Playing Roblox as a MAGICAL Mermaid!

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hi my name is dracco and my life is kind of crazy i haven't taken a bath in over 5162 days why are you counting and why because if i touch water i turn into a merman that's a lie i don't believe it oh is that a bag of chips floating in the ocean what chips ooh chips oh no my worst nightmare i'm seafood don't forget to subscribe and you can totally become a mermaid have you ever wondered what the life of a mermaid would be like in roblox yep me i do ways probably lots of swimming okay so lunar i heard that you love mermaids the most i love mermaids so this is totally your game do you have any mermaid facts for us nope i just like little mermaid okay so she knows nothing about mermaids so we should probably figure out okay i think i think in the full moon you turn into a mermaid like a what okay luna you're mixing up with werewolves lunar you could have just said mermaids have fins like a fish you could have said that yeah they have tails oh yeah or or i could say that in the full moon of the land like you turn into eat people that's a werewolf luna so apparently if we touch water in here we will see our true cells as normal i'm ready to see my true form yes oh seashell wait what's that over there no look at it after that what's that blue thing do you not see it it's our castle it's our castle funny okay who wants to get turned into a mermaid first me all right come on now i see anything happening wait are you guys not mermaids oh wait it's working something magic happens i want to be a crew mermaid majestically look at me what happens if we only wash our legs we can swim wait guys this game doesn't work if half of your legs are in here you don't turn into a mermaid yeah because you have to be in the deeper of the water you can't stay in the shop wait what's wrong with my screen it's turning blue i want to turn to a mermaid oh yeah okay i'm officially a mermaid right let's go on the water let's show everyone our true form and oh my gosh we look so creepy look at us give me your soul um funny calm down you're not the grudge do not do that oh man that was fun though give me your soul all right mermaid crew we gotta head over to that blue thing over there i don't even know what it is i want to see swim over there come on let me turn faster all right she wants to race oh yeah yeah let's do it okay i'm on the fastest speed actually i'm not telling anybody i know i don't know what you're doing mermaids you must go on land first and then on three two one gold chill i lost my mermaid skill okay ready three yeah hey hey line up line up you mermaid we look so cute okay put your legs back on luna okay there we go legs only three two one become a fish let's go fish we're cool or we're mermaids oh my god what are you doing you're supposed to transform first yeah you guys don't even know i don't need to i can just swim wait i don't see it anymore oh my gosh that goes so fast what was it rare oh we lost something oh maybe it only shows up at night oh we dumb we dumb okay we didn't know what that was wait can we go down here where are you going funny i'm just traveling guys come down here in this part of the ocean it's different this fish swim back hey imagine if you like actually go to the bottom of the ocean and then you just see this there's they're like paper thin fish yes i went i landed here for feel like all right come on distracted me with her 2d fish hey i was looking at the 2d fish now time to crawl to land wait did someone forget their tail why why are you talking yo that is so creepy i just saw another tale in the ocean no like for real another one last year i see it's a blue tail look yeah see right there it's a blue tail i think we have to swim to it why are you talking should we i saw it just let's investigate yeah guys we keep swimming back and forth no no i seriously saw a tail though i think there's another mermaid i don't see anything down here guys i just see backwards swimming fish was it it's because you're a ghost mermaid was it just a dolphin no guys i swear to you it was a fin okay it definitely was a ghost mermaid of the sea thank you i'm ignoring my gosh i'm glitching rainbow let's just go to the island the sun is up and i imagine i did not do anything during my imagine going to the beach one day and then you see this they're like give me water i wouldn't i would pet the mermaid i'd be like hello you would pet the mermaid what island is this yeah what's on here beautiful one dude why is draco running for so fast chill out track oh is there monkeys on this island on here i think this treasure this looks like a basic island i'm gonna we're actually like being mermaid we're like land trees now we're just fine wait what wait are you on top oh i'm like okay no not all the way on top whoa we should probably be leaving we should jump babes we should go in oh wait is it safe it's not an active volcano oh it's like a hot spring hey this is cool ah that's cool gold where'd you go down here oh i went into the hole into the mysterious hole because that's what you do nowadays what oh just let us out wait where are we what if we go back in let's go back in let's go back in yeah you should go back in i don't think it does anything wait what this is cool so apparently there's a giant hole under the island where it just leads you back into the volcano but overall i don't really see anything how do i get out of here magic oh cool i'm sitting yo can you help can you help a fellow mermaid out here we're just chilling up here watching dude what the heck wait how do i get up there make like a ceiling jump