Pokemon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Worst Possible Encounters!

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the most popular type of pokemon challenge run over the past six months has been the hardcore nuzlocke these rules make the typical nuzlocke harder since you're not allowed to use items in battle level up your pokemon more than the upcoming gym leader's highest level pokemon or play on switch mode in addition to these rules people have added their own twists on it such as only using one type or only being able to use status moves since i never get my own ideas i'll be doing one as well with pokemon platinum my twist on this will be to only use the worst pokemon present in each wild area i'm about to list several new rules regarding the encounters but you can skip ahead since i'll also put them in the description i will define the worst by comparing the placements of the highest obtainable evolution stages of the pokemon i am capturing on this tier list which was made by the most popular nuzlocke channel pokemon challenges this list ranks every pokemon based on how good they are in a nuzlocke say that a route has only starly and machop starly would be represented by star raptor and machop would be represented by machoke not machamp since i can't obtain trade evolutions since starraptor isn't the a tier and machoki's in the c tier machop would be my encounter although the tweet says pokemon within tears are loosely ordered loosely ordered is better than not ordered at all i'm banning any pokemon present in the a tier and not using any static encounters that means no starter i'm also only allowed to use one of a certain pokemon during the run if a pokemon is the worst on two different routes and i already caught one from the first route then i will be unable to catch any pokemon on the second route the final rule is that unless a route contains absolutely no tall grass i can only get land encounters this rule stops water types from becoming a majority of the encounters fair warning that this is my first hardcore nuzlocke so i will make a lot of mistakes sorry about the long intro but now it's time to begin the run i named myself after six sevenths of regirock sideways i don't remember what i was thinking and then i named my rival 42 percent i'll make up an explanation later you start the game off by watching television which is a much more accurate example of what activities 10 year olds are likely to do rather than you know leaving their houses and traveling for miles catching pokemon to make money since water types are going to be the most common worst encounter i want the rival to have a grass type so the run will be tougher later in the game i choose piplup which i will get rid of once i get my first encounter piplup takes out churchwick with ease and then my rival and i meet a disillusioned 27 year old man near lake verity don gives me five pokeballs and i head over to route 201 during night time to catch my first pokemon cricket dot i forgot to nickname it but i can just do that later i deposit piplup in the box and it's time to go back to lake verity to catch another pokemon me doof believe it or not bidoof is the best pokemon i'm gonna get this run according to the list of course it's worth noting that in hardcore nuzlockes if you have pokemon that can use hms you have to teach it to them that means you can't use separate hm bonds unless you have absolutely no pokemon that can use a certain hm there are no encounters i can catch on rats 202 203 or 204 since krykat is the worst pokemon on all of them if you notice that i skip encounters in any future areas the vast majority of the time it's because i already have or have had the worst pokemon present there or because i just forgot training cricket is super annoying as using bite is a time intensive process which also gives the opposing pokemon more chances to get a critical hit i reach jubilee city pick up the poke and get krikatot to level 10 where it evolves into cricket tune now i head to rat 203 and take on my rival he only has a starley and a turtwig beadoof takes out the lower leveled starly with a few tackles and then i send out qrika tune as the churchwood uses withdraw fury cutter is really good here as it doubles in power each time it is used consecutively it's basically a weaker rollout that doesn't lock you into the same move four fury cutters knocked her twick out i meet my next encounter in orber gate a psyduck i train up psyduck in the orbruck mines because it's by far the best pokemon on my team to take on rourke i do get an encounter here as well and onyx unfortunately onyx is pretty strong early in the game and deals too much damage to my team for me to risk capturing it i enter the orberg gym and take on rourke said ko's both geodude and onyx with a single water gun rork's cranidos outspeeds and gets a leer off while water gun does about 75 rourke uses a potion and a second water gun leaves cranidos with about one hp it turns out both pokemon speed tie is inside of godspeeds this next time and takes out cranny dose i encounter and demolish team galactic grunts for the first of many times and head north of jupiter city onto route 204 after a brief stop in flor aromatown i head to the valley windworks to get my next encounter apacharisu before taking on team galactic again i train up my pokemon primarily bedouf beduf evolves into the barrel at level 15. once the barrel is level 18 i challenge commander mars several headbutts take out both of her pokemon zubat and perugli route 205 is next and i'm immediately greeted by cheryl upon entering eternal forest this is great for leveling up pokemon since cheryl automatically heals your pokemon after every battle eterna city is next and i head over to the name raider to nickname krikatun i choose the name banjo on route 211 