Pokémon, but We Can Only Catch 1 Pokémon

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- All right. So I'm going to do the intro. YOUTUBE! - Hey Tom um yeah, I'd like to file a civil lawsuit against another one of our employees. Can we go to HR? - Oh no! A cease and desist. - [MandJTV] Purplecliffe, PokeMEN7 and I each only have one Master Ball and have five minutes to select one Pokemon to catch the person who catches the strongest Pokemon gets a point and whoever has the most points at the end wins. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel MandJTV plays along with PokeMEN7 and Purplecliffe, links to their channels in the description below. And let's dive in. All right, I am starting the timer in 3, 2, 1, go! Five minutes, go catch Pokemon. - This is gonna be really hard. So what happens if we don't find a good Pokemon? - If you don't catch anything. Then you get nothing. You get... like you automatically lose - Catch something Jack. Just catch anything. - Yeah. Anything increases your chances. - Okay, okay. John's first Pokemon he's gonna walk though is going to be a Sunkern. - No I found a Wurmple and a Roggenrola. (all laugh) - Also, if you're wondering why we all have Darmanitan, it's a holdover from the save files, John and I used in, you know, whoever survives the longest in unlimited Pokemon battles video on his channel. - Why'd you name it Warrior? - Yeah... I don't. - You don't what? - (stuttering) Why warrior? Is it because he goes into like a Zen mode and he's like a Shaolin warrior? - Ohhhhhhhh.... - Well, he just is a... he's just a warrior. - [Purplecliffe] Okay, Let's go with my idea because it sounds cooler. - It sounds really cool. (Purplecliffe laughs) - Okay it does sound cool. - Mikey, such a good idea, congratulations that was... - Mikey... yeah nickname Genius. - Everybody hits smash, like on this video to just Mikey's genius, bro. - [MandJTV] Just absolutely decimate it. - One sec. I'm going to go grab my guide. That shows me where the best Pokemon are. - Wait... - Jack? - (laughs) Why did you invite this guy? (both laugh) - So they can't hear me, but since I caught this, I don't really have anything to do for the next five minutes. So I'm just going to be playing Pokemon unite. - Are you actually finding Sunkern? - No, that'd be really upsetting but I did find an Wurmple. - I just ran into a Sunkern. - I thought you're going to say a wall welcome back. - Why would you think? Listen I've ran into two- - You left! - [Purplecliffe] Okay, I've ran into a wall before though but I had a VR Headset on so it was fair right? Oh my God. This is very hard. I'm not finding anything good. (imposter SFX) - I thought you were the best Pokemon player ever? - Well, okay. (stuttering) - All right boys, you have about a minute Left. - Oh my God I, there is a, there is a, whole There is a Alolan Vulpix. - What? - He did ask you if he should be playing of the 3DS so I don't know. - 3... 2, 1. All right, boys round one is over. However, there is a rule that I didn't tell you about. - I have 10 seconds left on this one second. - Hold on Jack, what do you mean by ten seconds left? - On my Pokemon unite game that I'm playing right now. - Oh my God Jack. - I caught my Pokemon in the first 10 seconds. I've just been playing Pokemon unite. We won! - Congratulations Jack, Now let me explain to you a rule that I didn't tell you guys about. - Okay? - Is that the person who catches the weakest Pokemon or ends up at the weakest Pokemon in the immediately previous round can choose to trade Pokemon with one of the other two people. And since we didn't have a previous round, I will trade first. - Wait, what? - And so Jack, I would like to trade Pokemon with you. - Okay? I'll give you my Darmanitan in that trade. - No, no, no, that's not how it works. The Pokemon you caught with the Master Ball. John, what did you catch? - Lugia. - You caught a Lugia? Oh my gosh. That worked out well for you. Okay, well I caught a Weedle which means Jack's Pokemon is Weedle. So Jack, what did you catch? - A Deoxys. - All right. So my Pokemon is Deoxys but also I don't know if I'm gonna win. - Come on! What is this!? Hey guys I added a rule that I didn't tell you about and I also caught a Weedle knowing this rule. - Wow. - WHAT!?! - I got to do what I gotta do man. But also I don't think I won, cause John caught a fricking Lugia. (all laugh) - You just ruined him, so now he gets to mess with you next round. - So, wait okay John wins this round and since I was the lowest, I get to be the one to trade next round. - Ohohohoh noooo... - [Purplecliffe] Mikey, I think you put yourself in a precarious position. - Yes that is... Shut up. All right. Round two, Jack gets to trade at the end of this. - Yup. - So let's see how it goes. 3, 2, 1, 5 minutes go! So now I have to decide if I catch something bad so that Jack trades with me, or if I catch something good and to hope he