This game randomly generates road trips

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Love to see some more of this game on the Chanel

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Clementine2115 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Did anyone catch the name of this game? I donโ€™t think I heard Kevin say it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/septicguy530 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wouldnโ€™t mind a series with this game

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BobSagieBauls ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Please continue this series! We'd love to see you play more of this!!!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ThizzLink ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin i'm in the computer now come join me we're going on a road trip mind if i ask you a few questions question one when you travel you usually cry oh oh wait hold on i thought it was just voice activated hold on travel with friends yeah but do you have any i have never felt so attacked okay i guess it's time for you to hit the road i hope you're ready so every road trip should be unique so let's see where this goes i'm a bit worried by the posters around in one of the opening questions i did say if i didn't like the government i would revolt is this the start of my hitchhiking journey because if so and i know this might seem like a stretch but there's a limo right there and i'd like to go in that wow sonia sanchez what is that well i'm guessing it's you but i'm gonna say that this is a party for important people only sweet pea oh god damn it now i just pumped up her ego and she clearly didn't need it she's over inflating already well are you famous yeah why not it's laughing at me oh and the kid is coming with me what that worked i just said can i please come in and she was like okay that was strange keep an eye on her for me there's a psycho after her oh great and now i'm her bodyguard all of a sudden what was that did her arm just stretch out or was that my imagination that might be my eyes playing tricks on me i just don't want to talk to her anymore weird armed lady later okay that works i don't even know what i'm doing i hope the dear leader is in concert tonight oh i might be lucky sorry kid this is private what it's a field you're only carrying one spot i could go all the way around there oh coin i'm going to immediately use it to play video games you see i use video games to escape my problems but when my problem is a game itself then i have to play games inside the game that i'm using as an escapism tactic in the first place yeah i have issues yay i actually forgot what i was bothered about video games work oh yeah i can't get in oh more games oh gold oh my god he's destroying me oh god it's going too fast i can't i can't keep track of it oh dude yes i'm tying sorry that was my speech impediment i meant to say i'm trying but also yes i'm tying fun fact i legitimately did have that problem when i was very young so if i didn't grow out of it then my intro would have been hey del fuentes my name is kevin or i could have been the next mike tyson tyrek loves to throw parties for his biggest donors wait this is actually for donors oh i wonder if i give him nine bucks will that count as a large donor jesus you're having a great time i want whatever you're having you're off here on your own dancing away you want to play a game what are you irish you're missing the extremely pale complexion though i don't believe it i'm one dollar short getting food because i play that stupid bomb game hi kid perhaps you like to play oh how can i resist a gamble if i'm not actually gambling okay gotcha here on the left one left middle left right left yeah it's left that was easy what you shuffled faster for me oh now i see i'm gonna pay and then you're gonna put them faster okay i'll bite mainly because if i do win then i'll actually get to bite i'll be able to afford food okay left right uh left uh middle right okay this is simple why was she struggling how is he making profit off of this excellent pick young lady excellent picking lady hey that was a good impression sounded just like you shoot by the can that's americans speak for toilet i know because i watched the simpsons has anybody seen a can i get oh wait there it is there you go wallet and i was just playing it because i was confused oh jesus christ what was that are you trying to jump scare me it didn't really work to be fair i'm extremely brave you see oh i'm with sonia yeah and i'm the minister of oil oh well it's a pleasure to meet you surely you're high-ranking enough to let me in right ah that's silent treatment day well this lottery card says never lose with tyrak so i mean that's an easy choice then i'll buy one of those i won wait but i only won one dollar i bought it for three that is crafty to be fair that is very crafty yeah i have lottery tickets that you always win but it's always less oh i could have a dance [Music] what kind of a dance am i doing what oh god there's that guy again they did say there was someone after the lady the the host who i just robbed of her wallet they're all big donors to tyrax's campaign he's throwing a big party for all of them ahead of his next election see that's what i was saying earlier they're saying the big donors can get into that little private party and i want to get in there and i've stolen the wallet to do it but i don't know if that's the right method maybe i shouldn't resort to stealing all of the time there's that