Can You Beat Pokemon Renegade Platinum With Cyrus's Team?! (rom hack, no items)

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well hello everyone my name is wigo and welcome back to another video today i'm going to be jumping into my first ever ds romhack and we're immediately going to be picking one of the best ones in pokemon renegade platinum this is what a normal pokemon game should actually look like pokemon renegade platinum does so much to the regular platinum and makes it look like it was made by some children for example some areas in platinum were never really used that much like the reggie gigas temple or the mansion right below hearth home city well in this rum hack they have actually implemented side stories that you have to go through to the game to actually go ahead and do some quests there a ton of quality of life improvements have also been made to the game like tms are made unlimited and regular platinum did not run that well on the regular ds so this game actually has a speed up patch that makes it run way smoother besides that trainer battles have also been made way harder than in regular platinum but i'm not talking as competitive as radical red or as hard as emerald kaizo so i'm going to be jumping into this game with a cyrus team i feel like this is going to be the perfect rom hack to use this in but cyrus does only have 5 pokemon while most pokemon trainers in this game do have 6. his team consists of weavile krobat hound doom gyarados and finally hunchgrove so not a bad team whatsoever but we are very weak to rock types anyway with that out of the way don't forget to smash that like button let's try to aim for 12 likes for cyrus also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done that already and with that out of the way let's just jump right into it of course we're going to be naming ourselves cyrus and our rival is going to be myself since a lot of people have been saying please play on set mode i will actually do it this time okay no more scrub as we go to barry's house we immediately see that there's something different here it's barry's dad back from the battle frontier he doesn't add much but it's just nice to see that his dad is actually home for once it doesn't really matter what pokemon i pick so i just pick chimchar beat up my rivals piplup with some embers i then travel to the lake to find an imposter of myself but don't worry we'll make sure he steps down and then we go to the catching tutorial which is actually been replaced by a battle with dawn so you have two rivals in this game which is way better than just a regular one in my opinion it actually gives dawn some kind of purpose which i find very intriguing she does have to start a week to you which is tert wig so i easily beat that up and then i get my pokeballs which means that i can capture my real starter and i'm going to be starting off with sneasel and i was super lucky because when i captured it it actually was holding a quick claw which can come in handy later on and i name it noir which is french for black as we reach the next city we also get our apple watch but we don't have to fight any clowns here he just gives it to you we then have our first real rival battle here and zugo right here has three pokemon already which are starley munchlax and of course piplup doesn't sound all that bad i know but the munchlax has rock tune which is super effective against my sneezel so i lost a couple of times but after i learned faint attack this battle was a breeze so after defeating my rival's starly munchlax and piplup i decided to capture my second team member zubat man and after capturing zoo batman i took on all the remaining trainers and i went over to rourke but as i said in the intro our team is very weak to rock types and of course the first gym leader has to be rock type which means that we of course automatically get destroyed i know i have two pokemon but zubat can basically only confuse his pokemon and that's about it the rest of its moves are useless against ruark there was this one annoying move on his nose pass what was it again oh yeah thunder wave the most annoying move ever because after he uses thunder wave i can't outspeed any one of his other team members which means that i pretty much did so i decided i can't lead off with my sneezel because of the nose pass so i'll have to take it out with my zubats confuse race after confusing the nosepass a couple of times i just had to use a few more bites in order to take it down next up was bonsling i don't really need zubat anymore so after using a couple of bites i do go down so i switch in sneasel to go for the metal claw and the bosley missed its attack so one more metal claw and it's down my attack then went up and i proceeded to one shot craney does as well geodude gets destroyed by an icy wind onix is no different and last up is larvitar to take down with middle claw as well and just like that we defeated o'rourke which means that we can move on to the valley windworks to take on mars to be honest i don't even like mars that much i'm more of a milky way kind of guy but mars's team is just a little bit different from normal she has a regular zubat emperor ugly but she has an added yanma and a bronzor on top of that but this battle was very easy because i was able to beat all of her pokemon with only my sneasel that means that i one shot at bronzer with fain attack janma went down by an ice shard zubat as well and then per ugly got killed by a fain attack critical hit as i was traveling my zubat also evolved into a goal bat we then reached the forest where normally you would just have to go with cheryl but here you have to battle her as well before you can take her with you her team consists of a drift loom which golbat can take care of a wilmer which manages to destroy my golbat with some rock tombs but luckily sneasel can finish it off with ice shard