Pokémon Let's Go, but I'm Team Rocket

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- Ha-ha. It's is I, Grunty Boi. And I have taken over Michael's YouTube channel. Because I got tired of just popping in. I want to make my own video and do my own play through. So I'm going to be playing through Pokemon Let's Go in the only correct way, as myself. All right, so your name is Grunty Boi. Yes, it is. I say it all the time. My friend and rival. Okay, let's just cross out friend. His name is Michael, but it's not just Michael. It's Michael Sucks. I did remove a letter there. Well, now that I think about it. There we go. Grunty Boi, my boy. (laughs) This outfit is so tacky. Oh my God. I must change as soon as possible. Apparently I'm here in Pallet Town. I don't know why. My home is the Team Rocket Hideout. That's where I live and shower. So clearly my absolute top priority is getting to the hideout. Ah, if it isn't Grunty Boi. Ha-ha, it is I, Grundy Boi. Watch this. A Pikachu. Oh, you know us Team Rocket people, we like to catch our Pikachus. Well. That was so easy. Jessie, James, why are you both such idiots? I am instructed to name this Pikachu and what better person to name it after than me. Welcome to the squad, Grunty Chu. All right, now I can begin my journey to get back to the hideout. Oh my God. It's a Rattata. This is the Pokemon that I have needed. Oh, it's running up to me. Welcome my friend. You are a beautiful, beautiful Pokemon. Welcome to the team. Yes. You shall be known as Grunty Rat. - Greetings fans. (yells) - What are you doing here? - This is my office. What are you doing here? Sabotaging my computers? Stealing my equipment? Playing... Pokemon? Are you recording a video? No. Maybe? Yes. - Oh. Um, why? - It's something very diabolical. I assure you. It's, I don't know, man. It just looked fun. - Oh, well it is fun. - It really is. I might have to become a YouTuber myself. Playing games for a living is so easy. - Hold your horses, Grunty Boi. I don't just play games. There's a lot of other stuff involved, like editing videos for example. - Oh, oh yeah. I forgot about that part. That's intimidating. - Yeah, it can be, but it's less intimidating if you have an easy to use editing software. That's why I recommend Wondershare Filmora 10. The sponsor of today's video. It's perfect for both beginners and experienced video editors. And it includes preset templates like effects, filters, transitions, and even tons of royalty free music. So you can avoid copyright claims. - Oh right, we've talked about it before. I've used it to make videos of you that are admittedly unflattering. Sorry. But it has lots of amazing features though. - That it does. And they added several new features with the new 10.5 update, such as auto reframe, AR stickers, audio effects, the film stock effects library integration, and the new add on AI portrait. I'm a big fan of the auto reframe feature. It will automatically convert the same video to multiple different aspect ratios, allowing you to post it to various places like YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook with the aspect ratio best for those sites. Which is something really important for growing your audience in multiple places. Simply import the video, right click it and select the auto reframe option. Choose your aspect ratio and movement speed, process it and double check it and then export. It's super easy. - Wow, that's so cool. - It is. If you want to get into content creation, but aren't sure where to start, you should definitely download Wondershare Filmora 10 using my link in the description below and try it for free. Also viewers should leave both comments and tweets with the #createwithFilmora. Both their thoughts on the software and their creations with it. - That's great. Wait, you just finished the promo. Does that mean I have to leave now? I can't believe I'm saying this, but you can stay. As much as I hate to admit it, my viewers love you. - They do, don't they? Thanks, man. It'll be a great video. - See that it is. Just don't make fun of me by doing something like naming the rival Michael Sucks or anything like that. Got it? - Oh. Yeah, of course. I never would do that. I named the rival Templeton. That is an odd name for a rival but okay. Ta-ta or whatever. - Whew. Oh right. I'm suppose to thank Wondershare Filmora 10 