Pokémon Violet Hardcore Nuzlocke - ELECTRIC Types! (No items, No overleveling)

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and I was like any Pokemon that faints is boxed forever and I'm gonna try to beat Pokemon Violet attempting to get all the way to the final boss using only electric tires so let me know what your favorite electric type is down in the comments below while you leave a like on this video And subscribe to the channel now technically the first electric type we had to the team is meridon but since we can't battle with it instead we start our journey the best possible way by receiving a level 5 Pikachu and not only is this thing the cutest thing ever it's also got a flying Terror type but listen Ash Ketchum just got booted off the anime so there's no way I'm going to be repeating his mistakes no no I'm immediately heading to lavincia to pick up a Thunderstone to get myself a Raichu now Pikachu already has access to nasty plot but evolving gives us instant access to Thunderbolt and with that incredibly deadly combination the first shim is a piece of cake and the fact that Titan cloth has such abysmal special defense means it goes down in one hit we then go up against brassius but since our Raichu has fly we rapidly soared a victory and speaking of soaring the Open Sky Titan gets dropped as well by a single Thunder my plan was then to solo the first team star base with Raichu which is when I learned you have to have three Pokemon to even take on team star what needing more fighters to join The Fray I head back to Poco path to pick myself up upaw me aside from the fact that this thing's basically just Pikachu at home it's actually pretty good once it's fully evolved I can't exactly say the same about my next Pokemon Shanks I love you Shanks but all you're good for is intimidate with the level cap at 20 I can get palmy to level 18 evolving it into Palm o ammo and I then Bond over a quick evening walk which is apparently all it takes for it to evolve into palmot and aside from the fact that this thing looks like Furby at a kid with Pikachu in a relationship devoid of any love whatsoever it happens to be exactly what we need right now you see upon Evolution palmat gains the additional fighting type which gives us an incredible advantage over Jacomo who runs the dark type team Starbase having a fully evolved Pokemon at this early stage in the game makes it incredibly easy to set up with bulk up giving us more defense to take less damage from aerialace and then just protect the next turn to get more leftovers recovery however because the storm mobile is so in incredibly fast I also have to set up a couple of agilities just to make sure I'm faster a plus six quad effective stab brick break is then easily enough to take out the ponyard leaving Giacomo with only his rev of room which we now out speed and also take out in one hit fine palmat you've been accepted as part of the team despite your disturbing lineage starting my preparations for the lavencia gym I start by leveling up Shanks evolving it into Luxio I then head back to cortondo to pick up an Eevee and after finding a second Thunderstone we can get ourselves a Jolteon and so it's time to challenge iono in a contest to see who's the best electric type user and content creator and to be honest I don't think she stands a chance on either account to begin with palmont gets to shine once again setting up attack and defense with bulk up as pluck barely does anything since it's a neutral hit from there I continue to set up my attack and defense to plus six and eventually take out the Watcher with a wild charge this setup with palmot isn't exactly enough to deal with her Miss magius in the back however her next two Pokemon belly bolt and Luxio just get absolutely destroyed by super effective digs the reason we don't want to fight Miss Magis with plus 6 attack as we might hit ourselves in confusion and accidentally take ourselves out so I go ahead and swap out into Jolteon as she to rationalizes into an electric type Miss magius then confuses us but I can shake that off with a help person Barry since I caught Jolteon as an Eevee we can to rationalize it into a normal type and paired with its volt absorb Mismagius doesn't have a single move that can hit us the only reason I start off by going for Eerie impulse is to lore Miss Maggie's special attack in case I hit myself in confusion to the point where I have to swap out however since Jolteon barely has any physical attack to speak of this isn't a problem and we can easily take out the Mismagius granting us the third gym badge and doing so gives us a few neat new options for instance picking up a Rotom this thing is an amazing pickup since its levitate ability gives us an option to swap into our only weakness ground types the plan for right now isn't to take on kofu quite yet since the level cap is only 27 however we can head over to Puerto Marana to complete his gym trial since all you have to do is drop a thunder on this float Soul once we've passed the trial we get access to a few new auctions one of which sells us the Rotom catalog this exclusive brochure turns Rotom into the most useful Pokemon to have around the house since we can now turn it into a friendly washing machine and much like our Evolution into Palma this development happens exactly when we need it facing the fire