Pokémon Y Hardcore Nuzlocke - Randomizer! (No items, No overleveling)

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randomizers are my favorite way to play pokemon because you never know what to expect pair that with the unforgiving hardcore nuzlocke rules and you've got a real challenge basically any pokemon that faints is boxed forever no items from the bag are allowed in battle sap mode is mandatory i can't level past the next gym leader and i can only catch the first pokemon in any area which will be randomized i've also decided to make things very unfair all the pokemon i catch will be similar strength to the normal encounters but my enemies will have a massive advantage before level 30 they could have anything after level 30 though all their pokemon will be fully evolved no matter what and on top of that regardless of their level all opponents have an increased chance of having megas and legendaries you want us to call you dingus why would i want that shauna my starter selection is honestly epic and while i love oshawott and sandal dearly i gotta go with trappings i name her ecclesia and the craziest thing i found out is that trappings gets super power at base in x and y you'll also notice that she's got leafguard as her ability for some extra fun and chaos i've decided to randomize all abilities and while leafguard does basically nothing for ecclesia i still think trappings was a great choice but let me know what you would have picked on route 2 my first wild encounter is a low tad this is one of my favorite pokemon when i was like eight it's so cute i've since refined my taste but i'm still happy with little naturia pineapple here light metal is pretty dog as abilities go but i'll take it in santalune forest i find a magikarp i named leviathan dragon and gooey is a pretty good replacement for gyarados's intimidate not quite as good but still very useful since any trainer can just randomly have a legendary i gotta dodge as many trainers as i can to not get accidentally wrecked and as i'm being careful on route 4 i run into a wild ivysaur a fantastic pickup this early so i name her prediplant chimera flesia and lightning rod i suppose could come in handy to get the last encounter i can find before the gym on route 22 there's a mandatory trainer i decide to take my chances and her first pokemon is a clefairy which is easily defeated but then she sends in a noiburn it only has tackle to hit me but paired with super sonic and screech it's a formidable opponent i get confused with both trap inch and ivysaur before just trying to get some damage off and it took a bit of switching around but eventually a few bites add up to take it out would i say that trouble's worth it from measly corsola no especially not one with snow warning ew at this stage we've got all the encounters we can get before challenging viola who leads the fight with a zigzagoon i start with lotad who takes a decent chunk from a headbutt and fires off a growl zigzagoon then uses tail whip as i hit it with an energy ball through nature power which does a ton not wanting to go down to headbutt though i swap into ivysaur who takes a growl a vine whip then leaves zigzagoon in the red as it hits me with a tackle this baits out viola's potion which we don't want her using on something more difficult to deal with anyway so it works out i get off a leech seed to recover some health and eventually ko the zigzagoon with a few more vine whips viola then sends in a mega venusaur really had to upstage me like that huh this is bad but at least ivysaur is immune to powders and leech seeds so i start firing off growls as venusaur does the same to me it only has tackle and vine whip to hit me with so i decide to drop its attack as much as possible getting it to minus 6 before i desperately have to swap out at just 4 hp i first swept in low tad which was incredibly useless since it basically can't touch venusaur at all realizing this i swap in ecclesia and the plan was to set up sand tomb to get some damage over time but it goes horribly wrong since i missed twice and get leech seeded realizing this might mean i can't even win this fight i desperately swap into corsola for a few turns of chip damage with hail i swap around a bit for the chip damage and use bubble to try and get a speed drop to no avail the venusaur is able to do quite a lot of damage with a quad effect of vine whip and it wouldn't be the end of the world if i lost corsola but i do have recover to continue keeping it alive for a bit trying to fish for that speed drop a bit more still with no success the whole thing is a mess of me healing with recover venusaur healing with leech seed and me trying to use harden to take less damage from vine whips and honestly this plan wasn't really getting me anywhere because venusaur was getting more health with leech seed each turn and i wasn't getting any speed drops realizing that this plan really isn't getting me anywhere i decided to swap in low tad