for sponsoring this video. But now let's get back to my adventure. I found Viridian City. Oh my gosh, I'm being challenged by Michael Sucks. Boi. Stupid noise. All right, Grunty Rat. I know we are two levels lower, but it's going to be fine. We'll Tail Whip first, lower than defense. Uh-oh. This is unfortunately going to be my last attack. Okay, well, we tried. All right, I brought in Grunty Chu. A Pikachu, clearly one of the strongest Pokemon, because Team Rocket is always targeting it. That did the same as the... I have defeated Michael Sucks. Did I use two Pokemon compared to his one? No, shut up. All right, now I can get into the gym. Talk to Giovanni and have him just take me to the hideout. Giovanni? Oh, I forgot. He's so good with security. And my ID badge was in my other pants. All right, I've made it to Pewter City and now I can continue onward toward the Rocket Hideout and... What? I am a Team Rocket, how did I, what was that? How did, how did that? How did he do that? Well, regardless, it seems this God child won't let me move on until I beat the gym leader, which is... Fine, I guess I'll do it. I'll walk in. I'll crush the gym leader and then I can move on. I have to show you a grass or water type Pokemon if I want to face the gym leader. Maybe he won't notice. What are these rules? Ah-hah! An Oddish. Maybe you count. Not entirely convinced. I don't believe the grunts in this version of Kanto use you. But I got to have a grass type. Thank you. All right, here's your Oddish. Okay. Thank you. Don't care about you. Don't care about you. I'm going to waltz in here and crush Brock with my overpower Pikachu. This'll be a walk in the park. There's this Geodude. I'll send in Grunty Rat because I know how strong I am and (gasps). It's, that's... That's level 11. I may have made an error. Okay. Ooh. One more Tail Whip. I can do this. Come on. Grunty Rat. Well Grunty Rat, let's see if a three defense drops is enough. All right, over powered Grunty Chu, Quick Attack. (silly music) Jessie and James lied to me. Come on, Grunty Chu. You can critical hit this. Zip. Yes. No. No. Grunty Chu. Well, I must admit, I am very disillusioned with Geodude as a Pokemon. Oh, oh, that went down very fast. Okay. Here's this Oddish that I was forced to catch to come in here that knows Absorb and has a mind special attack nature. I out sped it. I actually KO'd it. Well, uh. Well. Clearly these gym leaders are more impressive than I was expecting and Pikachu is not some overpowered beast. What the heck? Oddish, I'm sorry. I, you have betrayed me. But I've learned that catching Pokemon is a far more effective level of, method of leveling up then trainers. So we're going to catch a bunch of Rattata. Cause I don't want to catch non-Team Rocket Pokemon if I can avoid it. All right, Brock I'm back. And this time I've trained. Grunty Boi we'll defeat you. All right Geodude, let's hit you with a Double Kick. Heads up! A crit! Oh, that was a crit, a double crit? That's amazing. Yes. Excellent work Grunty Chu. One more Pokemon. Oh God, he's so large. I mean he was large last time too. It's just always so jarring. Oh no. Oh, that did less than I thought. Okay, maybe we're fine. Come on Grunty Chu. Kick, kick for your life. Yeah! Grunty Boi and Grunty Chu get the win. Oh no, the God child is still there. But he doesn't stop me. The God child lets me pass. Let's go. (gasps) Sandshrew. None of the grunts in this version of Kanto use Sandshrew but plenty of them in the Gen 1 and Gen 3 versions use Sandshrew. And I aspire to represent all Team Rocket grunts. So therefore, welcome to the squad. Grunty Shrew. I have made it into Mount Moon and, (gasps) These imbeciles are here. Twerp? Did they just call me a twerp? I am your coworker. Oh no, they can't recognize me without my proper clothes. Does this mean all the Rocket grunts are going to attack me? Their own brother. Coworker. But I have found a Woobat. Another Pokemon from my team, Rocket Grunt Squad. They shall be called Grunty Bat. Man, looking at these screens all the time makes my eyes a little tired. I wish I owned glass. Oh, well it seems Michael has left his glasses here. And our prescriptions match. How convenient. A fellow Rocket Grunt. Please tell me you recognize me. You do recognize me? No! I hate to take down a fellow Grunt Pokemon, but it is what I must do. Get