100 DAYS From OMEGA to ALPHA WOLF in Minecraft!

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i'm surviving 100 days as an apple wolf in minecraft this means i need to protect and keep my pack alive for 100 days day one i spawned in as a baby alpha wolf i think these two wolves here are my parents so i'll call them mom and dad but i have a mission to survive so i went out to get some materials but then i realized i have a bite ability which i can use to mine stuff even trees so i made some tools but i can't use them until i'm older darn it i decided to use my baby days to gather materials but i am a baby so my one weakness is falling asleep for a nap day two i learned how to use my hunting ability i can go after rabbits with ease using this so i decided to go after a bigger prey sheep but apparently i can't go after them until i'm older this is gonna be a challenge after all day three i realize since i'm using these baby days to gather materials i can go mining too so i went into a cave to mine any materials i could find creeper came to attack and i only had one life so i ran but my dad came in and ended up howling with summoned other wolf to attack that was cool day four i spent playing with the other pups might as well enjoy the puppy days but then suddenly it began raining the other pups were scared of lightning so i as the future alpha wolf led the pups back to the cave while i was helping to rock along my leg and hurt me my dad came to help and got me out safe dad dude you're here you're getting me out [Music] oh dead [Music] on day five i grew up and became the new alpha wolf i got the ability to hunt bigger prey and calls to my side i also realized i can use my minecraft tools i crafted there they are perfect yeah whoa that is so cool day six i was coming back from hunting with my pack when i saw creepers attacking wolves at the top of my cave oh no oh no no no i ran out to save the wolves but the creepers exploded and made a giant hole in our cake i got him don't worry mom watch out oh no no no this isn't good this isn't good they're going into the cave oh no at least we can see the sun now [Music] oh day seven i woke up and saw the no no no camera it's raining oh we should have patched up the creeper hole i should have done that come on come on this way this way yes we gotta find a new home come on let's go this way follow me on day eight we didn't have to go far as we came across an abandoned village which i thought was weird because minecraft villages don't normally look like this but i thought this would be the perfect place to set up our new home huh what's that just as we were looking we found a zombie iron golem who attacked us we all went into attack but it got my mom and i gathered up all my power to win that's it i got it we went to go see my mom but it was too late she was not going to respond no on days 9 through 16 after inspecting the rest of the village and making sure it was safe i spent the next couple of days fixing everything up for my alpha wolf pack day 17 the village was looking really good but my wolves are starving oh no oh this isn't good i'm so sorry i forgot all the food's been eaten i can't eat normal minecraft crops but they can't so i decided to think smart and i knew i needed to get a sheet farm to supply my pack so i set out to look for sheep day 18 i found a bunny burrow i dug down and a lot of bunnies popped out so i hunted them all and had a good supply of meat so many yes hidden i found minecraft players camping and they have lots of sheep i decided to sneak around and try to get them whoa okay don't spot me don't spot me what do you think we should do with all these sheep that we got him well how about we make some mutton i've been feeling kind of hungry today come on guys wait no these are my friends how would you stare boys puppies out ready puppies hey come on day 20 i got the sheep back in the village but i had to keep my pack from eating them calm down i know you're new but hey we gotta be nice because this is our supply of food so don't go eating it okay good thing i know how to be a good minecrafter all right i'm gonna make huh there's a whole village here no no villagers anyone home hello no this is our place what i i got here wolf i am a minecraft player and i can take this village no you can't i got this hey whoa hang on what is that what is that yeah wait i'll be back we got him guys it's okay come on this way 21 that human from before made camp near the village i know he's trying to take our stuff so i went over to intimidate him i slowly approached him not blinking at all hang on i smell a smelly dog ah i see you trying to intimidate me i see your strategy a dumb dog and you know what i can beat you in a staring contest let's go fine so on days 22 to 24 we had a staring contest and of course i won oh come on that was unfair come on guys come on man i gotta go get some more sheep what i challenge you fine let's go this is my turn i'm the alpha win today day 