Podcast #267 - Urban Dictionary with Jenna’s Mom

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to our posture how did you get in here there's a locked door how the heck did you even get in I climbed up there's a trellis outside it climbed up a trellis and climbed through the window I can't be real with you I don't know what a trellis is oh can you I'm gonna be real - I'm calling the cops I'm gonna ask the cop when he gets here what a trellis is okay welcome back to the gingely and podcast and for me is brought to you by the skin what a great thing the skin is it's a newsletter it's completely free you wake up in five minutes you can skim the most important news with the skin all right and if you want to deep dive they have more information for you there go to the skim comm that's th es ki mmm - MS com / and drilling into your email subscribers completely free do it right now it's awesome and you entered to win a $250 Visa gift card when you do that also if you're building a website do it with Squarespace okay Squarespace is an awesome service they make building websites super streamlined and easy and beautiful you can make really nice-looking websites with little to no experience at all it's so easy you're going to be kind of blown away so check it out you could do a free trial right now or go to Squarespace comm slash in and Jillian to save 10% off the first purchase of a website or domain right now what he's trying to read the sponsor whether you had a thought was that I needed to I'm sorry I tried to wait till the end well you didn't try that hard waited as long as I could then I couldn't wait anymore so what do you got in that mug there yeah I did pour some wine and it's 11 a.m. 11 a.m. it's 4 p.m. Oh which means it's 5 o'clock somewhere yeah at my house was really like two hours away from us that's fine I don't know why I did that I never do anything like that but I just said I don't know why I just thought I would do it it's all good yes there's wine rose a wine in this cup Jenna's really psyched right now she's everything's great mm-hmm okay our headphones are too loud mommy's gonna be shouting no your love shout we just got you over me and Debbie are we're sharing the same same volume thing here so I know I'm welcome back to the podcast appearance Oh what's your name Oh No is your fifth appearance it has to be fifth where's our sushi shirt oh it's the hell you think we're the sushi shirt the podcast it's B it's hermetically sealed and it's being sent off to the Smithsonian why did you even bring it you said you brought it on the trip but you don't doubt that it's in your suitcase yeah I'm honestly doubting a hermetically sealed it's going up to the Smithsonian because it is so famous listen I just do what the people ask they wanted you're a woman if you want you to wear it we're asking where else were the people it's it's sealed I can't open it I kind of disagree a little bit how is it on its way that this is Smithsonian and in your suitcase here you're here your options now okay you either go get it and put it on or I'm gonna go get it and put it on me that now that I would pay to see there's no shirt you're supposed to fight for your shirt and say don't touch it it's for me you should sell merch that is sushi shirts that was Jillian's idea well Assoc shirt on a she's not a shirt gallons on the house just send me a free shoe sheet so this is my sushi shirt and then why I'm wearing my sushi shirt and the product description is sushi shirt shirt what do you think listen if you want to get going to business I'll shake it with you why not cuz I'm trustworthy yeah okay I don't know especially when you're in that tone of voice that that means you're on so you're saying my tone of voice is indicative of what my trustworthiness is you can't even hardly keep a straight face I'm not talking normally I'm talking normally with a straight face he's right wrong yeah I could tell when you're all I can think of when I hear straight faces Chris is Chris Miller Gert walk a straight line holding hands Weiner I can't think straight yeah anyway see ya it was great to be here thanks I put him back on see ya know I was I was only gonna be on for a few minutes as I knew waiting is like hello see ya you know how they say oh oh ha that means good hello and goodbye it was CEO as like a hello away see ya is that like in a science way and it's like in a hello way are you quoting me yeah because if you're quoting me I'd like you to properly cite that science way kind of have some coffee I need more energy somehow only if you pour it from up here okay and I'm wearing my new croc shirt wrists it for the biscuit right there you know that with your wine do with your one actually don't have to need to sure you're gonna get red wine on it is it red oh no it's white wine you just drank it normal I don't that wasn't you that's like you going to a hot dog eating contest and just eating one hot dog slowly and believing like what even was that I'm not gonna drink that much wine I'll spill it all over the whole podcast with it for the biscuit okay no it's daddy daddy I'm not signing off on Debbie Debbie Debbie do it do it all right now I'm take no part in any of that I wasn't even can you take the marble bed off the table get it the hell out of here marbles in my lap cuz I gave