during night time i get my next pokemon a hoot hoot i level up my pokemon to the next level cap and on the wait hoot hood hits level 20 and evolves into noctile time to challenge gardenia she sends out a church wig as i send out qriketoon triftwood can't really do anything so this is a great time to start setting up i want to use focus energy to make critical hits with fury cutter more likely which might be relevant due to churchwick having reflect i use syng to give me free turns to set up but i missed 2 times right off the bat i use focus energy and then fury cutter but tertwig wakes up after only two sleep turns setting up sunny day i get greedy and gopher sing again which was a misplay on my part since another fury cutter crit would have ko tertwig i'm punished for missing as it sets up another reflect i should really stop clicking the 55 percent accurate move eventually churchwood goes down to leech life allowing qrikachin to regain most of its hp in the process gardenia sends out cherum which eventually hits a leech seed the damage stacks up too much so i have to switch into noctal noctal's only attacking move is peck but that's enough to finish cherem off blast is roserade but noctal's high special defense stat allows it to take roserade's hits with ease since i'll have several chances to hit hypnosis i decide that it's worth going for it and use it on the first turn it hits and roserade stays asleep for four consecutive turns allowing noctal to eventually end the battle since i can use the hm cut now i can access the old chateau which holds my next encounter gastly gasoline haunter have three immunities along with good offenses so they'll be great additions to the team after leveling up my pokemon including the barrel all the way up to the level cap of the following gym leader i challenge jupiter one headbutt is enough to take out zubat hyperfang deals a big chunk of damage to skunk tank and activates its citrus berry two headbutts finish it off on the way to heart home city i accidentally battle a hiker with cricket tuned at the front of my party geodude is a high enough level to use self-destruct which is effectively a 400 base power move in this game due to it having the target's defense none of my pokemon can survive that but fortunately i have a psyduck damp blocked self-destruct from activating and i just kodi dude the following turn after a brief encounter with cyrus and going through route 208 i reach heart home city time to battle fantina i lead off with psyduck as she leads off with duskol psyduck uses water pulse to deal about 40 to duskull and gets burned by willowisp in return i want her to use her healing item early so i water pulse again as duskull uses future sight somehow it is not in potion range so another water pulse finishes it off miss maggie's comes in and this is the pokemon that i'm most worried about miss maggie's has shadow ball psi beam and magical leaf all coming off a 105 base special attack stat i switch out my low health psyduck into noctile to possibly take a shadow ball but miss maggiest uses cybim instead the future set kicks in and my special wall has already lost a third of its hp not good i should have at least three chances to hit hypnosis so i attempt to land one miss maggie's uses confuse ray but noctal breaks through and misses the second one lands though currently the only pokemon i have that can actually take advantage of miss maggie's low defense stat is pachirisu cricketeen cannot because ghost resists bug spark can deal a solid chunk of damage and give me the possibility of paralyzing miss magnus if it wakes up since gym leaders don't use full restores a paralysis would be huge miss mackies wakes up early hits a confused ray and then gets paralyzed by spark one more spark activates its citrus berry but patrice gets put into range of a critical hit by shadow ball which i don't want to risk yet i go into the barrel but it's only move that can actually hit miss maggias's water gun after we trade a few magical leafs and water guns fantina uses her super potion the barrel is too low so i have to switch out again i don't think that qriketoon will do anything for the rest of the run so i decide to sacrifice it it actually deals a solid amount of damage before going down though i send out patricius to get off one more spark before switching out again miss maggie's unfortunately crits knocked out with sybeem as it switches in leaving it with only 25 hp it finally stays fully paralyzed after not doing so for several turns and noctal takes it out with only 12 hp to spare fantina's last pokemon is haunter with the moveset of shadowclaw sucker punch hypnosis and confuse ray i identify that noctal can't be affected by two of these moves shadowclaw due to its typing and hypnosis due to its ability insomnia because of this i just have to get rid of the power points of the other two moves sucker punch and confuse ray i repeatedly switch between vivero and noctel as haunter switches between hypnosis sucker punch and confuse ray even though i lost count midway through it starts to use hypnosis several times consecutively signaling that it does run out of sucker punch and confuse ray pp noctul confuses haunter a few times and i defeat fantina only using krikatune in the process in the gateway between heart home city and rat 209 i'm challenged by my rival i don't want pacharisa to be intimidated so i lead with psyduck and switch on the first turn spark hits through double team two times in a row and star avia goes down weasel goes down to a spark and a quick attack grottle comes in so i switched to noctal a few uproars take it out as i realize i forgot to box qrikatune i send out biberel to fight ponita just one critical hit water gun is enough to knock it out and i win the battle i deposit qrikatune and enter route 209 surprisingly my encounter