Podcast #246 - Quizzing Jenna On Her Own Videos

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[Music] welcome back to the djinns million podcast or I guess this week it's Jenna head and Jill Jenna head and arms and neck assured okay to where I don't think there's any fixing that I think I think you've gotten what you wanted everybody you get a floating in Jenna head for this podcast I didn't actually think about it when they put the shirt on foot now that it's here I'm gonna keep it on sometimes all wear green or your well green and we'll be able to like color correct it so we're it turns into like a blue but that is exactly the same color as the green screen so the chances are there's no Jenna torso today I'm fine with it honestly just make the whole thing disappear Wow it's incredible almost as incredible as post mates if you guys haven't heard post mates is a great delivery app to deliver you all the food that you love that you may not want to go pick up yourself for any number of reasons go to the App Store download post mates use code Jenna and Julian for $100 off delivery for your first 7 days of using the app or click the link down below also farmers dog specially formulated farm-to-table meals for your pets they will love it our dogs love it Kerma is nasty and he fuels his nasty spirit with farmers dogs so go too far the farmers dog dog sausage and Angelina get 50% off your first two weeks or click the link down in the description below gracias sponsors Heisei sponsors in spanish hey Siri how do you say sponsors in Spanish patrocinadores fat Josie Natori gracias patrocinadores for to support Eden arrow see thank you for the dinero in the support and giving us good deals on things patro seen near darkness we can all day YouTube no no tienen mad does what is here now Channel good how do you spell that so to Spanish she cannot all day YouTube note the anymore that is let's go for a swim down the canal of YouTube blabla meat I know vomiting weight is a vomit our vomit no yeah see my friend I play elder scrolls with teaches me Spanish learning Spanish when you play oh yeah well you need friend man cuz I'm always like tell me how to say this and then he tells me he tells it cuz he's floor well yeah for the most yeah he says he's not but he is pretty much and then I said tell me how to say my my youtube channel has no views me canal de youtube no TN emeritus Wow that is right minute I know I can fact check that from my years of Spanish speaking Playa Bonita tango and vestido oh that's a dress I always thought it was best but it's dress Oh have no fear your soy vestido Oh God who guys baseball well baseball the end that's it thank you for watching bye guys let me just take a sip out of my Hydra flask that was disgusting why are you doing that I'm just go girl um I've been called the disco girl by you but not only you twitch chat has been calling you visco girl for many weeks now well look at your aesthetic listen okay I don't understand why I'm being called a visco girl I just don't get it seems like unwarranted and I don't think I deserve the title what did you pull a small hydro flask out of your fanny pack after drinking out of your full sights hydro flask I'm not a disco girl okay I don't know what it means but I'm not one and if I am one than I am one I am what I am is that the Cat in the Hat dr. Seuss I am what I am am I allowed to just like leave after that yeah I mean if I just I'll just pop the hydro flask over in front of the market appear in shirt I really can't wait to see what that looks like they've been asking for it they're always like please wear a full head-to-toe green screen except for your heads it's either that or tie your mush that moustache and beard and hair greener and then your eyes are floating it never looks like that it never looks like that it always looks like weird and like fuzzy and it's like staticky looking at it's like we don't even have this we don't know how this thing lit not really we need to have like lights above the green screen that's kind of why it doesn't look as good as it can but even on a professional green screen set what do you want just like a cheekbone and an eye talking to you well even in my MOOC bang but it's just my mouth video like that took a lot of finessing yeah it was still not you could tell yeah that that was like a lot of work we sat there for hours trying to set that up and make that look good and it's hard even if if you dyed your hair green it wouldn't look like what you guys want it to look like yeah it's it's a combination of like perfectly like a green screen and also like post-processing yeah so I don't know how this is gonna look at might look terrible might look cool might like nothing awesome it's gonna look awesome but even like all these shadows like from boobs like that will give it a good though doesn't you know how's that knee dude for clothing Jenna or lack of clothing her for this podcast actually because green equals no clothes thanks for your thoughts disco girl thoughts from this go girl I'm a disco girl but I'm also a cam boy okay what how are you a cam boy oh my cam boy I'm I stream live on camera and I'm a boy I don't think that makes you a cam boy huh well then am i cam girl yeah okay all right fine I'm a cam girl let's go you just woke up buddy yeah she's the daughter of a cam boy and a cam girl it's a wild life she's living I'm going to Big Bear with her that's quite a big river that's again it's Bunny's first time in Big Bear we're very excited we are meeting our friend Brett and his dog buzz up there so it's gonna be five dogs and three humans and it's to celebrate Jenna's birthday because their birthdays in a week and how exciting 33 