Pokémon, But I Can Only Catch 1 Pokémon

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- Greetings for you fans, Michael here and today I'm doing a fun Pokemon competition with my very good friend and rival, John AKA PokeMEN7. We are playing differently randomized versions of Pokemon Platinum and we each only have one master ball to catch one Pokemon. And at the end of a five minute timer, the person who has caught the stronger Pokemon is the winner. And we'll probably do it several times. So don't forget to subscribe to both PokeMEN7 Plays link to his channel is in the description below and me, this channel, I know a lot of you are only subscribed to my main channel. So make sure you subscribe to MandJTV Plays as well. And also if it's between February 25th and March 6th, 2021, you still have a chance to pick up a little plushy of little me, who's very cute you should totally pick it up, links in the description below because otherwise he's going to be gone. Like he is now. I threw him. All right, John, you ready to get started? - very much so. - All right. Three, two, one go. Okay. So we have not seen despite the fact that we're starting in Jubilife, we have not seen any of the wild Pokemon on other routes. We progressed through, that is not an acceptable Pokemon. (both laughing) We progressed through in a different version and then just loaded, Oh God, Oh God, John. I may have made a mistake picking Turtwig because it's kind of slow. - Me too. - You didn't picked Turtwig, you told me you picked Chimchar. - Yeah, no, I know, but things are slow on my screen. - What do you mean they're slow? - Yeah, no. Like I'm having an issue because I'm slow. - Oh, you're having trouble running? - Yeah. - [Michael] Okay. Sorry. I got confused. I did not get enough sleep last night. - An important thing to say, Oh God I had an important thing in my mind but my mind has been shattered by the slowness on my screen. Oh, that's what it was we can't look up any of the Pokemon base stat totals mid run. You just have to go off of your knowledge. And since Mikey's made 500 videos talking about like the Pokemon with the best base stat totals, he better not mess up any of the base stat totals. (John laughs) - All right. Well, that's a lot of pressure that I don't like having on me. - Yeah, we like to have fun around here. - We do. - Wow, wowser. - And almost about half the times already gone. I don't like this. - Yeah. it's definitely stressing me out. (bell dongs) - Oh God. - What? - Oh God, John. - What? - I'm finding not very strong thing things - What? With your slow Turtwig? tell him to pick up the speed. Pick up the pace little man. (Clock ticking) - Tick tock, tick tock. - You should follow us on Tik Tok by the way. (John laughing) - I mean, anybody watching this video follow us on Tik Tok, we're incredibly entertaining. - Have you caught yours yet? - That is information I'm not privy to disclose. - I'm not getting lucky John, this is going badly for me. - Just, you know, say hail yeah, that always works. - Hail yeah. Come on. Come on. I'm making a gamble going to a road I haven't gone to yet. - Okay. That is a decision. I'm looking at the time. You're freaking me out now. - I'm freaking myself out. John. I'm freaking myself out, Oh, crap. (John laughs) - You might need to catch whatever you're seeing man. - No, I could do it. I can catch one more. Oh crud, I may have made a mistake, there's only five seconds left. Well does it count if I catch it? Did I make a mistake John? - Dude just catch it. - I threw it, I threw a ball. I threw the ball, the timer's going off, but if I threw the ball, does that count? - Yes, that absolutely counts. - Okay. The ball was in the air when the timer went off. Man, that was harder than I thought it was going to be. - Yeah dude, I was really stressing. So you want to hear what I caught? - Yes I do. (John laughing) - When you were talking about your Pokemon being slow, I said me too, because I found a Pokemon with slow stat. - Oh, come on. - Like first Pokemon I found, Regigigas hawked the master ball, didn't even think. (John laughs) - Oh you douche, newt, fricking, douche nozzle, canoe, whatever. I caught a Raichu. - That's decent for what I was hearing on your screen. I thought you were going to end up with like a baby Pokemon. - I was close to ending up with a Pikachu. - Wow. What are the chances of that? You went from Pikachu to Raichu. - Yeah, I know, right? Well you want to do another one? (Michael laughs) - Absolutely. - All