Playing As the DARK ULTIMA In Minecraft!

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in the light of the blood moon the dark ultima rises she's a powerful wolf with the power to infect other wolves with dark power but when she finds an alpha wolf causing trouble it's her job as the ultimate to use her powers to control his pack let's find out how powerful the dark ultimate is and put this there and there and there perfect all my treasure is placed now to make a fault around it to make sure that it's looking good [Laughter] now that's some nice treasure you have over there in that's right i'm the alpha wolf and i brought a few friends along to help that's not good you think you're so smart now little did you expect that i was going to be the alpha of the wolves on this server these special modded wolves do as i command even hurting weak players like you [Laughter] oh poor little this is the end for you any last words ian are you aware aware where of what aware of this wolf i saw the alpha mod you installed ian so i decided to have a backup of my own this is what i get for letting you have last words one more thing wait one more thing [Music] no the moon my wolves wait a minute [Music] oh look at all your dogs that are now mine any last four words ian fine if you want to play like that you can take those wolves but i'll get you out of here i'll get you if it's the last thing [Music] okay oh man i gotta find a better place to hide my treasure oh uh okay come on let's go oh that's a lot of damage but uh i think you guys will be happy here don't worry look look see i can take care of all of you guys it'll be fine uh just like this there we go see i'm a person okay i'm a person and an ultima um this is actually really bad in order for me to control all the other rules i have to infect them with the darkness but i forgot to do that to ian okay all right about this it's okay i should be fine uh guys guys stay here all right i gotta go find out what that is good thing i have a warp all right and warp over like this [Music] over there hey what are you doing trying to get us out of here don't try to get us out of here nope pierce you're hitting me stop coming i didn't get to my seat they're in danger they're in trouble i gotta get through we need to get out of this obsidian before we starve yeah [Music] huh [Music] did you see that wolf right there she aided pierce's sheep what she ate them up you monster wait wait wait that's not what happened yeah did you guys know that she's the dark ultima and she's evil not like me i'm a good ultimate i tried to save your sheep pierce wait then that's not true that's not true no no no pierce knowing i'm looking for werewolf recruits to join me against the knight of the dark ultimate will you join me wait wait a sec but she's the ultimate can't she just like control us i mean like only if she infects us with the darkness isn't that right don't join him he's lying i'm [Music] [Applause] welcome to my werewolf army fluffy sweet what what do i get what do i get to do do i get to take on the wolves oh yeah we're gonna take her do i get something beside the ears and tail okay um leave her be we have no reason to chase her now bye uh ian i think she's going to your house oh don't worry that's nice no i wait my what what are you doing going run get her ian's house huh anyone see her not yet not yet oh my gosh i think she can't go to your house hey i see you there she is get out of my house [Music] [Applause] [Music] the dark ultima has so now i can go through all your stuff it's all useless so far um [Music] you stole my diamonds in gold earlier ian yeah but when i do that it's funny when you do it i don't like it therefore it's mean oh you know what what oh i'm gonna put my butt on your bed hey no all right i put it up again once more now watch this get off my bed i don't want cooties on my bed what are you guys doing get in there you know what all right everybody we're trying to get out i already put my butt on you'll go i put my butt on your bed here you know what i'm just gonna blow up your house at this point oh she did it no you can't blow up my house well too bad because that's what i'm doing what are you doing well i think [Applause] [Music] well now we gotta weigh in oh ian are you having a hard time with the dark ultimate no guys don't listen to her she's lying you know what i'm gonna wait to infect you but uh i'm gonna go blow up some other place wait wait wait where where are you gonna blow up oh maybe this house right here okay that's fine yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait apple apple that's my house please don't blow my house please uh just like rub your foot on my bed or something don't blow my house you can't [Music] listen to me okay look i don't want to do this but if you side with ian then i have to blow up your house no see there she goes again she's a big old liar no you're ugly what no i said lying not ugly no she's got a point yeah no actually that makes sense all right okay what hey wait no no no don't please bye all right this is awesome the night of the ultimate is amazing that means that i get like unlimited powers and that kind of stuff and now i can rebuild my house and puppies puppies wait where'd they go oh no ian made us take your dogs sorry [Music] it that's it you can mess with my house you can mess with my treasure but my dogs no all right where'd he take the bat where did you take them to what is he doing what is he planning what is that that one's jumping weird that little see that there's players there i can see them they're making a secret base all right you know what no that's fine that's what all i gotta do is just um all i gotta do is just shadow walk on over there can't stop this power can they let me intimidate them a little bit you know just give them like a nice little like way to start oh there we go no i i want you to make sure the dinner is ready soon we got a lot of hunger i don't know what you're talking about but you know athmo um there's something i wanted to share with you what your goal i know no definitely not i found a way to combat the darkness with the light what how easy i learned i just i'm kind of proud of you just like this what does that do wait a minute now you are weaker than before not powerless but i bet you can't even get us also no no no no no i'm gonna do this too what fancy good luck trying to get in here me and the puppies will be long gone by then how could you do this um well well obviously because we use the power of light all right i can't even put down my tnt all right boys let's go check on our new arrivals roger roger okay you know what that's it that's it he decided to use something against me well you know what i know how to get rid of this i'm gonna make the bright potion if there's one person who always has potions it's stained or at least he's got the ingredients for them all right so all i gotta do is craft a bright potion so i could get past ian's defenses of light because i'm the dark ultimate that makes sense right okay uh let's see um what is