hurry up funny oh my gosh what way for i'm broken i can't ever leave learn how to there you go jack i'll push you back in the water look no hey what's look imagine in your face i'm out ow wait okay so this cave is just random we should go back so can you wait there's a tiny island behind this big island no dracula these islands are all the same no but there's a tiny island it's right there it's in the background oh he's right there is a tiny bit you see the tiny island what's that so who cares and treasure draco why does everything have to be treasure i hope it gives us like explore every place you're a mermaid not a pirate or am i a pie mermaid what nothing in here oh wow wait wait it's blocked off it's probably for a secret like room in the future okay i'm gonna go back to like uh civilization typical simpleton mermaid i am a simple mermaid i like civilization she's a simple mermaid rainbow if you were a mermaid you'd be a you'd be a boring mermaid you want to be you want to live a normal life no in this world we live like crazy roadblocks mermaids baby well normal life mermaid is gonna go get ice cream so you guys have fun being adventurous guys let's beat let's beat rainbow rainbow look how slow you're going look at us imagine playing tag as a mermaid can fish even go this fast i feel like now this is not normal it does not look normal at all fish are not mer people hey look those are the slow fish i hope they don't serve sushi in this town yeah that'd be weird awkward because we're like mermaid so that'd be pretty part of the seafood oh wait singing sirens cafe what's this oh yes i think you have a fork for me to brush my hair with it's kind of tangled after the swim you could always use a spoon hey amber what's up i like your blue hair can i have it do you talk it's kind of out of season decorating you should put it away yes yeah she gave me coffee draco what did you just say oh she gave me coffee too wait she's giving me a lot of coffee wait what's all this stuff in my inventory anyway oh guys look i have a moon ring it looks epic do you see this what is it doing yeah what is it doing i think it's spitting wat i think it's spitting on you oh is it magic i don't know what this stuff does but yeah no this ain't it wait if i shoot water bubbles at you guys will you turn into mermaids no nothing's happening yeah i don't even know what you do and it looks like we just have bubble power it looks like draco has a hook hand too like a water ball hook hand it looks so weird arc big water ball is he getting bigger is this just a me thing no no no it's just a you thing okay well hold the water ball and hold left click it's really cool oh oh oh whoa wait how big you're getting distracted i want to do and i was here to be a mermaid i was promised to do mermaid things and live a mermaid life okay gold true true okay so what do you want to do in the movies she says she wants to be where the people are oh there's no people here we are the people gold it has to be the restaurant we are the people gold first what the mermaid needs to do is have a home where's her human home let's go even her regular home you can begin we're human we are mermaids draco stop you're including the mermaid experience where's your draco okay well there's a house over there in a pond draco if you want to embrace the mermaid life you have to be the mommy you have to be coming on this house i want that house i want the house on the hill with draco i think that's too luxurious for a mummy as yourself draco is a very selfish mermaid what if someone lives there it's okay they can share it out it's my house now i hope they have a fish tank why put draco in it yeah this fridge is huge look at this fridge whoa i'm going upstairs this house is huge oh this house is not furnished i'm leaving this house is pretty embarrassing now i don't like this one i don't want this one i want a cute mermaid house okay everyone let's just go to this blue house because it's night time i'm gonna live under the house yes perfect place for draco fridge there's like spiders all over this ground i see they still have their decorations up it's our house now we will borrow it i love this house it's so cozy and it has a mermaid wall look rainbow mermaid room also makes coffee the coffee's interactive goodness okay rainbow's never looked wow look she's not going to stop i feel like this is a funny mermaid house somebody turned my chair around i want to stay this place is pretty aesthetic it's very very cozy someone swing me swing me let me push you swing me i want to look at the wall i'm pretty sure you're not allowed to swing with these things i'm pretty sure this is the beautiful washroom where people know how to flush toilets that's right uh gold is this what you envisioned as a mermaid uh kind of what do you mean kind of this is exactly what mermaids do they just chill i i thought there would be more stuff you know more excitement um something thrilling okay fine let's just go look around she wants to go find more friends yes murphy my friends where are you at i mean more wait okay is that exciting there's boats on the server oh yeah wait wait but we but wait guys guys guys we have powerful fins that we can swim no whoa it's all glitchy whoa i'm getting my own belt wait i don't even think it works mermaids don't yeah hey wait a minute let's go i don't want to use my fin wait there's some people funny get off the side there's the people oh you hit tom in the head hey tom oh totally hi tom not mermaids here hi there hey y'all what's up i'm tom it's nice to meet you i wanted to let you know that part of this city is currently being worked on wait