If I Was the Sinnoh Champion

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- Greetings, Pokefans, Michael here, and with the recent announcement of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, it got me thinking. What if Pokemon was worse? More specifically, what if instead of the iconic, powerful, intelligent, beautiful Cynthia, the hands down best champion in all of Pokemon, the Sinnoh region was stuck with me instead? Today's video will answer that question. I will be revealing how I would run the show if I were the champion of the Sinnoh region instead of Cynthia. Since Sinnoh's on my mind thanks to the recent Sinnoh game announcements. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel, since apparently a lot of you watch all of my videos, yet aren't subscribed, come on, guys, it's one button to click, please, just do it. And let's dive in to. Ha ha, it is I, Grunty Boy. Of course it is. Who else could it be? What do you want? Knowledge. Just knowledge? That is an oddly admirable pursuit for you. I agree, too admirable, actually. That's why I've decided to get it by stealing your college diploma. Wait, what? Grunty Boy, stealing someone's diploma doesn't give you their knowledge. It's just a piece of paper. Oh, I thought it was like an Ironman situation, where the equipment gives you the powers. Why on earth would you think that? Because I lack knowledge, Michael. Why do you think I'm seeking it? All right, all right, all right. How about instead of committing grand theft diploma, you just check out CuriosityStream, the sponsor of today's video. CuriosityStream has thousands of streamable documentaries and nonfiction TV shows on topics like history, nature, science, food, technology, travel, and more. (Michael gasping) That's exactly what I needed. Wait, but do they feature collections of curated programs handpicked by experts? What an oddly specific question, but yes, 35 of them actually, plus they have lots of award-winning exclusives and originals. You can stream it to any device for viewing any time anywhere. Fantastic, how do I get it? All you have to do is head to the link in the description below, and use Coda MANDJTV to get a whole year of CuriosityStream for just $14.99. 15 bucks for a year? Oh my God. I wasn't expecting to get access to so much knowledge for less than the price of a candy bar. What candy bars are you buying? Well, none. I steal them all, so I don't actually know how much they cost. They're like $1. Oh, see, this is more of that me needing knowledge thing. Anyways, I'm gonna go watch CuriosityStream now, ta-ta. Okay, well, thanks so much to CuriosityStream for sponsoring this video. And now let's dive in to what I would do if I were the Sinnoh champion. The first thing I would do is get a fabulous all black outfit, dye my hair blonde, and put fun weird Lucario things in my hair. (jazzy music begins) I'm kidding, I'd have to keep redyeing my hair blonde, and that just sounds cumbersome. The first thing I have to do is figure out my team. And since I am the Sinnoh champion, I'll be selecting Pokemon exclusively from the Sinnoh Platinum Pokedex. I discussed this in more detail in my Sinnoh's Biggest Problems video, but the Diamond and Pearl Sinnoh Pokedex is terrible, and way too limited. The platinum Dex is what it should have been from the start, so that is what I will be selecting from. The first Pokemon I need to pick is my ace, my strongest Pokemon that will strike fear into the hearts of all who challenge me. All champions have one, after all. Blue has his starter. Lance has Dragonite. Steven has Metagross, and of course, Cynthia has Garchomp. Plus all the champions in later generations have an ace too. Garchomp is the strongest non-legendary Pokemon in the Platinum Dex. Since after all, it is the Gen Four pseudo-legendary Pokemon, having a base stat total of 600. While using Garchomp myself would certainly make me tough to beat, how lame would this video be if I just picked the exact same strongest Pokemon as Cynthia, what, no, we're not doing that. For my Sinnoh ace Pokemon, the Pokemon I'm selecting does not have a massive base stat total like Garchomp. It's got a very solid one, but it's not as high as a lot of other Champion Ace Pokemon. I'm picking it, because I love the Pokemon, and it can be really good if set up right, that Pokemon being Gliscor. Gliscor is my favorite Sinnoh Pokemon. I got attached to the one I used in my first ever Nuzlocke of Pokemon Platinum. Rest in peace, Metal. (Michael sobbing) Plus it's just so darn cool looking. It really reminds me of a superhero, but a creature of the shadows like superhero like Batman. It's so ominous, but in a cool way, not a terrifying way. Also it's shiny is my channel colors. Are you kidding me? That's so dope. You know what? Actually, as pseudo-champion, I am making my ace Gliscor shiny. Has any end game trainer ever had a guaranteed shiny Pokemon? I don't think so, but this is my video, and I'm having fun, so I'm doing what I want. Now like I mentioned, Gliscor is a bit weaker than most, actually all Champion Ace Pokemon. It's based at total is only 510, which is by no means bad. It's just that so many champions have 600 total pseudos, and the ones that don't, still have buff Pokemon. The lowest base stat total Champion Ace Pokemon is Blue's Venusaur at 525, and that's still higher than Gliscor. So to make up for that lower base stat total, I'm giving my Gliscor a held item that could