Podcast #113 - Ghost Theories

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we are back here for another episode episode is brought to you by distilled jeans I pronounced it wrong awesome saying D STL denim but it's Julianne you're supposed to be on my team general luxury great denim really awesome denim great styles starting at just 65 bucks really awesome jeans right now you can get 10 bucks off your first pair we're going to DST LD dot-com slash Jenna Julianne that's distilled jeans guys check it out also brought to you by the wonderful and one and only me undies which currently is providing a bed for mr. marbles on I love me I need so much they're so good to us and they make such an incredible product their underwear is twice as soft as cotton it's made from micro motile fabric and they have the dopest designs out of any underwear you can find right now guys get 20% off your first order going to me Indies comm slash Jenna Julian Thank You Mandy's Thank You Distilled Thank You sponsors I feel good it really is like she likes this this is how I used to sit at my desk when I used to work at a desk pat-down - all day every day you'd said just like this not with me undies though but just like a little t-shirt or a blanket just sit on my desk he's so good when he's alone like this like yeah he doesn't misbehave when he's a long period yeah man good boy he just wants him alone dear cute boy huh your cute little boy might be you staying at me he's staring at me for those not watching you're listening so as promised we wanted to talk about let's talk about ghosts okay so what goes because last time we talked about death Halloween it's completely appropriate and you guys asked for it so this is also your fault so next week we just like we're gonna get even darker and then darker oh wow I'm ready I'm here for this here for this alright so what I did was I went up on the World Wide Web and I compiled like a few theories I figured we would kind of do the same thing that we devised yeah and go through these theories and kind of just discuss each one I like that oh my God he's in heaven right now so let's start with well first of all do you want to go through any ghost stories or anyone do that after because I don't have those stories but I know you have a couple yeah I have a couple um why don't why don't if mine we go through some of these series known you and bring them up so first there is ghosts are spirits of dead people mm-hmm okay basically pretty straightforward someone died and they are now in the world on earth in the form of a ghost mm-hmm and I guess this can happen for a number of reasons right someone like when a house is haunted with someone maybe something happened to them in that house or at a certain location a person died what is your take on that whole thing because I know that that's a really popular theory that ghosts are spirits or spirits of dead people I feel like so I've watched a fair amount of ghost hunters and stuff like that I feel like it's people that don't pass on for whatever reason there's some stuff that happens and then it's also their energy and it's bound to like a certain object or place like you don't hear a lot of ghosts that are just like free roaming around the world and you know do whatever I've heard of people limited to one specific claiming that you know a ghost follows them some places or but it's attached to a person you know or a place or a thing um demons I feel like when people talk about that those things have no rules and no [ __ ] but for ghosts the spirits of dead people I feel like it's their energy is like somehow latched on to something that means something to them or a person or a place or a thing but I do I totally buy into the idea that ghosts are spirits of dead people yeah so that's probably the one that you would most likely align with them yep right off the bat so there's just jump in your experience is that and what are your what is your take on what happened yeah so I I'd say one of the first ones ever it was I was in an all-girls camp called wells college and it was like a leadership camp for young teenage girls to go and you know cry about their feelings and learn how to be adults sort of so it was all girls and we stayed in the dorms and the campus is like relatively haunted you know they tell you all the stories when you get there some of the stories were like parts of the dorm used to be an old stable that burned down so at night sometimes you can hear horses one of the rooms also got burned down was a someone that was a writer you could hear a typewriter at night um that's probably there's a bridge that goes across the campus it was said that somebody like some widow was waiting up on her thing and her husband was cheating on her so she stabbed him so like often times the lights on one end of the bridge would go out when you're walking across it at night but like only when you were walking across it it's not like they were just flicker the weirdest one to me was so in upstate New York where Wells College is one of the stories was in the winter when there was like I forget what it was like the flu or pneumonia or something was going around and a lot of people died and you can't bury bodies in the winter because the ground is frozen so you can't dig them a grave yeah so all these people were dying over the winter due to illness and so they had a room where they were putting the bodies and they painted the door bright red so that they can you know know which room was and not to go in it and whenever they tried to paint over it or remove the paint or anything it would come off and the door was always red I was weird that one really just doesn't sit well with me I don't get it like they try to remove the red paint yeah and it wouldn't come nothing and they try to paint over it and everything would peel off of it oh my god yeah okay that's pretty crazy Wow but so I was there and everybody I was