Amanda the Adventurer IN OUR HOUSE After Midnight (ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!) (FGTeeV Gameplay)

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hi friends I'm Amanda is it a dead body no I don't know if this is the kids game I'm out there somewhere yo what's up Fiji Seavers Sean's about to go to bed and I thought what better game to play before bedtime I'm into the adventurer it's so wholesome you'll have a good night's sleep probably dear Riley if you are reading this it means you won't see me again unless it's in the next life oh gosh this is sad I don't want to read this no it's from Aunt Kate here we go we're in the Attic okay yeah they're they're tape let's watch it oh wait is that plug what's up with that plug it's sparking this is gonna be fun this is gonna be it's a good bedtime story I'm Amanda hi Amanda I got a good idea let's mess around with her what's your favorite kind of pie what's my favorite pie do it do it that sounds delicious try a knife watch type S it's not an s dude it's spelling night good job no that is too short put that down I don't think we're supposed to do that by ourselves Wooly's good man to be brave when you're by yourself no oh gosh that doesn't seem safe well he's a little nervous Nelly bro they didn't cut it we have almost everything we need to make our pie okay we need some sugar okay is it in the pantry the refrigerator peer pressure why does she look like that so what where's the sugar you psycho she took away this sink where can you click now in the cabinet oh my gosh she forced us let's make a pie wow preheat the oven to 425. I don't think we should be using the oven by ourselves always ask a parent don't mess with the oven 40 minutes why does that like granny blueberry pie I got 45 minutes she only does 40 minutes we do 45 no don't drop dude wait why did you drop that wait wait wait wait wait what just happened wait we gotta find another tape wait wait wait what wait was that there no it wasn't we gotta make the pie wait we need a knife yeah do that do that do 325 no no don't listen to her she's a bully wow you're a rule follower no that's not an apple pie bro that ain't no pie dog what oh in your neighborhood we can't put anything else in there right like if we grab a banana and throw them we should have did it wrong I think I said oh my gosh is there a little horsey in there nay no horse oh I get it it was making a horse sound because we was horsing around is my favorite episode you're gonna like this one I'm Amanda what do you do you asked about your neighborhood is it a dead body I like that there are so many friends in my neighborhood well it looked like they all died I want to send something special to my friends which friends do you know where the store is that's Mr Rose let's mess around bro Bakery kind of in a hurry here oh oh she getting feisty okay fine we just go to the convenience thank you let's go man let's pick out a card why do shelves Wiggly I was sad what's a blabbit what kind of card should I send them oh this one definitely what do you say when someone helps you what do you say thank you I want to get my friend a special treat oh you get treats at the post office they got stamps I want to get my friend a special treat she just said that she likes envelopes your friends must love your treats from the post office she's so sarcastic I hope all the treats are still by the time we get there [Applause] why'd you do the right thing she got her mad everything smells so good okay oh gosh the cookies are right here I worry I don't think my friend will like that oh I clicked the cake I can't tell that to my friends yo wool he's terrified like why are you snapping like that [Music] she loves the cookies [Music] we need to mail it time to go to the Post Office let's do it let's send this package to my friend their name is what's her name okay it's okay we'll spell your name wrong Sean okay oh my package is here thank you Amanda but I got the package open it cookies okay no seriously type in the real name this time it's probably wait kale I like cake I'm pressing oh you watch this UK g g ugly wait l l u l cat okay why ugly okay oh heck no who's put stuff there while we watching TV we over here watching TV and it's somebody creeping behind us wait go back to the no way should we read it real quick I don't know click it okay it said damn you always I can't read that okay that's fine just go it's piano time you know what it's good because you tired right and you can't go to sleep without daddy playing piano for you look I got you ready oh it's working it's where he sleeps oh oh my gosh it's working wake up buddy sorry you gotta play the real piano This Time come on put out that jam I like pancakes pancakes waffles that's that new song right the pancake Waffle song no no do you know what we doing look for letters to press wait there's gotta be a clue around him no clue you smell that I