I Can't Believe This Happened vs Dialga

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- Alright, it's time to begin the grueling journey all the way up to Snowpoint, and-- Ugh, can't see crap! Look at the skiers just... - [Voice] Wee, wee, wee! Sneasel. Weavile is a Pokémon that I was considering. Alright, I got one. I'm looking at its level-up move set. Why does it not learn any physical moves by level-up aside from Ice Shard? It's got all kinds of physical egg moves, though. And since I got a Gligar with an egg move in the Underground, it might make the most sense for me to catch one in the Underground. And according to Serebii, I have to have the Icicle Badge, which means I have to beat Candice. But for now, let's continue onward freezing our butts off. A rest house. Do you have any hot tea or cocoa? Well now there's a sandstorm in a winter wonderland, which I guess makes it a winter wondersand, heh. Wow, I'm actually moving relatively quickly through this. Is this an item? No, it's a ninja! Oh, now it's getting slow, yeah. Oh, it's picking back up again. Hail? Hail yeah! Oh, Rock Climb! I thought I remembered it being behind this house. Yup, okay, glad I checked that. I like that the tracks I make in the snow stay, that's fun. Stealth wants to learn Earthquake. Let's go! I made it, Snowpoint City! I want to of course challenge the gym, but first I have to see if someone is here. It's Mindy. You mean the evil woman five feet away from you, who trades people Haunters with Everstones?! (evil laugh) Mindy, I hope your Torchic burns your house down. But now it's time to crush this gym by crushing some balls. Oh, no, wait snowballs, snowballs! (exclaims excitedly) Pretty cool gym arena. What are you doing with a Quagsire? It's the Ice gym, I have in my Fire-type. Another Water-type? Did you guys not get the memo of the gym that you're in? Oh my god, this whole gym, it's just, not a single trainer has had an Ice-type. Okay, finally, I finished the gym puzzle, fought all the trainers, and now I can take on Candice. (ominous music) Don't say it. - Candice wiener fit in your mouth?! (dabs) (laughs) Here she is, Candice, leading with Snover. Finally, my Infernape lead is appropriate. Flamethrower, and an obvious OHKO. Sneasel, obviously we stay. Get a clean Power-Up Punch in here. Oh, you have one of those berries? Oh, and it didn't even matter. Ha! The Chople Berry, and it did not even matter. Wow, I'm surprised they gave her that berry. Pro strats there. Medicham, yeah, I expected this just 'cause it's the Diamond and Pearl Pokédex and so it's bad. There's some Swinubs down in the Underground and some Snorunts probably, too. I did teach Shadow Claw, plus one Attack, super-effective, another OHKO, let's go. I'm gonna break the ice? Is this a date? Hey, Abomasnow. Bye, Abomasnow. And a beautiful sweep by Howler the Infernape. Wonderful, she might even admire me a little? Maybe it was a date! Huzzah! Oh, that's where I get the Avalanche TM, okay. So I could do that if I wanted to use Sneasel or Weavile, but the other moves are better because they're stronger and Avalanche only doubles in power if the user is hit first, which is not gonna happen very often for Sneasel or Weavile 'cause they're very fast. But now that I've defeated the gym, let's go check out a new segment of the Underground. Icy Cave, okay, the one in the central segment only had Bronzor and Buneary. This has Mr. Mime, a lot of them, and Snorunt. Brr! There's a Sneasel. Alright, that one behaved. It's holding a Quick Claw, that's nice. Decent nature and it has Ice Punch, yes! I can't believe in all this time, I still haven't found a single fossil for Cranidos. I guess I can, I think they're considered rare, but still. Alright, let's check out the big central cavern. Probably icy is my guess. Okay so it's half frozen and half snowy? That's a good TM. Oh, Alright, I'll try and catch you. I'll throw one Quick Ball, okay, nice. Oh my god, Swinub! This is the first one I've seen. Got it, cool. I think Mamoswine's a really cool Pokémon, but since I'm already using Gliscor that overlap doesn't make sense. Oh my god, Leftovers, that's cool. Whiteout Cave, okay, so this is the full cave of that snowy stuff, as opposed to just ice. A Munchlax! Oh my god, just stay in the Quick Ball. Just stay in the Quick Ball, yes! Screw you, honey trees! Oh my god, a Dawn Stone. I thought I saw online that you couldn't get one until after you beat the league, but no! If