Can You Beat Pokémon Y Without Taking Damage?

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pokemon x and y were the first main series games on the nintendo 3ds they sold the most copies of any pokemon game since diamond and pearl and provided a new visual experience for everyone in this video i'm going to attempt to be pokemon y without taking damage the rules are nearly the same as the last no damage run that i did meaning that i can basically save and reset whenever i want to one important change i'm making involves capturing pokemon in this run i'm allowing myself to damage pokemon before i catch them as long as they get sent to the box because they are automatically healed that way i'll try my best to not take damage in controllable scenarios such as trainer battles which don't involve completely random outcomes in addition i'll try to keep my total resets to under 10. with all that said it's time to begin the run i'm awoken by a pretty aggressive fletchling and i'm told to change out of my pajamas not the greatest morning i start my adventure by entering the greatest route of all time five seconds later and i'm in aquacord town my nickname for the game will be big w since that's exactly what i want to achieve this run now it's time to pick my starter i need this pokemon to out speed the starter it's stronger against so my choices are only froakie and fennekin froki has the possibility of speed tying with fennekin but fennekin will always have to be chespin for this reason i choose fennekin i nickname it firepaw and it's immediately time for my first rival battle against shauna fenneken starts out with amber so i just needed to get two hits into ko chesman unlike the first tau battle in sun and moon shauna does not always press an attacking move this means it should take a significantly shorter amount of time to win i'm assuming that the chance she clicks any of her three moves is the same so i should win about once every three tries after resetting just once chesman uses growl and i win the battle i enter route 2 and it's time to level up fennekin currently i can only ko caterpies and scatter bugs which combined only show up 31 of the time it's really really easy to gain experience in x and y since trainers give boosted experience compared to wild pokemon something not present in generations 7 and 8. also unlike in generations 5 and 7 a pokemon will gain the same amount of experience regardless of the level difference between it and the target this also explains why the champion has the highest level main story pokemon in any main series game a level 68 cardifor eevee training this generation is a lot more active than it was in sun and moon and is going to be vital to the success of this run the way i'm going to ev train is through super training a generation 6 specific feature there are two components to super training the first is through a mini game in this mini game you shoot soccer balls at various goals while dodging opposing soccer balls if you get enough points you pop a pokemon balloon and gain either 4 8 or 12 ues and a certain stat the first stage is a scatter bug which will avoid four defense evs for defeating it now believe it or not scatterbook answers any question you ask it honestly watch closely are you a bug type do you hate fire types can you fly see it never lies anyways once you beat the tutorial levels you unlock the level 1 stages which all award four points in their respective stats once you beat all level 1 stages at least once each you unlock the level 2 ones awarding 8 points each level 3 stages are unlocked by beating level 2 and award 12 points each each stage that you beat regardless of the level will also award a random sized punching bag for the respective stat these punching bags are the second component of super training by tapping a screen a bunch of times you can gain 1 4 or 12 evs depending on the size of the back by using super training you can max out a pokemon's eb's within an hour fennekin's special attack is already 25 at just level 10 without a boosting nature enough sports time to play pokemon again the first pokemon i'm going to catch is a fletchling on route 2. i catch it in one pokeball if you're wondering why i risked it breaking out i'll answer that very soon the reason i want fletchling is due to its high speed stat combined with the fact that it gets quick attack something i will need for the first gym leader viola whose cersket also has quick attack time for my first big problem of the run fletchling cannot one hit ko a single pokemon on this route since it only has tackle and not pack since i don't unlock the exp share until beating the first gym i can't level up fletchling without risking damage remember how i just threw pokeball at fletchling without covering for the possibility that i could break out well in pokemon x y every pokemon on route 2 has a 100 catch rate this means that i can level up fletchling by keeping it at the front of the party and throwing pokeballs at every single wild encounter after super training again i level fletchling up to a point where it can actually ko other pokemon time to explain another useful feature introduced in these games remember pokemon refresh from generation 7. pokemon me is basically the same thing with a few differences instead of pokey beans you feature pokemon pokepuffs additionally instead of collecting pokey beans from shaking a tree you get pokey puffs by playing games with your pokemon probably the fastest way to do this is by playing the berry picker game feeding pokemon pokepuffs raises affection and after you increase affection by a couple stages your pokemon will gain 20 more exp than before as i stated before i want to spend as little time as i can on this run and i think using