right. It's time for the next round. You ready John? - Absolutely. - Three, two, one go. All right. I'm going a different direction this time. - I'm sure that'll work. - I hope so. - You're bald. - I'm bald? - Yeah. Well that's incredibly rude of you John. - Well, I mean, you know, bald can be beautiful. - That is true - Those were my just closing remarks. - Yeah. I haven't found anything good yet. - Me neither. - This is big brain time. - Oh, come on. No. All right. About two minutes left. - Scary. Scary Terry hours. - And that's still not stronger. I'm just going to go for one of the ones I already saw. Hopefully it shoots up fast enough. - I have caught my Pokemon. So just let me know when you're done and we can stop the timer and reveal. - Okay. And I found it. Okay. And I have it. All right, John, I'm stopping the timer with about 30 seconds left time to compare. What was yours? - My first encounter was Giratina. - My first encounter was Ho-Oh. (Michael laughs) - wait. Really? - Yeah. I faked the whole thing. (Michael laughs) - I did too. What were you thinking, man? (both laughing) - What do you mean what was I thinking? What do you, you faked, you? (John laughing) - So did we tie? well I think they have the same base stat total. I want to say they're both 680. - Yeah. So that would just be a tie. Is that a tie? Is that not a-- like, did we go by level? - No, I think, I mean, if we're going BST, the fact that we've got both first encountered 680 legendaries is very cool. I think saying who got the higher level would just be, that'd be, I mean we could it's up to you man - Fine. Fine. We'll just call this one a tie. Did you get really, like a really high level one? (John laughing) - Me it's four. - Mine's five. - Okay, then we're not going by level. It's a tie. (both laughing) - All right. Time for another round. Ready, John? - Absolutely. All right. Three, two, one go. - It can really only go down from here for me. (John laughs) - Yeah, I, uh, God. - Which is wild. Yep. Okay, there's a baby Pokemon. All right. (John laughing) - Yeah, I got one too. - Oh really? - Well, not technically a baby Pokemon. Just a base form Pokemon. - Oh, I got a legitimate baby. It's Happiny. Except it's a baby with a baby I've never understood the whole thing of Happiny having an egg too. That's a weird move. All right Mikey. There's no reason to lie. I have not found a first encounter Legendary. So - Yeah, I have not either. - I have really. I might have to go for gold here. - A hail Mary? Yeah. No, I'm going up, I'm going for a crazy trick. I might just land and break my leg or when, no in between. This is going to be an intense one. - Yeah. I mean we only have a minute left. - Okay. - Okay. - My disaster has been resolved. (John laughs) - Like when you get stressed you get significantly more proper. (both laughing) - We're catching a singular Pokemon with a master ball, with a timer. My disaster. It has been resolved. (both laughing) Oh my God. (John exhales) (John thumps on thighs) - All right. 20 seconds left. I caught my Pokemon. - That was your disaster being resolved, yes, I heard. (John laughs) - Oh yeah. Have you caught yours? - My disaster is resolving itself. - Wow. That's kind of close. Have you thrown the ball? - It's resolving. It has been resolved. - Okay. All right. Well Just in time. Who boy. - Who boy. - All right, John, I guess I'll tell you mine. - Sure. - Mine was Togekiss. - Are you sitting down? - Yeah? - I found all, not fully evolved Pokemon and then the third encounter in grass and my last possible Pokemon to find was an Entei. - You're the worst. Let me just double check though because Togekiss has a pretty high base stat total. - Aren't all the-- - shut up. I don't care about your thoughts on anything right now. You beat me by 35 base stat total points. Why is everything garbage? (Devilish voice rages) All right. Time for another round. You ready, John? - Absolutely. - Three, two, one go. very much like John to not find a legendary, because he's been doing that a lot. - It is what it is. I find a legendary, you find a Pikachu. I find a legendary, you find a Castform, everyone says hail yeah, I get the trophy. I think everyone's happy. - I'm not happy. (John laughs) - I don't count as-- I'm part of everyone. Am I not? - All right Mike, I'm calling my shot. I'm getting the old rod getting a legendary and winning this once and for all. - The Old Rod? - Yeah, I know you didn't know that. That's why I threw this out there. - Oh my