him a bath so he needs cuddles cuz he's still a little chilly he's a fuzzy boy sorry neat dude not doing your shirt injustice you've been you've been that hard anyway the machine is here in town with us so we thought hey instead of podcasting and just abandoning her downstairs why don't why don't you join us for your fifth appearance I think it's been four years I am happy to officially announce this is the fifth appearance I think and you won't wear your sushi shirt I can't believe you know the sushi shirt tell you I I don't believe that you brought it but whatever we'll deal with that later mmm-hmm how are you I'm excellent thank you what's new with you since you were here last cuz it's been what ten months something like that I don't know yeah a long time no I just work on the podcast which is very fun and I live in Oregon and I walk my dog mm-hmm guilty guilty whatever I'm sorry Gillies been on one this trip go upstairs and sit in my mom's room all the entire Toliver in her crate come down from maybe for dinner maybe and for potty time what do you mean if I let her I mean I'm not the boss of her oh she's the boss yeah well today you you closed the door to your room and brought her crate downstairs so that's the only reason we've seen her today I know but she ended up staying down there so I forgot that was how you that's the best way to deal with this don't just don't let her go up there so the only dog that I've ever met that like right after dinner she just puts herself to bed she's like all right [ __ ] see y'all she's like Benjamin Button I'm going to bed now is it nighttime when she lunged for some hot food that fell out of the pot was cooking it so fast that I actually like I almost lost that fight because I was like I'm trying to get the food before she did and she really wanted to burn herself on that hot food she was so quick like some of the Iggy's you know they're sneaky and then they pounce kind of like little you know little cats but they're not she's just like bulldoze towards like slammed into the cabinet I know people don't feed her out of your hand cuz she'll jump for it him especially were in the park or something and I'm like they said can I give retreat oh no that would be okay do they do it no they take their treat out of their pocket and try to feed her out of their way you you're a response meaning no is no that would be okay that's a confusing I would definitely give it to you I say you know thank you okay I also think bringing dog treats to a dog park is just a great way to start a dog fight anyway that's what I'm like why have you got anyway I don't go into that but no thank you but I when I said was no thank you what I said what did you say I said no thank you what that would be okay no thank you but that would be you know thank you but right please right now I I can see I said that now but or I can hear that I said I know yeah so what happened can I give you a dog a treat no thank you okay anyway she just lunges for it and then she doesn't ever mean to like hurt anybody but she just she bites she said she you know she also kissed bites like when she goes to kiss you she's got full teeth in there oh yeah I'm a terrible dog bomb no you're not she's my daughter she just has a loud personality I'm just I was thinking is funny because she's just been completely on on this whole trip yeah and but you know she's she's good and what's great is like she uh she comes over and even before bunny and now with bunny she comes over you know however many times a year we see her and she just fits right in and she's good with the dogs and she's easy she you know pretty much takes care of herself she's completely I mean not to be rude but I don't think she needs an owner apartment by yourself and just like feed herself a shopping-center bills up on autopay should be fun get her some amazon fresh berries totally fine well that's what I used to say about this one just give her food clothing shelter food clothing shelter and love and get the hell out of her way out of her way that's what I used to pull them up an agenda yeah so I guess I raised the dog the same way I don't I don't know no you doing a good job when I was talking today and I'm thinking about how just I don't like this is my first dog the first time I ever owned a dog and you know when I was turning the trainer was training me to train my dog I didn't even know that until after a while in you know so I can see all the mistakes I made but she's a terrier and she's a girl anyway I thought guilt I thought it would be a funny idea to have Debbie machine try to guess the meanings of some urban dictionary words already now I know that there is a game like a physical card game that they sell it like had it the box looked familiar when I was looking up online what I do think the bomb it's actually better to do it the way we're gonna do it because with the card game there's a visual component and we like to keep everything kind of audio centric on the podcast for those who may just be listening on their headphones and not be watching we want to like you know make sure everyone's covered here so I Jenna and I compiled a few terms that we wanted to read to you and you're gonna give us what you think they mean and then if you get it right great and then if you don't we're gonna tell you what