Pokémon Ultra Moon/Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke - Dark Types Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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[Music] hi everyone my name is nick and i just want to say thank you guys so much for 10 000 subscribers 10 000 subscribers was such a big milestone that i actually couldn't believe that there were 10 000 of you out there who actually enjoyed my content so thank you with that said this is my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke using only dark pokemon and ultra moon if you don't know what a hardcore nuzlocke is here's the rule set i can only catch the first dark type pokemon in each area if a pokemon faints it's considered dead and must be boxed permanently no bag items in battle i cannot over level the next totem and the game must be played on set mode i decided to do my level caps according to totem pokemon instead of grand trials because the badge counter at the bottom counts for totems so since i'm used to changing my level caps with the badges i thought it would be appropriate to change the level cap every time we move on to the next totem pokemon this makes the challenge more difficult anyway since there are more level caps that we have to adhere to there's a lot of dark pokemon available to us in ultra moon so we'll have a lot of options when covering our weaknesses the hardest trial is definitely going to be the totem rebombi at the end because a fairy bug type with two omni boosts is definitely a scary thing to come real quick if you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe and go follow me on twitch where i streamed all of this i did need a lot of help from twitch chat so if you want to contribute to future videos come check me out there thanks the ultra games can be some of the hardest in all of pokemon and they don't have traditional gym leaders like other games so when it comes to rules and ultra sun and moon they can be kind of flexible but according to my rule set the location that determines where an encounter is caught is found in its summary by my rules since we do get our starter litten on route 1 we can't catch any other pokemon in other parts of route 1. this means that one of our encounters zoroark will actually not be available in this playthrough since litten only starts out as a fire type and not a dark type we can't actually use it until it evolves into an incineroar where it gains the dark typing until then we'll have to use our other encounters our first usable pokemon is grimer found in houli city by also having the poison typing it's a natural encounter for all the fairy types in the future we also find ourselves an alolan meowth a fast special attacker the last pokemon to be caught is a murkrow found in howway cemetery murkrow is also going to be very useful when countering our fighting and bug weaknesses so it's important that we keep him alive this makes up our team as we go to fight the totem raticate all totem pokemon have a boost to one of their stats if not more totem raticate gets a boost in its defense so we don't deal too much damage with conventional attacks this means that i have to use the first two turns to set a poison on the radicate i switch into meowth as he avoids a quick attack a bite hits me but it's a dark type move so it doesn't do too much damage i use fake out on the radicate to deal some more poison damage and two scratches plus poison later takes him out a peck from murkrow takes out the rattata and we won the trial this gives us our first win and we're moving on to the next island with the barricade removed we can make our way to route 3 and catch another encounter vullaby since we now have two flying types on our team you can imagine that the grand trial was a breeze we go up against hala the kahuna of melee melee he uses fighting types a typing that we would normally struggle against but with our two flying types we easily defeat his fighting pokemon i first set up a nasty plot with volaby and gus takes out the machop one shot makuhita comes in and hits us with a fake out but next turn a gus does big damage he then gets a five hit arm thrust but the next gus takes him out this just leads cro brawler who i switch into grimer to take a fighting type z move he then hits me with a power-up punch which leaves me with three hp as i hit him with an acid spray a final gust from volaby takes out the kreb roller winning us the grand trial we decide to meet up with how at the photo booth and yeah i can agree with antler boy this is not fun apparently there's no boats on these islands because the best form of transportation to move from one island to another is mantine surfing between them however this gives us access to an infinite source of battle points or beach points so we can infinitely teach ourselves moves that we otherwise can't learn also does anyone know how many pikachu are in this van i spent 30 minutes just trying to enter this van and there were so many pikachu that came out like how do you fit so many pikachu in one area anyway something that's only found in the ultra games are totem stickers i make sure to get 20 of them on akala island where i can then receive a totem raticate from professor oak on hiahia beach i also go back to melee melee island and visit 10 carat hill to catch an encounter that i forgot here the wild card bank have a chance of calling sableye as an sos encounter this is another encounter that we can get so i make sure to catch him at paniola