Pokémon Ultra Moon HARDCORE Nuzlocke - DARK Types Only! (no items, no overleveling)

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hey everyone lui loko here and welcome to my attempts at a dark type only hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon ultra moon the rules for the hardcore nuzlocke are as follows number one i can only catch the first dark type of each router area two any pokemon that faints is considered dead three no items in battle held items are okay four set mode is on and number five no over leveling in addition to these rules i will not be using pokemon refresh any z moves or any rotom boost aside from those out of battle now pokemon ultra moon is no regular pokemon game with no gems at all the level caps will match the grand trail's greatest ace with the only exception being the final totem pokemon in addition i'll only be showing the pokemon that i use throughout the run to save time and yes i know that this isn't the steel rune that i promised last time because well oh damn it yo's mia why it's uh as you can see still in the works but you'll see it sometime in the future i don't know when but in the future now not only does ultra moon not have any gems or leaders it's also surprisingly one of the more harder games in the series probably the hardest thanks to totem pokemon improved ai and team builds and a whole lot of more changes now as for the dark pokemon there is a lot to choose one 21 versatile options in total however houndoom is exclusive to ultra sun sharpedo is only available post game and i won't be using tyranitar as he's too darn good now because i know you'll enjoy the video be sure to hit that like subscribe and sit back and relax to see how well the forces of darkness fared in alola for our starter we go for the cute little lidden and name it dante now sadly the cute lad isn't a dark type just yet so he'll be mooching off of xp until he becomes an incineroar which won't be for a long while now thankfully dante is a jolly old boy plus speed minus special attack which works pretty darn well in our favor afterwards we have our first rival battle against howe and of course wreck him with some well-timed embers soon after ebola farts almost kills me in front of its master but thankfully we're saved by one of the island guardians tapu koko after that life-threatening event we make it to professor kukui's lab and are given pokeballs which means that the challenge has officially commenced our first capture and real member of the team is kane the ink one of the coolest pokemon designs to have ever graced our eyes he's got a timid nature plus speed minus attack which kind of sucks but we do with what we have now unfortunately my man has suction cups is his ability instead of the godly contrary but we'll change that later in the game our second encounter is lucifer the zoroa at the trainer school with the lacks nature plus defense minor special defense and the ability illusion he's sure to be a knife in the enemy's back at the trainer school we deal with the principle with some foul plays and scratches and move on forward towards holy city how do you say that there we run into the first real battle of the game against trial captain ilma we treat him the same way we treated the principal with no respect and a problem with authority figures we dunk the punk's face into a toilet bowl and move on with our day shortly after the battle i accidentally run into aloneland grammar on my way to the pokemon center but thankfully we catch him and we add nergold to the team with a neutral nature nurgle is doing pretty well for himself and he's going to be very integral as you'll see later on on the next route we add judas to meowth to the team and right after that as hazel the murkrow murkrow has his haste denature plus speed minus the finch which will be decent against holla and really meowth is only used once for the upcoming totem battle so he he doesn't matter so with the team more or less full and leveled i make my way towards the first trial and deal with the lowland radicate i lead with ink to set up reflect which will reduce any physical damage by fifty percent pretty much necessary to deal with the fat rat he summons his buddy as i go for a pathetic foul play and then the next hit from raticate triggers incase oranberry though i switch out into nurgle i go for poison gas which poisons errata but because this game was made by the devil himself raticate had a freaking pizza berry which cures him instantly another poison gas does the job to fumigate the fatty as i switch into inky again for another reflect and i cut things close but thankfully enkei survives murkrow then comes out and a peck does decent damage the next turn the totem goes down and i send him meow to end the trial with a clap of the cheeks on ratata with the totem defeated we can now catch veals above the alone and rattata and soon after get ourselves delilah the vullaby it's got a neutral nature which is fine by me now before the battle with hala equip a sharp beak to murkrow to increase his flying to move damage and finally confront the old man i lead with inky to set up reflect hit the match up once with sidewave and then switch into mercury take out both machop and makuhira with wang attacks last is krebroller and unfortunately to ensure a clean switch zazel is going to have to take the all-out pummeling from crab brawler he obviously dies with his hollow bones all broken and i send it incay to set up a reflect again i then pivot into nurgle and use poison gas to toxic the crab but uh hala goes for a full heal i went for the disable which prevents power of punch from being