Impact the World - Wendy De Rosa

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[Music] welcome to impact the world the show for and about creatives change makers and entrepreneurs this is a conversation episode where a special guest shares with me what they are creating and the behind the scenes journey of their experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to impact the world and this week my guest is wendy derosa wendy just released a book with new world library and it's called becoming an empowered empath it's a wonderful book with not only insights but also exercises and meditations and wendy has been working for over two decades as a teacher of intuition and sensitivity and so it was great to have this conversation with her about her own experiences of realizing that the levels of empathy that she is operating with so we speak not only about the book itself and some of the areas that empaths have to ex deal with experience heal clear but also some of her journey as a teacher her journey as a mother especially over the last year or so and it was a great conversation so i hope you enjoy if you are a fan of the show please do rate or subscribe at apple podcasts or if you're watching on youtube do subscribe to the channel so that you get notified of new episodes and for more from wendy you can go to and as ever we put links in the show notes but for now enjoy this conversation [Music] wendy it's a real treat to have you here today thank you so much and congratulations on this beautiful beautiful book um that's full of so many different so many different ways of understanding ourselves as empaths and tools and ways to strengthen our way of being in the world so yeah congratulations thank you so much thank you so much for having me how i'm curious before we go into some of the details in the book how have you found the process of writing the book releasing the book into the world because i know it's a it's a big thing and we've had several authors on the show and we've talked about the journey that you go on as someone becoming an author in this way how has it been for you well in terms of writing actually writing the book and getting all the thoughts down this is this is not this is my third or fourth i have a third book we'll say but early on maybe in my second book i was pregnant with my daughter and i figured out that if i could voice to text on my walks i could get a book written so i figured that out pretty early on in the um in the book writing process and so when this book came around it was it was interesting because i actually didn't consider myself an empath i mean i didn't necessarily call myself an empath i i was an intuitive i was an intuitive healer i was an intuitive teacher you know i connect to my spirit guides i you know it's sort of the full spectrum but i had a very um extensive background in the energetic system and the body and so i understood what was happening for empaths and then i realized that this is what i'm go i i'm this also and so it was an interesting process of of you know having time where i'm i'm you know i'm i'm going i ended up doing a lot walking and getting a lot of my ideas down um because i just i found for me the flow happened when i was more in nature when i was more had moments when i was away from being mom and being you know being in my day-to-day and so those writing moments i sort of had to seize them and they were they were oftentimes unconventional times i mean just again movement or you know not necessarily sitting in front of the computer and then when i got home i could start to take all of that information and sort of organize it into into chapters um so that was sort of my process in writing this book well it's interesting you talk about knowing that you're an intuitive and you're an intuitive teacher but but the empath thing hit you later um because you have you know one of the things i really like in in the book is you you talk about upper body and lower body intuition and you speak about you know how lower body intuition is more clear cognizance and the sense of knowing and the empathic sense of feeling and then the upper body uh is relates more towards channeling and mediumship and intuitive messages which i'd never heard broken down in that way but it made total sense to me um as soon as i read it yeah absolutely i mean that is that is a big uh premise too of of sort of the energetic system and intuition empaths will often relate to being um sometimes they'll you know they'll relate to taking on the energy of others and they'll relate to feeling overwhelmed and overly sensitized and sometimes very symptomatic but what will happen sometimes is that empaths aren't just empaths they also might be mediums they also might be clairvoyance and sometimes these words these labels are very you know they're very woo-woo but um they what's what i i hope that you know comes out of reading the book for people that when people read it is that there's an understanding that there is there's there's a very normal way that our energy bodies are um intuitive intuitive in the upper upper chakras and intuitive in the lower chakras and the chakras specifically relate to the aspects of intuition the seeing hearing feeling and knowing and so being able to put all of that together really gives people a framework for understanding how intuition works in their bodies yeah and and i like i feel like in our time we're beginning to be allowed to identify and own all of these aspects of spirituality and spiritual being that we all possess to some degree or another but but i like what you what you're speaking about here is that idea of the boxes so you can be told you're an empath and one person will tell you well this is what it's like for an empath but of course for someone else not only is it going to show up a little differently for them but it also depends who what else you are who else you are so for example you're a mom you're an author you're a partner you're a teacher you're a student you're you know we're all these