ranch the daycare lady offers to give us an eevee egg we're gladly accepting this egg because we're going to evolve it into an umbreon while making my way to the next trial site antler boy warns me of this magmar who offers me his nice and toasty ball and he just laughs at it regardless this brings us to our trial site where we have our first meet up with the shady character who calls himself gladion he challenges us to a battle where he starts with a zarua disguised as a zubat two-wing attacks takes out the zoroa and another two wing attacks take out the zubat he then sends out his predator dog thing which i know will do big damage so i switch out into sableye he's doing a lot more damage than i am so i gotta switch out into grimer and he hits me with a pursuit on the way out i poison him with grimer and i switch out into umbreon to stall him since my doggo is much tankier than his doggo eventually we do defeat him one thing i want to point out is that my last video got a lot of comments saying that vaporeon is compatible whatever that means and that umbreon is more durable comment below to let me know what that means because i certainly have no clue now that we've made it to brooklyn hill lana tells us that there's a big monster lurking in the waters i go to investigate while doing my trial and i come across a huge raqqa nid arakane can be really scary since all of our pokemon are dark types and araquanden has the move leech life which is boosted in this game to 80 base power if it's going to heal itself every turn i might as well go for the passive damage with poison i start with the poison fang and badly poison the arachnid causing it to deal increasing damage each turn i then switch into all of my pokemon to stall the turns and eventually it gets taken out this just leaves a little helper pokemon who gets taken out by a pluck this finishes the totem trial and we can now claim our water z crystal also one thing i forgot to mention we will not be using z moves in this game because it's just too powerful for my liking with the second trial down we can head over to willow volcano park where we fight against toto marowak now we do have a good time matchup against marowak because the alolan form is a ghost type in this game unfortunately marowak has boosted speed and also has to move brick break which can obviously do big damage it also summons selazil as an ally pokemon so we're going to need to be a bit more careful after playing a game of spot the difference marowak challenges us to a battle he always goes for detect first turn so i take this opportunity to switch into murkrow pursuit does big damage to him as we take a torment from the salazzle flame wheel hits us and deals big damage but we survive and a figgy barry heals us back to three-fourths health seeing as i'm dead next turn i switch into umbreon who avoids a poison gas we take a flame wheel but we also get the leftovers heal i bite marowak for the flinch chance as we get subjected to torment he hits a super effective brick break but a bite brings him down to red health i switch into sablite to take the brick break as we get hit with a venoshock i then use priority shadow snake to take out the marowak and we've defeated the totem pokemon all that's left now is selazzle i switch into raticate to tank a flame burst with thick fat ability and then use hyperfence to deal big damage hyperfang crits and gets it down to the red so next turn a bite takes out the salazzle winning us the third trial with the next trial just around the corner we're blasting through this game with incredible pace on route 8 i meet up with a second shady figure i don't know why but i feel like i've encountered this guy before i'm getting a feeling of deja vu as he's talking to me it's almost like we've met before now i agree with antler boy in saying that the photo booth is indeed boring but i'm going to suggest that the festival plaza is even worse like what am i supposed to do here find friends i already struggle in real life you want me to do that in here as well as i enter the travel site i meet up with the trial captain mallow who orders me to get her some ingredients as she's cooking the totem pokemon sneaks up on me either to get a taste of the soup or taste of me i hit it with the poison fang and managed to badly poison it as it deals damage with x scissor it summons in its ally confey but it can't really do anything lurantis tries to heal the damage with synthesis so i go for a minimize to reduce its accuracy now it's just a matter of stalling larantis will always try to heal itself as i keep using minimize it's never going to hit me so once i reach max evasion i can take it out with poison fang kumfei as well goes down to a poison fang and we've won the fourth trial while making our way towards the grand trial olivia we can catch a future encounter larvitar can be found in diglett's tunnel and it has a neutral nature which i'll definitely take over a bad one since it only gains the dark typing as a tyranitar at level 55 i won't be able to use it until the very last trial i've been doing this challenge for a week now so it's about time we got some new clothes just look at this drip it's now time to face our grand trial against olivia the rock specialist just look at that smolder it turns out i have a hidden power that's super effective against rock types persian has hidden power steel that does light work of all of her pokemon anarath goes down to one hidden power and then she sends out lily lilip