super training in pokemon and me will help me do this after raising both fennekin and fletchling's affection levels i battle the first trainer in the game fennekin is over leveled and juiced so you can guess how this went i enter sandaloon forest and level up vanican until it evolves into a breaks in during that process i flame charged a pan pour several levels lower thinking it would knock it out i will never underestimate the power of an elemental monkey ever again i also train fletchling since there are a ton of bug types in the forest eventually it reaches level 17 where it evolves into fletchender but not yet if i evolve fletchling into flushing her now then i'll have to trade it up to level 24 to ko viola sur skit with quick attack however if i keep it as a fletchling then i only need it to be level 22. fletchinger has 20 more bass attack so why is this the reason is that fletchling loses the normal type when it evolves so while fletchling gets a 1.5 times stab boost from cook attack flechender does not because it's fire type after exiting santolin forest i reach santalune city and after obtaining the roller skates which cause you to lose the ability to run for some reason i enter route 22. i'm gonna finish training fletchling here due to the higher levels of the wild mons on this route along with the five trainers i haven't battled yet while grinding i run into a wild riolu and make a crazy sequence of mistakes first i attacked using peck even though it had quick attack second i tried to catch it even though you're literally gifted to lucario with outstanding ivs later in the game i'll explain the third reason later i eventually caught it without it using quick attack fletchling eventually hits level 23 and it's time to take on the first gym leader viola fletchling takes out cersket with quick attack and pack chaos with veon the creatively named bug badge is mine something i find interesting about the gyms in these games is the way you get sent back to the entrance in this gym it's a painting that acts as a door bueller's sister alexa gives me the exp share which is really useful for grinding x and via are the first games in which the exp share affects all pokemon and not just the one you give it to there's no point in not involving fletchling anymore so i finally have a fletchender i reached the largest city in kalos lumia city given that it's at least four times larger than any other city in kalos there is a lot to do here the restaurants are particularly interesting especially their names we've got restaurant lena restaurant lei yeah restaurant lo wow and applebee's i get to professor sycamore's lab where i have to battle him all three starters are only level 10 so three attacks later i win when picking the starter i can't help but notice that these stances remind me of something and i don't think i like it as for which starter i should pick i'm either choosing bulbasaur charmander i'm playing pokemon y so i will get the char zaradite y mega stone if i pick charmander drought along with a 159 based special attack stat is too good to pass up as the sheer damage mega charizard y can deal basically ignores the type chart yes the three usable pokemon i currently have are all fire type i nicknamed charmander idiot and get on with the run i super train it in special attack and speed and head to a cafe where i meet diantha and lysander for the first time some of lysander's lines are pretty problematic not the first time this is going to happen i deposit the spoop buzz and add a bundle b that i caught on route 2 to the party why i need another quick attack pokemon for an upcoming battle on the way to the route where that occurs i meet karina and her lucario for the first time after evolving bundle b into dickersby and leveling it to 25 i take on the battle i was just talking about the reason i need two quick attack pokemon is because these twins have a plus one of mine in two pokemon which also have quick attack i reach camphor town where i receive a targeted ad for lysander labs on my holocaster there's basically nothing to do in this town except for some mandatory story events so i head to rat 7 where snorlax is blocking the path never seen that before well time to go to par from palace where you can watch me fail at the fur for a puzzle i had no idea what to do for a good amount of this but still was too stubborn to look at a walkthrough on youtube my mistake [Music] i am given the pokey flute for catching the fur fro and use it to move snorlax out of the way while continuing onwards to rat 7 fletchender hits level 35 and evolves into talonflame i'm about to face a double battle against trevor and tierno who have a pikachu flabebe in courtfish the pikachu has quick attack and since there are no priority spread moves nor obtainable ghost types with spread moves at this point in the game i'm just going to have to get lucky to increase my chances of winning and possibly scouting what each opponent wants to do i'm going to teach my talonflame protect i protect on the first turn and i see that pikachu uses thundershock into my slot while corefish attacks into serena's slot since horfish also has a chance to click swords dance and seems to like attacking into serena's slot talonflame k is the pikachu with quick attack trevor sent out full beibei i feel that felvaipe is more likely to deal damage to me than corefish since trevor has literally only targeted me this fight so i knock it out corefish attacks fletchling so i escape this battle without having to reset i get through zubat roost and to reach amber town which i immediately leave to go to route 9. i'm allowed to ride rhyhorn backwards at the edge of a cliff perfectly safe inside glittering cave i get my first taste of team flurry this run the first two