Pokémon Sword RANDOMIZER! - Hardcore Nuzlocke

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it knows like any Pokemon that faints is boxed forever and you only get to catch the first Pokemon you find per area but what if every single Pokemon and sword was completely randomized could we make it all the way to Leon if every gym Leader's guaranteed to have legendaries and mythicals Well we'd have to try and assemble a pretty strong team beginning with our starter Pokemon and considering my choices are meltan which can only evolve in Pokemon go cutify and the based Darumaka there was only one real choice and with its ability randomized into parental Bond we're already off to a great start to stand any chance against the horde of legendaries we're about to fight we need to hunt down a full team of six as soon as possible starting with ajang moo on Route 1. and with the contrary ability this thing's got the potential of being a monster yo it's such a bad financial decision but I've gotta have it then on Route 2 I pick up a Trico with Beast boost looks like Sonic's got competition in the speed Department I then move on to Route 3 where I'm immediately greeted by a Larvitar it's got a Anchor Point which isn't a game breaking ability but it's still a Larvitar with a couple more areas to pass through before we get to face the first gym I go to gallermine number one where I pick up a wild Ponyta it's got psychic surge which complements its psychic typing perfectly we then reach Route 4 where I pick up a manchino since it really seems to want to join the team and so with a full team of six we've gotta challenge the very first gym versus Milo who starts out with a Cali Rex wait hold on a second what type even is this thing turns out it makes a lot of sense and this big brain rabbit is a psychic and grass type so we've got an excellent matchup with Darumaka and I'm just glad it wasn't something like a manifest second out Milo sends in a Butterfree which we have a great matchup versus except it's got primordial C this makes it so that neither player can use fire moves completely invalidating my Darumaka so I'm gonna have to swap out sending in my pony time because this particular Ponyta happens to have power jam through the power of randomization beating Milo is a piece of cake and we're ready to take on Nessa but first let me me introduce you to this video's sponsor honkai impact third a lightning fast cross-platform arpg with amazing looking Graphics look at this this game is absolutely gorgeous and executing combos to crush your enemies feels awesome from holyiverse the makers of gentian impact and the recently released honkai star rail the new 6.6 update has Oodles of new content like terraria's magical quest and the merry Market minigame where you can unlock all the new outfits for more customization than ever before my favorite in the game has to be hercher of Thunder's Nocturne Ablaze outfit Spencer ultimate literally torches the opposition with a dragon now that's the stuff but coolest of all is the new character mistle who wither Dreamweaver battle suit is one of the flashiest of all pulling enemies into a Dreamscape to haunt them with her Javelin of death so more of a nightmare but if you're looking for more Hands-On approach look no further than Prometheus with her new terminal a double o17 battle suit you'll have your enemies within your grasp in no time all available now now and if you use my Lincoln gift code in the pinned comment below you can get 30 crystals 288 asterites and one character trial card for free join the action now returning to our quest of trying to become the Geller Champion we now have to take on NASA who starts out with a shiny Mew I start out incredibly scared of this thing until it shows me that it's got the random imposter ability which is very fitting but not very helpful for Nessa since she now just has a Larvitar which means I can easily swap into Grove Island take it out in one quad effective energy ball this also gives us a special attack Boost from Beast boost but we're not going to be able to stay in when Nessa shows us a Zelf I don't have anything on my team that's a great answer to this thing but at least Larvitar has a few dark moves to hit this thing super effectively what I definitely wasn't expecting is for itself to eliminate Itself by going for explosion and leaving Larvitar in just 3 HP meaning I accidentally made a great decision swapping into the only Pokemon I have that resists explosion we're not quite out of the woods yet though since nessa's final Pokemon is a gigantomax Kingler and these gigantomax Pokemon with moves that give them boosts or lower the stats of My Pokemon are going to be a huge problem I swapped in menchino here since Larvitar would have most certainly Fallen but there's no amount of HP that this hornberry could heal that's gonna save me from the incoming Max quake and this right here perfectly demonstrates the Colossal challenge we have in front of us if