actually lives and goes for a giga drain but doesn't do enough damage the next hidden power does take her out last is her lychen rock now lykan rock might be faster than me but we have a good chance of knocking it out with one shot i go for it and of course it goes down we've now completed the grand trial on this island and we can make it to ulula we have to make a pit stop at aether paradise to fight nikhiligo but this fight is pretty easy since we do have steel type hidden power that's all we need to take it out finally we find ourselves at ulaula there was a rival battle against hau but he really wasn't a problem on the new island we can find ourselves one more encounter pancham and pangoro are not the best pokemon good attack but too slow but at least it has a good move pool anyway now that we're up at mount hokulani we gotta find the charger bugs first before we can start the trial something bad happens and atoga domara has to jump out and save us unfortunately the voltage is too great so a second chunkier together has to save us as well and this really pissed him off because now he challenges us to a totem battle damaru is an electric steel type meaning it's quad weak to ground i top hand grow bulldoze so that it can do big damage to the toga de maru first turn i go for the bulldoze but togo dumaro goes for spiky shield which blocks my attack it then calls in its ally skarmory who doesn't have a good attacking move so i wasn't too worried about him tokudamaru goes for a bounce as skarmory sets up a tailwind i use protect on the turn that it comes down to block the bounce i then go for another bulldoze and miss again due to the bounce i have to use protect and save myself from the bounce as skarmory goes for a stealth rocks togo tomorrow goes up so i have to protect myself again i then switch into umbreon and start screeching it down i tried to switch into raticate and do some damage but togo dimar does way too much to me so a combination of steel wing plus zing zap takes out radicate i send in sablai who's decently bulky i go for knockoff which does a decent amount of damage and it also removes the citrus berry i send in persian who has big special attack and take out the toga demaro with a weak hidden power power gem goes into the skarmory taking it out winning us the fifth totem badge it's sad to have a first death but this means that it opens up a slot for another pokemon and this next one is going to be amazing so let's talk about critical strike chants critical hits can be make or break moments and they can wildly influence the outcome of a battle in generation seven they change the way critical hits work so that whenever you have three stages of critical strike chance you have a guaranteed critical hit moves with a high crit ratio gives you one stage items like scope lens or razor claw give you another stage and the ability super luck gives you one more stage when all three requirements are met the attacks from a given pokemon will always result in a critical hit there are two pokemon in this game that can achieve those requirements one being haunch crow and another being absol now unfortunately haunch crow will no longer be used in this playthrough for reasons that you'll see later but we are able to get our hands on an absol in tapu village we find ourselves an absolute with super luck and he just does not want to go down without a fight while catching him he had to take out both sabolai and haunch crow before being caught usually i would be pretty frustrated by this but this just confirms that absol is an amazing pokemon not only does absolute have a plus speed nature it also has incredible ivs with absol in our possession we now prepare for the next totem trial here it becomes apparent that fairy types are really difficult to face off against the totem pokemon is a mimikyu that has omniboost and it one shots all of my pokemon except for grimer eventually i do come to a solution but it does require some risks so this is what i came up with my solution requires me to sacrifice two pokemon because there are three criteria when fighting this mimikyu one i need to break its disguise two i need to slow it down and three i have to deal damage to it or lower its defense i start with umbreon and i plan to sack him while lowering his defense a berry keeps us healthy so next turn i can go for the assurance to break its disguise unfortunately it dies this turn to a curse with two criterias met i switch into grimer to lower its speed i tank a hit and rock tomb lowers the mimikyu speed down to a level that absol can out speed now in order to bring an outsole safely i will have to sack pangoro here he didn't do much but this is the most value he'll ever be pan girl goes in takes a play rough and goes down thank you for your sacrifice with absol in shadowclaw now crits and kills defeating the total mimikyu claw then defeats the bayonet earning us the sixth totem badge five deaths between two trials at this point my pokemon are dropping like flies but for some good news we now get access to crocodile an amazing dark type pokemon in my opinion crocodile is one of the best dark type pokemon in the franchise it's fast it's offensive and it has the ability moxie which increases attack with every kill even if it doesn't have moxie it has the ability intimidate which is one of the best abilities in the game being able to get a free minus one attack on your opponent is already amazing slap on his wide move pool and you've got yourself a beast this means