How QUICKLY Can You Complete Professor Oak's Challenge in Pokemon Sword/Shield WITH DLC?

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When you doing gen 7 tho?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sems1903 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great job. If I replay this challenge again I’ll make sure I don’t fall into the same trap you and I both fell in. I will prioritize regular Dynamax adventures mons since you can guarantee the legendary paths essentially. I was going through over and over trying to find the last 5 or so Dynamax exclusive ones. Oddly enough I thing Cryogonal was the last one (or one of them) for me too

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mewlax84 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love your content and super excited to watch this! :D

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Iggyboof 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'll be doing this POC in the future. Can't wait. Currently doing one in Omega Ruby.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Poopypants0o0 📅︎︎ May 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I have a question im searching for spritzeee in roaring fields but i cant seem to find it in the den its says is not a rare beam encounter, can anyone help me, im only getting remozada and clobopus

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheLordCesar 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
how's it going everybody chaotic meatball here and welcome back to the channel it's about time i finally do a video on the newest generation of pokemon games that came out in 2019 that being generation 8's sword and shield see i wanted to wait for doing this challenge for a long time since i wanted to do all of the dlc together along with the main game since for those unaware you can catch the majority of the pokemon in the dlc areas before you get your first badge meaning this is going to be a much different adventure than what you've likely seen elsewhere anyway let me give you a quick refresher on the rules rule number one i must capture and evolve every obtainable pokemon before every gym badge if i have access to multiple gym badges i must go for the one that gives me access to the most pokemon but sword and shield is very linear so i won't have to worry about that rule number two no trading or accessing other games so in this case that includes online connectivity and rule number three no glitches but before we begin make sure to smash that like button i want to see this video hit 2 500 likes in the first week of this video's release make sure to subscribe since we're on the drive to 100k and i want to give a huge shout out to today's sponsor audible if you're unaware audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment and audiobooks sporting thousands of titles ranging from best sellers to celebrity memoirs news business and self-development there's 100 something out there for you to enjoy there's so much to choose from and giving it a go is as easy as downloading the free app on your phone or tablet members can even download titles and listen offline anytime and anywhere plus they're yours to keep forever even if you decide it cancels your subscription i have a really hard time falling asleep without some sort of audio stimulation keeping my brain running until it physically won't work anymore and audible has a ton of great lessons to help me out with that lately i've been listening to the autobiography young bucks killing the business from backyards to the big leagues by matt and nick jackson the current all-elite wrestling world tag team champions and it's been such an adventure just learning about how they managed to come up from their own father building a wrestling ring for them in their own backyard to starting the biggest wrestling promotion to rival the wwe since wcw folded in 2001. seriously their story is inspiring even for people that don't watch wrestling but if you're more of a fiction reader i check out the tales of scp series created by michael new ross they're quite eerie and there's tons of different fictional characters to learn about sort of like highly terrifying pokemon that can rip you in half if you blink it's a grand old time you can get started on your membership today by visiting the link in the description below chaoticmeatball or text the combined word chaotic meatball to 500-500 again audible has a ton of books and podcasts to offer you so you're bound to find something to pop into your ears so consider signing up for audible today and fill your ears and your time with a wide selection of audiobooks and let's get into the challenge so i'm going to preface this by saying that the sword shield with dlc professor oak's challenge is probably the longest one in terms of the amount of pokemon available but in terms of time well let's find out if it ranks up there with the likes of park gold's soul silver or black and white too firstly i should explain though why i'm on screen well i streamed this entire challenge over on chaoticmeatballtv so definitely go drop a follow over there link is in the description as well as in the i card on the top right of your screen so after sitting through chairman rose's presentation on the wonderful world of pokemon it's time to get off our couch and yes i'm actually playing as the female character this time i haven't done this before and honestly gloria is probably the best female playable character in pokemon if only for the memes and her thick scottish accent that the fans have given her after a few cutscenes though i'm able to choose my starter none of them evolve at a lower level than the other so i just left it up to twitch chat and they chose sable for me good choice everyone so after taking out hop i headed into the slumbering wheel encountering the sword dog and since we're still in territory of tutorials but when are we not in the territory of tutorials mode in this game god i hate generation 8. after getting out of this wheeled it's finally time to move through some routes getting to route 1 and capturing squovet rookie d caterpie nickit and wulu from the grass both overworld and random encounters see routes are a bit weird in sword and shield as there's certain pokemon you can only find on the overworld and then there's the ones you can only find from the shaking patches of grass i have a guide linked down below to distinguish between the two but for the purposes of simplifying this video i'll be grouping them together if they're found in the same area after getting to wedgehurst i got the pokedex from sonya healed up and moved back to route 1 since i still needed to capture grubbin blipbug and evolved caterpie into metapod at level 7 before moving on to route 2. there's a few new ones here as well including galerion zigzagoon yamper choodle cdot turloin and hutud leaving just the trainers and another rival battle before metapod evolved