you know not for or against ghosts or whatever just hadn't had any experiences with it and it was a little bit spooky like you hear all the stories and I was saying in a dorm room with my friend that I went to the camp with at the time and it was really late and she always fell asleep like right away and I just I'm not like that I sort of stay up and pondered the universe so I'm laying in my bed and my roommate is asleep and all of a sudden I felt like the end of my bed like really sink down like someone was sitting on it and like I looked at it and you could see like an impression like it was dark but you could still see enough oh yeah it's your bedroom no it's black so it was a completely dark so you felt it and then you looked and saw yeah because I'm laying on my back like this and I'm looking at it and I don't know if you've ever wouldn't get into it if you've ever had that experience like I've had experiences like that in my life where the only thing I compare it to is seeing a ghost or feeling like you see a ghost like your body you just sort of like shuts down out of pure fear like you're doing I couldn't like yell at my roommate if I wanted to I couldn't sit up and like freak out if I wanted to I was sort of paralyzed by fear at the feeling of someone sit on my bed and then this was this various weird but I looked up over my bed and there was a like Mountain Dew colored cross on the wit like the wall that was illuminated and like the windows were shut everything was off and there was a cross above my bed and I felt like someone was sitting on the foot of my bed hold on hold on so the cross existed in the room it was just lighting up no it didn't exist it was nothing it looked like a projection of a mountain dew color like green yellow cross above my bed that's what I'm saying it doesn't make any sense I did it did it look like a physical object or a projection oh look it was just white it was like yeah so the next morning I woke up and I was like cuz eventually I fell asleep I don't remember falling asleep at all I just remember freaking out and then the night goes by I wake up the next morning I tell my friend and I'm like this is what happened to me and she was like I was awake and she saw the cross above my bed and she just thought you're asleep and insane neither of us could do anything so but she even killed the person sitting on the bed no that was only to tell her about it yes what'd you say what's freaking out obviously she hyped Tartan know no one was hyped it was nothing fun about it okay so explain to me what you think happened like on every single level of that situation um I mean there's no rational explanation for why there was a like here's the crate I'm gonna cut you off sorry okay what sorry I know I asked you a question then cut you right off I just here's the thing for me is like I haven't had a personal ghost experience I just have it it's not happy we ought to go and get you one but when I hear people that I trust say that I swear this happened it becomes real for me because I trust like you and Rome told me that one time in you know wherever we were she was telling us about that ghost and she was like I swear then I was like okay if I can believe you so gone there's no rational explanation for a lit-up cross on the wall none I mean maybe I just I can't explain why do you think it was across like what of any object going back do you think it was like assign some meaning to this no I don't it wasn't satanic the cross wasn't upside down I honestly because that campus all of it is so steeped in that you know ghost history like there's a lot of things that's well known yeah it's not like you were like completely surprised right but I also wasn't scared of it happening I was scared in the moment while it was happening I'm not because I think ghosts are troubled spirits or people that are still there I don't know that's right go that's against the law mystery ghosts it's against the region because I don't think that most ghosts want to harm you they're just like maybe misguided or they get attached to you or they like you or maybe they don't like you um I think that there's not ghosts but that there wasn't some sort of like threatening presence about it yeah I mean backwards but if I look back on it and I had to assign some meaning to it it felt like someone was staring at me the entire time because that was one of the original reasons I guess I forgot to say that that I was sort of not sleeping or when I was sleeping I wasn't sleeping well because it did it felt like someone was staring at you in that room all the time and that's not something that I can really explain in any other way it's just it feels like someone is staring at you while you're trying to sleep any of your eyes closed you know you like you you jolt awake sometimes or you look around because you're like it really feels like someone is just staring into the feeling of being watched is a very distinct feeling I've ever had it with something like that but I know what you're talking about um but I think honestly if you wanted me to assign some meaning to it if it just felt like that was somebody's room and I was in their room and they just wanted to make their presence known yeah you know yeah I mean that's the it's interesting it's just interesting these experience is like as much as I really don't want to experience something as I apply with [ __ ] my pants about it it's like I kind of want to experience they like for myself so you can go places I don't want to do that's a bloomin tourist industry you stay at these old terrifying places not for me it's like just like you know [ __ ] skiing and [ __ ] it's not for you just no not for me yeah I'm younger it's it is really terrifying while it's happening because it's well when you watch shows about ghosts and stuff a lot of them explain them in measureable energy forces you know ghost hunters and stuff when they the EVP