Pokemon But Every Pokemon Is A Mystery

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knowing what pokemon you're going against in battle is a key part of the pokemon games so i decided to throw that away and in this version of pokemon soul silver the pokemon are not only randomized but the pokemon were replaced with unknown question marks and i had to try to figure out what i was going against in every single battle this is how that went i'm here for one thing and one thing only views nope get back over here show me what ashani looks like in this game i'm very interested [Music] that is the least colorful pokemon i think i've seen yet i have no idea what this is but it's fine magikote it's probably a a psychic type pokemon i'm so worried like how disappointed am i gonna be the manipulative pokemon manipulate perform odd dance steps to influence foes it's style of dancing became hugely popular overseas grumpy dances what what do you mean it dances i mean grumpy has a pretty decent shiny if uh if i'm not wrong oh my god i don't know what that is and i don't really care what did i just do who did that all right lance destroy your stuff i know what pokemon i'm going against watch and learn zero percent chance i miss a single pokemon [Music] normal type normal type normal type with bite with bite it's pink it's snubble this is snubble i'd stubble maybe listen snubble [Music] i don't know if that's how it sounded honestly harden okay rock or steel but then also part a typing that's weak to grass okay water steel water steel wait water steel it's it's uh empoleon right napoleon it is it is empoleon can't be wrong two for two easy [Music] wait that reminds me pokemon snap if this resists its vulpix nine tails has flash fire this is vulpix because you play pokemon snap and you throw the apples at them you go they'd be really upset about it but i heard that cry so many times right i think it's vulpix right that was spot on and exact same cry that's vulpix i am a genius not so fast yeah lance i don't care lance i i'm gonna go find my pokemon when in doubt i always choose the middle pokemon you know what hey sometimes you just hucka ultra ball and everything's good right no problems in my life just no okay let's see what we won we opened a loot box what was our prize you want me to sit around here and figure out every uh bad pokemon and who it is oh crap did i mess up was i supposed to do it the other way supposed to do it the other way wasn't i some say mess up others say you're an idiot i say is that rayquaza it's not rick [Music] that's rayquaza thank god for this jeez okay we have a date with destiny and destiny is an old man living in a refrigerator what do you got for me i don't think it's a legendary i think it's one of the i think it's a steel pokemon oh okay okay i was thinking one of the magnets but i don't know what the red is doing there i was thinking one of the magnets with the sound and then it went from magnet rise signal beam that's a porygon i don't know if it's two or z i don't i don't know if it really matters either well actually you know leech seat will kill it and they won't heal oh but they're switching okay [Music] [Applause] that's the bell that's bronzong it's the bell man ding dong ding dong my ivysaur's very dead if you ever see a bell a big metal bell you run over to it you punch it with your fiery fist and then it will crack that's how that happens that's how big famous bells get cracked i'll be able to kill this because the leech seed plus the fire puncherooski will be enough and they won't heal right i think oh that's so close we are on the cusp of killing the bell ah why you got it why you gotta do that why you gotta do that price just let the bell go down with some dignity okay let it go down pretty sure that's where the crack of the liberty bell came from that's what i'm saying masquerade masquerade masquerade is it one for intake or it had intimidate it's floating high in the air it's white and then it went for water spore that's gotta be masquerade so this is what i say it sounds like and then what's it actually sound like let's get the death cry out of it [Music] same thing i think it's porygon too but i don't know the difference between porygon 2 and porygon z you guys are saying it's z i don't know i put my reputation on saying it's two now my reputation probably goes with being wrong so that's that's fine if i'm wrong but i'm saying it's two that's all i gots to say elm no no no no elm don't know oh god no aha it's you i will steal your clothes yeah sick awesome yep thank you seems to be an empty pretty private room and and this person brought me over to here to get changed as he stared intently at me so close that my hat has to be flipped around because our brims would be hitting that's all right you know what chat this is the kind of stream we're having today and honestly i'm having a blast this is chaos wait why am i battling not subbed you know what this is as good a time as ever that's clearly a pokemon and if you enjoy watching someone with