Pokémon Y Hardcore Nuzlocke - DOUBLE BATTLE Randomizer!

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and it knows like any Pokemon that faints is boxed forever and you only get to catch the first Pokemon you find in an area but what if every single one of those encounters were randomized and more importantly what if every single trainer fight in the game was a double battle on top of that every gym leader has increased odds of having legendaries and megas so this should be a wild ride but like any other Pokemon Journey We Begin by picking a starter and while my options are on Mudkip and Charmander are amazing this one's a no-brainer Charmander is my favorite starter Pokemon of all time but let me know what your favorite starter is down in the comments below well you leave a like on this video and you might notice that my Charmander has the battle armor ability since much like all the Pokemon every ability in the game has been randomized and battle armor is actually one of the best abilities for a Nuzlocke since we can't randomly get crit after receiving our starter we have to face Shauna in our very first battle which is the only fight in the game that's not actually a double battle since there's no way for us to have two Pokemon yet speaking of which I can find my very first encounter on Route 2 where I happen Upon A Jigglypuff and aftermath is a really stinky ability in a Nuzlocke says we have to be losing to even use it I then move forward to santaloon Forest where my encounter is a cascoon which is amazing since we can instantly evolve it into a dustox and before we take on the gym we can actually get another couple encounters the first being a solid rock Taylor on Route 3. and the second one amazingly being a level 6 Combusken on Route 22. I mean heat proof is pretty redundant but still a pretty awesome Pokemon to add to the team and with what I consider a pretty awesome team leveled up all the way to the level cap it's time to take on viola okay so she's coming in a little bit stronger than expected and if things didn't seem bad enough avalto already has access to air slash by level 12. I'll be the first to admit that things are looking pretty bad but at least the evalto goes for taunt the first turn targeting Combusken that ends up really working out in my favor since I can get off a smoke screen with Charmander and then hit snow run with Ember which isn't quite enough to take it out this prompts Viola to use a potion on snow runt the next turn and unfortunately aveltal connects with its air slash knocking out Combusken in one hit things are not looking good but at least I get off a second smoke screen before I send in Jigglypuff the following turn of Alto goes for a taunt but because of those smoke screens it fortunately misses and I can go for an ember taking snow run into the red as it hits me with a leer to lower my defense at the end of the turn Jigglypuff then manages to land a very important saying I then very unfortunately have to waste my guaranteed sleep turn taking out this snow run which I very luckily hit through its double team Jigglypuff then does minimal damage with a pound as ifeltoe gets a first turn wake up but it ends up missing its air slide so I can get off a third smoke screen the next Air slash however does connect but with Jigglypuff's massive special defense we can survive in the red on 10 HP I then missed the sing but if veltal also missing its air slash means we can get it to -5 accuracy and I hit the sing the next turn this gives us another guaranteed turn of sleep where we can set up the final smoke screen to get it to -6 accuracy and Delta then wakes up the first possible turn again but misses its air slash as I do some more tip damage and just put it back to sleep my line of thinking was simple I'll do some chip damage and then go for sing every turn to try and put it back to sleep if it wakes up but that's when I learned that this thing has a roost yeah if you thought things were bad before now I am well and truly screwed I did my best to try and put damage on this thing even getting it into the red but every time it would just wake up and Roost off all of the damage no matter how much I burned this bacon bird or put it to sleep it would always get its Health back until something even worse happened yeah this bird has double teams so I'm not even gonna be able to hit it I'm barely doing any damage in the first place and now I can barely get a hit in either on top of that I was starting to run out of Ember PP and at this point I was completely out of sing which unfortunately meant that my luck dodging air slashes had to come to an end as Jigglypuff Falls so I send in Taylor to hope to do some damage but I just miss a quick attack and end up getting absolutely obliterated by an air slash I do still have my dust stocks but since the only attacking Move It Gets By level 12 is confusion we can't even hit dark types and after another few turns avalto connects with an air slash taking out my second to last Pokemon my poor little Charmander was left facing the box