it actually means okay you don't think I'm gonna get them all right I did it wrong you got a take you're gonna run a waterfall someone you know that's called waterfall you know that's an urban dictionary turner that's the first 104 one it's called water falling when you pour a drink in your mouth but like a waterfall with space and okay but if I don't get if I get one right oh you two guys you guys have to do some I'll waterfall some of that water if you if you'll let me at Siri water okay what it's a waterfall it's only going one direction there's no way my spit gets in that um gravity is helping you there if it hits your mouth and splashes back damn that's pretty sick I would like to see that actually yeah all right you ready okay seventy-two what does it mean when that wasn't the answer it's not they're not math problems I haven't even said anything I know I was I thought I had ESP and I thought I could know what the question was and I that's the answer that came to was ESP stand for this extrasensory perception yeah she [ __ ] stated to a special person okay get cooked what does it mean to get cut I swear what what you said I could look some up okay but this is the Urban Dictionary term no it's not the literal term it's wasn't mean if I say I got cooked I just got so cooked don't look at me don't look at me I didn't put this one in there that's a two-pronged answer their addiction is a literally filthy and we did our best to make these we there's the filthiest but we didn't get any filthy ones I just this was cooked so okay I'm gonna say that your girlfriend pushed you around see that's actually not a bad guess that's pretty close to the actual definition of getting cooked do you know what the term cuckold is okay so that's it's a short version of that what's what's cuckold that's cuckold mean it means it's very old term I was like when your wife controlled everything that you did no that's a very broad sense of it cuckold if I'm a cuckold it would mean my wife or a woman went and like had relations with another person and I was made to be the cuckold because I was doesn't also imply that like you're aware of it yeah I kind of allow it like I'm a little bit submissive in in this situation have you seen the vlog where we went and took pictures with Santa with Kermit Jenna went to the mall and got Santa pictures that was a good example of the traditional term of cuckold Oh in that situation I was the cuckold and Santa was the man yeah that man like wrapped his arm around me like the picture he's got like his hand lay on your leg and I'm just sitting there like I'm just can I leave and Julian Julian was like santa [ __ ] to me Santa I'm the cuckold cameraman cuckold cameraman bad name called it so in your name what it's my new band what is it called cuckold cameraman okay but in the urban dictionary cucked means you got [ __ ] over like it's something bad happened like oh I just got so cooked yeah that seemed like the answer but I just wasn't at all yeah you were honestly I was not gonna say that basically well you you fight that urge fight the urge to not say something and just go ahead and say it because that's your best chance at getting even this one is saying Julian Julian it's probably what I'm not gonna answer it no no this one this one I actually did not know what it meant before I looked it up it was one of those like pop-up trending ones on Urban Dictionary it is called a a full on Monet mmm this one's actually kind of mean but I looked at uh you know it was trending so a full on Monet what is it why would you call someone a full on Monet I mean you have to be kind of a mean person to use this term so I would say that that means that the person is sort of round okay and voluptuous okay so I guess yeah go ahead is that somebody that wears a lot of makeup or you could say they went full on Monet on that face you know what I'm saying you're both in a weird way you know getting there the answer is someone who's attractive from afar but when they get close oh no it's not the case oh no oh no it's kind of mean it's kind of a mean oh no it's a mean time guys you ever seen a Monet up close makes no [ __ ] sense oh boy full-on moaning oh great okay this one's good you ready yes I'm not sure what's happening here it was a choice we're just it's a choice it was a choice where's my choice this is just what's happening we're just Nick that's our brains all right now by the way okay ready Debbie now you know why I'm day drinking what is it and we're that insufferable yo no I meant you might as well go away listen all right everyone quiet on set what's that what does this mean when your dank RuPt dank drop dank RuPt de bankrupt like bankrupt I think yeah I got that right what do you got dang corrupt um I can give you it to you in a sentence if it helps oh sure okay hey we need to hit the weed spot dog we dank Rob I got no weed man that's it nice job well done all right you got one I live in Oregon where it's legal so there's a lot of stone people walking around in other places that people you get you live in Oregon all right you're cooler than us we get it you have trees outside people ride their bicycle as long distances mostly a free public transportation and everywhere is dog friendly we get it your crops are really doing well because it rains a lot we