lost, kid. Kid? I am 26. What's happening here? Stop right there. You two? Oh my God. I know we're coworkers, but you are absolutely the most obnoxious coworkers in the office. You get all the funding and now you're attacking me? Ugh, I am so going to get you fired. I took down your Koffing, James. No, no, no. No. Jessie. That's right. I beat you two, with a Pikachu. A Pokemon, you have failed to steal for 25 years. All right, I made it to serve Cerulean City. One step closer to getting back to the hideout. Michael Sucks, Eyaaarrrgh! What? What are you doing? You're just yell at me and then you attack. Ooh. Oh, his Eeevee hits kinda, kinda hard. Uh, go Grunty Chu. And I defeated Michael Sucks. I'm amazing. The fanatic Bill wasn't there. Instead there was a Pokemon that talked? Well, that's not that weird. I've seen Pokemon talk. - I am a toy. - Bulbasaur, stop breaking the fourth wall. - You know, when I first started this I was like I'm only going to catch Pokemon that Team Rocket would use. But my God, the experience you get from trainers in this game is nothing. So I am changing my rule to where I can catch whatever I want. But to my battling squad will just be Team Rocket Pokemon. And my Pikachu, which is not a Team Rocket Pokemon, but they want it to be. All right, Misty. Grunty Boi is here to defeat you with the Pikachu that I finally got. I mean like, I mean, I've had it. I'm just talking like Team Rocket hasn't been able to one, but I got one, very easily. And here comes the last Zippy Zap, oh it lived? Wow, okay. That doesn't matter. That's that's just a side Psywave is random. Okay. All right, well look at that. That was incredibly difficult. I overcame all kinds of obstacles. I'm just kidding. It was a joke because of this Pikachu. I have made it to (gasps). A policeman. Don't worry Grunty Boi, you're in plain clothes. Ah-hah! You can't tell. I suppose wearing my not uniform has its pros and cons. I'm sensing a hidden item? But this bench and man is in the way. Excuse me sir, would you mind moving? Which Pokemon do I prefer? The Puppy Pokemon Growlithe or the Scratch Cat Pokemon Meowth. Oh well I'm in Team Rocket, obviously I prefer Meowth. If you catch five of the Puppy Pokemon Growlithe, I'll give you a great Pokemon. I can ride on its back. Very well. I have no interest in Growlithe. I caught one on my way here for some experience, but I will catch some more. Because I want whatever this rare Pokemon that he's going to bestow upon me is. All right, I finally caught a total of five Growlithe. Yes, this great Pokemon. (gasps) Persian! The Team Rocket cat. This is incredible. Grunty Cat, welcome to the squad. And now I shall ride you gloriously. Yes. Yes. This is the greatest day of my life. Grunty Rat is evolving. My first evolution. Oh, a beautiful Grunty Rat-icate! It's beautiful. Oh. (chuckles) One of my other Rattata's is evolving too, how beautiful. Ah-ha! A Drowzee. Drowzee is a Pokemon. (hype music) Let's go. You shall be known as Grunty Nap because Grunty Tape doesn't really have a great ring to it. Grunty sure, Grunty, Grunty Shrew. I didn't know that it evolved at this level. Incredible. Grunty Shrew is Grunty Slash. I mean it's still Grunty Shrew. You understand? (gasps) So many evolutions. All right near, look at that power. Looking at my team. It's getting so strong. Team Rocket is rocking. (laughing) Now Grunty Nap's is evolving. Wow. How did it get all the way from level 14 to level 26 so quickly? Someone might have been catching a lot of Drowzee and has a catch combo of 29. (laughing) Well, this has been a humbling two hours. I decided him since Michael got so many shinies, in the Kanto region, it would be no problem for me to get my own Shiny Drowzee. But I've spent the better part of two hours getting a catch combo of Drowzee, fully evolving my entire team. Except for Grunty Bat for this Kanto it's weird. I can't make him a Golbat, it's very upsetting. And then running around with lures, trying to find a pink Drowzee. And I have been unsuccessful. Does this mean I've gained respect for Michael for getting all the Shines in Kanto? No. It makes me think he's an idiot for spending all that time on that. I think I'm just going to move on. Come on and Grunty Chu. You extremely cool spinning spike ball. Let's crush the gym so we may continue onward and get back to the