art legendary all alone only able to scratch at it and with every futile attempt to do damage ifveltal would just heal all the way up with Roost I was stuck trying to claw myself out of an impossible situation knowing that one of these air slashes would eventually connect and end the run or that's what I thought until I noticed something pretty strange evalto wasn't attempting to take me out with air slash anymore only going for taunt double team and Roost hold on a minute it doesn't have any attacking moves left to hit me with there was never a chance that I was gonna take this of Alto out but I guess I never considered it could defeat itself I mean what a way to start a run I'll certainly take my first gym badge but our team has been almost completely wiped out and thus we must find some worthy Replacements the first stop being Route 4 where I find an Axew and even though red eyes here doesn't really need the heat proof ability either it's still a very welcome addition to the team on top of that our level cap has increased to 25 so I can get Charmander up to level 16 where it not only evolves into Charmeleon but also learns Dragon rage ooh a King's Rock unfortunately we can't catch any other new Pokemon before our next big obstacle Professor Sycamore in a randomizer this man can be a formidable opponent but since I have two Pokemon with dragon rage this early in the game he has no chance and gets absolutely swept and once we've defeated him we get a second choice of starter Pokemon now we aren't allowed to pick Torchic here because of dupe's claws however I would have picked Poliwag for two reasons reason number one poliwags a pretty awesome Pokemon and the second reason being picking the middle Pokemon gets us the charizardite Y also having the victory star ability is amazing to boost our teammates accuracy and since we have hypnosis I then move on to Route 5 where my encounter happens to be a tinted lens Porygon and listen while parfum Palace is possibly the most boring part of X and Y your garden is a JPEG my dude at least here we get to pick up the best move in double battles protect oh a choice scarf while traversing Route 9 I also ended up picking up a Darumaka and after getting everyone to the level cap of 25 Poliwag evolved into Poliwhirl and with all those preparations it's finally time to take on the second gym leader Grant and I wasn't too excited to see that his team consisted of Latios and zatu until I realized that latios's ability was randomized into imposter it could have gotten pretty Grim versus that Latios but since we're just facing my own Charmeleon we can easily just take it out with a couple of dragon rages and then do the same to zato with a surprisingly easy second badge to collect we move on to Route 10 where my random encounter is a chest spin not exactly sure when we're gonna get the chance to use rain dish but at least we can evolve it right away into quilladin now I know I already gave you two good reasons why I picked up Poliwag however I did have that King's Rock right before we entered lumio city which is going to allow us to evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed right away Route 10 then has a few mandatory team flare members we have to face but even against legendaries Dragon rage can just sweep on through we then have to do the Karina fight in geosenge town but aside from having a flash fire ferrothorne which is pretty cool we managed to beat her easy peasy well what not even my ultra powerful Lucario Duo could stand up to you Lucario Duo excuse me what we now have to head through Reflection cave where I first find my random encounter being a Munchlax Blaze is probably not going to be useful at all and that nature is really unfortunate but I'm very glad to have much likes on the team and so ready to take on Karina in the actual gym fight and she leads off with Mawile and reuniclist but I'm not too afraid of this Mega Mawile since it doesn't have its huge power ability I immediately start the fight by putting reuniclist to sleep and then trying to use leech seat against the Mawile but I end up missing Mawile then goes for bite doing some pathetic damage to quilladin as reunicliss of course stays asleep I can then put Maul to sleep the next turn and hit it with a leech seed as they both keep snoozing I can then safely set up a rain dance as quilladin keep spreading its seed unbelievable I actually get used at a rain dish from there I hit reuniclist with a rain-boosted bubble beam and almost take it out with a bite it does however get to do a bit of damage to Politoed with cyshock before just going down to the leech seed damage this reveals Karina's final Pokemon and of course it's a mega mew2y it immediately goes for a future sight targeting Politoed so I try to get some damage on it with a rain boosted bubble beam but it ends up doing about a third well it end then continues to spread it around as Mawile wakes up and just goes for a sweet scent at the end of this turn Politoed will get struck by that future side attack so I make sure to swap on a