who actually manages to tank a tackle on 2 hp before swapping out into ecclesia i pivot through lotad first just to make sure that ecclesia doesn't get vine whipped on the switch i decided to give santoom another go and this time i don't miss as long as i can out damage leech seed heal i'm fine but for whatever reason viola doesn't go for leap seed opting for direct damage instead a crit at any moment could end the run but ecclesia perseveres and eventually does enough to take out the venusaur with no deaths however viola has a third pokemon and this is a good time to bring up that i made it so that every boss fight has one additional pokemon for an even higher chance to face legendaries and megas but her final pokemon is aloma mola which unfortunately for her only has aqua jet to attack with so after setting up a few hardens and being able to recover any damage i can just do slightly more damage with tackle than she heals with aqua ring for a very slow win to a very scary first gym fight low tad did get to level 14 during the fight though which means it evolves into lombre which is a great opportunity to show you guys that pokemon keep the same randomized ability when they evolve ooh choice specs our next destination is lumiose where we have to face mr steal your mom sycamore his first pokemon is licky licky who can only deal damage with lick and power whip so a few turns of leech seed and poison deals with it easily then sycamore sends in a mega obama snow and this thing pretty much counters our entire team and it does have icy wind at this level i figured that i might have a chance though as i swap in corsola remembering that i have superpower on ecclesia but i'd be slower after an icy wind as i swap in so i decide to go for a few bulldozes first with corsola to guarantee i out speed i then swap out into ecclesia really hoping that i can tank an icy wind here and by some miracle i managed to survive it on a fourth of my hp then since we've already put some damage on the obama snow we're definitely going to be able to take it out with the superpower his final pokemon is a sand true which i can easily deal with using lombre this means we get the choice of three pokemon and while all of them are goaded picks i end up going with fletchling for some type diversity on the team i probably should have picked swine up here and you'll see why later however guts on mercury here is a really good ability my route 5 encounter happens to be an electric with rockhead that i named rygecki now route 5 has our first mandatory double battle and i could skip it by having just one pokemon but i don't want to play the rest of the route that way and of course they would have a guar chomp luckily mercuria is fastest and can fire off a growl to lower attack but the skarmory has contrary and gets a boost instead this is bad but i kinda have to use growl again to not worry about the chomp the skarmory is also making my life a bit easier by using a special move in swift instead of its physical pack the next turn i peck the guard chomp as ecclesia gets packed as well the guard chomp just uses sand attack on trap inch and luckily i don't miss through it taking garchomp down into the red with bulldoze i really don't want trappings to get pecked here so i swap out into corsola who can resist it and set up the snow but i have to stay in with mercury to take out the guard chomp with a quick attack that's one huge threat out of the way but we still have to deal with this plus two skarmory from here i know skarmory can only hit me with peck so i send in two months that resist it and eventually take it out with some bubbles honestly a pretty crazy one to get out of without any deaths upon reaching level 18 mercuria evolves into flit shinder and i can reach route 6 where my encounters is a gale wings larvesta a really sweet pickup i then have to watch some fireworks with shauna ew but at least it lets me wake up the snorlax in the way which is my route 7 encounter since its base stats are pretty high it randomizes into a dawn fan with dark aura a very welcome addition to the team after this i can continue my encounter spree capturing a fur coat trico on route 9 and a drought ghastly and glittering cave here i have to go up against team flare for the first time and of course they'd have a celebi it's not a huge threat to ivysaur though so i can quickly eliminate the de dene and after it takes out serena's tyrogen axu her nidorino can eventually land a poison it still took a heck of a long time since the celebi had recovered but at least we got out of it safely before challenging the second gem i pick up a piplup with soundproof that i name m pen and since the level cap is 25 i also decide to evolve leviathan dragon into the amazing gyarados this means it's finally time to take on the second gem and very luckily he didn't have anything crazy like viola and victory was swift it's honestly super lucky that he didn't have anything that good but i'm