My Pokemon Teams in Every Game

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don't worry James put your fins Michael here before we get started on this video I just wanted to make sure that you acknowledge the beautiful Christmas lights I have attached to my pokemon plushie bookshelf I just really wanted my work to be appreciated since I was working on setting it up for countless hours and by countless hours I mean approximately ten minutes one of my favorite things about the pokemon game series is how the experience is unique for pretty much everyone who plays it primarily due to the composition opportunities for your pokemon team if you talk to anyone and ask them what their playthrough team was for a particular pokemon game chances are very low that their team is going to be identical to yours and even if the Pokemon species were the same the movesets are most certainly different about two years ago I made a video going over every single one of my teams for my first playthrough of every single game in every single generation of Pokemon with pairs of games counting as one game so Diamond and Pearl it's just whichever one I played first but third version games like platinum that's different that video has gotten a lot of positive feedback and I've gotten several requests from you guys to make an updated version of the video with several of my new teams that I've used since then so I decided to do that this will be an updated version of my pokemon teams from every generation but since I'm planning to include my Pokemon teams for some of the spin-off Pokemon games where you can have a traditional Pokemon team this video will be my Pokemon teams for every game this game will progress in generational order not the specific order that I've played the games in so be sure to leave a like on the video and without further ado here are my Pokemon teams for every game starting off with generation 1 we have the team for my only playthrough of generation 1 that I have ever done I got my start with Pokemon in generation 3 with ruby version so because of that I never actually completed a generation 1 game until they came out on the Virtual Console in early 2016 since yellow was the third version and therefore the most fleshed out and Charizard could actually learn fly in it that's the version I decided to play through my team started as Pikachu Venusaur Blastoise Charizard Alakazam and Taurus Pikachu due to being the starter the three normal starters because they were strong and I never used all three at once alakazam because I wanted to use an Opie Jen one psychic type and toros because I love Taurus and had never used one and Jen one was when Toros was the strongest by far due to its high speed and critical hit ratio I really wanted to kick some booty with one and I did the team changed his things progressed them the first change was replacing venusaur with Rhydon I used Venus or a lot early game but after getting past surge I wasn't really ever using it right on is another big buff pokemon I wanted to use that I knew it helped a lot with the league so I switched it and the final change was replacing Pikachu with Zapdos yellow versions Pikachu has regular Pikachu stats meaning it's super weak I got tired of losing it all the time so I went and caught Zapdos to use as my electric type it was a lot better now for my next team which is the first update to the original video but being including a team for generation 2 as I mentioned earlier I started with Gen 3 so I never actually completed a Gen 2 game until it was released on the Virtual Console this time in the fall of 2017 since crystal wasn't released with gold and silver and I like lugia I decided to play silver version I actually did a complete let's play of that game here on the channel so if you're interested in watching me play through a Gen 2 game for the first time check out the let's play my team was Typhlosion steelix ma champ Fierro Alakazam and Lapras this team was one that I actually did quite a bit of research for ahead of time so the team I used was one that I believed to be one of if not the best team possible to use in a gen 2 Johto playthrough one interesting part of this team is that it included by far the most members from in-game trades of any team I've ever used with half the team rocky the steelix muscled ahmad champ and kenya the fearow being from in-game traits it made my life a lot easier having boosted experience on half of my team since a lot of the level curves in gin two are really weird although one drawback of using steelix is that finding a metal coat on a wild Magnemite to evolve it at a reasonable time in the Gentoo games was a nightmare now on to generation 3 which as I mentioned was the first generation of Pokemon that I ever played so things are gonna go more chronological for a little bit I played the game Ruby version when I was 9 years old so I didn't really understand the concept of a balanced team so my team was just laid the sceptile I recall not being able to beat Brawley with just my Grovyle so I grind it in petalburg forest for god knows how long until it learns leaf blade which it learns at level 29 10 levels higher than brawly's makuhita blade was then over leveled for the rest of the playthrough so I just easily beat pretty much anything with just blade the sceptile Brown and rayquaza were pseudo members of the team as well since Groudon helped with the league and Rayquaza was used extensively for league three battles afterward but sceptile was the only one for most of the playthrough now on to leaf green my first ever playthrough in the Kanto region since I didn't play it very long after Ruby version I still didn't use a team and just used my Blastoise named squirt for pretty much everything like I didn't even use other