year old lady I'm excited we haven't been up there was it since your last birthday no we had been up there since then we've gone up once we've gone up twice the last year yeah but a massive decrease in how much we used to go yeah miss Big Bear you do I just want to take food on a hike I know so I think honestly she'll be like a little bit like what the hell is going on at first but it's gonna really love it I'm just service for the car ride I mean you seem to have this like thing in your brain about how the car is gonna work but I'm still like very confused because she takes up the entire trunk and I have to sit in the backseat so a lot of you guys I've seen in any of our videos we have like a raised um it's like a little dog couch but it's a car seat for them and oh yeah three little ones the seatbelt goes through the back of it and then their harnesses are attached to the seatbelt so it actually does like you know keep them safe as safe as I guess we can in the car and um I that takes up two seats it takes up the middle seat and one of the back passenger seats and then I sit in that little other third seat which is pretty crammed at that point cause a huge talk about next year and the reason I sit there with bunny is because she does this thing sometimes where she puts her head over and she gets excited and she will jump into their car seat while they're in it she thinks she's a small dog when it comes to the car because she you drove her one time and she jumped over the back seat and sat in that cars yeah I think I took a picture yeah yeah she like she liked thing about greyhounds is like an even little Italian grounds they like curl up into like 1/4 their size they can really like minimize and so I think it bunny has this thing where she needs people or dogs she needs to be with someone so if she's ever isolated you know not on her own accord like throughout the day she'll go into the game room and isolate herself but that's because she wants to and she knows it's safe but in the our she feels like sometimes where are we going I want to be with you guys and so she'll just get like a little overly excited and then hop her 65-pound body on to the dog bed whether the dogs are there or not and so Jen is sort of there as like the gatekeeper like no you can't do that because I've tried from the front seat and I can't it doesn't work I always have to take off my seat belt and go back there like somebody's angry mother don't make me come back yeah and starting at 8:30 in the morning to about 7:30 at night it's at least 85 to 90 degrees out where we live and it's virtually impossible to walk them during those hours because the pavements too hot and it's too hot out like wet it's just gonna be bad for them and so all the greyhounds are pretty prone to overheating yeah there are they all run Bobby has a fur coat on we just have a very dysfunctional situation right now when it comes to the dogs and traveling but you say I have this like view of how it's gonna go I think it's gonna go good because I want it to go good I don't have it I don't have a fear of her I feel confident that she can make the the two-hour drive or whatever I'm a little nervous to how she's gonna do on like a windy road but I'm nervous about how we're packing the car because she takes up the entire trunk she takes up the whole truck and then I'm sitting in the back seat that's already taken up by a giant dog car seat which leaves us only the front passenger seat to pack things here's how I envisioned it okay tell me your vision so her crate her her metal crate folds up into this like rectangle that's one dimensional it's like one flat thing so right the other eye word one dimensional absolutely not well it's it's flat it's it's this thin when you fold it up so it's just this long rectangle so I think we put that in the back seat lean it up against the dog bed and then we throw literally everything that we're bringing up there food clothes drinks coolers all in the front seat and then the end and then bunny is just taking up the whole trunk okay and see how it goes yeah well I mean we're lucky that we don't ever really bring we bring food and subsidy don't have to go to the grocery store when we get there but Julian and I just share like a little bag because yeah we don't when you're going on like a nice little weekend we're just gonna chill mm-hmm I end up just wearing like the same thing one pair of clothes yeah me too I mean I'm I learned that list I'm probably not gonna change to be honest I'm probably gonna drive up there in this and then bring like a hoodie and then that's that yeah so but regardless we're gonna make it up and I'm excited to go up there I think it's a very necessary trip I mean it's your birthday and we're celebrating but I think it's good timing I think we're about to go to twitchcon in a few weeks it's about to get crazy a lot of stuff's going on and it's just nice to get away for a little staycation in the mountains yeah cuz I'm gonna be 33 and you know every year my birthday I like to do is nothing is possible well here we go stars and drink a glass of wine and think some thoughts you know I love looking at the stars and drinking alcohol I like both of those things by themselves but when you put them together it's it's a nice cocktail of a good time yeah but then on my actual birthday I won't play Elder Scrolls online we'll see about that why cuz I have to plan something very birthday know every year we save surprise party masses I'm like Julian I want to do nothing and he's like okay let's go out to dinner and I'm like no thing no dinner got it no no dinner reservation no don't want to get dressed dress up no thank you we're meeting a group of