many things and i i feel like and hope that we're moving into a time where a book like yours could allow somebody to claim the empathic parts of themselves without necessarily having to box themselves in in one label but instead to perhaps bring an understanding of that label into their life yeah absolutely i think one of the phrases i often say to empaths is that this is the experience that you're having and the deeper work is about identifying your your true self and who you're here to be and you are more than an empath you are not just an empath you know it's it's learning how to ultimately embody ourselves and who we're here to be i love that you said that you kind of realized through writing the book that you were more of an empath than you thought so what was that like what was the what was either the moment or moments of realization for you as you were as you were creating this i'm curious how it affected or shifted the way that you see yourself either now or in the past yeah you know and i always told my story um from the lens of i was a very sensitive child and sensitive certainly means i was feeling a lot of what was going on around me but but i was very i i realized now as an adult knowing knowing what i know now that i really had you know a very upper body and lower body intuition going on i had four aspects really activated and to a small child and an adolescent and someone who doesn't know that that's very overwhelming and not fun actually you know it doesn't feel like a gift until you turn to it or learn more about it or move in that direction but then you know i started to really realize that so much of what i absorbed into my system at a very young age was the empathic experience and that as i developed in my teenage years i developed depression i developed anxiety i gained a lot of weight as a child i could walk into the room and feel what everybody had you know what was going on for them and um and it wasn't until i uh i mean i i had an account i had an angel encounter on the street in in in boston and i basically i don't know if you want me to go into the story but i wrote about it yeah so i i came out of a nervous breakdown that's what i called it it was panic attacks i went to the hospital i i was really in tough shape and i was in my third semester in college in boston and i was trying to decide coming out of there if i finish the year if i finish the semester excuse me and or if i leave and forfeit tuition it was a big decision and my roommate and i at the time said well let's just go for a walk and we'll you know we'll talk it through so we're talking it through and i'm telling her i'm having this call to colorado i don't i don't this is pre-internet this is pre facebook call i have seen it in a magazine i had no other reference point for it but i was called uh feeling it and moving in this direction and i ended up we turned the corner at the like massachusetts avenue and newberry street there used to be a tower records on the corner and i i turned the corner and there's a man standing there and he's got a red jacket and he's carrying a ukulele and he has a well that's what i saw at first and so he says can i sing you a song for some spare change and we said no that's okay and he looks at me and he says no wendy you need to hear a song and at that point i look at him and he's got a glow around his head this way sort of vertically around his head and he says no don't worry about the change my name is arias and i'm going to sing you a song and he sings me he gets down on one knee and he sings me this song home on the range with a buffalo rome one day you're going to get to colorado and he stands up and he gives me a kiss on the cheek and he vanishes behind me and my roommate and i look at each other and look back and he's gone and she goes darting off to see if she can find him and i'm having a transmission experience on the street in boston where my anxiety is being completely healed in that moment and she comes back and she's like do you know what that was and i said yeah i absolutely know what that was and everything shifted after that i finished my semester i did move to colorado i had um found a healing teacher i was i was a musician the majority of my life and singer songwriter and so i i wasn't serious about being a healer i was wanted to be a rock star a musician and so i i pursued um you know healing work you know and i played music and you know i kind of did both until it became very clear that i was swimming upstream this musical direction and i was really being invited to step into this practice and and that's how it evolved for me um but again i always considered myself an intuitive healer eventually an intuitive healer teacher as students wanted to learn more but once i started to recognize you know not only are we navigating and this is what made this is what the inspiration to write the book came out of sort of the navigation of the trauma field and you know everything that had been stirring over the last four to five six years in the field and people having overly empathic experiences and i just i had this awareness and background of the energy body and what what what's happening in the body and i just felt that if if i if we could you know if i could provide this information it could be so helpful for all of us including myself because i'm i'm practicing the work you know and being able to move through this massive you know evolution that we're in right now it's interesting i remember many many years ago channeling so channeling is a part of my work and i remember channeling some messages it was probably around 2007-2008 and they were saying that you're going to see the world become far more feeling in the next decade and i've joked about this before that my interpretation of that was oh great everyone's going to be all touchy feely but of course it didn't necessarily mean that and i think if you as you said look at the last three four years and how a lot of the unhealed unacknowledged and acute trauma is now coming to the surface