hideout. (laughing) This Voltorb just blew itself up while Grunty Shrew was underground. A pint-sized challenger. I am at least a quart, good sir. One down. Two down. And... (distant yells) Grunty Shrew crushes it. Another gym badge for Grunty Boi. (gasps) A coworker. More friends. Wait guys, I can explain. I'm one of you. It's because of you, that Team Rocket's reputation was totally smashed. People love me. How dare you? Revenge? What? Guys, I'm on your side. I'm a fellow grunt. Who's this? It's a Lapras and a woman. Who are you? Ganging up on a child. I'm 26. Could you take that other one for me? You guys leave me no choice. I wouldn't... Dude just like... I swear we've gotten ice cream together. Why do I keep having to do this? Just how strong are you? Incredibly so. Why are you so surprised? I am Grunty Boi. Rock Tunnel. Oh there's Onixes. Whoa boy. Ooh. Will I get out of here alive? And I made it. Oh. I'm going back into Rock Tunnel. Turns out something that I was previously unaware of is that my fellow grunts like to use Machop and Machoke. So let's catch a Machop. Ah-hah! Machop. It's huge. Success. Grunty Rat, I have greatly appreciated your contributions to this team. But since I have Grunty Cat, I don't really need another normal type. We're going to call you a Grunty Chop. I know your name will change to Machoke and Machamp, but like all of them can chop. All right, here we are in Lavender Town. Let's enter the tower. It's Michael Sucks. My Pokemon didn't die or anything. No. Did yours? Oh my God. Your Pokemon aren't dead, then let me fight them. Oh come on. Two spiky bois. But one of them is a dirty spiky boi, covered in dirt. And now that spiky boi is also covered in dirt and is dead. Grunty Boi is victorious once again. (gasps) This is fine. I am brave. I am Grunty Boi. I'm not afraid of no ghosts. Uh-oh. (gasps) All right and, what? What is happening? Ooh. Ooh. What? What? I can't get it through. No, no. (screams) Well, clearly we're not moving on. But if I can get to the hideout, I can get there Silph Scope. What are you doing? Their taking the Cubone back to the hideout. All right well, you guys are actually doing something good for once. All right, I've made it to Celadon City. If I have a Sandshrew, please trade it for my Sandshrew. Well, I'll send you this one. Return, I'm receiving an allotment Sandshrew. This, changes things. Level 27. Why are you level 27? And I can't, I can't change its name because, because it's traded. All right, hideout. Oh, how I've missed you. Right here in the game corner. Pardon me sir. I'm guarding this poster. Go away or else. What, no. Oh my God. Okay. It's fine. We're almost done with this. I'm going to have my uniform back and they're going to recognize me and they won't stop attacking me all the time. They will stop attacking me all the time. My gosh, I'm so flustered I can't even talk right. All right, we beat that guy. Now you can move and I can talk to this poster. Yes. I know. Finally, finally, I am back in the hideout. Now, where is my uniform? Was it somewhere in these shelves or boxes? Gosh, I can't remember where I put it. Excuse me, ma'am, do you happen to know where the spare uniforms are? I'm a beautiful spy. Let me give you a present so you remember our little encounter here. (gasps) My uniform! Thank you beautiful spy. They won't think you're a real grunt. They'd figured out you were in a disguise immediately. What do you mean in a disguise? It's my uniform. Well, this is not, my uniform. I mean, I look a lot cooler. As does Grunty Chu. Ah, I'm going to have to keep looking. Maybe my uniform is hiding somewhere in this little maze. I don't know why we install this each time. Oh, so dizzy. All right, I made it through. If you want to find the boss take the elevator. Yes, Giovanni will remember me. I'm one of his favorites. Well, I think. Okay, it seems I need to get Grunty Chu into the vent, but to reach there, I need to stand on this rolling chair. I don't like this. This is so unsafe. Oh, I'm I'm a Pikachu now. I'm Pikachu. I'm Pikachu. I'm Pikachu. I'm Pikachu. All right. Made it down here, I should be able to talk to the boss very shortly. All right, Giovanni. Hey, it's me. Oh. Archer? Such a kiss ass. Silph Co. definitely has to technology and skill Team Rocket will need to make our wishes come true. Are you planning an invasion of Silph