used again and then go for another poison gas thankfully it hits and with power punch disabled the ai thinks that leer is a better move than pursuit wyatt never went with that when inky switched is beyond me but i'm thankful crab brawler dies to toxic and with that the first grand trial is complete afterwards we go to 10 carat hill and catch ourselves alecto the sableye he's a sassy lad plus special defense minus speed which is fine as he was never the fastest anyway next we make it to akala island where we run into dexio cine we battle cena who doesn't put up much of a fight but we do have a close call when i send in lucifer and he almost dies after that scare i catch myself minos the eevee who you'll get to see later in the run for now i buy myself the light screen to protect tm's from the pokemon as they will become essential for a lot of the fights later on the next town over we battle hal again so i lead with alecto and he leads with dart tricks shadow sneak barely does a thing so i switch into delilah he then hits delilah with a break neck blitz but this stubborn bird's neck will not twist from here i go into ink to put dartrix to sleep set up reflect and two foul plays take out dart tricks then pikachu comes out and hardly does any damage with quick attack and after two foul plays it shares the same fate as dart tricks next is noibat and with inkey week i switch into nurgle who bites the bat to death and evie is last and he dies a similar fate after this lit involves into torah cat at the end pretty nice after that we run into a competing edgelord known as gladian he's a tougher opponent than howe in a connoisseur of the dark types so we'll have to show them who the real masters of darkness are real soon so i lead with alecto as he leaves with not zubat as the faint shows it's actually zorowa some sneak attacks take zodua out and the real zubat comes in i switch into nurgle and a fast finger poison bang by mistake as it does nothing so a follow-up bite does the trick though last is type null which hits pretty darn hard we toxic it with poison gas and then go into ink to set up a reflect with reflect up i take some nasty ricks and hit the null with the foul plane i have to stay in and deliver another foul play to take out type no pretty nice challenging fight the next challenging fight is the totem araquanid super powered bugs against dark types oh boy i lead with nurgle and go for protect when his buddy comes to his aid with the two of them on the field i hit him with poison gas and with the two poisoned i use protect and then switch into kane which is a highly risky move but the ai is too focused on rain boosted bubbles to go for any bug type moves so then i use protect to whittle them down some more and then go into lecture who i also taught protect before protect i go for a fake eye to buy another turn and then protect and from here i pivot into volubi to use protect and thanks to its bulk survive some bubbles roost gets some health back and with another protect we get ourselves the win that was the second totem folks afterwards at the thrifty megamart we run into a man cosplaying as a hypno totally not creepy at all in that very same art we come across some pukumuku body pillows which makes you wonder if they got any awake oh sorry anyways we do some dumb battle royale or something get to the real meat and potatoes the third trial in preparation ivy train beelzebub in attack now super quick run down on eevee training ev stands for effort values and those values are derived from pokemon new defeat in this instance pikipek gives one attack ev when defeated and you need four attack evs to equal an additional point in attack in short i am decimating the picky pick fomantis and lily pup population to get a few more points in imaginary attack stat does it amount to much i don't know we'll soon find out it's during this training that builds above evolves and with that done we take on the third trial now this trial just plain sucks you have to fight three battles in a row with no healing or changes in between so you have to have your strategy down before the fight or else you'll wipe i risk the beelzebub getting a burn with magmar puts it life without living it on the edge eh now as the totem battle begins i go for a sucker punch to deal as much damage to marowak but instead he goes for detect which sucks as i could have gone for a focused energy salazzle arrives to become a larger thorn in our side and then i go for sucker punch again and it crits with his one purpose served beelzebub then gets his skull split by a brick break alecto then comes in for the kill with shadow sneak and now we just have to deal with slazzle flame bursts deal some devastating damage but we get off a rock tune to lowered speed and a bite from lenergle ends the battle and the third totem is defeated if there ever was a place to wipe it was definitely here one of the hardest even in a normal game but hey he managed it afterwards we visit glady in his hotel room but he boots it out because i asked him if he had any wick body pillows with him uh anyways we go to the fourth trial which involves finding ingredients without taking off the native pokemon population i succeed with that and soon totem laurantis arrives the other potential wiper no not butt wiper folks team wiper get your head out of the toilet now this thing has x scissors so nothing can really last long against it so i lead with nurgle to poison gas larantis and because thanks to his poison typing he won't die on the first hit i protect and go for poison fact to deal some decent damage i follow that up with a protect and then switch into