we don't run into enough trouble from the gym leaders legendaries their final gigantomax Pokemon has a great chance of knocking out a few of our team members so strategically using protect is going to be a great asset throughout this run now because of contrary jengmo does get a speed boost from the max strike but it's not quite enough to let us out speed and that seat bomb barely does any anything so I'm gonna have to swap out this time into edamame this is a very risky play since the max Quake did boost kingler's special defense and if this energy ball doesn't take out the Kingler we're definitely losing Grovyle but luckily we pick up the KO and with it the second gym badge uh Heracross or do you doing okay bud naturally if one's going to eat here the obvious choice is the local Cuisine obvious it's also the only choice in the entire town you Dingus leaving hobbery I moved through the very creatively named gallermine number two where I pick up a litten that I can immediately evolve into a guts Torah cat then just before taking on kabu I can go to the Moda Stoke outskirts where I find myself a frost lass which I figured since it's a fully evolved pretty powerful Pokemon would be an excellent choice versus kabu however he instantaneously proves Me Wrong by sending in a Heatran both of which stab it super effective against Frost last so I'm forced to swap out into Torah cat and here I get scary faced lowering my speed by two meaning that I'm gonna be slower the next turn and Heat and reveals ancient power which with a critical hit leaves me at only one HP and since my subsequent double kick barely does any damage at all it leaves me with only one potential strategy to beat this thing you might find it strange that I send back in Frost last but I figure she can probably take one ancient power and follow that up with a destiny bond this will take out the Heatran guaranteed but at the cost of my Frost last which is a steep price to pay but it's way better than sacrificing most of my team in all likelihood not a great start to the fight losing what's probably our currently strongest Pokemon so I send in Darumaka as kabu sends in a Regice giving me an excellent matchup and I do way more damage than I expected with a super effective firefang almost taking the Regice out I do end up taking a lot of damage in return from an ancient power but luckily the Regice doesn't collect the Omni boost and another firefang takes it out leaving kabu with his final Pokemon Gengar gigantomax Gengar is terrifying regardless whether or not you have a fear of being Eaton this thing is definitely nightmare fuel even outside of its gigantimax form Gengar is a huge problem for my team so stalling out its gigantimax moves with protect here isn't gonna do me much good but at least we can get rid of one turn sadly our special defense was still lowered so this giant mouth of a Gengar will devour our fries rude Gengar still has one g-max turn left we've lost two of our Pokemon and torcadas at one HP so I'm kind of forced to swap in Ponyta here even though we're at a massive type disadvantage I do however somehow manage to survive a Max darkness and fire off a Psy beam doing about half to the Gengar and even though that's fairly substantial damage and it's now out of gigantomax turns it still won't save Ponyta from an incoming hex the next turn losing now half of our team in this fight after this kabu did show some mercy and felt like he'd done enough damage to the team I guess going for spite completely throwing the game and allowing me to take out Gengar with a stomping tantrum from Larvitar granting us the third gym badge and Willard team having been so thoroughly devastated we're gonna need a fair few new encounters starting out we've got this grimney trap inch with a special attack boosting nature so the game is very much pushing me towards using a special attacking fly gun I then head to the Stony Wilderness where I pick up a Pokemon I've never used before it's heat more but not just any heat more this thing has desolate land making it both immune to water types and powering up those fire type moves then since the level cap is 36 we can get a lot of our Pokemon to evolve updating most of our team to Pupitar Sceptile incineroar of the Brava and hakomo which makes us a lot better prepared for our next opponent B than we were for kabu she leads with the mythical chirachi but that's no match for popcorn the heat more once we've set up the desolate land there is no way that this Jirachi is going to be able to take a fire move as it just sets up a future site allowing us to take it out with a fire lash having that future site to worry about is a bit of a nuisance but the more immediate problem is this stack attacker threatening me with a stab rock type move so I I swap out into taco the Pupitar this way I can resist the incoming rock slide but without an easy light at this point in time it actually does a lot of damage but we can do a lot of damage and return