring titanium over the level cap again this really does look like it's gonna have to be another solo battle with stainless because tank really can't do much at this level regardless it's time and i challenge the fourth gen i lead the battle with stainless as he leads with jump love i immediately go for a sword stance as he goes for a leech seed i need to kill this jump luff and fast as my health is going to be going down every single turn now jump love hits me with an acrobatics not doing very much but i hit with an aerialist bringing him to 1 hp this could be catastrophic and has real potential to end my run right here since i know jump love is going to heal on the next turn i decide to go for another sword stance and i take out the jump left on the next turn i'm left with 36 hp after the jump left so he brings out go go at this point it really should be game as he has bulldozed and he can one shot stainless i get ready to reset my run and for some reason he goes for a grass knot not a bulldozer so i get a one shot off with ariel ace i was a hundred percent ready to reset there but thankfully i don't have to and he brings in weepinbell in the next turn and i take it out with a single area lace winning me my fourth gym badge of this run after this gym battle i have to deal with team flare again and after i deal with them i am able to turn on the power for lumio city on my way to lumio city i do a ton of story but other than that there's not really anything to do here so all i do is challenge the fifth gem this is the first time in a while that i don't over level titanium so i decide to lead the battle with him as he leads with a mulga immediately i go for a rock tune bringing the imoga down to a third as he goes for a volt switch switching out the imoga in the process he then sends in magnets on and i'm able to get through it sturdy with a single bone rush next up is heliolisk who i hit really hard with a bone rush bringing him down to half as he hits me extremely hard with the thunderbolt bringing me down to 12 hp after that i just get off one more bone rush and it kills the heliolisk his final pokemon is a molga who i take out with a single rock tomb winning me my fifth gym badge of this run [Music] after this gym battle i meet lysander and the professor in the cafe and after that i make my way to route 14 and challenge serena to a rival battle serena gets smoked as usual and her team really shouldn't be posing much of a threat to mine especially with all my steel types while i'm on route 14 we make our way to the scary house and the only real scary thing about this house is the fact that the devs kept in the shaking camera scene for so long i walk out of there leaving no tip and make my way to the next city of this run once in lavar city the only thing to do is challenge the fairy type jam i decide to leave the battle with tank as she leads with mall while she goes for a crunch hitting me for a little but i decide to go for ingrain bringing my health basically back to full she hits me again going for another crunch as i decide to go for a toxic for getting she's a steel type it's fine though as we keep training attacks and i keep healing most of the damage with my ingrain after only three power whips mo wild goes down and that leads to her next pokemon mr mayan i actually am able to get a toxic off on this one so i use it as he hits me for literally no damage going for a reflect i then use protect on the next turn just to get some more hp and then i decide to go for a power whip almost one-shotting him she ends up healing on the next turn and i go for two more power whips finishing off mr mime leading into her final pokemon sylveon again with sylveon i decide to set up with toxic i then decide to spam protect and power whip but i get hit by her ability cute charm this actually doesn't prove to be much of an issue as on the next turn she goes out to a toxic so i win my sixth gym badge of this run [Music] i've then got a deal with team flare again but this time in the pokeball factory before i deal with them though i decide to go get my encounter all the way back on route 10 and this encounter ends up being a nose pass he really wouldn't have made the run too much easier if i caught him earlier especially considering i couldn't evolve him until during the 4th gym i decide to name him magnet and i actually get ready to fight team flair on route 15 16 and the lost hotel i can actually catch three different pokemon thankfully i forget to catch every single one of those making this next gym which is a psychic type gym way harder than it needed to be regardless after missing those three encounters i make my way into the next city and frost cavern i then deal with team flare again for the millionth time in this run and after that i make my way through route 17 into anastar city while on my way to the gym i get jumped by serena and am forced to do a rival battle this battle actually is a little bit scary because now she has a flare on her team but i end up taking it out really quickly with a bone rush and that's all for serena after this battle there's nothing left standing between me and the seventh gem of this run i decide to challenge olympia and lead the battle with tank she leads with sigilyph and immediately i go for an ingrain as he goes for a reflect i go for a toxic forgetting about sigilyp's ability and i realize very soon into the battle that i can't just toxic stall this thing this is a massive mistake on my part and this could end up getting tank killed since i equipped a tank with shadow claw i'm able to use that to get some damage off and i go for a few protects just to heal up he's doing a lot more damage than i can possibly out heal so i'm getting really scared i used ingrain earlier in this battle so i can't even switch out with tank even if i wanted to this leaves me in a really rough position as now i can only just use shadow claws to try and finish off the schedule i end up finishing him off with a couple more shadow claws leading into her next pokemon meowstic she goes for a fake out on the first turn not really hitting me for much damage and i do more with my ability iron barbs i then am able to get back up to 60 health as she goes for a calm mind and i go for a shadow claw it actually does more than half and on the next turn she goes for a shadow ball hitting me for almost all of my health