for all of us as a collective it did strike me that the book just came out this year and i thought oh interesting after 2020 in the year that amplified so many of the things you're talking about the anxiety the panic attacks and as i was listening to you i remember my own breakdown my own panic attack so much of your story is hilariously very similar to mine and i'm sure for people who are listening or watching and so i think again it comes back to are we allowed to own that part of ourselves as empaths because when i grew up and i'm sure same for you it wasn't talked about it wasn't i think i only really first heard the term empath 20 years ago when someone told me i was one and i thought oh she's just being nice i'm sure i'm not like her i i see who she is and what she's doing in the world but the difference for her was she'd understood it and so it was now her gift rather than her curse which really is what what the book does i think it kind of invites you to understand it own it use it but also know how to navigate some of the trickier parts of your empathy and how they get tied up in our trauma or our ancestral stuff or things that we've gone through in life that trigger us and i think often that's when it can get more activated too so it's so important to be able to navigate all of that yeah absolutely and it's interesting about the feeling guidance that you got because part of empathic work so so a lot of times empaths feel that i'm an empath therefore i take on the energy of others but the the empath is someone who feels the energy of others taking on other people's energy is called overly empathic it's actually a different experience but there's many there's many tools and things we can do in healing we can do to to shift that like why we're absorbing but one of them talking about feelings is that we've been culturally perhaps patriarchally in a system we've been conditioned to to fear our emotions to have shame around our emotions and a lot of i mean a lot of us i i mean i'm making big generalizations here but a lot of people received the teachings quote unquote you know children are meant to be seen not heard or you're punished if you're if you show anger or i'm sending you to bed without supper without giving a child a connection you know this this shame that we've experienced around our emotions is part of what ends up happening for empaths is that we're carrying so much of our own unprocessed stuff in the lower chakras specifically and some of that is shame of our own feelings and so literally in a split second if somebody were having an emotion around me and it's i'm my inner my youth my inner self is afraid in that moment i have a regression in that moment in a split second my body says that's not safe that's not okay if someone expresses anger and so i end up fight flight or freezing or disconnecting and that's the moments when transference happens energetically but when we learn to have our own emotions and to ground ourselves and to be okay with the feelings and let them flow and challenge all of those old teachings that we've gotten then we we increase our capacity to be able to stay present in ourselves and that's part of boundaries is staying present in our bodies and it's funny you bring that up because one of the most powerful turning points i had was being able to be with someone when they were in their feelings and not go into some kind of auto response you know to kind of be in front of someone and going oh they're really struggling but i don't have to save them do anything kind of bring something because i i did that unconsciously as i think many of us do for years on autopilot and there was a breakthrough for me in my 30s where i was like oh no you need to allow yourself to be uncomfortable with the discomfort in the room without doing anything about it you need to you need to have a different relationship to it um which i i think not many of us are taught that's a power of an empowered empath is to be able to hold space i'm just gonna hold space and let this person be where they are and think about it from the receivers and how many people how many of us need that just someone to hold space and let us cry it out or talk it through or let it out and and to be able to be and stay with ourselves and be able to hold space is is very is a very empowered empath experience and the shame that you mentioned really pinged many memories for me of being an emotional kid and feeling that i was too much or that i shouldn't be that emotional and i didn't know how to like reorganize them to kind of get rid of them so it was more convenient and that's just so common um but i love you know there's a quote that you have empaths are here to help raise consciousness leading by example with true sensitivity and heart and that that to me is truth and has been for years but i loved seeing the way you expressed it there curious if you could elaborate for someone who likes the quote here's the quote but how do you see that playing out empaths helping raise the consciousness by leading by example in that way so you know i believe empaths part a lot of the book talks about the deep healing we need to do in the lower three chakras when we're talking about consciousness evolution what we're experiencing is you know sort of the rise of of spiritual consciousness and at the same time it's like i joke about it this way i say that mother earth during the pandemic like grounded us all you're grounded for a year you can't go anywhere you need to sit and you're going to sit in your root chakras and think about things and what happens but there's a lot of unearthing that has happened in the last you know pandemic year year and a half and and beyond and further back that we have this unearthing experience and part of our consciousness evolution specifically for empaths is not that we're overwhelmed by that but that we do heal our part in it we do heal i call it the lower chakra healing so first second and third chakras relate to our humanity and everything that we're carrying through