the next turn with a quad effective earthquake even though stack attack as defense is very stacked also I'm very glad it went for that autonomized since we would have been absolutely destroyed by Future sight if it just did 11 points of damage so I'm forced to swap out the next turn into Vibrava who can also resist the rock slide and even though it does a ton of damage too we can out speed the next turn taking the stack attack out with a super effective earth power then in comes Metagross and even though we've got a really good matchup going on here with our ground type we're at way too low Health with Vibrava to fight a pseudo legendary so I swap out into incineroar I was kind of hoping to swap into a psychic move with immunity but it just keeps going for takedown allowing me to knock it out the next turn with a flamethrower easy peasy this leaves B with just one Pokemon her gigantomax Pokemon which happens to be a cinderase and once again and we've got a big problem on our hands because this thing does know a fighting type move which means I'm definitely forced to swap out of incineroar and unfortunately not chose the Vibrava is gonna have to take the hit the dream of special attacking grimney Flygon has been broken in the process this send race has also gained an attack Boost from Max knuckle which means it's gonna do a lot of damage even with something like Max strike getting popcorn down deep into the yellow before I can fire up a horn drill which doesn't even take the cinderace down into half but for him destroyed by another Max knuckle this means we've lost a third of our team to this thing and given it two attack boosts in the process but at least it's out of Dynamax turns now you might think sceptile's a pretty strange switch in here but I actually have a focus Sash on Sceptile and because of the randomized TM learns that Sceptile gets scald meaning that once our sash allows us to survive on one HP a scald is gonna be enough to grant us the gym badge the gap between the fourth and fifth gym fight in this game isn't very long with only a level cap difference of two and one root in between where I end up picking up a tertuga it's a pretty awesome fossil Pokemon you rarely get to use but it doesn't evolve before the next gym so we're probably gonna have to hunt down some more encounters so I head to Route 6 where I never picked anything up where I'm promptly assaulted by a Hitmonlee so I guess that's what I get and having poison touch on a mod with fake out is actually pretty sick finally I head back to the wild area to the southeast Lake to pick up a chin Chow that we can immediately evolve into Lantern it even has iron barbs and a special attack boosting nature something I'm very happy about but one thing I'm not as happy about is thinking the fight versus opal would be a piece of cake because of her gimmick and then she shows me a freaking Palkia which I expect is about the only Palkia she sees these days and really if she would have had pretty much any other lead than this huge throbbing pink legendary we would have had a lot easier of a time being able to just Farm the different boosts from her questions this fight's pretty much a joke in the base game since her lead wheezing only has Barry wind didn't tackle but unfortunately this Palkia has stab dragon breath but doesn't do too much damage but eventually manages to get a paralysis this means my Sceptile is now paralyzed at about half Health with plus two speed and after this question at the end of the turn plus two special defense and defense I'm not even sure if this is a winning or losing position while my Sceptile is super boosted it's also very nerfed either way after a few turns I managed to take out the Palkia with neutral Giga drains giving me a beast boost to further boost my speed opal then sends in galerian Moltres but with my defense boost I figure I can probably take a hit stay in and unfortunately get fully paralyzed as it sets up its own speed to now be faster than me this shouldn't technically be a problem since we can probably still take a hit since it didn't do any damage however since it's faster and using air slash we of course get paraflinched staying in here would be giving up my Sceptile so I'm forced to swap out and with that I give up all the potential gimmick Boost from the opal fight on the bright side of things Pupitar does have have an evolite now meaning its defenses are greatly boosted and we still take a ton of damage from Sucker Punch before of course missing a rock slide luckily we have enough help to just barely survive another Sucker Punch and this time connect with rock slide doing over half but we're now at risk of being taken out so we've gotta switch out once again this time sending in Lantern at least we can swap in Lantern for free since it tries to go for Sucker Punch once again and then finish off the Moltres with a dazzling gleam opal then sends in her third Pokemon this time a marsh Shadow and much like Cali Rex