here is rosalia yes roserade is lower on the list than the barrel i nickname it a loser because that's what rosalia sounds like backwards definitely after a brief stop in salesian town and a truck through route and and a trek throughout 210 i get to route 215. the worst encounter here is either merrell or lichitan a zoom roll is in the low b tier but licky lookies in the haven't used enough tier i decide that i will catch a merrell and box it if it has the ability huge power which doubles attack since that might be too good to use in this run i nicknamed it kanye unfortunately it is huge power so that's another encounter down the drain after arriving at veilstone city i deposit merrell in the box head to route 214 to train pick up the tm-28 dig inside of roon maniac cave and then challenge maylene noctel fortunately learned air slash level 32 the level cap it's the first strong stab move that takes advantage of its decent special attack anyways meleen's first pokemon metatite uses fakeout to deal a bit of damage to noctile it gets taken out by one air slash same with machoke noctil levels up past the level cap but that's allowed if it happens during the gym battle itself lucario is really tough to beat since it one hit or two hit ko's my entire team except for knockdown i decide that my best option is to either put it to sleep with noctal which i'll have two chances to do or paralyze it with a spark from pachurisu i take a force bomb don't get paralyzed and hit hypnosis on my first try the chances of not getting paralyzed and hitting hypnosis were 42 anyways i air slashed twice to get lucario in the red for some reason meline doesn't use a potion so i get another air slash off and win i probably should have used confusion instead of the second air slash to avoid that healing possibility entirely don and i chase off a couple galactic grunts and i get the hm for fly in the galactic warehouse i teach it to noctil i get route 213 and arrive at pastoria city a battle with 42 percent ensues psyduck and starravia trade blows and then my rival switches into grotto i send out noctal in response an air slash and a takedown take it down i switch out to be barrel to face ponita i use water gun to chip ponita and then yonder try to put it to sleep i made a mistake by keeping the barrel in on the second turn of the yawn risking it fainting to a critical hit water gun chao's ponytail in its sleep and starivia sent out i switched to noctal and one air slash is enough his final pokemon is weasel which rosilia deals with in one giga drain i wait for the morning to get my encounter on route 213 a chat on chat is utterly terrible with 75 45 42 defenses i finally have a full team of six though and challenged the gym i got really lazy with level grinding as my entire team going into the fight is a good bit lower than the level cap of 37 except pachirisu which is at 36. i lead pachurisu as crasher roik leads gyarados pacharisu's recently acquired discharge just barely doesn't ko gyarados but fully paralyzes it wake burns a hyper potion and an intimidated spark deals about 50 wake switches into quagsire to avoid taking any damage the following turn i switch to rosalia and take a rock jume flagshire is very slow so resilia is still at speeds and ko's backside with giga drain it really helped that rosalia had a jolly nature floats will conceal resilia with ice bang so i have to switch out into the barrel ice bank still does a chunk to the barrel i get a yawn off the following turn but take an insane amount of damage from crunch i don't know why floatzel is doing so much maybe it's because the barrel is nine levels lower floatzel is likely to use aquajet so i switch to noctil the floatzil goes to sleep and i switch to patchurisu the following turn discharge deals enough damage to it ko floatzel even with the citrus berry floatzol wakes up in one turn outs beats pachurisu and uses crunch but faints to the next discharge the paralyzed half-health gyarados comes out and i put it out of its misery to win the battle a bomb explodes in the great marsh and i have to chase the culprit for about a mile before catching up to him after destroying him cynthia gives me the secret potion to move some side x out of the way so it turns out my recording software didn't record this portion of the run correctly so i don't have footage from this point in the game to the end of the byron battle this means i'm missing three major battles the first battle with cyrus and selestic town the rival fight in cantaloupe city and the gym leader fight against byron also in cantaloupe city i don't exactly remember how the first two of those went though i do remember that my somewhat over leveled gold duck went crazy and took out about 6 out of their combined 8 pokemon however i remember exactly how the battle went against byron so i'll show you what happened using actual real-life wild footage from pokemon showdown.com i taught patrice to dig with the tm i obtained in rune maniac cave because none of my current pokemon can really touch his first pokemon magneton without taking a bunch of damage in return dick deals about 60 to magneton and pachurisu doesn't take much damage from tri-attack in return magneton goes down to a second dig byron sends out stelix i don't want to take an earthquake so i switch into golduck golduck has surf which i taught it using the hm that cynthia's grandmother gave me back in scholastic town surf takes out stelix easily byron's last pokemon is bastrodon but it will survive a surf due to its massive 138 base special defense stat it also has metal bursts which steals 1.5 times the damage it takes from an attack assuming it goes second i switch to the barrel and take a stone edge i haven't used rocksmash to put bastiodon in range of a surf as it takes another stone edge both the barrel and golduck are now in