God. Yeah. Wow. I don't know crap about Sinnoh apparently. I have all the town names memorized though. - Yeah, I know you do. I always question like that knowledge because I'm like how does, how do you, do you just like do that naturally? Like why is that the knowledge? - I don't spend time looking at the lists and remembering them. - Okay. I did not catch a legendary in the Grape Lucy. That probably would have been too mean, honestly. - Yeah, it would have. - Ooh, this is that time where if you saw something you might want to go back and find it. - Yeah, I think I'm in that point. - It's difficult. I don't know. Last time I went for gold and it was something, this time I can go for platinum. Get it Mikey, get it? (Michael laughs scornfully) - You're so funny John. - Thank you. - Laugh. Laugh all me, laughing here. Sitting here laughing. (Classical music) (Video beeps) (Michael laughing) - I'm worried. Are you malfunctioning - No John I'm molding. (John laughing) All right, I went ahead and caught mine. - Oh. - You got a minute. - Oh, I could get this. Ooh. Okay. Well, I have a variety of fun options to pick. Well, you know what? I will catch this lass. - You're catching a trainer? - Yes. - If you are going to catch a lass, I better go catch a youngster. I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear. - What did you catch, sir? - I caught Arcanine. - Ah, okay. I think you probably won that because that was almost a legendary. So it's got the really, really high base stat total. - It's technically a legendary. It is described as such in the Pokedex. - I caught a Gardevoir which is probably a little bit below. - Oh finally, you didn't catch a legendary, but let me just double check because I do not know their base stat totals. Arcanine is 555. - That's one of the highest non-legendary ones possible. - Yeah. That's why. Yeah. 518. I finally won one. - Look at this guy, he did it. - let's go. All right. All right, John, you ready for another round? - You know it buckaroo. - Three, two, one go. - I keep trying to time your go and it's make me very proud of myself. Even if I shouldn't be. - Yeah. I mean, you get like a, what? Like a second or so head start because I have to click on the timer and switch back to the emulator. - Oh, I was just, I liked hearing your click and then moving exactly but I wasn't thinking of it like that. - Yeah, that's why you've gotten the legends. (John laughs) Because you're cheating with your extra second. - You know Mikey, I'll give you two extra seconds once the timer ends. - I feel like you kind of already did that for the Raichu. Well, this route has been nothing, but garbage. - Garbage or Garbosh. - It's a Garbodor John and that is not in this generation. Oh my God. What is this route? Are you kidding me? You know, I'm just going to tell you. It's been a Shroomish, Bellsprout and Budew. It's a baby garden, a small, small garden of small plants. - All right, I took a little bit of a risk, we'll see if it pays off but if not call me Scoob. All right, this might make you happy. There's a small possibility. I've really done goofed. - Well, I'm sorry to, I'm not actually not sorry to hear it. - Is this the right call? - The answer is yes because you're probably doing the same thing that I did and waffling is a mistake. - Waffling? - Like waffling, yeah. - I don't know that term outside of holding hands. - I don't think I know that term with holding hands. Yes. Waffleman 75 at your service. - I don't like that. (John laughs) I don't like that at all. - All right. Well, as I catch this, let me look up waffling so I can explain it to you without messing it up. Fail to make up one's mind. - Oh, okay. - Yeah. I was waffling back and forth on the decision. - Okay. I found what I wanted to find but based on your celebration I'm not confident it's going to be good enough. - You never know. Maybe I just got a really stupid Pokemon that I wanted to name Waffle and that's always on the table. - All right. Well, I caught it. - Okay. Well, sir, I'm excited to hear what your 'mon is Once you stop that timer. - Let me stop the timer. I was going to name it Pancake and then I actually clicked no. (Michael chuckles) - I didn't name mine either. Yeah. - All right, John, what you got for me? I told you to tell me first. - All right, fine. I got a Gallade. - Oh, okay. I got Zapdos. - Yeah, of course you did. Of course you got another legendary. I've seen one. John I've seen one. One. You've seen four. Why? our friendship is