poly toad into Munchlax Mewtwo then goes for another future site this time targeting quilladin who Burrows itself underground dodging mawile's faint attack Mewtwo then goes for a psychup and futility since nobody's been boosting their stats and I can easily just take out them all out with the Dig then at the end of the turn Munchlax sets up a stockpile to boost both of its defenses since it's about to get hit by the future side attack the Boost ends up not mattering at all since it gets a critical hit but luckily I managed to survive and I obviously have to swap out of Munchlax here sending in red eyes on the switch aksu gets targeted by another future site but at this point a bite is enough to take out the Mewtwo sealing the deal and getting us the third gym badge I want to be more awesome than I am now no well that's easy all you got to do is subscribe having beaten Karina not only does she unlock mega evolving for us she's also going to gift us a random Mega evolvable Pokemon however with my luck of course I end up picking up a Charizard which I'm not allowed to use because of dupe's claws however even though I'm not allowed to use the Pokemon it ends up coming with a charizardite x so even though our starter Charmeleon isn't allowed to get to level 36 and evolve yet we have two Mega Stones Waiting For It proceeding to Route 12 I decide to pick up the gift Lapras however it's of course been randomized into to a frost last and while flower gift is an exceptionally terrible ability for it frost size is still a very welcome addition to the team taking care to dodge as many trainers as I possibly could I moved on to kumarine city where it's time to take on the 4th gym leader Ramos however unlike the gym leaders before him Ramos didn't actually end up having a legendary Pokemon thus making him as forgettable as he is in the base game however beating Ramos the level cap increases to 37 so after beating some team flare grunts we evolved Charmeleon into Charizard quilladin into Chestnut and Darumaka to DAR manitan heck there are so many team flare guns to defeat in that power plant that aksu got to level 38 evolving into fracture but being at level 38 we of course can't use it unless we beat the gym so I end up evolving Munchlax into Snorlax as well and so it's time to take on the 5th gym leader clemont and of course we have to go up against one of the strongest Pokemon of all time Palkia fearing a water move I immediately swamp out a doormanitan into Chestnut Ross last then goes for an icy wind not to do very much damage but to lower both of the opposing Pokemon speed alkia then hits an aqua tail barely doing any damage to Chestnut as a body slam brings it just below half then for some inexplicable reason clemont withdraws his Snorlax sending in a b drill as I use spiky Shield Frost last then gets a confused Ray off on the newly switched in B drill and Palkia tries to hit right into my spiky Shield dealing a bit of damage to itself being at such low health I don't want the Beedrill to take out chestnut with a poison jab so I swap out into Charizard as I go for another icy win to lower the opponent's speed Beedrill then hits itself in confusion as Palkia luckily goes for power gem on Frost last and not Charizard the next turn I mega evolve into Charizard X as Frost last protects itself and I can take out the Beedrill with a wing attack alkia being at -2 speed now gets to move last using power gem on Charizard which is no longer quad effect active at this point however both of my Pokemon are dead to a power gem or Aqua tail so I decide to swap out Charizard into Snorlax and frost lasts into my poly toad Snorlax then gets hit by an earth power and body slam on the switch almost getting hit below half I then get a very unfortunate hypnosis Miss allowing the Palkia to hit Snorlax for massive damage with an aqua tail I then get a bit of damage on the opposing Snorlax boosting my attack with a power-up punch as it gets Politoed low with a body slam I then miss hypnosis again which unfortunately is going to allow the Palkia to take out my Snorlax this means politoed's about to get taken out by the body slam however it just barely survives on 3 HP one of the only Pokemon I have that's at full HP is my darmana tan who can easily come in and revenge kill the Snorlax with a hammer arm we now only have to face Palkia and luckily third time is the charm and we can put it to sleep with a hypnosis I get some chip damage with body slam and set up to plus 6 with belly drum from there the combination of a body slam and a hammer arm is enough to seal the deal gaining us our fifth gym badge moving forward to Route 14 we can find our next encounter a Beldum and adaptability is an insane ability to have on such a strong attacker however with the level cap still at 42 we can't quite acquire a Metagross yet so we have to take on Ghost Rider Valerie first and she leads off pretty dang strong with an Agron and Charizard Y and so after mega evolving I swap out of frost last into my darmana tan going for a power-up punch with Charizard