Co.? Fine. If you're going to attack me, I'll hit back. Oh. Oh no. It's fine, it's fine. Grunty Chu with your stylish Team Rocket outfit. And there you go, Archer. Quit acting like you're so much better than me when you can't even beat me. Hey Giovanni, I know I might have defeated all of the Team Rocket employees that have come at me so far, but that's not because I wanted to it's because look it's me, Grunty Boi. I am your favorite, right? I did defeat Archer. Impressed. Yes, thank you. Right? Oh, see he likes me. I want you to release the Cubone. No, no, I didn't say that. Just keep the Cubone. I don't care. A world of pain. Oh God, I can't beat Giovanni. He's the boss of all the Team Rocket and I'm just a lowly grunt. 35! Oh. Okay, we take that a lot better. Oh yes. Way to go Grunty Shrew. Oh my God. Oh my God. I actually took down one of Giovanni's Pokemon. How much is this going to do? Oh my God, Grunty Shrew! A crit? A crit! Grunty Shrew defeated Giovanni, by himself. I am so fired. Oh the Silph Scope. Wow. Thanks. I could see you raise Pokemon with the utmost care. No, no. I use them as tools, I promise. Step aside? Wait, no. No, don't leave me. I need my outfit, man. I promise I'm one of you. This is a disaster. I think it's time. I abandoned my mission of trying to get Team Rocket to recognize me and welcome them back. Getting to the hideout and wearing the right clothes isn't going to make Team Rocket take me seriously. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to train. I'm going to get stronger and improve myself so that I can show Team Rocket that I mean business. And then they'll welcome me back. Maybe not just as a grunt. Maybe I will no longer be Grunty Boi, I'll be a Meanie Boi. We're back to all the ghosts. But my binoculars. Haunter is so big. Wait, Haunter, Gastly. Team Rocket uses these Pokemon. I will catch you. Cause the grunts use you so I can use you too. What are you doing? Okay, wow. Whoa, whoa, boom. Oh, let's go. Grunty Chop is finally evolving. Excellent. Grunty Chop is a Grunty Choke. But now I have to trade with someone to get Grunty Champ. Uh-oh. (gasps) I found an Ice Stone for you. I looked up at the level of moves of Sandshrew. And the only level of moves it has left are slash, which is the same as headbutt. And blizzard, which is a useless on a Sand Slash due to its terrible special attack. Which means... Yeah! Alolan Sandslash. Oh boy. Oh boy, it's back. The ghost was the Marowak? Well, I feel terrible. Wild Haunter. It is so big. Okay, cool. What rare secrets away to me at the top of the tower? It's a man. (gasps) - Impossible bro. - And you two. What? All right, fine. I'll fight you again and prove once again that I am the strongest grunt. Come on. Okay. So, I inadvertently rescued this guy, which was, oh. A musical instrument. What am I supposed to do with this? I've arrived in a new town by accident. It seems Team Rocket are already in the midst of their Silph Co. takeover. But I am not prepared to take them on. Grunty Blue. That's what I'll call ya. Cause you're blue. Hello Erika. I will defeat you, Erika. Sword stands up. Get extra powerful. Yes, yes, yes. No, no, no! You'll just sneezed on me. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up. Yes, yes! Boom. Ice Punch. Yeah! The final Pokemon. One more Ice Punch and it's over. Oh, well excuse you. Ah-hah. Get out of my way. Where did I learn to play this? Come here Snorlax. Oh my God, finally. Nah-hah. I have made it to Fuchsia City. And here in Fuchsia City, I'm learning Sea Skim. And with Sea Skim, I can head south from Pallet Town. I can reach Cinnabar Island. And why do I care so much about Cinnabar Island? Well, here in the Pokemon Mansion is Grimer. Yes. So now that I've captured the Grimer, I can talk to this fine gentleman here and get an allotment Grimer. That's level 44. Welcome to the squad, Grunty Muk. That's what I would call you if I could change your nickname, but I can't. I feel like for now, I'm going to sub him in for Grunty Bat, for now. Might rotate things around a little bit later. Let's go ahead and give you the rare candy evolve. Oh, that's so cool. Grunty Muk. Wonderful news. After training hard within the mansion, I have improved my team substantially. Not only are my Pokemon around level 44 now, but Grunty Chop has evolved. Look at that. He's carrying me like the