grunts go down pretty easily but the next battle is another double battle with serena the team flare grunts send out krogunk and scraggy i protect to see which one i need to ko first since the krogan attacked my slot iko it first the scraggy attacks into the esper slot for the second time in a row so talonflame chaos it with peck the following turn i honestly don't know how the ai works in these double battle situations early in the game but so far it looks like each opposing trainer has a designated slot they like to attack into i choose the jaw fossil because i think tyron and tyrantrum will be more useful in terms of type coverage they also hit a lot harder than amora and auroras after restoring tie run i deposit diggersby for the rest of the run because that mod is not good without huge power i super trained the tyrant in attack and speed and head to route 8 to level it up this is possibly the worst place to train and i would never recommend this to anyone if you want to try this run first there are dire phones which you can't ko with contact moves because of aftermath next there are absolutes with feint which has a higher priority bracket than quick attack it also has quick attack for good measure there are mien fuse with fake out there are also spoink which have thick fat i did not know this about spoink so when i battled one for the first time brakes in zumba did not ko and i took damage because i am the opposite of careful i proceed to take damage in the same exact way brakes and eventually evolves into dell fox and i head over to sillage city the sillage city mart has netballs nest balls and dust balls all of which will be useful during this run after purchasing a handful of those i head back depart from palace and enter the grass portion of route 6. i think you know what's about to happen and before you click off the video i promise i will only use this pokemon in one trainer battle the entire run i did say i'm trying to do this run quickly and stalling with chedenja is just gonna slow me down anyways i throw a netball which has a boosted catch rate when capturing water types and bug types even at full hp this ball is 100 chance of capturing ninkata i trained in kata up to level 20 with an open slot in my party and get both ninjask and shi ninja for those who don't know shining's ability is wonder guard wonderguard blocks all attacking moves that aren't super effective this makes shidinja incredibly useful for these types of runs and also incredibly boring which is one of the reasons that i'm only going to use it in one trainer battle the primary reason i captured shidenja was so that i could guarantee a capture of an important mod on route 8 mien fu i need a fake out pokemon this run and a fighting type is going to be useful for the upcoming battle against the rock type gym leader grant none of miyanfu's attacks can touch shitenja so it is safe to just sit i chip miyenfu just a little bit so that a nest ball has a guaranteed capture there is one more pokemon i want to catch in this stage of the game some trainers in the gym have multiple pokemon with sturdy meaning that a fake out an additional attack for myenfu won't be enough they could just send in their second sturdy pokemon and i wouldn't have the fake out option anymore to solve this dilemma i'm going to catch a pokemon with molebreaker which ignores all other abilities when attacking sturdy included the best pokemon with mouldbreaker that i can capture by far is an axu which is found in zubat roost after finding one i use fakeout which puts it in the range in which a dust ball can capture it 100 of the time as i was super training it my game froze so i had to pick up another one i head to par from palace yet again and try to take a photo at the photo spot which is designated by the sign with the camera this is also a great demonstration of how terrible the roller skates are anyways phil the photo guy appears out of thin air and proceeds to take my picture charmeleon evolves into charizard and i now have three fully evolved fire types in my party i go back to lumio city and enter shutterbug cafe because i took a photo at a photo spot a backpacker gives me the wide lens this boosts accuracy by ten percent making 90 moves such as jewel chop which my axe you has 99 accurate i give the wide lens to axio for now in case i need to use in the near future i train aksu up on red 7 because i don't want to deal with the horrors of route 8. now i'm going to do a team recap axio is level 30 and now his dragon claw which basically makes jewel chop and therefore the wide lens useless unfortunately it is modest meaning that it has an attack dropping nature tyrant is level 34 with three bad moves and crunch mien fu has fake out and drain punch at level 33. talonflame is level 47 and has acrobatics which is basically a 110 base power move without drawbacks because it isn't holding an item charizard is level 38 and delphox is level 42 with both flamethrower and scishot time to take on the gym the first trainer has a dwell and relicanth both of which can be taken out by mienfu mienfu breaks double sturdy with a fake out and then uses drain punch to finish it off relicanth also faints the drain punch i made a mistake against the next trainer and led del fox into a soul rock fortunately for me del fox is broken and a flamethrower k owes it i send in tyrone for the lunatone and a strong jaw boosted crunch takes it out there is one more annoying trainer left with three pokemon first is reihorn which gets taken out by scibeam the next mod is a nosepass with sturdy so i have to send out myenfu since axu is not strong enough to one-shot it yet the last one is in onyx and since it doesn't have sturdy it gets taken out i am ready to take on the second gym later