into butterfree at level 10. leon giving me the letter of endorsement i randomly got a wishing star from the sky and access to the fishing rod yeah we've got a lot of key items thrown at us pretty instantly but hey the fishing rod is appreciated since here on route 2 i can fish up magikarp and erokuta and now it's time for that insane part of the run that comes extremely quickly the wild area fortunately though i don't have to do anything in that part yet since i want to finish off every area that isn't the wild area or dlc areas first since there's still quite a few things to get after signing up for the gym challenge giving ourselves the number 69 because of course i would i'm able to go fishing here in motostoke there's a relatively rare encounter here which literally took me like half an hour to find evolving sable into drizzle in that time before finding barboach with that though i can't capture anything else before moving the story along so i went into a stadium said hello to the crowd and left before they could manage to make any connection with timmy whatsoever before destroying cop for a third time i didn't even mention the second time because that's how many times they make you fight him moving on to route 3. what a few more encounters are here including gossip floor trubbish machop full picks mudbray stunky pancham rolicoli sizzlipede and clink before evolving rickety into corvus squire off of the trainers in the area leaving just cherubi to be captured from shaking the berry tree immediately after route 3 is the galler mine so we've got even more encounters to grab those being timber drillburr wubat evolving nikkit into thieval at level 18 diglett and rogen rolla before taking out bead and moving out of here and immediately back in since there's a static encounter on one of the railroads in here that being car coal i can't catch up to it through the original entrance so this was my only way of getting it without having to evolve rolly coley turning back around towards the exit gets me out onto route 4 which has even more pokemon to get like two gallerin meowth since we'll need one for a trade pumpkaboo pikachu electric milcery joltik badoo cutie fly and finally after a few minutes the one percent eevee encounter now normally i'd like to get eight of these but we can breed in this section so there's no need with that though i'm finally able to get into turf field where i'm able to use a strawberry sweet that i got from moda stoke giving it to milsery and doing the jojo pose to evolve it into alchemy there is also a fishing spot on the east side of town where i can capture goldeen our last capture needed from the mainland leaving just the wild area and dlc areas well except for a trade in turfield stadium where i can trade a glaring mouth for a cantonian meowth we need both since they evolve into different pokemon but yeah let's get into that wild area i headed back to the meetup spot and circled around the area for a bit starting with the rolling fields to capture bunnelby wingle nuzleaf evolving straight into shift tree with a leaf stone that i got earlier three tairoge ninjask pidov diggersby and aplin from a rare raid den i'm just gonna be honest with you this section is so all over the place both with me jumping around from area to area as well as just how many pokemon are available there's over 500 in this section so it's basically impossible for me to state every location that i obtained a pokemon without both a sigma redundant and b making this video two hours long so if you want the most detailed guide possible so that you can do the challenge yourself it will be linked in the description but i will be general about where i got them specifically the wild area ray den isle of armor crown tundra now that my life has been made easier i continued through the wild area capturing two oddish stuffel rabbi timple whooper wishy-washy from fishing remo raid also from fishing evolving wulu into double at level 24 sheldor from fishing evolving squivet in degredon at level 24 and gossip floor into el degas at level 20. masculine from fishing poor fish blip bug evolving into doppler at level 10 and a super long search for a pukeumuku from fishing a one percent encounter that i actually abandoned capturing nk from a raid den go lurk driftloon bounce sweet ralts from a raid den whooper into quagsire at level 20 purloined into live heart at level 20 hoot hoot in a knock towel at level 20 tyro going to hit mon chan at level 20 with higher defense than attack ralts into curly at level 20 pikachu into raichu with a thunderstone all of those before finally going back to the search for pukemuku i probably took about an hour total at the spot before i finally found one and you can tell from my reaction on stream that i was super relieved to finally have found it i'm starting to get bored already of the wild area taking on a few more raid dens before heading out somewhere else that contained gastly and kata evolving grub into charge of bug at level 20 and not to here's where i decided to finally go to the dlc areas so i started out with the isle of armor catching a gallerian slowpoke in the wedgehurst station only to leave it immediately and head over to the crown tundra see this place is where i'm going to be spending the majority of my time during this challenge as there's literally dozens of pokemon exclusive to dynamaxx adventures over in the max lair an area where you rent pokemon taking on dynamaxx raids in order to get to the legendary in the back of the area there's over 20 legendaries i can get here and over 50 regular pokemon exclusive to the dynomax adventures so i'm gonna have to spend literally dozens of hours here after taking on peony and getting crushed by his level 70 pokemon he doesn't care that i'm here with super low level pokemon he just lets me meet up with him over in the max layer introducing me to dynamaxx adventures these were actually really fun since this poc was actually my first full playthrough of the game but they did wear down their welcome about after four hours but i digress during this round of dynamaxx adventures though i'm able to capture suicune evolving clink into clang at level 37 and into cling clang at level 49. oh yeah i forgot to mention you can get dinite ore for doing dynamax adventures for each piece of dinite ore you collect you can trade that in for an exp candy l which one given to a pokemon provides 10 000 exp these are super broken and literally mean that i don't have to grind which is fine since capturing the pokemon takes longer than capturing and grinding and several other professor road challenges my strategy starting out with these was to always aim for the legendaries but also go through the route with at least one new pokemon so that in case i fail i have something to grab that still adds to the total since i knew i was bound to get my bum handed to me several times which did end up happening on plenty of the box legendaries