get it people own like cows and chickens and Subarus and it's Subarus we get it you know what they say about California I'm not I can't represent Oregon because you know I haven't lived there very long but they're like oh that guy's an [ __ ] oh wait there's California plates on that car no wonder they're an [ __ ] I think that's accurate yeah I mean it's also like there's how many times more people that live in the state of California than the state of Oregon so 38 more times yeah there's a big high possibility of some of those people gonna be [ __ ] all right dead-ass tired no dead asses I mean tired you want me to give it to you new sentence don't you be it's not dead-ass tired that sounds sounds like you could work that's what I okay give me it give it to me in a sentence please so Jenna tell me a fact that would shock you cut the cameras dead-ass okay that's good oh that's like quoted blac Chyna okay cut the cameras that ass says like right now no but like if Jenna said or your ass is grass if I didn't know you were coming yeah and Jenna said oh yeah my mom's coming over I would be like dead ass dead ass machines coming dead ass good ass like I don't know get really yeah yeah like for real like I say dead ass I mean like are you serious cut the cameras really cut the cameras for real I got not oh I see okay yeah good job you're doing well this one's actually funny and I didn't know what it meant you got that you got that one dead ass you got that one dead ass hit me up hit me up come on taps me thank you okay this one's Nebu arey never weary it's funny never weary that's why I said now if you weary Nebu arey Nebu arey yes that's what it snows in February what no that would just be called snow in February no it's because the word in Spanish for Nebu arey Oh like never yes never be damned earth for something that will never happen yeah like oh yeah I'm definitely gonna come over to your house on Nebu arey 24th yes I like that one too I actually felt good I'd use that one yeah like I'm never weary coming on this podcast [Laughter] well you know listen all right what oh nothing no no no go ahead that is us do you know what we're getting these from out of your butts I don't know the urban dictionary verse I know what it is it's an online thing that says what what there's a website and if you want to build a you build it with Squarespace so if you want to build your version of Urban Dictionary but better or your own or nothing to do with Urban Dictionary squarespace.com slash annejulien dead-ass okay use that URL it's linked below if you do that you get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain it's a drag-and-drop visual website builder it makes it so simple like you're a toddler playing a little game with their blocks it's so easy fresh and responsive I added it it's edited in there's easy interfaces to use for your podcasting website you can have an online shop it can be for photography it can be for your small 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nowadays where it gives me a nice concise rundown of what's going on in the world without any of the nonsense mumbo-jumbo that I don't want to sift through they've already done it they can it's it's so beautiful and easy to read it's just like having a snack but the snack is information and right now you go do the skim calm th tsk I mmm that's two M's enter your email and click Subscribe completely free and check it out like test it out give it a give it a little test drive for like a week see how you like it the odds are you're just gonna walk around more informed and smart and wonderful and educated and happy so check it I'll go to the skim or click link down below and when you enter your email and subscribe you're also enter doing a $250 Visa gift card that could be completely free money for you so give it a shot thank you sponsors okay this one's good alligator arms do you know what that doesn't know okay oh man we've all seen some alligator arms oh oh it's a very all right let me I'll give you a hint it's a very specific scenario that this word was coined it's not like dead ass where it can be applied in many scenarios this is for one situation that happens that's not what it I don't know are you like on your stomach and using your arms like this in some capacity no our alligators arms long or are they short they're sure can't reach something yes alligator no no that's I'm your warmer warmer gone yet what you said yeah see I was like I had alligator arms you can't reach something you're trying to you oh I don't know I'm gonna say you can't reach the cake when you need it very close it's when someone when you're out to dinner and someone reaches for the check the person so it's basically for people who are flexing to get the check but they don't actually want to grab oh let me get that let me get it yeah yeah it doesn't even go that far though it never reaches over the table oh you get that right I got whoo whoo whoo eww eww you Oh eww you you won't you okay no incorrect yeah I can tell mom oh my don't you want to know all right I'll give you this it's not an echo oh is that like um you look great ooh whoa sort of it means cuteness overload so if you see something really cute it makes you Hulu what does it looks like a cat when you write it out right Jenna yeah like the W is