3 PokeTubers Try To Beat 1 Pokemon Game

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can three poke tubers be a randomized version of pokemon platinum probably will we be able to i don't know that's a whole other question but one that m j tv purple cliff and myself are going to try to answer i'm gonna be playing until i beat the first gym i'll send the game over to m jtv who's gonna play until he beats the second gym and then jack will finish off the episode hopefully beating the third gym the one big twist here is i'm not gonna tell mikey what rules i use nor will i tell him anything that happened in my game and then when he gets the game he'll do the same to jack so we might just be doing three different rule sets three different nuzlockes or maybe even not a nose lock in the same run and we'll just see how this goes so let's get right on into the run most of the people that watch these videos are actually unsubscribed and those people are the rivals of this playthrough so make sure if you're one of those people you subscribe right now it helps out the channel more than you could imagine and subscribe to purplecliff and m j tv plays too while you're at it i'm gonna make this a nuzlocke for me but i'm gonna play be playing on the set battle style no items are allowed in any of the battles and i won't be over leveling any of my pokemon above the gym leader's highest level pokemon maybe that's gonna make me the weak link in this playthrough maybe i'll lose a bunch of pokemon before i send the game off i don't really know but i only have to beat a few gyms before this game's over so why not make them an exciting and challenging few gyms now you gastrodon dusknoir oh and lucky number three scissor oh scissors really cool so i'm taking the metal bug full of death and destruction and it's gonna destroy and not death that would be bad let's let's find out some fun things about the scizor relax nature so that's plus defense i don't know what it minuses maybe minus special attack i'm not sure technician of course which is beautiful gonna be honest i'm legitimately worried about catching a pokemon because scizor is so powerful but we might be able to catch the psyduck just with a regular pokeball i don't want to bullet punch it that would be stupid and i don't want to quick attack it that would also be stupid maybe i should just bullet punch and it's going to live of course oh oh my god i did i did not think it was going to be able to live this is the god duck i i need to i need to catch him i i need it i i need it oh let's go the most powerful duck in all of the land is finally aboard the winning squad what's in your wallets a clay doll okay that's actually pretty sweet okay did train up the the god duck here a little bit to make sure i wouldn't just obliterate whatever pokemon i saw but i kind of feel like we could go into sizzle or quick attack and not kill this thing because it is kind of block block kind of hurting my feelings and the ducks feelings buts no no no no that hurts my feelings even more no clay doll come back give me the good news it's very weird news but you know what fine i didn't take the gastrodon this seems like a sign i'm really starting to think that i'm not gonna catch the gastrodon it's bumming me out a little bit sometimes you just have to get down in the dumps and gastrodon will become yours the big old bad steed to carry you to safety and out of the the the mud speaking of big old dumb i do want to get some more money so that i can buy more pokeballs so we can hopefully actually catch the pokemon the big issue here is i need to make sure i don't over level any of my pokemon because i don't want to break the rules that i've set for myself that would be awful but also does venomoth have tinted lens in this gen i don't think so i feel like tinted lens was like a gen 5 thing for venomoth for now it's still just kind of bad so i'm just gonna assume it's bad and hopefully bullet punch it to death so you oh you're out of here forced i foresight on a steel bug it's it's not becoming venomoth you can see me clearly i'm i'm one of you you have the little like trident like prong head thing i have the same thing on my head the wumbo i don't know god duck please i think you're doing one hp each time god duck this is a terrible look for you man i don't nobody's going to follow you god duck that was that was embarrassing you're embarrassing me you're embarrassing mikey and you're embarrassing jack you think about what you've done here okay that was that was tough to watch and i'm really gonna have to think about what i saw here because that was brutal let's get another pokemon i don't know what that weird glitch was but god duck let me down and hound doom absolutely won't let me down so maybe please stop howling it's terrifying me and the children okay that's fine that is fine god duck you have got it down to one hp you've redeemed yourself in my eyes and now we need to catch this hound doom and i will be one happy guy deoxis this is really bad i have killed so many deoxys in my playthroughs and this is this is revenge there's no other way to describe this beyond revenge you won't be escaping my clutches deoxys you're just gonna become another trophy on my deoxys wall and we can just continue the trend of me killing at least one deoxys in every playthrough i have whether or not it's on my team i feel really weird doing this but you know what like i can't use the potions in battle do mikey and jack really need the potions i say no i need the pokeballs that's for sure i very much would like to catch some more pokemon i