though some of them only took a single attempt before i was able to take them down and capture them getting back to dynamaxx adventures i'm able to get ho-oh route on remarade into artillery at level 25 electric into manectric at level 26 in a tranquil at level 21 and into unpheasant at level 32. kentonian mouth into persian at level 28 then kata into shading after splitting off in the party arrow kuda and a bariscuta at level 20. polytode natsu and zatsu at level 25 gasoline to haunter at level 25 dotler into order beetle at level 30. landorus machop into machoke at level 28 drizzle into intelion at level 35 or of esquire into corbin night at level 38 tairog in a hip on top at level 20 with equal attack and defense oddish into gloom at level 21 timber into girder at level 25 cutie fly into rabon be at level 25 valerian zigzagoon into lion at level 20 moltres bound sweet into stevie at level 18 and into serena after learning stomp diglett into doug trio at level 28 but nilish evolving into vanilla excel level 47 sizzle plead and descend to scorch at level 28 charmeleon lampent crocodile dialga yamper into bolton at level 25 choodle into dreadnought level 22 barbose into whiz cash at level 30. poor fish into crawdad at level 30. cherubi into cherum at level 25 charmeleon into charizard level 36 wingle into pelipper at level 25 entei golding into seeking at level 33 pancham into pangoro at level 32 with another dark type in my party girlia into gardavor at level 30 crabby into kingler at level 28 stoutland rayquaza drill burr and excadrill at level 31 galerion lioneum into obstagoon at level 35 during the night trevish into garbador at level 36 tapu bulu drift loon into drift lim at level 28 tim pull into palpateau at level 25 and into seismitoad at level 36 stuffel into beware at level 27 as elf galerion meowth into berserker at level 28 golitt into go lurk at level 43 together articuno joltik indigo vanchal at levels 36 tairog in a hitmonlee at level 20 with higher attack than defense carcoal into colossal at level 34 and mudbray into mudsdale at level 30. this is it for the first round of dynamaxx adventures since i headed back to the mainland wild area continuing my captures with raid dens i had a few wishing pieces laying around after having bought them earlier so i went ahead and started doing the raid den exploit essentially this allows you to manipulate whether you'll get a common or rare den as well as what pokemon will be in said den this helps immensely with how long the challenge takes but it starts to be more difficult to perform once we start getting 2 3 4 and 5 star raids available if you want more information about the raid den exploit such as a detailed way on how to perform it i'll be leaving that resource in the description as well with these wishing pieces however i grabbed by nicole bonsai and dwell on the mainland and swablu in the crown tundra before going back to dynamax adventures see with dynite ore i can also trade them in for what's called armorite ore the variant that you'd normally find over in the isle of armor there's a digger over there that you can give ore in order to mine massive amounts of watts which i'll need to get the remaining few dozen wishing pieces i'll need to get the raid dens around the three big areas i'll need a few hundred thousand watts for what i want to do since i'll need watts for not just the wishing pieces but i'll talk about that when we get there dynamaxx adventures streak number two begins with soul galio but after that holy crap i had such a hard time with zygarde i think this is the most difficult legendary to take down out of the entire group mostly because of the fact that it turns into its 100 form midway through the fight and gains back like 35 percent of its hp if i'm ranking just wild pokemon battles and difficulty i'd probably put this right up there with mewtwo in red and blue as well as ultra necrozma and ultra sun and moon speaking of those games they're the games i'll be starting in a few hours after this video goes live over on twitch you won't want to miss it since oh lord if you think this game is already insane that one's even crazier getting back to captures though i got starmie jolteon and on the fourth attempt i finally got zygarde with that challenge overtaken though i'm still gunning for more legendaries getting coffee grigas and tapulele before finally heading to the isle of armor proper so after crushing clara and getting all that taken care of i'm actually able to capture tons of wild pokemon here so i figured i'd do that while i was here getting veneri abra jigglypuff immediately evolving into wigglytuff with the moonstone abra into kadabra at level 16. appini flefky rock ruff gloom into blossom of the sunstone ugly buff from a raid den all before running into an alolan diglett there's a big side quest here on the isle of armor where i have to find a ton of these things in order to get certain alolan pokemon some of which i actually have to use to add to the decks including one of the alolan starters while looking around though i got comfy opposed from a raid den chansey buffalon shellmet lickatung pawneyard skarupi dunsparse scraggy zarua shelter into cloister with a water stone crammer ant venipede fungus tangela keroblast passimian scyther from a raid den emolga from a berry tree staryu psyduck magnemite the dene morpeko sandshrew from a raid den wimpod pincurchen wubat into swubat with max happiness sandygast marini venipede into world of peat at level 21 lillipup tauros miltank and pincer finally now it's time to get those watts this guy that stands right in front of the warm-up tunnel is the digging paw whom if you give seven pieces of armorite ore he'll mine up watts for you this overall is able to net me a few hundred thousand watts overall during this section since this isn't the only time i'll mention him but he's why i'm able to get wishing pieces for the remainder of the challenge moving into the warm-up tunnel itself there's cubone i can get ryhorn from raid den torkol kangaskhan fletchling from a raid den sandile whismur poliwag azuru mien fu a female salandit skarmory silicobra rufflet carvana from fishing veneri into low punny with max happiness jangmo o shinx sandshrew into sandslash at level 22 bomantis and alolan marowak from the diglett dude alright time to actually do some story stuff i decided to do the dojo stuff involving chansey into blissy with max happiness getting fletchander as well as an alolan exeggutor from the diglett dude before finally getting enough done to get a bulbasaur from the dojo there's one more pokemon to get here as well so i continued through the story capturing larvasta before taking on clara twice more finally getting kubfu i'm not going to be handling the evolution for kubfu until the end of this section but i wanted to get it now since i figured it would be a convenient time i used the remainder of my watts that i had laying around for the dojo