makuhira comes out i hit an ice shard but it doesn't take it out and it hits me with a break break leaving with only 3 hp but next turn i take it down last up is of course her mighty chansey but with that weak defense that we can one shot it with feign attack and go through the forest with her eventually we do reach the next city where we meet up with our imposter once again but he runs off like a little chicken and so i try to go to the gym but the gym is closed and gardenia is somewhere in the snowy mountains so i risk my life to find this girl and eventually send her back to her gym after almost freezing to death we do eventually reach her gym and my team should be super well built to take on erica right with golbat and sneazel both being super effective well it didn't go as smoothly as i expected she has a rose raid with extra sensory which can easily take care of my golbat and a braylon with some fighting type moves which also do a lot of damage on sneezel and of course a bulky grottle with leech seed which can get annoying as well but besides that the team was easy to take down so she starts off with a blossom which i can take down with my sneasel's ice shards then braylon comes out and i predict that it is gonna go for a mac punch so i go into golbat and take it down after that with a wing attack rose raid can easily take me down here with two extra sensories so i go for the hypnosis to put it to sleep it wakes up very quickly but two-wing attacks can still take it down next is tangela and this thing has a rock type attack so i go for another hypnosis to put it to sleep and then finish to take it down with two leech lives grotto comes out and puts a leech seed on me then i go for the wing attack he protects and i go for another wing attack to take it down her last pokemon is cherum and that thing can't stand a chance against my goal bat so we win our second gym badge now we can go to the team galactic building to beat up saturn her team really isn't that hard because she has a golbat a skunk tank a tangela and a sabley while sneezel takes care of colbat skunk tank and tangela with ice shards i do eventually go down to sably so i switch in golbat and finish off the battle to save this man's clefairy and banari he then gives us a free bike and then i totally forgot to pick up the old rod and i finally go back to pick it up and get myself our third team member magikarp the king even though it's female we can actually go to mount coronet until we go and lead this girl out of this cave i totally forgot that this event was even the main game because i'm pretty sure it's in normal platinum but it tucked it away so badly that no one really remembers this i'm pretty sure her battle was nothing special though he easily sweeped her entire team with sneezel's crunches after leading mira through the cave we can finally move on to mount coronet but before we enter we have another rival battle this time with dawn but dawn was something else because her team was not easy for me to take down she had a clefable which of course counters my sneezel totally with a moon blast and even my golbat couldn't really hurt it because of its bulk i also haven't really found a good grinding spot for magikarp yet so it has not turned into a gyarados her grottle also gave me some trouble but not as much as kolofableka flabel was definitely the hard factor in this battle anyway after a couple of attempts i was able to take her down with some rng luck she starts off with piloswine which my sneasel can take down with two metal claws after getting hit with an avalanche next one out is a low punny and normally low punny is not fighting ty but in this game she is so i'm predicting a jump kick on sneezel so i switching magikarp to let it go down then i switch in golbat i proceed to put the lopini to sleep and then take it down with some air slashes next tonight is clefable so i put it to sleep with my golbat then switching to my sneasel and finish it off with two metal claws now the final pokemon is of course grottle and so i tried to take you down with sneasel but it wasn't enough the seed bombs took me out so i switching my last hope golbat and even though i'm paralyzed i still managed to outspeed and take this thing down that's dawn out of the way so i go to heart home city but before we reach it i actually have to fight a a-run from the elite four and i get absolutely smacked by his bug types but that's normal because you don't have to beat him to proceed i then finally reach fantina's gym where my magikarp finally evolves into a gyarados fontina was pretty easy she starts off with drifblim so i start off at goldbed and put it to sleep and proceed to take it out with some crunches then miss magus comes out who is able to hit a power gem on me before i put it to sleep with hypnosis then i hit two crunches before it wakes up and takes me down so i have to switch in sneasel so i go for the crunch easily finish it off then gengar also an easy one shot with crunch dust gloves then comes out so i switch in king to get an intimidate off and i immediately get critical hit by a shadow punch taking me down so i go back into sneasel and two crunches a hyper potion and a nice shard later and she has to go into her next pokemon banette then last spirit tomb so i stay in with sneezel of course because i don't have anything else left go for the crunch my crunch gets disabled i go for the metal claw but it barely does any damage she heals up and three more ice shards win me my third gym badge while we're here i want to ask you guys what is your favorite romhack if you've ever played one because i want to see what you guys like of course we know what comes next the rival battle with ourselves his first pokemon like always is star ravia so i lead off with goldbed and i easily win this match up next nixon out is the thickest boy of them all snorlax so i stay in put it to