Playing Minecraft As The ALPHA WEREWOLF!

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she yeeted him..i hope hes ok

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SpeedStrikerYT 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
this minecraft moon summons the ultimate werewolf meet the alpha werewolf only one person can be the alpha on the server and all other wolves will do as the alpha says by day super cute and tank by night the pack runs wild can human players fend off the alpha's wild pack or will these werewolves take over the server the sun is going down you know you're doing such a good job with grilling i'm sorry i doubted you yeah you know i wanted to have a fun camp out here have some good food i can't wait for the night sky to come out it's going to be awesome oh it is coming out look at that we've got our sleeping bags and our tent everything the moon come on what yeah i'm fine i'm fine all right all right steaks are getting ready uh we just got a couple more things you want to you want to get the drinks from the cooler over there yeah yeah sure sure yeah i'll get them don't worry soon here we go well you know what it's okay it's okay you know what you know oh my god why hello there oh no uh oh my ear what big what big teeth you have oh yes you know all the better to bite you with my ian what a big dumb you have ah yes all the more tibet what no no why aren't you scared i'm i'm a wolf i'm big scary wolf why aren't you scared oh i don't know maybe that's because because you're the you're the alpha wolf aren't you yeah yes i am i actually actually am the apple where i'm i'm i'm i'm like five times bigger than you i mean this is just great you being the alpha werewolf and all that i love it but you know hey we we can be wolves together uh-huh yeah sure you know what but you did try to eat me so i'm gonna have to meet you okay how about that nobody i can't believe one that you threw me off the off our camping site and two and you didn't tell me you were the alpha that's not fair you were literally about to eat me oh so i thought that you trusted me as a friend huh wow wow yeah yeah i can't believe i do what you say now because you're the alpha that's right i'm the alpha and wait why did you want to be the elf in the first place so i could command the wolves be the head wolf you know the head honcho would be cool i was going to become alpha by devouring another player that was going to be you i wouldn't be strong enough to be the alpha and i could take my revenge on pierce and noise why do you want revenge on pierce annoy because of what they did they took my gold okay and diamonds oh no yeah plus they are rude and they don't like werewolves what okay all right all right we need to get them okay that's it that's it no i'm not gonna fact check that but you know okay all right all right gotcha got you all right okay so i i had a plan but then bulking the alpha but now you're at the office so i have to listen to you that's right you do so we need oh look at you you look pretty cool all right so we need to summon some wolves how about that all right yes and since i am the alpha i can summon wolves like this you ready you ready all right here we go [Music] huh oh hello yeah i i had the sudden need to come to your backyard look it's my army of wolves there are more wolves oh my gosh oh there's so many of them so look we're gonna use all these wolves to go to pierce and noise house all right we're gonna take our revenge and get those diamond blocks back and the gold all right let's go okay so they're in noise house having a nice sit down having a nice snack in their evil ways well it's okay don't worry cuz we're gonna get back at them don't worry we'll get your diamonds immediately so no my gold yeah yeah yeah whatever okay so so so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over there and we're gonna give them some dogs okay because pierce pierce will just name anything that walks literally anything that walks he can't refuse animals he can't refuse animals no you know that all right so so so we're gonna go give them some dogs all right follow me follow me i already got this set up trust me trust me trust me the wolves are gonna help us all right see this look at this look at this now watch when i command them when i command them i'm gonna pick up that tnt there we go oh okay perfect so if we're in trouble i'm gonna summon them in and they're gonna come and they're gonna set they're gonna blow everything up all right nice all right so we're gonna turn into regular wolves right so no not not the big ones not the big wolves just regular right you know just just chilling how are you doing doing pretty good hey you know what he ended up swimming on the server we wanted to get you guys a present and so we left something outside your door that we think you're both going to like uh-huh but put a lot of audits into it cause i don't like those processes anymore no sorry what you find out i'll hide behind here what did you see it oh okay okay all right all right all right wait are these for us yes yeah we got you guys they are auto-tamed dogs auto-taped dogs yeah so the first person they see it's just the new mod the first person they see they love forever i'm gonna name you rob come here robinson is a proper dog name and i don't know what you're talking about true but i mean we could come up with a nickname sake oh super dude what happened excuse me uh your brand new presents just left us a present what kind of presents yeah no i see it uh oh god do you see anything i think it's i don't know what's happening no i'm fine and i don't want it god they're everywhere oh they're going to go to the carpet oh god oh no no no no no no no no don't don't don't you're totally buying me more carpet fine that's great you know what i'll buy a whole new rug for you but hey where'd where are the puppies go look at this place yourself wait a minute chris what are you doing uh i bet they ran outside you know uh you should go look for them outside oh yeah yeah you're absolutely right but not too hard they're [Music] come on it takes so long to clean up here i was going to give him some nice bones i had gotten anybody know how to get gold stains out of carpet uh or a diamond are you guys are you guys sure they're not at your house oh wait oh hey now here they are i found them again i better close those doors before they before they get out that would be real bad i'll bet they were just running in the yard yeah absolutely don't worry i'm not gonna be your best oh what was that what was that nothing you guys hear something yeah what was that i one of the dogs made a spooky