on that human level and and for for most of us for a lot of empaths we're sort of we sort of have learned to disconnect from the lower chakras and live a little higher in the body and part of our consciousness evolution is how do i reclaim the power in my trust and safety in myself and in my second chakra my empathic nature and my intuition and my sexuality and my sensitivity and how do i be present in in the fullness of my solar plexus my identity and and be who i'm here to be and so there's a way that you know in this to be able to be in our hearts we it we from my perspective my personal opinion we um it's part of it's about being embodied in the lower chakras otherwise the heart's doing all the work for an empath to say i'm gonna oh i'm gonna be in my heart and give myself away in the lower half of my body being in the heart's not going to feel good but if i were to ground powerfully into embodying like okay i've been carrying history in myself and now i'm ready to let that go and and really be in myself so that being in my heart comes from the foundation of being really loving myself and grounded in my lower lower system so yeah so that's some background into the quote yeah i'm curious what was the life turning point for you in becoming an empowered empath and i know that's a tricky question because of course we're always becoming more more of who we are but i was thinking about that this morning knowing we were going to speak what was the point was there a point in time or a series of events that helped you cross over from feeling the weight of it all or or wobbling your way through it to recognizing oh sure i mean you're going to have days where you're more challenged than others but you have enough tools and resources now that you can recognize you have a core of empowerment that you can lean on was there a point for you or an event or i don't know if there was a an ex a point or an event but i can say that last year certainly in the pandemic year and i feel like you know i've had lots of experiences of being able to stay with myself and essentially not make other people wrong for their experiences or for their emotions i think those were some there's some ways that i live and that have i've evolved to in being able to be with myself more um but i do feel that the opportunity last year you know i would say it again big generalization i know not everyone had this experience but it rocked us to some degree and and everyone had their version of that and i think my version of that was absolutely an empathic challenge like challenge in okay are you like you're walking in your talk now like you've got to put your practice put your practices into place and and and a lot of that was um yeah just you know really letting go of taking so much responsibility for people and you know recognizing when i was making decisions because it was it served the other person instead of me or you know i could go down a list but there were a lot of opportunities this in this last year 2020 where i started to realize like if i am living this process of being an empowered empath it is a daily practice of connecting to myself and grounding and you know staying really aligned and not taking everything so personally you know and and so i would say it was gradual but i certainly felt like 2020 was the year of like the the advanced training of throwing me into the into the fire you're here here you are gonna live it now and you're a parent too so you had that double whammy of homeschooling and and which so many people i know have have been through and i've heard heard how that was for them yeah yeah absolutely 100 yep home all year yeah well it's perfect timing really that you would up level uh becoming an empowered empath while your book was on its way to be printed i don't know if you experienced that but i always find sometimes you're teaching something that you have a knowing of or a knowledge of and so there's a kind of you're you're bringing something to the world that you have already been exploring or taught on and you get a little upgrade on that maybe when you when you focus a class on it and then other times you'll pick the title of a class and as the facilitator or the teacher you go through a massive kind of shift around it too because you're immersing yourself into it in much the same way as you're offering to help co-create a container for the people who are walking through it with you yeah absolutely absolutely and i do feel for part of this experience this past year too is it was about embracing more of my humanity and being okay with that as a teacher like the more transparent i was with my students about things not everything but just things that were very relatable to them it's the more trust built the more connection happened it was just it's being able to to shift it wasn't really a i mean i think it's just more of that part of me that came out that was allowing me to to just really be human and embrace my humanity yeah which is great because when when i was growing up and i you and i probably aren't too far away in age it was very much i remember spiritual teachers or authors or like you didn't really know much about them you knew what they did or you knew what they were bringing and and you could say that with many different um careers actually i feel like we're in a very humanizing time but especially where spirituality is concerned i wish i had known more about the intersection of our human self and our spiritual self because for so many years like many people i remember thinking oh human bad spiritual good you know kind of that there was that kind of um slightly uh just just that kind of purity uh standard that was kind of out of reach for many people rather than recognizing who we are as human beings is a spiritual experience all by itself whether you think about spirituality or not yeah absolutely i loved in the intro for the book um so you have a forward from gabrielle bernstein and she shared how she was leading um a workshop and was was noticing that it was