you wanna use a Froslass or a Gallade... I mean you gotta wait 'til you get to Snowpoint, but wow! Should I use a Froslass? Not the best nature, I'm gonna think about it because with this Dawn Stone, I could have a Froslass immediately, whereas with Sneasel, I gotta deal with Sneasel until I get the Razor Claw in the Victory Road. And Sneasel's not horrible, but it's way worse than Weavile. Briefly interrupting myself to inform you that my plushie and my hat and mandjtvmerch.com are going away forever at the end of the year. Or when they sell out, whichever happens first. They've both been discounted and the Team Sky shirt is back for a limited time, also with a discount. So head to mandjtvmerch.com linked in the description below and pick something up while you still can. If you order it soon enough, it can arrive before Christmas. Alright, now back to Pokémon. Okay, so I've got three more far over to the left and then I will have checked out all the hideaways in this new segment. Alright, another frozen one. Alright, the last hideaway for this segment is another dazzling one? I feel dazzled. Alright, well I have filled out the map for this segment, which means there's only two left: the one that I think I have to get to Sunyshore for and the post-game one. I think at least for now I'm gonna go with the Sneasel. It's got a physical Ice move, I caught several others, couldn't find one, and Weavile's really good. Sneasel is okay, but Weavile will be really good once I have it. I'm gonna call her Vandal just 'cause it's a crime. It's a Dark-type. Another thing I wanted to check was just how many people I've talked to in the Underground for Spiritomb. I watched a video and apparently it has to be just the NPCs and it has to be 32 different people and it's, oh my god. Appears to have been built many years ago, which means I've talked to zero to seven. Okay, yeah, we're not using Spiritomb. Ain't nobody got time for that. Alright, I'm at Lake Acuity and I didn't have to Rock Climb for it. Could I have done this the whole time? Barry got beat, probably 'cause he still has a Staravia this late in the game. I'm riding a little Bibarel having a grand old time. I don't really remember how I do this. Don't you give me something? And now I go in here and I use the Storage Key and I get a Dusk Stone. Okay, I need that key from elsewhere. I'm pretty sure if I go back down here, I get back into the warehouse, yes, which means I should be able to find... Yes, finally, a Poison attack for Roserade! Oh, I had to come down here for the Galactic Key anyways. How are you still fighting me with Wurmples? When I have seven badges, I don't understand. Man, it is quite the slog to get through here. I got a Dazzling Gleam TM? That's the only thing at the end of this? I went through all that work for a TM I can just buy at the store down the street?! New day, new sub plug. If you've watched this far into the video, you probably enjoy my content, so you should totally subscribe to MandJTV Plays. If any of you are paying super-close attention and notice my Pokémon's levels might be slightly higher than when I was in this building previously, that's just 'cause I was exploring the Underground off camera last night. I caught some Pokémon, got some experience, it was fun. And I finally found a Heart Scale and a fossil. That took me so long to find a fossil, but I did get one. Actually I want to revive it right now. Yes, yes. God, he's so rude. Woo, I got a Cranidos, and it's not shiny. I don't know why I expected it. This is my first time in here. This is a big rock. - [SpongeBob voice] It's not just a boulder, it's a rock. A rock! - Anyways, back to the plot. I tried to look up what the power of Beat Up is. I thought it was just a flat "this is what it is" per hit. It used to be, but now the power of each hit depends on the base Attack stat of the rest of my party. So I don't feel like doing that math. For now, I'm sure it's a perfectly acceptable Dark move. I'm already to Cyrus? I thought he was supposed to give a speech. Is that another Platinum-only thing I didn't know about? Okay, well why is he labeled Boss? (hip hop music) He's introduced himself as Cyrus. Yes, I'm here to save them. Ooh, the camera pans behind my large chibi head. Save him the trouble of dispose... Ugh, how dark. Ah, talking about emotions, you clearly look pissed, dude. Oh boy, here we go, first battle with Cyrus. Man, they did a good job of making him scary. I am so much