volaby who takes an x scissor and dizzy pudge like a champ lorentis succumbs to its poison and after a roost and some plucks we take out cachlion and win the fourth trial not that hard honestly now that we can pass diglett's tunnel we make it to the other side and find out that dittos have been replacing innocent people taking their places jeez talk about invasion of the body snatchers folks before dealing with olivia though we have to fight plumeria so i'd leave with nurgle of course and use bites to whittle gulpat down he gets confused by confused ray and instead of switching out the side that life needs a little spice as they keep nurgle in for another bite nurgle being a boss obliges and delivers a crunchy bite that takes out golbat next is to land it so i go for kane who takes it out with two foul plays and thus the battle ends with the distraction of the way we can now focus on olivia her rock types are pretty sturdy but thankfully konigoni city had a tm store with the steel wing so anarith is the first out and delilah deals with him pretty well steel wing doing some pretty surprising damage before the fight she's also been equipped with an evil light which boosts pre-evo pokemon's defense and special defense by 50 so she's taking hits pretty dang well the leap can only sit and weep as we keep pelting it with steel wings using roost when necessary we take the leap down getting one proc of the steel wing defense boost which will be excellent for the lykan rock that has now come out i go for protect fearing the rocky mc but instead it goes for a bite now i'm not entirely sure why lykan rock didn't go for rock tomb perhaps the overuse of steeling convinced it that willoughby would steal i'm not entirely sure what happened here but i'm very thankful and thanks to olivia's brilliant display of idiocy we win our second grand trial afterwards we attend a wonderful marriage between two pikachus and get to meet the world famous pikachu chuster then we find ourselves some black glasses which boost dark type move damage and then head to either paradise oh mama wig comes into frame and i suddenly have the weird urge to be stepped on we meet lucimine shortly after and that strange urge mysteriously intensifies i'm sorry we battled some strange lilly looking ultra beast and it runs off as do i because i have a wonderful date with nurse joy she wants things to become serious between the two of us but quite frankly i'm not sure i'm ready for the commitment plus there's the fact that i'm 10 years old and she must be in the 20s i break things off for her own sake with my love life shattered i fight how again and this time his team is even tougher we start the battle with a deluge of plucks from either side then house switches out dart tricks to bring in alolan raichu man a trainer that switches his pokemon where have you been all my life i switch into electo clap the raichu's cheeks and hit it with a fatal shadow snake next is vaporeon alecto deals some good damage with shadow claws even managing to get a crit that takes vaporeon out next is noibat so i switch into delilah again and between roost and steel wings we take it out house next pokemon is toros who i hit with steel wings and use roosts in between to wear it down after the battle that lasted ages we finally take tarous down and his last is dartrix who dies to plucks at the end zoroa evolves into zoro arc taking off the next spike in the team's strength the next evo is enkei who becomes a malamar after those two evolutions we take on the cantonian gym yeah you heard me right it's a sort of role play where alolans pretend to be gym trainers it's basically just a remake of serge's gym having earned our surge badge we catch asteroth the pancham who has a naive nature plus speed minus special defense which is not bad for a brood and he has iron fists so we're gonna have a lot of fun with that we make our way up mount hamawana wanahunawatsit where we meet sophocles and take part in the trial before that however we train pancham and he becomes the mighty pangoro we take on the trial and before taking on the totem i teach pangoro bulldoze and jump right in totem togedamaru is pretty tough but we lead with malamar and then go for a reflect as skarmory flies in we then switch into pangoro and after a single workup go for a devastating bulldoze that creates togedamaru and a brick break on skarma deals some damage but not enough so i switched back into malamar who finishes the trial with some foul plays soon after we have another major battle our first against guzman now this cool dude is a bug type enjoyer and leads with a glycopod thankfully only has one bug type move first impression which it can only be used once like fake out knowing this i lead with delilah who uses protect pluck deals some decent damage but it isn't enough so i switch into malomar to set up both screens and after triggering emergency exit mastering comes out and pluck deals some decent damage to it in the red i switch into alecto who almost dies to a bug buzz he hangs on to kill mascaraine with a shadow of sneak and thinking i have to sack here i go for a shadow snake to deal some damage at least but thankfully galicipod goes for a sucker punch which fails because i went first i stand to use confuse right and thankfully the lesser pot hits itself here i then go into malamar who finishes the battle with the foul play that was a pretty damn good fight after some more training and xp draining torah cat finally evolves into the imposing incineroar and the team is looking pretty damn decent now the next step on our journey is the sixth trial here we take pictures of ghosts