I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN DINOSAUR in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned in is a baby Warden dinosaur and my home in the deep dark was under attack mom dad an army of weather Raptors led by the massive wither sword was laying ways to everything in their path that's it my minions destroy the warden dinosaurs destroy them all what's going on over here Max I spotted my parents in the chaos and rushed to their side son the Wither sir won't stop until he kills us all escape to the surface find the nether stars and light the beacons it's the only way to stop him what I don't understand before they could explain further the Wither swords had a powerful attack down on my parents killing them instantly Mom Dad no the Wither sword continued his Onslaught as I ran away as fast as I could towards the surface you cannot run for me walking dinosaur in 100 days this become mine on day two I ascended to the Overworld but the Wither sword was hot on my tail I only had five Hearts so if I got hit from a single blast I'd be toast purple Flames rained down from the sky all around me and I use my small size to avoid them as best as I could I continued running with all of my might but I was getting exhausted it's hopeless to hide the Wither swords seemed to command the weather to summon frightening Thunder I was terrified but I managed to use the rain as cover to avoid his gaze and ducked into a small opening please don't see me just as I thought I was safe my heavy word weight caused me to fall straight through the damp ground oh that really hurt just as I recovered from the fall I saw a group of with the Raptors closing in on me from up above the Wither sword looked down through the tiny opening I had fallen through after him my with the Raptors bring me his horns as a trophy the Wither Source minions forced me deeper and deeper into the underground tunnel as I ran for my life on day three I was still being chased by the Wither Raptors I quickly ducked into a separate tunnel and tried to tap into my innate Warden dinosaur abilities I could hear the weather Raptors running around looking for me so I just had a focus suddenly I unlocked a new power giving me my echolocation ability what I can see through walls the ability was truly awesome but I wasn't out of the woods using my echolocation I was able to avoid some of the groups but there were simply too many on patrol I continued to run but before long I was cornered you look delicious I had no intention of becoming the Raptors dinner so I had no choice but to fight no this won't be the end determined I charge towards the weather Raptors I caught them off guard but they retaliated quickly and landed several bites and scratches inflicting damage to the precious few Hearts I had I fought back using my powerful bite but because I only had just hatched a few days ago my attacks were too weak I managed to take a few of them down before kept coming I did my best to sand my ground but it was starting to look like a bit more than I could chew before long I was overwhelmed by the herd of raptors it isn't enough I'm too weak stay back kid out of nowhere another Raptor jumped into The Fray he was incredibly powerful and fast he used his speed to take out the Wither Raptors after his inviting he managed to destroy them all whoa thanks who are you anyway the name's Razer but there's no time to get comfortable the weather sore is still out searching for you come on follow me something told me I could trust Razer so I followed him as he led me out of the tunnels on days four through seven a blizzard rage as Razer led me to a snowy Mountaintop way up in the sky being a wardened dinosaur from the deep dark I wasn't used to being so high up where are we going Razer there look I looked ahead and saw a giant Allosaurus meeting with none other than the Wither sore Razer and I quickly took cover oh great wither sore allow me to do your bidding the warden dinosaur will be coming hot this weekend with your life and you will have a place beside me in your new One The Wither sword flew away and that's when I saw it a beacon that's what my parents were talking about filled with a newfound sense of purpose I rushed forward to confront the Allosaurus with Razer Right By My Side hey step away from that Beacon you dare command me I'll destroy you in the name of the crate with a sword razor night it blows with the Allosaurus but he was huge and I was still young Razer did his best to make up the slack but he quickly became overwhelmed too the Allosaurus was super strong Max you have to tap into your powers as a wardened dinosaur you can do it as Razer distracted the Allosaurus I concentrated really hard using all of my willpower I sent forth a huge blast that caught the Allosaurus on fire nice job Max now let's finish him off working together razor with his speed and eye with my Dino breath we managed to defeat the Allosaurus once and for all after the final blow is struck I noticed that the Allosaurus dropped the nether star and other materials something inside me knew exactly what I had to do I rushed over to the iron pyramid and got to work crafting a beacon to put on top of it just as I place it down a huge Shining Light shot directly up into the sky a surge of energy bursts from the