to get a few convenient things in here that i probably won't use more than once or twice throughout the entire challenge but aside from that let's finish up a few more things before heading back in the dynamax adventure the first thing was the search for the remainder of the available diglett first evolving vulpix into ninetales with a firestone eevee into leafeon with a leaf stone whirlpeed and a scalloped at level 32 shinx and deluxio at level 15. lillipup and heard you're at level 18 hollywag in a poly world at level 25 all during my search finally getting 100 diglett and receiving apopleo there's another reward when i get all of them though but i figured who cares it's just an alolan diglett and i already have the kentonian diglett line so yeah you're not getting your other 50 buddy sorry i also visited the areas on the map to raise my friendship with kubfu while looking for them doing that right before heading back to the max lair for round three of dynamaxx adventures i swear this is just gonna be a 12 round boxing fight where i keep getting my bum handed with me until the end when i finally get that burst of punches to finish off my opponent in this case this garbage game now that we're back though i'm able to get tapu coco bear tick track log biker volt a short break to grab aaron and ma wild from a raid den azurill into merrell with max happiness magmar kyurem geratina raiku ladios merrell into azumarill at level 18 stunky in this gun tank at level 34. luxio and deluxe ray at level 30 nk into malamar at level 30 with the system upside down and yeah you have to take it out of the dock to do that that's dumb i should be able to just turn my dock upside down but i'm getting too ahead of myself i took a quick detour to go grab the needed fossils and evolutionary items for the rest of the game on the mainland these two right near the daycare are able to get me just about everything i need including two of each fossil piece as well as any amount of fire water thunder leaf sun moon dust dawn shiny ice stone basically anything that isn't a trade evolution item which we couldn't use anyway i can get here with those in hand i can evolve poliwhirl into polywrath with a water stone rosalia and a rosarite with a shiny stone lampent in a chandelure with a dust stone and curlia into gallade with a dawn stone before heading back to the isle of armor using the crimomatic to get a razor claw for later as well as a cracked pot so all of the evolutionary items have been obtained i went ahead and went back to the mainland to do more captures getting combee vanillite snover and literally out of nowhere a shiny pit of from a raid den since i think the pit of line looks great in shiny form so i'm quite happy with this at least it's not a duplicate of something i've gotten from a previous challenge continuing on i got swine up menshino straight into this cincinna with the shiny stone and to raid dens i can get pichu then back again so i can get deliberate shout outs the blogger boy 900 and two snow runs evolving klobupus into graph locked at level 19 while knowing thief since there's a technical record for it around in this section making it very easy to do rather than wasting exp candies snow run into frost last with a dawn stone while being female trap inch axu noibat six more eevee yeah i know i said i'd just breed for them but i said screw it it's easier if i just use the wishing pieces for it evolving them into vaporeon with a water stone glacion with an ice stone and flareon with the firestone since the other three need friendship moving on i started scouring with the weather exploit where you can change the clock on the system to the 15th of a certain month to get a specific form of weather like sunny cloudy rainy etcetera with that i'm able to grab ball toy more lol from a raid den swirlix from the same den clefa also from the same den togepi but again from the same thing impediment from a rare den that just so happens to be the same den why am i here still munchlax from of den toxil from a raid den bloom into vile plume with a leaf stone female combi into vespiquen at level 21 bulbasaur and ivysaur level 16. pop leo into brio and level 17 and into primarina at level 34. happiness evolution time and here's where the isle of armor comes in those watts that i spent in the dojo actually give me access to ev vitamins so i'm able to get stuff like proteins and other stuff to max out happiness very quickly topping it off with some curry in the pokemon camp to evolve eevee and espeon with max happiness during the day i'm not sure everything else is ready to evolve but screw it dynomax adventures round four getting delirious yet yeah i know i'm going all over the place don't worry things will become linear soon enough i caught priscilla tompa feeney rovile tornadus evolving larvesta into volcarona at level 59 ivysaur into venusaur at level 32 impedimp into morgrim at level 32 and in the grim snarl at level 42 grovile into sceptile at level 36 drackloke into dragopold at level 60 ditto toxil into toxicity at level 30 reshiram rock rough into lycanrock at level 25 whismur into loudrid at level 20. carvana in his sharpedo at level 30. he tran loudrid into x-file at level 40. magdamite into magneton at level 30 and in a magma zone with a thunderstone tangela into 10 growth while knowing ancient power zarua into zoro work at level 30 mewtwo sand dial into croco rock at level 31 psyduck into golduck at level 33 sneasel eevee into umbreon with max happiness during the night time zapdos swine up into piloswine at level 33 axio into fracture at level 38 yuxi fracture into haxorus at level 48 xerneas female salandit into salazal at level 33 fletchender into talonflame at level 35. jang mo oh and hakamo-o at level 35 the final dynomax adventure legendary in mesprint hakamoto into como at level 45. klepha into clefairy with max happiness and into clefable with the moonstone sneezel into weevile by leveling up during the night while holding the razor claw togepi into toga tick with max happiness and into toga kiss with the shiny stone munchlax into snorlax with max happiness more lull into shanotic at level 24 pile of swine in a mammoth wine while leveling up with ancient power and this is when i decided to be a bum while doing this challenge pulling my green screen behind my couch it was just a nice time it was nice and comfortable but let's get back to the challenge at hand this is where i started to find the challenge to be super boring which is kind of why i went on the couch i was like well i'm in for this for the long haul so i may as well you know lay down and probably accidentally fall asleep the legendaries were at least fun to battle but now it's just a war of attrition between myself and the rng since sometimes i could have a dynamax adventure that just didn't spawn anything new and it happened a ton near the end i could go about a half dozen raid battles without seeing a single pokemon for myself