impacting her as the days went on and she saw you in the cafeteria and came over to talk to you and she she shares how it was during that time that she was learning a whole new level of if you like the lower body stuff and and it made sense to me reading her story because gabby had come from being a keynote speaker and i personally had started leading workshops and then later did the keynote speaking and when you do go through an energy movement like that with a group it's it's amplified life it's amplified feelings so i really liked the way that gabrielle explained that in the beginning of the book that she was having a bit of an epiphany around oh holding space for four days and being in the soup with everybody for four days as things move so she was very complimentary about she found you at the right time and it helped her to deepen what she was doing and i know you two have co-taught together and um and yeah i was curious how that has gone for you with with the intersection of collaborating with other people and bringing your knowledge to their work and vice versa how that how that has been yeah well it was actually that training that weekend she asked me to come and teach to her class as this was occurring for her you know in that space can you to talk about trauma can you talk about the energy body and how people can take care of their energy and so that was you know that was sort of adjunct to what she was teaching in in that at that time um but i i love i mean i love co-teaching i love you know supporting and go coming in and you know working you know collaborating um in in these kinds of events and so she she was yeah it was great i mean it was really um a powerful meeting the two other the you know us meeting and had breakfast every morning had lunch every afternoon and dinner we'd meet at the same time in the teacher lounge and we just it was you know a convert we were just two girls going at it and then you know talking and talking we'd we'd have to run to our teaching and come back and finish our conversations but it was yeah it was a it was a great she's a wonderful persons and so so generous beautiful i'm interested how parenting has been for you wendy i think from my perspective as a child who grew up with a loving supportive family but not a family or even a world that was privy to some of the stuff i was experiencing i think how great that your kids could be getting you know receiving that level of awareness from you but i know parenting is is is an interesting thing all by itself so perhaps anything you'd be willing to share on how you have been able to incorporate your awareness into your parenting in order to support their journey absolutely so uh i have so i have a stepson and i have a daughter i'm stepson's 11 daughter's six and um they are both very intuitive and very sensitive children and obviously at different ages they have different understanding levels and um and uh i can just say this bit about my stepson because he's between you know he has he has more role models than me um which is that he's you know he understands a lot and i can speak very clearly and we can i mean he and i can connect in on this he's interested he's very interested in his sensitive and spiritual side um that's what i would call it he he i don't know that he has those words yet but um my daughter is a mirror image of me as a child and i i wish i could take away a lot of her over sensitive sensitive experiences i'm witnessing despite how much i know and despite how much i'm conscious of and at the same time i do try to to work with it and so some of the ways that i work with it is that you know empaths and as us as children we've learned how to navigate the unspoken so that means that we've been raised in environments where energy wasn't necessarily claimed there might not be responsibility taken for a lot of emotions that were flying around you know and children soak up everything and so so it's very important that i start to put words to her experience for her sometimes as a modeling or or or inviting her to have words for her experience so i might say you know if she's expressing anger i might say you seem angry right now and she'll say i am angry and i say okay what would you like to do i just want to kick this okay let's go outside and kick that you know and so we i'll take her you know i'll let her have her emotions and sometimes i'll just be present with her as she's having them but i also it's important to me that she can talk through or have her throat to chakra experience is what i call it her way of expressing her way of putting words to her experience that she's having because again it's it's a it's a way for her to build her own ability to connect to herself and her emotions which is going to help us serve her later even if she's feeling still very sensitive so i'm still working with the empathic part of her but that is one big step that i'm doing that's beautiful yeah yeah um with the it's funny again you you just saying what you said i'm like god yeah that i i remember so vividly when i would hear someone speaking about feelings as a kid in an open and over way i was like it was kind of like oh my god someone's actually talking about because to me that was that was what i needed for my that was what helped me start to find my way out of feeling tormented as a teenager internally um so yeah yeah i think that's fantastic um and there's something i wanted to get your take on because i remember over the years having met many different people in workshop rooms that i was either a student of or workshop rooms that i was holding one of the things that you hear people complain about when they are either calling themselves an empath or having those experiences they'll talk about taking on the energy of others and it can often be colored with a victimhood which is as we know a very important stage you know owning the part of you that feels like a victim if you don't own it you will stay in victim if you don't really go there and kind of feel the grief of that it won't