bringing me to 12 hp as i finish her off with a shadow claw she sends out slow king next and sadly this means i'm really limited in this battle i still can't switch out due to my ingrain and i'm forced to stay in with 12 hp i get super lucky and go for a shadow claw hitting him for a critical hit as he hits me with a yawn even more shocking i'm faster than slokan so i just go for another shadow claw winning me my seventh gym badge of this run i then have to deal with a ton of team flare shenanigans and since a lot of it is unimportant i'm only going to cover the important events and battles the first thing that happens right when i get into their hideout is i battle lysander for the first time he sends out men foo first who i kill with two of his own high jump kicks after that is gyarados and he goes down to tang his next pokemon pie roar is extremely scary but thankfully i have magnet to take some hits and finish off his pyro after that i just finished off murkrow and that's our first battle with lysander after this i decide to press the blue button and basically almost destroy the world i then have to fix my mistake in geocenge town and while i'm here i battle lysander again this battle thankfully goes about the same as the other one and i get through it with relatively no issues i then complete one of the best pokemon scenes ever and after that i have my final battle with lysander without mega evolution this fight is extremely hard your volatile ends up getting thrown to the front of my party so i decide to keep throwing pokeballs at his menchufu so i get killed after uvoltal dies i switch into titanium and go for an aura sphere thankfully it one shots as he brings out his next pokemon pyroar thankfully titanium is just faster than pyro so i get off an aurosphere and one shot him in the process next up is his haunch grow and before i decide to attack him i decide to set up with sword stance as he hits me bringing me to almost half hell i decide to go for another one as he hits me bringing me to 58 hp with an aerial ace i'm then able to one shot the hans grow with the close combat and next out is his final pokemon mega gyarados truthfully it would have been better if he didn't mega evolve because when he did he made himself two times super effective to fighting type moves so i'm able to just get off a single close combat winning me my final battle against team flare and lysander after that i do a tiny bit more story and remember that i can catch a pawn yard this pawn yard is in a previous route and i catch him and name him ironside i then move on to route 16 where i'm able to catch another pokemon this time being klefki i catch him with relatively no issues then i move on to the lost hotel and i catch a magnet on after i catch him i immediately evolve him into magna zone and i end up naming him magnesium after route 19 i then battle the professor and beat him with no real issues after that i then get my dust stone so i can evolve stainless into an age slash with that being said i then have three rival battles consecutively and with the first one i take it out with a sword stance sweep from stainless my second rival tierrano actually has a way better team than shauna and he has a talonflame and since he leads with it immediately i'm forced to switch into magnet once i switch into him though it's basically just a switch game so i end up beating tierno with no deaths after that i get my pokemon healed up and deal with trevor his team really isn't that difficult so after i beat them for the final time i make my way into snowbell city once here i find the gym leader in the pokemon village and get ready to challenge the eighth and final gym of this run i decide to lead the battle with titanium as he leads with obama snow immediately i go for an aurosphere which one shots the obama snow in the process next up is triagonal and i hit him really hard with an oil sphere bringing him to the red as he hits me with a confused ray i make a ballsy move and on the next turn rather than switching i go for an oreo sphere hitting the triagonal but since he healed on the same turn i just bring him to the red again he heals again but on this turn titanium snaps out of confusion so i go for another aorosphere bringing him to the yellow after this i use one more aorosphere to take out the triagonal he then sends out his final pokemon avalog thankfully this isn't actually that bad considering avalog's special defense is basically nothing so i'm able to take it out with a single aurosphere winning me my eighth and final gym badge of this run after this final gym battle the only thing left to do in this game is go to victory road and challenge the elite four while i'm going through victory road i have my final rival battle of this run with serena she leads the battle with meowstic as i lead with stainless stainless absolutely destroys her with a shadow claw leading to her next pokemon flareon i decide to switch into magnet to go for two earth powers killing the flareon she then brings in her next pokemon greninja for her greninja i decide to switch into magnesium and go for a thunderbolt one shotting the greninja after the greninja she decides to bring in absol and when she does i switch into titanium and i go for a single close combat one shotting him in the process she then sends in her final pokemon alteria who gets too shocked by a dragon pulse winning me my final rival battle of this run after that final battle i decided to catch my final pokemon of the run skarmory and name him tungsten this right here is the final thing i do before i make it into the pokemon league before i continue this video i just want to say thank you to everybody who's made it this far in the video it takes me a ton of time to make these videos and edit them so if you could please subscribe that would be greatly appreciated thanks again to everybody who watched up until this point and with that all being said i challenge the elite four and pokemon y using hardcore nuzlocke rules and only steel types i decide to start my first elite four battle in the flood chamber i lead the battle with magnesium as he leads with collider immediately i go for a thunderbolt and since i out speed i one shot him in the process he then brings out his next pokemon gyarados thankfully my magneton has sturdy so even if i possibly get one shotted on this turn i'm able to survive and go