our friends no thank you we'll see I like to do nothing for my birthday you like to do like a little more for your birthday well I have never been a big celebrate err I mean I obviously like anyone you know when you're young birthday parties are fun but like as an adult I've never been a huge celebrator of my birthday with other people it's always been like either just with you was that a party for you like no but what I'm saying is up until my 20 year no no my 25th birthday okay I've been told my 25th birthday I had never done that and then you through this really rad party for me we were rented out part of this bar and we had all of my friends come and I don't remember leaving mm-hmm I got your shoes nah that was a really fun night and then the next year or this last year we had all of our friends fly in it was like really fun because like I don't know when we go to Lake twitchcon and stuff our favorite part is hanging on that friend so I was like let's just extract that part of the convention and just do it for my birthday and it was really dope yeah so I enjoy that but you on the other hand are like don't look at me don't touch me I'm eating my food and play elderscrolls happy birthday to me yes I mean I can touch you yeah I want to be left alone I don't want to talk to anybody you like I just want to like live yeah you got to do you girl I'm pretty sure I did that for my 28th and 29th birthday too as well I said I just want to order fed you girl yeah hell yeah dude all celebrate y'all I'm gonna go out hit the town okay while you're doing that and I'm gonna just bottle service by myself for your birthday I'm gonna be fist pumping all the way to 33 year old lady style without her no that's not my style I'm gonna just be playing other video games or watching something on TV I think I'll check I'm excited cuz that means that I definitely can play elder scrolls no it's the Sunday Sunday sorry it isn't sunny I thought yeah well Sunday's good it's early sometimes sometimes until it's nighttime you're Mondays tomorrow oh I hate that feeling about it I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry well anyway we're going up to mountains by the time you're watching this we're gonna have been up and back mm-hmm and it's just it's it's gonna be good dogs really like it I tell you I am a little concerned because at night we hear coyotes sometimes a lot or even during the day like if they're just traveling in a pack yeah and it sounds like a group of women screaming at the top of their lungs like it's it's it's woken me up in the middle of the night mm-hmm what's bunny gonna do and she hears that she's gonna perk up her years like the Regal little girl she is and well we're gonna stay at a place that has a fenced-in yard so that's good so at night it's not gonna be the biggest task in the world to take them out but but she does have to go down and up a flight of stairs in order to go yeah the thing is like bunnies the stair thing for her it was never just a one it was never just like a physical thing it was a physical thing at first but then she learned the physical mechanics of walking up stairs and then it became like mental yeah do I do I really want to go up these stairs I like nervous to go up the stairs that guy want his thing I want to stay down here she's been tantruming at me at night because she wants to sleep in the game room and it was like you can't live your whole life in the game room yeah as I should be taking that advice to myself pot calling the kettle black now is she like my daughter yeah she is she takes after her mom she doesn't want to leave that room she really like she really wants to stay in there like all the time she doesn't want to go to bed what is that noise that a truck it's a truck it's really loud does it it might be my hydrofloss you know what but yeah I think I think once will set her up like we're bringing her cray we'll set her up her little home base in the bedroom and show her that everything is good and it might be a little tough at first since we're gonna be arriving at night but we'll figure it out I feel like she'll probably do better with those stairs cuz there's carpet on those stairs that's true we don't have carpet I'm excited to see bunnies first time going up a set of carpeted stairs if it's easier or harder for her I imagine will be a lot easier it'll be a much harder experience if she pees on those carpets oh my god I do even a pool she pees like an actual pool it's a lot of pee it's a lot of pee then we have hardwood floors almost everywhere so that was calculated by the way it's not an accident that we apply wood floors oh my god you remember when we were little any time that we've looked for a place to live it's like if it has carpet somewhere where you could close the door like then it's okay because then you can close the door and keep it closed but if there's just like carpet I'm like I think we can't do it man cuz when I lived in Santa Monica I had carpets in the bedrooms and it was just I have little boy dogs that decide that they don't care where the bathroom is they're gonna go yeah and then I have little girl dogs that she has poop shame peach has poop shame and Bonnie shame bunny what she does is so late at night when I want to let them out she does this thing where she'll go outside do a little circle and here's something that she doesn't like she'll just sprint her ass back in and then it'll be she'll be like no I don't have to go and I'd be like bunny I know you have to go and then all right put the headphones back on she creeps into the dining room forever and so that that's something you know I'm noticing that she runs once you sprints in I'm like stop sign you have to