range of a critical hit stone edge i need a safe way to get golduck in so i decide it's time to make a sacrifice i switch out into shadow since i don't really need it for the rest of this run terminator gets terminated by a stone edge golda comes in and finishes bastardon off alright back to actual footage although i just need the hm for strength which riley gives you at the front of the cave to move on in the game i decide to level up my pokemon in iron island since a few tough battles with team galactic are coming up i teach strength to the barrel team galactic plans to abduct every single pokemon in iron island so i take them on while teaming up with riley i have to barely use strength the entire battle while riley zakario somehow faints to a bunch of lower leveled incompletely evolved pokemon team galactic complements us by calling our combination sick i pick up a shiny stone and then head back to cantaleigh library where another bomb explodes this one is significantly larger than the other one as it causes an earthquake across the region at lake valor our favorite blue haired bunch is up to no good again time to battle commander saturn for the first time he sends out golbat as i send out pacharisu two discharges take it out toxic croak is next and pacharisu takes way too much from poison jab it did not get poisoned though so everything is fine i switched to golduck which i honestly should have led with and a confusion takes toxic out golduck is getting low on health so i switched to the barrel bronzor is really weak offensively so there's nothing to worry about a million water guns later i win the next lake i have to go to is lake verity where i battle mars again i send out noctal into her golbat noctal gets flinched deals big damage with air slash gets flinched again and then misses air slash knocktails on thin ice i switch into pacharisu and take golbat out again bronzor is really weak so i click discharge a few times after pachurisu hits itself in confusion two times in a row i switch into golduck which finishes bronzer off with surf correctly goes down to two serps even with the citrus berry activating next up is snow point city starting now this challenge gets a lot more difficult i pass through mount coronet and reach route 216 which my laptop does not take well at all my encounter here is the snow run which pachurisu pacharisu unfortunately crits and ko's with dick i have three more chances to catch one though and plan to try my luck at the acuity lakefront during night time in the meantime though i use the shiny stone to evolve rosalia when i encounter snowrun at the lakefront i immediately throw a quick ball and am successful i nickname it after its secret evolution i train my pokemon on route 218 all the way to the level cap and on the way snowrun evolves into glayly i purchased the tm for blizzard from the veilstone department store to teach the glaily and get the miracle seed for rosary to hold before fighting candace i switch golduck to the front of my party this time all my pokemon are at the level cap her first pokemon is sneezel although bavaro can beat sneasel as well i need it to be healthy later in the fight two surfs take out sneezel candice sends out obama snow next and it's time to say goodbye to noctal none of my pokemon can take a woodhammer and another attack from obama snow and noctal is the only pokemon i don't need anymore woodhammer deals a large amount of damage and i go for an air slash fishing for the possibility of a crit or a flinch i get the immediate crit and i guess noctal doesn't want to die today pillow swine is next and i decide to switch to golduck to either take a stone edge or avalanche stone edge doesn't do enough and surf picks up pillow swine candace's ace is frostless which has snowpluck this means most moves are 20 less accurate than they usually are to add to this it also has double team fortunately because it sees a ko on golduck it uses shadow ball doing nothing to my barrel it uses double team the next turn but i click yawn which bypasses accuracy checks i need to get maximum use out of frost losses sleep turns so i switch out to the better snow run evolution the turn before it goes to sleep at the cost of getting hit by psychic blizzard bypasses accuracy checks and hail but even with the icicle plate it only does about 30 percent since i don't want her to use healing items i use crunch for the rest of the battle since the first one would most likely activate her citrus berry and the second wood ko although it's just barely above 50 accurate right now the first crunch hits and what do you know it crits again i almost certainly should have lost one pokemon this fight but that's just the game that we play these lines read pretty sarcastically i don't think candace is that happy she got crit twice 42 apparently lost to jupiter what a loser i fly back to vale stone wipe out all the grunts in the warehouse and pick up the tm for sludge bomb and the galactic key i immediately teach sludge bomb to roserade after also clearing the galactic headquarters of grunts i battle cyrus the barrel uses rock's match twice to take out sneezel i know the barrel will tank one hit from crobat so i have it use yawn i probably should have just switched out into patrice or gold duck but this worked out now i switch into patch urisu but it doesn't take out krobot with two discharges cyrus uses a full restore and the next discharge paralyzes crobat two more discharges later krobat goes down crow is last i switch out to glaily take a lot of damage from knight slash and drill peck and then fire back with an icicle plate boosted ice fang which activates honcho citrus berry i switch out into golduck and two serps are enough to take it out next up i battle saturn for the second time i switch the barrel out into paturisu and get confused by golbat's confuse