move and one of the things i wanted to run by you because of some of the stuff that you have in the book what would you say is is an important thing that someone who wants to stop taking on other people's energy might need to know or advice that you might have for that pattern of behavior because i see so many people saying they're trapped in it yeah it's it's it's powerlessness it's the feeling of being stuck in powerlessness which comes from a childhood experience of being trapped with a feeling trapped in an experience and not being able to express that feeling not being able to go to anyone and so this this sort of default powerlessness places is literally a place of feeling trapped and so what we need what what i love in um i talk about this in the book is inner child work is that when it's not necessarily the adult that's trapped or even the victim it's the child who needs our attention internally and that's the part of us that's sad that's powerless that needs our attention maybe not always powerless but feeling really feeling something and we need our needs our attention and so if we were to go to that part of ourselves through a meditation you know close our eyes go inward connect to the inner child which i've in empathic work i visualize lower in the body i mean really more like the pelvis or the maybe the navel region but that part of us that is somewhat stuck in an experience that the inner child might be marinating in a really ugly feeling a really you know experience that feels like i couldn't i feel trapped in this and and it's an inner feeling and so when we can start to give our inner child connection there and say i'm here i've got you we're gonna together breathe through those emotions that was not okay i'm here with you now i'm so sorry that happened or you feel that way let's breathe let's get you out of being trapped in those feelings let's move those feelings let's breathe them down our grounding cord let's move them out of our energy body and we start to literally create more space for the inner child in the body it's a powerful way to move out of victimhood and to anyone who's listening to this or watching this and how because everything you just said is is fantastic and i can also imagine for some people who who feeling stuck right now the resistance might be oh that's a lot of work i don't wanna but but the point and this is really what you underscore in the book is that we do this to reclaim our gifts so that being an empath is not a curse there is a gift in it but often when we haven't been able to acknowledge it or love it or support it the way it needed support that aspect in us and of us we can't really uncover the gift that we're here to to bring to the world or to share from that part of ourselves that has been a little ignored or abandoned over the years absolutely and and this might be helpful in that you know each of the in the chapters of my book at most of them have meditations at the end and they are written and they're also recorded so you can there's a link and you can listen to the recordings and even to the feeling that it it's it's a lot of work there's there's the feeling the meditations might range between 10 minutes to 20 minutes so it's 10 minutes to 20 minutes of sitting and being guided through that experience of clearing in the body and you know it's it's it's a beautiful held way to move through the work so that it doesn't feel like it's this endless amount of time that i have to spend you know healing myself there there's the ways that when we do sit down and go inward into that space you know it's it's a timeless place where a lot of energy can move in the body so those meditations could be helpful that's beautiful that's a really great that's a really great thing and i know that we first of all thank you for coming on the show today it's been it's been really great to get to know you more and learn a bit more about your work and we've we've mostly focused because you've just released the book and i think the book and the subject of the book is so important right now we've mostly focused there but i know you have your school of intuitive studies and as you shared with us you've been teaching intuition for a couple of decades now so how if if i were listening to or watching this and i either know i'm already intuitive or i'm beginning to feel i'm intuitive how does it work that i could come to you or someone else and learn to train and develop my intuition what is the process by which we can grow the intuition that we already feel we have or we might have because i again i've often had people have a slightly mystified idea about that that it's well you either have it or you don't so i'm always i'm always really glad to see people like yourself out there working with people and developing their intuition in that way yeah can is there anything you can share with us about that process of developing intuition yeah so um some so first i this goes back to upper and lower body intuition and that it's important some for people i think in my experience to to know what aspects of intuition they innately have which relates to which power centers they innately come into this world with very strong you know i have a strong throat chakra i've i i i'm clairaudient i see i've been a speaker i've been a singer i've been a musician i've been a you know everything has been here and i have other strong and weak areas of my my chakras also but the um the the power centers so basically with intuition i focus on chakra work initially and deep healing in it because the power centers relate to our claires our clairvoyant clairaudient corcenti and clark cognizant so some people will come into the world strong in their upper body intuition some will come into the world strong and they're lower and some will come into the world but with both you know really strong and so being able to orient the intuitive experience to the body and understanding where intuition is operating from in the body gives us a tool for where to go inside ourselves when we