to capture but only being able to get one pokemon at a time also hurts because sometimes i'd have two or three pokemon that i'd find in a single raid den but i digress i'm just getting angry i kept going however since there's over 500 pokemon in this section alone and i know i can do it after all i've done heartgold before surely i can do this just as well back to captures and evolutions i got tyrantrum heliolisk trap inch into vibe bravo at level 35 and into flying out at level 45 dwebble into crustal at level 34. swan blue and alteria at level 35 aron into layer on at level 32 crate dilly later on into agron at level 42 porygon pete moore pontiard into bisharp at level 52 excavalier combustion miractus rufflet into braviary at level 54. trevenant skarupi into drapion at level 40 combustion into blaziken at level 36 nittoqueen obama snow scraggy and descrafty at level 39 whaler evolving into whale lord at level 40. valerian stun fisk which just so happened to be shiny giving me my second one for the run rhyhorn into ride on at level 42 lilligan baltoy it clayed all at level 36 rotom paparazzi mien foo into myanchow at level 50 mr mime polti geist so much for getting the cracked pot earlier durant noibat into neuron at level 48 the raladon by nicole into barbarical at level 39. frost moth silicobra into santa conda at level 36 sigilyph boon gets into a moongus at level 39 fo mantis and delorean is at level 34 during the day wind pod into galicia pod at level 30 dewblade mr mime into mr rhyme at level 42 dublade and aegis with a dusk stone relic camp snow run into glaily at level 42 and halucha we're getting close but at that point i was starting to run out of pokemon to evolve since i keep jumping back and forth now i actually have to get some so that i can you know evolve them with the exp candies that i'm continuously flowing through thanks to the dynamax adventures giving me dynite ore before that though i went to the daycare for the first time breeding several of the pokemon that i got during all the dynamaxx adventures so that i can hatch treecko torchic charmander lily on edge snom sinisty cufan petal phantom tie run kub chew 3p execute cottony litwick magby and helioptile this is the point that i learned that nittoqueen is unbreathable turns out i have to wait until i get nitto king to breed with ditto in order to spit out both versions of nidoran i'll be waiting on that though since now that i've got that breeding session out of the way it's time for another round of dynamax adventures there's still a few dozen pokemon we need here and i think we can go ahead and grab a good number of them now those being absol sandy gassed into palace and at level 42 bonsley into sudowoodo while knowing mimic and leveling up lick a tongue into lickylicky while knowing rollout and leveling up evie into sylveon with three hearts of affection and pokemon camp while knowing a very tight move and leveling up drudgin nitto king kentonian slowpoke into slowbro at level 37. i got one of these from the diglett dude when i was getting enough for popplio mourini into toxipex at level 37 breeding nitto king to get both knitter and male and female armaldo knitter and female ended arena at level 16 and nidoran male into nidorino at level 16. alright well i'm still relatively low on things that i need to evolve so let's go ahead and handle some one star raids here in the crown tundra these let me get ammonite phi bass zubat carbink smoochum galerion dharamaka immediately evolving the dharmanatan with an ice stone bagon stan jerner ellikid anarith and zubat evolving into golbat at level 22. now that i've got a few things to evolve i figured i'd go back to dynamaxx adventures to grab some more stuff including some evolutions too like ammonite into amistar at level 40. smooch him into jinx at level 30 bagon at a shell gone at level 30 and into salomon's level 50 oranguru evolving ellicott into electabuzz at level 30 slow king sidra phalanx gorgeist golbat into crobat with max happiness breeding for horsey then sticking with the mainland after that where i can get bronzor coughing muna evolving into missharna with a moonstone coughing into wheezing at level 35. bronzer into bronzong at level 33 gothita esper evolving gatheda and gotharian at level 32 and into gothitel at level 41 esper in the meow stick at level 25 lgm evolving into bpm at level 42. why not mime junior why not in the wobba at level 15 at tana evolving into hatch rim at level 32 and into hatterine at level 42 duskol galerinia mask frilish chinchu dewpider pharaoh seed hippopotamus bergamite rio luke galerion far-fetched evolving dust skull into dust claps at level 37 onyx far-fetched in a surf etched after wailing on a wobba fed enough to get three critical hits applying into flapple after using a tart apple found in the soothing wetlands on the isle of armor and now that we're here i can pick up quillfish tentacle fishing for del mars and finally it's time for the tower of waters i took on several of the trainers after getting cub food at level 30 getting to mustard at the top taking down his own kubfu with two aerial aces winning the battle and allowing kub food to read the scroll in the back evolving into ursufu and putting me ever closer to finishing the section dynamics adventures once more this time we're actually coming up to the end but there's still a good amount that i need along with evolutions those being dewpider and or araquinid at level 24 tensor cool into tends to cruel at level 30. chinchu and a lantern at level 28 hippopotamus and hit pound on at level 34. you mask into runarrigas after taking 49 points of damage and running over this completely inconspicuous rocky structure that means nothing it makes me wonder why the actual they decided to put this in the game and why they decided it was a good idea bergmite into avalog at level 37 riolu into lucario with max happiness during the day mantine celio pharaoh seed into pharaoh thorn at level 40. brilliant jealous and at level 40 celio into wall rain at level 44 adino mimikyu auroras gastrodon dragonair evolving into dragon at level 55 then breeding so that it can hatch shallows dratini spheel and amora before heading back to the max lair and this is where it starts becoming unbearable there's barely any new pokemon that i'm missing and sadly i've seen the likes of stuff like wartortle and marston before now but i didn't take them over some other pokemon that i still needed at the time if only you could take more than one that would make this part of the challenge a little bit more bearable but would it even be a challenge at that point well after a few dozen adventures i'm finally able to capture metang evolving into metagross level 45 marshtop evolving into swampert at level 36 excel gore breeding for mudkip and beldum returning to get indeedy wartortle evolving blastoise at level 36 breeding for squirtle and finally criagonal finishing the dynamax adventures for this