after over 24 hours of in-game time ironically grant is the easiest trainer in the gym with just an amora and tyrant mian fu easily takes both of them out i get the cliff badge and the tm for roktoon the way to get out of this gym is by a couple of mudslides you're going to start to see a pattern i head north of sillage city onto route 10 and meet team flare again i arrive at geocenge town where i get to listen to team blur sing remember how i said i'm only allowed to use in jeff for one trainer battle this entire run i'm about to use it the reason for this is that i'm about to battle karina and her two lucarios which both have quick attack i really don't want to go with the next quickest option which is to catch and train up a goallette on route 10 to an obscene level shidinja will save time even though the battle itself is going to be terribly long i teach the ninja hone clause and probably should have taught it rock smash this battle is just setting up shidanja with home claws and clicking attack buttons nothing special after the battle shinji goes back to the box never to be used again on the route leading to reflection cave mianfo learns jump kick this is a 100 base power move with 95 accuracy but will cause 50 in recoil damage if it misses with the wide lens however this move will never miss i blitz the reflection cave and arrive at shallower city at the city's pokemart i get the tms for dig and poison jab dick is going to serve as solid coverage for axu now time to go back to everyone's favorite city lumios i'm only here to receive a few timer balls and quick balls from people inside one of the buildings i really should have done this before i probably wouldn't have needed to damage myeonfu or aksu to catch them if i had realized that quickballs were obtainable that early what's done is done and i go back to par from palace for the fourth time on the same route that i captured ninkata i'm going to catch another pokemon honed i use a quick ball that i obtained from lumios to guarantee a capture i honestly did not know what steely dan was when i nicknamed tonedge it was just the first thing that popped into my head if you haven't noticed that's how most of the nicknames work anyways i'm gonna have to kick a team member out to add honed that team member is mr finch enjoy retirement i dumped it into the daycare to see if that was a faster way to grind but it wasn't while it was there though i super trained axu yet again after completing all 18 basic stages with one pokemon you unlock super secret training not so secret anymore though this is the best way to get evolution stones in this game when you beat venusaur for example you have a chance of winning a leaf stone as a reward the sixth stage is against an aegislash and this is the way to get a dust stone which is the item that evolves to blade into aegis slash with that over i get the dust tone and start grinding my other pokemon tyron evolves into tyrantrum at level 39 while axu evolves into fracture at level 38. i train a ponage in reflection cave usually against the wabafetes due to the high amount of exp they award the way i beat them is by clicking sword stance several times until they don't use destiny bond and only then using an attacking move to one hit koi at level 35 honed evolves into the blade even though i can evolve it again right now i want to wait until level 45 at level 45 the blade learns to move iron head is something ages doesn't get until level 1 along with several other moves after it learns iron head i use the dust stone on the blade finally obtaining an age slash even though it only has 60 base speed it's at a pretty high level and has maxed out speed evs the setup portion of the run is basically over 33 hours in and i still only have two gym badges i get back to shallow city and head to the tower of mastery in the tower of mastery i'm going to have to battle serena for the first time this run to see who gets the mega ring serena leads off with a meowstic possessing fake out so i have to send out aegislash myastik goes down to shadowsneak the absol has two priority moves but both are normal type so ageslash safely chaos it with iron head aegis slash's speed is high enough to outpace frogadir which also has quick attack so one return takes it out this battle probably won't go as smoothly once her starter gets water shuriken wow they made a gym where roller skates are required before facing karina i switch age slash to the front of the party since she leads a mian fu with fake out myanfoo clicks fake out anyways and faints in return i send in charizard to face machoke and the newly acquired flamethrower does the job i send ages back in to face halucha which only has two fighting type moves one iron head later i win and receive the rumble badge the way to leave this gym is yet another slide well it's a rail but you slide down the rail back to the tower of mastery to play the most annoying and uncontrollable battle of this run we'll be up against karina for a third time because one of her lucarios wants to join my party this is basically the mega evolution tutorial of the game mega lucario vs mega lucario but yours is always faster garina's ai is high enough to where she will click the move that does the most damage on average power up punch lucario has two moves that can click to one ako the other one the first is power-up punch which also needs to be a critical hit in this game the chance of landing a crit is 1 out of sixteen the second is bone rush which is ninety percent accurate and can hit anywhere from two to five times there are several ways in which bone rush can ko five hits four hits with at least one crit and three hits with three crits this is the better option all in all the chances that i win are just a shade under