turn around and try again go back and try gopi nothing's gonna get you but every single day even still to this day every single day she's getting a little more calm and there's no snow in big berry now but I'm interested to see her see snow for the first time yeah there's no snow it might actually be the coldest she's ever been Jagat baby yeah kid sounded like I think my mom said it gets down to like 40 at night right now oh my god is that real his whole tongue is out of his mouth do it but yeah we should bring her jacket her adoption agency there's a woman that knits them for greyhounds yeah she makes it so sweet it's really great all right crime I'm gonna take a pic show you but what do you think he's thinking about right now look at this selfie beautiful that's on and it's in front of a green screen people can put that in whatever they want that's perfect subscribe to Jenna on Instagram for her Instagram stories yeah subscribe subscribe to Graham I wonder what he's thinking about it's probably farmers dog where'd you just pull that from he's probably thinking about farmers dog guys farmers loggers farm to farm to table food for your dog that is high-quality board certified that veterinary approved ingredients okay we have picky eaters okay marbles he's about as picky as they get remember Jenny used to have to sit with him while he ate well to this day he Sprint's at approximately a hundred miles an hour to the kitchen when it's time to eat because he knows farmers waiting for so fast he's very fast faster than you probably could imagine him ever running and it's because farmers dog they have a little questionnaire you fill out when you sign up for your dog what are their eating habits whether they like when do they eat how much do they eat how big are they what kind of dog everything that you can think of and they take that information and they formulate a meal plan and they send you these pouches of human grade high quality dog food for your pets and it's a really great system because you don't have to go anywhere it ships right to your front door they they bring dry ice to keep it frozen and fresh go to the farmer's dog calm /gen and julian i get 50% over the first two weeks of the farmer's dog and I think you're really know I get I don't even need these papers I just did it as a joke also guys post mates is the delivery app that everyone needs and if you haven't tried it you're missing out post mates will deliver something from the local grocery store your favorite restaurant around the corner wherever it is post mates is there for you 24 hours a day seven days a week you just select what restaurant you want you order it off the menu and then a wonderful postman goes and picks it up and hands it to you at your front door and you say thanks and then they're like alright no problem and then you're eating and you didn't have to get out of your socks and underwear a little YUM it's young it's very young he's code generally to get $100 off free delivery credits here first 7 days of using the app check it out you'd be surprised at the amount of stuff that you can just like postmates that you wouldn't have to run to the store for because who wants to sit in traffic who wants to put pants on I don't want to put pants on do you want to put pants on no never no I never want to put pants on if I can go morning tonight without having putted pants on the entire time it's like a successful day that's what I'm doing for my birthday yeah no pants no pants no worries no pants no shoes no problem welcome to post space that's not their slogan anyway we do have a little game I wanted to play Thank You sponsors I want I need him to play his tongue back in his mouth dose I don't want it to get dried out do this it's gonna pry it open it's gonna get dry if you leave it out it's really delightful what else please don't pull out anything okay that's appropriate you're allowed to have a pen in there but I'm not sure about that I'm not sure about that one what's in there disco juice okay anyway something that you guys have been asking for for a lot of weeks now in the comments is for me to go this doesn't need to be here marbles isn't here for me to go through Jenna's old videos not all the videos but the library of your videos I actually didn't go tool because I tried and it got weird and I was like I don't think you're gonna like this yeah go through your video she ate that and take random lines that you've said and read them to you to see if you can guess which video that the line has been from so I feel like this is either gonna be really easy for me or really difficult because I made some of them harder than others like some of them are very obscure that you can't get it's a good luck thanks but then some of them are like you should be able to get that well yeah I feel like it could be either really easy for me or really difficult because every all of these videos whatever it is you pulled them from I made them all in one day so and you kind of blacked out the whole time well yeah I mean if you asked it's like asking someone what they did on one day four years ago and you're like I don't know man it's documented I could check but I don't remember yes yeah well I think yes some people don't realize to the I make the video all in one day they're that surprises a lot of people when they find that oh man it upload all in one day conceptualize edit upload oh one day yeah so that's good I don't always remember what exactly I made okay well some of these are gonna be really hard some of these are gonna be relatively easy mmm thank you for leaving out anything very old yeah I just figured it didn't really apply but anyway let's get started okay no more