ray pacharisu hits itself in confusion but hits a discharge the second time around i have to switch out due to patrice's low hp and go into golduck a surf knocks out golbat bronzor is next surf deals about sixty percent as bronzer's extra sensory doesn't do much the nexurf knocks it out toxic croak is last goldilock has taken too much toxic damage so i switch out into noctile as toxicroak uses x scissor after taking a lot from poison jab extra sensory chaos it in one hit i set the lake trio free and then try to talk to this guy who literally does nothing the entire game except be there and talk about himself time for the final team galactic episode in mount coronet there are two grunts blocking the entrance to spear pillar but like the ones in iron island they only have incompletely evolved pokemon what's going on here are grunts just not allowed to evolve their pokemon my two worst pokemon take care of the grunts by spamming blizzard and air slash the entire fight before the double battle against jupiter and mars i fly to pastoria city and head to a small patch of land across the water here i find a mystic water which boosts the damage of water type moves by 20 percent i give it to golduck go all the way back to mount coronet and team up with barry to try to take down mars and jupiter my plan is to press surf as many times as possible mars and jupiter each send out bronzers which will set up reflect and light screen both bronzers go down after three surfs but one of their extra sensories unfortunately crits golduck i surf one more time as much likes goes down i avoid targeting per ugly and instead zen headbutt golbat since i want to kill both pokemon at the same time the following turn unfortunately my rival star after chaos prerogative with close combat golbat uses sludge bomb which i didn't know it had because i was looking at mars goldbat moveset instead of jupiter's fortunately i am not punished for this as golduck does not get poisoned that could have just ended the run right there now mars's golbat comes out and i switch into glaily i decide to just go for blizzard since it's almost certain that glaily survives this turn however golbat uses confuserae and glaily hits itself in confusion i have to switch out into the barrel and let my rival do most of the work from here star after k was the golbat and rapidash ko skuntang cyrus summons dialgun palkia to destroy the world but the three pixies stopped them giratina causes cyrus to step back and scream in fear or maybe that's his voice getting distorted i don't know i really like how the giratina scene happens at the bottom of the ds rather than the top i'm nowhere near ready to enter the distortion world right now the current level cap is 50 so i want to get most of my pokemon to 48 or 49 to leave room for levels between the cyrus fight and the sunnyshore gym i head to the silesian daycare to level up my pokemon 2 at a time and bike back and forth while at the daycare the barrel learns superpower which will allow it to one-shot cyrus's weavile i go to iron island to pick up an item the magnet which boosts electric type attacks i give the magnet to patch irisu and then enter the distortion world cyrus time heli town doom while i lead golduck one surf ko's hound doom cyrus sends in gyarados i need to get some chip damage on it and a safe switching into patchy so after that since discharge won't do enough to ko i switch into noctal which takes no damage since gyarados uses earthquake noctal takes a lot from ice paying and retaliates with air slash which doesn't do as much damage as i'd like it's likely that gyarados uses ice bang again so i switch into glaily gyarados crits a waterfall and glaily uses ice bang to definitively put it in range of a discharge that critical hit is really bad since now it can use any of its four moves due to seeing a possible kill with every single one of them i can't hard switch into pachurisu since an earthquake would knock it out it's time to let glayly go gyarados uses iceping and somehow it doesn't do enough allowing glaily to ice bang one more time this is good since it forces cyrus to burn a full restore gyarados finally chaos glaily pachurisu knocks gyarados out with discharge the next turn he sends out wave isle which will always click fake out on the first turn if it's not in front of a ghost type the barrel takes the fake out and then the following night slash then ko's weavile with superpower cyrus sends out haunch crow i want to safe switching into golduck so i sacrifice noctal two serps ko honshgro his last mod is crobat and since golduck is relatively healthy i keep it in and click surf which deals about 70 percent crobat uses air slash which flinches golduck so i have to switch out into pachurisu pacharisu takes nothing from airslash breaks through confusion and wins the battle with discharge with glailey gone kao and giratina is kind of tough i teach rosarite protect to try to protect toxic strategy on turns where giratina uses shadow force i can just switch into bibarel i hit toxic and giratino deals solid damage with ominous wind the following turn roserade uses giga drain but giratina gets the omni boost from ancient power giratina uses shadow force allowing me to switch into the barrel one turn later it succumbs to toxic damage after the battle it occurs to me that i could have at least tried to run instead of fight cyrus says his final sore loser words and i exit the distortion world send offspring has another encounter but i fly to san gem town first to report to professor rowan if you see noktel in my party at any point later in the run i am only using it to fly as none of my current or future pokemon can learn it i talk to rowan head back to route 214 and then re-enter sendoff spring my encounter here is a chingling i nickname it cheese there's no blackout blocking the road