sleep and crunch it to death then his primple up comes out by the way penguins are the best birds on earth fight me so golbat takes that thing down with three air slashes the last pokemon is heracross and of course another few air slashes later and we have defeated our rival again now normally we could just move on to meleen here but we get a side quest here about team galactic taking on the mansion south from here so we have to go ahead and scare them out of there as we arrive we see that some baby pokemon and clefairies are destroying this man sometimes life just do be like that and just as we think it's over and we're trying to leave we get stopped by another team galactic admin and his sidekick this old man but before we take them on i do have to mention that my golbat did evolve into a crowbab before this battle and of course with crobat and the help of our rival here we can easily overpower them without too many problems i can't show every major fight because otherwise this video would go on and on for hours just because of the sheer amount of content that is in this game and so after saving the mansion we can finally move on to the fourth gym leader may lean and crowbat is about to put in some work because sneezel really isn't built to take on any fighting types and so we start off the battle mericham vs golbat one air slash and it's down already next on out is galade so i go for the air slash and manage to flinch the glade and next turn of course another one is going to take it down next it out is infernape another couple of air slashes and it's out of here then lucario came out which i know i can one shot with air slash i can't even two shot it so i put it the sleeve then go for some air slashes until it wakes up then put it back to sleep and one more air slash finishes it off which means that she goes into toxic croak which manages to take down my crowbar so i have to switch in noir and i managed to get a critical hit with ice shark taking down toxic croak and then her final pokemon is machamp with a toxic orb so i start off by going for icy wind with sneasel to lower its speed but we immediately go down to a close combat but this did lower its defenses which means that gyarados can come in and sweep up with bounce we then meet up with the most useless character in all of pokemon looker then we capture our next team member houndaro which i'm going to be naming bob even though it's a girl once again and then finally i go back to the ghost tower to get myself a murkrow as well that completes our team after naming it pepe but yet again we can't take on crash awake yet we have to go through the entirety of the muddy route before we can take him on because at the end he's standing there you just talk to him and he goes back to his gym again another route that wasn't really utilized in the regular platinum but was totally utilized in this game i then looked into my bag and saw a dusk stone and immediately evolved my murkrow into hunch crow we then go back to crasher wake's gym but before we can enter we have to fight zwiggo again damn it's pretty weird saying your own name as we get into the battle it's star raptor versus gyarados so i set up a dragon dance and proceed to one shot it with icefang he then goes into braillum so i go for another icefang taking it down to its focus sash but then we get taken out by rock tomb i think i'm going to pep head but i get out spit and one shot because i'm way too low level on him then it's bob's time to shine and a heatwave finally takes down braylon heracross then comes out so i go for another heat wave before going down to a mega horn so zoo batman comes in and finishes it off in air slash then snorlax the thickest of them all once again comes out so i put it to sleep and drain its life with leech life arcanine is no problem either putting that thing to sleep then crunching it to death and last of his empoleon who goes down the same way as arcanine with some sleeps and some crunches now we can move on to crusher awake he of course specializes in the water typing which should be no problem for my team of course the man the myth the legend starts off with quacksire so i lead off with my gyarados set up some dragon dances and proceed to hit a bunch of ice fangs and bounces because the quaksar keeps on healing up will recover eventually though it isn't able to keep up anymore and we take it down i would have gone for aqua tail but it did have water absorb he then sends out his own gyarados so i go for the bounce get the paralysis he gets stuck in paralysis and i finish it off next turn with icefang floatzel then comes out and puts an end to my gyarados with awkward tail so i go into zoo batman put it to sleep and then finish the drain all its life with leech life he then sends out torpedo which is the dumbest thing he could have done so i leech life it but it has a focus sash and is able to hit me with waterfall but a crunch after that takes it down the last two pokemon polywrath and ludicolo both get destroyed by my zoo batman as well of course after getting our gym batch we meet up with cynthia who gives us the secret potion to get rid of some ducks and after doing that we almost reach old lady town but before we do we have to fight don again but i'm not gonna lie i was basically able to sweep four of her six team members with gyarados by setting up just one dragon dance and then aqua tailing most of them eventually though the vaporeon did take down my gyarados but then sneasel took care of that with some crunches after it was paralyzed and so after defeating don we finally meet up with our imposter but he made the mistake of leading with crobat so my sneasel obliterates it with a nice punch he then actually sends out a magnezone which is something we don't have and takes down my sneasel after i hit it with a crunch so i swap in hound doom go for the flamethrower and finish off