twenty percent let's see what happens the first bone rush only lands three times so that's one the second misses the third hits four times without landing a crit the fourth lanes two times the fifth lands four non-grits again the sixth lands two times the seventh lands three times the eighth lands two the ninth finally hits five times and i win this might seem terribly unlucky but failing eight times or more actually had a 20 chance of happening unfortunately i am now at 11 resets so i've already failed my goal of under 10 even though two have been controllable i guess i'll make the goal less than 15 resets now on my way out of shaler city serena gives me the hm for surf and i deposit lucario the pokemon which failed me several times too many back in the box remember how i didn't mention the third reason for why catching that ryolo early in the game was useless this is it lucario offers nothing to this run anyways as of now tyretrimer is also on leave on route 12 i receive my free lappers and nickname it surf because that's literally why the game placed it there as i enter co-marine city serena uses the holocaster to challenge me to a battle in front of the gym sycamore gives me the agent for fly another 95 accurate move time to battle serena literally nothing changes from the battle in the tower of mastery aegislash makes quick work of all three of your pokemon myenful learns high jump kick which will be 99 accurate when holding a wide lens potentially useful if i run into something really bulky minfu also evolves into myancho ramos is really easy as no member of his team has a priority move this means del fox can ko all three of his pokemon which are jumpluff gogoat and weepinbell with flamethrower the plant badge is mine yet another slide this time a traditional one though i teach charizard fly for getting wing attack in the process in the comarin city hotel i grab a fantastic item the lucky egg all the little things are starting to add up all my pokemon have had their experience boosted by 1.2 times because of pokemon on me and giving a pokemon a lucky egg boosts it by an additional 1.5 times if i lead a pokemon holding a lucky egg it's gaining 1.8 times the experience it normally would have there's a problem with the kalos power plant and i w have to fix it teamflare again i eliminate every team player members except for two a nameless admin and a team flare scientist yes that is confusing i thought those people were admins as well until looking at the bulbapedia page the nameless admins hound game goes down to return aliana the scientist has a mighty eno without sucker punch dolfox takes it out after leaving the power plant i meet this really tall guy i arrived back at lumio city and now have access to the other two thirds of it first thing i do is hit the gym which is inside a prism tower clement leads an amulga with quick attack and i lead charizard why not aegislash the answer is i don't want to deal with a chance of being paralyzed by static clement has the highest ai level so he clicks super effective moves when he has them this means that he'll use an electric move when staring down charizard instead a quick attack sure enough he doesn't use quick attack and charizard takes out a mulga clement's next pokemon is magneton with certi miencho takes it out with a fake out into a 100 accurate jump kick thanks to the wide lens i send out ages to fight his last pokemon heliolisk and ko it with return the way to get out of this gym is you guessed it an elevator i get the voltage badge and head over to lysandre's cafe he rambles on for a while and then i head out to route 14 to battle sereno one more time i accidentally lead charizard into meow stick but since her ai is high enough she is guaranteed to click fake out this means aegis slash can freely switch in shadow sneak ko's myostic and iron head ko's absol the next pokemon is greninja the problem with this is that greninja now has both quick attack and water shuriken if i keep aegis slash in like i usually do even if it's fast enough to outpace greninja it'll be hit by a watersher again all my pokemon are either affected by water shuriken or quick attack so what can i do that give flappers that has been sitting in my party doing nothing for two gyms seems promising its ability is water absorb i think you know what's about to happen i switch between lapras and aegislash for about 40 turns water sure can add 20 powerpoints so that's how many pairs of switches it took once ageslash is safe i click return to ko the greninja lever city is up and after healing i immediately challenge the gym after beating one of the gym trainers fracture evolves into haxorus valerie has three pokemon that all lose to age slash she leads off with mawile but it does not have intimidate or sucker punch so there's nothing to worry about ma while mr mine and sylveon go down to iron head the badge is aptly called the fairy badge i'm also given the tm for dazzling gleam and attempt to teach it to delfox unfortunately it doesn't learn it turns out it only gets it starting in omega ruby and alpha sapphire this takes away a pretty good coverage option but it's not really a big deal i get back to the entrance by using a warp panel since i finished the gym i can enter the pokeball factory where everyone's favorite team lies in wait after getting through the grunts two scientists and an admin remain the admin sends out a scraggy which goes down to return and then a hound doom which goes down the same way next up is a double battle against the scientists celosia and byrony while teaming up with serena unfortunately they have a lie part and monetric i attack leipard expecting yastik to possibly click fake out into the monettrik but it doesn't fortunately team player ai's are utter garbage