power source I felt myself beginning to transform I grew bigger in size and I could feel my strength swelling my horns grew longer and I even gained five additional Hearts I was now an adult-born dinosaur yes the beacon Made Me Stronger mom and dad were right but Razer how'd you know about the beacon I'm an old friend of your parents but never mind that Max there are four more beacons scattered across the world you'll need to activate them all in order to become strong enough to destroy the Wither sword right then I guess we better get searching I don't think so the gigantic wither sword flew onto the scene even at my new adult size he was really intimidating I wanted to see your strength for myself and so far I'm not impressed not to tattoo you will still make a fine member am I with your army the Wither storm began to charge up a powerful attack something inside me told me this was it high brace for impact Max watch out Razer jumped in front of me and he was hit instead the blast killed him in one shot while also leaving a giant crater in the ground razor no I couldn't let Razer sacrifice be in vain I ran away as fast as I could I had to find the beacons to not only avenge my parents but now razor too at the end of these 100 days you and everyone else will turn into withered dinosaurs like me on days 8 through 10 I was running down the mountain when suddenly humongous Boulders began to rain down all around me could this be the work of the Wither sore how is he the Rocks continue to fall it felt like a meat directed only at me if I was gonna have any hope of surviving I'd need to build a sturdy base to take cover in to make matters worse I'd have to build it while under attack I quickly began to gather materials and start on the foundation of my build the reigning Boulders didn't make it easy but soon enough I had a small structure I could use for cover as I planned out the rest of the bill suddenly the sound of Falling Rock stopped and the Earth became still again just when I thought the coast was clear I saw them a horde of what the Raptors were waiting for me I couldn't let them undo my hard work so I decided to take them head on this time around I wasn't gonna go down without a fight the fight was tough thankfully because of my new strength and Warden abilities I was way stronger than any individual with a raptor I blasted them with my Flames causing blue fire to surround my enemies they were relying on their numbers and there certainly were a lot of them but as I wiped out more and more of their comrades their confidence fell the remaining few took off into the hills yeah you better run I continued to work on my build confident now that the weather Raptors were gone on little did I know they were merely waiting for Nightfall to prepare for their next attack on days 11 through 14 I finished up the exterior my build modeling it into the shape of a wartened dinosaur head I then began to work on the interior I fashioned a room for myself making a cozy place that felt just like home next I loaded up a chest with all the essentials I'd need for survival including food and tools with that I admired all the hard work I had accomplished ah home sweet home my victory was short-lived when suddenly a chromosaurus burst from the Tree Line run run for your life the strange little dinosaur ran directly into me clearly not looking where it was going when it saw my impressive stature it quickly became frightened what what are you relax I'm Max I'm a warden dinosaur I don't mean any harm what were you running from with a raptis they attacked the herd and well suddenly I could hear them in the distance the sound of gigantic booming footsteps rang out and before long I could see their Source a bird of absolutely massive camarosauruses were barreling towards us come on we gotta move on days 15 through 17 the chroma drosaurus and I continued to run from the Stampede of titans the name scrum by the way cool I'll try to remember that if we don't die the giant stride of the herd was making them move faster than expected from such lumbering beasts if Chrome and I were to survive we'd have to think quickly Max follow me I have an idea directly ahead of us was a vast ocean which went on for as far as the eye could see Chrome thought that it would make an excellent Escape Route but there was just one problem I couldn't swim Chrome this isn't gonna work I can't swim okay then uh we'll have to build quickly turns out Chrome was an excellent Builder before I knew it he had constructed a raft big enough for the two of us and just in time hop on we made it onto the raft just as the herd stopped onto the water's edge we weren't gonna be roadkill today but our troubles were just getting started on days 18 through 21 Chrome and I were stuck floating in the middle of the ocean we were tired thirsty and starving I couldn't help but feel a little angry at Chrome for getting us into this mess let's build a raft nothing could possibly go wrong hey at least I tried to help some help you turned out to be now I'll never get to the other beacons and avenge my parents beacons it seemed like Chrome knew more than he let on but before I could question him we both saw something massive underneath the water surface uh Max Breeze for impact from the water a giant sea creature