is that the that's the sound I forget what the energy is they see white orbs when they do pictures and stuff because they explain it in terms of energy so if you go with that idea yeah just by being in the presence of a relatively haunted place or area you feel it you know but you can't you can't measure it I guess if you have those tools but even that doesn't prove anything all you go on is just that you feel this presence you know because it's energy yeah another theory but we can move on to now I guess is one that doesn't like oh sorry it's not any me long I just wanted to lay these two theories good you can go to a grocery but like this other theory is basically like it's similar to the two them this last area of it's a dead person's spirit but it kind of goes alongside it and the theory is that like when there was a certain event that was recorded to a location in the world mm-hmm forever like it's recorded into the universe and so little remnants of that replay in the form of a ghost mm-hmm so that's kind of similar to these things you're seeing like the trails of the event continuing to happen in some other dimension no it's like yes but it's like it's almost like you're watching on loop right part of that event that had happened at one point in human history I guess my only problem with that theory is that maybe that's true for some like supernatural experiences but that doesn't explain a lot of people's experiences that don't appear to be on any loop yeah look if you watch those television shows of like though if you know a little boy possesses a bed or something after he dies and everyone that sleeps in it they get scratched in the face and like crazy shit's happening so they leave a piece of paper on the bed with a pen and the boy of writes out like this is my dad like please leave me alone where does where does that TV show haunted something haunted that's scary is that show is really scared that story you just told like scared me right now well that's tough like those are real accounts of people that have had really messed up things I believe it but not as much as I believe that it's like can you tell me you saw it well that's fine I I hope that I don't ever have a story like that to tell me well you know how that resolved itself her is that someone a really nice woman bought the bed and agreed to just keep it in her attic by itself so that that boy could have his bed so she's cool it's just like a ghost upstairs yeah all he wanted was his bed and she says they they don't have any problems they don't see him they don't hear him there's nothing going on he just he wanted his bed he just won his bet if I died now as a ghost that would be the one thing I wanted to I just feel like yo I'm [ __ ] tired let me sleep no he was a little boy thanks and he died in the bed no no I think yeah it doesn't it doesn't necessarily have to be where you died hmm yeah that's another thing I'm interested is like the rule book I don't think there's a rule but the rule book the manual the man well well if you think of it in terms of energy if you died and then there's some place or some person or something that has like really strong significance to you that you're really longing for something maybe your energy could in theory manifest in that place so for me it'd be like the kitchen well yeah to be like the Julian tornado has haunting in the house I mean there's tons of stories of people being like you know my grandmother my mother passed away and she used to love potato chips and then you know a week after she died there's a bunch of potato chips all over the floor that spilled all over the floor you know maybe that happens for like once or twice but it's it's a thing Wow as their soul is going somewhere else I don't know you might go to the other story oh I was just looking at an apartment one time and we went down into the basement and it felt so wrong everything down there felt terrifying I was like I have to get out of here and so we started walking up the stairs did you say something or no no I was just the the real estate agent was showing us the basement and I was like okay yeah no this is totally fine but I'm I've seen enough I'd like to go back upstairs so the real estate agent walks up and we start walking up the stairs and all of a sudden we started hearing footsteps following us up these wooden stairs because in Boston a lot of places had these like dirt basements they're not that you've heard the footsteps oh my god I started running up the stairs I was like thank you this is not the apartment for me I'm gonna get out of here holy [ __ ] yeah it was ridiculous you think like I mean you think of a place was haunted that the spirits would at least mask themselves until a person moved in right not necessarily that's not in the rule book but I don't think there is a robust okay that's crazy well what do you think ghosts are I see that's a thing like I the story about the boy in his bed the story about [ __ ] you know people having there's millions of stories I know and that's the thing in like I I believe that they exist I believe that ghosts are a real thing and I I honestly don't think there's one theory to explain all ghosts I think some ghosts are explained by dead people spirits and other ghosts are explained by a varying number of things like looking through this list of theories kind of made me realize that it's it seems just kind of impossible that all ghosts are explained by one thing I just I really I like the idea that dogs can see ghosts and children can see ghosts because I had a friend in high school whose nephew was doing that he literally was playing with a guy on the stairs every single day every day he was on the stairs and he would tell his mother every day and playing with so-and-so on the stairs like a grown man like it happens and I feel like kids and dogs and people's whose brains aren't completely you know decided that this is something