how long is it gonna take well it depends however i'll tell you when i'm done tom you give us no fun mermaid facts another person turn tom into a frog and also i'm stuck wait the thing is back the thing in the ocean's back hurry we must swim uh rainbow i don't think you could take a boat there rainbow's gonna be the last one there come on come on what what is that it looks like a giant ship is there a ghost in this server i told you those were ghost mermaids let's go find them we want more friends guys what is it what is it we're getting closer i'm too tired what do you give us food like is there a water ball do we throw things is that a no what is your purpose yeah it's definitely a ghost you could go through it maybe we can ask people around the town about what this is guys i think this is the ghost sea dragon's uh possible owner because she's ghosty yeah boo i bet this human cat see me ah a real ghost wait how can you see me are you somehow uh you know that type of of underwater fishy shh how do you know that we were so secretive about it on the server you were supposed to keep it a secret only murder people and other magical creatures can see ghosts humans can't also i'm aquatica by the way uh that's a nice name are you somehow a mer person oh we call them mer persons in this okay yes but technically i'm a dead fish now and i'm a free spirit now sometimes i'd wish i could be real again though isn't there a way to turn you real again i tried everything but nothing worked i'll just have to stay like this for eternity oh i guess we can't help her did did you try talking to a witch usually they help out oh so can we help her no that's kind of sad i don't think so oh it's like a great heart of dead phrases roblox guests oh and i oops couscous i don't even know what that is uh dab dab only lasted one year roblox ticks and the roblox noob this is a sad graveyard what's on this one oof i'm hungry let's go eat hurry hey what do you think mermaids eat i have the appetite for their weight i'm not sure but i don't think they eat as much as draco he's been saying he's hungry i feel like mermaids yeah seaweed right and yeah and fish troubles and ice cream this place is called the ocean cafe oh they must serve a lot of seafood do you think we eat ice cream i have no idea you order for me okay we'll totally order from alan i am alan you know draco's worst guys guys no no no no no hey hey what for you what look at what's in the shelf oh we can't eat that oh a delicious piece of salmon that's sad wait oh sorry i'm a mermaid hey what's taking so long i'm hungry jacko you should check the fridge real quick i don't think you want to eat the food here [Music] how about we go shopping instead let's not eat here i don't think we should okay but don't you agree that this slurpee machine is huge oh my god yeah this place is upsetting me look you guys what it's human clothes i can dress up yes i bet you mermaids can't dress up like this look at all these outfits oh hey there's a lot of clothes here we can all wear the same outfit i like these outfits yes if we all wear the same outfits no one will know that we are mermaids hey i finally have a blue outfit if i be pure blue no one shall see me draco you gonna come change is even here draco i think he got scared what draco you want sushi no hey everyone seems like there's a tough crowd out here tonight yeah we're hungry yeah hungry something about you guys is fishy yeah you know that's offensive to us because we are fish you're mermaids that's lights you're fishy okay rainbow please step away from the mic i will i will make the joke for everyone everyone more funny jokes i'm hungry so so and you know what i see in here i see food no i'm saying you guys look like see i see food everywhere i just don't like joke and said something whatever okay does anyone have anything better go go come on come on draco don't be shy as you can see i'm an artist you know why this um you know why there's only four fish on this painting why why because one is nemo oh my gosh okay now what okay just to step off yeah all right step off stuff that was pretty bad i think all of us are doing pretty horrible job making mermaid jokes let's just say we all got fresh out of the water even i'm cringing [Laughter] luna move i have one is anyone not gonna make a cringey joke i'm gonna make a funny joke okay okay better not be stolen it's stolen well don't admit to it but i'm a human i'm not a mermaid so i can make these jokes remember today i'm living as a human myrrh girl what better laugh you can't be a burger why did the fish blush why anybody cause it got flushed down the toilet no why did it blush because it's a salmon because it's a salmon it's a salmon no because it saw the ocean's bottom okay leave a comment down below if you have better jokes because this this makes me oh this is so bad we're leaving we have to go turn back to mermaids i'd rather be a mermaid it's much more fun goodbye you have to turn back to humans no girls i don't want to be a human i'll be a mermaid later it's much nicer here yes mermaid [Applause] forever [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 10,043,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox let's play, roblox itsfunneh, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funnehcake, roblox funny, roblox funny gameplay, roblox funny video, roblox videos funny, krew roblox, roblox mermaids, roblox magical mermaids, roblox mermaid, roblox mermaid itsfunneh, roblox mermaid funneh, mermaid roblox, mermaids roblox
Id: d3z8jJ6_P08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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