higher level than him. I'm kinda hoping by being higher level, this means I won't have to grind before the league. Sneasel versus Sneasel. Let's see if I can do it. That does so little, okay, maybe Beat Up's better. Okay well this won't do anything, he's using a special move. Oh, that's not great, nope, okay, nope, can't win this one. Nope, oh god, oh no, need to leave at once, nope. Why don't I have Metal Claw? My Sneasel can't beat your Sneasel, that's fine. Oh my god, this thing's at plus two. Howler, now's not the time to be curious about my fashion! What are you doing? It is excellent fashion, it's Platinum fashion, okay. Your last Pokémon already, what? Oh, guess he only has three Pokémon in this first battle. I'm probably fine just with Flamethrower, right? Its just a Golbat. The Golbat burns, as does my fire of victory! I like how he uses his whole body to grab his forehead. The basis of my power is my compassion toward Pokémon. Hell yeah, it is. "How wasteful..." Dude, I just crushed you, obviously I'm good at this. Hey, Croissant Head. Yeah, that's a bit of a plot-hole. It's like that's an adult and I'm a child. He could just throw me in a cell and confiscate my Poké Balls. Saturn, I just beat Cyrus. Do you really think you can beat me? It's a Kadabra, are you kidding me? These are pro strats, Saturn. I didn't know you were such a professional. That was an amazing switch. Could you imagine if he brought in a Pokémon that had Justify and then I hit it six times with Beat Up and it ended up at plus six Attack? Now I have Dry Skin, oh, nice job. I'm literally 10 levels higher. I don't understand the curving in this game. I mean to be fair, I did get more experience in the Underground that then was necessary. I didn't just go straight and ignore the Underground. I got experience by catching Pokémon down there, but still. One more Shadow Ball, boo yah! Saturn goes down. Go free, little buddies. Yup, crafted the Red Chain, needs to shackle something on Mt. Coronet, so that's where we head next! ♪ It's the climb ♪ Before I go, though, I wanna teach Magnezone Thunder Wave 'cause I think that's gonna be really helpful in catching Dialga. Thunder Wave, yes, and forget Electro Ball 'cause Electro Ball is stronger the more the user out-speeds the opponent, and Magnezone is not very fast. Another Rock Slide TM, should I teach them to anyone? So I think I'm gonna use it on Howler and remove Shadow Claw because I already have Shadow Ball on Sorceress and coverage against Psychic-types is less important now because I have Sneasel. First Galactic Grunt, yeet! Wow, I have gotten through three Grunts without-- Oh, okay, I could've dodged that one and I did not. I'm dodging the Grunts just 'cause they're not really useful experience for me. They're just so much lower level than me. Yeah, it's 10 levels lower. The money's good, but it's not much money. I came into this side room that's not necessary to check out if you're not progressing. I'm pretty sure there's nothing here that matters at this point in the game. But I'm just gonna double check. Uh, yeah, I think this chamber is a complete waste of time at this point in the game, or maybe not. Alright, I got a Revive, wonderful. So many hidden items, it's just like look for the rocks by themselves. I've reached the last couple chambers before Spear Pillar and there are so many Grunts in a row. I must say, though, Bronzor being easier to beat than in Gen IV is pretty nice. I remember being quite annoyed by it back in the original games 'cause the only super-effective damage I could use was Fire. You couldn't use Ground 'cause you had to guess, but now if you got a Ghost or a Dark move, you're good. Alright, we defeated the last two Grunts. Now here's where all the spicy stuff starts. Hello, Cyrus, or Boss apparently. He's so tiny! Actually, it's not mythical. There's the ball. This happens before I fight Mars and Jupiter? Oh, hey man, oh boy, oh no. Oh, there's RGB everywhere! This thing can wipe out the whole universe and I can catch it in a little metal ball? Oh man, it's like old TVs. You ever look up close to the TV and see the little blue, red, and green squares? That's what this is. Cyrus, it's not mythical! Why did all these people follow this nutjob? Okay, now I fight them. The gloves are coming off, but no, it's Barry! Two on two, let's do this, buddy! Please have a Staraptor now. And he leads with his Munchlax, he always does that. Let's Beat Up one, five, oh