for a thunderbolt so that's exactly what i do one shotting the gyarados in the process as he brings me to one hp he then sends out his barbarical necks and i decide to switch into stainless he goes for a cross chop and since i'm a ghost type i don't get hit on the switch in on the next turn i decide to go for a sacred sword bringing him in the yellow as he hits me with a razor shell and i heal up back to about 120. i then go for one more sacred sword and finish him off he then brings in his final pokemon starming his starmie can't do anything to tank so i decide to switch him in and i kill him with a single power whip winning me my first elite four battle next up on the list is the iron works chamber i leave the battle with titanium as he leads with clap gate i go for two consecutive sword stances as he goes for a spikes and a torment i then one shot the cleft key with an earthquake leading to his next pokemon probopass i decide to hit the probopass with a shadow claw bringing him down to half as he hits me extremely hard with an earth power on the next turn i just go for an earthquake and finish off the probably pass leading to his next pokemon aegislash age slash goes for a kingshield as i try and hit him with a shadow claw and he lowers my attack by two stages this doesn't really matter though as i can just one shot him with an earthquake which i do so this leads to his final pokemon scissor i decide to go for a shadow claw in the first turn and i bring him down to lower than half but he hits me super hard with an iron head bringing me to 32 hp since scizor has bullet punch i decide to play it safe and switch into stainless stainless takes the hit and i go for a sacred sword in the next turn winning me my second elite four battle next up i decide to challenge the dragon mark chamber i decide to lead the battle with titanium as she leaves with dry algae i start the battle off by going for a calm mind as she goes for a sur i was hoping i could kill with the dragon pulse but i don't bringing her to one hp as she hits me for not too much damage with a sir on the turn i know she's going to heal i decide to go for another calm mind and on the next turn i go for a dragon pulse finishing off her pokemon she then sends out her level 65 noivern with flamethrower before the battle i equipped the titanium with the okaberry having the damage of super effective moves so i actually don't get killed by the flamethrower and i'm able to one shot with the dragon pulse her next two pokemon are a complete joke and i one shot them both winning me my third elite four battle if you haven't noticed it yet i've been challenging the elite four in a very specific way i've been avoiding the fire type elite four member purely because my lucario can not out speed pyroar and talonflam i can't take a hit from each of those pokemon so i'm forced to just stall and level up lucario to hopefully out speed with that all being said this is it and i challenge the final elite four member of this run she leads the battle with pyroar as i lead with titanium i then go for an earthquake hoping to out-speed and thankfully i do sadly i leave her on a sliver thankfully she doesn't attack me and she goes for a noble roar and on the following two turns i'm able to take her out with two earthquakes leading into her next pokemon talonflame talonflame decides not to go for a flare blitz and hits me extremely hard with brave birds but thankfully it's not enough to kill as i'm able to hit him with a rock's life one shotting him in the process torkle comes out next and since lucario's already kinda low i'm forced to switch i decide to switch into magnet fully knowing that he's gonna have to die in order for me to win this battle i go for an earth power but it's not enough to kill the torkle as he takes me out with an earthquake magnet's sacrifice was definitely much needed as on the next turn i switch back into titanium and i get off an earthquake finishing off the torkle chandelier comes out last and i just one shot it with a single earthquake winning me my final elite four battle with all that finished up i walk into radiant chamber and attempt to beat the final battle of this run before the battle starts i give stainless a cassette berry and i start my battle with pokemon x and y's champion diantha i decide to lead the battle with stainless as she leads with hallucia halucha only knows one move that could do damage to me and it's four times not very effective so i'm able to set up three consecutive sword stances without him being able to stop me i then go for a single shadow claw one shotting the halucha in the process she then brings out gudra and since she doesn't out speed me i just go for a sacred sword and one shot her as well i then proceed to one shot her next pokemon tyrantrum and gora geist again i'm able to one shot her auroras and she brings out her final pokemon gardevoir i'm 110 i can one-shot gardevoir even in her mega form but the real question is is can she one shot me before i do the same gardevoir outspeeds me by a long shot and her special attack stat is through the roof with that all being said i have to hope my preparations were enough as she mega evolves i eat my cassette berry and she hits me with a shadow ball bringing me to 40 hp as i'm able to one shot with an iron head winning me my final battle of this run oh my gosh let's go that's the game baby let's go this run took me so long oh my gosh dude what a game man and with that that's the end of this run this run was actually a lot more difficult than i thought it was going to be considering steel types are actually really good i had a ton of close calls in this run and most of them were because my pokemon were so incredibly slow regardless of all that i actually had a really fun time playing this run and i would definitely do a similar run in the future with that all being said that's the end of the video and if you made it this far then please consider subscribing i'm trying to make it to a thousand by the end of the year and it would be greatly appreciated and with the entire game finished that was my attempt at a pokemon y hardcore nuzlocke with steel types only [Music] so [Music] [Music]
Channel: Zango
Views: 111,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3ZKLNTi1oFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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