a little M okay this is another one I didn't know but I actually think it's kind of funny that they made this a definition bTW oh you're not gonna guess it if you don't know it's very random but give me your best shot mmm beat the others no I'll give you a hint what does PT I mean paid time off mmm-hmm bed time off nope Beauty time off nope best time off no banana time off okay that's it it means bathroom time off somewhere to paid time off or personal time off one can easily achieve 40 hours of additional vacation time by taking daily 9:23 day daily 9.20 three-minute dump at work executive types and employees with seniority can often increase their BTO up to 60 hours a year by extending their bathroom sessions to thirteen point eight five minutes I can see why you don't think that was funny what it's funny that's what I think here's that you know I would not have thought that sentence I think you need to hear it sure damn I got to level 168 on candy crush this year just on BTL along that's pretty good a BT oh okay drip so drip is like it's coming so are you you're making are you making me a drink drip no no it's not that well drip used to be like somebody who's a real like loser a drip was somebody draw like you're being a total drip yeah a drip was thank you for that yeah that's old-fashioned that's apparently not it either is it used as a noun or a verb or an adjective right adjective like someone's outfit is a lot of drip oh yeah mm-hmm Sam Debbie that sushi sure has some drip it's got some stylee you respect the drip pretty much yeah style right yeah kind of it the actual definition isn't one year excuse me I'm trying to read stop having fun over there when your bling is iced out but that shirt melting from all your hot bars you got the drip pretty much what you said mmm respect the drip when actually I should amend this no I was gonna say sushi sure but it says [ __ ] not sure it so it wouldn't work okay next one vibe check do you know what vibe check means I would say that when you're with somebody you're doing a vibe check to make sure they're in a good mood because otherwise you're gonna go home or go somewhere else pretty much yeah allow it Wow basically it's like yeah at a random time someone you're with can check your vibe by saying five provide Carmy I do it's a karmic credit rate and he never passes the vibe check yeah vibes are way off my his vibes are off Bob check Debbie happy good - Pastor Bob check except it's up to me uh I'm doing the vibe check so no matter what you say I just get to read the vibe and I even if you say I'm good I could be like now you passed you failed the vibe check Who am I you're Kermit mm-hmm now my past the vibe check vibe Jai guru me Gor me okay ready hmm Rory oh it's car my rari is outside no thief what kind of car kind of hurry yeah she making a fool out of us do what tow him say it do it to him do it to him say you know I had to do it to him you know I'd do it to him Thanks okay ready tall boy oh I have one of those in my family yeah you do it's a tall guy no no so a tall boy in my you know back when Abraham Lincoln was alive a tall boy was a very large was a big beer so it was a big can of beer or a big like a GQ or salute yes that's exactly that's what it is how many ounces 32 180 180 ounces of a beer yeah officer I just had one beer 24 ounces what that doesn't sound like a tall boy to me a regular beer 16-ounce is the one that's this size and then the tall boy 24 ounces oh yeah but back in the day a tall boy was like a tall boy like a mug no it was like a they have you know how daddy's kids are like Chucky Anik yeah that's what it's all boy is have you seen in Tecate those come in the big old yeah it fosters and stuff yeah yeah yes that's only 24 ounces oh no it's bigger than that then it's not back in the day that is nice giant Imperial courts do you have those still I don't know Rock yeah had a giant imperial court was a big war quar TZ like the rock court Giants GI q giant imperial court was a great big thing of beer you called a beer a giant imperial court yes because that was the container that he came okay that sounds like something I am I can't talk right there okay never heard of that yo bartender another GI q for the table four straws yeah fishbowl o is where everybody kind of drinks out of the sea yeah you'll take strong what they were drinking out of in the theatre the night that uh it's been so long they were sharing a GI q with Debbie Rosie oak I have some okay BYO West been going strong when the GI cues in the house you'd be y ou s dead ass yesterday thirst trap sorry I missed that first trap hmm pretzels peanuts salty chips no oh a thirst trap do you want to help her out on this one going someplace where there's not gonna be anything do you know it like being thirsty is online oh yeah what does that mean online hmm thirsty means you I mean it's kind of like right here but I don't know look you like you really want attention from somebody oh I see yeah you're thirsty right right right right so what was our thirst trap we mean like somebody who's very needy kind of like a woman that's very needy a seller's thirst trap is like a post usually with a photo of oneself that is specifically posted to garner attention of the sexual nature often from Simpson it's a trap but it's a trap because you're