I've never faced this thing before so I don't know what it does but based on this interaction I'm not convinced that this thing is a great Pokemon at all since after going for role play and stealing my iron barbs it just continues trying to go for role play allowing me to just take it out in a couple more dazzling gleams I have no idea whether AI does this and gets fixated on a certain move but at least we only have the giganthamax Pokemon left Opals being a very fitting big kitty which we of course have zero problems dealing with granting us the gym badge I've got a few errands to run in hammerlock care to join me for the journey oh I'm not really looking to be a sugar baby but maybe you should ask bead heading towards searchester we pass through a couple routes first of which being Route 7 where I pick up a Combusken followed immediately by Route 8 where I find a Lampent that I can also evolve into Chandelure right away we can also evolve Tortuga into caracosta making us ready to face the sixth gym leader Gordy the man starts out with the ultra Beast cellastila which doesn't work out for him since I start out with incineroar and can completely torch the thing after he hits me with a soft flash Cannon and with one down my reign of type matchups doesn't stop there as he sends in a Mewtwo and figuring that this thing usually only has psychic moves in its moveset I just stay in and go for a darkest Lariat as it sets up a safeguard this ends up doing a lot of damage but is a lot less safe than I initially thought because the next turn Mewtwo shows me aurosphere which I guess it gets by level up in this game luckily it decided to go for that the second turn however giving us the chance to take it out with yet another darkest Lariat third is Gordy's Salamence great I'm gonna swap out of my tiger into Pizza The caracosta Who upon evolving now has grassy surge which actually works out pretty well here since Salamence is in the sky and we're gonna get health back at the end of the turn after we take a bit of damage from Dragon claw and it seems like Dragon Claw is Solomon's most effective option here which isn't doing too much damage while we can do a ton of damage with a stab rock slide and get health back at the end of the turn meaning another Dragon claw won't be enough to take us out and we do manage to land these somewhat dubiously accurate rock slide lastly Gordy's got his gigantomax Pokemon left showing us intellion and because we're in the red we go down to any gigantomax move that this thing uses so I swap out into Lantern as it of course gigantom axes hitting me with Max Flutterbye it is a bit of a pain that that lowers our special attacks we won't do as much damage with our discharge the next turn however at least it doesn't lower any of our defenses so we can take more hits the next of which being Max darkness which does lower our special defense however it's coming off of a sucker punch meaning that it's a physical Max Darkness this way the next Max Darkness doesn't actually do any more damage and we're left at 13 HP just barely surviving all of the gigantomax turns unfortunately we don't get a paralysis in the process of firing off our two discharges so I'm forced to swap out the next turn this time into Sceptile I'm hit with a Liquidation on the switch and liquidation has a chance to lower defense which it unfortunately gets and I am very afraid of a U-turn from this thing which I would have probably survived however I might as well go for the safe option swapping into Hitmonlee who can resist it and with a choice scarp out speed the next turn take out the intellion with a close combat to claim R6 gym badge wow the Fallout guy really let himself go with Spike myth and my sight I quickly defeat hop makes a more terrible financial decisions and defeat Marnie which means I gain enough experience to reach level 45 and finally evolve hakomo into KOMO and this thing with contrary could be absolutely nuts because well let me just show you all you need to know is that contrary is an ability that makes it so that any stat boosting get becomes a stat drop and any stat drop becomes a boost this is a ridiculous ability since it makes any move that punishes You by lowering your stats an unfair Advantage engine and KOMO gets one of those moves when it evolves in clanging scales which now boosts our defense Zara Aura even realizes it's going to be doing less damage with Slash than a resisted Vault switch so it swaps out into Landorus but we of course continue spamming clanging scales to further boost our defense in fact we're just faster than Landorus so that little maneuver cost appears as Landorus and just gave us plus three defense Piers then sends back in zero Aura and his strategy here is to go for charge to boost his special defense and this way survive a clanging scale which he does successfully but this is a terrible strategy for him since it further boosts my defense and just delays the inevitable says he's not going to be