section we'll have to come back here in the post game but for now we're done for the main adventure there's one last thing we have to do though before finished with section however that being the caloric storyline over in the ground tundra see i can do literally everything up to the point of getting both spectrier and calorics together but for some reason the game puts up some fake barrier saying oh i gotta be the champion to battle this pokemon that's like saying i have to be the wwe champion to fight the miz like i could do that in my sleep while also being out of shape and overweight there's no reason i shouldn't be allowed to capture it but i digress what i can do though is now that i've gotten this far in the storyline i can go to this old lady's house in freezington to get the gift cosmog while i already have solgaleo thanks to the dynamaxx adventures it's unbreathable so this is the only way to get it as well as cosmoem after evolving at level 43 finishing the section with a time of 58 hours and 20 minutes with a total of 526 pokemon that being 337 in the gallardex 189 in the isle of armor decks 169 in the crown thunder decks and 40 non-decks pokemon since most of the legendaries in the dynamax adventures as well as the hoenn starters don't have dex entries again lazy but i'm gonna continue to on this game as much as i physically can after heading back to turfield stadium and obliterating milo with my duo of dragons the next section is gonna be super hard actually you know i have to get high dragon which is a level 64 evolution and oh right there's only seven pokemon not to mention i still have a ton of exp candies still laying around so yeah in case you were wondering the challenge is literally almost over at this point we only have 63 more pokemon to capture for the rest of the game because that's how crazy they decided to go with the obtainable pokemon before the first gym sad thing is is that we're really not going to have any new areas for new pokemon in this section though since we've beaten the first gym i now have access to 2 star max raid battles though grabbing sock and dino from the max raids in the dusty bowl evolving the latter into his wireless at level 50 and into high dragon at level 64. chuck was available in a max raid in the forest to focus over on the isle of armor and tertinator from a rare raid den in the path to the peak over on the crown tundra leaving just one more pokemon after getting through route 5 and getting the rotom bike i'm able to get into hullbury the home of the second gym but there's an actually a market here where i can buy a wave incense going back to the daycare in the wild area in order to breed mantine while holding said wave incense to get man tyke hatching it and getting into the hullbury gym with a total of 533 pokemon and a time of 59 hours and 47 minutes you'd actually have a total of 535 pokemon in shield version as both galerion corsola and cursula are available but we'll be tying that total up next section two liters down six to go and fun fact if you're playing shield version there's literally no new pokemon in the section but i'm playing sword so after going to second galler mine in search of kabu to send him back to his gym and modustok i can capture myself a growlithe immediately evolving it into arcanine with the firestone and taking a flying taxi to get back to motostoke one positive thing i have to say before moving on is with marnie though she has a fantastic battle theme and i really enjoy her design we really don't get enough of the punk look in pokemon games and yeah while team yellow is absolutely atrocious marnie and piers one of the gym leaders coming up are both able to rock it very well though i would have much more appreciated them with voice acting as well at least i get that in pokemon masters with all that said though i made it to the moto stoke gym with a total of 535 pokemon and a time of 60 hours and 25 minutes crazy how short these sections are comparison to the first section and it's not changing anytime soon with three pieces of the gym badge circle thingy uh are they still even badges i mean yeah they're called badges in the game but i'd much rather have a case than this since it looks like the pieces should just fall out when it's incomplete but again i digress as i've said multiple times i've got seven more pokemon to capture in this section but four of them are super easy since we've already prepared for them after getting through all of the story beats between the third and fourth gyms i'm able to head on over to route 6 which has a scientist that's right next to stowonside the home of the next gym leader but this scientist is able to create fossil pokemon for us since i've gotten two of each fossil piece i'm able to fuse the fossilized bird in drake for drank assault bird and dino for arctisol fish and drake for draco fish and fish and dino for arcto bish these are super neat pokemon it's cool that we have four different pokemon with mixed designs but i wonder how weird their existence is to themselves with those obtained though there's three new pokemon besides them to get now that i have access to three star max raid battles those being slurpuff from a rare den in the bridge field you'd get aromatisse and shield version stelix from a common den in the bridge field and aerodactyl in a den outside of the lakeside cave in the crown tundra finishing off the section with a total of 542 pokemon after a hop molly that rhymes that sounds actually kind of funny hop molly mop i'm gonna keep that i'm able to head into the gym saving right before the battle against b with a time of 61 hours and 28 minutes destroying your fighting spirit with a giant flying dragon and giving me the fourth badge half down and a half to go and there's seriously only one pokemon for this section uh it's actually abysmal how little pokemon are in each section now over on the isle of armor i'm able to head into the challenge road during a sandstorm and while going into a sandstorm is really dumb in this case it's smart since i can get a steel type to bug in the form of scizor yeah that's it we're just blasting through so after grabbing that i headed through the glenwood tangle to land in balinley the home of the fifth gym leader i figured i'd give opel a different flavor of dragon so after saving before the fight with a total of 543 pokemon in a time of 62 hours and 15 minutes i decided to use resharam to take her down sweeping and receiving the fairy badge there's really not much else to talk about other than the main progression of the game after yet another hot molly wap there's three pokemon in this section none of which being too hard to obtain route 8 is home to one of those that means soul rock a 5 encounter in the overworld or lunatone if you're playing shield version getting to stir chester after a few minutes there's a trade here that i need to do involving a furlish so i involved my vanillite in my box in order