almost taking out half of agron's health and boosting my attack however Charizard just goes for scary face and somehow manages to miss so I guess it must have the hustle ability as Agron hits me with a metal sound the next turn I can take out the Agron with a power-up punch as the Charizard continues to insist on missing scary faces allowing me to set up to plus 6 with belly drum then after healing up with a citrus Berry Valerie sends in an Alakazam it ends up being the fastest on the field setting up its special attack and special defense with a Calm Mind as Charizard X then goes for a wing attack which isn't quite enough to take it out zard y then actually decides to attack with a wing attack as a fire punch is enough to to take out the Alakazam the next turn however after being hit by a wing attack her Charizard goes back to its scary facing ways so I can easily just take it out with a plus six Fire Punch I hope the sun is shining tomorrow that would be reason enough to smile oh wouldn't what you ghost writing for me now having six badges to our name the level cap is at 48 allowing us to evolve Beldum into matang and shortly thereafter into Metagross ooh an evilite ooh an upgrade heading to frost cavern north of Denver town we can get another randomized encounter being a foretress skill Inc is a huge downgrade from sturdy but Fortress is still an amazing Pokemon another Pokemon on our team that benefits from the new level cap is of course fracture who can now evolve into Haxorus so as we go up against engineer Olympia take a look at all the absolute units on our team and with that destructive lineup we absolutely rocked our world no problem in fact as we now set forth on the team flare Saga going up against Lysander the first time wasn't a problem at all even the second time I had had no issue with the guy whatsoever but that is definitely where my glory streak ends you see as I was taking on team flare a Landorus T got chestnut down to just 2 Hp and me being the idiot that I am of course had clicked serve taking out my own Chestnut as I got the victory why do I have to be My Own Worst Enemy things were going so well fortunately however we have an opportunity at an encounter right away afterwards since iveltal randomized it into a duosion I I guess I'll take it so this is the mighty evil tall ah no this is a slime ball you're gonna have to ask Viola for the real deal and so we have to go up against the final fight versus Ghost Rider Lysander man being a Ghostwriter really is a prolific profession in the Kalos region leading with Roserade and barbarical I'm forced to lead with my duojin and send in Metagross however since I'm facing both a grass and water type I can easily swap in my dragon red eyes as the rosary just goes for sweet scent to lower my evasion Metagross then hits an adaptability meteor Mash on barbarico which isn't enough to take it out as I get hit by a night slash all is fine however since I can easily out speed barbarico with a choice scarf Haxorus taking it out with a dragon claw Rosary then hits a weak magical Leaf before getting hit by a stab super effective adaptability Zen headbutt which doesn't take it out because of its focus sash Lysander then sends in his Spirit Pokemon Blaziken which obviously threatens out my Steel type Metagross so I swap into substitute the water type as I take out Roserade with a dragon claw Politoed then tanks a resisted Blaze kick as Lysander sends in eradicate the following turn I out speed with scarf Haxorus and use Dragon claw which isn't quite enough to take out Blaziken a hyperfang from Raticate almost does half as Blaziken then hits Politoed with a Brave Bird taking itself out in the process doing the work for me once again I then use surf with Politoed which is resisted by my own dragon and almost does have to radicate with a Tyranitar coming in I decide to swap out of Politoed into my darmana tan and go for a dragon claw with red eyes taking out the Raticate the Tyranitar then hits a Dark Pulse which unfortunately is enough to take out Haxorus I send in my Charizard and of course lysander's final Pokemon has to be a Blastoise I then mega evolve into Charizard X's Lysander mega evolves his Blastoise from there I go for a dragon claw which does about 40 to Blastoise way less than I'd hoped darmanitan then hits a quad effect of superpower against Tyranitar clean taking it out in one hit but lowering my attack and defense in the process that defense drop is of course not gonna help me survive this Aqua tail in fact it takes me out in one hit losing a second Pokemon to Lysander so I send in poly Toad and go for a dragon claw with Charizard dealing another 40 to Blastoise and of course Politoed misses a hypnosis but the Blastoise just sets up a rain dance this in turn allows me to take out the Blastoise dealing with Lysander once and for all this of course doesn't stop team flare from firing the Ultimate Weapon some people just have zero chill why does it always end like this for me arriving on Route 18 we need some replacements for the team as I run