the incredible pokemon knowledge i have and you're not subscribed already you should probably subscribe so you can see future wonderful videos because subscribing helps the channel immensely and make me happy and you know what watch this super effective one shot everything's good that wasn't that wasn't good that was not good no one saw that it's fine no one saw that i scared him intimidation [Music] intimidation that's what we're going for star raptor time to ice beam you this is what you came here for huh watch this double team no no no boom boom boom there it is easy wow look at us go way too easy oh i should know that it's a cat meow cats don't like water we're gonna spray water on the cat the cat's gonna run away we win the battle easy all right we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine okay we go into fire guy and then fire guy will punch the roselia this is rosalia i don't know if i picked the right flower but i know it's not badou and i'm saying roselia oh wait no no that's uh ninja right should ninja stop kissing me oh this is love disc right it was going for like the the kissy kissy right yeah kissy kiss he loved disc okay we got this nice okay um zen headbutt oh it's uh it's the it's a starter it's spinda if you sub now for a limited time only you yes you will get a free bagel this this is this is not a drill sub now and youtube itself will deliver a bagel let's fly fly and fly into the wait what michelle got back or light oh you know this is ladios isn't it orladio's bloody butt it's one of them it's a laddie it's latios the latios has nothing on sean kemp what about a poster wow and the crowd goes wild why so secretly did he just say why is so serious my rival the joker it's kind of terrifying i don't think i signed up for that at all hello how are you another boss battle okay archer that's rhyhorn right i've i've incorrectly gotten this enough times to know this is rhyhorn yes maybe not i have no idea what this is oh i predicted this idiot now let's go i was a little aggressive that was aggressive yeah i got wait what you did it multiple times no crap no more saying cuss words uh just twister stop doing that i want to twist and shout twist and then shout twist and then good okay sweet it was getting a little frustrating that's something legendary darkrai i'm going dark right dark rye dark rut wait hypnosis i mean it goes for dark void but doesn't learn hypnosis before dark void okay it's dead regardless i don't know what that is we'll just dance who cares when you can just dance right you can kind of sway back and forth like everyone's having a good time you don't have to worry you don't have to fret like everyone's having a great time uh no thoughts had empty just dance you know we're having a good time why not take this opportunity to catch a brand new pokemon that noise didn't excite me i don't care it's like the same color as the last one now i'm intrigued now i want to know what pokemon this is two pokemon of the same color and this is the rare one so it's going to be the rarest pokemon in all of the lands easy oh wait what it's not pikachu it has to be right you right that's all pikachu sounds like it is right you [Laughter] i swear there is no video no video on the internet eradicate i mean it's got to be radicated or you down saying it's right you was i saying raticate oh my god what's wrong with me there's there's no way to prove that we could name an emoji oh this is a legendary why did i just catch a raichu when i i could have caught this there's special music this was meant for me this is my new friend i mean it has to be no it's one of the it's one of the flea guys they appear on screen and then they're gone i've been bamboozled here we are finally in the town for the final gym badge and we should actually be able to go against the elite four today which is exciting aha i am a genius oh crap i am gonna use my brain my big beautiful brain now i'm ready i feel gen i feel like it was a gen 1 pokemon might not be gen 1 but it's a pokemon that i'm very familiar with and it just did 5 million damage to me wait a minute yeah i said gen 1 it's red and it's going for flying moves and i'm pretty sure it's a legendary it's mole trace it has to be mole trace there's literally not another option i'm an idiot hell yeah wait low nope how did i get this wrong mikey oh oh come on i i mean hey cody what's going on wait is that dragonite maybe it is stupid but it's all so dumb throwing rocks at me because i asked if it was dragon i wasn't even right this guy's swerving all over the highway it's very dangerous and i don't like it punch it in the face punch it in the face don't endure that's so annoying nobody likes you okay there we go it failed get this thing out of here i'll listen and actually get it i know it's not growled on but i that's that was that would be my guess i know it's not heatran was that what was mole trace oh crap that was mole trace crap editor you and me were talking under no circumstance that just just that wasn't the final gym leader i'm