Playing Minecraft As The ULTIMA WEREWOLF!

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The dreams I want when I go to bed: Being an Ultima Werewolf

The dreams I actually get: Nightmares

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NinjasCamperYT 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
in the minecraft moon one werewolf reigns over them all this is the ultimate werewolf a werewolf so powerful in minecraft that even alpha wolves must obey her she can control wolves forces of nature and even turn normal players into werewolves just by looking at them plus she turns into a wolf girl trick other players when she needs to can human players fend off her pack of alphas or will everyone on the server become werewolves ah you know what it has been a great day look the sun's going down we've been in the mine getting diamonds something great i gotta say it's been really awesome but but but real talk aren't you upset that you didn't get like any of this gold here i mean none of it are you sure you don't want any no no no no no no no it's okay it's okay why would i want gold when i could have a power uh okay um that reminds me i got a surprise for you i got something to show you oh what is it what is it what is it huh look over there oh where oh my flowers oh my god no not the flowers at the moon look at the moon over there no it's beautiful but what about it check it out oh my god oh my god oh yes that's right that's right and i am the alpha werewolf of the server now you've been dethroned you're no longer the queen i'm the i mean i have control of all the wolves oh my god [Applause] uh what did you just do um um oh oh what's up bob delilah gary winston rachel y'all are y'all are great thanks for coming anyway uh scared you should be i have all the power now and there's nothing you can possibly do to stop it [Laughter] oh look she's so scared ian you are so cute yes be terrified at my wait cute mm-hmm adorable at that i'm i'm i'm a big mean wolf and i'm the alpha i have all the power here the sir and the all the power in the what you said um okay [Applause] hi bob hi rachel hi hi oh hi so good to see you guys again and uh you were staying in you're the ultimate werewolf [Music] anyway uh what i was saying before you you know that isn't true we could be friends look look i i actually did get gold in the mine you can you can have it if you want you know it's just it's unrefined but you know i'm working on it oh right you got you got a hmm some powers they're really really big they're nice get them boys go ahead wait no no no no you don't need to get me you're not gonna wait my queen i have something to tell you uh-huh yeah what do you wanna what do you wanna tell me huh and by the way is it an apology because you tried to bite my head off just now i mean maybe but also there's a reason i wanted to be alpha you know aside from meeting you of course yeah you want you want to tell me exactly why uh don't throw me in don't throw me in okay all right someone on the server stole the baby werewolves wait what i i know they've stolen them and and you love babies right hmm all right you know what you know what fine i'm listening you have five seconds to explain starting right now go for it here's the noria stolen werewolf puppies because they're mad we took all their diamonds last time because they're trying to hunt us down and now they want revenge are you sure are you sure i'm positive and if i'm wrong you can throw me in the lava just like that just just give me a moment and i will show you fine fine if i find you know what fine then how about this how about let's let's go ahead and show me show me and let's go guys do me the ultimate favor or leave a like and subscribe thanks see look they've got a hunting base they're all hunting base oh my god um wait a minute what does that say no werewolves dogs or werewolf dogs allowed oh my god i told you i told you honestly they're taking the puppies and they don't want us in okay you know what how do i know that you aren't lying to me i would be lying why would i lie look at the sign would i put something so shameful up i mean you know you do like gold and you know what how about this how about this you go inside and you check it out uh me mm-hmm yeah yeah you check it out you're checking all the way out here okay um sure let me just uh yes you see that see what opens up oh nice okay okay let me uh they have traps in there let me take a look hang on i gotta sneak in sneak in all right all right be careful um okay so uh they got a few booby traps no laughing matter listen i didn't see them in there it was just the booby traps okay fine fine fine here here just come on let's see if we can get a vantage point of them went off oh no no uh uh uh uh here let's see let's see let's see if i can take you to vantage point come on i got you don't worry about let's go you know it looks like the trap went off but there's no one here that's kind of weird uh i mean it hadn't been something with like a really tiny brain cause like the cereal trap was really obvious my my queen my ultima let me show you and that i can prove that they have the werewolf okay all right you know what fine go ahead and take everyone with you all right hey hey be discreet about this we don't want them to know that we're here okay goddammit discreet i am on it all right by the way before i forget uh how are our friends doing how have you checked on them lately [Music] i uh think they're probably doing okay probably happy you know just uh good enjoying this space if you know what i'm saying wink wink nudge nuts yeah of course you know they're they're luxury apartments that they that they're definitely hanging in right now and chilling guys oh we had a surprise attack going on yeah exploding this side of their base was sneaky yes exactly it was an element of surprise so by being not sneaky i was super sneaky oh sadly i see your logic in that but that is not a good strategy all right now they know that werewolves are looking for them okay and we need to get inside to see where they are hiding those little werewolf pups oh you're right all right i'm on it i'm gonna find out no no no no no no sir okay look look you already had your chance all right and as the ultima i've got this i've got this all right just watch and look watch watch me watch me there we go normal touch yeah yeah i can pop my ears normal human i know with very pretty eyes and very sharp teeth and they won't realize a thing when i go over there so they just can't look into my eyes and that's pretty much it wait they they can't why no reason no reason no reason is now i'm gonna go see what i can find all right you you stay here all right you stay here with the pack you take care of me you're the alpha you're in charge right now okay i got this i got this swimming swimming hey pierce noise there's a lot going on yeah oh don't worry at all it's okay it's okay it's okay i see there's not