type leader Mela her torkle does boost her fire types by setting up the sun which we can easily counter by setting up a rain dance of our own this will mean our fire type moves barely do any damage at all it also allows me to easily take out torkel in a single hit and since the worst thing the Starmobile can do to me is Swift a couple of hydro pumps takes care of it as well switching Rotom into a microwave oven allows us a torture earthworm in a single overheat making our new level cap 30 allowing us to evolve Luxio into luxray from there we have to take on one of our best matchups in the game gym leader kofu and his water types and it is finally time for Raichu to make his triumphant return I start out by by going for agility since Volusia can't take me out even if Aqua cutter gets a critical hit and the added speed allows me to take it out with a single electro ball kofu then sends into a trio which I of course out speed however electro ball isn't quite enough to take it out but since Volusia didn't crit we can survive the headbutt on 13 HP taking out the wug Trio the next turn tofu then sends in his Ace krabominable but because of its terrible base speed of 43 and it conveniently turning into a water type for us we can easily take it out with an agility boosted electro ball proving that Raichu is still worthy of the MVP status considering our next opponent is the toxic thesaurus himself Atticus we go ahead and pick up a Magnemite and at level 30 we can evolve it into Magneton but since we can purchase thunderstones we can easily get it to a fully evolved Magnezone now you might think that having a Steel type on the team makes Atticus a completely free win however a lot of his Pokemon have powerful ground type moves so that isn't quite the case magnazone does however completely wall this skun tank apart from its Sucker Punch meaning that I can just go for 5 Thunder waves to completely waste all of its Sucker Punch PP however I do end up setting up the electric terrain on the final turn just to boost up my electric type moves from there I to rasterize into an electric type and easily knock out the skunt tank in one hit and you might find it strange to terasolize and get rid of my defensive steel typing however this allows me to survive bulldoze way better and strike back with a thunder to erase the Rev of room it would have been advantageous if our magazine had a steel tear type since we would have taken the same damage from bulldoze but we wouldn't have had to take this sludge wave from the muck the following turn regardless a critical hit wouldn't have taken us out but we would have taken less damage however I just end up going for an electric terrain boosted volt switch swapping out into Jolteon who can easily finish off the muck with a thunderbolt this just leaves her Starmobile which is incredibly fast out speeding even Jolteon hitting it with a noxious torque which ends up getting the poison before I can retaliate back with a charm to lower its attack by two stages at this point jolteon's taken a lot of damage so I decided to swap out into luxray who can get a third attack lower with intimidate before getting hit by a noxious torque and also getting poisoned because of the -3 attack however nox's torque isn't doing too much damage so I can set up electric terrain and then swap out the next turn with a volt switch this allows me to send in palmont at the end of the turn which means it gets hit by noxious torque at the beginning of the next turn allowing me to set up a free bulk up miraculously not getting poisoned Atticus aims to change that however by going for smog which does poison as I Burrow under the ground to hit it with a dig since rev-up room is faster I dodge its next attack allowing me to get in for a free hit and dig actually does some pretty decent damage and despite being poisoned and about at half health I still feel comfortable going for another dig getting a bit of damage before I have to swap out again this time I sended Rotom who gets hit by a smog and I didn't actually know that smog could not poison on top of that I don't even get poisoned by the incoming noxious torque allowing me to take out the storm mobile with an overheat claiming atticus's badge and while Atticus actually put up a challenge this next fight was no issue at all Larry is a normal type Enthusiast which means it's palmot's time to shine once again the one issue with taking on Larry is always that his Kamala goes for yawn so I end up setting up a bulk up the first turn and follow that up by a second bulk up getting me to plus two defense before the Kamala can hit me with a slam for minimal damage the yawn does then put me to sleep but with a held justoberry we can shake off that sleep and basically get plus two attack and defense for free because of that both Kamala and to dunspars fall to a single brick break each this leaves Larry with star Raptor a Pokemon that both outspeeds us and hits super hard with stab Terra boosted facade however because we have those two defense boosts set up we can tank this and easily take it out with a third a brick break sealing the win I mean so far the Run has been going amazingly I've been on cloud nine just dropping Thunders on people but unbeknownst to me that was all about to change it all started with the battle vs nimona right after defeating Larry and I came in