happy about it since this run gave me a lot of pain going forward before we get to geocenge we have some more mandatory team flare battles one of which had a mew but these dinguses didn't give me too much trouble in the end yet another trainer that was way easier than i expected was karina and geocenge normally your two lucarios with power up punch can be a run killer but her snow runt and cray dilly were pretty easy pickings we then have to go through reflection cave which is full of trainers but first i pick up an s cavalier on route 11. i don't think i've ever used one of these guys which is a shame since guy of the fierce knight here looks epic and early bird could certainly come in handy like i mentioned reflection cave has a ton of trainers we have to face and some to accidentally run into but of course the one mandatory double battle has another guard chomp and a mega at that this one wasn't too bad to deal with between don fan and s cavalier but man this is getting hairy again real quickly since we're right at the level 30 threshold serena ends up being pretty easy here but this is where the real difficulty of the run begins and before facing karina i get ivysaur to the level cap and evolve it into a venusaur this means it's now time to face the third gym leader karina and the final one that doesn't have all her pokemon above level 30. her first pokemon is a wigglytuff so i swap into my steel type right away and have no trouble knocking it out with a couple of poison jabs which we can conveniently buy at the pokemon center here her second pokemon is a flareon which obviously threatens me out but amber mammoth is a great counter knocking it out in one bulldoze she then has a snubble that gets demolished before sending in her ace gigolith i end up doing over half of a bulldoze but get damaged by its chewbacca berry before giggleth sets up an iron defense this means i'm both at low health and can't take this thing out with one more hit for that reason i decide it's best to swap in our newly evolved venusaur to deal with it on the special side instead with petal dance granting us the third gym badge but from here on out it's fully evolved opponents only we do however get a free pretty good encounter from karina what's normally a mega lucario is randomized into anything that can mega evolve and i am not disappointed with my mega blasiken on top of that it's got parental bond an insane ability for anything that gets power up punch which is even stabbed for blaziken i name him longyeon and to avoid having to teach leviathan surf i level up and pen who evolves into prim plop this leads us to where it all took a change starting with the ramos he leads with a freaking dragonite which does have dragon rage at this level but for some reason he keeps spamming slams so i can freely set up two plus two with a swords dance and take this dragonite out with a couple of poison jabs second out is typhlosion so i swap right into corsola and since typhlosion really just gets fire and normal moves both of which i resist a couple of surfs do the trick then true to his roots ramo sends in victory belt so i swap back in gaia and i set up a swords dance and get hit by sleep powder and early bird actually comes in handy here as i wake up right away and can take out the victory bell with a twin needle which only leaves ramos with his final pokemon glyce score and acrobatics doesn't do too much as i hit it with a poison jab his second one gets a crit though leaving me in the red so after hitting it with another poison jab taking it below half i decide to swap out into don fan i do end up having to tank in acrobatics on the switch but don fan being an absolute defensive beast it does barely anything i tank a night slash and unfortunately miss my first rock tomb but it doesn't even take me below half before i can hit it into the red and here i make a huge mistake miss clicking knock off instead of rock tomb which does do a lot of damage because of dark aura but now that glycor isn't wearing its useless wise glasses it's gonna do a lot more with acrobatics so after almost being taken out i swap into corsola who sets up the snow and takes a night slash the next night slash leaves me at just four hp and a surf gets glyscor into the red corsala unfortunately goes down to its own hail here but glyce score for some reason isn't taking damage so it must have gotten an ability like overcoat or something to protect it i send an empen who somehow misses a 100 accurate surf but at least i get another turn to outspeed because of the rock tomb to finish the fight but this is just the beginning of my troubles having lost corsola i'm in need of a replacement so i add rygecki to the team and evolve it into a monectric the team flare fights in the power plant were surprisingly uneventful for what's to come but at least mercury evolved into a flame and with preparations out of the way it's now time to take on the fifth gym leader clement and why am i not