get I know I know I just farted when I get confused I fart and I'm confused as for What notes we should play yo what's poppy doing here there's no like sheet music anywhere well let me try something I'll argue with that there you go I'm just gonna mess around just to go crazy try that oh CBF wait what is that I don't know oh no accidents this isn't good we're about to watch an episode and there's gonna be an accident and in the last two she was already getting kind of cranky crazy oh no it's you yeah what's up yo why is his name oh no Lily had an accident nah bro I just got the Goosebumps accident is when something bad happens but it's not anybody's fault Willie blinked twice if it was Amanda wait what if it takes off his head h-e-a-d I wanted his head to disappear who can help when you are hurting Jesus I don't think they can help please [Applause] [Music] Amanda this really hurts 22.50 which tool can we use to check woolley's injury heart Runner x-ray of the scale we can check the scale he don't need that he's going good too much radiation oh that's it oh thank God I didn't have to witness that I was about to give him some potassium let it stop it right there that was creepy right who do you think pushed Willie though probably never know Amanda nah she's too nice bro she'll never do that okay she's nice bro throw that down man never watch that again oh oh wait wait wait wait wait time I know I got the times but why is there a clock there and up there in the wall we have to do both and there and that one well what's this one gonna do okay how do we know that 345 620 and 10 50. it probably goes in order ready first clock we saw was 345 you probably go to the first one we got this all right tell me when we get to 345 okay Sean I don't know the little hand is the hour big hand is the minute I already knew that oh okay okay I was just trying to teach you so we're gonna do six six that's 620 right there this last one is gonna be 10.50 10 5 0. here we go we did it so that one's 10 50 maybe the other clocks are wrong maybe this is the 3 45 clock you did it okay that's it oh gosh this old beckness for sure no this one which one you have to remember you going the wrong way oh that's the right way are you getting oh okay you're getting warmer oh man you was getting hot oh wow so hot hot hot you're getting cold oh you're just getting warm are you getting so water hot we did it with that tape at what the yeah it got to be somewhere let me help you you think somebody somebody creepy just put it in the tape for her but put it here is that it no we already watched that oh no oh what's that oh catching up with Sam oh how you doing that was the key you watch somebody play this is this okay you double back really hard and you happen to knew that I went to the treasure chest hold on man I'm smelling fishy bro not me yeah definitely not oh boy smell like a deep sea Fisher of a man an hour wait what how do you know that I hear another how did you know baby um is it another time that we never know not that I knew her unless it's the time on that clock I just wondering how you got on that room I don't know I'm starting to think it's that 515 right there it's now 550. it's not yeah I wouldn't know because you know I never played they're gonna watch it it's not 5 15. oh no I'm gonna improve your room in the name of boom why does it say safe is 826 but we can't you gotta play again to get to the safe and everything rots this sounds gross well he's all fixed up looking like a little chubby soccer ball what's your favorite food to eat at a picnic a sandwich from Publix oh I don't like that at all what's that smell oh no let's see you think it's making that bad I think the cupcakes well no no no please don't no no no oh gosh are you doing this on purpose no no no he's not doing that it's making that thing what is that that is zesty bro what is this it's a magazine yeah oh I smell your breath do you know what the opposite of don't say don't say that word no Sean John you don't even know how to spell you're gonna put a U or something Yeah Boy forgot it was an A in the word oh Dad what you mean Dad is opposite of alive if you're not alive your dad I think we should be talking about this yeah we don't this is like creepy Amanda Yuko what is Yuko that's right the tree stump is dead oh dead is the opposite of alive so I press the space bar that is creepy oh gosh oh God I know what is that let's go back to our nice picnic I know this is so creepy she's like wolf can die in different ways it looks like Swiper no swiping they really got swiper why do you have a gun why is that no okay I don't care about the fox because he ate all my chickens what do you think killed him done the knife what or the poison is buried I pray that goddess of poisonous game I don't know if this is a kid's game you're the one that wanted to play this you did yo you died Mr she's talking to it that's so creepy don't talk to her