and can pick random moves so the monetary clicks odor salute that same garbage ai makes this battle harder to get through without taking damage though since there's almost nothing you can control the president gives me a master ball and a big nugget after arriving in den to mill town i head north to frost cavern where i have to battle team flare again to rescue an obama snow the fourth scientist mabel sends out a houndoom which goes down to return i finally decide to teach hacks first dig and then fly out to camphor town in one of the houses the punk girl gives me the tm for thief which i promptly teach the del fox next i go to amret town and fish out the beach connecting it and sillage city the pokemon i can find here by fishing is a love disc which has a chance of holding a heart scale i use thief to take potential heart skills and after i obtain three i fly back to dendomil there's a move tutor here where you can trade in hard scales to learn any move person in a pokemon's level up move set ages learns sacred sword and charger learns heatwave i ride a mammoth swine to anastar city where another battle against serena awaits this time however her greninja has dark pulse in addition to water shuriken and quick attack this means i can't use the same switching between lapras and age slash strategy i used last time the answer lies to the right of in bret town on the reihorn route route 9. i want to find a heliptile with the ability dry skin which is basically like water absorb but with the added effects of taking more damage from fire moves healing hp and rain and losing hp in sun this means i have to be careful when using mega charizard y heliolisk is pretty fast and hits hard so i shouldn't have to do much leveling i catch one with the quick ball once i get helioliss to level 43 and teach at the move thunderbolt i'm ready to battle serena agent takes out miastic with shadowsneak and fleurion with return i send in heliulus to face greninja it uses water shuriken for some reason doing nothing because of dry skin and heliolis chaos it with thunderbolt fabzal still doesn't have sucker punch and goes down to sacred sword it should have it in the next battle though since it learns it at level 50. the anastar gym was ridiculously easy every single pokemon in that gym except for one fainted to shadow sneak the gym leader olympia was no exception as her sigilif myostic and sloking all fell to a single shadow sneak age slash was a monster in this gym olympia herself warps you back to the entrance lysander announces that he is going to kill everyone except for team flare i head back to lysandre's cafe and lumios to stop him upon entry lysander greets us with a battle other than fake out his team possesses no priority moves he sends out a mien fu as i send out age slash aegis slash keios it with return and takes out pyro with sacred sword heliolus ko's both gyarados and murkrow with thunderbolt aliana is next up age slash chaos mightyenna and delfox chaos drodogon with psychic celosia and byrony are next but has two separate consecutive single battles i lead charizard into celestia's monectric because i don't want age slash to get paralyzed mega charizard wise sun boosted flamethrower takes out both monetric and drapeon although i'm forced to lead charizard into byrony's lightboard with fake out i can just switch out to age slash to take nothing h slash k is both lipard and bisharp neither of which have sucker punch with sacred sword the last scientist i have to battle here is maple hound falls to sacred sword her wave vial has ishard but won't use it because it also has a super effective night slash aegislash safely gets off an iron head and ko's it before continuing onwards i'm going to take the white lens from myanchow and give it to charizard to make fly 100 accurate and heatwave 99 accurate the really tall guy tells us a story and then it's time to battle the fifth scientist zerosek my 60 base speed age slash outspeeds his 130 base speed crobat and chaos it with iron head then chaos malomar the same way i have to call a 50 50 here as pressing one of either the red or blue buttons will destroy the world while the other won't i correctly picked the blue button but zerosic activates the ultimate weapon anyways back to geoscience town where team flare's secret hq is the second battle is pretty similar to the first but his team is now fully evolved miencho gets taken out by iron head pyro goes down to sacred sword and both gyarados and honcho are ko'd by thunderbolt there are three double battles with serena coming up so i'm going to have to be prepared i teach charizard protect and switch it to the front of the party the first pair of team flare members have a toxic croak and lipard i protect about the void of potential fake out and give serena the chance of killing toxic crook with psychic charizard k was like bart to win the next pair of grunts have a mighty ana and monectric since heatwave is 99 accurate due to wide lens i click it to ko both pokemon the last pair of team flare members have a scrafty and houndoom i can't click heatwave since houndoom might have flash fire so i use fly to stall a turn and give serena a chance to attack disarming voice even though it's four times super effective is unfortunately not strong enough to to hit chaos crafty so i'm going to have to hope scrafty targets into the slot it can actually hit super effectively or it can just for scaryface that works too scrafty is really slow so charizard still outspeeds and chaos it with flamethrower there are only four team flare admins left to battle as non-consecutive single battles this means i can change my leading pokemon in between because the battles are non-consecutive these guys are a piece of cake and now i'm going to catch you