mean a full team of six would be ideal so let's uh let's go snag a brand new mon and i mean hopefully we can find some more potions just strewn about on the ground for them but a pilot's wine i need this that's okay seven is my lucky number pokemon 7 this is the 17th pokeball so this will work i'm sure of it oh let's go it was meant to be wow i'm not going to be able to leave this cave without finding a pokemon yeah so i just have to accept my fate here and to motham okay okay moths are friends not food mother i'm not gonna waste many pokeballs on you you are a mother you understand yes good i'm glad we're on the same page here do i to snag this encounter there are some items up here i might as well snag them so that mikey has them at least and oh duo okay nice i can i can leave mikey with a doduo and his last ronnie had a doe duo so something familiar could be pretty nice come on oh there we go doduo on the squad little john never running thank you for the pokeball and now final encounter for my part at least fire water grass score fire fire water grass core yeah woohoo fire fire water grass course sun kern houndoom gastrodon and it lived with like one it was meant to be fire fire water grass core it's i mean it's what every it's what every good pokemon player needs on their team one of the best natural cores in the game this is the last thing i get to do today before i send it off to the two hooligans so you know what we're ending it on a high sun kern gym sweep he normally leads off with a level 12 geodude i don't know what the chances of this are but i am going to still make this work i'm going to whistle at him just like that and now that he's asleep i will lay the trap i will grow all big and tall and stink horn is ready to demolish them all but even if it does a lot of damage i'm gonna get all of that health back right here with mega drain i should have ingrained that's fine that's fine it's a little bit of an oversight and also will make sure if they bring in something really powerful i won't just die immediately so probably for the best but stinkhorn stinkhorn i stink horn i think this is your time oh my god i'm ingraining i'm doubling down on this no no no i i am going to make this happen let's just agree to pretend that that killed let's let's just all agree to pretend that we saw the blastoise die i'd feel better about the situation i think you guys would think this was a little bit better and i'd feel better knowing that stinkhorn is stuck in here hope isn't lost yet stink horn i know it has pressure which means you have even less mega drains than i'd like but you know what it's not over till it's over okay you're at plus six you have an amount of mega drains and we can do this and maybe hobo doesn't have pressure maybe i thought wrong oh my god wait does hello not have another attacking i don't think this hoe has another attacking move oh my god i think i might be able to beat a ho-oh with a sun current this is it stink horn it's struggling it's doing damage you need to hit the grass whistle you need to hit this buddy you need to hit this oh my god stink horn [Music] you can do this you can do this [Music] okay that is incredible oh i don't know if we're gonna be able to survive the turns all right we just or maybe we can get enough health back but the struggle doesn't kill don't give up buddy do not give up it is not over hey they could just stay asleep one more turn get a little bit more health back i think we could live oh stank stink stink no go greetings boogie fans michael here and now it's my turn to do the next segment of this tag team relay race it's honestly kind of a relay yeah it's a relay like a track yeah this platinum relay i'm doing the next segment of it i'm gonna go to beat the second gym um apparently it's a nuzlocke screw that i don't like nuzlockes and i'm an adult i'm an adult man and i can do what i want and i'm not going to do this as a nuzlocke because that doesn't sound fun and i'm here to have fun with that on shift uh change the frame oh it's christmas season we're doing this oh i probably should mention uh i'm not doing this as a nuzlocke because i i don't want to um but i am going to stick to the nuzlocke encounter rules so just the first one in each new area i'll stick to that i don't want to completely ruin it not subbed ah that's right because people who are not subbed are the enemy make sure to subscribe everyone my first battle as part of the platinum relay and it's a cleffa and a veneering and don is a dusknoir man our team looks so evil these two demonic beings beating up two cute little babies giving me something give me something to write home about yes yes yes oh okay oh wait this will learn no moves by level up oh well this is my first try after all just thought i might try something lucky all right we're gonna get it on this so it turns out there were not any wild pokemon in the ravaged path uh so we're not getting that encounter and that's okay just that's the way the the shift tree crumbles sometimes what i mean cookie we got what are you giving to me all right what we got what you giving to me a diglett all right i can live with a diglett there we go all right first try yeah we're gonna name you we're gonna name you you know what let's name you after another pokemon another pokemon that uh doesn't actually exist in this game uh so we're gonna give a nod to it we're gonna call you uh shift tree greetings dumbos i am here to show you how much of a dumb boy you really are kate with your silly little rumble john will crush you shots shots shots shot shot shots stop touching me with