guy again wait why is he just standing there cold now am i not supposed to be able to see him that seems a bit weird so like i said i'm gonna put more dough down on the kids i put a few hundred given my track record oh jesus christ why did i say that okay it's still right left middle middle i'm pretty sure i'm a genius at thirty dollars okay i thought it would be a few hundred i'm gonna put down some more jellybean here is a goddamn winner no i don't know if you should put down more i think that was kind of my limit okay i'll try again i guess middle left middle right left uh right you win i am so good at looking at balls wait look like gumdrop has your number let me put down even more no right middle right left middle oh i really thought i had that actually give me a second i'll be right back why does that mustache look fake oh i'm actually getting a little bit worried now what if that's the assassin oh wait no i can still see the assassin over there get me a drink from the tent get one for yourself too but there's drinks here i'd love to drink a ping pong ball but you know what if i leave you'll probably die so i'm gonna go ahead it's open you can get her now scary cold dude i'm trying to keep an eye out but also go towards the objective i'm so far away i don't even know what i'm walking on some chairs hey you're with sonia right yeah i'm i'm with her yeah she's safe some weird guy in a hat was just talking about her yeah that's why i'm keeping an eye out for her there was a lot of them grunting oh i get calls like that too sometimes oh god she's gone well i'm gonna save the money on the drinks then if the person's been kidnapped i'm not wasting money six dollars no no kid i thought she was with you who are you calling kid you sound like a seven-year-old with a fake mustache on okay scary music is starting which probably isn't a good sign for her i'm like screaming for her here in the form of clicking this little box over and over again and i noticed this guard was here and i was like oh i'll ask him and all i can say are other games to play and where are the toilets in this emergency but seriously do you have games on your phone at tyrak i'm worried that the people might be using your government's flyers as toilet paper uh i think in my culture that is seen as a sign of respect vandalize that'll show him oh this choice is an impact oh no oh yeah i need to get back to my friend being kidnapped is this guy seriously sitting around waiting to play air hockey that's kind of sad i cannot find this lady anywhere i don't know where she is i'm playing football game to keep my mind off things you win i win yay i'm starting to think she is not even here so i'm just going to leave now calm down kid she's in the limo what she's in the limo for [ย __ย ] sake i looked around there for like 10 minutes all right well bye i guess i don't have any car keys so i can't steal a car i guess those old dvd warnings were right after all but for the wrong reasons i'm just too stupid to steal one okay i could walk or hitchhike i was blinding or i could rest what is that you know i'd rather not and just so you're all aware about the game you cannot run into traffic i tried it i'm gonna hitchhike to meet some interesting characters by the way hold up a sign saying subscribe to call me kevin when you're out there that's what they call gorilla marketing did it work on you let me know in the comments and by a smashing that like button oh god is this who i got a hitchhike off oh and i'm riding in this little pod i'm like a sidekick now jiminy willikers where are we going i mean this bike is so cool on your travels have you met a woman named sonia unfortunately yes and what did you think of her that's probably the right answer what do you mean you're not sure i'm sorry i'm scared i haven't been in social situations in a long time some troubling news sonia is in danger am i going to be chasing her all over the country just move left and right oh no i don't know if that's a good idea i go straight for the cliff get on up here little lady don't be scared oh no what are you talking about like i almost got us killed that i'm not even driving the thing i'm in the little seat on the side you know what yes let's do this here i go oh jesus christ i can't really see the taxi driver's story wait no i think that was just a taxi i even had an option to go in a taxi that could have been me oh we smacked straight into a van sorry about that i don't know why you're relying on me remember i'm the guy who nearly went off the cliff oh jesus christ okay this is more difficult than it looks okay how is the taxi going faster than us can someone answer me that question but you know what i won't complain too much because i'm actually really enjoying the minigames oh sorry about that i probably just killed someone who had a family and i don't give a truck sorry oh no why is he going slow motion oh because he's completely stopped oh that is the dude that's the creepy guy from the carnival oh nice person what no dude that guy's a killer what you just let him go that wasn't the would be killer stan way too nice you see that's how jim pickens gets away with it he murders dozens of people but he says his pleases and thank yous wait now he's going back the other way should we really not stop him so i think all these little unique routes are different routes you can get to road 96 by your choices and stuff and i really like it so far i'm actually like halfway to the end and the end is marked as election day on the other menu which worries me a little bit because