wow. That took all six hits, goodness. Oh that sucks! Oh, I should've targeted that one. You got Bite, though, okay, I can KO that Bronzor now. Skuntank immediately? Beat Up the Bronzor, I think we can KO from this range thanks to the Bite from Munchlax. Or not? Oh, we do, okay, phew! Alright, no more Light Screens or Reflects or any of that nonsense. Oh yeah, I should've seen that coming. I lived! I lived a crit, wow. The Purugly's coming out right away. I thought you guys had Golbats. Vandal probably goes down, and that's gonna be fine. Get in some damage before I fall. U-turn, oh, okay. Ooh, nice paralysis, Barry! I think we're just gonna go with the brute strength power of Stealth. Acrobatics the Skuntank, I'm not gonna Earthquake 'cause I might do too much damage to the Munchlax and I won't hurt the Golbat at all. This should do a lot, though I don't know if it'll KO. Oh that did way less than I thought and I'm very sad. Oh no, well Munchlax is on a time limit, but Barry's got other Pokémon. Acrobatics the Skuntank. Alright, Skuntank's down. More Aftermath, alright, back to Purugly, sure. Oh I forgot about Reflect! That's why it was doing so little. Well now it's worn off, and now you die! There's the Staraptor, that's my boy, Barry, thank you. And the Intimidate is actually pretty helpful on the Purugly. Yeah, this does less damage now. Oh man, got him, Alright. Golbat should be no problem now. Swords Dance. Alright, these last two Golbats... No one's on the ground, I just notice that. It's like a sky battle, nice job. Whoa, why'd you get to go first? Oh, a Staraptor with a Quick Claw? And you're Double Teaming, why are you Double Teaming? This battle is almost over. Oh, it would've been over if you had just attacked, Barry! Alright, now it's over. Overall, pretty good teamwork. Only had one Pokémon faint between me and Barry. Oh no, stop that, stop. Oh yeah, on your left, baby! Lakevengers, assemble! I forgot about this, I'm so used to the Platinum version of events. Hey, Mesprit. Bye, Mesprit. Dialga is so big. I wish they'd be that large in the battlefield. (laughs) Look at his face! Alright, here we go, Cyrus, round two. Only got four Pokémon? Honchkrow, that's a great lead for me. Ice Punch, got him! A crit, nice, I don't know if that was necessary, but I'll take it. Another Flying-type, oh man, buddy, what are you doing? What, why do you have a Quick Claw on a Crobat? Okay, well we're not out-speeding anything anymore, so that's not great. But we should KO it here, or he might heal, yeah, okay. Alright, Vandal, if you can get another crit that would be pretty cool. Okay, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. Just don't OHKO me, Crobat. A Super Potion, Jesus, dude, what are you doing? Do I win now? Yeah, okay, I KO the Crobat now, alright, bye. Oh, here's the Gyarados. Definitely knows Earthquake, so I'm not entirely sure how I'm gonna pull this off, but I think I'm not gonna just flat switch 'cause I don't think I need Vandal anymore 'cause it's Gyarados and Weavile left. Didn't KO, but it flinched me, might as well. But the Tailwind petered out, okay. I get some Ice Punch damage, didn't freeze it. That's fine, got some chip damage. Vandal goes down, that's fine. Now Flux comes in and we're gonna hope I either somehow out-speed, the Quick Claw activates, or it doesn't know Earthquake. The Quick Claw activates, let's go! I don't think that berry's gonna be enough. Victory! Well not quite, still gotta beat the Weavile, but the Gyarados was the one I was the most scared of. And now Weavile, you should go down to one Flash Cannon. Or you could do that, admittedly didn't see that coming. Okay, I think we stay and hope we live. Oh, the affection dodge! That's kinda unfair, but I'll take it, woo! I mean if you think about it, it's poetic for the story. It's like my compassion and love for my Pokémon is what gives me power over the guy who doesn't do that, creepy skeletal guy. Alright, well let's see if I can do this. Alright, I've saved the game and it activated without me pressing A so I'm glad I saved before I got closer. Whoa, this battlefield is dope! This looks cool. How did my metal magnet ball nod anyways? Let's see if a Quick Ball decides to go crazy and work. Didn't think so. Dialga's paralyzed, alright. Oh. Oh? Oh?! I am a Pokémon master! If you exclude the Quick Ball, which was just like a Hail Mary, like "Eh, this probably isn't gonna work, but we'll try it." That was my first throw! I'm