your tongue nobody has time for that yeah yeah humanity says it wants to he's gonna get to mars by 2028 and i'm going to beat it there a whole several years [Music] nasa should hire me at once clearly mia a lantern i know precisely the pokemon to deal with this yes oh viva gale shout outs to the modest gastrodon praise b [Music] all right i'm gonna go for a quick attack just because uh i don't want her to use a potion oh okay depending on how much this heals okay bullet punch kills oh yeah [Music] i have conquered malls all right what you got for me what you got for me give me something good [Music] okay i guess that's fine finally that took 11 pokeballs hidden power [Music] i wonder what type it is not very effective on a bug poison type okay resisted by man tyke so bee drill resists fighting poison bug grass and fairy oh fairy's down in this game fighting poison bug grass and man tyke resists fighting bugs stealing fire so it's either fighting or bug oh chancey perfect this trainer has chansey so if it's super effective it's fighting obviously because that's the only type it's big dude it's bug it's hidden power bug all right here we are in eterna forest i do get an encounter here and obviously catching pokemon with cheryl is very difficult because uh she likes to kill all the wild pokemon so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna lead with scissor and immediately just kill her chansey in this in the first turn so it can't hurt anything on the other side victory bell and burme obviously one of these is more appealing than the other one oh i didn't do it first turn okay oh well now it's dead all right well thanks for the help victory bill appreciate you all right now let's kill the burme [Music] you who all right pokeballs don't fail me against this fully evolved pokemon let's go god gasly is frail that was a resisted razor leaf champion what what is it with these big brain you withdrew both what okay well that was a bad switch okay now here's charmeleon still all right that turned out fine and it is smoocham smoocham smoocham you stupid little pokemon [Music] why are you so hard to catch oh my god there you go man magby ella kid and smoocham just have ridiculously low catch rates i'm calling you mooch i'm good something good come on come on [Music] when i can't even fight this thing with scissor i'm naming it dromedary which is the i may not have spelled it right but that's the type of uh [Music] type of camel with one hump bactrine is the type of camel with two humps and you can remember that a d on its side for dromedary is one hump and a b capital b on its side is two bumps although ironically it becomes a bactrian camel when it evolves into camera okay so i have defeated all the gym trainers so the last thing i need to do is go underground and find a fossil okay it wouldn't work i don't know why i didn't work i was able to do it for my no catch platinum run never mind well given up on that dream time for me to just beat the gym leader because i don't feel like testing that tech issue out are you ready gardenia you beautiful lady with the coconut head really does look like that doesn't it what you got kim [Music] all right i could deal with the torchic just not with a scissor [Music] get out of here get me out of here one down oh metal claw oh nice quick attack's been useful too but bullet punch is just bull punches quick attack was stabbed son flora man she's sending in like the perfect pokemon for whatever i have in at the time [Music] go teddy slay the sun flora flora all right to hit ko aha you missed me you missed me with your grass whistling miss me with the whistling bars don't mind the berry we'll just ko it next turn that doesn't matter i'm using a special move and in one more attack that was okay well that was all right a little weird fine now now the battle is over and i have completed my segment with no deaths look at me i'm amazing good for me i'm incredible thank you for all of the praises that i'm currently receiving they're wonderful and can we just talk about like this team is actually pretty stacked like this is a this is a pretty buff squad so i was told nothing i was given this game told that john played it mikey played it and now i'm playing it um looking at the team please don't kill okay we're looking at the team i'm assuming this is some sort of nuzlocke john john does nuzlocks what is this abomination of a text box i'm sorry 15 14 all the way shifts who was playing it was it mikey of course it was he's playing on shift mode okay we are we are we are jackifying this we are we are cliffing this run right now new term we've laid the team out as to look at it easier we've got teddy okay gail lil john fast bell and please don't kill what six pokemon do i want on my journey first off nobody tells me what to do bye so instead of that pokemon we're gonna bring in shiftery shifters are really strong pokemon diglett's not but it's changed its name okay fast bell is this thing fast it doesn't even have a plus speed nature who caught this one what is this met at level 12 i don't know we'll keep it lil john john likes this pokemons so i won't kill it but smoochum is far superior gastrodon i love gastrodon houndoom not as cool as my boy numel all right this is our team they didn't shine the badges [Music] why do i gotta do all the hard work come on come on come on yes now we're playing in true style hello it's me looker he literally undresses in front of the you're a terrible cop your meddling won't be tolerated excuse me sorry sweetie sweetie i am 23 years old i'm gonna prove to you right now who you're