to sunnyshore city anymore so i get there after a short trip throughout 222 i send vulchner back to the gym defeat all the gym trainers and then head to route 222 to train my pokemon up to the level cap level 50. time to prepare items back on route 214 i find two cherry berries blockner has a jolteon with thunder wave and right to its static so these will probably activate at least once during the battle north of orbit city is route 206 where i find the poison barb roserate is fast but not that powerful due to its jolly nature which boosts speed and lowers special attack the poison barb should help with this issue by powering up sludge bomb i give the cherry berries to golda and pachorisu since i need to keep rose ridden pachurisu healthy for later in the battle i choose to lead with golduck jolteon should always use either thunder wave or charge beam on the first turn so i should get at least one surf off before needing to switch out the final gym battle begins and vulchner really wants to punch you jolty on thunder waves on the first turn activating the cherry berry surf does about half to it golduck tastes less than half from charge beam but jolteon gets a special attack boost surf leaves it with a sliver forcing vulchner to use a hyper potion the following turn i use that opportunity to hit another surf after that i switch into pachirisu to take a charge beam jolteon gets a crit with the next charge beam but faints to dig two turns later welkner sends out electrifier now fun fact about this game all trainer pokemon have fixed ivs and natures meaning that in any save file all their stats will be the exact same numbers using this document provided by smogon user sb879 which i'll link below i know that electrifier has an odd hp stat superfang which always deals damage equal to half of the target's remaining hp will therefore not activate electrify or citrus berry since pokemon almost always rounds down decimals the citrus berry does not activate and pachurisu lives a fire punch with just 17 hp this basically guarantees that electrifier will use quick attack allowing me to freely switch and roserade one poison bar boosts sludge bomb ko's electavire luxory comes out and has the ability rivalry this means it will deal 25 percent more damage if the target shares its gender and 25 percent less if the opposite is true which is fortunately true in this case i gicka drain knowing firefang definitely won't ko after gaining a bit of hp i then try to estimate the amount of damage the sludge bomb will do to determine if using it or giga drain is better gigatrain is a 60 base power move while sludge bomb is 108 with a poison barb since giga drain did about 40 percent to luxury a sludge bomb should do about 72 percent that's enough damage to basically guarantee a ko so i go for it lux ray goes down raichu is vulchner's last pokemon with the move's charge beam signal beam focus blast and quick attack i make sure roserade is faster and then use sludge bomb knowing that none of raichu's attacks can ko it i probably should have giga drained though roserade is probably in quick attack range now so i need to switch weirdly enough my best place to switch into the barrel since it should tank any combination of the next two attacks raichu uses signal beam meaning i didn't need to switch focus flash brings the barrel down to a comfortable amount of hp and it takes out raichu with strength i talk to jasmine north of sunnyshore and get the hm for waterfall because i have friends finally a physical water type move for the barrel the next encounter is remoraid which can be found on both route 223 and the pokemon league through fishing i get one at the pokemon league on top of the waterfall and name it charles victory road is a k-clock but i'm definitely not ready to take on the elite four i level up my pokemon in silesiontown again and then it's time for the final battle with 42 percent i lead with golduck and a single mystic water boosted surf is enough to take it out i switch gold duck into rosarito to take a leaf storm and then two sludge bombs take torterra out golduk comes back in to take on rapidash rapidash misses bounce and then gets bounced by a surf harry cross goes down to two surfs floatzel also goes down to two surfs my rival's last pokemon is snorlax to which i send out the barrel the barrel is paralyzed by a body slam but takes out snorlax the following turn with a critical hit from superpower since it's night time and shingling is at max happiness from biking up and down it evolves i need a lot of money so i head over to route 212 and then the trophy garden i run back and forth between the two rich trainers here activating the vs seeker when available once i've made enough money i head over to the game corner and burn 560 thousand pokey dollars on 30 000 coins i use this money to buy three tms one for ice beam and two for psychic i learned afterwards that there was an ice beam tm on route 216 so i didn't really need to purchase it in celestic town i entered the town shop and talked to the glasses dude during the morning he hands over the choice specs i teach golduck ice beam and then go to the hardskill tutor in pastoria to get it to remember a move i haven't learned amnesia in canterlave i go to the move deleter to have the barrel forget strength i teach it return instead with all the cycling i've done the barrel should be very happy and return should have its maximum base power of 102. time for a final team recap corleone the golduck is holding the choice specs its defense is massive for some reason even though that's actually its lowest base stat the high special attack and speed are pretty nice though for the record i have done effectively no targeted ev training this run golduk has surf icebeam hydropump and amnesia a loser the roserade holding the poison barb has only three moves