that can't be possible that you can't explain your mind why kids see ghosts yeah they see them you know they'll tell you what they look like yeah and dogs will bark it goes yeah Wow it's also um a theory or people in the ghost world that guess say that if you like if you own a home and you renovate parts of it you do run the risk of like stirring up some sort of spirit or energy by doing that I give you so it's basically disturbing their peace okay yeah I believe that right yeah have you ever gone down the rabbit hole of like Indian burial grounds like Native American burial grounds no not trying to be offensive no just don't just don't have a Harvest Festival where there are like places where you can go and like sit on things and get pushed off no yes take me there I'll do that no they're not around here babe where are they you just said you didn't I don't want to stay over at a haunted house and sleep in a haunted room but I'll go sit on a stump and get pushed off we I'm sure for Halloween around here we could find something the the craziest part about the East Coast though I feel like is because there's so many older places there are like well-known established areas where you can go and have a haunted experience or at least feel what it feels like to be in a place like that I would do that in affected places in LA aside from all the murder houses there has to be there has to be we can go on a ghost bus tour didn't mean it then it goes bust or I'm gonna be a ghost because I'm dead from that joke so bad I'm so sorry I'm so [Music] yeah that was those rough that was a good dye job done nice job what else you got oh you can adapt sit or thank you other theories yeah okay so we got the next one is it's their entities not necessarily people but entities living entities from other dimensions or realities that are currently just like peeking into your world but they're not dead they're still they're alive however you want that to make any sense but if you can imagine an alternate universe an alternate dimension those people are living there liar living their lives we're just seeing the like trail remnants of it you're seeing reflection of it oh yeah yeah like that's that's that's one thing that I can't say that doesn't exist with everything I don't really possibly like you'd be stupid to say they perceive whoever they're you know perceiving as the ghosts so maybe he's combative people these combative ghosts are just living their real lives and they see you as a combatant really possible I love that idea I think that's so intriguing because it's like the idea of a ghost right the idea of like a like a figure like very faint it's such a great representation generation but it's such a great representation in my mind of like what someone from another dimension looks like to us and what mean we may look like to them like I don't know that you can theorize and think about it for so long in your head of alternate universes and you know currently happening dimensions right next to you but in a parallel whatever but the idea of like a physical ghost that is that that fits into the picture really well for me you know what I mean that kind of just makes a lot of sense yeah I mean I've never seen an apparition I've never seen a ghost okay you just don't recall yeah but so take my experience for example if I really felt like every night I was going to bed and there were somebody sleeping in my bed and I couldn't explain that feeling to you like this is so weird like it feels like there's someone already sleeping in my bed I might sit because I can't see this person it feels like they're sitting down and staring at me yeah but perhaps that person in another dimension is sitting on their bed you know maybe on their knees and being like what what's going on here is there a person here you know but all I can feel is the sitting motion and the staring motion in my dimension but I guess if I was that person and I felt like someone was sleeping in my bed I'd just sit there and trying to figure out they're not just like the most sense right it just makes no sense likes the most sitting on your bed it's very possible you're sitting in your bed but who's to say that that bed isn't also in another universe and is someone else someone else is dead and you're making the indent for them and freaking them out like who's there or watching them yeah I'm just saying what that makes a lot of sense my but that's easy to copy I just I like that what's possible yeah it doesn't explain everything nothing it's nothing explains everything that I'm aware of I mean correct me if I'm wrong and also in the comments feel free to share your ghost stories because I like reading them yeah I think so does that really kind of maybe not everyone yeah I just I would love to have a ghost encounter but on my terms I wouldn't want to piss my pants and if I did piss my pants I would like them to be distilled oh my god because they are quite amazing jeans luxury amazing material really really well built Jenna put hers on the other day she showed us the bot I was wearing these earlier I the only reason I'm not wearing right now is because I'm a hot and it's hot as [ __ ] in this room but super comfortable guys distilled has revolutionized fashion industry by making timeless luxury great denim starting at just $65 these jeans would normally cost you hundreds of dollars and they do it because they refuse to work with department stores and retail no no man there's no markup no [ __ ] just a great Jean yeah at an unbelievable price it's awesome so just go to D STL decom slash Jenna Julianne and you get $10 off your first pair and you can look through all their styles and they'll ship it right to your door which is awesome if you don't like the fit if you don't like the Jean they'll send you a new pair until you're happy I see one see for yourself why a list celebrities a list not like F list like a list celebrities have