emerged and it looked really hungry thinking quickly I used my remaining strength to unleash my Dino breath on it take this as my attack struck the monster it shattered out in pain unfortunately while my attack did some damage it really only made it angrier the sea monster retaliated quickly and with a lot of force shattering our raft into a million pieces I was submerged in the water and I tried my best to swim to safety but my little arms couldn't carry my weight as I sunk deeper and deeper I began to drown and all I could think about was how I let everyone down on days 22-25 I woke up stranded on a beach I was thankful to be alive but also sad that I had yelled at Chrome right before we were separated before I could think about it for too long I was ambushed strange hairy creatures came out of the nearby trees they were wearing fur and carried deadly clubs what the who are you guys I couldn't understand their language but their weapons spoke for themselves they gathered around me and heard me along into the trees exhausted and drained from almost drowning I knew better than to try and pick a fight the strange furry beings led me to their Village I looked around and saw simple homes made of wood but beyond them I saw something else way off in the distance past the sprawling desert was a giant golden pyramid that must be one of the beacons I tried to explain to my captors the significance of the pyramid and the threat that the withers or posed but they didn't understand me suddenly a roar rang out from the tree line another dinosaur approached and I realized it was chrome chrome you're alive alive and well good to see you Max Chrome explained that he landed here yesterday and the cave people saw him as a God what's more I was gonna be cooked and served as a feast in his honor I apologize for getting mad at him on the raft and he forgave me afterwards I had to ask him for a small favor hey can you not eat me all right Naga hukali the cave people agreed and I was let go I asked Chrome about the golden pyramid and he told me that the men considered it a sacred place I wouldn't be allowed to enter unless I went through the trial I'll do anything to get my revenge on days 26-28 the caveman LED Promenade to the golden pyramid where I came face to face with an incredibly dangerous obstacle course there were Lava Pits spike traps Arrow dispensers and even more deadly obstacles to get through to top it off it was surrounded by a moat of lava if I fell in I'd be burned to a crisp this is the trial hey no one said defeating the Wither storm was gonna be easy I knew crime was right if I couldn't get through this what hope would I have in getting my revenge I took a deep breath and started the trial the traps were really scary but being a warden dinosaur I knew I had to be brave my bravery made me a bit too confident however and I got hit by one of the traps lose some of my hearts this is tougher than it looks despite the challenge I kept on moving the cave people cheered for me as I made a past a particularly tough obstacle quickly however their tears turned into screams as they looked up into the sky to only find the withers who are looming over us what do we have here trying to activate another Beacon Air Max we will see about that the Wither sword turns his attention away from me and onto the course itself he took in a bunch of energy and then Unleashed it all directly onto my path towards the pyramid once the dust settled the chorus was completely destroyed good luck getting to the beacon now Max with that the Wither sword flew off leaving me behind with no way to get to the pyramid oh no what do I do now I failed the trial I look towards the end of the bridge and notice loose stones that might be of use I used all my strength and began stomping the floor the ground trembled and the stones fell down creating a new path to get across I did it on days 29-32 I arrived at the golden pyramid I looked up towards the top and began to climb I arrived at the peak but quickly noticed the top of the pyramid was missing with the tunnel leading down inside I've gotta check this out I hopped down and was greeted by three triceratopses ah you've arrived after all it seems the Wither Soul was unsuccessful not to worry we will succeed where he failed and Scatter your bones amongst the Sands the trihorn trio charged me with such intensity that I could barely prepare I hadn't expected the weather sword to have herbivores in his army but I wasn't about to pull any punches if these Triceratops were trying to keep me from my revenge then I was gonna have to go through them there were so many that I started by setting him Ablaze with my Dino breath I thought it would be enough to burn through their armored scales but they continue to fight me through the Flames each hit from their horns dealt massive damage and I tried to get them off my tail with my stomping attacks I continued to cycle through all my abilities but the battle was tough you think my Warden dinosaur Powers I managed to defeat one of the Triceratops but as I did the other two grew bigger as a result what the our life force is tied together if one Falls the others strengthen this wasn't good I thought they were tough before but now their attacks hit like meteors the two of them ganked up on me and with