into a Skarmory and poison point is actually a really awesome ability for Skarmory to have from there I give the upgrade to the Porygon we cut on Route 5 evolving it into Porygon 2. we can then get another encounter in Terminus cave the best Eeveelution Leafeon at this point in the game we have to go up against all of our friends in one long Gauntlet in a normal Nuzlocke their teams aren't too difficult to deal with and this time it's no different facing Shauna no the problems usually don't arise until you fight tierno this man is an absolute Menace his biggest strength being that we don't get to heal in between fights oh and uh download Wailord Charizard is immediately threatened out by the two water types we're facing so I send in Politoed and go for Thunderbolt it only does a bit over half to the dugong which retaliates with an aqua tail that does way more than it should due to being a critical hit waylord at plus one special attack and full health delivers a water spout which abs absolutely destroys Frost last from there I send in and Mega Evolve Charizard to get rid of my water type weakness and go for a dragon claw against dugong which ends up being enough to take out its remaining Health Politoed then hits the Wailord with a body slam just to get some damage off of it since waterspout does way less damage if it's not at full health tierno's final Pokemon is a zangoose and not wanting to be taken out by something like a quick attack I swap Mega Charizard out for my Skarmory which ends up being a huge mistake what it actually ends up doing is go for a close combat leaving Politoed on just 25 HP as I put it to sleep with hypnosis way Lord then goes for Brine and Skarmory already being below half Health from the last fight unfortunately Falls and to make things worse all of our Pokemon are pretty damaged from the last fight I don't have too much of a choice here being backed into a corner so I send in Charizard who can at least take out wailord's remaining Health with a stabbed Dragon claw zangoose then stays asleep and I go for hypnosis just in case it would have woken up the next turn I swap out of Charizard into Metagross who at least has better defense as xengu stays asleep and I try to put it to sleep again with hypnosis what I should have done is just gone for Dragon claw and body slam which would have probably just taken the sand Goose out but instead I swap out a poly toad here sending in my P2 which unfortunately gets caught in a close combat on the switch and a meteor Mash even just one shots the zangoose I can't exactly say I'm too proud losing half my team to tierno at the very least Trevor didn't cause any more casualties with my team devastated right before I can take on wolfrick we need some new recruits first I capture an anareth with the defiant ability which I can immediately evolve into armaldo I then head over to Azure Bay another area where I haven't picked up an encounter to pick up Turtwig having a ground type on the team is incredibly valuable especially when that ground type is Torterra the time has come to take on the final gym leader wolf Rick starting with a pretty underwhelming Victory Bell and Beedrill I send in my Torterra and Charizard my grand plan here was mega evolving into Charizard Y to keep my flying type and then just hitting everything I can with earthquakes from Torterra however first I end up ocoing victory bell with a flamethrower Beedrill then hits pretty hard with a poison jab but more importantly ends up getting the poison for Terra then finally gets to fire off its earthquake however it's not quite enough to take out the b drill and ironically activating its eject button this lets wolfrick switch it out and he sends in a mega aerodactyl this is incredibly bad for my Charizard and doubly bad since he sends in a Seismitoad I don't have a great switch in for both of these Pokemon so I send in armaldo who unfortunately has to tank an ancient power what's doubly unfortunate is Aerodactyl gets the Omni boost hold on a minute is it losing stats Aerodactyl must have randomly gotten the contrary ability and gotten a mental herb to hold to reset those stats that is absolutely Bonkers and totally overshadows the fact that our though just got bopped speaking of which Torterra destroys Seismitoad with a quad effective wood Hammer wolfrick then sends an alteria as I swap in Metagross this matchup is terrible for Torterra so I send in my Leafeon who at least has some better defenses however Aerodactyl attacks Metagross with a super effective crunch instead as I retaliate with a meteor MASH which is enough to just straight up take it out at the end of the turn alteria goes for a Paris song putting us all on a timer as wolfrick sends in his final Pokemon B drill he immediately goes for a hyper potion which renders my quick attack completely useless now that it doesn't take Beedrill out I then meteor mash the altario which does about 60 to it before it hits me with a dragon pulse for some pretty decent damage another meteor match from scarf Metagross is then enough to take