let him rest in peace he don't want to listen to your voice don't touch the gun wash your hands oh my gosh this is gone too fast this has gone too far man is this it yeah I'm not feeling it who edited that out all right sometimes I feel myself I feel myself what Ronnie oh gosh Amanda take a shower girl sometimes when I write I take showers you use everything Rod yes oh gosh answer my question you don't have to answer that um no way everything is fine here see it's all fine why was there five letters but you said no does she want us to say yes sir what's happening wait do you have control I'm not moving oh gosh no no no no no no please why is it mommy lock legs is that the figure is that a skinwalker Mickey what the heck is wrong with you Sean can you what did you do Sean go to the say type in 826 and then let's leave this horrid game oh yeah we got it okay what is it okay what's in here what is the case File what's that little a little race in there pause button why why would you want to pause button I don't know where oh oh in the kitchen yeah yeah go back that was like wait is that like a pause menu red orange blue beige potato I like yellow let's see if that's something to do with the kitchen what's your favorite kind of pie my favorite pie is fly pie from granny yeah it was delicious oh what wait what did she ask good job pause and look it said pause and do the temperature I think we gotta pause it when it says pause [Music] temperature it's reset all right all right oh it wasn't like that before oh it's on sorry guys we actually made it on fire what oh ew meat pie 200 grams potato 200 grams mushroom 350 Grammy preheat the oven to 525 in a pie tin put meat potato and mushroom where does that stuff get well hold on let me try remember that mouse trap you put the cheese in it yeah [Music] it worked wait ew oh you caught a mouse that quick I picked it up is this the meat who has to eat this does it matter can we cook it yeah you know we put it in the pin oh wait wait wait wait it was nasty it's nasty how was you getting mushrooms and potatoes wait what is that what is that it looks like a female or male symbol what was that you want to put it on the water what's happening wait oh it's still growing wait can you put that one mushroom ew no dude we should not eat a mushroom that's been growing in the Attic do it all right throw the mushroom in a pot no and a rat hold on yeah yeah don't don't even pick it up yet we'll just leave it upside down now go get a potato does this grow a potato I don't know what that is let's try this one I'll try this it's like the same thing right that's not a potato Moon I would have think that the moon was a mushroom since mushrooms grow in the shade what the heck oh is that potato grab it but we got to get it out the pot you go here you go cook it and something gross gross go taste like clay and Chucky if that how did that work magic good thing we didn't have to eat that but should I do it yeah I guess what kind of card should I send them this one this one right I don't think we want this wait what I think Amanda is confused wait what Wooly's like trying to save the day here's the secret yeah what's the secret it's my birthday oh happy birthday wooly yeah okay sure that's right yeah that's right it looks like it it looks like it it's really going to love this guy oh my gosh why does she ship woolly I'm like this is creepy my friend is having a birthday yeah wooly just winked at us yes wait what why did you do that you turn them all butchers that means woolies are goner it was definitely that one no wait wait wait go there yeah so go here then crazy [Music] oh my God what is wrong with her this isn't the candy store oh my gosh no get out of here no that's the nice birthday card you want to give it to your friend now who should I send this to she was typing woolly oh woolly it's your birthday she's remembering the sicknesses is disintegrating oh my God no what does this mean we tried to where we tried to go to here and then we went to go candy but instead of brought us to The Butcher and then we went what does this mean it's getting harder to do this is me right yeah and then we had candy butcher got it what the that butcher we got it and then it guts what oh my gosh [Music] we have to cut the door that's why she's hiding maybe if you put let's look around first and then we can't find her that changed yeah that changes at 3 45 a.m you really gotta get to bed mommy's gonna kick me you got school tomorrow who cares yeah who cares she's not the boss of me let's put the tape in oh gosh are you sure and then whatever the doll's back well said what's up family all right bro how long has this been recorded 57 minutes an hour and 11. you know what time it is it's almost midnight bro well it's 12. bro you ain't gonna wake up tomorrow you're gonna have wait should you get to bed I feel like I'm being irresponsible dad bad day at school what did the