doing any more damage by stalling with charge and he's just gonna get me to plus five defense by letting me take him out with another clanging scales third out is Pierce's faramosa which is a good deal faster and manages to get a Flinch with Stomp the next stomp however doesn't Flinch me and I go for a dragon claw which doesn't quite do half Piers however is determined to have me take out fermosa this turn since he goes for lunge which normally lowers your attack but in this case of course boosts my attack because of contrary allowing me to take fermosa out this turn he then reveals that his final Pokemon is dragapult but because we're plus five defense it's not gonna be doing anything with that double hit and we can easily take it out to claim our seventh gym badge I believe I sufficiently made my case for contrary but even with such a powerful ability on our team I would say we're in massive trouble since double battle gyms are notoriously difficult and with Ryan guaranteed to have a team both legendaries well we're just gonna have to do our best and let's just say I didn't exactly feel radiant with confidence when he threw out Thundurus and Kyogre look at least his Kyogre doesn't have drizzle so we're in the clear you have got to be kidding me not only does this make thunder 100 accurate it also boosts up water type moves I'll be honest I have no great options here thunderous completely destroys my care Costa with a 100 accurate Thunder and as if that wasn't bad enough the Kyogre goes for a rain boosted stab muddy water which of course destroys Blaziken so if you've ever been looking for a tutorial on how to lose a third of your team on the very first turn of a battle look no further than my YouTube channel the only good thing to come out of this is we can hit the Kyogre with an energy ball from my scarf Chandelure and follow that up with another energy ball from my Sceptile meaning we can at least get rid of the Kyogre and get a speed boost for Sceptile from Beast boost in the process thunderous then does a massive amount of damage versus Chandelure with thunder but because we have cursed body we actually managed to disable it Ryan then shows me another lord of the ocean Lugia which I'm just really hoping doesn't have hydro pump and since I'm locked into energy ball which isn't effective against either of his Pokemon I swap out into incineroar and hit Lugia with a Shadow Ball from Sceptile unfortunately Lugia targets Sceptile with this extra sensory since we would have dodged it with Immunity on incineroar thunderous just lowers its own speed with a hammer arm at the end of the turn so the next I can fire off another Shadow Ball hoping for that special defense drop and not getting it as Lugia almost recovers back to full with a recover to further humiliate my Sceptile it gets knocked out by a thrash I can't really think of a worse way to go and to cap off the turn at least I can do quite a lot of damage with a darkest Lariat it makes sense to send in Chandelure here since we're both immune to thrash and can take out the Lugia with a scarf Shadow Ball from there the thunderous tries to hit me with a thrash but it ends up targeting shandiv lore which works out perfectly since we're immune and can hit it with a darkest Lariat for over half damage this then reveals Ryan's gigantomax Pokemon a Snorlax which is pretty terrible since we can't hit it at all with Shadow Ball which Chandelure is locked into because of scarf before I have to switch Chandelure out though I can use my scarf Shadow Ball to my advantage to take out the thunderous and not have to deal with that thing anymore I then hit Snorlax with the darkest Lariat which does way less damage than I was expecting in a super effective Max knuckle takes Ratatouille down below half this is pretty bad for two reasons it gives Snorlax an attack boost and we have to swap out Chandelure here if we ever want to do any damage with it meaning we have to stay in with incineroar I do get very lucky this turn however after a critical hit darkest Lariat Max Quake doesn't take out incineroar instead hitting chips for less than half damage the next turn I can use a clanging scales to do a bit of damage to the Snorlax and boost my kamoa's defense I then do some more pathetic damage with darkest Lariat Before incineroar's Time Has Come and it gets taken out by another Max knuckle this means we've officially lost two-thirds of our team and I have to send in my final Pokemon Chandelure but at least Snorlax Dynamax turns are finally over and we can finish it off with a scarf scishock from Chandelure granting us the eighth gym badge just at a very high cost luckily we had enough Pokemon in the Box to fully replenish our team but now we don't have any backups and we're about to face the Pokemon League which is gonna be the strongest of the strong opponents in the entire game so I begin by heading down the beat path on Route 10 where I pick up an Agron an absolute Beast of a Pokemon with an