the ingredient so i need two blaze powders one netherstar two bacons and one water or bottled water okay all right uh let's see he's gotta have stuff in here two bacon so i'm only gonna take two because i'm just borrowing it for now i'm not gonna take it any later i need two blaze powders give me two of those one water and then i need the i'm yeah he's gotta have some other stuff around here okay i'll just die what are you what are you doing what is he gonna do to me hey bad dog bad dog hey no no get out get out of my house shoot shoo shoo shoo it's feels like i'm gonna bite i'm doing nothing i know that's not the door that is my kitchen don't go on the table hey no no no no no no no no do not go rooting around my where's no dogs allowed upstairs in my bedroom right potion don't make me get another newspaper roll this up to make it twice as bad nice light resistant drink some of this and don't you drink that oh nice wait oh look at that out out i say stop zayn i'm busy okay i'm trying to fight ian leave me alone wow oh you know what that's it that's it you asked for it don't you dare no no no no no no fine if you don't want to help me i'm just getting out of here going in the ground leave me alone i'll pay back the beacon and all the stuff later bye okay let's see going in here and this should work this time right i shouldn't get any effects i shouldn't know if this works hopefully it does [Music] it did work okay perfect perfect all right let's see um oh this is a nice place i should take this over when i have a chance oh my puppies i'll break you out there we go all right so you guys gotta get out of here all right we gotta go back to the house all right we're gonna get out of here and we're gonna that's our whippering down there hey you guys stay right there okay i'll summon you in a moment oh that sounds really serious good come on why aren't they doing anything i don't know what should we do but i i don't think they're listening very good right now that's because we just need to poke him to do some stuff you know like just is that dude is that gonna happen listen good listen i don't know i guess yeah it's good thing with you know like [Music] you know what actually noi you make very good points he died [Applause] [Music] you know just in case i decide to read okay yeah the newspapers yes pleasure bye-bye no more pets man just me and you guys now [Music] you too actually you know let's get all of you on my side let's do this huh whoa there we go now and now that you're infected with the darkness you have to listen to me done what happened oh uh see i infected you with the darkness and now you have to join my side as the dark door wait wait wait actually hold on wait a minute what's in it for me um i'm nicer than ian dude drive a heart barking fair argument come on come on come on fine i'm sold newspapers on a day like today yeah you wouldn't believe the kind of trap again oh no bark bark why isn't it working we are filled with the power of darkness [Music] come on guys let's go it's cool all right so we got all these pups come on pups let's go come on little guys go go go go go oh wait girls let me maybe i can blow this up they're getting away [Applause] this has been one crazy night of the ultimate i know right but uh athmo how are you going to deal with ian what do you mean i saved you guys all the puppies are good yeah well he's really been on getting revenge on you so he kind of set up a bunch of tnt on the server and uh yeah he's gonna explode the hub what yeah i thought you knew well i was having fun i mean you're very nice to hang out no that doesn't make it oh thank you okay but what do i do seriously where's yes i mean we gotta find the tnt it's i think i remember where he said he was gonna put it um uh how could we find it how can we find it let's see um oh i see him i see him uh he and pierce whoa what are they doing all right you stay here check the puppies i'll be back done all right pups it's play time jumping oh my where did you go he went this way i saw him go this way okay pierce yeah i've headed up to here and dark ultimo wolf and everything and we are gonna get our revenge with tnt yeah and the rolled up newspaper still yes sir boston totally also the rolls on newspaper since i'm not tired of it all sir okay okay we just need to uh go steal some more gold yeah more gold good what what oh hey what's going on in here hey hi not nothing at all we're just we're just chilling in this little cave space that's what we do we're just chilling and hanging out don't you have to look behind my back hey hey why are you looking by my back ian oh yeah well little did you know that was all part of my plan it was well you know what's a part of my plan what what what hey patient enjoy my team what are you keeping up [Applause] that's what i'm talking about yeah i think yeah whoa whoa new outfit okay you know i'm right now a little moodier these days a little dark yeah i like it you need to hunt okay yeah yeah yeah sure let's do it try to do what i do if you can okay do what you do okay wait where'd you go oh yeah oh okay i'm going numb okay i'll be quiet [Music] [Laughter] yes i did and i can't believe that you fell for my trap what do we do that's right this was all a part of my plan to show you my new anti-dark ultima wolf weapon that's a big word yeah that's a lot to think about i go get the treasure you handle it wow i can't believe this you know what i'm just gonna use all of my uh powers on you how about that wait what what i got every single one what what is this red smoke oh fire i've got wolf paws uh let's see maybe i can do something trapped i'm getting trapped in my own base yeah [Applause] bam sorry ian my cannon piers are you okay yeah i'm good i just kind of buried it here i'm trying to grab the stuff though all right hi i've had it up to here with you and wait oh yeah what are you gonna do about it what am i gonna do about it yeah okay pierce get the stuff and bring it back yeah working on it okay i'm in the ultimate you can't catch me i'm just super fast i'm super strong the best because you just wanna be the ultimate okay but i have the ultimate right there [Music] i'm giving you one last chance say you're sorry fine i'm sorry you got to return all my treasure what uh all of it yes all of it please even the gold never okay um no no hang on okay maybe i'll give back some of the gold some of the gold i'm gonna die all the diamonds okay um [Laughter] here i go i just gotta are we able to do this
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,784,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau dark ultima, aphmau ein werewolf, dark ultima, dark ultima minecraft, dark ultima werewolf, minecraft werewolf, aphmau bitten by ultima, aphmau ultima wolf, aphmau ultima werewolf, aphmau ultima were wolf, aphmau bitten by wolf, ultima secret base, aphmau werewolf curse, aphmau is a werewolf, aphmau playing as a werewolf, werewolves in minecraft
Id: VO3dVdgyOkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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