dilly-dally what are we calling this Jenna video trivia I guess Jenna video trivia long at home Vivian you might get a better score than me yeah okay yeah I'll get we'll give a second for you guys to answer but only a seconds hurry up question one am I allowed to lick spit blow on you scream loudly okay that is from I'll give them a second ago that is from you teaching me jujitsu I think it might be the second one because I was asking if I could lick spit blow on you like if these were rules that applied to jujitsu or not you were right but it was the first one oh it was your first it was the it was like anyone's first class at a martial art when they asked these normal questions I think it'd blow on people it's normal things that you ask in martial listen okay there's a big weight discrepancy well you and I are jujitsu Inge so I got to know what I can get away with to turn the tide in my advantage technique okay I don't have any of that yet and nor do I want any cuz jujitsu is not the sport Jitsu is the sport for everyone they just don't know yet okay ready I'm gonna start off kind of easy then we're gonna work our way up okay this is more this is marble sling this is a five pound dumbbell do you know what that is yes what is it how many balloons will it take to get my dog for life yep nice he was so cute during that video he was he really did like have a good time he's just sitting in his little bed he's just a good Bobby boy he's just such a good Bobby right it could be in the air right now he would have no he has no idea where he is at all times I love him so much bleach on your face challenge yes I said that okay so this is either it's either something like a parody like I was joking mm-hmm or it's the time that I bleached my eyebrows and my sideburns final guess yeah I'm gonna guess that although my second guess is the Kylie Jenner lip challenge it sounds like somebody would have said in that video it was bleaching your eyebrows ding-ding-ding you got it right Congrats yeah okay good job thank you you want a race sure if you want to lose your dick do you know what this is I actually don't stop cheating I'm not trying not to can you say it again you want a race sure if you want to lose your dick was like I suck at video games videos no this is one of the oldest ones on this list I don't know the answer to minute cardio oh my god that video got instantly age-restricted instantly to monetize yeah everything because like they were all just Google stock images of like boobs and butts yeah and well I think Romo had told me to one of the pictures of the fitness model that I used for that video the actual model yeah shout and was like you're not allowed to use that picture and it was like I'm really sorry it was maybe like a quarter of a second and the internet still doesn't have very good rules about this when it came out not like I was making any money off of it anyways yeah but I know your insurance doesn't cover dental but mine sure does that is something that Hillary Clinton's nice okay so it's just like look at this selfie miss this year okay so you're writing your radio show the other day and I was at the same table as you just laughing with my headphones in and I could tell you were annoyed at me but that's always oh yeah I was watching Hillary shaking the table and laughing as I'm like on a deadline to finish my show sake yeah those were some of my favorite videos you've done - I have a lot of favorite videos that you've done but that one was really good I just the whole series was so good man I'm with you on that and that I don't even they're not even good like it's not a good impression it just doesn't really make any sense but it just like really makes me laugh I was probably the hardest that we had been it was the hardest for us to not break and laugh during filming because it's just so we were just dying all the time are you ready for when I was sitting on the beanbag chair and you were moving because I was working out for you it's nothing to do with anything doesn't make any sense it was brilliant I loved it okay he looked like he looked like the kind of orthodontist that didn't go to school okay that is from with bad apps guess which one doesn't matter you got it right but guess which one it's probably three or four five five it's when I was giving yeah I know you're giving me a recent set of braces see how they're all just leaning into the middle of my face I can't straighten them out they don't care about me the only thing I can think of that would be leaning into the middle of my face is when I gave myself eyelash extension correct ding ding ding nice good job Kermit we're in this for the long haul but it's not going to take five minutes we know we already know it's a lie that is when I made that awful Gene's chair correct five minutes keep that away yeah greed is greed and all dogs have it has to have been a dog video yes I don't know there's so many choices of videos when they're being greedy I was filmed out in the world buying my dogs everything yes correct Carmy so greedy but I love you I love how that video he was just picking out everything for himself and then peeing all over the driver I can't believe I still can't believe he did that okay this is a conversation Jenna are you pregnant Shane Dawson yeah wait what there's no way you're gonna get this well I don't understand oh it's you probably don't remember saying it the whole thing was very disorienting I think so Jenna said are you pregnant and then Shane Dawson replies yeah is that when we did this speech jammer no but close is this a podcast no it's from your video I only did one video with Shane on my channel it's this face swap or what no that's it it was when