their additional power felt Unstoppable the battle was tough but I had come too far to give up now I continued using everything I had to make a dent in their stamina I had to pull out all the stops in order to take down another Triceratops as expected the last remaining Triceratops became gigantic his head had become so dense that my attacks couldn't damage him from the front anymore he knew this well and made sure I couldn't loop around him what do I do nothing's working hey Pizza table in over here I'm talking to you Chrome the Triceratops attention turned to Chrome and I was able to attack him from the signs Chrome did a good job of keeping him occupied and I put everything I had into one last attack I Unleashed all of my power the Triceratops was finally defeated like the Allosaurus he dropped another star a Triceratops horn sword and other materials I needed for the beacon yes we did it chrome chrome I looked over and saw Chrome injured and dying on the ground it seemed like during the fighting he took one too many hits Max I think I think they got me good do me a favor would you give the way they saw one from me all right pal oh no I ran outside and roared into the sky is Thunderstruck behind me rain poured over the pyramid as I got to work and placed the second Beacon a beam of light Shone itself into the sky and I felt myself become more powerful gaining five more hearts and a new Sonic Boom ability I let myself fill with rage I could think of nothing but my revenge Chrome Razer my parents the Wither store will pay on days 33-35 a pack of with the Raptors had climbed up the pyramid staff abs and came to face me by the second Beacon that's the warden dinosaur I thought it was just some kid what are you scared there's tons of us and only one of him the weather Raptors sprang to life as the Bony bodies clashed against my leathery hide teeth and Claws scraped and slashed and my hearts depleted quickly but my patience had run thick and I'd had enough back off I roared out with all my might and stomped hard onto the ground the resulting shock waves killing a few of my pursuers lightning struck Atop The Gold Pyramid bathing it in some of the Raptors and Flames the Raptors shrieked and cried as I finished the last of the month major it seemed it was on my side that day or so I thought just as I celebrated my victory the largest lighting strike of all hit me and I was flung from the top of the pyramid I fell and fell deep down into the waist Below on days 36-39 the Sands of the vast desert shifted as I emerged out from under them I've got sand in my mouth Against All Odds I survived the fall with only half a heart remaining I was lucky to be alive but if I wasn't careful something would land a hit on me and I'd be toast I had to proceed consciously unfortunately for me my heavy footsteps sent micro shockwaves to the waists signaling to anything lurking down below the dinner was ready as if right on cue a cluster of giant scorpions emerged from the sand and headed right for me scorpions why'd it have to be scorpions I ran as fast as I could my tri-toed feet were not designed to Sprint through the sand the Scorpions meanwhile flew across the surface swiftly as if they were weightless it was only a matter of time before they caught up to me and with my health so low I feared that this was the end for me I ran out of breath and the Scorpions prepared their Stingers to finish me off leave them alone bug brains suddenly the most unlikely of Heroes jumped out in front of me a Stegosaurus the Scorpions were wary of her size and Spike tail but rushed her all the same she fought them off valiantly and I did my part too I used my stomp ability to provide the stegosaurus so much of the crowd control I stomped the oversized bugs of my powerful feet while the stegosaurus continue to fight them up close in the end only one scorpion remained and the stegosaurus crushed it into the ground with their Hooves I love stomping desert bugs thanks for your help Miss I'm Max not a problem Max that's dinos gonna stick together call me stick everyone else does I told stag about the beacons and she agreed to help me cross the desert so I could get to the next one I was thankful to have made another friend we both set off together to find the next beacon on days 40 through 43 steak and I made it to the desert's Edge I turned around to thank my guide when suddenly she collapsed to the ground I want to mention it earlier but oh those scorpions got me pretty good stag the Venom from the scorpion stings was slowly killing stag if we didn't find an antidote she was gonna die leave me Max Go and kick that weather Source butt if it has one no you saved me and now I'm Gonna Save you too I had lost too many friends already I wasn't about to lose another steak told me that she had heard of a powerful Mystic that could heal her but to get to them we'd have to Traverse an ancient haunted jungle uh haunted I mean uh sure I ain't afraid of no ghosts I was terrified but I knew I had to show strength thankfully my dinosaur strength was enough for me to carry stag on my back together we set off into the jungle unaware of the horrors that would await us there on days 44-46 steak managed to gain enough strength to walk again and we made our way through the trees and fog in the haunted