with a foolproof plan since this lycanroc can barely touch me with quick attack I set up a bulk up and then immediately take it out with a brick break fake do me get out of here with that nonsense once she sent in a Pomo of her own I decided to set up with agility since this thing can basically not touch me because of volt absorb I then set up to plus six with volkup and a brick break is enough to take it out leaving the Mona with her final Pokemon because of Tara we won't hit meowskarata for super effective damage however because of that agility we can out speed and one shot wait hold on a minute why am I hearing Boss music nimona we can talk about this you don't have to do this no no somehow surviving the miascarata completely ignores face Palms defense boost with flower trick and even though Jolteon can come in and finish the fight with a quick attack that doesn't change the fact that I just lost someone I learned to love during our travels together if only you could Revival blessing yourself palmot rest in peace anyway our next opponent rhyme is someone where palmaught wouldn't have been particularly useful at all instead I decide to lead with luxray and Rotom Heat giving me an intimidate to lower both Banette and mimikyu's attack I then decide to immediately to rationalize luxray which will give me an omni boost at the end of the turn so I use a protect as Bennett fails to use Sucker Punch and mimikyu tries to hit into my protecting luxray with a slash Rotom then goes for Thunder waves since we can still inflict status on mimikyu despite its disguise ability the crowd then goes absolutely wild at my epic to rationalization move giving me an omni boost to both of my mods at the end of the turn now that my Pokemon are faster than both oath of Rhymes because of the Boost I go for a Thunder Wave to paralyze the net as well as luxray hits the mimikyu with a crunch to break its disguise I end up getting a lucky defense drop with crunch as well which shouldn't make a difference to the overall strategy then amazingly both mimikyu and Banette get fully paralyzed at the end of the turn at this point we're ready to start doing some damage so we get hit by a sucker punch from Bennett at first then going for an electro ball which doesn't quite take out the mimikyu and Bennett gets taken out by a crunch from luxray only taking out one of rhyme's Pokemon is actually the optimal outcome since we get an attack and special attack boost every time we take out one of her mods the next turn another electro ball is enough to take out mimikyu's remaining health and a crunch from luxray takes out the Hound Stone as rhyme sends in her final Pokemon toxicity the plan was to take it out with a plus three crunch however rodem was quicker to the draw taking it out with a single overheat with the ghost badge in hand I traveled to paldea's Coast to pick up our newest member of the team atynamo and after evolving it into electric at level 39 9 since we can still buy thunderstones we can evolve it into its final evolution electross and with a swift Victory versus nimona it's finally time to take on the next Titan iron Treads since we beat Larry we've had access to buying the choice scarf item and since Rotom learns trick we can use it to give iron Treads the choice scarf to lock it into a move which I thought was a super clever strategy however just using wide lens hydropump would have probably been better since cyberpunk is a one shot for the second phase I end up using the exact same strategy tricking the iron Treads the choice scarf which this time goes for stomping tantrum against the sko villain and this actually just guarantees me the win since it can't hit me with ground moves because of levitate so I can just hydro pump it twice for the W which means tulip is the one we challenge next and I think tulip should get the award for most forgettable paldea gym leader the planet beater was very simple lower for rigoraf's attack with charm then use agility and Baton Pass Out into electross and with plus 6 Speed I can now set up to plus six attack accuracy and defense with coil from there a plus six super effective crunch is enough to take out the photograph in one shot however Gardevoir actually managed to survive on what must be like one HP however a psychic only did about half so another crunch is enough to take it out along with his pathra and the terastalized floor Jess you know glaciado has to be one of the emptiest towns in all of Pokemon there's barely anybody here and yet somehow there are still Spectators for my gym fight where did you guys come from with seven Victory Road Gym badges in hand it's time to take on the final gym leader grusha and his ice types not very surprisingly I lead with Rotom heat to try and take out the frost moth with a quad effective overheat however I end up missing as he sets up a Tailwind this allows him to out speed the next turn and hit me with a blizzard for pretty pathetic damage before going down to the overheat the Tailwind is a pretty unfortunate speed boost to his team but it shouldn't change too much in my strategy bear tick has AquaJet which out speeds anyway so I'm pretty much forced to swap out the first turn to not get hit by super effective move I send in electros who wouldn't out speed regardless but manages to dodge an icicle crash before hitting with a wild charge the