My Thoughts on Bluey

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This made me realize the symbolism of Bandit and Chilli giving the kids their โ€œlandโ€ in Flat Pack. A great deep dive overall.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AnythingAlfred613 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My 16 year old sent this to me. His 3 year old sister (and his mom) love Bluey

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Fluffychoo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He really loves Bluey โ˜บ๏ธ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Gandelin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i'm was really surprised that one of my favorite animation channel actually makes a bluey opinion video... and i dont now why this post dont get a really much upvotes

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Limp-Complaint8243 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I've had a feeling he would make this video for a while. When it got posted I actually yelled "I knew it!"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hansen_org ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 11 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Uncle James can can we play Space Explorer shut up for a second I'm watching this a naturally Charming preschool show why are you watching a show for babies okay kid this show is extremely sophisticated and can be enjoyed by both children and adults so why don't you shut your ignorant mouth and find someone who actually loves you to play your silly little space game you have to say nice things treat others how you want to be treated mate oh oh I really needed to hear that today this episode of the odd ones out is called uh uh are you familiar with the Australian animated preschool show Bluey if your Tick Tock algorithm is anything like mine you'll have seen a bunch of clips of this blue cartoon dog all over your for you page paired with Subway Surfer highlights wow Tick Tock clips of a foreign preschool show I thought you were supposed to cater to my interests let's read some of the comments on these Bluey Tick Tock shall we no shame I'm a senior in high school but I watch blue religiously and this episode made had me all in my feelings I'd say out of good childhood but I binge Bluey because adult life is so stressful and I'm sad and it reminds me of a simpler time is for everyone I'm literally 27 and it's such a comfort show Louie is absolutely destroying me as a teenager who wishes he had this child in my teen years and watching full episodes of blue watching Bluey high is such a fun time dude huh you know to me I'm just thinking out loud here it seems like a lot of these comments weren't made by preschoolers what's going on here now if your brain is anything like mine you'll be thinking why is this show about Australian dogs so popular with adults who don't even have children in fact why does Bluey have over 5 billion views on Tick Tock is searched more than Paw Patrol Peppa Pig and Coco melon and why is this episode number eight in IMDB's highest rated episodes of all time this phenomenon intrigued me and I was also bullied by a large number of people on my own team to watch the show so one day I sat down put on the first episode and I watched all 141 episodes hey hang on James 141 but there's only 129 on Disney plus don't worry my fellow obsessive Bluey fan we're going to talk about that later I work in cartoons and I've been to furry conventions so Bluey has always been on my radar of shows I'm aware of and just from the clips that I saw I adored the art style especially the backgrounds so much so that my very own background team has studied and taken inspiration from bluey's backgrounds here you can see my backgrounds taking on a more Bluey aesthetic I mean just look at the colors especially their greens oh my God doesn't just looking at these backgrounds bring a smile to your face while I was watching the first season I realized oh okay I see why this show is so popular because it's genuinely a good show we've already established that the show is great to look at but the voice acting the sound design and the music are equally as amazing so it's also great to listen to while most if not all other preschool shows will hire adults who can sound like toddlers Bluey gets actual children to voice the actual child characters somehow every Australian toddler and Bluey can be so expressive and emotional it's impressive that the show got such a talented cast of child actors who don't sound annoying to listen to or maybe it's just their Aussie accents that I like I don't know the characters have so much personality and the comedic timing is something I've never seen before in a preschool show I can't think of a single time Coco melon has made me laugh this much or even smile the four main characters are Chilean Bandit the parents and Bluey and bingo the six and four-year-old daughters yes Bluey is a girl you gotta catch up dude come on it's 20 23. the show also does not hide the fact that it's Australian it references multiple Australian locations and animals they call flip-flops thongs and they say things like oh nor while some preschool shows focus on teaching kids numbers and letters Bluey focuses on the relationship of the family and teaches its lessons through the make pretend games that the family plays and I want to emphasize how perfect these two parents are these two two are the most patient and emotionally aware parents I've seen ever there are multiple times where the parents apologize to their kids for frankly not even doing anything wrong the dad is like the most perfect dad role model okay check this out Bingo