magnazone that way next guy is hunchcrow so i start off by willow wisping it to lower its attack of course then i'm able to hit one more flamethrower before going down to brave bird but the hunch grow also goes down to its burn the last pokemon is weavile so i send in gyarados set up a dragon dance and finish off this dirty imposter with aqua tail now normally we could go to cantalave city but that is being guarded by a guard so we have to go to the ballpark first i had to beat up these two people that i don't know and then they give you some tea which you have to give to the guard in order to proceed after this we finally reach cantalave city and before we take on byron of course it's another battle with the rival of course the first pokemon that we face is going to be star raptor so one ice punch is easily able to carry us through that heracross comes out and i'm predicting a fighting type move of course so i switch in crobat go for the brave bird and easily one shot it empoleon then gets put to sleep by my crowbar i switch in gyarados and set up a bunch of dragon dances i then proceed to easily take out empoleon breilum and arcanine before his last pokemon snorlax comes out and takes me down he's then also able to take down my noir bob and zoo batman before pepe can come in and finish off snorlax once and for all then we see that byron's gym is actually not open because byron is training at iron island so we have to go through the entirety of iron island with riley before we can actually take on byron this includes an actual battle with riley which is something they never did in the main series games which is just sad anyway after defeating rally we go through the entirety of iron island and then of course go to byron of course byron has a lot of steel types and i do have a hound doom which is good against them but the rest of my team doesn't really stand up against them too well except for gyarados so i proceeded to set up three nasty plots on his first pokemon bronzong and then just go for the flamethrower to absolutely scorch it pepe then learns night slash he switches in stelix which also gets one shot and then agron comes out who manages to live on a focus sash so i just keep on flame throwing until that thing is down and the rest of his team fortress bastiodon and last up magnazone all go down to some flamethrowers as well and just like that we have defeated byron gained our sixth gym badge which means that we now have to move on to the leg battles against all of the team galactic admins the first one saturn was just an easy sweep with gyarados not gonna lie about that one mars was basically the same and how can don even lose against her the last time i faced dawn she even beat me it just doesn't really make sense now does it we then travel all the way to snow point city and here we can see that the richie gigas temple finally gets some love but we don't have to do much here we just have to help these two gym laters to put reggie gigas back to sleep we didn't even fight it so how did we put it to sleep like did we just bang it on the head with hammers i guess it will forever be a mystery of course after helping out candace she is also going to have to battle us i'm just going to start off with hound doom and that was a good choice because her lead pokemon is obama snow which means that one flamethrower finishes it off while rain then comes out i'm predicting a water type move so i go into gyarados i was right and went for the bounce and managed to paralyze it i then get hit with a blizzard set up a dragon dance and go for another bounce to take out wall rain frost then comes out so i try to go for an aqua trail but miss because of the snow cloak ability and of course go down to blizzard pepe then has to come in to go for the sucker punch get the priority off and finish frost last glacion then proceeds to finish off my hunch crow i go into sneasel hit two crunches before also going down and then bob can come in to flamethrower it and kill it mama swine is up next so i go for the willow wisp and a flamethrower before going down to earthquake as well krobet can then finish it off last of his weevile two more leech lives and we have one our seventh gem batch just like that we can move on to cyrus again time for another speech do you smoke a lot i'll sit down you don't smoke a lot right nah do you smoke a lot [Music] nope no you never smoke right no i don't know why i got it you don't smoke right i smoke sometimes sometimes i do once in a while i love it lester do you smoke me no never even though he's an imposter the things he said really hit hard but after his speech we do have to have a word with the man and with the word i mean having our animals fight to death he once again starts off with his crowbar so i decide to lead with hunchgrill for some reason i was able to get one sucker punch off before going down to a brave bird already so i go into noir and finish it off with ice punch this next pokemon is magnazone i'm able to get off two crunches with sneasel before i also go down then go into houndoom flamethrower that thing and take it down then it's houndhood versus houndoom so i set up some nasty plots and go for a dark pulse or two and i come out on top his second to last pokemon is hunch crow which i one shot with flamethrower and last is weevile but weeval is going to outspeed and finish off houndoom so gyarados has to come in dragon dance up and an aqua tail is easily able to one shot it after that he gives us a master ball so we set a three the lake trio after beating up saturn again we then travel to mount coronet and up here we have to do another double battle of course with the last two admins together with our rival and this is actually a pretty hard double battle because they both have six pokemons so we're facing 12 pokemon here but this battle was way too long to actually sum up so let's just say that