out the Altaria I then make a huge misplay going for a sword stands thinking that Leafeon will get another turn if it stays in but that is not the case as a poison job completely eviscerates it at least Charizard can come in to get the Revenge KO claiming us our final gym badge with another two team members lost we need to hunt for encounters first on Route 21 where I find an Absol I'm not expecting to get any use out of sand rush and that attack nature really makes me not want to use this Pokemon in Victory Road however I pick myself up a misdreavus and while I haven't found a dusk stone mischievous is a perfect Pokemon to be holding the evilite we then have an incredibly easy time defeating Serena for the final time as she gifts me some Max revives Serena are you disrespecting the Fallen the final team I decided on before entering the Elite Four was chimeratech for a trust dragon with toxic spikes protect gyro ball and explosion necrophies the mischievous with Shadow Ball Thunderbolt dazzling gleam and perish song lion turtle the Torterra with earthquake woodhammer leech seed and curse substito the Politoed with surf Ice Beam hypnosis and perish song drytron The adaptability Metagross with bullet punch meteor mashes and headbutton power-up punch and finally our starter Lou Bellion the Searing Charizard with flamethrower flablitz Dragon claw and Shadow claw with our final team assembled it's time to take on the Elite Force starting with drazna she's randomized into leading with one of her signature dragon types drudagon and a mega Lucario and I send in my two most powerful Pokemon Metagross and Charizard who I Mega Evolve immediately into Charizard X I then go for a flamethrower which immediately eliminates the threat of Mega Lucario Metagross then tries to go from meteor Mash but I end up missing and the dredagon hits me with a superpower which doesn't do too much damage and lowers its attack in defense rasna then sends in a gigglet so I decide to withdraw my Charizard to send in Fortress who's a better tank against both dragon and rock however it would have probably been wiser to just Dragon claw the drudagon since gigolith gets taken out by a single meteor Mash drudagon then tries another superpower which does even less damage this time around drazza then sends in a floor just which is just breakfast for Metagross her next Pokemon is only Banny so I swap out into Charizard who takes it out with a flamethrower Fortress then takes care of drudagon with a gyro ball and considering her final Pokemon as a semisage we just handle it with Charizard but while my first Elite Four fight went fairly smoothly I was in for a a rude awakening versus malva she sends in the overpowered Sword of Justice Terrakion and a luxray and the very first turn her Terrakion sets up its attack with a workup luckily I do end up hitting a clutch hypnosis here not allowing the luxury to hit me with a wild charge Fortress then ends the turn with a layer of toxic spikes the next turn I swap out of polytote into Torterra who has to take a sacred sword from Terrakion which does about 40 after the Boost luxray sadly wakes up but it can't hit my ground type with an electric type move so I get off a powerful gyro ball against Terrakion I start up the next turn by going for protect with my Fortress as Terrakion goes for a quick guard and luxray hits Island turtle with a crunch the protect allows me to freely go for an earthquake here taking out the remaining health of Terrakion and getting luxray super low malva then sends in vanillex which very much threatens my tortera so I swap out for Metagross malva then uses a full restore healing luxury all the way back to full health switching out Torterra here was definitely the correct call as vanillex hits Metagross with an ice beam barely doing any damage to it Fortress then uses gyro ball which does over half to vanillux which is actually holding a key Berry boosting its defense of course it would this doesn't make a difference however since stab's super effective adaptability bullet punch is still enough to take that ice cream cone out luxury then gets a scary face up on Metagross effectively getting it to minus one speed as Fortress sets up the second layer of toxic spikes poisoning Samurai as it comes in I go for another protect with Fortress here since there's really nothing else I want to switch in and a crunch does massive damage to dry Tron it even lowers my defense before I get hit by a Hydra pump from Samurai taking me dangerously low to just 11 HP as I miss a meteor Mash I'm way too low with Metagross at this point so I sub out into Politoed who gets hit by a crunch on the switch which doesn't do too much damage as Samurai then misses a Hydra pump and I have nothing better to do with Fortress since I'm all out of gyro balls since my Torterra on Metagross are low this pair really cover each other's weaknesses and I have to just go for a hypnosis on the luxury to try and neutralize one threat Samurai then hits me with a Hydra pump but it doesn't do too much damage since it's not very