school sees this no wonder why everyone hates School can you make a sound like a sheep oh that's great oh gosh oh wait wait wait wait a severe thunderstorm okay there are lots of animals yeah fun to spend time with animals yeah we got donkeys chicken goats oh God they don't talk like people oh my gosh this is offensive I'm an animal and I'm an animal dumb talk silly oh goodness she's not recognizing woolly as a talking animal let's make sounds like the animals on the signs yeah let's do it let's do it a goat says that was good a pig says I knew it freaking new one why is it not have a wolf what why do we only say woof why is a thunderstorm a wolf no dude if we get tornado we might get sucked up okay fine let's go see your animal family see the chicken the chicken's all right and you show me where the chickens are yeah right over yeah this way what a cute bag oh what why did Willie just make that sound do you know what the daddy is called a daddy chicken is called a rooster but let's just pretend that we say oh Wooster no that's not what they're called Tornado warning pause should I go try to get a tornado what okay that didn't work so let's just go okay again um rooster we don't want no troubles no one no trouble babies are chicks got it the mummies eat their babies no they don't no they don't that's not that that is yeah uh Spider I don't want to see those they're scary then why is it at your phone yeah why are they there snake snakes oh got flooding warning should I now turn back and you're flooding no what despite the spider webs on it but I let's do spider again I think it's a flooding spider oh see if we're waiting for us okay chill okay it's right here your sheep is right here we gotta tell him we gotta tell her we gotta tell her oh the Sheep are right where they belong I don't think there's nothing there nothing you don't know that I do I know everything What the hi little kid where is your family oh gosh the snakes ate it it looks like this kitten is all by herself how do you think she feels sweet she feels sadly you must be so scared Gary there's nobody to love her will you help the lonely kitten yeah of course of course I will no please help the lonely kittens nose won't you help them oh my kid what is that she actually is I saw Victor back there what what the heck was that wait no no no the doll wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why didn't we pause it we stressed her out bro no is that Amanda that's Amanda I bet we know this what we do guts we have to do all that again though unlock toolbox scissors oh my gosh she's out do it do it do a chopper Chopper oh my God her head is up put it back on nope well take the battery what's the batteries for put the batteries on the desk there's no one to help her will you help yes we will help what's happening stop up look at that thing back there it's not going crazy we said we would help we did everything we supposed to we said we would help what's happening oh it's up there get the batteries why because the batteries out there bro what why is the batteries not there then we gotta finish this tape in the kitchen next why would we do this again oh the doll is back the batteries are gone are they on the table they're on the table I told you I put them in the back yes okay oh I am blah blah wait did you hear me say something earlier says blab bot and this and it had a price try to make a piece make a peach pie for woolly my favorite nope yes yes this is never ending oh my gosh this is this is real light oh that's the doll well come on Lauren we have a special surprise for you oh my gosh this is so creepy they're playing it he's ready for ice cream and cake she's busy with her best friend is that showing 24 7. it's like she didn't even hear me welcome to social media twenty one seven come on baby we can watch Amanda another time oh heck no Lauren's gone no Amanda took the front door is open Lauren all right I love mint chocolate chip oh my gosh Amanda's outside what do you think you already saw something in the background yeah what if I just shank it I'll stop it didn't work we'll just do this the right way boom we'll get the tape okay thank you skip this is it now this is it 15 no three two five right I'm ready I said my condolences to Kate wait was Kate the mom of Lauren okay I don't want to play anymore right now oh no wait what she never said [Applause] [Music] so you want me to put this cake that looks like it's done already in the oven do we just close it and then yes there's two of them Amanda's only two years old oh wait wait wait let's see if I know math four four two one three zero trying to tell us that if there's two candles one candle equals two so two times four eight three five CCD wait oh that's it see you play it c c d c f e oh another candle okay wait wait what's happening no no no no no we're from the refrigerated special cake special cake thing birthday that was cream cream okay