after two attempts i was able to beat them with some trouble this wasn't easy of course the two admins then let us through and see that the imposter cyrus is summoning dialga and palkia in order to bring out giratina and so after he rips open a portal he jumps in because that's just what you do we go through the entire distortion world and meet up with him again this time he actually has a gauntlet battle first being dialga and palkia both being at level 70. luckily we can take down the palkia with a combination of my gyarados and sneezels as crunches and bounces but they also managed to take out my crowbat with a roar of time and sneasel with an aura sphere after polka get destroyed though it was only dialga left and so the rest of my pokemon were easily able to finish them off now it's time for the real cyrus battle with his actual team the dude starts off with crowbat so i lead off at gyarados and go for the dragon dance i get hit with a brave bird but an ice fang does take it out from full health of course then he's going to go into magnazone which i am able to hit with an aqua tail before going down to the thunderbolt so sneezel has to come in and ice punch it to death then hound doom comes in so i switch in my own hound predicting a fire type move so we both set up some nasty plots i then go for dark pulses he for sludge bombs but eventually we both go down at the same time he then switches in his gyarados so i switch in sneasel again go for the ice punch and then finish it off with crunch all because of a lucky freeze he then sends out his hunch grow that thing is of course not going to survive a single attack last up is wii vile so my sadly enough not evolved sneezel is going down here so i go into zoo batman finish it off with a leech life psych it actually still lives so i have to go into hunch grow sucker punch it and now we have defeated cyrus after that little encounter we go to giratina of course slap the crap out of that thing too and we make sure to move on to vulchner next vulchner has electric types which is not really that great for our team because we have gyarados crobat and hunchgrill but we're gonna go in anyway he leads off with his jolteon so i lead off with the weavel and i go for an ice punch as he hits me with a thunderbolt as i'm trying to go for another one he switches in rodom heat so i hit that with a nice punch then go for the crunch get a critical hit and that takes it down then he goes into elective fire i go for another ice punch getting the freeze and then taking it out with another one this is actually insane because the raichu comes out too and i managed to get another freeze off killing it with a nice punch and a nice shard then luxray finally puts an end to my wii vials ravaging but before i do some chip damage with ice shard so i go into crowbar because luxury in this game is actually a dark electric type to hit a leech life and of course that's going to one shot jolteon is then able to take out my crowbat so i switch in hans crowe to take it out with sucker punch as he then sends in his last pokemon rodom wash somehow he is able to outspeed my hunch crow and kill me with thunderbolt so i try to go into gyarados but of course no avail thunderbold again but then hound doom comes out two more dark pulses and the road on actually faints which gives us our final gym badge now normally we could just move on to the pokemon league right well win this game we can't we first have to do the partner thing with marley down at the victory road so first we have to beat her in a pokemon battle then we have to go to her section and after we bring her to the end of the cave we're going to have another surprise battle with dawn now i don't want to stack this video too much more with any battles so i'm just going to say that marny was pretty easy and let's just jump into the dawn fight don now leads off with her alakazam so i'm going to lead off with crobat and i just go for the leech life which of course is going to one shot this frail thing the next pokemon is a mammoth so we put that to sleep and put it back underground where it belongs vaporeon actually goes down the same way as mammo swine with the hypnosis and two brave birds then lopini comes out i'm of course going to try to kill it with brave bird but fake out is going to be the end of my crowbats killing spree i go into pepe and try to hit another brave bird but of course an high jump kick is going to finish me off from full health so i go into king and he is easily going to be able to sweep the lapuni torterra is up next so too icefangs is going to take that thing down easily and last episcopal which they can hit with one more aqua tail before we go down to moonblast so weevil finishes that battle with a nice punch with dawn defeated we can go through the victory road and fight our rival one final time before we actually enter the elite four of course he's going to lead off with this trusty star raptor so i try to lead off with wii vile but i get destroyed by a close combat so i go into gyarados set up two dragon dances and an ice fang takes care of it gryllum gets destroyed the same way haracross is going down to a bounce arcanine gets destroyed by aqua tail snorlax decides to set up a belly drum so an aquatale after that is going to take care of it as well last up is of course empoleon so i set up one more dragon dance before hitting an aqua tail and then going down to a grass not a blizzard combo so i go into pepe which immediately gets destroyed by a hydro pump zoo batman hits one more crunch before also going down to a blizzard and then hound doom can finish off empoleon with flamethrower which means that we can move on to aaron as our first elite four-member battle the elite four in this game starts off at around level 70 so i'm already pretty under level here but he does start off with his ian mega so i of course am going to lead with