surprised that this guy has a jinx on his team and honestly guys i forgot the jinx was as fast as it was and immediately get flinched by a heart stamp so i swap into gaia who can erase this foul miscreation with an iron head clemont then sends in a mega gyarados i get hit hard by an aqua tail and test damage with twinito which unfortunately doesn't get the poison forced to swap out i go into venusaur who gets leered on the switch i then seem to have immediately forgotten this and the fact that gyarados has icefang which totally destroys venusaur a huge misplay on my part losing us one of our best pokemon so i send in my own gyarados i get hit by a lear as i try to get damage with icefang doing nothing but activating its snowball boosting gyarados's attack oh come on the next turn i get hit by a lear is i get some more pitiful damage in with aqua tail and i realize that i can take this thing out with monectric but i'm gonna have to sacrifice something in the process and unfortunately gaia is gonna have to be that guy i then send in monetric and since it's clemont who gives us thunderbolt i have to use spark here and hope that it ko's but it is enough to take out the gyarados finally clement then has a tropius and a swoobat but they're nothing to leviathan having lost a full third to my team to that gyarados i decided to replace venusaur with another grass starter thick fat sceptile i also evolved my drought haunter into gengar i was just having a conversation with lysander about mega evolution dude don't remind me the wound is still fresh moving on we have another fight with serena and at this stage my team actually has some strategy to lean on after setting up the sun with gengar parental bond blaziken is a near unstoppable force trampling her pathetic team with ease our next gem leader fight is then versus valerie who makes the big mistake of leading with a spinda as i send in blaziken this just grants me a free plus two with power-up punch and from there it's lights out for valerie it's good that the game is giving me some confidence before knocking me to my knees i'm interested in pokeballs because they're used to catch pokemon dude you don't have to specify that that's like saying you're into chairs because you like sitting like that's the only function dog sorry to bother you but i like little things hey not cool after evolving m-pen into empoleon i head to route 17 where i pick up pile of swine with huge power baby paired with that sweet speed boosting nature i knew what kind of greatness i was witnessing but after good times come hard times and hard times were on the way fast [Music] of course serena's first pokemon is a freaking rayquaza with air slash and crunch no less i was in deep trouble expecting rick plays it to one shot me with an air slash here i swap into rygecki and of course it goes for crunch instead getting a crit leaving me at just 12 hp i definitely have to switch here so i go out into m pen who actually tanks the crunch fairly well despite it not being resisted in typical fashion i then get flinched by an air slash the next one however taking me down into the red does not quite get so lucky which means i do get off a toxic to get some residual damage on this thing not quite being ready to let go of m pen yet i swap into amber mammoth who gets hit by a hyper voice which gets me thinking amber mammoth would just get absolutely destroyed by another hyper voice here and it likely could go for air slash as well but i decide to gamble on the five head play that the rayquaza will go for the hypervoice again which doesn't affect m pen because of sound proof this turn i expect it to play around it so i go for aquajet to get some damage but it just hypervoices again i once again go for another aquajet thinking at least it'll go down to toxic damage when the rayquaza shows me rest most of my hope left me in this exact moment and to make things worse i misclicked toxic the next turn wasting a turn of sleep i then swap in dawn fan for the second sleep turn who the following turn gets hit by a crunch into the red but manages to connect with a rock tomb lowering rayquaza's speed after which m pen is gonna have to make the ultimate sacrifice all so that i can safely bring in gengar if only i would have given gengar the choice specs because a dazzling gleam isn't quite enough which means rayquaza reaps another soul and thus much like last time we were in trouble it's up to rygecki to get us out of it and a choice bex thunderbolt is going to be more than enough to take care of rayquaza rygeki is then immediately threatened out by the incoming nidoqueen and sceptile tanks a body slam very well because of its fur coat i go for a bulldoze but dissatisfied with the damage output i go for a power up punch to boost my attack and unfortunately get paralyzed by the next body slam in the process honestly pretty unlucky nidoqueen then outspeeds and hits me with an earth power and even with plus one another bulldoze