you called people but couldn't hear them oh god I just realized that he was that your mom and Shane they were such good sports no they were like so into it and like a dying laughing and it was just so cute I you literally were like are you pregnant he's like yeah man has good she's just something else so we're cooking some la tap water was this one obviously we were cooking mm-hmm was this when we were cooking Thanksgiving food nope a birthday cake nope I don't know boyfriend cooks my favorite meal Leisure Suit video oh these are tough yeah this is a wine that I said in one of your videos I'm allowed to do that right I don't know what's your favorite part of scissors mine's the handle cuz it's safe I don't know it sounds like we're doing some type of craft and or nails or something that required scissors was it a Christmas doing drunk Christmas crafts no ratham there you go yeah that's a that was the wrong yeah I don't know if you know this but I'm American bruja Todd and I help me okay what I said that yep again might be willing that you don't remember saying excuse I said that you recited the Chanukah prayer and then said help me tell me about it I I concurred that I have no idea well you you had guessed this video earlier in the game I have no idea that doesn't help drunk Pinterest Christmas oh nice Wow home stuff I feel like that's not a sentence that should ever be a thing No mm-hmm no pigeon but it is and I wrote it out okay ready you might get this one get that off your head you damn idiot here's a hint you were talking to me is it when I glued eyelashes to a wig out in the world is it the thrift store video they did softball I was wearing a visor and you said keep it off your head you damn idiot Wow you're pretending to be my coach it wasn't let me guess I did you guessing to get two videos damn do you want me to give you more time to guess hmm just another hint okay there is a shockingly low amount of women giving themselves beards on purpose made of hair on YouTube it's when I give myself a beer there you go nice back in the back in the winning column I'll take one me up fam and a knife see that is so difficult because that's hard it's hard I'm waiting you can take your time Julianne I didn't even finish my sentence I'm sorry that's so difficult because there's so many videos when we said me out Finn Rutger I have to think of the time that we may have used a knife let me give you some hit K I give you some hints a pair I haven't even guessed yet okay is it a paraffin wax adventure correct sorry I'm just trying to help here good job you doing good well okay I know he likes to rub his face on these but I don't know if he prefers to rub his face on these that's definitely about Kermit and that's definitely about my dog reviews soap well done nailed it because that I was putting out the wipes for him to wipe his face on that was a really funny video do you remember filming that just being like I don't know what we're doing I know what are we doing I know I know and then when he started actually rubbing his face in the Irish Spring we were like oh my god it's happening yeah but like the idea of uploading a video where your dog reviews soap is just so ridiculous so out there I love you it feels like you're standing on some softish Legos I have no idea try to imagine what that sensation feels like soft dish Legos what have you stood on that felt like I felt like that mmm I don't know I'm not usually standing on something in a video so you were being crafty with my feet that's all I'm gonna say I don't love seconds I don't know I'm stumped that was when you did hot glue crafts and you made the hot glue say oh those terrible sandals oh I'm still mad okay you were really angry at those really mad it does more nasty in the morning bright nasty I think that is from when I filmed my dog whenever he cried or was nasty for 24 hour correct good job it's real easy all you need is your hands step one find your hands so I know that I started saying that after I made landshark hmm but then I don't know when I said that again cuz I would that's something I would just say yeah I have no idea can I give you a hint sure but the top comment on the video says this wasn't a video this was an experience that's all for the healthy okay permit threw up in this video it's a body massage okay imagine me on the basketball court and my basketball game tomorrow flowing curly red locks that's when I gave myself up her nice nice yeah there's no way you're gonna get this but I had to put it on it's very hard okay if it was up to me I'd build you a prison out of wallpaper context yeah I have no idea it was a fam fan submitted type of episode of your video where you got took things that people submitted was reading mean comments for my dogs mm-hmm I rant for you i rant for you it was so random it was like I don't even know you're talking about but it was such a funny quote if someone that plays a pant a piano is a pianist then why isn't someone who plays the banjo a B genus yeah it's not even a good thought to have anywhere B genus okay I'm surprised Marbles knows which end to eat his food with that was that I'm reading me comments which end like he's a worm like he just has like two ends hello hello you're a day late trash truck you should have is yesterday's trash day I thought the buck step the up trash okay life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time me a tooth best that's one of your mommy misquotes want to be a tooth brush for Halloween ding dong hai my dog's want to come to your house is that ok ok this is definitely when we I let my dogs walk me because we're talking about how they like to go trick-or-treating yep like every little opening