been spotted in magazines like Vogue and GQ we're on the wine list and I see the wine list even c-list celebrities yeah so these jeans which style are the items hood I don't know they're comfortable as [ __ ] let me see Superman they're like high-waisted no cute yeah oh and the packaging is nice even - what is it say right here oh design in Los Angeles it doesn't say what style though no no they're just the dope style I guess guys right now go to DST LD coms last Jenna Julianne get ten bucks off first pair let us know you like it it's just still denim also this week if I pissed my pants I would like to be wearing me I need because is easily the softest underwear I've ever put they're so cute the winds that they just gave us the monkey with um camo but it also looks like those are ghost camos it goes cameras oh jeez you guys are so good to us you send this underwear every month it's like a relationship yeah you guys can have that relationship too you just go to me at ease comm scheduling you get 20% off your first order and you can get the subscription where you get the new designs every single month they focus on making the most comfortable underwear you've ever experienced they sent me a bunch of pairs as you can see right here this is literally like 1/10 of the Julian wears at this point yeah you don't own a pair you've seen all my Calvin oh I'm so sorry that was so sad oh poor Julie guys for the price of 2 condors it's just so sad before for the price of two cocktails meetings with deliver you your favorite pair of underwear right to your doorstep it's such an awesome thing guys it's proven scientifically proven with a touch of modal in their fabric three times softer than cotton tight tight tight enemy and he's not calm sighs Jenna Julian 20% off your first order unless I like it tweet us pictures of your Mandy's thank you sponsor yeah we love you I love you mom well scared [Music] all right angels and demons okay what do you think about that those that ghosts are angels and our demons okay I totally believe that demons exist I totally believe that okay because of the the stories that I feel like I've read and seen on TV of people being like this was not a a ghost this was not you know what this is a they're possessing something or someone or their demonic in nature and they don't act like a ghost this is like you wish it was a ghost because they just don't care they hurt you they'll actually scratch you like it's physically harmed or an account and isn't a Incubus isn't am I saying that right I can't no it's when a ghost or and I'm sorry a demon rapes you Oh tight right like this is a real thing that exists that people is really what that whole season of American Horror Story was which one don't wear the demon rapes the guy in the hotel the drill [ __ ] yeah we didn't we didn't finish watching that season because it was so bad it was not for me I didn't sign up for American absolute shock and gore to a television way too much we didn't finish it so after that draft let's do anyway I'm sorry we go do this too much for me and it's gonna take a lot to kind of bring us back onto that band and I started watching the new season in there because I feel like I'm so tapped out we can't be alone in that yes I a thousand percent believe the demons exist because of people's accounts of them and that they do really what I want to know what if you're a person who experiences go straight or at least you think you don't right not go straight it's a demon it's very different you think a demon [ __ ] you but it's invisible right like you can't point to any like that's that's not that's not true at all there's people that claim that they see them doing okay so here's my question if a person experiences this or the things they do and they go get a rape kit what's in the rape kit probably nothing that's crazy but they have visible a lot of these people claim that they or they've showed that they have visible like scratches and bruising and things like that on them but it's not you can't explain it with a rape kit I guess that I guess yeah I'm just posing questions here no it's a valid question in your mind if you were to say a demon encounter on earth where the human being looks like this what would it look like in terms of the demon in your mind like if you were to say like I don't know I saw I saw a ghost I saw a demon what's the difference like what do you think it is well I feel like traditionally people have described demons as like combative as dark as evil like they they are not just a lost person you know maybe scaring you but also people describe ghosts as some of them being very fearful and like withdrawn like they they don't want to be seen they're nervous or they're scared but I've never heard someone explain their experience with a demon as like yeah he just sort of lurked around like they they are malicious yeah yes and okay so my question is if if they if that's a thing like what causes that to be the thing like is it a really bad person who died no demons are totally different as do I think angels are totally different some people think that angels are like you know your grandmother or people once they get into heaven become an angel and cook but I think that there's another theory that angels are different all together and that you can't you know die and go to heaven and become an angel look at how angel yeah I know yeah definitely like Michael and I don't know they have names yes Michael for me and so people don't become demons they're demonic forces they're entities that is not human at all as it makes sense where they come from negative energy I mean I don't have the answer to that no no just honest thing I'm just asking you because you know more than me and you a better idea that's all well I think if you were to believe in an angels or demons that would sort of imply that you believe that there's beings in this world or that interact with this world that