next icicle crash connects leaving me at just 41 HP and the next Wild charge doesn't take out the bear Tech but luckily I Survived The Recoil as well forcing me to swap out I send in luxray who intimidates and therefore doesn't take half from an icicle crash I then use a wild charge to finish off the bear take which actually managed to do a bit of damage to my team as gracious sends into Titan I then swap out of luxray into Jolteon who takes a lot of damage from an ice spinner however knowing that I'll out speed I go for a charm to lowers the Titan's attack which will allow me to survive a non-crit ice spinner being at such low health I have to swap out of Jolteon going into magazone which barely takes any damage from an ice Shard and retaliate back the next turn with a stab super effective flash Cannon getting the special defense drop as a liquidation barely does anything a flash Cannon is then enough to take out sir Titan leaving Russia with only his final Pokemon alteria however the problem for this area is it only has moves that steel types resist and its most powerful move is Dragon pulse barely doing anything so I can out speed and just finish it off with a couple of flash cannons and with a final gym badge in hand I go to all for not a cave to pick up my next Pokemon a toxicity having a poison type on the team gives us some excellent coverage particularly since our next opponent is Ortega of Team star and even though our Newfound toxicity is super effective with its poison type against fairies we're probably not gonna need to use it at all I even get lucky the first turn and get a special defense drop against the azumero which just charms me not doing anything allowing me to take it out with another flash can in the next turn dockspun and Wigglytuff then share the same fate dropping to a single flash Cannon leaving Ortega with only his final Pokemon the Starmobile however it basically has no way of doing damage to Magnezone giving us a free opportunity to send this thing straight to the junkyard with a few flash cannons while in the area I make sure to add our next member to the team being Dedenne since we have the fighting type team star leader to face this is the perfect time to pick up a Fairy Type I also go to South Province area 5 where I can pick up a watch roll on the beach much like Ferry flying could be invaluable for the next fight so I evolved my watchroll into kilowattroll and so with all my preparations out of the way it's time to take on the final leader of Team star Arie and her fighting types I lead with Ghost type Rotom expecting a sucker punch from the toxicroaki giving me a free opportunity to set up a rain dance I then swap out of Rotom going into my kilowattroll expecting Toxicroak to go for a sucker punch again which obviously fails and with the rain up Hurricane has a hundred percent accuracy allowing me to one shot toxic croak then annihil ape and then conveniently persimian right after Aries fourth Pokemon is then Lucario which does have the Steel type to protect it from a super effective hurricane so I go for a volt switch instead swapping into Dedenne who can dodge a dragon pulse by being a fairy I then go for a discharge hoping it'll take out Lucario but it leaves it in the red as it hits me with a soft and not very effective Aura Sphere I then KO with bolt switch hoping to get to swap out but apparently you don't get to when they send in a Starmobile this is incredibly inconvenient since you have to waste a whole turn swapping into Rotom giving the Starmobile a chance to set up with a shift gear Airy then sets up to plus to attack and plus four speed with another shift gear as I set up the rain once again with Rotom I then swap out of rodem back into kilowattroll as Arie sets up with a third shift gear getting to plus three attack and Max Speed the shift gearing then gets absolutely out of control as Arie gets herself to Plus for attack and maximum speed as I fire off a huge hurricane for over half hell with plus 4 attack Airy finally decides it's time to attack but combat torque isn't quite enough to take me out and with a hundred percent accurate hurricane I finish off the storm mobile beating all of the team star Leaders with Airy defeated we only have one giant Titan standing in our way of the elite four but because this thing is basically a massive Target for a super effective Thunder it's not a big obstacle this leaves me with an elite poor team of Raichu the Raichu with Thunderbolts fly grass not and Encore Pikachu the Dedenne with Vault switch charm discharge and dazzling gleam Grumpy Cat the intimidating luxray with trailblaze crunch wild charging Vault switch Staley shocks the Magna Zone with electric terrain thunder volt switch and Flash Cannon zaptrace the kilowattro with hurricane discharge volt switch and Roost and Washington the appliance with hex discharge rain dance and hydro pump they're really uh asking the tricky questions here aren't they quiz aside it's time to take on the Elite Four first facing Rika with her ground types this is probably one of our worst matchups in the entire game our only weakness ground types however we can instantly eliminate this whiz cash by just going for a quad effective trailblaze boosting our speed in the process however as soon as Dom fan enters The Fray we swap out into Rotom to dodge an earthquake with