that crocodile is basically set up as a sweeper in any generation that crocodile is available make sure to oh it's faster than us wait how i'm max speed it literally says 105 speed right here am i looking at this wrong is am i not faster than this thing oh what the [ __ ] this thing has ev's i had it for like five minutes it's like when you get a new phone and you drop it on the first day the the minute you walk out you drop it this was so good too that's right i forgot the one reason i recommend this game for more experienced nuzlockers the evs this generation has boss battles and trainers that are all eevee trained this means that no matter how good you train your pokemon they will always be slightly worse than your opponents anyway with that slight setback i meet up with grimsley who gives me the sharpedo jet what are you doing here you look so pale right now you should probably go get a tan on route 16 i catch myself my next encounter scrafty scrafty also has moxie but it's no crocodile also on route 17 i find myself a bisharp which is a pokemon of equal caliber as crocodile with our next destination being aether paradise i prepared to leave the island and just before i do i challenge the island kahuna he has a pretty gnarly team but it's nothing we can't handle i start by power jamming the sableye he also does the same but our power gems are more powerful so we take him out first second is croco rock so a u-turn out into scrafty a single brick break takes out croc rock giving us the moxie boost as well finally is persian who goes down to a single brick break this defeats nano giving us reign over three islands at aether paradise we fight against a lot of employees but the real target we're after is lusamine she has a weird ice collection so we're here to take her down for pokemon poaching she starts to battle with clefable so we start with bisharp iron head is all i need to take him out this baits in beware and i don't have a good counter for him since he knows drain punch so i just use muk to stall him out after a couple turns of acid armor and venom drenches eventually the beware goes down i also use muk to stall out the milotic muck is especially defensive so once it goes down to red health i switch into persian to use a fake out this takes out the melodic and baits in liligant i switch into incineroar who cures the stun spore with a lumbery now that i have no item i go for acrobatics which does big damage she goes for teeter dance and try to confuse me but a u-turn hits and takes out the little giant this also gives me the free switch into my next pokemon scrafty the last pokemon is lopani who goes down to the red with brick break unfortunately we get immobilized by cute charm so i switch into persian and use a fake out to take out the lapany this defeats lusamine in a pretty one-sided match after that little family reunion we make our way to pony island where we finally catch an inking nk has contrary which reverses all stack changes this can be pretty useful in specific situations i also find myself a carvana eventually a sharpedo at ponybreaker coast these will be the last encounters before my next objective our next task is to make it to exeggutor island where i encounter a big problem the game file got corrupted as soon as i step foot on the island and now i can no longer play my ultra moon copy so what did i do i transferred all my data to my ultra sun copy now this might be seen as cheating because the future battles will be different but i think it actually made it harder the necrozma fight that we have to do on the altar of the sun is now changed to a steel psychic type instead of a ghost psychic type so this battle will be harder and the battles for mina's trial will also be different none of these switches really matter since all of the fights are about the same difficulty also just because we are in ultra sun does not mean we can catch ourselves a hound doom it was not originally in the ultra moon game so we cannot catch it here okay we're back on track now that i'm at executor island i take the flute and i'm off to my music recital as i make my way through vast pony canyon i have one more encounter available to me in the hidden depths of vast pony canyon i can fish for a core fish corefish does have shell armor but is not a good pokemon it's slow and it's not even defensive all it has is high attack and that's about it with the totem komo 0 coming up next i make sure to prepare well for this fight komo'o is a fighting type pokemon so it does have super effective moves against me but since i am the nuzlocke dock i come up with an ingenious plan that involves all of the pokemon on my team right now pause the video to guess what it is by having incineroar and absol set on the bench scrafty and malamar will also have the opportunity to sit this also allows crawdon to be benched and thus muk can't toxic stall yup this was the best and safest plan that i could have come up with i hit kamao with a toxic and now is the waiting game muk has the leftovers so by switching between protect and venom drench and acid armor we eventually take out the totem como not the most creative victory but in a nuts lock you do what you have to anyway this defeats komo 0 which gives us the 7th totem badge like i said here this fight has changed from a ghost psychic type to a steel psychic type so it's going to be a little bit more difficult with necrozma siphoning energy from solgaleo we have to fight their combination dusk main nacrosma now when you