right now gigadrain sludge bomb and toxic all its stats are great except for defense and attack so basically golduck is my physical wall and roserade is my special wall arizona the barrel is not holding an item and has decent attack and speed stats i wanted to try using a sword stance set because of its ability simple which double stat changes but it's just too slow and doesn't get a speed boosting move in this game it has yawn superpower waterfall and return best friend the pacharisu is holding the magnet and has the moves dig superfang quick attack and discharge as expected from it being unable to ko gyarados it's attacking stats are all terrible it's still as much of a special wall as roserade though it feels so weird to call these pokemon walls charles the artillery is holding the mystic water although its bulk and speed aren't great its attacking stats are fantastic primarily the special attack believe it or not this speed stat is also really high for an artillery and it can out speed some pokemon in the elite 4 such as aaron sizor and vespiquan it has the move spire blast which i taught it using a tm from the department store ice beam cybeem and surf i probably should have taught it psychic with one of my two tms because that's just better than sai beam cheese the chimeko has an underwhelming moveset consisting of astonish psychic which i had to teach it with the tm uproar and last resort it's holding the odd incense to boost the power of the one good move it has it has a solid special attack stat but nothing else to really write home about i expect it to serve as a sacrifice and basically nothing else i'm limping to the finish line but i think i'm in a great position to win this run aaron is first up and sends out a yen mega it goes down to one choice backs boosted surf hare crosses next and takes a ton of damage from surf it retaliates with a swarm boosted megahorn but that misses there's no way that that would have kod if it hit but taking no damage is almost always better than taking some damage after aaron heals the next two serves knock harry cross out vespequin is next and i switch out to artillery vespaquin uses defend order to raise its defense and special defense by one stage each ice beam still too it chaos it but i take a big attack order critical hit in between aaron sends that sizor which has a good chance of knocking artillery out with quick attack i send in golduck but scissor lands x scissor and lands a critical hit i need golda kelty for a future pokemon so i have no choice but to switch out i switch into pachirisu to see if it'll live two hits but the answer is no the barrel doesn't take as much however i use this opportunity to yawn as scizor brings the barrel down into the red i switch into roserade since it's now the only one of my pokemon that can live in axozor sisuar falls asleep and i go back into artillery i should have a couple opportunities to land fire blast since artillery is faster the first one fortunately lands and aaron sends out his last pokemon drapeon due to all the crits that were thrown around all my pokemon are in range of a night slash except for golduck drapeon doesn't even knight slash clicking axes or instead i'm not confident in surf ko'ing so i decide to risk missing and go for a hydro pump it hits and i win without having to sacrifice any pokemon i probably shouldn't have switched golduck out against the vespaquin i heal up my team and switch rosary to the front of the party in preparation for bertha she sent out wiscash gigadrain easily ko's it fly score is next and i send out gold duck to tank an earthquake from here surf one at ko's glice corps golem ryperio and hippodon two members down two to go i heal up and switch golduck back to the front of my party before battling flint all five of his pokemon are weak to water and slower than golduck so you can guess how this goes houndoom infernape rapidash that mortar and flareon all go down to one surf each i use the max ether on surf because there's only three left and use a pp up on hydro pump because there's a possibility of that being irrelevant against lucian i move the barrel to the front of the party then take the choice specs off of golduck the mystic water off of octillery and the poison barb off of roserade i give rosaria the choice specs cold up the mystic water and artillery citrus berry because i don't know if there's any better item for it right now i finally teach rose rate its fourth move shadow ball which would really help against lucian's psychic types lucian sends out a mystery mine with screens psychic and thunderbolt i want to put his mr mem to sleep since it's one of the least threatening bonds on his team this will give golduck an opportunity to set up amnesia's which will help with the espeon alakazam and bronzong and lucian's party once mr mime goes to sleep i switch into golda i set up in amnesia but mr mime gets a one turn wake and deals a solid chunk of damage with thunderbolt i set up one more amnesia since surf wouldn't ko due to light screen anyway next turn once light screen is gone surf ko's mr mime alakazam is energy ball but with two amnesia's on a board golduk should be able to tank two hits because of this i have two opportunities to hit hydro pump the first one hits and al kazam goes down lucian sends out glade his most threatening pokemon in my opinion at least to my team he can at least two would ko every single member on the team right now i switch in pachirisu and it doesn't take a leaf blade well i super fangillate to deal as much damage as i can but i forget that it has citrus berry so it's back at 75 percent patricia goes down marking the first casualty of the elite four i switching chimecho to face golade hopefully one psychic will put it in range of a move from either roserade or golduck it does enough and i switch to rosary the