was sad that Dad didn't get to see the leaf bug outside she was like quickly but he was too busy playing with Bluey you know being a present Father Figure in her life and at night she's all boohoo about it and he kneels down gets to her level and apologizes explaining that he didn't hear her now I don't have any kids but if I spent my weekend running around with toddlers and then right before bed one of them said you didn't get to see the ladybug I would say that's okay I've already seen a ladybug good night in one episode chicken rat Bingo lost her favorite toy and Mom asks well where was the last place you had it the two retrace bingos steps and through flashbacks we see this bizarre day that Bluey and bingo had the very first flashback we see Bluey and bingo are cooking a chicken rat egg while wearing weird costumes and through this creative backwards storytelling we pieced together what a chicken rat is and how the kids ended up in this situation it's episodes like that which really make me appreciate the care that went into the show and really sets Bluey apart from every other preschool show most preschool shows stick to a formula and talk down to the viewer because typically their viewers are short as a childless adult I don't want to say this show teaches you how to be a good parent because I don't know how to be a good parent but on paper there are lessons in this show that are just as important for the parents to learn so while watching season one I got a feel for the world and characters I started to piece together okay this show is depicting perfect parents it's well written and wholesome anyone regardless of having kids can enjoy the show let's watch the rest shall we season two and season three is when things go from a hundred to a thousand this is when episodes cover deep and emotional topics that I think toddlers are too baby to understand let's see there's the struggles of keeping romance in your relationship alive when you have two toddlers to look after why taking time to play with your kids can have a ripple effect that lasts into adulthood feeling inadequate as a mom what it's like having a dad in the Army parents disagreeing on different parenting Styles mom's getting tipsy implied dealing with infertility abandonment potentially a miscarriage that one's still up in the air and death actually that one was in season one you can't even compare Bluey to other preschool shows like what the was Dora the Explorer even doing what even trying to entertain the adults who are also going to be watching her show Dora had the same formula every episode and there was a map who sang a song that was just repeating the same three words 14 times season two there's an episode where Chile is telling Bluey about how when she was a baby she wasn't crawling or rolling over as fast as the other babies in her mom group and she compared bluey's developmental delay to the other babies and felt inadequate as a mother and then this pink poodle comes to console her looks directly into the camera and says you're doing great I'm a he him male with no kids and I still get teary-eyed just thinking about that episode people will tell you that Bluey is a kids show that adults can enjoy too no that episode wasn't for the kids it was directed at all the moms watching who were doubting their motherhood when has Coco melon ever done something like this all the babies stopped singing mid nursery rhyme looked directly into the camera and say hey Mom just wanted to say you're doing a great job raising me keep up the good work like no that'll never happen I'm still not done talking about how impressive the writing and Bluey is okay so please indulge me for a bit I'm switching into video essay mode as we do a deep dive into the themes and symbolisms of one of my favorite Bluey episodes flat pack [Music] the entire episode is an allegory of human history told from a religious and scientific perspective respectively and it touches on the ever-growing relationships between a mother and child all within seven minutes no I'm not reading too deep into this let's begin beta and Chile set out to build a new swing for their porch and we get this great meta self-aware joke from Bandit when he complains about the instructions saying I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog meanwhile the girls play games with the leftover packing materials that are thrown into the yard by their parents Bluey and bingo are given bubble wrap which they pretend is water so they pretend they're fish then they're given cardboard which they pretend is land so they pretend they're frogs then they're given tails and become lizards then T-Rexes then Birds then furry little animals is this chart starting to look familiar then they're monkeys and then bipedal cave dogs what is that you Mr Darwin were these girls playing out the evolution of man through a silly game now if you didn't like the evolution symbolism I know you're going to love the parents being an allegory for the creators you know the the big guy upstairs the the whatever you believe is going on the parents Supply the girls with their entire world they give the girls the sea the land the volcanoes and the trees in these cave paintings the girls make that tell their history they depict the parents as Gods higher up and in the clouds they do look a little angry perhaps they're still in the Old Testament the parents being the creators is hinted at Again by chili when she looks at the girls lovingly saying ah we made them the parents give the girls an allen wrench AKA tools and one Industrial Revolution later the girls evolve from cave dogs to Modern dogs building futuristic towns and spaceships throughout the episode as the