jungle things were calm so far but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched I have a bad feeling about this Stag's intuition was proven right when suddenly the plants around us came to life they sprung out of the soil and snapped at us with razor sharp teeth egg was in no condition to fight so I had no choice but to do the weed whacking myself I had twice the size of the plants so I started off by squashing them with my stopping abilities although the attacks were powerful they left me vulnerable to the plant's powerful jaws my health dropped quickly and I had to back away from them since getting up close wasn't working I switched my Sonic Boom power to take down the weeds each shot from the boom caused minimal damage to their health bars but I was able to take out a few unfortunately more and more kept sprouting out of the ground hungry for dinosaurs there were too many enemies so I had to come up with a plan and fast wait a minute grass type is weak to fire take this I unleash my Dino breath on the carnivorous plants they quickly caught fire and the battle was won unfortunately the rest of the Jungle started to catch on fire too that's not good the fire was rapidly spreading and we were left with no choice but to run on days 47 through 50 stake and I were running through the burning jungle unfortunately steg couldn't keep up due to her injuries as the fire surrounded us I had do something quick or else she'd be a goner but the only thing my Powers could do was Destroy I looked around for an answer but found nothing just when all hope seemed lost it began to rain a torrential downpour covered the jungle and the fire began to go out how was lucky but where did it come from look up ahead was an ishwalasta doing what looked like some sort of rain dance primordial Waters cleansed the fire from these lands with her words the rest of the fire was put out by the rain Stag and I approached her to thank her for the help that was amazing who are you and how did you do that I am the Mystic of this jungle I have command of many forces Beyond Comprehension you're the Mystic my friend of course stay still for a moment the Mystic Works their magic on stay and before long she was her old self again oh that's much better suddenly the Mystic became very serious I've been watching you Max come the path to the third Beacon awaits your training has just begun on days 51-54 I trained with a Mystic in the jungle and go water go I wasn't quite there yet but I was just glad to have powers that weren't just about destruction being a warden and protecting others at least that's what my new teacher taught me with her help I was one step closer to taking down the Wither sword let's try that again yeah I tried to shoot my water abilities one more time and managed to shoot a full stream all right all right I did it revenge is just around the corner revenge is that all this is about for you the Mystic explained that going up to the Wither storm for the wrong reasons would end with me becoming just like him hate-filled and cruel she didn't want that for me and I didn't either while your parent's death was a tragedy the Wither sore wants to corrupt all life but with the Raptors that follow him have already been twisted if you don't stop him within the next 50 days then all of your friends sacrifices will have been in vain don't worry I'm not gonna let that happen my confidence was quickly broken it's an all too familiar Boys called to me from above How brave you are Max [Laughter] I know that laugh on days 55-57 the Wither sword descended from the sky he confronted the Mystic Stag and me these odds bring it the withers or only several attacks on my party we were strong but also clearly out matched with the Wither source so high in the air it made it impossible for me to hit him with my melee attacks so I used my Sonic Boom and water stream to try and shoot him down from afar the Wither sword had powerful scales that resisted my attacks but I knew with the efforts of me and my friends we wouldn't go down without a fight the Wither sword flew in clothes to deal damage to the Mystic and stag giving me the opportunity to swing my Triceratops horn sorted him for some extra hits this went on for a while but the Wither sword's powerful attacks dealt too much damage for me to keep going much longer I tried using everything I learned and yet the Wither sword brushed off my blows like they were nothing finally the Mystic decided to take matters into her own hands take this use it to find the remaining beacons the Mystic brought me in each looking compass and then began to say some magic words she charged an awesome attack of explosive power that emitted a huge white light When the Smoke cleared the Wither storm was gone along with the Mystic the Mystic she sacrificed herself to kill the Wither sore she did did it my hopes were dashed immediately as the Wither sword reappeared once again another death on your hands don't be sad soon every dinosaur on this Earth will share her fate find your beacons meet me on the battlefield and face your destiny the Wither swords were stunned but Nancy flew away I could tell that this encounter wounded them and if he could get hurt he could be defeated with the Newfound sense of purpose I looked at the compass that Mystic had