amazing adamant nature and one of the best abilities in nuzlocke's battle armor then since we're running out of areas to find encounters I head over to the Isle of armor where I run into a licky tongue which is huge now I'm not shaming it for its size shame on you now this thing literally has huge power and as a final Act of preparation I evolved the Shelgon I found on Route 9 into Salamence and so with my new epic team I was ready to head to wind and to take on the Pokemon League and to begin with I was hugely successful you see hop Marnie and bead aren't Gym Leaders so they're not guaranteed to have any of those legendaries and so beating the three of them mercilessly gave me a very false sense of confidence especially considering what's to come oh boy you see my first real Pokemon League opponent was Nessa and unlike last time when her strategy mostly blew up in her face this time she starts out strong with a Xerneas Hitmonlee is very weak to this thing but I do start out with a fake out and get a poison touch just in case this thing has something like sturdy before I swap out I send in my scarf Chandelure here as the Xerneas just sets up Misty to Reign I then start firing off Shadow balls and while Nessa uses a couple of forward stores eventually the Xerneas Falls with one big threat out of the way Nessa sends in her second Pokemon Tyranitar we're locked into Shadow Ball here which Tyranitar resists so we definitely have to swap out and I decide to send in Swedish Fish and the Tyranitar goes for a Stone Edge which does way over half I then do what I should have done in the first place and swap out into Hitmonlee who would have just resisted the Stone Edge but now has to take a neutral earthquake we do have a guaranteed KO with close combat but just to be sure I end up going for a fake out here once again getting the poison just to ensure that we don't have to deal with something like sturdy and get taken out before I take out Tyranitar with a close combat this leads Nessa to her third Pokemon azashian but it's not actually its Crown form instead the weird sausage form turn turns out at this level zashian doesn't have a great moveset to deal with Chandelure its best move being iron head which does do a bit of damage but not quite enough for it to take us out before we destroy it with Shadow balls fourth out Nessa has a tapu Coca which also at this level has a pretty pathetic moveset and no fairy move so we're completely safe to swap into kamoa who can easily take it out with a couple of ice punches this just leaves Nessa with her gigantomax Pokemon Gengar giving us a chance to get revenge against this thing first of all we now have a normal type we can switch into so the first g-max Terror does absolutely nothing it then swaps it up going for Max Darkness barely doing any damage at all but lowering our special defense not a problem for huge power licky licky however who can't quite take out the Gengar with a drill run but a second does the trick granting us the victory leading us into our second Elite Four fight the rematch versus B but much like Nessa comes in blazing hot with a gallerian Zapdos I do have kind of the upper hand however with scarf Chandelure able to hit for over half of the side shock the problem being that after doing over half with a Drill Pack Zapdos gets a speed boost this means it's no longer just a free KO next turn so I'm forced to swap out sending in Lantern on the next Drill Pack be then annoyingly goes for a full restore meaning that my discharge doesn't quite do enough to take it out but still taking the Zapdos below half health I really don't have a switch here so I'm forced to stay in on a close combat surviving on just 6 hp this even activates a bit of Chip iron barbs damage before I can finish off the Zapdos with discharge and I am incredibly happy we don't have to deal with that thing anymore what I'm not so psyched about however is that she's got a Ho-Oh obviously we'd be taken out if we stay in against this thing so I'm forced to swap out into licky licky as the Ho-Oh hits me with a move I've never even seen before burn up which does a massive amount of damage and consumes its fire typing and I really don't have a great switch in here so I just decided to stay in to try and do some damage as the Ho-Oh charges up a sky attack this lets me get off a thunder punch which does a bit less than I was hoping for I really don't want to lose my pal licky licky here so I decide to swap out sending in salomons because it's probably the only thing that stands any chance at all of surviving this Sky attack and even that's dubious fortunately we do manage to survive and even more fortunately I connect with a rock slide taking out the Ho-Oh and if I didn't have a licky licky of my own I wouldn't know that this thing has huge power and what a massive threat it is however I am expecting it to use a normal move so I can pivot into Chandelure to dodge it with my ghost type before swapping out once again