girls go through different stages of evolution they also go through different stages of their lives as a mother and child as fish Bluey says that she's the mommy fish and bingo is the baby then as frogs Bingo pretends to be a toddler and Bluey teaches her how to catch flies then as T-Rex's Bingo becomes a big girl then as cave dogs she's a teenager and finally in the last stage she's all grown up ready to Traverse the Universe on her own she thanks Bluey for looking after her and leaves on our spaceship Bluey now much older as shown by her having to use a cane crosses the styrofoam threshold which represents her death and she gets to live with her creators all while this orchestral Masterpiece is playing and suddenly you realize you're crying when did that start and then Bandit ties the allegory altogether at the very end saying ah this is heaven are you joshing me right now this preschool show was able to tell a clever allegorical story with tasteful religious undertones in how many minutes did you just make me feel emotions over a cartoon dog this isn't the only episode you can make an in-depth video essay on there are plenty of other episodes that hit just as hard as this one while I was doing research for this video it got me thinking about another foreign animated kid show with eight minute long episodes that focus on a family of two toddlers except unlike Bluey this show is universally hated Caillou it's Caillou I had this idea in my head that people only hated Caillou because he was a more accurate portrayal of a toddler but in the handful of Caillou episodes I watched I was reminded oh no that's why people hate Caillou because he sucks his brattiness isn't even important to the plot it comes out of nowhere Caillou will be getting ready in the morning he spills cat food and says Gilbert look what you did he's at the beach and this bird who's done nothing wrong gets told to no and there's a bunch more examples of Caillou being a whiny piece of and I can't help but think that Caillou's screeching piercing whiny voice does not help him be a likable character I bet real toddlers can be little punk sometimes but why would you show that in your cartoon and not have him learn any lesson there's never a lesson learned in Caillou since Caillou was a brat all the time a lot of people myself included wondered why Caillou's parents never disciplined or even tried to change his bratty Behavior but after I thought about it I realized it would be a very weird episode of Caillou if one day Caillou's mom was like Caillou what did you do to your sister I made her look pretty mommy Caillou that was mommy's expensive makeup how many times do I have to tell you not to touch mommy's things come here you little twit I hate you that kid got what was coming to him I don't know maybe that episode would be cathartic to some parents anyways getting back to the actual best children's show ever even though Bluey is literally the most mentally intelligent and educational show for the minds of children teens adults and parents um unnamed Mouse company decided to censor some of the episodes on their platform it's the strangest things that got censored too this horse pooping Bandit getting hit in the groin Bandit saying the word groin this hitchhiker is no longer from Argentina that one's kind of weird this pretend cat saying it will pretend pee on the curtains Bandit hinting at wanting to get snip snip down there adults you know what I'm talking about and the last 10 episodes of season 3 which are some of the deepest episodes in the series aren't even on Disney plus but that could just be a licensing thing I don't know I kept waiting for the infertility episode I heard so much about it I finally got to the last episode on Disney plus and thought Oh okay they're saving the deepest one for last all right let's do this and the episode was about the family playing courtroom to determine if Bandit farted I hope this video convinced you to give Bluey a chance I mean you're still here listening to a grown man talk about it so you got to be at least a little interested in it through its relatable and realistic portrayal of family life the show has not only entertained but also taught valuable life lessons to its viewers the show's emphasis on play and family bonding is so refreshing to see compared to the usual fast-paced mind-numbing shows aimed at kids Bluey reminds us all the importance of spending time with loved ones and finding joy in the everyday and if you still don't want to watch Bluey have you thought about getting high in watching it thank you all so much for watching this episode of James getting obsessed over something he probably shouldn't be did you have a favorite part about this episode yeah that was my favorite part too just one quick announcement my newest oddballs book is available on my website right now so if you enjoyed the show be sure to head over and reserve your copy today it'll be full of news stories and illustrations and will be released on September 6th and I'm super excited to hear what you all think of it anyway thanks again for watching Big shout out to my amazing team they really crushed at this video and you better be wearing your seatbelts
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 6,723,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Cartoon, Animation, TikTok, Australia, Bandit, Chili, Bingo, Cilliou, Furby, Dog, Blueysona, Chicken Rat, Flatpack, Animated show, preschool show, review, Heeler, Family, Peppa Pig, Cocomellon, Funny, lol, theodd1sout, theoddisout, theoddonesout, James, James Rallison
Id: nEQHiJVH79o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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