given me and set off towards a third pyramid on days 58-61 we finally found ourselves at the base of the third pyramid which was hidden deep in the heart of the Jungle it was huge and the whole thing was made out of diamond I guess we head inside keep your eyes peeled that sounds painful we continued inside and to our surprise the opening caved in behind us we narrowly avoided being crushed but now we had no choice but to press onwards then it's not ominous at all putting on a brave face I continue deeper into the pyramid and steak followed close behind suddenly stay except on a pressure plate and a swarm of diamond bugs keep running towards us booby traps run for it Stag and I ran while the horrible bugs fall close behind we were getting closer to the end of the hallway and just when I thought the coast was clear I stepped on a pressure plate myself the floor around me collapsed and I fell into a deep dark hole on days 62-64 I fell deep into an underground Temple but stag was nowhere to be seen I used my echolocation power to get my bearings sleeping just behind was a gigantic gorilla Made of Stone just past the Beast was a pedestal with another nether star on it I gotta build the next Beacon gotta sneak over there without being seen or heard I carefully made my way towards my prize being cautious not to make any sounds the gorilla was snoring loudly which I used to time my heavy footsteps and avoid being caught I got right up to the nether star but as I was about to grab it I heard a familiar voice call out to me next back to you in here stake had found me but the gorilla snapped awake and quickly surveyed the situation in my temple I won't let you steal the nether star the astonishing ape quickly sprung into action and attacked his forearms were his biggest tree trunks and they hit like a ton of bricks he was definitely the most powerful foe I had ever faced aside from the Wither storm himself I jumped into the center of the room and began to shoot him down with my Sonic Boom attacks from afar combining the power of my water stream I was able to deal pretty good damage but the gorilla Guardian was much stronger than he seen luckily I wasn't alone stag used her spikes to inflict some heavy damage on the gorilla together we dug into the beast but he had another trick up his sleeve he cloaked himself with a protective shield and pulled energy from the ground around him once he finished he Unleashed a powerful laser attack that dealed massive damage I did my best to keep up the attacks even as my health got lower I knew I couldn't give up here stake distracted him and gave me a chance to go and close with my Triceratops horn sword it was anyone's game but I was getting closer and closer to death be allowed the Beacon's power wait what it appeared that the gorilla and I were actually on the same side I stopped fighting and told stag to do the same the gorilla it turns out had been guarding the pyramid for a really long time and brought the nether star down into the underground to ensure it never fell into the wrong hands after I explained why I wanted it he agreed to give it up as long as I promise to destroy the Wither sword once and for all it's a deal on days 65-68 I claimed the nether star as the gorilla began to build a miniature pyramid made of diamond what's that for he told me that this is where I needed to place the pyramid's beacon I did what he said and just as before the beacon was lit I gained five more Hearts grew even larger and now rivaled the gorilla in size look at me I'd like to see the Wither sword try and take me on now that can be arranged just then the withers were flew into the pyramid from the hole in the ceiling and began to rain fire down onto my groove it seemed like I was really getting under his skin metaphorically speaking we avoided his blast as best as we could but the whole pyramid was beginning to shake it was clear that the weather sword wasn't aiming for us but the structure itself this Temple will be your tomb so long the Wither sword flew away as the pyramid began to crumble all around us time was running out fast what do we do we'll be Crush yet if I could help it the gorilla quickly got to work building something as he plays the final block a portal appeared as Rubble continued to fall around us time was up I didn't dare question the gorilla's portal we all jumped in head first on days 69 through 72 my friends and I were flung out the opposite end of the portal suddenly I felt hot really hot I looked around and found that we are in a Strange New World whoa is this welcome to the nether you'll find the next Beacon here but I'm afraid I can go no further the gorilla explained that he and stag were not equipped to survive in this environment being a wardened dinosaur I was uniquely capable of surviving in deep places such as this with that we said our goodbyes in parted ways I was sad to leave my friends behind but also happy that we are no longer In Harm's Way my troubles on the other hand were only just beginning on days 73-75 Waltz reversing the nether using the compass the Mista gave me I was set upon by a group of guests they floated too far out of reach so despite my best efforts I couldn't hit them back as I was struggling an Ankylosaurus appeared hey follow me I knew I should be weary but I