think of necrozma you think of the fight that everyone says is super difficult the fight that you need zoroark for well this fight is not it the ai here is so dumb that i went for a psycho cut on my dark type only after missing three psycho cuts does it realize that i'm a dark type and actually has to use a different move to hurt me unfortunately by that time it's too late and we take it out with a crunch now we get to the fight that's really difficult and yes we're going back to our same old strategy toxic stall a lot of people say that half of this game is completed by toxic stalling i'm inclined to agree i tried to use the least amount of toxic stall but in the end i still had to use it we stalled the raticate we stalled the raqqa nid we also stalled komao and we're about to stall this but i promise you after this fight there will be no more toxic stalling all of my fights after this including the totem robonvi will be purely battles speaking of which with ultron the crossman defeated our next task is totem or bombing but before we can do so we have to first do mina's trial all we have to do is fight the trial captains and get their pedals against mina i started with malomar who gets a plus one from intimidate superpower now takes out the mawhile against ribambi i thought mandabas would be faster but i forgot that it has evs again thus a fairy type z move takes out manda buzz and we're back to square one remember how i said that there would be no more toxic stalling i think i lied i have to toxic stall this fight like i said you do what you gotta do when you're alone at night toxic stall is your friend anyway a simple head is all we need to defeat nina getting us the first pedal with the level cap at 55 please welcome somebody who's been sitting the bench for a long time now yes we finally get access to tyranitar the rest of the pedal fights weren't difficult at all so i'll skip those and move straight to the totem bomby fight now i promise you this fight was not toxic stalled so here's what i came up with okay so this is indeed going to be the hardest totem battle we have yet to face this is gonna be really hard because she has plus two in every single stack so we saved our focus for exactly this situation we're going to live whatever move it does to us and then we need to crit a stone edge there's a 50 50 chance we have to hit the crit [Music] yes there was so much we could have missed as well there you go a non-toxic stall fight against the hardest totem pokemon with that we have now completed all of our totem trials there isn't much in front of us now we've got the grand trial for hapu mount la nikila and then the elite four i think i'm starting to see the finish line the start of the hapu fight starts pretty easy i go for sword stance as golurk sets up a stealth rocks i go for another sword stance and golic goes for a hammer arm the chapel berry that i have weakens the damage so we're able to take the hit knight slash is now strong enough to kill the golurk and take it out with one shot night slash takes out the mudsdale and it also takes out the gastrodon slygon's actually faster so i switch out into scrafty and icepunch takes it out winning us the grand trial this is one step closer guys to the sweet sweet finish line on mount lanakila gladian challenges us to a battle but we do what we must and we take out the trash on mount lanakila we get our last encounter which happens to be the jolliest sneezel this sneasel is literally so perfect because it has 31 attack ivs and 29 speed ivs with a plus speed nature literally cannot get better than this now all that's left in front of us is the elite four at this moment i want to give a huge thanks to twitch chat they were with me the entire time and they see me go through all the stages of denial we talked about stories girls the lack thereof and much more so if you want to be able to talk to me on a more personal level come check me out on twitch anyway the elite four battles were pretty intense and i don't want to spoil their excitement by talking over them so i'll let present me do the commentating are you guys ready because i'm ready yeah that's right let's hope this does go better than the uh black two water we're gonna start with acerola so the plan for acerola is quite simple we have scope lens super luck night slash we are just going to crit everything with the night slash until we win the battle so frost lasts immediately second sucks let's switch into you and then we can kill it with night slash nice switch back into absol great missed a slam that's perfect and now we can go back to night slashing everything i think we're faster and i think we kill everything so i think this battle is won that's acerola 100 crit absol is so good this is for the weird horse girls out there this fights for you like honestly kahili should be no problem for weevil solid that's two okay so manda buzz we actually cannot kill so we have to switch into you to kill ladder interesting um raper okay odd hit the stone edge no it's the other ability what is it trying to do with brave bird oh wait how do i miss the stone edge i'm zoom lens oh it's only like 96 accuracy can you hit please oh my god that's three [ __ ] turns in a row can you hit please finally god probably wants to be blast me oh it can also bullet seed me okay great okay but we are faster right so doesn't let's just die to like an iron head now because we got the defiant boost right yeah that's what i thought burns us but that's fine okay oricorio