be considered a bit more overpowered than usual Champion Ace held items like Sitrus Berries. I'm considering a Yache Berry to cut down on that four times ice weakness, but I think another more fun item to give it would be a Toxic Orb. Yes, Gliscor's hidden ability is Poison Heal, which means if it's poisoned, it heals an eighth of its max health every turn instead of losing health. I think it would be really cool if my ace Gliscor can not only get healthier every turn, but also, also not be given a stable status condition like burn or sleep after the end of the first turn, 'cause that's when the Toxic Orb activates. So if they give me one on the first turn, that would not be great. And also I would have to use Max Potions instead of Full Resource, 'cause it'd be really stupid to get rid of my own poison that I put there, and what, but I'm willing to work around that. Now you might be thinking, hidden ability Poison Heal? What, no, no, no. That was not in Gen Four, and you'd be right. However, I am building my team with Gen Eight battle mechanics, since that's what I assume, and hope that Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have. 'Cause if they don't, big yikes from me. So to summarize so far, my ace would be a shiny Gliscor with a Toxic Orb and Poison Heal, or Hyper Cutter and a Yache Berry. For its moveset, Earthquake is a necessity, and it's flying move would either be Aerial Ace or Acrobatics. Aerial Ace for the Toxic Orb version, and Acrobatics for the Yache Berry version, so that it gets stronger once the Yache Berry is gone. Although quick aside, if Gliscor got Dual Wingbeat, I would give that to the Poison Heal version over Aerial Ace. I say if, because we don't know if Gliscor could learn Dual Wingbeat, because it's not available in Sword and Shield. However, I feel like they'd probably give it to him. Freakin' Clefairy can learn Dual Wingbeat, and its wings are barely there tiny blunt spikes. For the last two moves, I'd run Swords Dance, so I can really ruin someone's day if I get one of those off, and last would be U-turn, to pivot out if things get sticky. I considered running Thunder Fang and Fire Fang to cover Gliscor's water and ice weaknesses. However, those moves are so weak, that even if they're super effective, two times super effective, they're still not stronger than stab unresisted Earthquake. Sky Uppercut would be, but Sky Uppercut is not 100% accurate. And remember, if it's not 100% accurate, it's 50% accurate. And also I value the ability to pivot with U-turn. So that's my ace shiny Gliscor, but what about the rest of my team? Well, I need something to cover Gliscor's pesky ice weakness. So I think a cool Pokemon to do that would be Scizor. So Gliscor and Scizor can be brothers. Uh huh. Scizor is a really cool Pokemon, and really powerful as a bonus. And while it does have a four times fire weakness, that is its only weakness. Mine would of course have the ability Technician, since it's far and away its best ability. Plus it makes it's stab priority Bullet Punches 60 power instead of 40. I'd also give it X-Scissor for bug stab, since Gliscor's already pivoting with U-turn, and Dual Wingbeat for flying coverage. Both hits of Dual Wingbeat get the Technician boost, meaning if both hit, it's power is 120. The final move would be Double Team. I considered giving it Swords Dance as well, but I feel like it's better to have more than one ways to ruin someone's day, and Double Team can definitely ruin some days. Another Sinnoh Pokemon that I'm quite fond of, that I want to include on the team just 'cause I want to include it, is Gallade. I've liked Gallade since I was a kid, because I think it's fighting style of up close sword fighting is really cool. Is it better than Gardevoir? Well, I think it might've been before Gardevoir became a fairy type, but once Gardevoir became a fairy type, then it got really freaking good, so, no, but I like it, and that's what matters. It's ability would probably be Steadfast, but Justified would be fine too, since I don't think either are incredible. It would of course have Close Combat and Psycho Cut, it's defacto stab move since its introduction. And then I'd give it Poison Jab to counter fairies, and Stone Edge to counter flying types. So far, my squad is Gliscor, Scizor, and Gallade, a team of three really cool Pokemon. However, that could cause some problems if my opponent decides to start Will-O-Wisping everything. So I need a special attacker or two, or three, and I decided to go with Togekiss. Togekiss is not one of my all-time favorite Pokemon, but I've used it on multiple occasions with quite a lot of success, thanks to it being so freakin' strong, having a base stat total of 545. I love that a Pokemon that starts out as weak as Togepi, or excuse me, Togepi, becomes as strong as Togekiss. Togekiss does have a couple issues though that I want to talk about so that you know that I don't actually think they're issues. The first is that it's a repeat flying type alongside Gliscor. However, thanks to their secondary typings, the only weakness they actually share is ice. And both of my other Pokemon, Gallade and Scizor, have super effective stab attacks against ice. Plus repeat types are totally fine. Cynthia had both Milotic and Gastrodon in Diamond and Pearl. So like, if she can do it, I can do it. Actually on the topic of Cynthia, the other issue is that she used a Togekiss in Platinum, and so it'd be like, oh, you're takin' a