until we come across the totem mimikyu this little thing is actually pretty frightening being part fairy is uh makes it a real threat to the entire team or does it as i lead with muck and go for a poison fang that poisons it but the darn thing has a freaking lumbery at least we managed to break its disguise he calls bannon which goes for curse as i go for another poison fang poisons mimikyu again thankfully i then go for venom drench which lowers poison target's speed attack and special attack by one stage pretty darn good move now with the burn curse in the berry gone i can't keep nurgle in so i switch into willoughby who almost dies to a player from mimikyu guess that a venom drench didn't do too much after a protect i switch into kane who can take at least one thanks to his bulk and knowing that this demon has leech life i switch into dante who takes it very well and then mimikyu succumbs to the poison coursing through its corporeal veins our darkest lariat then takes care of vanette and the sixth trial is complete on our way to the aether house we face off against blue mary again i lead with zoroarc who takes out goldberg with two night slashes and then go into malamar as selazal comes in despite his psyche typing he doesn't take the sludge bomb very well so i have to switch out and go into nurgle crunch deals some decent damage but this freaking salazzle has proven to be a real threat i switch into dante who takes a flamethrower and sludge bomb pretty well and then go for darkest lariat to finish the fight it's then that we learned that team skull has stolen a young goose so we prepare a rescue mission to get to po town we get some help from another man of the night grimsley who is enjoying himself a vacation it seems and with his help we get to po town once there we fight through the army of team skull grunts to get to guzma i lead with bullaby and protect to avoid the first impression and then switch into malamar to set up reflect from here i switch into nurgle whose gunshots force galicia pod out and masquerade flies out and i go for two more gunshots that wipe it out galicipad comes back but i protect to avoid the first impression again and from here i need a clean switch to deal with guzma and i don't want nergo to die because he's super useful so i decide that willowby's time has come she doesn't even evolve until level 54 so the pain is somewhat reduced and yeah she dies afterwards a rock's life from pangoro takes out galicipod and then pinster comes out a rock slide barely dense pincer and i'm forced to switch out as a storm throw wrecks pangoro i go into dante who takes the crit decently and a firefang puts pins at rest jeez guzman has so far been the hardest opponent to come up with strategies for after the fight we meet the kahuna of ula ula nanu another dark type enjoyer and then fight gladian because he's angry or some the fight isn't too tough and after the loss of willoughby the team needs a new member in fact the team needs some major work and to begin i go play manti and serve for a good hour or so honestly it's quite fun and a decent way of getting battle points that would otherwise be impossible in a nuzlocked so dude get this so like after grinding for like an hour or so uh like i go to royal avenue to get some eevee training item and like dude i go to like i think like right route 8 and like i begin like do like eevee training eevee and like special defense by wiping to like like dude i just wiped out the entire like dude like the local tentacle population it's gone i'm sorry i i think i played mantine surf a little bit too long now these items give plus a to my ev gain which means that if tentacle gives one i'm netting nine with everyone i defeat now thanks to the sos feature i can chain tentacles and doing so actually doubles the eevee's gained so i'm gaining 18 with every tentacle that gets defeated honestly it's pretty darn good and during the training evie becomes the best eeveelution umbreon there's no there's no room for discussion there umbreon is the best period it's during the trips of healing and chaining i apparently changed enough tentacles that i actually ran into my first shiny ever now in all my years of playing pokemon since i was like five i have never encountered or bred a shiny pokemon and sadly i don't play with shiny claws so i killed a strangely colored tentacle and continue with my day to freaking nature it used to be gone oh you guys are gonna get pissed i killed that shiny i just know it but uh uh i even train the rest of the team on route one pokemon and like i go back to like mantine surf like two or three hours and i get enough bp to buy myself like i think like dude an ability capsule now this god send of an item allows me to change the ability of a pokemon and of course i give it to melamar who now has his badass contrary ability during the storming of the aether foundation i find toxic beat pathetic faba in his hypno and square up against guzma one more time as tough as guzma is i can't help but respect the man for being a very proficient bug trainer and honestly being the biggest badass in alola the fight starts as usual protecting toxic followed by a venom drench some more protect and then a rock slide to force galicipod out and hardy pincer then comes out and i talks at him protect and then go for a rock slide with the stall working well masquerading comes out as i toxic get as well install it for more and i never realized how hard bug buzz could hurt but uh it hurts rockslide takes out mass green and then galicipod returns to the field i then switch into umbreon who has leftovers i attain from the royal avenue and stall