following turn since there's no chance glade will use psycho cut lucian switches out on the same turn into espeon not sure why that happened but it probably doesn't affect the result rosarite is faster and should always take a psychic from espeon so i feel safe and going for shadowball shadowball doesn't kos beyond but psychic doesn't chao roserade either it doesn't even put rose rate into quick attack range lucian is forced into a hyper potion but two more shadow balls take down espeon bronzong comes out so i send an artillery bronzong use this calm mind even with a special defense boost bronzong doesn't survive a fire blast and a surf glade comes back out and is going to click leaf blade because that can ko artillery my only hope to get through this fight without another death is by switching into my 33 hp roserade which four times resists that move leaf blade doesn't do enough so roserade chaos glade with shadow ball that was intense but the hardest battle in the run still awaits i heal my pokemon one final time switch golduck to the front of my party give rosarite's choice back to golduck and give rosarite back the poison barb i teach roserade the move crass knot since it's more useful than giga drain for this fight i also teach at swagger to help me get out of a bad situation if necessary all the hiccups and setbacks i've experienced during this run won't matter if i can just win this battle cynthia leads with spirit tomb which goes down to a couple surfs but not before dealing about a third to golduck with shadowball she sends out roserade next so i switch into my own rosarite expecting an energy ball she uses sludge bomb instead for some reason i don't think golduck would have fainted to that so i don't know why she did that either way that there's a wrench in my plan since i was planning on my rosary to eat an energy ball and an extra sensory while chaoing cynthia's with two poison bar boosted sludge bombs i switch into chimecho hoping that roserade will use its super effective move extra sensory it indeed uses that allowing chymeca to live a potential sludge bomb the following turn rosary dies is toxic for some reason and chimecho doesn't care rosarite with the odd and sense boosted psychic this might be better though since cynthia is forced to burn a full restore after another psychic that deals about 99 percent chymeco goes down to sludge bomb due to taking too much damage from toxic i send in rosary to finish off cynthia's roserade she sends out togekiss so i send in bibarel knowing that it will be faster the incoming air slash deals less than half i have the barrel used return dealing about 40 to toga kiss toga kiss uses air slash again rather than auraspeaker or shockwave both of which would have knocked the barrel out i guess the first air slash must have been a pretty low roll if it saw ko with the next one i click waterfall to simultaneously avoid putting togekiss into healing range while also giving me a chance to get lucky with the flinch i don't get the flinch so bubero goes down she has four pokemon left while i have three i send golduck back in and then ice beam takes out togekiss garchomp comes out and i know golduck will definitely survive an earthquake or dragon rush without a crit she uses dragon rush but there's not even a chance for a crit or flinch to happen because it misses garchomp goes down and i have taken the lead i need about thirty percent of chip damage on melodic so that rose red can ko it with grass knot ice beam deals a bit more than fifteen percent so i can reach that benchmark easily without that dragon rush miss i would have had to switch out into roserode immediately get a grass nut off and then ko melodic with a specs boosted hydro pump the mafia boss goes down and now it's time for roserade and artillery to finish the job roserate's grass not chaos melodic cynthia's last pokemon is lucario to which rosary deals a small chunk of damage with shadow ball i forgot that steel resists ghost so i should have just clicked the 80 base powered grass knot instead lucario stoned knocks out roserade bringing the game down to a one on one it's all up to charles it looks like i forgot to eat throughout fireblast but i'll only have two chances at most anyways lucario's aurosphere does a lot but after healing back up with citrus berry fire blast hits lucario down cynthia down that was a really tough run aaron lucian and cynthia all messed up my initial game plans forcing me to think on the fly my pokemon are inducted into the hall of fame and i finished the game in under 40 hours i know this run at several mistakes but it was the first hardcore nuzlocke i've ever completed so i'm really happy remember if you like the video like the video and if you like this kind of content subscribe only one percent of the people who watch my channel are subscribed which is a lot smaller than i'd like it to be i also said in my last video that comments help the algorithm and look how that went comments do indeed help the algorithm i'm always open to feedback on how to make my videos better and suggestions for future videos thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: flyingfalcons7
Views: 47,234
Rating: 4.9651265 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, hc nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore pokemon, worst encounters, worst pokemon, F-tier, F tier pokemon, trash pokemon, pokemon, pokemon platinum, trashlocke, pokemon diamond and pearl, dppt, platinum, can you beat pokemon platinum with bad pokemon, challenge, video, giratina, flyingfalcons, flyingfalcons7, pikachu, run, challenge run, pokemon challenges, pokemonchallenges, flygonhg, exp curve, experience, kricketune, chatot, glalie, pokemon challenge
Id: itSmjKLaic0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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