so good at Pokémon. Modest nature, is that good for a Dialga? I actually have no idea whether it's a physical or special attacker. Look at their faces! This old man came here to save me, thanks dude. Preach, brother. Aha, look at me, I thought I remembered that. And now they're just telling me to go to Sunyshore, alright. And I can't use Fly here for what reason?! I am atop a mountain, there is nothing blocking my path. Alright, off we go, Sunyshore City here I come. Howler gets Acrobatics? I'm gonna say no, though. If I'm using a Flying move, it's on Gliscor. It's Afro Boy. Hey, Flint. Yep, you want me to battle him to excite him? Like, you can do that. Alright, the orange solar panels. They were blue in Platinum, but I remembered they were orange-ish red in the other games. So I feel pretty confident that I could beat this gym immediately. It seems like I'm over-leveled. But first, we're going to go to the next segment of the Underground! Ah, a cobblestone floor, interesting. Sandsear Cave, we've got another mix of desert and volcano. Dragon Fang, if only it was a Razor Fang. Another desert, it's possible all the hideaways in this segment are biomes that I've already seen elsewhere. Alright, what's the biggon? Bogsunk Cave, ooh, big old swamp. Giga Drain TM, perfect. I'll teach it to my Roserade that already knows it. A Dusk Stone, I have two now, that's pretty nice. Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna find any new biomes. Oh Bibarel... Alright, let's go to the lighthouse, tell Volkner to get his lazy booty into the gym, and then crush him. Oh hey, there's Jasmine, we'll talk to her later. He's finally come back, alright, so get out of the way. Alright, here we are, Sunyshore Gym. Oh, these gears, they look so different than the rest of it. Wow, I wonder if Volkner's team is gonna be the same as his very stupid Diamond and Pearl team where it's two Electric-types and then an Ambipom and an Octillery. Do you think they'll give him a Pachirisu or a Rotom this time? I kinda doubt it. I think everyone else's team has been exactly the same. Well I guess while I'm out here healing before the battle, I can talk to Jasmine. Ooh, I like her frilly little dress and gloves. Would be nice if I knew about the Johto region. I guess I'll have to beat Volkner before she gives me it, alright. Alright, Volkner, the final gym leader. He's so... (bored) I'm Volkner. Alright, Volkner, let's fight. He's not sitting! Raichu, okay, here's the plan. First turn, Swords Dance. I don't think this Raichu can do anything substantial to me in regards to damage. It might set up Reflect, but with the Swords Dance, I'll cancel that out, and I wanna be boosted Attack so when the Luxray comes in to intimidate me, I don't end up in the negative, so Swords Dance first. It knows Surf?! Okay, well I've made an absolutely fatal error. Huge mistake, it out-speeds me and did more than half. Crap, well we're immediately switching 'cause otherwise Stealth goes down, and Hemlock is gonna be our next person 'cause it resists Electric and will resist this Surf. Yup, that did nothing, alright. Sludge Bomb is my strongest move. It's neutral, but it should do a lot. Volt Switching immediately. I mean nothing he sends in is gonna be immune to... Okay, there's the Ambipom, the not Electric-type. That's fine, I'll Sludge Bomb it and... Ooh, did you see that?! It barely lived but I got the poison. Sit down, Ambipom! Oh my god, you should not be here. You are not an Electric-type. You're sending in Octillery? Why now? That was dumb. I'm doing this on effectively set style. This thing, yeah, I'm just gonna neutral Sludge Bomb it. Why do you keep doing that? There's the Luxray. Don't care about that, I'm a special attacker. God, you hit like a truck, Roserade! This thing might know Ice Fang, but I think I would live it. Oh, I out-speed it, doesn't matter. Wow, am I about to sweep the Electric gym with not my Ground-type? Man, Roserade is so good, and this just OHKOs, I'm guessing. Yeah, Surf all you want, Raichu. Oh okay, but I got the poison again! Is this enough? It is, ha! Oh sit down, Volkner, I beat you with a flower! I did get two poisons that resulted in a KO that would not have been an OHKO, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 846,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, dialga, legendary
Id: tC0sGzuE1JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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