Pokemon from Cynthia. I thought you said you weren't gonna emulate her too much. And it's like, okay, no, it's different. It's different. First off, she only used it in Platinum, didn't use it in Diamond and Pearl, wasn't in the Diamond and Pearl Dex, but that does, shut up. And her Togekiss was normal flying type, was before there was fairy type. Hers was not fairy-flying. Mine would be fairy-flying, therefore mine is different, and special, and I'm okay. My Togekiss would run Air Slash, Dazzling Gleam, Flamethrower, and Thunder Wave, with the ability Serene Grace. Yep, it's a proper paraflinch Togekiss. With paralysis and a 60% chance to flinch, your Pokemon will never move. (Michael laughing) (Michael coughing) Sorry, I'm just feeling a bit mean today. Also, people talk about how difficult Cynthia is, and I agree. It's just, can we take a moment to talk about the fact that they could have given her Togekiss Serene Grace, so 60% flinch chance with Air Slash, but they gave it the vastly worse ability Hustle instead, an ability that boosts attack, and it only has special attacks. So she's still tough, but it could have been worse. And so I'm doing the worse. So with this squad of four Pokemon so far, every one of their weaknesses is covered by a stab attack of at least one of the others, aside from Gliscor's water weakness, Gallade's ghost weakness, and Gallade's flying weakness. So let's work on covering those with our last two Pokemon. First, the water weakness, and I think the Pokemon I'm gonna go with is Tangrowth. I considered going with Luxray since I love Luxray, but it's lack of a good physical electric type move disqualifies it from a champion team in my opinion. Plus Tangrowth is a kind of an interesting Pokemon that doesn't get a whole lot of love, and I think it would be cool to use it. Also, it's got a pretty high base stat total, 535, that's not far behind Togekiss. I'm tempted to give mine it's hidden ability Regenerator, so that it heals whenever it switches out. And you know, that just seems fun, and kind of evil. However, I think it would also be a bit more evil if I went with a sun set, and give it the ability Chlorophyll, so that this already bulky and powerful Pokemon can now outspeed you too. Its moveset would be Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Energy Ball for when it's not sunny, and Earthquake for any fire types trying to take advantage of the sunlight. This works because Tangrowth's physical attack is only slightly lower than its special attack. Chlorophyll would be the ability, as I just mentioned, because I have a need for speed, plus it's way better than Leaf Guard. With Tangrowth added, the only two weaknesses I have left to cover are the ghost weakness from Gallade, and the flying weakness for Gallade, that also now hits Tangrowth. Thankfully there's a Platinum Dex Pokemon that can handle both of those, Weavile. Weavile is frail, but it's very fast, and hits very hard. It has a lot of weaknesses, but all of them are already covered by an existing team member with a stab attack. Gliscor, Gallade, and Togekiss get fighting. All of my Pokemon but Togekiss get rock. Gliscor and Togekiss get bug, Gliscor and Glade get steel. Gliscor gets fire, and Scizor gets fairy. Weavile's dark and ice typing can now cover the ghost and flying weaknesses, perfectly rounding out the team. Also it's a fun mean little gremlin, and who wouldn't want to ruin someone's day with that? Its ability would be Pressure, since that could be helpful in cutting down the PP of my challenger's moves, which could already be low due to the previous Elite Four battles. For stab moves, it would have Night Slash, since Knock Off isn't as good in a playthrough where held items aren't as guaranteed. And Triple Axel, the ice move from Isle of Armor. This move isn't guaranteed to hit all three times, but it has over a 70% chance to. And if it does, it's net power is 120, boosted even further by Weavile's stab, which is very powerful. For the last two moves, I'd go Low Kick to counter rock and steel types, and then Hone Claws to get both stronger, and make its Triple Axle hits more likely to land all three times. So my final squad is shiny Gliscor, Scizor, Gallade, Togekiss, Tangrowth, and Weavile, a team accidentally comprised of entirely later generation evolutions of previous generation Pokemon. What can I say, I like those. But there's one final thing that I would change over what Cynthia did. I wouldn't just stand there, and watch as a child saves the world. What are you doing, Cynthia? You're the champion. Your Pokemon are way higher level than the kid's, and you're letting them just be on the struggle bus against Cyrus, come on. Just ridiculous. If I was champion, I would save the world myself. Thanks so much for watching, and an extra special thanks to my patrons over on Patreon for helping support my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates. If you wanna help support me in the same way, the link is in the description below. Also, if you wanna check out some more of my fun content, I recommend these videos here. All right, that's all I have for now. So until next time, Pokefans, gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,343,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, legends arceus, pokemon sword and shield, cynthia, champion
Id: 2o4BcttTO7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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