now expecting a dark move into drumstick this will knock off my expert Pelt but at least I get to survive and since licky licky is so slow we can out speed it the next turn go for a fake out just for some extra damage and take it out after that with a close combat now while we haven't lost any Pokemon to be she's done a lot of damage to most of our team members so when she showed me Volcanion of Pokemon with an incredibly annoying typing to deal with I knew I was gonna have to make a sacrifice and while I'm sure there's plenty of you in the audience that would be elated at the idea of B stepping on you I don't think this is what you had in mind now that I can switch chips in for free I decide to go for a drain punch not really knowing how fast Volcanion is which ends up backfiring since I'm actually faster luckily it doesn't get a burn with scald and after looking up its stats I realize it's special defense is much worse so I can take it out with a clanging scales and boost my defense in the process this just leaves B with her gigantomax Pokemon Charizard which is a lot more threatening than you think even though it can resist its g-max Wildfire I once again boost my defense with clanging scales but g-max Wildfire is gonna hit me on the special side not for too much damage but the damage over time effect is fairly substantial at least enough to where I definitely want to swap out to not lose KOMO next turn sending in toast and toast can resist the hit also being unaffected by the damage over time effect allowing it to out speed the next turn with a choice car if doing a bit of damage with a Shadow Ball before unfortunately it too has to go down I send back in Salamence since Charizard gmax turns are finally over and it's gonna have to do one more risky rock slide push which very fortunately connects and though we lost two Pokemon seals the victory which means we need to add both our boxed Pokemon Agron and Pupitar to the team and we can even evolve Pupitar into Tyranitar last time we faced ryhon it was the most devastating fight of the run and he's no less threatening starting out with a Rayquaza I however lead with my tankiest Pokemon Agron so even though Rayquaza sets up a Dragon Dance I'm pretty sure I could take a physical hit from it not only that my Agron has ice punch since a lot of legendaries are Dragon but it isn't quite enough to take Rayquaza out so Ryan heals it up with a full restore this is pretty much a wasted move since another ice punch just takes Rayquaza back into the red and then Ryan completely throws his Rayquaza to the Wayside by going for another Dragon Dance allowing me to just take it out for free with another ice punch second out is Verizon and I'm really not looking to be taken out by a quad effective sacred sword so I swap out into Salamence which can resist it with its flying type typing I then hit it with a dragon claw which isn't quite enough to take it below half but Verizon helps me up a bit going for a takedown and The Recoil actually gets it below half another Dragon claw still isn't enough to take it out but Verizon goes for takedown again being an absolute Pro and taking itself out oh boy non-slow start Reggie gigas is a problem I'm really not ready to sacrifice my Salomon so I go ahead and swap out into my best defense sponge Agron who can very easily tank a resisted Mega Punch what I did not expect is Reggie gigas having body press doing a massive amount of damage but we're still able to survive and fire off an Ironhead now unfortunately there's nothing on my team that wants to take this body press and Agron is gonna have to take one for the team in its very first fight this gives us a free switch into licky licky who I'm hoping can take one move from this thing managing to tank a Mega Punch fairly well and then take out the Reggie gigas with a choice band huge power brick break once again tapu Koko isn't that big a threat and we can easily just swap in Tyranitar and take it out with a couple of earthquakes leaving ryhon only with his Dynamax Pokemon corvanite which doesn't pose too much of a problem since we can just barely Edge out all of its Dynamax moves with Tyranitar dancers were so low on health we need to swap out into our only Pokemon with full health chips and we are taking a bit of a risk here since this Brave Bird would definitely take me out if it were a critical hit however it doesn't end up getting it and The Recoil isn't quite enough to take Corva Knight out but we can out speed and take it out the following turn with an ice punch now I know we urgently need to save the world but we don't have a full team so I head to axu's eye to pick up a Venusaur evil as ever Rose wants to flatten the gala region by unleashing Dynamax Pokemon and with his intimidate Groudon which would normally be an insane ability he actually just ends up boosting komo's attack through contrary kamo has also now learned close combat even more op than clanging scales since it boots both our special