levitate I then go for a hex with the only purpose of breaking the dawn fans sturdy as it hits me with a stone edge with a critical hit seeing as I could survive another crit I stay in and go for the Hydra pump blasting the dawn fan out of existence next is Doug Trio and since there's no way it's going to go for an earthquake versus the levitating Rotom I swap out into Grumpy Cat to get an intimidate as I get rock slided then expecting an earthquake I swap into kilowattroll as Doug Trio sets up the sandstorm and despite Hurricane's accuracy zaptrace breaks through and takes out Doug Trio in a single hit Rika then sends in camera so I go ahead and swap out back and to Roto gets hit by a yawn on the switch however the next turn I can just blast the camera for the quad effective hydro pump taking it out in one shot however I do get put to sleep at the end of the turn because Beyond Rika now only has one final Pokemon left being Claude sire and this quad sire can't really do much to Rotom however I can't do much back to this thing since I'm asleep so I go ahead and swap out sending in Steely shocks this works out perfectly since I swap in on a protect for free and can fire off a flash Cannon getting a bit of Chip damage but for dodging an earthquake this gives me the opportunity to hit it with another flash Cannon as it retaliates with an earthquake which I of course survive on my sturdy obviously any hit here will take out Steely shock so I go ahead and swap out into zaptrace who can come in dodging the earthquake now that I know I won't get earthquaked I can swap out into Grumpy Cat to get off and intimidate as the quad sargis goes for a protect and since Cloud sire has gotten rid of its poison typing I can use a super effective trailblaze leaving it on what must be one HP boosting my speed before getting poisoned by toxic however this isn't gonna be a long-term problem since another trailblaze the next turn is enough to take out the quadcire and taking out our first Elite Four member our second opponent is the Steel type Enthusiast poppy who leads off with Kappa Raja giving us the perfect opportunity to lead with Rotom taking it out with a single overheat with kaparaja out of the way her second Pokemon is bronzong and since Rotom has harshly lowered its special attack with an overheat I decide to swap out into Steely shocks who can easily tank a Zen headbutt I then swap back into rotem to dodge earthquake with levitate and can then take the bronzeong out with a full power overheat this of course puts me kind of in the same situation as after kappa Raja with my stats lowered as she sends in magnazone because of that I decide to swap out into zaptrace as the magazone just sets up a light screen I then go for a volt switch which won't do too much damage however it will break magnazone sturdy the plan is to swap out into electros who can hopefully take out the Magna Zone with a single shot using flamethrower except instead I get Frozen by a try attack crap this throws a massive wrench into my plan since I can't use flamethrower at all this fight so at this point I just have to wing it and Anything could happen and very fortunately I don't get status by a try attack allowing me to take out the magnet Zone with an overheat Opie then sends in her corbinite so I decide to swap out since my special attack is lowered and go into zap Trace however corbinite just boosts its defense on the switch allowing me to volt switch out the next turn doing about 60 as I swap out into Rotom I do end up getting hit by a body press on the switch but then next turn I can hit it with a discharge taking it out leaving poppy with only one final Pokemon her Ace tinkerton and because I miscalculated the EVS during my calcs I end up losing Rotom to a Stone Edge all I wanted was to be friends with my refrigerator Rotom is such an incredibly versatile Pokemon being able to change its type that it is a huge loss almost like losing several team members at once after its passing I end up doing a bit of switching around until I swap out into Grumpy Cat to get off and intimidate on this thing as it goes for a brick break it then hits me with a gigaton hammer not doing too much damage as I try for a crunch since you can't use gigaton Hammer twice in a row it goes for Brick Break which I avoid through the power of friendship and hit it with another crunch another gigaton Hammer gets me deep into the yellow but a final wild charge is enough to finish off the fight beating poppy but after such a devastating fight it's nice to have one lined up that's so easy versus Larry who we beat very handily last time with Paul Mott oh man I miss miss you and this time around it really wasn't any different except for the fact that the guy conveniently uses flying types that we can just strike out of the sky know the real challenge of the Elite Four is going to be the dragon Master hassle leading off with Noivern I send in Steely shocks and immediately the northern takes out half of my help with a super Fang as a thunder does about 70 percent it then goes for air slash as I miss the next Thunder it tries for a dragon pulse but misses as I miss Thunder again a hypervoice then does not very effective damage as a third Thunder finally connects taking out the Noivern Nassau then sends into gyoji which is incredibly slow allowing me to out speed with a volt