don't come from this world so you can't really explain what it is it just it's a demon would you do you think demons can exist in human form yes so okay that that intrigues me well think of all the exorcism that happened cross-culturally like people claiming that they're being possessed by a demon or being bothered by a demon or there's accounts of people claiming that they're possessed or that someone that they love is possessed and you hear all those them speaking in tongues and you know doing crazy [ __ ] it's terrifying yeah I think it is possible for a demon to take a human form and I don't know even fly under the radar that's what that's crazy to me like I'm wondering if I've ever met a person so miserable are such a terrible energy person who is what was consumed by a demon when I met them like that how you never know you never know right I mean maybe that is a crazy idea but I I genuinely do believe that because I've bought into the idea of demons yeah just because of the pure volume of people that claim that they exist yeah it's you know good enough for me I do believe that they can possess a human form you someone's current body they could possess you know you Julian or they could manifest themselves as a person Wow crazy right yeah I don't want to deal with the demon yeah no but that's why you know the whole Ouija board and stuff like that they say like that stuff's really messed up even if the Ouija board is just you know a little Mattel game or whatever it is but the ritual of sort of asking spirits and asking people to come visit you if you're not prepared or you're not coming with peace and you're not coming with like light you are running the risk of opening a portal or becoming a portal for demonic entities to come into your life or you know affect the people around you you feel like that subject things with the wrong energy you could be [ __ ] yourself absolutely because it's not the game it's something the game is just a medium it's it's a pathway no but you don't even need the game we could just be sitting here holding hands with some candles asking you know whoever to come visit us and talk with us and by doing that by opening your energy you can that way invite anybody or anything that wants to come in this aura well so my friend in high school her mom was a psychic and literally had this game called the psychic circle which we like to play which was not Ouija at all but it was like maybe it wasn't the psychic circle I can't remember the name of the game but it was like you you lit certain candles you did things in a certain way you open it everything has to be like very open very kind and there's really specific steps of how you do things and then everything gets closed at the end you're not allowed to be like oh my god this is scary ah and then run out of the ring of therapies you have yes you have to close it or else you leave that open energy open and anything that wants to come and hang out is now welcome to just flood inch yeah and if that like there's steps that you can do if you're opening you know your your little group and you feel like there's some sort of really awful evil energy coming in that you can close it and make sure that that energy does not have the ability to come manifest within the room do you know I mean I mean I mean that's help me if I'm wrong but this is only my experience so there's no wrong answer here I feel like this is all experience based this is all like even for people who haven't experiences this is my experience talking to people who have had experience yeah obviously let us know in the comments like your experiences or whatever and if you agree with anything we're saying I I feel like if I you know even this discussion like I I one thing I feel like I've learned in the last few years I think being with you is that has an impact of this a lot is to be respectful of the whole the whole universe of ghosts and anything like that because of honestly mostly because of fear like I don't want to be that person who was just like scoffing at the idea of ghosts and it's now like it's stupid and then really I have a terrifying experience like I don't want that mm and I think that comes with like I don't know like hearing you talk about it learning more about it thinking about it you know just trying to be a little bit cerebral about it about it I think what's helped me the most with ghosts in particular is imagine if you were a ghost I don't know I've joked about it in the past like if I was a ghost I wouldn't just watch somebody when they needed me I'd be there all the time like hanging out you know [ __ ] just doing whatever the [ __ ] I want but if you were a ghost you know maybe you don't know what's going on maybe you're just as scared as the person who's seeing the ghost is so if you come at it from that perspective like this this thing isn't intentionally trying to scare me like you can feel it out maybe they are maybe they're combative maybe they don't want to be around you in which case leave them alone but a lot of times they're just they just need a safe space to be a ghost you know they just don't want people [ __ ] with them and I feel like I can respect that I can't you know because if you were a ghost and you're like this this right here this is my elliptical and if anyone comes near it I will kick you yeah wouldn't you just be like alright dude this is your man I'm gonna wheel this into the garage and just you do you mr. ghost yeah let's talk about that there's anything wrong with that yeah maybe that's what I have a long theory that I found I can read it but the theory before that is basically just ghosts are projections of the person seeing them what does that mean like if I have issues with something like I don't know like I'm basically projecting the ghosts into my own reality because of my own experiences of being only the only argument I have against that is that it wouldn't explain