First to Get a Full Legendary Team Wins

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what is up guys this is john aka pokemon and today i'm bringing you guys a brand new pokemon competition with my buddy m jtv and this time we're trying to get legendary pokemon on a randomized game that's just like my series i've done with a pokemon randomly evolve every level and because you guys always want me to stop the evolutions once i get a legendary with either bee or an everstone the goal here is to get six legendary pokemon that's it mikey let's do a countdown three two one go the child is telling me that someone is screaming i thought you had so much more to say there just that was it very matter of fact someone is screaming interesting [Laughter] mikey do we have the same randomizer we have the same exact one we gotta pick different starters take a leap of faith i'll let you choose first okay well i'm going with trico my boy okay i'll go with torchic like i'm pretty sure you took torchic in the old uh pokey smp i did just just just to change it up okay well i'll change it up and get a rayquaza first oh this doesn't are you saying is the pucciano the same thing that i'm seeing is it scaring you and making you clench your butt oh yeah yeah my butt has never been clenched what oh there's the amber okay well now i'm good oh i'm gonna get the first evo for that oh goody yeah we do have six ever stones in our uh in our bags so that as soon as we get a legendary we can stop them from evolving when we should probably say like if we catch like a zigzagoon or just whatever pokemon and it immediately evolves into a legendary we can't go catch like 10 of those in a row like it has to be different like evolutions to to get to a legendary and uh mikey sunflora is a mythical pokemon from the gen 6 games that's a good point john i awesome because sunflowers are not real did you guys know that most people that watch these videos are actually not subscribed on my channel it's just a low amount of people watching are you know actually subscribed and on mikey's channel they think it's m j tv instead of m j tv play so just make sure you sub chick check the little sub button if it's red click it you'll get a present chick chick there's sub button well i am naming my starter pokemon that was a chick subscribe mikey so it worked oh yeah that's true did you put an exclamation point no but i also spelt subscribe wrong because i was in the middle of that whole plug so now it's subcribe and i'm just going with it i'm just i'm i'm letting it fly now mikey something we should probably say is we can just get pokemon however it's possibly allowed it's not like nuzlocke rules i know you asked me that like if you just want to catch any pokemon you see go for it maybe we'll catch the same mons maybe we'll catch different ones we can't really see the other screen so we're just kind of going by the seat of our pants yep and we can't like if we know a pokemon to turn into a particular legendary like you can't just get the same one yeah also another thing i should probably say i didn't even think about if you find a legendary in the grass that doesn't count oh all right good to know because that happened at the i think the exact same moment you made uh and then i saw mega latte oh that's crazy this is actually going to be very very fun like it's i really i've never this is you you've done this playing times but i have never i've never done a randomly evolved every level thing oh you've never experienced the joy of complete random shenanigan evolution poopy boobity boob [Music] yeah thank you if you didn't go with that boobs i would have been down real bad chat would have called me bottled again it would have been upsetting they call you bald and you sure are extremely bold you're bald apparently i am take off the hat baldy okay fine the screen for like when you catch a new pokemon it in auris is confusing to me because the last time i played aorus was my cast form only run which is a run that i uh [Music] did not catch other pokemon in really at all yeah no not not really a reason to once you have the almighty cast form that didn't even faint once oh all right cool my first evolution is not a legendary but it's a cool pokemon oh milton keep that going for me huh [Laughter] what are you who do you think i am i got a ring target is that like the one where it makes allows you to hit ghost pokemon it's like if the pokemon holding it um the pokemon holding it can be hit despite um immunities like dark type holding it can be hit by psychic moves a levitate pokemon can be hit by ground moves i think it applies to abilities not just typings i think so yeah so you just trick it on your opponent's pokemon and then you look unreasonably cool yeah oh just like me wow iceman over here legendary number one oh take that oh oh to sleuthing me that's fine sniff me all you want big pig you really did have a lot of coffee didn't you yeah [Music] what legend did you get was it a q rim it was not you said icy boy or something i i called me myself iceman after something about me being cool oh okay well i'm not getting legendaries okay i went from a snorlax to a litwick i don't know why i expected to glow up that's that's usually not how that goes when you have a snorlax oh but subscribe or some subcribe cried i've got a wheezing an lgm and a poliwag oh god we are not getting lucky in terms of