they start just beautiful so this is another one of my quotes so you go right over the middle then left over the middle and right over the middle then left then right over the middle hold on and then you end strong with oh right over the middle purpose following hair braiding tutorial nice fun okay this is a good quote you ready for this one yep the stand this is you talking to me the standing with your leg all the way up on the counter is like a lot for right now oh you're cooking my sub ending our old house was it in this house it was in this house you put your foot on this counter boy I put on our counter oh oh okay so you were ringing the Rompin no was it when you were the juicy cowboy no oh you're getting warmer though I don't know brats oh yeah as a bad style wearing a skirt that was a lot for you a lot for right now I'm gonna do it again I'm okay for right now just like cover your face and neck and with some Vaseline yeah my neck no I have no idea well I'll let you let me know you want to is it a relaxing time with just for men no don't know I'm not looking but you just keep like flashing your paper at me I have no idea Oh was it uh when I dyed my own hair yes beautiful see you in Vaseline is for you no that's for dyeing your hair mm-hmm and for covering your body head to toe hmm so hot poke me with your thoughts it distorts my vision when I smile I'd never said that and not say that what is that sentence okay let's try to separate these okay so hot poke me with your thoughts that's one thing you can block that out of your memory and then focus on the second part it distorts my vision when I smile why would your vision be distorted when you're smiling was it when I covered my face and minds yes nice you got it babe it was like a weird sentence that's what this game is hmm should I really just go full-blown I'm lost at the supermarket can you help me is that how I used to do my makeup in high school no was it uh giving myself a hair up no but way warmer um I was doing oh give me a up family hmm I don't know tape in extensions oh yeah all right the last couple are kind of hard but I'll help you out I didn't say it was gonna be a human face was this when I transformed myself into Kermit or transformed myself into a chair no and he hit it has to do your face transforming mm-hmm and the title of video is pretty straightforward prosthetics yeah what does it tell that video I want a new face yes there it is nice all right last one I just look like a filthy old man that was a reverse contour yeah yeah look like my father okay I think that's all of them let's see how you did and you did 23 out of 33 let's see if you passed I did it I don't think Oh No almost 69 that's a D+ I take it deep blows hold on see me after class oh no I gotta see me after class oh no in a sad face slanty mouth face oh no not quite sad also you're gonna need your parents to sign that please no was that fun for you yeah I mean you picked very obscure think that's kinda what makes it fun I know cuz if you picked stuff that was super straightforward then it would be way too easy and I think it would be way too easy for people listening to as well but there's like these are good sentences though because there's like enough of a hint and a lot of them you know yeah that was yeah for sure really good job Julian well you know it always a pleasure to go back and watch some of the art that you've created over the years yes the art artists hate you I'm saying on ironically even though it came out ironically artists for my newest installation I'm gonna wear a green shirt on my chest is this performance art Beach well hopefully if you guys played at home you enjoyed it and hopefully you did better than a 69 first I just can't believe like the way that you read these and said them out of context I'm like I never said that that's not something that I said well to be fair like there were a handful of them like the drunk one or the one where you're not listening to the phone call like there's no way you could remember saying that because it was such a weird experience I don't know if you know this but I'm American peruca Todd and I helped me that's what you said when you're doing drunk Pinterest crafts for Christmas you want to raise sure if you want to lose your dick I just said dick like a thousand two doesn't step on it go back and pick up you stupid we laughed a lot making that one no I'm actually gonna need your parents signature on that please no I don't wanna hopefully I didn't go to her on you but maybe we'll do this again oh no fun though yeah well there you go you spam the same suggestion in a bunch of conversations is it for you that's well thank you guys for listening to our podcast we'll be back next week with another episode and that's really good child it's for me because it's mine and then um we actually I'm not sure if we normally every year we take Labor Day and birthdays off as well as like Christmas another major holidays but Labor Day and your birthday are pretty close to each other yeah so we might take my birthday off yet we might take it off we don't know okay we yeah we're not sure I don't know yeah we'll keep you guys posted it depends on how the birthday girl is feeling and what we want to do but um I'm gonna do nothing yeah anyway we'll be back next week hope you guys enjoyed and we'll be live on Twitch all week so hang out with us there and we'll see on the next podcast thanks for hanging bye y'all [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 1,100,251
Rating: 4.9556117 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: BWfD1gu19Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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