defense and defense and a plus one defense not even an earthquake from Groudon does very much damage some of which we can heal back up with leftovers I'm then free to fire off another plus one close combat taking out the Groudon and further boosting my defenses but Rose isn't out of it yet sending in a Dialga with dauntless Shield boosting its defense something that plus one KOMO completely laughs off taking it out with one single close combat and further boosting our defenses it then seems Rose is captured his beloved eternitus which is faster than chips but because we're at plus 3 special defense a dragon pulse doesn't do very much damage and we can fire back with an ice punch doing way over half Rose then fishes for a poison with cross poison but doesn't end up getting it allowing us to finish off eternitus with another ice punch we then get a little bit Bamboozled as he sends in a Blissey and I'm thinking great we can just recover back all of our health by using drain punch to guarantee we get everything back but blissy has aftermath meaning it takes some of our health with it and Rose is now only left with his final Pokemon giganta maximel metal and while it's pretty cool awesome and in theme for Rose to have I couldn't have asked for a better matchup plus one close combat isn't enough to take it out but we get even more defenses and as it hits me with a Max strike it even boosts our speed thanks Mel metal and so with another plus one close combat we destroy Mel metal and with it Rose's plans of well whatever they are meaning that there's only one thing standing in our way of becoming The Gather Champion to take on Champion Leon himself it's my full team of six versus his which is probably gonna be stacked full of crazy legendaries like shiny genus act I start out with kamo hoping that we can maybe pull off something crazy again and to my surprise I actually out speed the genus act but it surprises me even more by going for self-destruct not exactly what I expected but with our defense boost it barely does any damage at all things get slightly more problematic however when Leon shows me Nick rosemo which I don't have any good moves to hit dusk main acrosma is very strong but expecting a psychic move from it we can switch into the dark type Tyranitar to be completely immune it'll then have to rely on its other moves like Power Jam which aren't too reliable against Tyranitar and we can do massive damage with Crunch and after a second power gem another crunch does the trick taking out the dusk main necrozma which makes space for a somehow even scarier Pokemon Zygarde complete form and I don't like the idea of switching anything into this thing so Tyranitar unfortunately to make way for a safe switch is gonna have to take one for the team this way we can get licky licky in for free who I really hope can take a hit a lot singing on this licky licky and luckily we survive it fairly well able to take out the Zygarde with a choice banned huge power ice punch unfortunately we're far from out of trouble since Leon course would have a Shiny Rayquaza we're in a very bad spot and we need a safe switch here so licky licky is gonna have to make the ultimate sacrifice but at least she died the way she lived with her tongue out this is a very important sacrifice since we can now send in choice scarf Salamence and I don't have much of a choice but to lock myself into outrage to finish off the Rayquaza Leon then sends in his fifth Pokemon qram which is Perfect Since outrage will out speed and take it out but it's got intimidate and while we can still out speed with our choice scarf because of that attack Nerf we don't have quite enough to take it out meaning Salamence gets absolutely destroyed by a blizzard with half of our team gone it's getting down to the wire and I know I only have one option to beat this thing there's no way that Hitmonlee can out speed this thing but we can survive on one HP with a focus Sash and that way take out the kirim with a close combat I was also actually expecting to lose Hitmonlee to Sandstorm here however luckily the Sans storm subsides and Leon shows me his final Pokemon it's a Pikachu this is overwhelmingly good news well definitely not for Hitmonlee since Pikachu is faster and definitely capable of taking out its remaining 4 HP now the great news is that both of our remaining Pokemon can resist Pikachu's electric type moves and stall out its Dynamax turns on four restores and strike back with powerful moves like outrage to guarantee our victory and that ladies and gentlemen is how I beat a Pokemon Sword randomizer hardcore Nuzlocke it really came down to the wire but the most important thing to take from this video is that if you don't subscribe I'm giving your number to opal
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 259,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -YXu0MmsUsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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