switch swapping out of Steely shocks into Grumpy Cat the intimidate doesn't do too much for me here since this thing is a special attacker and hydropump does some pretty decent damage a nice Fang then gets dragoujee into the red and Incredibly manages to get a Flinch but of course I follow that up by missing the 95 accurate icefang allowing the durgalji to hit me with a sludge bomb and poisoning me which means I have to swap out into kilowattle I get hit by a sludge bomb on the switch doing pretty good damage but a hurricane is at least enough to take out the Drake algae and that kind of just creates bigger problems for us as hassle sends in his Haxorus so I'd go for a bolt switch out speeding and allowing me to swap out into unagi getting hit by the rock tomb on the switch doesn't matter too much since I'm a lot slower regardless but Dragon claw hurts a lot more and close combat doesn't do as much damage as I was hoping for and since another Dragon claw would take me out I swap out of unagi into Pikachu who can dodge it by virtue of being a Fairy Type I then get hit by an Ironhead and unfortunately get flinched Instant Karma is real and my team is looking very Grim there's really nothing that I want to swap into this Ironhead so unfortunately I have to sacrifice Pikachu swapping in Jolteon who can finish off the Haxorus with a Shadow Ball but the man still has two dragons left the first of which being flapple which I neutralize by going for a charm as it tries to hit me with a dragon rush but ends up missing I then continue Charming the flapple getting it to minus for attack as at this time leech seeds me because of that I decide it's time to switch swapping out into zaptrace as I get hit by a dragon watch which barely does anything since it's at -4 I can then freely go for Roost getting me back over half Health as Dragon Rush continues to do nothing I then continue roosting up to full and Massacre the flapper with a hurricane but this just leaves hassle with his most powerful Pokemon back Excalibur and I managed to get off a volt switch for some chip damage swapping out into Grumpy Cat to at least get off and intimidate it's a very unfortunate means to an end but at least your sacrifice meant something after luxray's demise I send in Jolteon to get off a charm this way getting back Excalibur to -3 allowing me to survive a Glade rush I then go for another charm getting back Excalibur to -5 hoping this will save me from the Glade rush but unfortunately bolt bites the dust as well I then swap a new Nagi and I hope I can do some real good damage since you do double damage after Glade rush but close combat isn't quite enough since it's shed its ice type however unagi survives the next one on one HP allowing me the chance to take out back Excalibur with a close combat leaving me with at least five Pokemon for the final fight somehow my fainted box is full of all my favorite Electro types from this journey and we've gotta go up against the champion of all people with these rejects but there was no way I was giving up regardless whether my opponent was top Champion Gita herself I lead with choice scarf magnazone against us pathra going for discharge doing a bit more than half damage and getting a paralysis before it goes for a Lumina crash lowering my special defense by two stages another discharge is then enough to take out the aspathra in comes avalog and expecting it to go for an earthquake I send in unagi who can dodge it with levitate I can then fight back with a flamethrower taking out the avalog in one hit because of its poor special defense Gita then sends in King Gambit getting boosts from all its Fallen allies with Supreme Overlord as it hits me with a cow-tow cleave for a bit over half however I've got the quad effect of close combat to take it out in one hit at the cost of my special and physical defense and for that reason I'm not too keen on staying in against Her Go goat swapping out from Magnezone as it goes for a horn leech magnazone is incredibly safe versus this go-goat however since it can only hit me for uneffective damage allowing me to take it out with three flash cannons Gita then sends in beluza but because I'm locked into flash Cannon due to my choice scarf I decide to swap out into kilowattroll who gets him hit by Liquidation on the switch doing about 40 percent a volt switch then hits Volusia down into the red allowing me to swap back out into magazone this time not being locked into flash Cannon and resisting the ice Fang magnazone then picks up the KO with volt switch not just taking out palooza but also allowing me to swap out as if it were set mode this turn going into Raichu Gita then sends in her final Pokemon glamora and I think it's time to terasolize into a flying type as she to rasterizes into a rock type as I try to go for an encore which fails since I'm faster as she tries to go for earth power which can't hit me because I'm flying now however the next turn I can just out speed with Encore locking her into a move that can't hit me this means that Gita is effectively soft locked into trying to hit me with earth power when that's not possible allowing me to just take her out with as many Thunderbolts as I need and what a way to become the champion with the very first Pokemon that started this journey with our newly acquired championship title we're gonna need some