not dropping a pokemon i'm getting all of these right this is gonna be easy and then i'm gonna obliterate the elite four one after another and everyone's gonna think i'm awesome and crown me champion of the world watch this i should know that it's a normal type it's definitely a normal type it's a normal type i was thinking cat maybe persian [Music] nope not even a little bit i oh my god oh my god i'm so dumb okay it's fine it's fine but it's switched coward i i'm this is a fight i have no idea what this is i will never know what this was and i'm fine with it just get out of my sight come on we know the recoil damage thank god okay it worked out it worked out okay i'm not switching what a dog i'm thinking electric type okay i was wrong but it still worked wait a minute what am i doing i just go and punch it in the face it's a it's a yeah it's a grass guy punch punch pow pow kachow even this is where the champions sepa separate themselves this is where the champions separate themselves from the pretenders no crit didn't even say my words right didn't even sound good i'm an idiot but it's fine i thought you were gonna heal i thought you're going to use the healy heels if you don't heal but then you then you email you dummy now you're dead okay i'm not upset no that's what i wanted i wanted this to happen i walked you into my trap i used my big burly brain to walk you into a trap and now this gym badge is mine all right what's next that's a legendary that i should immediately know but i don't a-zelf maybe detect that's so annoying that seems like an aself thing that's frustrating me future site it might be it might be uh it's going to go for detect here oh you dumb idiot oh i predicted you get out of here get out of town i'll get wrecked let's go let's go out of here easy [Music] one more pokemon to take on brand new move let's take it for a test drive why not come on hey look at that [Music] don't know what that is don't care because all that matters is the final gym badge is mine let's go give me the badge thank you okay now i can change my layout and everyone stoked on me that was chaos okay i'm gonna go see the guy who's gonna give it master ball master balls are cool yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait chats i have a high stakes game i have one master ball and there is one lugia like encounter i'm gonna go to get that encounter i'm going to turn the chat off so there's no possible cheating from me if i can guess the pokemon correctly i can keep it and i can use it if i guess it incorrectly i have to release the pokemon i've never once caught lugia in a any pokemon games this is all new to me i've literally never done this before oh okay that's pretty cool uh there's water it's cush if i can guess the pokemon correctly i can keep it if i am wrong with the pokemon that i guess after i catch it i have to release this legendary high stakes this is where i prove i know what i'm doing and i can actually figure out these pokemon okay they don't call me the best pokemon cry person in the world for nothing [Music] wait wait wait we saw this we saw this before was this this was arceus people said it was art i think people said it was artists we saw this before we saw it okay to know for sure i go into sean kemp and they go for a ghost move and if it doesn't hurt it then it's it's arceus it's rcs let's go oh my god if i get this wrong i'm going to be so sad i'm going to be so sad oh my god please please i don't i don't i don't think i could get this if this is like reggie giggles i will lose my mind oh my there's no way right yeah it's the alpha pokemon yes yes yes chat you can come back oh my god wow murderer domination the final rival battle before we get to the gosh darn league i'm going to destroy not subbed and prove that if you're enjoying this series and you're not subscribed to the channel subscribe now because i mean if you're watching at this point you're not subbed i mean come on i'm sure you enjoy it at least a little bit come on watch this i got this easy we fly high into the sky and then boom the pokemon explodes into a million pieces i am randy johnson here's my fastball that's the pigeon boom boom just a little bit of a delayed boom it's like a very basic cry so we're just gonna go over the surf and see what happens that's what i like to see you're just a bird it's another bird for randy johnson to take out wow wow [Music] pitching legend randy johnson having a field day i'm punching something and it's gonna feel real satisfying [Music] i should know what this is the blue makes me think it is a water pokemon but i'm taking a stab at it as a water ice pokemon so a punch will still work it did not work it's fine though it's fine i'm gonna confuse it on the way out but they're switching out because they're scared i don't know what it is but it's on the ground it's bouncing around it's the best pokemon you keep on keeping on you punch until you can't punch anymore are you out of here all right i should know that cry oh john mega it's yon mega okay it's yon mega