multiple sightings find multiple people of the same apparition there you go even less they're projecting the same thing but that's unlikely no like the houses the big you know plantation houses with like yeah we see a little girl or a woman yeah in the same outfit and they can all describe her the same way I mean I don't think that's something that we really see the same go totally I don't buy into that one yeah so let's end on this one this is kind of a complex one it's called the mask of reason quantum theory of ghosts okay by a professor max Bruin PhD I'm down and he basically says I'll read a little bit ghosts are created when the observers of most emotions create a semi-permanent indentation into the quantum tapestry of the universe like the scent of a burnt toast that remains long after the offending bread is discarded ghosts are impressions of emotions that remain long after the cause has been resolved ghosts therefore are formed not the dead formed not from the dead but from the living and their interactions with the world around them the recording of events with within the subatomic we've give gives rise to an after image and depending on the intensity of the emotion and permeability of the quantum state different types of ghosts can be created negative emotions are many times more likely to cause these effects the reason for this is currently unknown though it may have to do with the quantum spin of the universe what are you thinking of this I guess I'm I'm not buying it I mean maybe that could offer so this is I could offer some logical explanation as to why all of a sudden when you live in your house for 10 years and you start seeing ghosts maybe fine but that doesn't explain for the millions of people that have seen something like a door slam or you know a chair move or for me personally a bed moving and someone sitting on it that doesn't explain the physicality of some of these supernatural experience yes it might explain here maybe it maybe in a sense it does but it doesn't fully explain it no that does not explain why a door slams by itself you didn't perceive the door slamming you honestly I wouldn't count that out completely what I wouldn't say that that's completely unlikely like oh no it's like who knows if you if if ghosts are really just perception like no matter how real it feels like right now if that door shut right and I'm like okay that door stone I was here I saw it I heard it I felt the wind you did too but then what if it's like if it's revonnah thoris toes are falling everyone else in the entire world we could tell that story too but maybe it really didn't happen and maybe we really both just were in the same energy at the same time and perceived that had happened in the most real visceral sense that we could ever that's possible but my only problem with that is that you have all these people all over the world that you know when you say you hear a story from me or you hear it from Rome and all of a sudden that becomes real like they I haven't heard one person that's told me some mumbo-jumbo ghost story every one that's had an experience can tell you and swear to you up and down how real it was and how everything actually happened and that it's not a perception why does it happen to a lot of people across culturally all around the world all I'm saying I'm not I don't agree with this theory all I'm saying is as devil's advocate it is that it's it's definitely possible especially if you think about like as much as you want to rely on your own experience maybe just maybe your experience is perceived you know what I mean like it's not real mm-hmm it's just a thought it thought that I'd like to not just count out because like [ __ ] it I just think it's interesting to entertain that's all well I buy into the parallel universes yeah and I buy into angels and demons and I buy into people like those there are dead I bind all those two equally and kind of in their own ways I don't buy into things on a loop and I don't buy into it's your perception hmm what do you think what do you think hell is is that a different podcast we already talked about that yeah we did yes that's right that's right really yeah vici that's right [ __ ] Wow it's crazy yeah that is crazy I don't know I just think a lot more about yeah last podcast now that we've done well you know what purgatory is right yeah in theory there you go before you go to heaven foundation or yeah or your next is so what if Earth in your spirit form is purgatory and I'm currently in purgatory no when your oh oh god I got it so they haven't moved on yet those have moved so that's that's your purgatory and you know whatever business or energy you need to let go of as soon as you do you've reach your next destination who should explain why some ghosts have existed in some places for years and years and years and years like hundreds of years and people claim to see the same thing happening maybe because that person or energy hasn't has still refused to let go and they're there in purgatory or their perception of time in purgatory is a lot different than it is due to I'm saying like if a ghost exists for 100 years on earth maybe four then that's like five minutes yeah totally relative time um I thought I was just gonna say [ __ ] something about purgatory and ghosts never mind I don't know I lost it yeah the thought of the thought of your world being another beings purgatory that's kind of trippy because that means you're currently experiencing what like what a person is living in or existing and they've died yeah right that means what we are in heaven we are in hell we are in a place where dead beings exist mm-hmm or maybe they died in a different universe and the earth is their purgatory like they didn't even come from Earth they came from somewhere else and then they just ended up on earth as purgatory mm-hmm it's all crazy to me but I do think that they're real I feel like people that don't