to use it for the trade trading it for the other gen 5 martial artist that being throw for sword version or sock if you were playing shield since you got throwback in the pre-badge 2 section lastly there's a static encounter with a giggleth over in the brawler's cave and the isle of armor that's now catchable since i forgot to explain this before there's a level cap with every gym badge as you can only capture level 20 below pokemon in the overworld with zero badges level 25 and below with one badge 30 and below with two and so on and so forth until just before the champion where it maxes out at level 100. anyway after grabbing that gigolith i'm able to head back to surchaster saving before the gym leader with a total of 546 pokemon and a time of 63 hours and five minutes leaving gordy to be destroyed by dialga since he has a rock types and i figured i'd rub in his face that i have the god of time with hopped mollywop number umpteen thousand seven hundred empty sixth out of the way i'm able to head into route 9 the required ice area that isn't the crown tundra where i'm finally able to access the upgrade to the rotom bike the one that lets me ride on water with that though i'm finally able to go ahead and grab the remainder of the pokemon for this section there's actually 10 of them i can capture a whole double digits wowie most of which being trade evolutions so that just so happened to be catchable so that's kind of neat those being machamp from a rare den lapras from a rare den kenkelder from a common den milotic from a rare den ryperior on the overworld in the pop bottom desert clausure in the water adjacent to the isle of armor or scrapland's shield version evolving straight into klawitzer at level 37 alakazam on loop lagoon in the isle of armor meg mortar in a rare den and electavire in a rare den we're missing ice cube a shield exclusive that they get in this section meaning they're one ahead of our total 556 pokemon and a time of ah i forgot to save oh well taking out piers and giving me the second to last gym batch and i guess our last gym badge as well since that's located at henhammerlock an area that we were given access to after beating kabu for the third gym badge so i also ripped through raihon in a double battle which is actually pretty nice since we don't get enough gym battles like this but yeah with a time of 65 hours and 39 minutes we've already gotten every single gym badge in the game literally eight hours after getting the first badge which took us literally 58 hours to get great times so here's actually the longest section since pre-badge one since we have a whopping 11 pokemon to capture yeah it's no more really than the other sections four of which being legendaries though we've got three trade evolutions available for capture at the beginning here though so i'm able to go out and grab a gengar from a 5 star raid den dust more from the same rare raid den at 5 stars and kingdra over in a common den from the honeycomb c with those three down i'm able to head over the crown tundra once again as all of the leftover encounters are there both generation 5 fossil pokemon are available as overworld encounters with archen being in the giant's foot evolving the archie ops at level 37 and tortuga being in the frigid sea evolving into kara costa also at level 37. reggie time and no we're not talking about that reggie we've got the reggie trio well the hoenn trio at least at first since i'm able to do short puzzles before being allowed to battle and capture reggie steel regex and regirock all of which didn't take that much time to capture thanks to a bunch of legendaries that are able to just stand there menacingly absorbing attacks as i throttle out a ton of ultra balls leaving just our choice for this section either reggie draco or reggie leckie i decided to be the competitively smart player going after the base 200 speed reggie leckie though i don't plan on playing competitively with this game leave that to pokemon showdown or an actual good game in brilliant diamond in shining pearl we can't get reggie gigas since we also need reggie draco but you can only obtain a lekki or drago in a single save file so we won't be able to get them for the challenge with all that being said though there's nothing else to do besides continue the story the champion cup awaits and tons of molly whopping is in order as i answered with a full team of six legendaries though i can't help but realize that i'm just literally the embodiment of tobias from the time in pearl anime league minus the dark ride would have loved to have those but of course we don't have every pokemon in the game if we don't have everything the dp remakes i will pan the game just not as hard as i do sword and shield it's just frustrating like the pokemon do not take that much time to put together the modding scene was able to do it very quickly i'm sorry i'm complaining too much let's finish this off suddenly macros costs most time what what the heck why are this lag i can't even talk anymore why are the league staff evil why is chairman rose all of a sudden evil i have no time to read what you're all saying please get out of my way after clicking through a ton of useless dialogue that had no build up whatsoever and therefore i could not physically give a single about it i'm able to kick rose's ass in the next week making it to eternitus fun fact though the eternal max form has a base stat total of 1125. 405 more than the highest base stat total in the game that being sword dog and shield dog and no i will not dignify their dumb names luckily eternitus is easily dispatched due to having the god of time at level 100 on my side destroying it and catching it in a premiere ball moving on with life moving on includes absolutely destroying leon though and he actually has a really dope team of diverse and powerful monsters and yeah i actually have a compliment for the game that's that's kind of rare because like dragopol axorus asia slash gmax charizard all these pokemon are pretty tough and he actually has a full team of six i don't think anybody else in this game actually had six pokemon but he's easily dispatched with my team of legendaries allowing the credits to roll and getting us to the post game upon waking up from the credits i received a master ball from professor magnolia and that sounds like a good time to return to the crown thunder since we've got an easy legendary to gobble up calorics is here at a whopping level 80 tying itself with arceus and dioxis from gen 4 and 6 respectively as the highest level static encounters yes i know that the almost level 100 magikarps or whatever exists screw those those don't get the cow now my chat told me i should use my master ball here but no i took a few extra minutes and captured it in a regular pokeball mostly because they said it was going to be the most difficult thing to capture but why use it now when i could just easily wait until the end of the challenge and use