this club here you know what uh uh can i come in can i come and check it out yeah sure absolutely not what yeah oh that's a shame because you know what stop throwing your arrows at me just take them back look i have curies yes yes yes but but but i also have cake what do you guys think i have an infinite cake that's a lot of cake infinite cake cake and cooties i know we said we didn't want anybody but like i screw it i mean i i'm i've really risked it for the for the biscuit let's do it get perfect perfect come on in awesome yeah come on in take cake okay you guys can have the cake you guys can have the cake um okay okay so so uh so so what show me this place what is this oh this is so nice look at this door you know a little ranch on the side you know it's just a nice little place that i know i like to and i like to hang out on the weekends you know yeah come out here sing songs make some mutton and uh you know defend the countryside from all the things you know just you know maybe take some puppies or something like that nothing uh what what what what's down here uh yeah that's uh that's our basement you know just a nice little underground space uh yeah what's up what's all over here it's muffins no no no no no no no you don't need to go that way there's nothing over there why not it's just storage of like slime and stuff it's real gross you know you wouldn't want to see it okay oh that one's over here then oh is this a cell what's inside can you show me inside kale cell just in case we find you know some never do wells around the server we're figuring we have some place to put them can you guys show me how it works i've never seen one of these before uh yeah sure just yes we could observe as you hit the button to open the door and then the door is open and then you go inside and then you're inside that's nice you guys put a button on that side no that kind of defeat the purpose of a jail cell come on duh okay okay um any chance you could press that button to help us get out you just have to hit the button okay all right hit the button uh guys the button broke too hard i'm sorry i don't have my own strength every now and then i guess uh what you know what the the keys are are right there okay the their keys to the door is just right over there right over there all right over here don't worry wait no no no no no no no not over there oh there's another oh my god you guys are here don't worry guys i'll be back all right okay let's do it do it gotta get out of here uh for the new ultimate i mean hey what's up what's up uh-huh what were you talking about nothing yeah exactly exactly okay all right so so so guys you would tell me you would tell me anything right of course you would all right all right so so we need to get in there because i saw where they're keeping the puppies at all right the werewolf pups they're in there i know i knew it i told you i know wait did you leave them in there why didn't you save them when you were in there because i'm not at my full strength all right i use it to break certain things and also use it to save you so now that the moon is at its actual full position as you can see now all i have to do is just how and watch this watch this all right keep an eye on the wolves keeping on the wolves see that whoa uh-huh you see that look at them i know isn't that crazy all right so so so we're gonna go in we're gonna attack them all right while they're distracting while they're distracting everyone we have to get in there okay all right uh-huh watch them they have good power so here we go we're gonna go we're gonna go over all right we got we got this we got this let's go let's go yes i'm in i want to do this all right so there they go they're gonna attack all right let's go let's let them go in first i'm gonna open the gate i'm going to open the gate there they go all right go guys go go go go go go go go go go the gates the gate oh no no no no big puppy let's let's not fight all right all right fine fine i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry don't be sorry they want to hurt you all right yeah in come on this way this way this way down here down here down here down here i got one let's go let's go come on come on they're so tough i can't get rid of them down here come on come on grab grab i'm not doing great okay we got him we got him here we saved the walls we did we did we did all right okay uh did you happen to see any treasure the only treasure that we need are the pups here oh okay okay i guess you know wait wait what are they doing over there what are they doing keep dancing keep keeping keep moving all right werewolves we aren't scared of you still here we're not gonna give up that easily wow you know they're being really persistent this time multiplayer look at you you got in the way in the fight yeah you know between the fire and the ice you wanna you wanna let me let me see if i can uh uh uh warm up a little bit see if i can melt this off okay okay okay all right so that's that's better um hmm you know what you're right they are very precise sorry i keep getting the ice what books up for you okay look they are very sweet okay all right so they are very persistent and you know what they would make really good werewolves wouldn't they don't just trust me follow me come on we're gonna go save those wolves trust me here we go ready ready we're all gonna attack here we go three two one go we have to destroy their basements guess who's back i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming okay i'm coming i'm coming i've got to get him down there's a lot of fire no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on let's go save the puppies all right let's go [Music] trust me you'll see i'm coming pierce uh come on stay still huh uh okay i can barely move wait what's going on huh what's happening uh you're a size oh those why are you so tall the sun ah wait you turned into a wolf here we go turned into a wolf what's happening this is awesome now they're honored i remember it's so fluffy and actually you know i'm kind of okay with this see when the ultimate people in the eye they turn into blue uh and now we've got two new walls for our pack i know what do you think they're gonna do their first thing imagine all the things we can do as werewolves no i have the sudden urge to go poof on ian's deck what i look how graceful they are thick
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 12,822,393
Rating: 4.8929825 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft ultima werewolf pranks, pranking my friends as an ultima werewolf in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became an ultima werewolf in minecraft, pranking my friends as ultima werewolf, pranking my friends as ultima werewolf aphmau, ultima werewolf minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft
Id: hCnABZ_4i78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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