little baby boy I am. I mean grown man. Big, buff grown men. Grown men carrying each other. I'm 26. I did have to recruit the assistance of someone else to evolve a Grunty Chop into a Machamp. Was there a extortion involved? Potentially. But I got it done. You don't need to know the details. Also, I evolved Haunter, Grunty Ghost, into a Gengar. It's time to take on Koga's Gym. Oh no. Oh no. Are you kidding me? They won't let me into the gym until I've got 15 Pokemon? You are a Magikarp. (yells) You are the last Pokemon I need. And you are a Magikarp and you giving me more than the Kangaskhan. Thank you. Okay. After 30 minutes, I finally caught enough Pokemon. All right, Koga. You? Seriously? Why are you doing this? The showmanship I can admittedly admire it, but I'm not a fan of yours cause you made me go catch a bunch of Pokemon that I didn't even want just to get in here, so now I'm going to crush you. Oh, gosh. Nuts. He didn't protect. You fool. I thought you were good at this. Now take flight. Oh-ho. (gasps) And now I KO it. Yeah. Sit down. He sends in his own gold bat. Oh, and I forgot to put Pikachu in the party. It's fine. We're fine. We're going into Sandslash. Should resist whatever he tries to hit me with. Okay, well yeah, we will resist that. (laughs) Let's go. And now his final Pokemon, a Muk. And I know Drill Run. Ooh, big damage. Got him! Took down Koga without losing a Pokemon. All right, and now that I've beat Koga, I can take on Sabrina and... Excuse me. It seems I will have to take care of the Team Rocket Silph Co. takeover first. And what are they doing? Just let us through. Only authorized members are allowed. They're being excluded from the operation too? Oh, they, she forced her way in. Looks like he blacked out. Wow, I didn't know Jessie and James were capable of so much violence. But it's fine. I just need to get in here and get to Giovanni and show him my new found strength. And once again prove that I am worthy to be in Team Rocket. All right so, time to get through Silph Co. I was not invited to the operation, but I know the plans. All right, so now according to the instructions I head here to the third floor, open this. Go through this warp panel. Hey Giovanni, look man. I know you still don't know who I am. Clearly your operation is going well, I don't want to interrupt. I just want to show you. Look, I made it here. I got to you all by myself. Clearly I'm strong enough. I'd like to join. Are you even listening to me? Using stolen research to create Pokemon. That's not something Silph should ever do. I mean, it sounds pretty cool. Are we threatening the lives of the people here? It seems like a little much Giovanni. And you still don't recognize me and, oh we're fighting again. Okay. (exasperated sighs) It's fine. I'm here to prove to you that I'm the strongest. I should have expected this. Oh, so close. All right, your Persian is down. Listen to me, Giovanni. I'm on your side here. I just obliterated your Rhyhorn dude. Clearly I'm worthy. And I won. Again. With only my Gengar. You relinquish Silph. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, that's not what I want. No, no, no, dude. You can give me anything. Wait that's, oh yes. This is part of the plan. By defeating Giovanni, I now have the Master Ball, look. We did a whole like, oh, I'm going to rescue you. But actually, because I rescued you, you're going to give me some cool stuff and he's going to give me the Master Ball. All right the, how did you get a city in this building? Who authorized this? Ah-hah! I made it all the way through without battling a single trainer. Let's do this. Oh, am I about to get my cheeks clapped? Mr. Mime first. We'll Shadow Ball you. Grunty Ghost is lower level, but my other Pokemon or not so maybe I'll be okay. That I do not like. Big non-fan but maybe I can still KO from this range? No! No! Oh. It's fine. I have one of the only dark types in this entire region. We're going to be okay. Poison Jab. Oh. You try to slap me, but you can't slap this trash goo. Mmm. And I'm a physical attacker now so who cares about the light screen? Bite, bite, to bite. Yes, two in KO. No. We're going to swap to Grunty Chu so I do not fall asleep cause sleep is very, very bad. Way to go Grunty Chu. I love your little outfit. Now we crunch. Does this put me to sleep? I am not tired. How do we take