isn't enough the next turn i get paralyzed so i try for a desperate quick attack that just barely falls short spelling the end for yet another team member from here blaziken can get a free plus one attack with power up punch which gives it enough power to one shot the subsequent nidoking with parental bond bulldoze parental bond blaze again is just an absolute animal finally serena has a golurk and while a fire punch wasn't enough to take it out not even after the parental bond at least serena has the decency to take herself out with curse after all the trouble she's caused me in desperate need of replacements i add lombre back to the team and evolve it with a water stone i can buy in lumios it's then finally time for my starter to reach its final form as ecclesia can now become a flygon at least olympia is a break from the madness since ecclesia can make quick work of her arbok and nidoking and then a switch into leviathan takes care of the speed boost camera and silly onion duck but that just means it's time for the team flare gauntlet oh boy lysander won normally a simple enough fight and it starts out that way as he sends in giraffe riggs so longyeon isn't exactly the best lead but i can go ahead and swap out into ecclesia i get hit by a psychic on the switch but it does less than half the next turn i out speed and go for a crunch which does a bit more than half as another psychic takes me down into the red this means another crunch is enough to take out the stupid giraffe lysandre then sends in marowak so a quick swap out into gyarados makes it easy to just take it out with an aqua tail but then he brings forth his tarakion oh it's got download oh an attack boost yeah it's this exact game state that's described in the dictionary under the word bad expecting it to completely annihilate leviathan with a rock slide here i swap out into amber mammoth who actually tanks it pretty well a sacred sword does considerably more leaving me in the red as i lower taraki on speed with a bulldoze it's still faster than dawn fan though so i swap in ludi who unfortunately takes more than half from retaliate and thus is eliminated the very next turn blaziken with its base 80 speed is at least faster after the bulldoze drop and can score ko with power-up punch which immediately bites me in the rear as an imposter mesprit comes in so i have to swap into gyarados dodging the bulldoze and since leviathan resists all of long yuan's moves i can easily knock it out with an aqua tail finally lysandre has a pidgeot which doesn't take very much from an ice fang after feather dance so i swap in specsry gekki to once again clean things up with another team member down and some of the toughest battles of the base game ahead of me i figured it's time time to grace my team with one so heavenly endowed as huge power mammal swine nothing compares to huge power mammoth swine the mountain from game of thrones not even close your uncle who's the strongest guy in your family forget about it lysander the man is crying before his second fight why because he knows as well as you and i that all his pokemon will be instantaneously eradicated by the strongest of them all heck i don't even care if you throw another rayquaza at me with my speed boosting nature moving first and erasing that ugly ozone dwelling sock puppet from the history books is inevitable it's kind of cool that a veltal randomizes into articuno which i can't use due to it being legendary but we still have one more fight with lysander to go except i beat him so bad in that last fight he had to go back to pre-school but regardless he's back with a vengeance and this time leading off with a snorlax as i send in the chosen one mama swine and as bulkiest snorlax is on the special side it stands no chance against a huge power earthquake this baits in a charizard so i swap into the albeit lesser gyarados who can at least tank a flamethrower a bit better here i learned that this fire starter also sports the parental bond ability which does a decent chunk the next turn using wing attack before i eliminate the warmth of fatherhood with an aqua tale lysander's next pokemon is a tyranitar so i swap into my own fatherlord who takes a resisted crunch well and this being one of the only two fights where i get to mega evolve i take my chance man they really outdid themselves with megablades again this is just what regular blaziken should have looked like and a single power-up punch is enough to take out the tetar granting me an attack boost in the process from there i one shot the nidoqueen with parental bond bulldoze and unfortunately for lysander his mega is randomized into malwal which of course goes down to a fire punch the original purpose for this device was to bring back a pokemon to life but i've mostly been using it to print pictures of gardevoir that satisfy my dude what the on the road towards snowbell we must take on the friend gauntlet hey do you know what's about to happen nope i was truly