it out with galicipod dead last is a vikavolt and even with an eevee train special defense and natural bulk that bug bus almost takes out umbreon i switch into dante who manages to flinch the vehicle with a fire fang and after that another fire fang puts it to rest every fight with guzman has been a freaking nightmare and i live for it with guzma defeated we attempt to stop lusamine and get into a battle with her her use of fairy types makes her a real threat and i unfortunately can't toxic clefable as it has magic guard instead before the fight i taught nergal confide which lowers the target's special attack from here after enough drops i switch into malamar who gets charmed perfect as it sharply increases his attack thanks to contrary i set up a light screen and clefable might as well tickle malamar for all the good she's doing and with enough superpowers malamar powers up even more and begins wiping loose means team after she jumps in the dimension hall we now have to get some flutes to colon so we get the moon flute and make it to the last island pony island there we deal with a line of grunts from now fractured team skull make it to pony canyon and fight solari again to play the flutes at the altar of the moon we have to get through totem komal i start the fight as you would expect with toxic followed by random drenches to lower komodo stats it's honestly not bad and though toxic stalling is cheesy you gotta pull the cheap tricks in a hardcore nuzlocke funnily enough as i switch into malamar neuer hits him with a screech which boosts our defenses making the drain punch from komo omo tickle komo o then dies to toxic and because the ai doesn't know what to do against contrary uh neuron hits malamar with another screech we wipe out the battle and the second to last trial is complete afterwards we place some sick music on the flutes and after riding around on solgaleo for around like 20 or so minutes we make it to ultra megalopolis it looks pretty nice now came the fight i had feared unfortunately i cannot cheese ultra necrozma with zoroarc as i was sure would be able to see that muck was a dark type and not wanting to risk it i employ another cheap tactic wanna take a guess comment below what you think it is i'll give you about a couple five seconds or so if you guessed toxic stall you my friend are right toxic protect venom drench i swear poison types are really shaping up to be some of the more surprisingly strong types in those locks first crobat from the pokemon y flying nuzlocke and now muck in this one ultra necrozma dies a rather shameful death and with one of the greatest threats defeated we return to our own world and continue with the trial we fight mina whose fairy types put up a good fight and get her pedal and we get tasked to collect pedals from nearly all the trial captains so they fight ilma take down lana beat kyawi and his hiker bro get sophocles's blessing and beat nanu one more time with the petals gathered we make a fine rainbow flower and fight the final totem pokemon toram another bug type sweet now i go for a very risky play equipped with a focus flash malamar has one purpose this battle to deliver a single topsy turvy which reverses rabombi's special attack boost with his work done i switch nurgle in and begin with the whole toxic game the quiver dances from zombie make me gulp but thankfully venom drenches take care of the speed and a special attack boost and soon just like so many of the other totems rabombi dies to toxic poisoning the final obstacle now is hapu the newly appointed kahuna of pony island we meet her at exeggutor island and kick off the battle she starts with a golurk as i start with zoroark i go for a foul play which knocks out the golurk in one hit and then big boy mud still stomps in as i go for a protect i then switch into umbreon who takes the tectonic rage like a complete champ two moonlights heal umbreon up quite nicely and afterwards i of course hit it with toxic a full heal and another toxic later puts us back into the pace of things and after an hour so it finally dies so next up is gastrodon i do the same to her and then switch right into kane who begins superpowering it to become more powerful with his death outcomes flying on and knowing i can't take another earth power i send in pangoro who delivers a sky uppercut that knocks out flygon and with that the final grand trial is complete on the way to mount lanakila we deal with gladion again and while he was a decent challenge the only thing i could think of the whole time is what's wrong with his wrist early onset arthritis mate do you uh go full speed i mean you should probably get that checked out my man it's not normal why are you holding it like that anyways on the victory road i guess i completely avoid these fighting men because all it takes is one mishap to completely ruin the run uh here we kill necrozma again because we can get ourselves a word from the word wall and make it to the third of the world sorry i mean mount lanakila it's like a different game sorry before entering the newly formed league i teach hammer arm to pangoro give a pp max for umbreon's moonlight and i'm treated with a rather lovely scene of me and dante ready for the end honestly it warmed my heart to see my first partner and me ready for the finale our first pick is acerola our team was built to re-kill ghosts after all leading with zoroark our night slash takes out burnett and frost lasts but lucifer gets confused in the process so as dale mize comes out i switch into dante who destroys it with a single flare blitz and next is palo san so i switch into umbreon who can take the hits is a