legendaries it was just Blastoise that was it it was an emerald version that I finally started using some semblance of a team with a three-man squad of Swampert Breloom and torkoal they did pretty well overall and I was even able to get two silver symbols in the battle frontier using them despite just being random playthrough Pokemon I was and still am pretty proud of that next I'm going to go over Pokemon Colosseum I didn't include it in the last video because it's a spin-off game but I decided for this one since you do actually use a regular team like a main series game I figured it deserves to be included for this one now I'll be honest I have some difficulty remembering what my first Colosseum was since I've played through it a couple times since then and I don't have the original file for it to look it up I believe my team was Umbreon Ampharos Hariyama Feraligatr and tay and maybe jump up Umbreon him a hundred percent certain on since I ditched SP on in favor of the eeveelution I liked more I'm pretty sure on Ampharos and Feraligatr somewhat sure on Entei and Hariyama and jumpluff is a complete gues side note it took me way too long to realize that this was probably the first time I ever played through a game with a full team of six Pokemon however I do remember my team for pokemon XD gam of darkness the sequel to Pokemon Colosseum far better it was Vaporeon camerupt electrode shiftry para yama and fearow now you may be surprised that Hariyama was used in both games well the reason for that is I can't remember which game I used it in I know I used Hariyama in an or a playthrough but for the life of me I can't remember whether it was in Coliseum or an XD since you can get makuhita pretty early on in both games I'm starting to think that maybe Hariyama was an XD and I used hitmontop in Coliseum since I really liked hitmontop as a kid that would make sense sort of him on tops level up moveset in Gen 3 is absolute garbage but I did look those up less often as a kid so maybe I just dealt with it side note I did do a playthrough a Pokemon XD here on the channel it's not my first playthrough obviously but the team I use in it was pretty dope so if you want to check that out you can do so now on to generation for my first ever main series team of 6 was in Pokemon Diamond version and that team was Torterra ster raptor luxray floatzel Dialga and drifblim the last of which was replaced by Lucario since drifblim was pretty much useless I love this team a lot and it's the primary reason why I tor Tarin luxray so much mr. raptor not far behind now on to platinum version which is a kind of weird kind of sad story so when platinum came out I got it on the day it came out and I played through it not long after that I actually completed the national dex on my diamond version so since I had pretty much nothing else to do on the game I decided to transfer the Pokemon that I cared about including that original team of six on to my platinum version and then start over my diamond to play through it again for fun which I did however very sadly I then lost that platinum game card over the course of a move from Houston to Midland Texas and I never found it again that original platinum file and that original team from diamond are gone forever and I also can't remember for the life of me what my original platinum team was the only thing that I can remember about it is that I started with in Fernie however I did get another copy of platinum that I dunno my playthrough team for since I still have the game card and looked at my Hall of Fame and while it's not my first playthrough of platinum if I don't tell you this team I don't have a platinum team to tell you that team was Torterra bang mortar Raichu ster raptor floatzel and Giratina there are quite a few repeats from the original diamond team but keep in mind I had already played through c-note three times prior to this platinum file twice on diamond once on platinum doing one playthrough with each starter it had been a while since I'd used tour terrace to Raptor and floatzel so I decided to use them again after that was my first ever played through in the johto region that being in soul silver which i played most of on a spring break chip to Washington DC as a high school freshman this team was Typhlosion my favorite Jodo starter Ampharos golem scissor work Poliwrath and lugia however once I caught suicune after the league I replaced Poliwrath with it since he wasn't very good this was the final team that I beat red with now we move on to generation 5 my first Gen 5 playthrough was white version and I really liked the team that I used a lot it was samurai Zen Strika crocodile Ferrothorn conch elder and archeops I did sub out sub strike up for Zekrom for the climactic battle with n and gets us at the end of the first league but that was only for that battle said strike I stuck around for every other occasion next was black - now I know that white - is supposed to come after white but I actually played black most recently before black 2 and white 2 came out since to keep myself busy on a very long flight to London during my junior year of high school I bought black version and played through it all so I thought black qrm was cooler than white cure so black 2 is what I went with this was actually an interesting play through since for the first time ever I actually used a team of more than 6 Pokemon so I pulled a Garry rotating around which Pokemon I used depending on the situation and the matchup it was kind of a challenge since I only had access to Dee held item experience share but it was still a really interesting experience that I might try again at some point unfortunately I don't know which six members I actually took to the Pokemon League since the game only stores the most recent 10 