followed the Ankylosaurus and together we managed to avoid the gas and take shelter for now at least those guests don't let up stay in your guard I'm kylo by the way Max nice to meet you kylo I asked kylo about the beacons and he was quick to warn me about the dangers associated with it but after everything I'd been through there was no way I was gonna turn back now kylo admired my courage and agreed to be my guide we decided to head out immediately the threat of the gas pose was still imminent but Tai was of the essence if I was gonna stop the Wither sword's plans on days 76-79 things were going smoothly as kylo proved to be an excellent guide so far we managed to avoid any confrontations but that streak would soon come to an end suddenly the weather Raptors had caught up to me even here in the nether a pack of them Came Upon A swiftly and we had no choice but to hold our ground thankfully that tale of kylo's wasn't just for show take this bag of bones kylo's heavy hits were enough to disorient and in some cases destroyed the Wither Raptors with just a single blow before long the pack was put down but we knew more would be on their way they found me we don't have much time then let's keep moving on days 83 86 kylo and I followed the mystics compass and finally came upon the fourth pyramid being a glimmering emerald it stood out from the rest of the nether like a sore thumb unfortunately this also meant it attracted a lot of attention an army of with the Raptors and with their gas patrolled the outside of the pyramid even being as strong as we were there was no way that kylo and I could take on an army like that there had to be another way in luckily kylo had an idea I'll make a distraction and draw them away from the pyramid no way it's too risky if they catch you they'd kill you that's why I won't let them catch me come on it's the only way I didn't like it but it's the only plan we had kylo got into position and the stage was set from a distance I watched him approach the Wither sword's Army I wondered what exactly he'd say to make sure they'd follow him I was shortly given my answer [Music] Yoo-hoo over here you wither sore simps what did he call us you'll pay for that kylo took off running and the entire Army chased him good job kylo now it's my turn once I was sure the coast was clear I entered the pyramid on days 87 through 89 I utilized Kyle's distraction so that I could enter the emerald pyramid freely the foe I met standing before me was none other than the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex I quickly understood just how powerful my enemy really was you must be Max it saddens me that we must meet as foes but it seems the Wither sir has already decided your fate why serve him you can overthrow him it is too late for me don't worry I will make your death the Tyrannosaurus was true to his word and moved with surprising swiftness to attack me I narrowly dodged his powerful jaws and delivered a counter-attack of my own we exchanged powerful blows and bites but his hokey figure began to overwhelm me I knew I had to come up with another course of action or I wouldn't survive the assault I utilize my supersonic shout emitting an ear piercing shriek in an attempt to create distance between us but it still wasn't enough I pulled out my sword of the Triceratops slashing into the mighty tyrannosaurus's flesh not to be outdone he continued his assault and landed the most powerful bite I'd ever experienced my hearts took a massive hit and I was on my last legs if I wasn't careful this was no doubt gonna be the end kylo had somehow escaped his pursuers and showed up just in time he delivered a devastating blow to the tyrannosaurus's leg the Tyrannosaurus seemed to be hurting but it was not out of the fight yet the Tyrannosaurus repaid kylo's hit with an unbridled Fury he went all out and now kylo was in serious trouble I wasn't about to let kylo join Razer and chrome so I mustered everything I could in one final attack and let it all loose my attack connected and the T-Rex was no more with no time left to waste I gathered the nether star off of his corpse and crafted the fourth Beacon once again my power increased kylo was impressed you're even stronger than the T-Rex now that's amazing Max thanks hey what happened to that army that was chasing you oh I just got a few minutes ahead of them while running they should be here any second now what on days 90-92 kylo and I were running for our lives from the full might of the Wither swords Army as we ran I caught a glimpse of the portal that the gorilla had used to bring me here there Run for the portal a gas managed to Nick me with a flame blast and I dropped the mystics Compass which fell down into the nearby lava no despite this loss I couldn't focus on it for long kylo and I got to the portal in the nick of time and went through it I quickly worked to destroy it and close off the Army from falling through from behind us nice thinking Max so where are we we had ended up with a diamond pyramid once stood which had since been destroyed during the Wither swords attack as I looked around at the damage I saw Stag and the gorilla waiting for me yeah you made it back I was happy to reunite with my friends I introduced them to kylo and told them all about the Army in the nether including