have intuitive gut feelings or you know you know where i'm hearing this guidance that's coming through where is that voice coming from you know in some cases it can be very ambiguous you know it can seem like it's um it's an out of control experience until it becomes embodied and integrated so we'll i'll teach first through the chakra system major clearing work and even if people have gone through chakras 10 000 times this is i go through them in a very particular way for the purpose of clearing in the body then we move into the claires and understanding how they relate and how to work with them then we move into different aspects of intuition like you know cord cutting and contracts and you know sort of the tools and healing and and then we move into spirit guides angels but i i start from the ground up so really working with the body and um and sort of elevating to upper clair work but through the power of first really embodying in the lower body beautiful and i guess as a as a kind of conclusion to our conversation um what would the let's say 10 year old you think of the life and the world that you have created and for yourself and are currently experiencing like if she could take a glimpse at your life your world your work what would she think of it all you know it's interesting just as i think about that time period of my life which was not easy then she probably wouldn't believe it that that that i could have gotten here like from what she was experiencing she would be very surprised i think that fantastic yeah yeah that's what i think beautiful and well i'm gonna squeeze one more in because i can't help myself um what are you looking forward to in the next couple of years be that life work all of the above is what are you looking to experience conjure or bring in in the next let's say two two three years me personally yeah for myself um i think two things one is a lot more uh work-life balance in my life i i have a dream of just really spending more sacred sites visiting more sacred sites and taking my family to sacred sites and the other is my school is just seeing my school grow and that i'm not only the only teacher at my school but we have you know are some of our graduates you know teaching and really creating an opportunity for more growth and getting the work out there in the world and supporting people and and developing their intuition so yeah that's what i'm mostly looking forward to beautiful well thank you so much for all the work you do to impact the world and thank you for coming here today and and speaking with us and we will share all of your links in the show notes but if you wanted to learn more about wendy's work the book uh or the school of intuitive studies and i also know you have a divine monthly is it the divine monthly healing circle or divine healing inner circle divine healing inner circle um as well you can find all of that at but wendy thank you so much and good luck with with with everything that you're visioning and creating in the next couple of years thank you so much lee thank you for having me so thanks for tuning in everyone and we will see you next time on impact the world and as i shared is where you can learn more about wendy's work and we will put the link in the show notes until next time take care own your value is my course for entrepreneurs creatives change makers who want to expand the work they do in the world you know i've done this for 16 years now and one of the hardest things that i ever went through was learning how to own the value of what i did and i think that's really human especially when you first start working for yourself but also sometimes if you're working in a slightly more esoteric field or the healing fields or the fields of the arts it's how can we place a value on our work both energetically but also sometimes financially and the thing about money and energy exchange is people myself included will pay for something that they receive value and energy from so one of the biggest things that you often have to work out if you are looking to expand your business is well how can i increase the value in the services that i'm offering to people how can i get more behind that so that what they receive to them is inherently valuable and this is true whether you're offering free work in the world which we do a lot of or if you're offering paid experiences for people so own your value is a few different things it's a course that's designed to be a starter kit for those of you that are perhaps new to putting your own work in the world but you want to find different ways to offer things how you can expand your message your services your work but equally it's for those of you who might be doing this work part-time or you've just started and you know you want to scale what you're doing you want to serve more people reach more people and also grow your mission so if you feel that you would like to take your work your mission and what you're offering to the world to the next level i invite you to check out own your value and see if it resonates with you and if it's right for you there are many different modules covered it's all video and audio teaching so you can access it anytime and once you in the course you have it for your lifetime also i'm running some live clinic calls where i will be speaking to those of you in the course about your direct questions and answering them in real time on live calls that will then be archived we've had over 600 students go through the course so far and we're thrilled to be relaunching it at a time where i'm aware that many of you will be looking to expand the way you work in the world and the way that you offer your work in the world we hope to see you there
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 12,540
Rating: 4.9400301 out of 5
Keywords: wendy de la rosa, energy healing, wendy de rosa books, wendy de rosa youtube, impact the world, lee harris, impact the world podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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