doesn't, - I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win. - Wait. No, no, no, no, no, no, hold on Jack. (stuttering) you won't win if you do a personal vendetta against me, if you and I try and take each other down then John just wins. - Mmm. But then you wouldn't win and then you would be mad because John won on your channel. So then- - John wins on my channel all the time. - I know, and that's why you're mad about it. And now you're saying that by bringing this up. So what I'm going to do is I am going to catch a Stunfisk, and I'm gonna give it to you and then you're just gonna lose. - I think my brain's in a pretzel. Cause I thought you were going to unveil your master plan then it just went back to step one. (Purplecliffe and PokeMEN7 laugh) - I've caught my sunfish. Back to Pokemon Unite. - John he's too good at the mind games. - It's because of my painful childhood. - Oh my god! All right Mikey you have to remember that this is a man that went into battle against a Skiploom. (all laugh) (emotional music starts) - Miss! (emotional music stops) OK bro! Listen here, did I lose an Arceus to a Skiploom? Yes. Did I wipe a nuzlocke to a Surskit? Possibly. Is this a regular occurrence? Maybe. But that's just... okay. (PokeMEN7 laughs) - I have 20 seconds left. - Ight. - So what you're telling me is that right here, this is the moment where we're gonna find out what is gone on in this entire game. And we're gonna find that out right after a quick message from this channel sponsor. - The super strong waterproof- - No, I don't have one. - You don't have one? Okay this channel- - No most of my- timer's up, time is up. Alright, Jack, who are you trading with? If you want to trade because you like, - Which one of you would benefit from a Stunfisk? - Wait, I'll take it. - You know what? I think that both of you caught bad Pokemon. Cause you knew I was going to give you a Stunfisk. So I'm going to hold onto mine. - Okay. I was trying to get the worst Pokemon possible and couldn't re-encounter a horrible Pokemon. - I was trying to get the best Pokemon I found and couldn't find it again. - Wait. Oh God. I have no idea who could have won this. - All right so I ended up with Wobbuffet. - Okay. - I ended up with Masquerain. - I ended up with Stunfisk, but it was a Pokemon renamed Stunfisk, because the 1% encounter in the Stunfisk route was the Reshiram that I caught. GG boys, (Sounds of disappointment from MandJTV and PokeMEN7) GG boys. - Yes, wait so Mikey, which one of us is the big loser? - I'm looking at Masquerain has 454 and Wobbuffet 405. Yeah so I ended up in last place. (Purplecliffe imitates a sad trombone) So I get to trade next time. - Why can't I be worse at this? - Round three I get to trade this time. 3, 2, 1 go. - Okay. Time to listen intently to Mikey. He can't hold in. If you find something cool. - I absolutely can. How dare you. - Back to Pokemon unite. (all laugh) - If, if he found a legendary first encounter, like I could trade with him. - You don't want to trade with me though, because you can't read me. - That is a good point. I'm very bad at reading people and I'm extra bad at reading Jack. - Machamp is so much fun to play. - Dude. That's mine. That's my main. You can't have that. - It's not my main. I just play as all the characters, so I know how to counter them guys. - Guys I haven't played the game. We can't keep talking about a game. I haven't played on my channel. - Mike, he's going to find out what the term Smurfs mean. - They're small blue people. - Yeah, I know that, but clearly it means something else. All right. 45 seconds left. Sorry. I hadn't been calling out the time. I keep forgetting that you guys can't see the timer. Okay... I just threw the ball at my Pokemon. - Wow. Okay. - All right. There we go. I got it. Okay, ummm, Well I'm going to trade. I did not find anything good. John I haven't traded with you yet. I'm going to trade with you. - Are you sure about that? - I've said it lets just move on and if it's the wrong call, I can cry myself to sleep tonight and then get over it later. So my Pokemon was Swinub cause I- - Yes! Let's go! You got a Joltik. - There's the way I won this, I caught a Spheal. (loud laughter from all) I think I won with a Spheal named CHONKYBOY. - I gotta look it up alight I got Joltik, Joltik is 319. - Joltik is that powerful?! - Swinub is 250 and Spheal is 290. I won! (Laughter from MandJTV and PokeMEN7) - You won? - Yeah! Spheal is 290. - So who came in last? - Me. - All right. Round four. It's a three-way tie with one point each, John gets to trade this time. 3, 2, 1 go! - John, you get to trade, right? - Yes. - Enact operation pudding. - Ooh. Pudding is enacted. - I know you're probably messing with me, but if you're not, my feelings are going to be so hurt. - Operation pudding. - 2:30 mark. - 2:30 mark? Got it. Got it. Got it. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. That enough, yep. - Hate this so much. Why did I invite you to two? 2:35.. 