this wants to use revelation dance which is a fire move let's switch here into uh tyranitar and then we can probably like hit it with the aqua tail yeah revelation dance shouldn't do that much i actually think we're dead to flinch into another one so i think uh absolute tanks whatever air slash do we tank dudes i was supposed to use tyranitar here but like i i flinched too many times holy i'm losing somebody here already because i'm my [ __ ] tyranitar choked i think absol is the least valuable right now or wait hold on hold on hold on how much is it doing to we vile it's slower than we vile and i think weville takes a hit it takes an air slash and then we kill it with like ice punch because like it sees the air slash kill oh uh this should be fine though we do take a revelation dance okay there's the damage okay don't quit don't quit don't quit don't quit don't quit don't quit it says 87 on my screen oh it hit the one rule that kills me i think tyranitar can take a non-crit peter dance please hit it hit it hit it okay i think we're sacking absol here as well all right goodbye absol you did you did really well [ __ ] tyranitar choked okay that went so wrong tyranitar choked so hard on that holy [ __ ] it choked so hard on that flattered so i'm pretty sure this is just a sweep with scrafty once we take out the armaldo let's iron head twice to take out the armaldo okay that works too so we'll switch here and we'll oh okay it went for counter okay brick break [Music] nice okay so now it dies because if it tries to go counter it moves last and it dies easy nice avoid okay good oh nice a void nice that's how you not choke okay see that's how you not choke that's how you clutch okay and then last out is gigalith okay paralyzed oh it's going for a pair of flinch it's going for paraflinch all right i take back everything i just said perfect but this is this is the an easy elite for the real hard one is mullane this guy is the toughest elite four this is prankster klefki who tries to go for reflect so i think we brick break first turn to break the reflect okay and then now because it knows that we have brick break it's gonna go for like a spike or thunder wave so we fire punch good perfect metagross okay so we specifically ev this thing to always kill with flare blitz why is this so fast wait wait hold on hold on why is it so fast here the plan was to switch into wii vile and kill the brick break because we was faster but now that we lost we vile because tyranitar choked we have to do this with scrafty and we're risking two crits but he can't crit me this turn spikes okay so spikes does like just under half health let's protect for leftovers okay and if we live this we can kill a brick break okay and now we can kill brick break okay magna zone wants to go flash cannon or t-bolt so the sandstorm comes up and it gives us the special defense boost and it should use thunderbolts yeah because thunderbolt was higher damage on the scrafty and we have the beery berry to reduce steel damage so that it keeps going for thunderbolt perfect but we're faster so you'll never actually get to make use of it plus your special attackers okay so this sharp wants to go iron head that's the elite four with the elite four defeated we can now challenge for the title of champion for context the plan was to use our two fastest pokemon in absol and weavile to sweep their team but now that they're gone i'm really gonna have to pull something out of my okay this is it this is the last one this is all this is all we need to do just get past how and then we're good we're safe so i'm banking on a lot right now i'm banking that the next pokemon in is going to be vaporeon i'm also banking that this raichu doesn't like kill me we're gonna leech life to restore hp miss the focus blast that's big good perfect so is this vaporeon tell me it's vaporeon [Music] perfect oh it's faster okay harm good perfect there's defiant so basically once it runs out of hydro pumps it can only help me set up okay that's three hydro pumps okay that's four hydro pumps [Music] perfect that's so perfect because now all this thing has is quick attack which is absolutely garbage it can only help me set up now now we can just keep going with iron defense we're gonna keep going until we have full health we can start attacking now yeah hey withdraws vaporeon interesting all right it's just dead it's not going to burn all those potions so there we go okay tauros perfect this is a free plus one this is free uh let's kill it with brick break oh it's faster interesting oh it's fine we're a plus six though okay nice okay the cgy doesn't really have anything on me can this kill probably yeah nice so it's just vaporeon and noir left all right equals how much is that okay and now it's dead okay and now it's back to vaporeon who doesn't have any more hydro pumps [Music] that's what i'm [ __ ] talking about that's what i'm talking about bishop you're a god we're alola's first champion and this is all hardcore nuzlocke and that's how you do a dark only ultrasound slash moon hardcore nuzlocke suck a dick you haters this was a lot of fun to do so thank you guys all for watching if you enjoyed this video please don't forget to like and subscribe and comment down below what you would have done again thank you guys for 10 000 subscribers so until next time thank you for watching
Channel: DocZ
Views: 145,534
Rating: 4.9209552 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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