messing with bob and daniel oh dear god i have two moves to hit both of you i came prepared fast bell the fastest one here use razor leaf [Music] yes critical hit boom you thought you could kill me i'm the best pokemon player ever bow down cacturn boom look how strong smoocham is absorb you're not even gonna do 30 percent laughable a hair across listen you might be scary too but we're gonna get another crit here first off fast bell kill the cacturn get it off my screen heracross doesn't do too much damage but we're prepared for that mooch the smooch it's gonna kill it there 151 we level up plus two attack moochum not gonna level up aerial ace we tank it wasn't even worried why do they have so many good pokemon okay okay tactical play here tactical play sleep the hair across we're gonna lick the jump luck we're gonna get status conditions on both of these things why'd i put myself to sleep i i swear i used sleep powder on hair across okay hold up hold up we're we can save this still oh jump luffy used sleep powder uh okay well we're asleep we're awake which means we can razor leaf over and over again god stop cut stat is affecting me that was my plan i was gonna be the one to paralyze this one with flick and sleep this one but no it is reverted here across can you die oh god don't damage me up stop putting me to sleep okay no don't do that don't do that don't do that [Music] i woke up though come on one hp boom bird brains let's go okay shift three leveled up don't kill me if this thing crits [Laughter] imagine those were the first trainers in the building [Music] in nuzlocke fashion when a pokemon dies you have to release it fast bell i have no idea who you are and these emotions don't connect with me but someone in the comments section is probably going to be mad that i killed you guys i really hope this is a nuzlocke and i'm not just killing these pokemon who else died jerome dary goodbye all of you godspeed excuse me lately i'm just gonna battle you she has a neato king that thing is ground type and i'm ground type which means i have the advantage water pulse why does it have a flying move are moves randomized too by a by nidoking this is going to get us up to level 21 boom and it's also going to get our diglett to level 16. what's next a toxic croak funny we murder this thing too with water pulse no it has a fighting type move we resist fighting let's ember to burn him taunt what does that do i am just hacking right now because my man just went and got the critical hit battle over oh okay here it is wait be good be good i get a pokemon encounter right here what's it gonna be yes come on no don't tell me yes didn't smooch him have a fossil all right what do we have be good be good be good here we go our last double battle didn't go too good but we're gonna redeem that we have leveled our pokemon up and we're against a bell sprout and an agron wait they're higher level than me and i'm pretty sure steel is also weak to ground so mud bomb the combo right here ember does 40 and it doesn't burn i can tank a headbutt easy mud bomb hits doing another 60 to knockout we've redeemed ourself i forgot to buy pokeballs i have one ball and it's a net pawn oh no okay so here's the play what we're gonna do is i need to get a status effect on this thing i didn't want that thing anyway we have a bit of a predicament here i only have one pokeball and this is an encounter so my goal is to get out of this grass without wasting our encounter so i can go buy pokeballs here we go [Music] oh my god i'm a god gamer i didn't want to battle you here we go now we get to go catch some pokemon and by some pokemon i mean one pokemon because i have obliterated every single possible encounter i was supposed to have in this game but doesn't matter because we're gonna get the legendary pokemon why okay let's lower this things let's lower this thing's hp i was given this game and told to beat you i grinded killed pokemon released to pokemon because i was told not to now if there's anybody that i can beat it's gonna be you chloe not fiona here we go her first pokemon a caterpie we take those we are going to use amber a super effective move one shot it boom now a diglett oh oh i bet you weren't ready for this play boom baited doesn't affect me by diglett level 25 affinion [Music] here we go one single wing attack to end okay multiple what quick attack and okay why is this thing so tanky just [Music] john it's your time he uses gusts why does this have gusts the rain is falling what we're gonna do powder snow i can tank a water pulse [Music] freeze okay peck's a priority move peck's not a priority move no all you need to do intimidate is crit this quick attack and win the entire gym carbonite use quick attack and crit oh no shiftery out speed bird brains quick attack crit oh teddy [Music] [Applause] i outsmed [Applause] the gym is defeated we must say goodbye shift tree let me take the item first goodbye john goodbye bird brains [Music] goodbye corvonite
Channel: PM7
Views: 797,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, purplecliffe, pokemon challenge, pokemen7 and mandjtv, pokemen7 purplecliffe, mandjtv purplecliffe, pokemen7 mandjtv purplecliffe, poketubers try to beat pokemon, 3 poketubers try to beat 1 pokemon game, pokemon nuzlocke, can you beat pokemon, pokemon platinum, pokemon randomizer, pokemen7 nuzlocke, mandjtv nuzlocke, purplecliffe nuzlocke, pokemon relay, poketubers, can you beat, nuzlocke, challenge run, pokemen7 mandjtv
Id: 6eI_roiHhyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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