this? Oh, really well, wow. Oh and we woke up. Hah! Final Pokemon. Ooh, we take that well because Grunty Muk has a lot of HP. We land the Crunch and Grunty Boi gets another gym badge. Let's go. All right, and now it's back to the mansion to find the key. Mewtwo is far too powerful. Is this the lab where Mewtwo was created? How interesting. I don't really care to be perfectly honest. Our secret key. This must be for the gym. I've made it into Blaine's Gym. Am I participating in a, in a game show? Which of these is the Spitfire Pokemon? Well that's Magmar, obviously. How many Gym Badges are certified? Eight. Final question. Who are you about to battle? A mustached old man. All right Grunty Shrew, let's do this. You've been a loyal, amazing Pokemon for most of my journey. Let's crush this old man. Break his brittle bones. Sorry, that's a little much. Got him. One down. Come on, Grunty Shrew snap out of it. Oh, it's faster. Oh. You snapped out of it though. The Drill Run lands. Way to go, Grunty Shrew! All right, Arcanine. They're going to go down to a Drill Run too. Oh, you're also faster. Oh. Oh! Yeah. No! Grunty Shrew, I feel like I gotta preserve ya. Got to do that. So I'm going to swap to Muk. Got all that HP. Maybe he'll knock himself out. Oh, that did a, whoa. But he did knock himself out. I have no idea what's going to happen, so let's see if this Rock Slide works. Okay, my special defense is better than physical. Okay, we're going to get something off. Nice. It didn't KO. But if the Fire Blast misses. Okay, it doesn't miss. That's fine. That's fine. You did great Muk. All right Grunty Shrew, let's bring you back in. Moment of truth, Grunty Shrew. Are you faster than nine tails? Oh, it has Quick Attack. Okay. Oh. That's unfortunate. It's fine. It's fine. I've got this. I'm going to use Splishy Splash. Surfing USA. And the gym badge is Grunty Boi. All right, I have seven gym badges. The last gym in this region is Giovanni's. Maybe if I beat him at his gym, I will finally be welcomed back. And here I am. The Viridian City Gym. And I know these kinds of panels, like the back of my hand. Oh hey, that's new. And there he is. Giovanni. You forgotten me. And how could you forget me? It is I, Grunty Boi. If I defeat you here in your gym, at your strongest, will you finally welcome me back? All right, he leads with Dugtrio and I have Grunty Bat. He can't hit me with the ground moves but he can slash me. That's not too bad. Oh, Mega Drains at two hit KO, let's go. One more Mega Drain. Won't get all of this back, but we'll get most of it. All right, way to go Grunty Bat. Obviously this thing obliterates us with one rock move, but I need to do as much damage as I can with this Mega Drain. Come on, Grunty Bat. Come on, Grunty Bat. It's a KO! Way to go, Grunty Bat. I suppose I don't have a need to switch yet. So I'm just going to go for Fly, see what damage I can do. That doesn't do that much. I don't have a safe switch in to Grunty Naps so we're going into Grunty Shrew. We should tank this pretty well. Yes. Drill Run. No. Oh, this is going to hurt. It's neutral, but it's a strong move. Oh, that did less than I thought. Okay, Drill Run in case he heals. He doesn't heal. All right. One Pokemon left. Oh, it's faster. I need you once more, Grunty Bat. Fly? It's enough! Grunty Bat and Grunty Shrew, defeat Giovanni. Yet again, I am defeated. As proof of your victory here's the badge. Yes. Thank you. Can't face your followers. Wait. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I just wanted to show you that I was strongest. Team Rocket is... No! No, that's not what I wanted. But what do I do now? What purpose do I have as a Team Rocket grunt if Team Rocket has been disbanded? And it's all my fault. No, no, it's not my fault. I am Grunty Boi. I never do anything wrong. It's their fault for not recognizing me. None of this would have happened if they had just let me back in and stopped attacking me. You know what? Maybe I do need to be a grunt anymore. Maybe I need to become the strongest trainer in the region and restart Team Rocket as the boss of it instead. I, Grunty Boi, am going to beat the league. All right, this is it. I'm finally going to prove myself good enough for Team Rocket. This is the party that I am starting with. But after Lorelei is down, I'm going to swap a Grunty Shrew in. Let's do this. It's