26 i've been doing a lot of wolf stuff for so long i was getting tired then i heard puppies crying puppies where's that coming from puppies i went to go inspect i saw a giant bag told chased after him but he had a horse so i couldn't catch up puppies no [Music] but i could throw a set i can smell the scent of the puppies so i decided to follow him and days 27 through 30 was a long journey across the server and then i finally fainted i was so weak i had no food or anything i was sure i was gone but then someone came up to me i can't make it anymore oh no oh you poor thing huh where am i oh nice water and food oh my gosh yes perfect amazing now i can continue on i finally found with a pup sword on day 32. whoever dropped his pups had a lot of supplies there he is i found him now you all better behave or no more rotten flesh for you come on wait a minute um can't you find me [Music] hey now you stay right there come on puppy we gotta get out of here we ended up getting the guy but another human came in what did he do get away hey hey don't worry i'm a friend i growl at this guy he saw the couple's heart and ended up helping him there huh i decided to let him live all better for now come on puppy let's go puppy let's run now we have to take the long journey back home it took days 33 to 36 to get the pups to make the long journey safely back home once we got back on day 37 we found that wild wolf was in charge of my pack you took over my pack i challenge you he must have taken over while i was gone so i had to challenge him and since i was so tired from my journey i sadly lost oh no this isn't good don't worry pups and i had to lean i wasn't sure what to do on day 38. i had lost my minecraft ways and decided to go hell at the moon because that's a wolf to do how am i supposed to get stronger but then suddenly magic happened i think it was from the moon but a moon bunny thing appears and it looks so magical i decided to catch it what the oh i'll get you i got you get out of here this thing is fast but i couldn't catch it no matter what i did so i decided to chase it and each day i got closer until day 43 when i finally managed to catch it and that's just what what did i do that once blessing what thank you bunny i'll let you live for now this is such a good power it gives me so much strength i gotta go back now i can challenge him thank you moon thank you bunny from day 44 i went back to challenge wild wolf using my new powers various yeah bam oh don't worry i've got this you'll have to win other ways i was able to take him down but he had other plans he used player tnt what no no the puppies so i stood between them and ended up getting really hurt oh no he wasn't able to move and then he was about to take me out when suddenly that one stubborn puppy came in to help no no no no but that didn't stop wow he was going for the puppy so i used the last of my strength to knock him away but i ended up fainting day 45 to 51 i was so weak and it took about a week to recover on day 52 i woke up to a nice gift my pack had brought snacks and treats for me these are really good thank you guys i wanted to see what things were like outside with me gone and i realized the wolves ate my entire farm why would they do that again guys oh man the sheep oh well day 53 that minecraft player returned with a pack see see there they are they're over there yeah we can take this whole village for ourselves oh it's going to be great guys you know i kind of approach this carefully no no no no we don't need a plan they're just dumb walls we just all go in just sort of go swinging and i come on guys we're gonna leave [Music] [Applause] so days 54-57 we went on a long journey to reach this place we made it back on day 58 that guy had a lot of supplies and animals so my path was good for a long time oh there's plenty of supplies here perfect [Music] [Music] so from days 57 to 70 we kept building until we were done oh it looks beautiful look at this we did such a good job guys leave the sheep alone huh [Music] [Applause] don't day 72 was quiet but the wolves kept trying to eat the sheep again guys not the oh man i can't believe that all right i'm back and i brought a friend oh seems like you two know each other well i got them all buffed with potions now he can destroy your entire pack in one bark oh no get him that's right surrender and i'll let your pack live no no no no fine ah i win now just to put this little teleporting collar on you that collar is a special teleporting caller and it will always bring you back to me no matter what you know since you're a strong wolf and all you're gonna come with me and i'll leave your pack alone [Music] come on we have so much to talk about on the way back 874 to 76 was a long walk to a secret base and this guy just kept talking we could talk over all the other walls on the server and uh oh do you like fetch i bet gold sword and gold armor and gold pickaxe and gold shovel and gold um and the temple started collapsing