it on the last few pokemon that we need since we will get a second one from the crown tundra here also this registers spectrier into the decks at the same time since they're currently merged it just doesn't come up in the decks when you capture it with that done though there's one other adventure of peonies that i have to complete before unlocking some more pokemon that's the gallerian bird trio of zapdos molesdress and articuno they're located in the wild area isle of armor and crown tundra respectively and though they're just alternate forms of cantonian birds that we captured in the pre-badge 1 section i still have to capture them to proceed so after about an hour of chasing and capturing them peony heads back into the max layer where i can now capture ultra beasts from the alolan games they replace the legendaries at the end so all i have to do is get to the end and capture them capturing stack attacka miramosa necrozma zerkatri guzzlord and blycephalon before getting a gift poipoul since i have captured five ultra beasts and no necrozma doesn't count it evolves into naganadal after leveling up while knowing the move dragon pulse so i just have to focus on the rest of the ubs grabbing cartana who fun fact actually nearly was one shot by a fire type move while in the max layer that's how weak it is to fire type moves cellustila buzzwole and nia lego finishing off dynamaxx adventures and man i am never going back to this area ever again never we're so close to the end though and i'm almost done complaining back in winden is the battle tower where i'm able to receive a gift type null and since i have tons of money and items laying around along with exp candies i'm immediately able to shove it all into null boy here evolving it immediately into silvally and leaving only five more pokemon to capture the challenge i actually have a positive thing to say now that i'm here but it's odd that we capture the third legendary that normally would be the box legend of the third version during the main game but the actual box legendary in the post game but hey i can appreciate a shake up of the status quo what i can appreciate are the names sword word and shilbert that is dumb what's even more dumb is that hair i've seen anime hair heck i respect the hair of characters like yugi muda but holy moly this is just comedically bad after doing a bunch of errands though that reminded me of the delta episode omega ruby and alpha sapphire which i don't tend to think is a good thing i'm finally able to head back to the hammerlock power plant the same area that i caught eternity earlier in order to capture zashian four more legendaries to go and four more pokemon in general and they're all gen five related there's an additional bastard ball that i'm given to by peony over in the crown tundra and since all four remaining pokemon are the swords of justice and they are all in the crown tundra all i have to do is capture two of them normally then we're home free with the last two being master ball captors sonia is here and sends us out to find 50 sets of footprints for the main three and man these things are hard to see i wish they were a bit bigger since they're all relatively large pokemon but that just means i had to look carefully the footprints are all over the crown tundra so i basically just ran into them haphazardly getting 50 sets for kabalyen first finding him on an isolated spot in the frigid sea and taking a few minutes to capture leaving just the other three trackian was next after finding a hub of prince for him the dinah tree hill as well as around the balamir lake and lakeside cave i went back to report to sonia and captured it in the lakeside cave leaving just horizon i've already gotten a few of its footprints but the frostpoint field giants bed and old cemetery had the rest of the good chunk that i needed getting me 50 sets before i could find it in the giant's bed throwing one of my two master balls and leaving just keldi out there's a pot where i can camp near over the balor mere lake and cooking some curry with the other three swords of justice in my party i am able to get keldeo to spawn allowing me to toss my second master ball at it finishing the challenge with a total of 589 pokemon and a time of 75 hours and 8 minutes holy moly this challenge was training normally i appreciate when professor oak challenges are shorter like this since i was expecting a run this huge with nearly 600 pokemon to be north of 120 130 hours but the dynamex adventures as well as just how boring this game can be most of the time made me just not enjoy myself as much as i'd like but i had to finish the challenge since we're inching ever closer to completing every mainline title in the series heck the only ones i'm missing are gold and silver crystal sun and moon and ultra sun and ultra moon generations two and seven so we are inching ever closer and i'm very much looking forward to it i did however enjoy the fact that i experienced this whole game with a few dozen people over on twitch they were really helpful in spots that i just didn't know what was going on and we had tons of pretty funny moments even throughout a game that i didn't really enjoy i sincerely think that if i wasn't streaming it i probably would have taken longer with this challenge but maybe if i do a solo run through it or something like a regional rumble in a future video i'll be more dragged into the experience and see it for being better than what it is but the professor oaks challenge definitely did not help in that apartment not to mention i probably won't be returning to it for a few months in that case anyway so that i could let it cool off anyway next time on the professor oaks challenge series we're gonna be taking on the first of many mystery dungeon titles in super mystery dungeon for the nintendo 3ds see you guys then if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to like comment subscribe click the bell tell a friend and don't spend more than a minute doing that since if you are you're taking too long i really appreciate you guys taking the time out of your day to watch this and i want to give another huge shout out to audible for sponsoring this video i'll see you guys next time with another challenge stay safe stay healthy and i'll see you next time
Channel: ChaoticMeatball
Views: 267,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, chaoticmeatball, chaotic meatball, chaotic meatball professor oak challenge, new pokemon, professor oak pokemon sword, professor oak pokemon shield, pokemon crown tundra, pokemon sword and shield catch em all, pokemon sword dlc, sword and shield, pokemon isle of armor, pokemon what happens, pokemon sword and shield gameplay, catch em all, professor oak's challenge, catch em all pokemon, pokemon
Id: m0xe22X54_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 37sec (3517 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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