4, 3, 2, 1, 2:30. - John enact operation pudding, this rounds over. - Nothing you can do about it. - Nope, dude. Don't you- Mikey surely you know what operation pudding is? - No. I don't. I was very explicit about the fact that I did not know what you were talking about. - We're talking about what? - Operation pudding. - Pudding these nuts in your mouth! HA! GOT'EM! (PokeMEN7 and Purplecliffe laugh and circus music starts) - I can not believe I fell for that. I need to return my degree. (more laughter as the music fades) All right. 20 seconds left. 3, 2, 1. All right, John, you get to trade. Who would you like to trade with? - John trade with me. - I do want the Pokemon named pudding. - Yeah. - Jack can I have the Pokemon named pudding? - Yep you got a Meganium. - Oh, let's go! Jack so- - I knew you'd like it - Hear me out. You made a thumbnail back in the day. We made it together and there was an Igglybuff better then an Arceus. So I'm giving you an Igglybuff. But by that thumbnail, I think you've won. - I just gave you one of your favorite Pokemon and you gave me the one Pokemon that I literally would YEET off of a roof. - You gave me my least favorite starter Pokemon. - Oh, it's cause you hated this one. - Yes. - What'd you catch Mikey? - I got a Pineco. - Okay (PokeMEN7 and Purplecliffe laugh) - Well, so that's a point for John, with the Meganium Igglybuff has a lower total than Pineco so Jack gets to trade next round. - YUP. - Round five. John has two Jack and I both have one. John gets to trade. 3, 2, 1, go. - Don't accidentally walk into Virbank city because there's no Pokemon in there. - What are you talking about? Jack Why would you try to trick us? - In Virbank? We can't surf, we have a Darmanitan. - Go south of Virbank, the Virbank Complex. Have you not been going there? - I haven't gone there once now I'm going to Virbank, I'm going to go get a legendary. - We're both going to go down there and our first Pokemon is going to be legendary and you're gonna be so, so mad. - There it is! - My first encounter is... (laughs) - Great... - Master Ball. Back to Pokemon unite. - This is so disrespectful. - It's just part of my mind game. - Well, it's working! - Respect the drip. - All right 2:30. - Now he's just calling out the Operation Pudding time. - Find I'm going to operate. Activate operation... I want some... (laughs) God damn it.... (Everyone laughs) - What? - I'm panicking okay?! - I want some? - Want some- - Nuts in your mouth? (laugh) (all laugh) - What crap. (more laughs) (talking over each other) - I can't handle the pressure. All right. 15 seconds. - What?! Wait a minute!? - Man goes, hey guys 2:30, hey guys 15 seconds. - I get to catch the next Pokemon I find. - Yeah sorry that's my bad just, you can catch the next thing you find. I'm sorry I was so focused on my own stuff that I was- - No, no your fine, I just was, 15 seconds is just such a reckless call I was, wait a minute! - All right did you catch your thing? - [Purplecliffe] Yes - [PokeMEN7] Yeah, I did. - Okay. So Jack, are you going to trade or not? - I'm trading with you Mikey. - Okay. - I had an Elekid. - All right. I had a Gurdurr. - Oh. - Oh. - My final Pokemon was an Abomasnow. - Okay. John wins. - But Elekid is the lowest total, which means I get to trade next round. Round six. I get to trade this time. 3, 2, 1 go. - I still walked early. I (wheeze) - [MandJTV] Why do you!?! (all laugh) - [PokeMEN7] Jack Might use that to play more Unite. - I don't know what your talking about. - One of these rounds, I'm not going to have something good immediately. So I'm not going to be able to play and it's looking like it's this one. - Three and a half minutes left. - Thank you. - Thank you. - 15 seconds! - I'll try to be better my bad. - (buzzing), Like if I make those noises. - [Purplecliffe] How did you know that my brain sounded like that John? I'm finding nothing good, dude. I have to go back to the ranch. - Headed back home to the ranch. - I need one more encounter. - John, have you at least found something good? - NO! YES! Oh God damn it. - All right time is up. Okay, so I am not trading because I finally got to legendary and I caught a Darkrai. So John, what did you get? - Are you sure you don't want to trade? I'm very sure John - I got a pie. - What? Of the cater variety. - (Laughs) All right then Jack, what did you get? I got a Heatran. - Seriously?! - Wait which one's stronger? - I'm pretty sure they both have the same stats. - Darkrai has 600 Heatran- - Heatran has 600. - Okay. So we both get a point. - Oh! - What? Wait wait wait what?! - Sure. I'll take that! John imagine not getting a point right here. - What do you mean?! No-one had a higher one! - Or you could say Cater-part... N-Don't cut it out. - Keep it in, keep it in, keep it in. (all laugh) - Round seven. John gets to trade this time. 3, 2, 1 go. - You guys haven't been using the speed up button have you? - No. - [Purplecliffe] Okay. - [PokeMEN7] I wish. - You're not allowed to. - Wait. What