a weevile i hit a nice punch but that isn't enough so he bug buzzes me into oblivion i then switch into batman to try and finish it off with crunch but he uses a potion then i try to go for the brave bird but he switches in here across that was probably the worst switch in ever so he's going down armaldo takes a brave bird like a champ and hits me with a stone edge taking me down so king has to come in and do all the work with aqua tail drapion is his next pokemon so i get hit with a cross poison but i set up a dragon dance and then precede the one shot it the next two pokemon janmega and vespiquen both get destroyed by ice fangs and last up is scizor and two aqua tails sweep him off his feet which means that it's birth the time baby but this is where i realized that my team is totally not up to snuff with anything i get destroyed by a literal tree or three moles can be pretty annoying too so after losing to bertha about 10 times i finally decided to grind the rest of my team up to level 70 since i think that's a pretty fair level for this elite four bertha starts off with tyranitar so i lead off with a wii vile and i'm able to hit two ice punches before going down to stoneage so i send in king predicting that she is going to use a potion i set up a dragon dance and then aqua tail it to take it dune riperior is a one shot mamma swine is a two shot duck trio is a one shot two and then the best pokemon of all time comes out swampered and he is a little bit of trouble and aqua tail doesn't quite take him down as she uses a hyper potion so i go for the ice fang and then a bounce and then the swamp bird is finally down the last up is clay doll and i miss my aqua tail so i go down to a psychic so pepe is going to come in go for two night slashes and finally finish off this old ass woman now it's time for flint the fire type guy i am of course going to lead off with my best pokemon gyarados i then set up three dragon dances on his nine tails because the solar beam isn't doing enough damage then i go for the aqua tail and easily one shot it next to this macargo of course that thing isn't going to stand a chance either but it had a focus sash so it's easily able to finish off my gyarados with power gem so i go into pepe and knight slash it but he uses a full restore so one more and the macargo is makar did arcanine flare blitzes me and that totally roasts my crow so now our bob can finally shine by setting up a nasty plot and then taking down arcanine with dark pulse lopini gets destroyed by flamethrower meg martyr isn't able to do anything against me so two dark pulses and that thing is down as well and last up is charizard and of course he is also going to get one shot which means that we can move on to the final one will which should not be a problem at all because we got plenty of dark type moves on the team i am once again going to lead with gyarados and set up four dragon dances on his first pokemon mr mine i show no mercy and a bounce takes out mr mime he then sends out espeon so i try to one shot it with icefang but it doesn't quite do enough because of the reflect and i of course go down here so i go into war and crunch it then gelate comes out but i did learn shadow claw to my weave isle but it just doesn't do enough damage to kill and we get obliterated by close combat so crowban has to come in to go for the brave bird and finish off this glade alakazam is up next he's getting out sped and absolutely drained by leech life bronzong is a little bit annoying because i tried to put it to sleep twice but he was able to set up a reflect and kill my crowbar with two zen headbutts because i kept on missing so i went into pepe to night slash it twice and take it down last up is a metagross i had one more sucker punch before feigning and then hound doom can sweep him up with a dark pulse that's the elite four defeated time to head on to cynthia cynthia's first pokemon is togekiss so gyarados is really my best counter here i go for two dragon dances then two ice fangs and it's already down and out the next pokemon she decides to send out is lucario and so i go for the aqua tail which is able to take it down from full health guard chomp is our next choice so i go for an ice fang but he has a berry which weakens my power so i get taken out i go into noir and finish it off with ice punch next up is glacion and two crunches take care of that then my low tick comes out the thick snake and i hit one more crunch before going down to a skull i then go into zoo batman put the melodic to sleep and two more brave birds take care of it her last pokemon is the spirit tomb so i once again put it to sleep go for the brave bird then crunch then another brave bird and it's down and out and just like that we have completed pokemon renegade platinum an amazing romhack that is pretty damn old already but i highly recommend checking it out if you haven't done it already as always let me know in the comments down below what you want me to do next you can also follow me on the twitch if that's something that you're interested in i'm currently still streaming pokemon omega ruby no exp but we will be transitioning into pokemon radical red once it's done i of course want to thank my membership and patreon supporters for supporting the channel thank you so much it really goes a long way and if you want to support the channel yourself you can click the links in the description and with that out of the way don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm zwiego and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 240,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pokemon, #canyoubeat, #challenge, #kaizo, #renegade, #cyrus, #brilliant diamond, #shining pearl, #remakes, #nintendo, #platinum, #evil, #team, #galactic, #gamefreak
Id: oNRYc0XO2sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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