should I do this do it I don't even care what was this one about we don't have much time oh gosh do you trust me yeah is so confused we really have to help him what is wrong nothing's wrong he's good wooly it's broken oh no but get right up there on his head Lily's head is broken here Willie drink this don't do it I don't know Amanda ew it's milk it's probably isn't it Lily Amanda immediately on the patient's brain she's scrapped what tools should we use to fix Willy's head you're sick shot Hammer Hammer Hammer that might be helpful but what else could we use okay the forceps just do the forceps things could get really messy no so you're trying to tell me just dude that looks hard to use none three of them sure no no oh my God oh my God stop it why does it look like a gun saw who should we have which one okay help Willie helpfully you're not going to help me no you're psycho oh I kind of wanted to a little bit but Sean said no no no no no pause did I do that I didn't do that it's like Wizard of Oz but which of Zoe looking for people John's Candy Factory that like Willy Wonka no this is all of this is everything we did actually that was it what's the point of the skin do you think we needed to redo something better okay what did we just say his leg is bro Evan Willie acting strange yes what could be wrong and I okay fine you see here we gotta help Amanda help her help oh gosh we got a new question that didn't do nothing oh is this new one 1984. we've never seen this mushrooms how many chairs that's one right two how many mushrooms we'll say eight and then fruit is one two three four five six how many lights lights just one right oh two two eight six two please please please oh my gosh we're smart we're so good we're so smart all right home obvious wait 401 258. I know that's like wait 401 two five eight what is that for no go back well haven't we opened yet try the robot oh because this still has to open it it's what's on the inside but it's on the inside that was counts okay pops open do not get blabet wet the bucket we need to put water oh you know what the rip yeah and it'll probably open and then I bring this to blabbit yeah pop that booty oh oh sorry about that the treasure chest oh my gosh this Amanda game is mad long let's go best friend oh my gosh another take we can share what do we want to share woolly I'm officially the worst father for letting you go to bed this late underschool night I think this is the last of the thing of the game I hope it is because if not I'm gonna be like what [Music] he's gone hi I'm Amanda she's so annoying we know that you're trying to share all kinds of things with each other okay so we are friends tell us what happened share my crayons with you cool give me a crate I have fun coloring all right Billy Mr what the you so messed up I know I remember that man oh my gosh dude if she opens that up no no is that white and black no what is that friends can share other things too they can share secrets this don't sound good yes yeah I guess I guess this time we promise we won't call the police hello cops yeah listen to this listen to what she will tell you it's a big secret can you hear that loud and clear okay y'all are listening right because she's about to come out there yes she's out there was that somewhere no she is out there out there what is this why am I know I lost control I lost control I lost control I lost control why did I think I'm a prick oh the end we beat it one day was it like a cooler ending where we could like throw the brick at Amanda okay it's time to see all the endings what the yo look at that ending boy that's sick oh and then you're going to meet shop oh we got the true ending we did almost all the endings yeah except for the butcher that was our longest video we ever recorded but it's gonna be really short are you sure about that for us it was an hour 59 for you guys it's probably I'm gonna say 32 minutes 40 40. who was right mere Sean answer is really easy going to bed and look what we found on the stairs why we didn't get that butcher ending I took on your phone call okay come on come on come on I will help you come on come on oh come on go to sleep you gotta get to bed go brush your teeth good night I gotta try to make it I think Amanda's gonna get me we'll check you later peace out bully and then for two hours foreign
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 14,673,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, gameplay, fgteev skit, amanda the adventurer, amanda game, amanda adventure, amanda adventurer full game, fgteev amanda adventurer, fgteev amanda, Amanda the Adventurer in real life, amanda the adventurer irl, fgteev amanda irl, fgteev new amanda game, new amanda adventurer, amanda the adventurer all endings, fgteev amanda adventurer 2, amanda adventurer part 2
Id: mukGoZK7Eo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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