sound i don't like it oh i didn't know that this is pretty it's pretty interesting guys explosives okay [Music] what are they looking at over there oh you know probably at the at the stamp mark i left there werewolves i knew it i knew this would happen i can't believe it we turned our backs for one second we've taken single breath and the werewolves have returned oh no what can we do what can we do all right there's only one thing we can't do at this point we need to take those werewolves out and the only way we can do it is by getting ourselves loads of iron beautiful years don't you mean silver isn't it silver that kills werewolves yeah yeah yeah whatever so same thing anyway let's go get some we gotta go we're gonna make sure we grab all the silver we iron silver we can make sure we have it's ready to go take down those things werewolves i think i haven't played we can set up some trees cannot let them go into the mine understand i mean i mean they're not very bright aren't they but come on come on come on come on okay oh okay you got yours ah too late we gotta go uh okay all right you know what wait a minute there are wolves everywhere that means how about my sheep how about wait please leave us alone [Applause] get away from that no uh would you like something they're attacking them just please all right she puts in the pen shows not the pen this cuz it's harder than it looks all right would you go away if i gave you some button i got you obviously you want your sheep do you just fun for everybody come on puppy out you go you tell me we're down to just poppy oh hey guys are you okay everything's going on i hear some yelling on the on the on the chat what's going on your server affbow is infested with wolves and werewolves yeah oh my god they're really cute but really vicious and they explode houses wolves that vandalize people's homes that's crazy yeah what not that is probably the alpha werewolf oh no oh no well we got to take the fight to them oh yeah the alpha werewolf is super cool and strong so well we'll just make sure to grab some silver to take them down they're super rare though you shouldn't do that what's the iron yeah i don't the silver it's silver yeah but you know it's super rare and super not going to steal my sheep anymore after i destroy him with silver and it pooped in my house and then blew up my house oh yeah take care of them once and for all all right so it looks like they're preparing their defense wow they're really repairing they they have some good work into it why did you tell them why did you tell them i wanted to werewolves are cool yeah okay i know that but you know that's not the point the point of the matter is we were supposed to be sneaky all right so here's what you're gonna do you're going to become a sheep okay be sheep bishop no no no no no no no there's no way i'm gonna do that not in a million years oh look how cute i don't i don't like this at all okay all right so here we go i'll go there all right so so you're a sheep all right so you're gonna go earn their trust all right you're on their trust while these wolves attack okay because they're gonna protect you okay and the wolves are gonna go after you you're gonna go in there i'm gonna try to sneak up into pierce's house because there's that vault that we saw remember that vault has the key that vault needs a key we can get inside okay the key okay and you're sure because i look like a sheep the walls aren't going to attack me or anything no no no no trust me i'll make sure they're your buddies all right you're good you're good all right so give me a second all right i'm gonna clear a path for you okay so you can go in all right so i'm gonna have my three main walls ready ready ready here we go oh there they are all right oh they look cool i know are they really cool all right they're going to go get them all right they're going to go clear that thing you go be a good sheep okay go okay uh sheep things ba uh grass seeds um i'm in danger oh we gotta leave that sheep but oh my god dude no i might be too like yours it's starting to smell a bit muddy and then yeah no no no no no no don't worry go away i'm getting that sheep i'm getting that sheet no no no no get it wait get away get away there we go where are we where's the sheep no no no i want that please let us have the sheep [Music] there we go all right it's on the other side go get sheep please [Music] cheers come on come on okay so you you found the key yeah i found the key here it's the vault all right all right come on we gotta get going this place is so they won't be distracted for long but yeah i know where was it again where was it it was over here it was over here they had like a secret [Music] i know they did okay all right so we got the vault key all right here we go here we go uh you know i'll put it i'll put it like right here okay here we go here we go here we go [Music] oh no there's a lot of stuff here emerald there's diamond there's a lot of stuff here look at all this this is intense oh my god all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna use my my alpha form to carry this out all right all right yeah we're stronger i know we are older sorry excuse me oh no you two are not allowed in such a place no werewolves was my secret bait our secret base dark secret bye secret base you have some explaining to do and you know what we brought some friends yeah that's right turns out these wolves are not as loyal as you might think huh so what do you what are you doing hmm there's nothing standing in our way now we got you right where we need you all right explaining how about this gotta get these to go right and uh attack they're attacking oh such destruction and what are they doing oh hey didn't know you're the alpha it's okay don't worry we got this wait [Music] oh that's hey you know what actually that second thought holds yours you know you can have it see ya let's get it out no no no no no no i'm just sleeping i'm just sleeping you can't hurt me you can't hurt a guy while he's sleeping uh i think it's too late pierce they're coming after us [Music] i'm gonna take all of their gold oh you know what it's actually really cool to be a werewolf
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,379,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft alpha werewolf pranks, pranking my friends as a alpha werewolf in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a alpha werewolf in minecraft, pranking my friends as alpha werewolf, pranking my friends as alpha werewolf aphmau, alpha werewolf minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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