like the the pokemon just to battle things i mean i had the heracross saved me from the emboar haircut cross became a drowsy yeah that'll happen dude have you watched any of the the newest season of the pokemon anime journeys i have not watched an episode of the anime since like maybe gen 3. oh journeys is pretty entertaining i'm a russian ram are you kidding me is that what rashford says restaurant you remember crowbatman what was or was it zubat man what'd you what was your pokemon talk batman it was zoo batman yeah oh you remember crowbatman his father what no his father's dead oh my god mikey come on that's the origin story not of zubat man it could be whatever i want it to be jon i caught a crowbat oh congratulations until you write that in pokemon talk lore this is his father i'm getting a plushie of crobat and i'm making it myself i actually have a plushie of crowbad damn it once you get a legend does it have to stay in your party that is an interesting i think to win you have to have a party of six legendaries but if you want to box the legendaries before that you can i think that is fair and also make this go quicker okay because i don't think there's really much fun there might be fun in the video when we have five legends and we're just trying to evolve one pokemon and it's getting intense but i think we might strangle the pokemon at that point yeah so i think yeah i think you can start boxing pokemon whenever you want oh finally jesus this is a buff lag dude you didn't see a water going again what marvel's frog man i didn't know we were going against frog man oh yeah you found it yeah yeah it's frog man why did you really buried the lead there you rap scally and you wow well my i was gonna kill it with one of my pokemon and then it got two high rolls in a row it's hard to really go against frogman i get it it's these what maybe the strongest superhero uh the mcu movie we're all patiently waiting for the final boss in one division oh come on why won't you give me any good pokemon okay what's going on over there oh you'll see soon enough how did you not have a bigger reaction to the scariest pokemon in this game because i had to try and hide from you what it was oh my god i thought it might be but you were talking about greninja like it was super buff but i was thinking like a muscular pokemon yes finally i got a legend let's go the new has an everstone shout out to me mythicalscan is legendaries oh i if you argue with me i hate you oh i was about to say mikey that you're talking to the audience obviously you count it right no no i would i was gonna one of the things that annoys me more than anything when the with the the people who correct people in pokemon which is you know you are a part of that party with uh the the names of pokemon pronunciations but that doesn't get me too much the yelling at people when they say mythical or legendary that i i can't handle it for a while they all had base 100 stats and then they just threw that out the window so there was nothing combining these things maybe like well the the thing combining them until they changed it for deoxys was that they're not possible to obtain without an external event articuno are you serious you're in three yes dude what are the chances this trainer this double battle that's two different firefox pokemon this is a brand deal that i wasn't made aware of are we getting paid are we no but it's a break center of vulpix maybe i enjoy money money's sweet that's how i buy oh by the way this is everyone's reminder sorry i interrupted but this is more important than whatever you were going to say this everyone's reminded make sure you follow john on twitch and when you go there give him money wow twitch prime wow this is great all right subscribe my faithful starter please turn into a legendary pretty pretty please that would be so helpful that's a togepi dojepi yeah toe jeffy is apparently a legendary great it is everyone loves toe shapi they don't call you youtube man for nothing i don't know who calls me that i don't know maybe someone who bought your m j tv plush whoa oh my god i totally forgot wait that's right because this is a video on your channel am i allowed to do that i just did it oh okay yeah buy my plush please [Music] am i allowed to do it it was already set on video yeah that's true here let me grab it hold on a second look it's a little me and you can purchase it but only for a limited time and you totally should all right togepi is about to be no more it's gonna turn into toga kiss which we called i don't remember at all hojeppu that's a toshiwoshi as a stunky about the same thing let's get stuck all right now clap clap clap clap your hand my starter has been mostly weak pokemon i mean you could always trend you could just ditch that zero and get with a hero what the heck was that well you get rid of your starter and catch a new pokemon and then you name it hero and then evolve dude i heard a deck snap pokemon that sounded like a xerneas and it uh trainer caught me in a pokeball yes i was captured in a pokeball by a trainer and now i'm a pokemon my moveset is tomfoolery okay oh shaymin do you really have four yeah four four this is bs i have one how do you keep getting them i don't know i think it's because i keep saying silly things i'm saying silly things my butt has never been clenched okay it turned into it turned into raptor i thought it was a