team Replacements first picking up a Mareep I then head to the beach outside of lavincia to pick up a pin curtain possibly one of the most forgettable Pokemon of all time another gen 9 Pokemon I haven't captured yet however is belly bolt nothing quite like a fresh avocado get to Del Taco they got a new thing called fresh avocado I also head back to the Wasteland to pick up a Voltorb I decided to name it original because it's one of the original 151 Pokemon and the designs so incredibly original I then get Mareep to level 30 in order to evolve into Ampharos before it's time to take on director clavel this man is an imposter a liar an identity thief and most of all just a weirdo his lead Pokemon however is orange Guru hitting my electros with a yawn before I can retaliate with a crunch taking it out in one hit I'm fairly certain that critical hit mattered but I'm definitely not gonna complain about it clavel's next Pokemon is Obama Snow setting up the auroraville boosting both its defense and special defense as if it had dual screens up which means my flamethrower isn't enough to take it out just fight being quad effective since it can't do too much damage to me I decide to stay in to try and wake up but once it gets me down into the red and I realize I'm not going to be waking up I swap out immediately I then swap in Steely shocks who can resist the blizzard and barely take any damage as it takes out the Obama snow with a flash Cannon this however baits in clavel's Hound Doom which is a Pokemon that I don't have a good switch in for at all so I swap out of Steely shocks into zaptrace to see how I can take the fire blast and it actually ends up missing so I go for a volt switch trying to get a bit of Chip damage on this thing swapping out into toxicity who's gonna have to tank the fire blast and unfortunately takes over half I swap out again this time into electrode who unfortunately also takes over half from fire blast so I like to just go for the explosion guaranteeing the KO on Houndoom and going out on my own terms from there I send in zaptrace as coldmail sends it is Poltergeist I then immediately go for a discharge doing about 40 to the Poltergeist but getting the paralysis as it just tries to go for a willow wisp not doing much since I'm a special attacker I then go for another discharge getting Poltergeist into the red as it hits a Shadow Ball getting a critical hit taking out zap Trace losing zaptrace is kind of a big deal since having the flying coverage for grass types is huge since I took out Poltergeist with a scarf bolt switch I swap out of magnazone into Raichu as clavel sends in a Mungus this thing got paralyzed after the first Thunderbolt and I kept managing to do damage to it as it then eventually goes for toxic at that point I decided to swap back into magnazone as a mugus gets fully paralyzed and then destroyed by a discharge I went for discharge instead of flash Cannon because of the choice scarf and I want to lock myself into an electric type move so that I can one shot the final but beating director clavel isn't the end of our trouble since we now have to take on the real Cassiopeia the leader of Team star Penny and right off the bat we can finish off her Umbreon with a couple of close combats sending in her Flareon and here we run into a similar problem like with Houndoom where we can't take fire type moves very well fresh avocado takes a massive amount of damage from flare Blitz leaving it below half forcing you to swap out into L'Oreal who also takes above half damage we do however proc static allowing us to out speed the next turn with a super effective power gem which isn't quite enough to take it out which means L'Oreal didn't get to do much on the bright side Flareon does take itself out because of the flare Blitz recoil this in turn lets me swap intoxicity for free which can easily take out Vaporeon with overdrive and then Jolteon Leafeon and Sylveon with sludge bomb to finish off the fight if I don't get to have an evolution Penny then you don't either our next opponent Arvin didn't manage to do much of anything except taking out my avocado I guess I'll just have to re-gift it no and with the path of Legends complete we have one more fight to face to finish the victory road nimona is a tough opponent especially since we only have five Pokemon of our own she starts by hitting my focus sash Pinkerton with a drill run as I go for a toxic spikes I then swap out of pin curtain for Raichu as Lycan rock hits me for about 30 with Excel Rock I then tear it into flying type and go for a focus Miss as the lycanroc of course misses the drill run I'm then free to go for the Encore the same thing I did versus glamora to lock the lycanroc into a ground type move making it incredibly free to knock out lycanroc with a few Thunderbolts this baits into Mona's palmot and because I taurasalized into a flying type this makes double shock an incredibly dangerous Prospect so I swap into toxicity who can easily tank it and the resisted close combat which lowers palmot's defense and special defense allowing me to knock it out with one sludge bomb next nimona sends in her earthworm and expecting the very obvious quad effect of earthquake here I go ahead and swap out into unagi you can dodge it with levitate earthworm then hits me with body press which doesn't even do half damage as a