if I rebel against authority. - Then the viewers will call you out and hate you, - But they're not authority. - True - Oh yeah... I mean, they kind of are - [Purplecliffe] Are they? - [PokeMEN7] No. - I mean they're the ones who determine how many views these videos get. - Yeah but this is on your channel. - [MandJTV] Yay. I'm taking point! Or whatever, I don't know. I don't play shooter games. - I mean, that wasn't incorrect. - All right, 2:45. - What if we added some time on the clock? Thoughts? - Why would we do that? - What if the viewers asked? They're the boss. What did I just say they asked. And you can't prove that they didn't. - I can't follow this wisdom when I'm stressing over what Pokemon to catch. - Sounds like you have a legendary worth trading for Hm? - Yeah. (PokeMEN7 laughs) - Mikey plays this so convinced every round he's going to get a legendary. So by this round, he's just like in shambles. Like what the heck! The last one will be legendary. - The one time- 1:30 by the way, the one time I get a legendary, I tie. - Wait are you two for two now for legendaries that tied? - If you're including like this video on the last one? Yeah. Time is up. So John, will you be trading? - No, I'm gonna stick to my guns and I'm going to keep this Pokemon because even though you've said it's no longer your favorite I still like it. - Oh, is it Sceptile? - It's Sceptile. - I got a Reshiram. - Dude I got Zekrom. - Oh... (all laugh) - Wait! NO! NO! NO! - We tied again?! - I just, I caught, it was the first Pokemon I saw. so I just Master Ball and went back to play Pokemon Unite. - Now we have a three-way tie? All right. The final round were tied 3, 3, 3. So who every- - I'm winning. - What? - I'm winning. - I was in the middle of my thing, Jack. - Yeah I just want to let you know that I'm winning. - Okay. All right. 3, 2, 1 go. - But does that mean I trade with Jack because he's winning. - (laughs)Oh no. - Let me really put the ear buds in and listen to the tone of Mikey's voice. - There once was a ship that put to sea and the- - Mikey has Arceus, easy. (MandJTV laughs) - He's doing too much talking. He already found something good. - [MandJTV] Oh, come on! - Wait, What?! I just ran into a trainer! - What do you mean Jack? - WHAT!?!? - Jack how did you manage that? - Yeah, I battled all of the trainers that were in the paths of the accessible grass - No! Okay Wait, can I can get like an extra 30 seconds? - Uh no. Three minutes left. - I'm using speed up button then. - Why did you guys get so quiet? - Maybe I'm stressed Mikey! - I'm stressed too. - You're not doing a good job of pretending that you're stressed (MandJTV makes a high pitch noise) - Back to Pokemon unite. - What if Jack is lying and he actually gets into another battle on a timer runs out. What happens then? - That'd be pretty funny. - I already called my Pokemon. (troll song with keys being pressed) (clapping) Yes! Yes! - Time is up. All right, boys. First off, John, you got to decide if you're going to trade. (Purplecliffe giggles) - I'm going to trade. - [Purplecliffe] No, don't do it. - I'm trading with Jack, Mikey was painfully obvious. He could not have been more obvious. He was tipping his hand. - Alright so my Pokemon was Snorlax. - [Purplecliffe] Oh? - [PokeMEN7] Okay. - Mine was Raikou. - I HAVE A LEVEL ONE CHINGLING! (laughs) - They don't even come at level one what do you mean!? You can't catch a level one Pokemon! - Wait, John, why would you trade away a Raikou? - Because you guys kept getting better legendaries. - Does this mean Jack wins because you traded him a legendary? - I though I had the royal flush! - I PK Hex'ed the Chingling in. (Laughs) - I'll take a Raikou! GG boys! Woooooo! - Hold on, Jack you can't just PK Hex in a Pokemon. - Well I don't have the Pokemon, I don't have the Pokemon It's not like I gave myself an Arceus. - Thank you! - I'm sorry but that is cheating so I- - Thank you, so I win. - No, because you ended up with the Chingling. - Yeah but that's not a real Pokemon. - John You, I, I, you cannot, you, you do not get to win if you trade away a Raikou and since Snorlax is stronger than Chingling I think I win. - I have a Raikou right now. So technically- - You hacked in a Chingling! - But I didn't hack in a Raikou- - The trade didn't do though! (arguing over each other) - I have a Raikou right now which is definitely winning. - No, absolutely not. You know what? We were never going to decide this ourselves, leave a comment on who you think won. - Oh well that's not fair! Because all of them are going to be like our king Mikey won! - This is on your channel! (sound a great disagreement)
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,493,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, catch pokemon, randomized, randomizer, pokemon contest, pokemon challenge, pokemon vs challenge
Id: oMNN5ZxMYmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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