zapdos for a second i got excited star raptor gen 4 remakes let's go sinnoh wait i can't say that what if that actually came out i have no idea wait a minute they might be egging i mean there's not that many options to predict uh gale of darkness three is that a possibility it would be it would be gale of darkness two it would be the third gale of darkerness were you upset that i said gale of darkness yeah now we got pokemon xd obviously the follow-up is a pokemon raw i'm furious followed by pokemon ubu oh boy if you get a legendary soon after these comments it's rigged and the way i mean i've evolved four of my six team members and one of them's the the mew that's not evolving and i got a zernius let's go you should not be rewarded for those comments all right two finally my man says pokemon raw and pokemon oo and gets a legendary the game is not fair pokemon rar god damn it oh crap i ripped my headphones out i thought you're gonna say you ripped your pants i was like what's happening over there i need i need what do you need i need a tailor because i rip our pants i mean i'm fine defensively but this might have what i don't want did you put peanut butter in your water again oh it works that does nothing okay well nope we're not we're not continuing with this peanut butter wait what [Laughter] what what what did i put peanut butter in my water again first off peanut butter in your water where did that come from second off i've never done that you you're pretty silent on this topic for some time i'm focusing i'm putting peanut butter in your water pokemon rawr didn't work thank god you can't enable us behave your game come on oh oh it's getting aurora beam that's actually pretty cool [Music] aurora beam it [Music] oh man we like to have fun around here we do i mean i'm having fun i am too entei aurora [Applause] you gotta be kidding me how do you have five because we're having fun it's friendship it's a great time i take it back no you can't no take backsies i will say while it's uh made your life terrible it's really cool that we've clearly caught very different pokemon yeah that's true because there's like a really real chance you do something like this and we just catch the same things and neither of our starters turned out to be like evolve into legendaries at least early on so it's not even like we messed up that way i mean i i don't know if i'd call it messing up if it happened to me all right sparky come on buddy give me what i need please can we at least make it closer that's a torchic wait didn't no you didn't fix door oh i picked torchic oh that's that's right which means i have to bench it yeah because i know your starter doesn't turn into a legendary no it's level 22. well that blows i just lost a team member i really need to stop trying to catch this groudon but it keeps getting to shoot and it's giving me hope it keeps getting to shoot it was so close i was like it's what is it shooting you with with success mikey with beams of success you actually caught the ground i did wow my evolutions are just continuing to bring me darkness yeah that's uh you know how i uh made sure the the rom was randomized that whenever you would catch something it would just magically know and it would turn into cocoons mikey i'm gonna take this moment to teach your fans something so uh mikey fans i stream on twitch quite often and uh you know fairly enough a lot of people are like hey how's mikey doing where's mikey but they always spell it mickey and i just don't i don't understand it's mikey are you mickey mouse i don't think so [Music] he might be mickey mouse but you would like to spell mikey it's m i k e like mike and then e mikey you know my k e like mike and then you add a y it's so easy if you spell it mickey i hate you it is so not difficult to spell it correctly i don't i actually don't understand and it's not just like little children spelling it wrong it is full it's everyone i got the kirum oh man it's over yeah i cannot believe i only got two before you got six yeah i can't either especially considering it was the same pool of pokemon absolutely curb stomped i don't my final squad is mew xerneas ponita shuppet cottony and anarif oh god that's that's salt in the wound level 16 17 17 15 17 10. and i just had to bench the torchic this was like absolute thrashing and i need to lay down oh no good night everybody well i i did it and every pokemon of mine is legendary with the groudon i caught this was all of my luck that i've saved up for some time it will never be good again for me but for now it's a victory if you enjoyed this subscribe to both of us and be ready for more and also probably one on mikey's channel go check it out it was a bunch of fun thank you mickey i enjoyed it as always and until the next one bye goodbye
Channel: PM7
Views: 1,436,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, pokemen7 and mandjtv, mandjtv vs pokemen7, legendary pokemon, first to get a full legendary team wins, pokemon challenge, pokemon race, pokemon legendary challenge, pokemon legendary race, full legendary team pokemon, legendary pokemon team, pokemon evolve randomly, pokemon evolve randomly every level, pokemon evolve into legendaries, new pokemon challenge, random pokemon, pokemon randomized, pokemon omega ruby, legendary
Id: uX21dQkUs9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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