canceled. (John laughs) All right. Well, one more. - I have a confession. I may have cheated. I named my starter Winner, which like, you know I feel like I might've tipped the scale into my favor without realizing it. - I named mine Snapper. And clearly that means I Thanos-snapped away all The legendaries. (John Laughing) - Oh no, you weren't thinking. - It's a snapping turtle. - Well you know? Yeah. But now you're snapping at people's feeds instead of trying to run away. - Yeah. That's fair. All right. You ready for the last round? - Ready Friday. All right. Three, two, one go time for more garbage. And the first Pokemon I find is a Bidoof because of course it is. - Did you find, are you laughing because you immediately found a legendary? - No, I just, I'd found the most disrespectful, I could be unreasonably disrespectful and I'm really trying to make a decision of how I should move forward. - What'd you find a Miltank. (John laughs) - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah I think I should probably, for the sake of not having an army of people hate me. I think I'm going to ignore the Meltan's existence. - John, the only two Pokemon I've found so far have been Bidoof and Shinxes and I'm a little worried my rom's not randomized. Yup. That's a Starling. - Well, it just looks like, it looks like I'll catch the Miltank and win. (John laughs) - Come on. (Michael laughs) - looks like you got to catch one of them Bidoofs buddy. - No, shut up, cancel this run. (upbeat music) Oh God, I can't catch a break today. I didn't get enough sleep last night, I dropped my makeup container and shattered it. Spraying glass and makeup across the bathroom floor. - The funniest thing to follow up. - I'm getting curb stomped in our recording. Next thing you know, I'm going to trip and fall and break a finger and then poop my pants out of shame because everyone's done it John. - That is certainly something you've said to me before. - I hate you so much. (both laughing) - All right now the actual last round because I want a legendary. Oh God, you ready? - Yup. - Three, two, one go. - I gave a courtesy of few seconds just to make sure we were on. Yeah. You know, good guy, John. - Good guy, John, sometimes. And the first Pokemon I find is a Sunkern because that's the day I'm having. (John laughs) Dratini if you could just be fully evolved, that would be great. You're a Dratini not a Dragonite. Well, there's something kind of cool. That part of me just wants to catch because I don't think I'm going to be able to run from it for a million years. Oh, I actually was able to run. All right. Well shout out to me. - Oh dude. Look at you go. Yeah you getting the Turtwig did not think that was going to have an impact on this. - Yeah, same, very much the same. If we ever do this again, I am picking an Aerodactyl. Oh my God. Is Dratini the only Pokemon on this route? Darkness Patrols me John. (John chuckles) - Have you tried fishing ever? Like did you ever dip your-- - I don't know where the Old Rod is. - Oh, It's like when you go to the left to find the water like you go through the house or the in-between the routes thingy, little building. - Now you tell me I'm catching a Pokemon. Did you catch a Pokemon? - Yeah, but I did want to see what I could fish up. (John laughs) - Oh, you totally found another legendary. - No. - Just give it to me and John. - Uxie. - Yeah okay. I got Typhlosion. Thank you so much for watching this garbage video. (Michael laughing) The video's not garbage, but my luck apparently is how many rounds of this did we do John? We did six, right? - Yeah. - And you were able to find a legendary - Uh-huh. - in five of them? - Yes. That is correct. - What did I do to deserve this. - Black and White two Metronome, Nuzlocke. - Crap. All right. (John laughs) Well everybody thank you so much for watching and don't forget to pick up. Hold on. The Plushy of me, limited time, link in the description below. Don't forget to subscribe to MandJTV plays specifically and PokeMEN7 Plays, and that's all we have for now. This video is over. I'm going to go sob into my empty coffee cup.
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,181,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, isle of armor, crown tundra, dlc, pokemon dlc, expansion pass, sword and shield dlc, mml, pokemon challenge, pokemon competition, catch pokemon, legendary pokemon
Id: OJHienpjQH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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