actually not getting your thirst quenched for that person it is an illusion it is a game of a play that likes and numbers there's treasure ship or DMS or attention I don't know there's many uses for a thirst trap kind of like potato chips but not really yeah it's like the online version meant potato chips okay head ass okay so there's dead ass dead ass head ass mmm so if dead ass means if Kermit were to run outside barking in attack opossum in the in the bushes and really be a nuisance I would say babe Kermit's being a head ass hmm that's kind of my example mmm it's cuz he's got his head up his ass but that's not mm-hmm that is literally what it is I thought is that where he came from head up your head up your ass well yeah but it's also like yeah it attacks a person person's intelligence so if you call someone a head after basically calling them stupid mmm head up head ass yeah your heads up your ass right yeah mm-hmm say it call me you hit us Oh kids can you be a head ass dead ass you being a head ass that ass fantastic Oh dead ass call me with that one I'm dang Crupp to drink okay but the wine oh no drinking no I can't flex wine and then not drink it places wine doesn't drink what a friend drinking wine that ask any of it dead ass that's you're gonna pour that wine or not drink it I'll put it in the refrigerator oh that's ma s MH my head said yes mhm I missed that did you drink out of it yeah you hand it yeah III waterfall bit okay good for him come on machine no we didn't have any on you I was yeah practice round was earlier she's had it with us yeah just push through okay God Church what's a God Church what's a guide Church mmm Oh synagogue no oh this is urban dictionary yeah Oh God Church um that would be a building that's not a church but where people go and have a good time have you ever heard um Jake Paul's song is everyday bro no have you really I don't think so are you sure that one of the like five billion views it has isn't yours probably not okay here I'll put it in a sentence for you okay machine just dropped those sushi shirts shirts and they're selling like a god Church oh yeah like hotcakes yeah that's a hotcakes like wildfire the actual definition not my words gotcha is some stupid [ __ ] Jake Paul said that's referring to the song it's everyday bro because he says my merch is selling like a God Church that's why I said that Jake pause right I get it okay Stan Stan Stan yeah that's when you like someone you're in a relationship with them well what was the second thing you're in a relationship with them well usse well it could be in a relationship in your mind okay you know you're not really in a relation with them but you you wish you were or you're you stand somebody you like them yes you know oh no I don't Eminem song man do you remember that song Oh Stan oh yeah he's reading the letter yeah oh yeah oh okay I didn't know that yeah all right copped well in the olden days cop cop meant - that won't be talking john wilkes cop meant to steal something or grab some so used it in a sentence so somebody would you know like a cop like and you're in your uniform you just yeah somebody cops so like say I owe I copped some cigarettes at the store yeah that's literally yet you claim property oftentimes someone else's yeah I caught that from somebody or if like a new pair of dope sushi shirts come out sushi shirt shoes yeah like yeah I cop those sushi shirt shoes it's just a picture of your sushi shirt on the shoe no but she sushi shoes it's like looks like a piece of sushi except it's a shoe they're probably out there don't you I've never been to Japan but don't you think it's a probably okay snack oh that's somebody who looks cute yeah she's owning she's like doing so well but you had to tell me the first fifty you're doing to be honest all right speaking cursive oh I like that one to be incomprehensible that's not an accurate yes it's a characteristic of it but you're you're just you know your when's a time than you that you speak incomprehensibly know what happens if you drink a bunch of those glasses of wine oh when you're drunk yeah yeah he's talking seeking cursive or you're chatting or you're trying yeah that was trying to sing a certain way yeah that's yeah that would be me yeah cursive sound yeah I basically talk cursive most of the time don't a todos yeah I mean I sing a lot okay no one lists care to give us a song sure [Music] mmm here's what my grandson and I like to sing he tells you to stop but he does tell me with a big hand you know right in my face it's that you know what should we sing yeah I don't know I can't think of anything to say standing ovation what a performance but let's just say this so Julian made a space burger I did out of heart pieces yeah the old acrylic paint that I peeled off the trace and I turned it into a space burger and so I put space burger to the gold finger theme song singing space burger dad it's a burger that's made out of pain yep Curtis that was it right there dropping on iTunes this week y'all thanks for coming to promote the new album all right stream sniping that's when you go on someone else's stream and you try to steal their followers or they're people that like their stream that's not a bad guess that's a lotta bad yes I mean you're that's in essence what people are kind of doing is trying