flamethrower easily takes it out in one hit nimona then sends in dead dun sparse which gets poisoned by the toxic spikes upon switching in and hitsunagi with a hyper drill I then clap back with a close combat which isn't quite enough to take the Dunsparce out even with the poison so I'm forced to swap out and expecting another hyper drill I can send in Magnezone who resists it as the dadan sparse then just goes down to poison with only two Pokemon left nimona sends in her pseudo legendary Goodra this thing has incredible special defense and anything I hit it with is probably going to be shaken off since magnazone is special which is why I just decide to go for a couple of mirror coats after it hits me with muddy water for the KO this unfortunately leaves nimona with one final Pokemon being meowskarada which has a terrible matchup versus Steely shocks even after getting a critical hit with her second Shadow claw leaving Steely shocks at just 15 HP a second flash Cannon is enough to get meowskarada down deep into the red so that pin curtains toxic spikes finish of the fight and so with only five Pokemon left I press on to the final quest of the game the way home and as it happens there is actually a way for us to round out our team here in area zero because my personal favorite Paradox Pokemon happens to be a rock and electric type I'm of course talking about iron Thorns but in my opinion they should have just named it makatai ranitar since it looks almost exactly like Mecha Tyranitar from pokestar Studios at this stage there's only one man no one machine standing in the way of me and True Glory we've made it this far all the way to the final boss and lost nine of our comrades but it's time to see if they're up to the test turo's team is filled to the brim with exceptionally powerful Paradox Pokemon leading off with the iron moth and immediately turo throws my plans out the window by creating yunagi as I can go for a bulldoze to take out the iron moth unfortunately this critical hit means that yunagi does not have the health to be able to tank as Stone Edge regardless if it's a critical hit or not so I'm forced to swap out the Stone Edge then does end up critting but it doesn't matter since the iron Thorns is faster anyway taking out AC DC I send in magnet Zone next which can withstand a quad effective earthquake because of its sturdy ability and retaliate back with a flash Cannon it does a little bit less than half Health as the iron Thorns then misses an earthquake through the power of friendship as another flash Cannon takes it down into the red such luck is hard to replicate however as another earthquake is enough to take out Steely shocks our next hero is pin Curtin who's never going to out speed but can at least withstand a critical hit earthquake through the power of focus sash surviving the hit Pinkerton can strike back with a poison jab taking out iron thorns's remaining hell however that's about all the pin curtains gonna do because iron juggalus immediately takes it out the next turn with a Dark Pulse man this pink urchin is a crit magnet Raichu is then ready to deal out Justice taking out iron jugulus in a single critical hit Thunder which is when turo made takes the grave mistake of using fake out with his iron hands this is by far the worst movie could have gone for since we can easily just use Encore and now lock him into a move that does nothing turro gave me the opportunity of a lifetime and I'm about to abuse it to the fullest possible extent I begin by lowering iron hands attack with three charms to minus six and then go for reflect to boost my physical defense even further then before switching out I make sure to refresh my Encore so I can swap in Freely to mekatar not only does encore give me a free turn to set up my first Dragon Dance but like clay means that I have five turns to set up with reflect intact and so I give mekatar the night of its life allowing it to dance its heart out boosting its stats to plus five the only reason I don't go all the way to plus six is because at the end of the fifth Dragon Dance Turn is when reflect runs out and I really don't want a nasty critical hit to end this run we've been crit more than enough so far this run and I'm not taking any chances taking out the iron hands with a plus 5 earthquake turo then sends an iron bundle but our third move slot is Brick Break allowing us to take it out in one super effective hit and thus the evil AI from the future is left with only one Pokemon the iron Valiant boosting up its attack with a booster energy but it's not enough it's never been enough to beat mekatar because one heavy Slam in the final move slot is enough to take it out with a super effective hit and that ladies and gentlemen is how I beat a Pokemon Scarlet hardcore Nuzlocke using only electric types in fact as my reward the game gives me the ultimate electric type Pokemon meridon but folks I'm having a difficult time deciding who the MVP of the Run was we had so many good Pokemon for me it's a toss-up whether it's Raichu or magnazone but let me know who you think was the MVP of the run down in the comments below subscribe
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 803,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MuRGnWO13Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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