why am i going there on election day like what's my plan i keep talking about overthrowing the government but that's just because i'm really bad at small talk i don't know what i'm getting myself into is that like my sanity or something all right i just need rest why did i decide to get off in the middle of the woods at night i'll see you guys later thanks for dropping me off in the middle of nowhere alone at night smells like teen spirit smells like [ย __ย ] to me i've been dropped off in the middle of nowhere and i'm going to die more vandalizing i keep saying this choice is an impact but i don't know what it's going to do voting leads to change and change is what we need no voting doesn't bring change vandalism dust get your tapes and snacks here what i don't know if i want to trust this but you know what okay what is this wait i can hack oh no i forgot i'm really stupid i guess if you're another character maybe you can hack it i gotta know what's in here it's probably just some like gardening equipment but i just gotta know feel free to join if you can radio everyone's talking to me at once who am i talking to uh i guess i'll dance with this dude oh my god the dancing in this game is intense there's some cardboard right there beside that guy what that's where i'm gonna sleep then i'm cared for oh okay you know what maybe this life ain't so bad after all i'm talking about me i'm inside playing video games not stuck out in some crappy desert freezing hey hey wake up not right now asleep paralysis demon i'm sleeping you're gonna sit with me okay i guess i'll sit here on the fire blow on fire there you go i'm helping oh sorry just making intense eye contact with her voice i wonder if she's getting weirded out by me i i don't know only about one percent of us do or so i hear wait she's trying to flee the country and you know what happens to the rest the pits or worse yeah this dictatorship sounds really bad why don't we play a little music oh great i'll play a song for you let's play bella ciao bella ciao yeah coming [Laughter] [Music] thank you for laughing along with me and not at me i call this one aliens not try it with bad music oh jesus okay with the radio i'm so good at being musical [Music] is this like your dictator's national anthem or something it sounds terrifying yeah put that away before i come up there i don't think he likes my music hit the road together that's sweet but i think i need to travel on my own oh you didn't like my music either did you you were laughing at me not with me well we should probably start packing huh yep i'll pack up the fire oh this is for you to remember this moment no it didn't mean anything to me all right okay call a taxi wait for bus catch a ride i'm tempted to call the taxi to see if it's the creepy dude let's go with that enjoy the silence oh it is him god you have a [ย __ย ] messy taxi dude hello [Music] nope nothing this is like when i do my little intros to my videos you never reply answer me yay all right i got something important to say sorry forgot you were back there what how did you forget you're bringing me somewhere no what dude look at the road you're not [ย __ย ] vin diesel in the past and the furies you know for a company called happy taxi you're not very happy you're not cheery at all i'm going to sleep the name must be sarcastic or something you're still looking at me i woke up and he's still staring at me the entire time sketches of an explosive device what are you up to i'm just gonna address it this is a plan for a bomb i'm not a violent person myself the side of blood and i faint that sounds like someone who is not telling the truth happy taxi i'm gonna lean forward and make annoying noises wait jared's cold anger what oh jesus what is this is that a [ย __ย ] bomb i have that for a home project a home project right oh he's getting angry that's not for your eyes well i'm gonna stare at it oh he's getting very angry the hell was that is there something in the boot no oh okay that's fine then i'm gonna turn the music up now oh yeah okay yeah you've got a hell of a bass back there i can hear the bumping in the back oh maybe turn the bass down a little bit help me oh the cool lyrics in this song i think i have a flat tire it doesn't feel flat can i get out and check the boot jesus christ dude oh my god what is going on in this game wait uh is there anything i can do 59 seconds 59 seconds 59 seconds look at um who uh hunk that didn't do anything steal the tape that's a collectible that's no help whatsoever okay let's get moving let's just say nothing yep it's one of those good news bad news situation give me the bad news first no i should have asked for the good news i don't know why i honked that horn you might lose your life along the way i might yeah thanks for that information now you could have told me a bit earlier what an interesting game though i might be interested in playing more of that if you want to see more let me know i made it about halfway i didn't think i'd be able to die but there you go all right friends i think we're going to end it there but thank you so much for joining me on my road trip if you're new here consider subscribing i do road trips every single day thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 725,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, road 96 gameplay, road 96 full game, road 96 ending, road 96 callmekevin, road trip game, hitchhiking game, indie game, simulator
Id: M_6419Y0tlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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