veltal i throw a master ball since i don't plan on catching any other pokemon this run not that i plan on using yveltal either now it's time for the third lysandre battle whereas pokemon gain about two levels and gyarados gets a mega stone i really don't know why i have to battle the final boss three different times between the same two gems aegis slash kaio's mian chow with a non-stab sacred sword just to flex and then chaos pyro the same way honcho then goes down to iron head gyarados has intimidate and will actually lift thunderbolt from heliolisk once it mega evolves because it gains the dark type over the flying type i'm going to have to land a high jump kick with nyan xiao i fake out to get as much chip damage as possible and then use high jump kick to win the battle i meant to give myancha the wide lens but forgot that it was on charizard so instead of high jump kick being 99 accurate like i thought at the time it was actually 90 he screams in an entirely different font and then destroys the hideout but that is it for team player possibly the worst written team in the franchise gamefreak knew that they were bad before they named them which is why team player rearranges to spell lame fart after going back to anastar and traveling through route 18 i reached corway town here i battled professor sycamore again with the starters fully evolved iron had chaos venusaur while heliolisk's thunderbolt chaos both charizard and blastoise on the way to nobel city the three stooges challenged me to battles first up is shauna age of slash ko's are dull caddy with sacred sword and gujarat with iron head dull fox chaos chestnut with psychic second is tierno because all three battles are back to back i'm forced to lead aegis slash and hope that flame body doesn't activate flame body does not activate heliolisk's thunderbolt kills trot on and charizard's flamethrower chaos roserade third is trevor all three of his pokemon go down to age slash with that over i finally arrive at the city with the 8th gym leader i leave snowball to train a bit on route 21 i battle a couple a strainers with waylord and vileplume i have miancha use high jump kick into the waylord and it misses jumpkick probably would have ko'd anyways i retrieve wolfrick the 8th gym leader from pokemon village and then go back to the snowball gym wolfrick has an obama snow with snow warning so i'm forced to lead charizard since the only mod on my team that can actually reset the weather charizard mega evolves to remove the hail and sets sun and then takes out a bomber snow with flamethrower obama snow had ice shard but since wolverine's ai is maxed it used the move that did the most damage ice beam charizard takes out cryogenol and avalog with flamethrower hey look another slide victory road awaits on my way to the elite four i have to battle serena one final time when i looked at her team the first thing i noticed was that absol didn't have sucker punch even though it learns at level 50. her ninja also doesn't have quick attack anymore in favor of ice beam i guess game freak just wanted to make my life easier age slash takes out myastic with shadow sneak and flurry on with return it was here i realized i made a major error heliolisk was under leveled and not guaranteed to outspeed greninja my best chance to win is to send out hax risk which basically has done nothing this entire run greninja has no chance of using water shuriken since haxorus resists it this paves the way for outrage to annihilate it along with the subsequent altaria i have to send aegislash back out to face absolutes to quick attack but win the battle one sacred sword later before i take on the elite four i'm going to need to do some final preparations i fly back to korraway town and head north onto route 18 to find terminus cave here i pick up the tm for shadow ball south of route 22 there's a place called the chamber of emptiness where i pick up the spooky plate i give aj slash the spooky plate and also teaches shadow ball around that same area i solve a boulder puzzle to obtain the tm for earthquake back to lumio city in one of the buildings a woman gives me the extra belt which makes super effective hits hit 20 percent harder i teach hacks vs earthquake since it's just better than dig in almost every way here's something that might seem really confusing north of route 21 there's a house with a tutor of the strongest dragon type move in the game draco meteor i have haxorus learned this special move for getting taunt in the process haxers with its 147 base attack stat and 60 base special attack i step in a giant puddle and then enter the castle in this game i can battle the elite four in any order i want to let's do one final team recap idiot the charizard is level 74 and holding the charizard y its main purpose is to deal heavy neutral damage with a flamethrower it's also supposedly the hm mule steely dan the age of slash is level 86 and holding a spooky plane it doesn't have return anymore in favor of shadow ball pure skill the hacks race is level 80 with three dragon moves an earthquake if eddie mon is going to make or break this run it's this one if you haven't noticed hacksaws and aegislash both have three physical attacks with an attack dropping nature on the more fortunate side of things brick the myeongshow is adamant it is level 78 holding a wide lens with fake out both jump kicks and poison jab for coverage fireheart the level 84 delphox is primarily here for the speed and psychic coverage 114 based special attack stat is nothing to scoff at either helicopter the heliolisk makes the final cut but at level 66 it is much weaker than the rest of the team thunderbolt and surf are great moves for the team though most of these levels were specifically chosen to guarantee chaos