the T-Rex you'll beat a tear Rex I almost can't believe it no no it was true soon I'd be powerful enough to destroy the Wither sword if only I could find that last Beacon but with the mystics Compass destroyed I didn't know where to go next suddenly I got a severe headache it went into a vision on days 93-95 I entered into a vision and saw my childhood home as I approached I saw two other Warden dinosaurs that looked extremely familiar Mom Dad you made it we've been watching you we're so proud of what you've accomplished we love you son and I promise I'm gonna make sure the Wither sword can't hurt anyone else like he hurt you but I could really use some help I don't know where the last Beacon is and I only have a few days left to find it oh where else would it be it's here son it's always been here I looked around to realize the deep dark was home to another right pyramid I knew then I had to head home the deep dark thanks Mom thanks Dad good luck son we know you can do this as my vision came to an end I appeared back in the real world with my friends standing around me guys I know where I have to go I just don't know how I'm gonna get there in time I think I can help with that the Mystic was alive after all she explained that she shielded herself from the Wither swords attack but have been knocked out until now she prepared a spell and she and I were teleported to our final confrontation on days 96-98 the Mystic and I arrived back in the deep dark it was good to be home but some something about this place seemed different before it was bustling with life but now it was Barren and lifeless this place seems dead be mindful this could be a trap the Mystic and I began walking to the netherright pyramid when I saw them an army of with the Raptors for some strange reason though they didn't attack we cautiously continued all while the army of skeletal creatures stared us down it was seriously creepy why are they not attacking maybe they're playing with their food we made it to the pyramid as to where the Raptors continue to glare at us and made our way inside on day 99 we finally made it to the last Beacon and oddly the nether star was already placed out for us there was no one guarding the beacon at all this all felt too easy nevertheless I needed the power so I began to build the beacon as I was placing the last materials the Mystic spoke up wait wait no Max stop but it was too late I had placed down the completed Beacon and the energy was flowing through me already I grew larger than any other dinosaur and could feel myself bursting with gaining me 10 more Hearts this feels amazing what were you worried about [Laughter] suddenly the Wither swords laugh echoed throughout the chamber he revealed himself along with his army of with the Raptors who had been watching us joining in the chorus of laughter wither storm what's so funny huh you played right into my hand you see I wanted you to find all of the beacons I needed you to become the most powerful Warden dinosaur to have ever lived all so that I could take your body for myself what how ask your precious mistake there are horses that some cannot comprehend in this world but I can once I have your body strength I will be unstoppable you'll have to beat me first let's do this on day 100 the fight to end all fights began neither of us was holding back this time and both of us were at our full potential it would come down to as truly strongest and who had the most will I use all the abilities in my Arsenal including my Sonic Boom and Dino breath to deal damage from afar whenever he got close I would stop onto him with my massive feet thanks to the power of the beacons my size was much bigger and made my stomping attack have much more of a punch even with my abilities though the Wither sword dealt massive damage to me luckily the Mystic ran down by my feet giving me words of encouragement and healing me between blows they didn't last long though she was quickly run off by some of the Wither swords with the Raptors sorry Max no cheating it's now just you and me I utilized everything the Mystic taught me and used my water stream attack to catch him off guard even though it did good damage it still wasn't enough without the mystic's healing abilities I was beginning to get overwhelmed by the withers or strength he now had the upper hand and I stumbled back I was down to a single heart and everything started to become fuzzy this is it the end is nigh no I can't lose not after everything I've been through suddenly all of my friends the ones who got me here the ones I lost my family everyone I cared about they all Flash before my eyes I remembered just what exactly I was fighting for and how much they sacrificed I couldn't let it all be in vain I wouldn't wither sir yeah I channeled everything I could muster all of my energy and power into one single final attack instructor with a sword in the chest and he exported out with the force of a thousand suns the weather Raptors were wiped out due to his death the threat of the withered dinosaurs became extinct for good [Music]
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 1,530,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DWQKhTkjzdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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