unaware of what was about to unfold while shawna was a free win taking out the omastar with mammo simi poor with rygecki and blissey with blaze again the real threat was always tierno [Music] and while mamaswine destroyed his galvantula and even a freaking genesect his final pokemon was a mega latias a formidable foe indeed and i make a critical error in underestimating the chosen one here who's holding an assault vest which of course i forget so in my ignorance i swap in dawn fan who takes way more than half from a missed ball meaning that amber mammoth has to go down to such a dumb mistake still forgetting my vest i send in gyarados who does take less than half but isn't doing much back with icefang so the second turn i use bulldoze instead to lower ladies speed i swap into ecclesia who takes just over half and willing to let her go i use a pitiful crunch as the latias instead of taking me out heals up with recover not this again i decide that my starter's worth more than rygecki but ladios just heals up to full on the switch i then go for a specs discharge hoping for a para but no dice i fear that rygecki is gonna have to make the ultimate sacrifice here so i go for another discharge hoping for a para this time actually getting it on top of that the lauders even misses a zen headbutt what is this hacks in my favor i feel safer now that i know that ladies is out of mist balls so i send back in mammo who doesn't take it too well but can finally take this thing out with an ice fang honestly i was more of an opponent to myself than tierno in this fight but luckily trevor was a piece of cake like shauna onto snowbell we have a final gym to face but while taking on the trainers i ran into some trouble his venomoth wasn't the problem easily taken out with acrobatics but his second pokemon no it can't be i swap out right away into gyarados as the memo goes for mist the next turn i'm hit below half by huge power thrash which activates my gui and of course i miss my aqua tail i realize i might have to make a tough choice so i send in mercuriar here as mamo gets confused from the thrash a flame charge then does a small chunk of damage but at least the mammoth swine hits itself i then go for an acrobatics but it's not quite enough which spells the end from her courier with the gui drop however i at least know that blaziken out speeds and can take it out with one more gym fight left i'm once again making preparations and this time evolving godarla into volcarona wolfrick however is about as formidable as he is in the base game his for alligator and skunk tank fall to earthquakes and honestly i should have just stayed in an outsped with mamo but leviathan gets to handle the blaziken his final pokemon is a thunderous which obviously threatens out gyarados but with only electric moves to hit me with the enlightened one has a field day claiming the final gym badge to enter victory road we do have to beat rich girl robbie who does have a palkia but what's a pocky at a huge power mama swine once in victory road my encounter is a tyrantrum which i catch and name ultimate tyranno and while i did face serena here she wasn't the real threat you see as i was fighting the last few trainers sailor katrina sends in the creator arceus and i really would hate for things to go wrong this close to the finish so expecting an earth power i swap out into leviathan who can dodge it with its flying type and then have to take an extreme speed the next turn before hitting arceus with a waterfall for about a third of its health the next turn is the exact same leaving me in the red as i hit another waterfall so i swap in mama swine who does take less than half from extreme speed so thinking i'd be safe the next turn i stay in but arceus gets a critical hit leaving me on just 13 hp which is only unlucky for arceus because there can only be one god among pokemon checking out ultimate tyranno levitate is actually huge and i realize that ecclesia is gonna have to ride the bench for the elite four this means that the ultimate team consists of the hovering wrecks ultimate tyranno with earthquake head smash crunch and charm long young who have also given an assault vest since fire punch power up punch brave bird and high jump kick are all attacking moves and great ones at that number 77 leviathan dragon has waterfall icefang bulldoze and dragon dance with an expert belt to hopefully sweep things up spex rygecki is there to do what it's always been doing make it rain thunderbolts but since picking up the flamethrower tm at least that's one more option redox the god among pocket monsters with her trusty vest as rocking earthquake icefang rock tomb and finally just ancient power because there really wasn't anything better and she doesn't really need it finally godarla the gale winged kaiju is rocking flamethrower bug buzz hurricane and quiver dance with a king's rock and thus the time has come to take on the elite four the first of which being wickstrom