uncertain pokemon if they seem a bit high remember that the elite four and champion have evs on all their pokemon the first elite four member i will challenge is siebold the water type specialist for this battle i'm giving heliolus the expert belt so thunderbolt can pick up a few chaos that it wouldn't otherwise see bold leads with klotzer which gets chaored by thunderbolt and so does gyarados and barbarical and starmie if only every battle were that easy drastna the dragon type specialist is next i take the wide lens from myanchow and give it to hacksters which is now at the front of my party drastna leads with drug algae which promptly falls to dragonclaw altaria and northern faint the same way she's about to send in drutagon other than hatcheris and myanchow no pokemon on my team can definitively ko it in one hit droidagon has the ability rupskin which deals damage if hit by a contact move since miancho can only ko drotagon with high jump kick a contact move i can't use it however hacksaw says draco meteor even with its abysmal special attack stat its modest nature along with the sheer base power of draco meteor allows it to always chao droidagon the only concern is actually hitting but with the wide lens draco meteor is 99 accurate it hits and the scariest part of the elite four is over i give hextress the extra built in preparation for the next battle wickstrom the steel type specialist leads with the klefki there is one annoying thing klefki can do here it can press splice preventing me from switching to any other pokemon besides charizard since spikes deals damage to grounded mons upon switching i can get out of that situation but it just makes my life harder fortunately it clicks torment which just means i can't click earthquake two times in a row he sends in his protopass next and since i can't click earthquake i have to send in nienshau i forgot to give myanchow back the wide line so i have a five percent chance to lose this thanks to jumpkick's accuracy miyancho uses fakeout to break sturdy and the jump kick chaos provopass wixdrom's aegislash has no priority move so i can safely send in charizard flamethrower destroys it and then wickstrom sends in scizor although sizor has bullet punch it's going to click knight slash since that's neutrally effective against charizard flamethrower does at least 400 to scizor and that's three members down i give myancha the wide lens like i should have last time and have it forget poison jab in favor of rock joom rock team is 95 accurate so it'll never miss in conjunction with wide lens i switch me and shout at the front of my party and i'm ready to battle malva the fire type specialist she leads with pyroar which goes down to jump kick next is talonflame the reason i taught miyanchao rocktune talonflame has no reason damage wise to use quick attack instead of bravery against amienshau so i safely get the rock joomboff and ko it i need to send an agent to kotorkul even with no special attack evs a spooky plate boost combined with torkel's below average hp and special defense allows shadow ball to pick up the ko last up is chandelure and shadowball knocks it out before the champion i have hacks whisper get draco meteor and learn poison jab remember that hacksaws is still holding the expert belt i move dalfox to the front of my party and i'm ready to face diantha she leads with hallucia and dolfox takes it out with psychic hacksaw is chaos tyrantrum with dragonclaw myanche is auroras with jump kick hacksaws also caves gujarat dragon claw diantha is about to send out gorgeys with shadow sneak even with spooky plate a shadow sneak from age slash won't be enough i'm gonna need to blank on the ai to click the move that does the most damage which in this case would be phantom force i send in charizard and have it use flamethrower and the gorgeous fortunately does not use shadow sneak last up is gardevoir believe it or not two mods which are strong enough to kill gardivore chars and aegislash don't actually outspeed it if it is max speed since this is the champion that is very possible i have to send in hacksaws to be safe this is the reason i taught it poison jab earlier one expert about boosted poison job later i am the champion of kalos there's one final automatic battle against the really tall guy az if you're wondering why i led del fox into diantha rather than hacksters this is why i was more confident in del fox's psychic rather than hacks versus earthquake to ko this torquel sure enough torquel drops to psychic aegis slashes shadow ball caves both golurk and zidalif and after 3 000 years the run is successful it actually took less than 46 hours meaning that from the third gym to the end of the game only 11 hours passed i finished with less than 15 resets so i'm pretty happy with this run remember to drop a like if you liked the video subscribe if you want to see more content like this and leave a comment down below if you enjoyed or have feedback comments really help the youtube algorithm also if you haven't already check out my no damage run for pokemon sun thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: flyingfalcons7
Views: 493,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat, without, damage, taking damage, pokemon, pokemon x, pokemon y, pokemon x and y, x and y, can you beat pokemon x and y without taking damage, can you beat x and y without taking, x or y, challenge, video, defeat, flyingfalcons, flyingfalcons7, pikachu, sun/moon, run, challenge run, nuzlocke, damageless, no, no damage, exp curve, experience, sword, shield, and, black, white, platinum, sword and shield, emerald, aegislash, haxorus, mienshao, braixen, x/y
Id: oYtsXn2IRdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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