deny any sort of supernatural thing happening on earth that deny everything like people who are like humans are the only existing beings right yeah and I apologize on the last podcast people were very mad at me and I've said and I'm so sorry I've chose sort of the wrong words because I said atheists who believe that the human beings are the end-all be-all I should have just said people who believed it really had nothing to do it you don't need to take shots at you just sitting here talking I'm sorry for that I did not mean to offend anyone guys relax in case you didn't mean it but I again along the ideas it does bother me when people are like yeah none of it is real all of its fake I'm like but there's there's plenty of things that you can't explain yeah no one can explain for sure and I just maybe just say me I don't believe in ghosts but there are things that people can't explain well like I don't believe in ghosts because I haven't been given reason to believe in ghosts not that's not to say I'd finally finally want to say they don't exist yeah violently nothing exists I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't I wasn't all the way there but I was I was definitely in the doubter party before and um you know I always thought it was like like yeah okay I grown adults talking about a ghost or get a load of this like really hmm and it's it's really not something I think that's something that I've kind of it's a it's a belief that I've matured into in a way like I've learned to kind of keep my mind open in this sense when I really felt like it didn't need to be open you know but that's why I find it interesting I also feel like so many people now like it is the majority I feel like of people now who believe in ghosts people the majority of people now believe in guys like I'm just like I guess like on rent and stuff like you know when you you like you're amongst other people in their opinions and then you get to kind of get a gist of like what the majority feels and what they the minority feels like for me I always felt like the minority was the people who believed in ghosts and now I feel like it's the opposite I feel like a lot of people believe that's got outside to do something with red it's changing demographic and that there's a lot of young people I'm ready and I've said this for forever about Millennials and young kids now people that are on the Internet the people that you see on Twitter the people that are consuming online media the because of their exposure to the internet from such a young age they just know things things like aliens things like ghosts things like conspiracy theories a healthy skepticism of authority or things like that they they just know things and it's incredible to me like you know all it takes is one or two pieces of evidence and they don't they don't have some life-changing shift of thought in their mid-40s like they just like oh this is the thing that exists cool all right I'm gonna run with that I really think that you might see that because of the younger demographic on reddit now and because they just know things they're like yeah totally why the [ __ ] not her instead of that like I don't know it still doesn't fit into my worldview so I really believe that there I was like yeah totally that's totally possible I think that's one of the most important characteristics of a lot of Millennials they're open to anything and they're and they're they're aware of the fact that they are exposed to a lot of information that people who are closed off the technology and a lot of things like that are not exposed to mm-hmm kids in their technology like everything yeah it's easier for them to be like this is possible because I've seen plenty of things that support it that deny it that whatever but you know what my opinion is it's a thing that may or may not exist but that's why they can make such funny jokes man because they're just aware of things totally hyper-awareness hyper hyper hyper diaper good way to end the podcast anyways please write us some ghost stories intercom and also tell us what you swear on that it's true so what does that mean like I swear on my dog what does that mean like when you swear on something you're like oh I can believe them okay all right like if I'm like I swear on peach this happened it happened I'm not gonna swear on peach if it didn't happen so just like swear on something for me okay you really don't have to do that you just tell us your ghost stories unsubscribe if you don't swear on anything leaves hanging out for another spooky podcast yeah that was fun that was fun and I don't know I'm just I'm a believer of a lot of things I'm open to a lot of things so if your healthy skepticism of everything feel free to chime in skepticism I like that let me get that tattooed on my forehead now guys if you want if you want to send us suggestions on the next spooky podcast I say we keep it spooky for all dying and ghosts we also needed make sure we do part two of both of these I think at some point this in the last weeks I feel like there's yeah well we although we talked in general about ghosts maybe we could do a podcast that was just specifically ghost story yes or we could maybe have a guest on with a lot of good ghosts or something like that totally um but yeah let us know suggestions for next week's podcast uh we will see you guys next week for another one check out the sponsors in the description below we appreciate you guys being here we love you ding fell and I have a good week say bye make some noises for us but to send us off send us offices oh yeah it's so hard to be alive by [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 1,167,059
Rating: 4.9375749 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: -34asPToFQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 59sec (3119 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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