or 20 Hall of Fame's it doesn't save the first one so since I beat the league too many times I can't see what my first Hall of Fame team was so I guess just guess the Pokemon I rotated around were sama rocks since I used Serperior in black and never wanted to use em bore sawsbuck sock Zoroark cabal e'en bahía m-- pro bat Flygon giggle if an Ampharos a cool collection of cool Pokemon except for Bahia min sock I don't know why I went with those now it's time for generation 6 in which my first playthrough was of X version my team was greninja Charizard that went mega X heliolisk gogoat Lucario that also went mega xerneas and talonflame there's 7 Pokemon here because I used talonflame quite a bit prior to getting Charizard and even after I got it since I was pretty attached to it it didn't come too the league but I still used it elsewhere especially when hatching eggs NYX was my Omega Ruby team which I picked for obvious reasons since I played Ruby as my first ever Pokemon game my team was sceptile obviously Gyarados Agron manectric Gallade and crobat this team was fun since every member but crobat could go mega and boy oh boy did I use those Megas I actually used a different mega in every battle of the Elite Four I think so that was really cool also I finally got to use a ghilane on a playthrough team for the first time ever I'd really like to laid for a while but never got the chance to use one so this game presented me the perfect opportunity kind of I had to trade over a Don stone from my ex version because stupidly enorus you can't get a dawn stone until you beat Wally at the end of the victory road but thanks to X version I made it work and I had an awesome Glade that I used and now for the final generation in this video generation 7 in which my first playthrough was son version I'm really attached to my pokemon son team since we went through a lot of crazy stuff together all of which was on camera since this was the first game that I did a full let's play of on YouTube for my first ever playthrough of the game speaking of that all of the gen 7 games I'll be discussing son ultra son and let's go Pikachu I did playthroughs here on the channel so if you think any of the teams are exceptionally interesting and want to see me use them you can watch the Let's Plays my son team was to see GUI vie Cove alt like in Rock midday forum palace and Sol as all so Gallio and shiny gumshoes yes there are eight Pokemon here but I still consider all of them a part of the team I found here oh the shiny gumshoes in the second episode of my let's play a full odds random shiny and it was so cool and exciting that I used it for as long as I could before it got outclassed by better Pokemon now I'd like to say that he's in charge of running pokey pella go for all of my other Pokemon and really enjoying his retirement so Gallio sort of replaced salaah so since I thought it would match up better against the members of the league but I still continue using Salah so after beating Sedley like I said this is one of my favourite Pokemon teams that I have ever used interestingly enough I also feel pretty similar about my ultra son team a really awesome squad of Pokemon that made it through some insane incredible moments that team was in sinner or ha lucha toxsa pecs Garchomp totem vicap old and a lowland nine-tails there was a sceptile for a bit but I replaced him with totem vyq of alt since I've used sceptile before but never used a freaking totem vai cult this team is one of my favorites since I got to use several Pokemon that I've always loved but never had a chance to use in a playthrough before specifically hawlucha Garchomp toxic pecs and a lowland ninetails also this team survived the insane iconic ultra in the crows my battle so it gets a lot of points for that and the final team for this video my playthrough team for let's go Pikachu the team was Pikachu the partner Pikachu since its stats were actually good mu venusaur arcanine Lapras and my shiny Aerodactyl from Pokemon go I didn't use a golem for a bit but ditched him since I really wanted to use Aerodactyl this scene was great since I got to actually see more of the Pokemon what with the whole riding and following thing it was really cool to have an arcanine on my team for the first time and to write around on it that was awesome also I got to use mu a mythical Pokemon on my team for the first time ever and that was just plain fun any time I needed a specific type coverage I just gave it any TM I wanted and that was a lot of fun alright guys that wraps up my pokemon teams for every game in every generation of Pokemon so far more games are gonna come out I might do another update in this video in a couple years we'll see if you did enjoy it don't forget to drop a like on the video let me know down in the comments below which of my teams is your favorite and maybe share some of your favorite teams that you've used in playthroughs before as well also if you are new here don't forget to subscribe to my channel make sure you have notifications set all I make a bunch of fun Pokemon videos all the time that I am sure you will enjoy all right that's all I have for now until next time big fans got to catch the MA
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 3,915,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, Pokemon switch, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, New Pokemon, UltraSun, UltraMoon, Pokemon UltraSun and UltraMoon, Pokemon, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Top Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Top 5 Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, pokemon teams, generation, pokemon team
Id: te_TLInc1do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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