normally a steel type master he now sends in a mag mortar as i've elected to start with blaziken figuring it can't hurt me too badly i power up punch to boost my attack twice and then it just sets up sunny day which works out great the next turn i take it out collecting a plus three in attack with another power-up punch togekiss then gets wrecked by a sun boosted plus three fire punch and even though mantine manages to survive a brave bird with a focus sash parental bond finishes the job charizard also goes down to a brave bird and finally blossom falls to fire punch a well-earned victory drazna is second and her first pokemon is a mousarno which believe it or not actually survives an earthquake from the chosen one and sets up safeguard expecting a heal here i go for ancient power just to get that bit of chip but funny enough i actually get the omni boost if you thought huge power mammal was a threat before this is an entirely new level obviously drazna's entire team gets destroyed such is the will of destiny malva is my third opponent and she leads with a slacking that likely doesn't have truant luckily i lead with blaziken who can eliminate it right away with a high jump kick this baits in a float soul so i swap in leviathan who tanks an aqua tail i don't exactly fear aqua tails from this thing so i decided to set up a dragon dance the next turn and use a couple of bulldozers to take it out unfortunately the potential sweep ends there however as the next mon is raichu so i swap into the goat and handle things with an earthquake zygarde i've got an ice fang for that drapeon okay at this point you're just trying to lose finally i face siebel the watery dude and him leading with trash cloak romadam as i decide to start with volcarona is poetic this lets me easily set up three quiver dances and destroy it with a flamethrower as charizard comes in i try using gale wings hurricane but of course i miss and almost get taken out by a slash so i put my recklessness behind me and swap into leviathan after taking a slash and being slimy i use a dragon dance since slash is about the worst thing a charizard can do to gyarados a waterfall is then more than enough to do the job his next pokemon is a mega heracross and foolishly thinking i'd one shot i take it below half with a waterfall i then get hit by a close combat which i just narrowly survive on 7 hp and can therefore knock out the heracross with another waterfall haunting me with my past sibolt sends in a looty colo so i swap in longyeon but i won't falter and will use my past as a punching bag to grow stronger literally with power-up punch which was kind of unnecessary prep for adele caddy but it could have been anything all that remains now is the final showdown and my elite four team has come with me all this way so let's give diantha the battle of her life leading off the fight with a hitmontop it's not the best matchup for mama swine so i go ahead and swap out into gyarados as soon as i can i then instantly destroyed the hitmontop but in hindsight i should have set up some dragon dances here for sure but maybe it was a blessing in disguise that i didn't because she next sends in an amphro so i go ahead and swap into mama swine as she goes for a thunder i then try to go for an earthquake but this ampharos had levitate either way my assault vest is pulling its weight as i take a couple of turns to take it out with a couple of ice fangs instead following this is a trevenant that gets absolutely demolished tentacle is a lot faster than mammo however so i swap into leviathan again and after eating a sludge wave a single bulldoze is enough to flatten it then second to last is a cacturn which falls immediately to an ice fang and finally no not again of course she has to have one of the megas that's given me the most trouble during the entire run i can't switch here and risk a dragon dance so i stay in and hit it with a bulldoze to lower its speed back down with this reasoning i'm stuck bulldozing this mega gyarados until it takes out my own gyarados but after a couple of turns it goes for a rain dance instead after yet another dragon dance i hit it down into the red which means diantha will heal the next turn but i decide to just stay in and get another free minus one with bulldoze putting me ahead of its dragon dancing which does continue for another two turns before i decide to swap in right gekki as she greedily grasps for more power and since i out speed will finish this fight like any other with a specs thunderbolt it's game over for diantha and that's how i beat a pokemon y randomizer hardcore nuzlocke i may have made some amazing friends along the way but most importantly i finally answered the age-old question of what is the strongest pokemon
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 852,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4X3cTHLzcqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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