effective since I can't protect I decide to switch out of Fortress who doesn't want to get hit by a Hydra pump as I swap in necrophase and hit luxray with an ice beam before it wakes up and goes for a wild charge taking out substitute oh rest in peace buddy to make matters substantially worse Samurai then goes for a Swords Dance doubling its attack stat the only Pokemon I still have at full health is Charizard which I can at least mega evolve into Charizard X getting rid of both my electric and water type weakness a dragon claw however isn't quite enough to take out Samurott so I finish it off with a ThunderBolt from mysterivus luxray then targets necraface with a scary pace which is sort of thematically redundant as malva then sends in her next Pokemon Alakazam which I can fortunately just one shot the next turn with a shadow claw luxray then lowers Charizard speed with a scary face as mischievous hits a fairly powerful Shadow Ball malba then sends in her final Pokemon vivilod and after full restoring her luxray she annoyingly hits my Charizard with powder which makes me explode since I used a fire type move it fortunately doesn't do too much damage however and I can get off another Shadow Ball on luxray the next turn vivlon misses a hurricane as luxray hits lubellion with a crunch and since I didn't get hit by the infuriating powder one flare Blitz is all it takes to knock out the vivil on mischievous then hits another Shadow Ball before I swap lubellion out for Fortress luxray then hits mischievous with a crunch but we could have taken a critical hit thanks to the Eevee light and another Shadow Ball seals the deal beating malva with now just five Pokemon on her team we still have two more elite four members to face before we can take on the champion our next opponent is Wickstrom starting out with a Volcarona and Lee Vani as I mega evolved immediately into Charizard X expecting the Volcarona to use a fire move against Fortress I go for protect so I can go for a dragon claw to take out half the health of Volcarona libani then fails an entrainment but Volcarona instead uses a quiver dance since the odds of us getting off protect again are pretty dang low I decide to swap out into necrophies who can hopefully tank a hit but vokarona gets greedy and just goes for another quiver dance allowing me to take it out with a second dragon Claw from there leave Annie sets up its attack to plus two with a sword stance as Wickstrom sends in a Mega Gengar there's no way we can stain with misdreavus here so I decide to swap it out for Torterra I then go for a shadow claw hoping to take out the Gengar however it ends up Surviving deep in the red and I also activate its weakness policy boosting its special attack stat before it hits me with a hex getting me down to just 57 HP if that leaf storm would have connected Island Turtle would have been toast so I immediately swap out of Torterra into my Fortress as she heals up Gengar with a full restore and a shadow claw takes it down low again finally an X scissor barely does any damage to my Fortress so I can take out the Gengar the next turn with a shadow claw Leavanny then goes for a second sword stands actually getting kind of scary now at plus four and I set up a layer of toxic spikes with Fortress next from Wickstrom is an octillary so I go for protect with Fortress and try for a dragon claw against it but it's still not quite enough to take it out Leavanny then fails in trainment against Fortress and a hydro pump does over 50 percent to belly on the poison getting octillary to such low health of course means that wickstrom's gonna go for a full restore which unfortunately means I can't take it out with another Dragon claw Fortress then actually has its ability change to wonder skin through entrainment which if anything is a minor Improvement after protecting with Fortress another Dragon Claw is enough to take out octillary oh yeah why shouldn't he have a Mega Mewtwo X considering this thing can absolutely decimate Charizard's remaining Health with a psychic I decide to swap out into drytron who can at least quad resist the hit leave any still obsessed with changing my abilities through entrainment changes Metagross ability from adaptability to wonder skin which in this case is a massive downgrade Fortress then uses jireball which does about 25 percent to Mewtwo the next turn psychic does pretty big damage despite being resisted and I go for a Zen head butt which doesn't quite take Mewtwo out boosting its defense in the process a plus for Exeter then actually does some pretty big damage before I can take Mewtwo into the red with gyro ball and the poison is enough to take it out phew wickstrom's final Pokemon is Raichu and not wanting to tank another excess or I decide to swap out of drytron into necrophase Fortress then protects as Raichu unfortunately targets mischievous with a thunderbolt not quite doing half levani then hits a plus four resisted X scissor which leaves mischievous in the red and unfortunately that means a thundershock the next turn is enough to take