it's the on mega punch the on mega punch the on mega come in here and punch it punch it right in its dumb face punchy before it's too late mag [Music] there we go steve come on no yes we did it it's fine put them on a poster out of here you're a water guy i'll throw the petals at him [Music] easy but now spin does that you two titans battling it out to see who will take on the elite four a sucker punch comes its way but murner shakes it off what a heavenly voice that is you take that thing out and you take it out now not subbed that's the end of you because now i'm assuming you're all subscribed this is what we've been waiting for i've been training my whole life so that when i walk through these doors i will nail every pokemon cry although every pokemon we're facing some are saying that my team it's too weak i say i have an arceus i'm incredibly lucky thank god i figured out that pokemon because now i get to use it will show me what you got i should know this cry i've heard that cry so many times in my life which means it's a genuine cry wing attack okay i'm feeling aerodactyl maybe even if i'm wrong it worked out so there's that let's think about it let's use our brains they're bringing in a rock to kill the bagel this could be a normal type all right now maybe we get the special defense drop nope why did i i already i determined it was i knew it was normal main attack then we sucker punch okay i was right about the rock thing i was right about the rock thing be gone from whence you came it might be fire but if it's not fire a guaranteed burn wait is this artillery i remember going against one this color saying it was fire and then it turned out to be water and then it was artillery we battle dance to victory [Music] dizzy punch okay it's definitely a normal time oh my god that did 5 million damage that's illegal you can't just do that what is the dizzy puncher of the pokemon world that goes whoa and it's bouncing around so it's hopping hip hop hip hop bunny this is low pony but that's low pony that's baton pass okay we figured it out intimidate only so many pokemon have intimidate okay nobody intimidates murder murder oh they're not healing here they're not healing here there we go will the first elite four member goes down in a blaze there's no glory screw you will i'm moving on actually yeah never mind it is koga nice little lava plume burn it there it is taunt you fool this is what we've been waiting for no we confused ray i didn't we focus bunch and we just don't even think about what just happened definitely definitely definitely definitely should have definitely should have con okay definitely should have you are very much a direct wait no are you you could be a dragon are you a dragon keep getting crits to the burn see see if i care i care so much it's a water type it has to be sharpiedo because it's dark water and it's doing 5 million damage with night slash which is a move that you commonly see with sharpedo which has a really high attack stat which is why it's doing so much damage i probably shouldn't figure this out earlier but that was not part of the song a setback just for a big gum back okay [Music] i don't think i have any idea what this is it went for an electric move and it made a goofy noise oh that has to be monetary i've never missed a move in my life there we go okay wait this is flygon easy boom bang bang i'm not worried we're still taking this down what a dog i haven't healed in battle yet i'm not starting now fain attack that could be a lot of pokemon great way razor leaf razor lee fain attack razorly fain attack okay razorly faint attack outsped that is shift tree there it is in the flesh that is terrifying it's fine they're going to heal up we are going to get the special defense drop wait what i thought you were going to heal all right well i'm sure that made me think possibly eeveelution which the coloring would make me think glaceon and it's already defense curling i'm already wrong but what would this possibly be with that coloring no more fortnite it's dead it it it's dead that is that is how i will remember it koga there's a room with lava i'm throwing them for a loop we're leading off with the grass toad that sounded pretty intimidating but i don't know exactly what it is okay it's a big old scary grass monster we kill with this magnitude doesn't switch out not afraid of anything no not groudon not now not like this not now no no you can't do that groudon you cannot show up to the battle here we already had lava all we had lava i should have seen this coming it's fine oh you idiot you can't hit me you don't have uh rocks to throw at me oh my god oh my god oh my god sir this is the end for you groudon and i'll make sure this is the last battle you've ever had in the elite four that is a terrifying noise okay it's it's probably dark and not ghost which is scary oh i might have just clicked buttons and figured it out that's watch crow they're going to heal that's fine we're going to get it into a spot where we can definitely take it out oh we got a