to steal attention from ya stream sniping is when if I'm playing the same game as a streamer I load up and try to queue into the same match that they're in and like use the information watching to go try and kill try to unfairly kill them yeah so it's like screen looking but online yeah that low latency low lanes it's toxic you shouldn't stream sensation do it it's no fun well you should also not call stream sniper like a lot of people will die you're like oh yeah sometimes that person isn't yes right and that person looks it's a good excuse okay send what does it mean full send full send means that you it's kind of like a full stop only it's instead of stopping it's like Oh everything I'm sending everything so I don't like you so I'm throwing all all your junk out on the lawn you full send all like if I if I was gonna take my motorbike off some jumps into a back and do a back from the full set full [ __ ] so you don't have pass something you just [ __ ] right yeah yes end yeah so you're gonna start using that word yeah yeah yeah yeah full send life man absolutely oh yeah it was a sushi shirt on top baby okay cut up with the sushi shirt speaking to the t-shirt I'll stop talking about your sushi shirt when you stop singing things like Goldberger she calls them original covers okay visco girl VI SEO with es co v SC o visto girl how can it be v s o v SC oh sorry it starts sorry yes you know that would be someone who likes brandy how did you get there well I was thinking about that thing on the on the bottle it says vs on the bottle on the brandy bottle yeah I don't drink brandy sorry Tommy what are you talking about I'm not sure it's not the real correct answer no oh okay so vsco she can't know it's very specific it's hard I can't she can't like logically guess not so the definition is the tumblr girls of 2019 you'll probably catch them wearing a scrunchie tube top puka shell necklace remember those puka shells yeah white vans and don't forget the hydro flask it's like a look it's like a type of vibe that's that's visco visco girl okay a lot of people know you know the house the name of a photo app yeah disco Kim what's very weird is follow me on this girl by the way I've been posting their what's very weird is that scrunchies tube tops they would be kids instead of vans uh-huh or Birkenstocks it says Birkenstocks right mm-hmm that's what the old one yeah so it's sort of like a hipster like bringing back old trans that's like bringing me back yes Lucas y'all necklace that was my childhood I mean I wear those in middle school but they also have a 70s that's what they had in the 70 that you had tube tops and fashion is a cycle it's cyclical it didn't look good back then either in the same my mom called y'all [ __ ] and everyone everyone do with the 70s is dead ass according to the Demi well thanks boomer yeah whoa okay this is my self not to you this is the last one okay okay I'm ready [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] ass [ __ ] give me a break oh I don't think you are I was eating it what do you think that means I think that means you better not talk to me that way because I in your [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Oh - Ted asked that ass made me a head ass okay this is an obnoxious Punk and yes huge coward piece of [ __ ] that doesn't accept any responsibility basically like what she just said yeah like [ __ ] you but this is what I'm gonna call you it's a it's pretty straightforward I just want to end with an easy way ya know like that was good you get some momentum into the rest of the day you know what I mean yeah are you gonna drink the wine no gold in there touch touch Chuck I'm not Hank hey Frank tank Frank that's me Frank the tank yeah old school welfare oh no oh no yeah I did watch that but he meant oh yes what you say that the dog treat at the park oh no no that's okay but thank you you can thank you all right that's okay you can't thank you all right that's okay yes no yes no it's clarified a lot for me my let's go watch old school yeah that clarifies for me why when I say no thank you they're still giving it to her cuz I'm saying something there's probably okay say nothing to me as the test just go say say no thank you oh no thank you see if you said that I would be unmistakeably completely aware that you said no no as an answer I have this feeling that it's not coming out as clear as it is right now because that's why I said I just realized that I think I'm saying instead of just saying no thank you I'm saying something beyond that it's just not right dead ass dead ass it's my own doing well Debbie we appreciate your company and time on the podcast I think everyone else really enjoys you being on here too so thank you for joining yeah another podcast of ours it's been an honour dead-ass we should close with that um tick tock of grace oh this I just want to hear the audio anything you have to promote new album Odin book tours or what are you promoting I don't know collabs what do you got going on the dog taking a walk take us out for another episode of [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 584,215
Rating: 4.9593439 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: fDGvrjS-i3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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