it out losing our second Pokemon this early into the Elite Four is not a good sign for what's to come after getting off a gyro ball against levanty I send in Luke Bellion and then swap chimeratec out for Island Turtle Charizard can then go for a flamethrower finally getting rid of that pesky Lee Vani that's been here since the start of the fight Raichu targeted Fortress with a thunderbolt meaning it can't hit Torterra because of its ground typing and I can easily finish it off the next turn with a dragon clock ranting us the victory at this point in the run I was very much dreading taking on the final Elite Four member seabold since we only have two-thirds of our team alive however it seems Arceus Has Smiled upon me since this fight really didn't give me any trouble at all somehow I had managed to make it all the way through the Elite Four in this crazy double battle Challenge and all that awaits is taking on the final battle versus Champion Diantha and Diantha is no weak opponent leading off with kalos's finest to Xerneas and Noivern immediately I protect my Fortress as Noivern tries to hit me with a hurricane Xerneas then uses night slash getting a boost from its dark gem doing pretty massive damage to my Metagross before I can actually just one shot it with an adaptability meteor Mash Diantha then sends in a Ho-Oh this is a terrible matchup for me and there is nothing much I can switch into so chimeratec is gonna have to tank that hurricane and unfortunately get confused an ancient power from Ho-Oh then gets Fortress into the red and I can get Noivern into the red with a meteor Mash Fortress then hits itself in confusion leaving itself with just 20 hp so I decide to swap it out for Island Turtle predictably she then heals up her Noivern with a full restore I then go for a bullet punch which would have taken the Noivern out but now does just about 40 percent as another ancient power from Ho-Oh barely does anything to Turtle Noivern thankfully misses another hurricane as Ho-Oh sets up a safeguard and I can go from meteor Mash ending the noivern's career I can then set up a leech seed with Torterra to at least get some chip damage every single turn against this Ho-Oh diantha's next Pokemon is then Raticate hitting dragtron with an assurance doing about 25 damage Hollow then fires off another ancient power which means it probably doesn't have too many better moves to go for next Metagross gets to hit the Raticate with an adaptability meteor MASH which is enough to take it out in one shot and since I can't hit the HOA with earthquake I don't exactly have a better play than hitting it for chip with woodhammer diantha's next Pokemon is a basculine and because I gave Metagross a custom Berry it is in range to activate allowing me to strike first hitting it with an adaptability Zen headbutt enough to take it out this leaves Diantha with only her final two Pokemon Ho-Oh and Mega Houndoom knowing that this is Metagross final turn I go for a bullet punch to at least get some damage in which is foolish since it just activates ho-oh's starf Berry predictably Houndoom then goes for a flamethrower taking out Metagross but what a mon you've been hello then frustratingly gets most of its Health back from her cover as I strike Houndoom with an earthquake doing 75 of its Health with only three Pokemon left I swap in my Fortress which is pretty much just a sacrifice play since I know it's gonna bait Houndoom to take it out but its sacrifice won't be in vain since I know HOA won't take Torterra out since it would have done so if it could at this point and I can fire it off an earthquake taking out houndoom's remaining hell with only Ho-Oh left to face I send in my final Pokemon Charizard and Mega evolve into Charizard X I then go for a dragon claw but with ho-oh's boosted defense from the starf berry it barely does anything and Ho-Oh gets most of its Health back from a recover woodhammer of course isn't much help at the end of the turn but at least I get some chip from the leech seed then after getting Ho-Oh deep into the yellow Diantha hits it with a full restore getting it back up to full but at least I managed to land a critical hit Dragon claw taking it down low again with woodhammer and leech seed I get Ho-Oh deep into the red but of course she's got another full restore but through my perseverance I managed to get Ho-Oh deep into the red once again the witchy of course responded with another full restore however eventually through the power of friendship and mostly Dragon claws my two stutter Pokemon managed to make it through defeating the Ho-Oh and thus defeating this blasted double battle challenge this challenge was some of the most fun I've had with Pokemon ever and for that reason you need to subscribe right now and what was that much Lex why is it always me I mean it's not fair what the
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 479,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h2WkbJAHSc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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