little bit too big for its bridges let's go okay oh is that a uh n n n a crab of some sort that's a crab right get what one you can't do that you cannot do that okay just get the crab out of here i'm sick of this i hate you bruno i was gonna say electro is that like one of the luxes mud wait mud bomb mud bomb mud bomb mud bomb [Music] i think it's gen one but it don't matter bruno get out of here still victorious still haven't used a healing item once okay i like the golden flakes strewn across the ground i'm fine with it karen it's a cat or a weak pokemon why high into the sky wait no it's still worked out it's it's a weak grass guy maybe it's a flower i don't know maybe like badou [Music] we thunder wave nice we out speed so it's already slow which is a really good sign amnesia uh i mean that doesn't tell me anything specifically i mean my first thought was maybe slow bro oh that's slow bro yes yes just one crate to rule them all i would have been crit so many times by now two hours later [Music] punch him in the face you guys thought i was down i'm not out yet oh wait did we just go against this we learn around here oh that was a crit but ominous wind will kill because we do still have the special attack up oh you dumb idiot oh we're fine okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine that i nope okay one more pokemon was that murder right it is oh my god murder meet murder murder [Applause] that was magical what a moment this is where champions are forged no one will ever forget where they were where the murder team went against lance the most under level team in some time to walk into these halls what ground guy are you take down won't kill me but aqua tail could hurt them okay bush cat i don't think it's swamp birds i'm pretty sure this is ground water anyways we go into mega scissor regardless could be swampy boy could be the swappiest boy but it's fine no it's not yes it is no it's not yes it is no yes it is damn it it was not fine we kind of have to cut losses we have to go into murder and we need to take this thing out in one hits [Music] i have not healed yet in battle but this is putting us in a really scary spot but we don't give up [Music] all right i'm gonna really have to play well here i have a hunch if this is a lectivire and it goes for a physical electric move maybe it can get burned from the contact come on luck come on look punch me again and get burned punch me again and get burned you idiot come on yes yes okay sean kemp we set up we set up with ominous wind we set up with ominous wind and we win you son of a no sean ain't going out like that that was dirty nope not going out like that really thought you were gonna heal that's fine that's fine we're getting the boost easy boost redemption yes yes [Music] no no i won't tell if you don't tell i won't tell if you won't tell kill it where it stands i once thought you were a mewtwo didn't make that mistake twice oh it said dumb bunny again it's the damn bunny i will never lose a play through in the championship battle to a buddy that purple cliff named chad you kidding me you can punch me all you want chad gonna punch me directly in the face square between the eyes but it was always gonna come down to murder i knew this you knew this we she they wumbo knew this it sounded kind of like it was some sort of poisonous goo could not be more wrong apparently ring outs ring out ring out hang growth spaghetti monster ring out wring out the spaghetti monster oh you think you're the only one who can full restore lance i'm no poor let's see [Music] [Applause] i should know this i should know this it's definitely some sort of grass pokemon it's not it's not skip blue maybe blossom baby you punch that flower and you punch it as fast as you can someone even say extremely fast and there it is [Music] and there it is champion defeated that is a picture and that is pokemon but i can't see what i'm just named this ain't sword and shield all right all right i'll i'd usually do this whenever we start pokemon streams these days but let's quickly take a look at the sword and shield category all right so now there is obviously a second region and i will save that for a rainy day pokemon but i can't see what i fight interesting challenge we're gonna do something that i have not done in far too long we're gonna review the subreddit um they're they're just on reddit and i will save that for a rainy day
Channel: PM7
Views: 251,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemon but, pokemon challenge, pokemon blind, pokemon can't see, pokemon but i cant see what i fight, pokemon soulsilver, pokemon randomizer, pokemon soulsilver randomizer, can you beat, challenge run, playthrough challenge, can you beat pokemon, pokemen7 plays, pokemen7 plays pokemon but, pokemen7 plays pokemon but i cant see what i fight, pokemon challenge run, challenge, cant see pokemon challenge, random pokemon challenge, soulsilver, pokemon mystery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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