this woman who fought off my coworkers. One more Bulk Up and I think I'm okay. One down. Yes, Lovely Kiss missed. Taste my teeth. Go down. Oh, so close. Now does she heal here? No, she doesn't. Okay, this might KO, which is fine if it does. Oh! Oh, I'm faster. That's weird. I'm a pile of goo. All right, let's go for a Zippy Zap. Yeah! One Pokemon left. Lorelei is done. All right, angry, muscular man. Ooh, that look like it hurt your butt. All right, Grunty Bat, my only Pokemon where the grass type move. Mega Drain. Hah-ah! Yes! Bummer, but it's fine. I have other Pokemon. You didn't great, Grunty Bat. We should be able to KO from this range. Oh, okay, we out speed, yeah so we certainly. I don't know why I said that. Very obviously we could. Last Pokemon. And with this Psychic, we've taking down two of the Elite Four. All right Agatha. You, old lady. That really sucks. We still get to move. Now we OK the Arbok, all right. Okay, if I hit this Earthquake it KOs. That is really unfortunate, but we hit the Earthquake. Yes! All right, the final Gengar. Yeah! All right, it's time for Lance, the dragon master. All right, I picked a good lead. Grunty Chu, shock down this seahorse. Excellent. Grunty Chu, shock down this pre-historic borg. Okay, not quite there, but you know, pretty solid. Oh. Oh God. Grunty Shrew, I think, should survive any hit and then can KO it with a Rock Slide. Yeah! Oh, I don't have my electric type anymore. I got to swap to you here. Okay, how well do we take this? Not bad. Oh, I don't know if we land another one. And that is not great. Come on, Grunty Muk. Oh! Grunty Muk goes down here, that's fine. So now I go to Grunty Bat who should be faster. No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, we lived though. Waterfall misses, Fly. Come on, come on. Yes! Charizard, probably just goes for a fire move here. I thought Grunty Bat was faster but... Here you are Grunty Shrew. Rock Slide. No! What? Come on Grunty Shrew. I just need you to live this. Oh my God, that did less than half. All right, here we are. Just the Dragonite. Okay, it KOs me here. It's either confused or locked in. I kind of hope it's locked in. Because if it's locked in, then it can't use a move that's super effective. It's locked in. We resisted. Oh, that does nothing. It's confused. Come on, Grunty Blue. Yes! Let's go! What is this they're saying? I have to defeat Michael Sucks? What a twist. - That's a twist. That's a very twisty. - One more battle before I am the strongest grunt in the land. Michael Sucks. I am going to prove your namesake to be true. He sent out his Pidgeot out first? What? (screams) I didn't get a Mega Evolution. Oh, that does a lot, but I landed the Screech. All right, I should go for my own Rock Slide now. Oh, so close. I'm not confident. Pikachu does resist the Air Slash. And if he heals, I can go for the Zippy Zap and KO it. He does heal. Zippy Zap. Physical move, guarantee crit. Yeah! Vileplume. Okay, not enough to KO, but that's all right. All right, there's the Jolteon. This is an easy switch to Grunty Shrew. Jolteon down. Halfway there. Grunty Nap should be able to tank basically any hit this Slowbro throws at me. Now we Shadow Ball with twice the special attack. Oh. And... We finally get the Slowbro KO. Rapidash. Grunty Shrew, you got this. I know you don't resist fire, but you still got this. Yeah! And the Rapidash is done. Of course the Marowak. I feel like he's going to go for a ground move so swapping to Grunty Bat. If he doesn't heal here, it's over. Okay. All right, if he doesn't heal here, it's over this ti- Dude! Please just, thank you. Yes! Yes! It is I, Grunty Boi the Champion. I may have been rejected by Team Rocket, but me and this team, Grunty Chu, Grunty Muk, Grunty Bat, Grunty Blue, Grunty Shrew, Grunty Nap, plus those who could not fit on the team. I am the strongest grunt in the land. And now that I am champion I can, maybe try to bring Team Rocket back cause kinda messed all that up. But I guess that wraps up this journey. So, ta-ta!
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 4,017,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon lets go pikachu, team rocket, grunty boi, rocket challenge, let's go, pokemon challenge, joining team rocket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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