on us and we went to the desert to find the treasure and then the treasure was the friends we made along the way anyway those friends aren't with me anymore they left here i was trapped in a cage the player tried to train me come on do tricks i did not do tricks oh dumb dog is broken i even tried being nice he was nice but i didn't like him because i did not choose him i was locked up but at least i could see the moon i decided to howl at the moon hoping it might help me again [Music] day 78 and the moon did not help me but i did try to learn a new trick the human tried to teach me okay eat that it was kind of fun all right and now bark day 79 still in my cage i kept howling hey hey stop that holly i'm trying to sleep [Music] [Applause] i was so mad i wanted to be wild minecraft players are mean but suddenly i heard explosions and screaming someone was coming in that smell i remember this smell what oh poor thing here let me help i'm out oh let me cut your collar huh i'm free i'm free that person saved me and just as fast as you saved me huh she was gone so i took this chance to escape yeah i can go home and i was on my way home it took days 81 to 83 to make it back but i finally made it home on day 84. things have changed wild wolf was in charge and i needed to challenge him oh no you cannot challenge me but he was way too big and strong so i had to retreat you can't challenge me right now i'll be back to take on alpha oh but someone decided to join me it was that pup that's always getting in trouble it was nice to have someone with me and he still thought i was the alpha come on let's go day 85 i found myself asking the moon for help again i wasn't expecting help but the moon turned red and trimmed down the guide in the form of a bunny come on let's go it looked different though so me and the pup decided to follow it and it took two days before we found out where it led us on day 88 the bunny led us to a temple what looks like it was an ancient one called the temple of the alpha inside there's a power i can feel it so i told the pup to stay back as i went inside all right see what's inside here and of course the pup didn't listen hey oh fine come on let's go be careful okay oh look at this place this is so cool oh right be really careful with this pup where where'd you go ready ready three two okay so we got through the temple together until we came across the alpha statue it says the ultimate powers of the alpha wolf a true leader at heart knows that this power requires sacrifice if you take this power eventually you will have to give us something in return but i can save the wolf pack i decided to go for it no matter what the cost then i carried little pup back home it took two days to make it back home but we finally made it on day 91 there he is back yeah you've gotten stronger i have take this very impressive now leave this is my pack [Music] we i was back at the alpha and ready to fix up the village things were going great except from day 92 to 95 were monsters of all kinds ones we've never seen before started to spawn a new one each day on day 96 i realized my powers were attracting the monsters i can't stay here anymore you're all in danger because of me i made the choice to leave and ended up giving little pup the title of alpha wolf i knew he was the most fearless to lead and i said my goodbyes day 97 i gave my powers up the moon took them away but i knew i was still cursed wild wolf came back and told me something huh i know that you you should just be a players minecraft dog what that's what i'm planning on doing no i've never met a nice minecraft player and i want to be alone a lone wolf you should swallow your pride you are a good wolf are you not huh i am not a good wolf and just like us there are good minecraft players and bad minecraft players you should allow yourself to be happy if you are going to be alone goodbye he was gone and now i was really alone [Music] day 98 i wandered around all by myself and to be honest i was very sad day 99 i haven't eaten since i was in game mode sad and i just fell and collapsed where i don't know day 100 i smelled a familiar scent it smelled like purple a pretty purple i opened up my eyes and saw the flowers the same ones from so long ago there was food and a water bowl too just like before then i looked up and saw that player i was scared so i growled but then the player took off their fur oh hey there i think i've seen you i always before so sad when i see you [Music] it seems like you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders well if you want to come with me come on i won't force you but i'd love a new dog partner by my side if you want to come home right oh awesome come on i gotta give you a name how about wolfie come on let's go i really like that name and i've been happy ever since you
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,671,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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