toxic it hit full restored so i talks again heal up with moonlight and then acerola goes for another full resource so i talks again so the cycle begins once more while acerola dances in the background i anticipate the next full restore and hit it with another toxic and eventually it finally dies and drift bloom comes out toxic into paybacks take out the drift bloom and thus the first elite four is down the second in on our list is olivia leading with nergal i toxic i mean i mean i won't bore you with the details but armaldo surprisingly dies to toxic lichen rock is next and umbreon takes the continental crush like a boss and for this battle i decided that someone else should get the limelight so pangoro comes out to put in the work destroying olivia's team with some of the heaviest hands this side of the alolan ocean is i don't know what it was what is the ocean called hammer arm at the hammer arm with bullet punch in the mix two down two to go next is mullein dante hits the cleft clean with a single flare blist but it's not enough dude to reflect and after a full restore and another flare blitz i switch into malamar who takes out the cleft key with a single superpower bishark comes out and a superpower nearly takes it out but reflect is still up x's or hits hard but thanks to the defense boost malomar survives and puts bisharp down metagross is next so i hit him with a superpower as it misses a mere mash thank you arceus a brutal swing from malamar takes it out doug trio suffers the same fate and magna zone gets taken down by two brutal swings three down one to go i saved kahili for last because from her team build i felt like she could be a little bit more harder to manage so i began the battle with setting up reflect with malimar and begin reigning superpowers down on bravery area until it dies and they barely do a dent to mandybuzz until it finally gets down after two more with all those defense boosts melomar tanks the flying press from halucha really well and takes it out with a single psycho cut next is two cannon i switch into umbreon who toxics the burb and take the supersonic strike rather well i switch again this time into nurgle the first stone edge misses but the next one connects as to cannon powers up another beak blast last is oricorio and this dancing bird winded up being the hardest to take down of all her pokemon it goes for teeter dance as i switch into lucifer who doesn't take the air slash very well after protect iu turn into dante and because of feather dance don't do too much to oricorio here i play the switching game switching back and forth between mons as air slashes and confusion rains down i managed to land a toxic with umbreon and of course kahili goes for a full restore blah blah blah talks again full restore again confusion jesus will this bird not die or what finally after a millennia or so it dies and well now it's time to take on the champion this time around in this game it isn't professor kukui so we have to deal with how happy how in his million full restores oh joy honestly i'm surprised that cheeky bastard didn't use any revives that he's been taunting me with all game so the final battle begins and first out the gate is alolan raichu which i know has focus blasts so i have to get rid of those or do i deciding to go on the offensive for once i hit the right shoe with a brutal stab payback and knock it out in one go next is taros who loves his double edges i toxic the big beast and after a little stalling know that this rat is going to go for a freaking full restore during this i switch kanan who takes the double edges pretty well as he gets a super power off and then another wipes taurus out and howe sent zion vaporeon and as bulky as malamar is i don't think he'd survive a hydrophone from vaporeon so i switch out into nurgle i toxic the vaporeon of course and begin bathing it in venom to lower its stats the great thing about buporion is that after hydro pomp its only other moves are quick attack and attract dropping moves after ensuring that vaporeon is a weak as it could be i switch back into malamar as how hits his vaporeon with a full restore i get a super power off as the dumb ai doesn't know how to deal with contrary so vaporeon boosts us up as i said a reflect for crab abominable and after a psycho cut vaporeon is dead thankfully crabominable is rather slow and the last remaining pokes on house team get taken down by the ultra power psychic squid booyah and with that we're the first champions of alola well folks there you have it probably one of the most challenging runs i've ever done and also one of the most exciting between the totems the kahunas and the dozens of other challenging fights i had a complete ball it was hard but the forces of darkness show that with a little preparation even evil can prevail so thank you so much for watching be sure to like the video subscribe if you really enjoyed the video hit that notification bell with a little gusto and i'll be seeing all you next time with my attempt at an ice only pokemon unbound hardcore nuzlocke adios
Channel: Ludiloco
Views: 89,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon ultra sun and moon, pokemon, pokemon challenges, umbreon, zoroark pokemon, ultra necrozma, ultra necrozma battle, nuzlocke challenge pokemon, dark type only nuzlocke, dark type pokemon, dark type only, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon gen 7, totem pokemon, nuzlocke challenge, pokemon information, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon battle
Id: W5f_5yB3S6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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