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go do things other than Netflix sing and chilling and him trying to make you meals like stop like honestly you can t cook that good anyway I don't want it I want to taste it order in order in he's not even trying to order you food he was hoping that you would come there on a full stomach ready to watch movies I'm ready to get it on and poppin yeah we're on to you okay game over well hello there hi how are you my name is Asia very nice to meet you um Wow I just I'm in such a good mood today I love what I feel like when I feel like this I feel like honestly myself like I'm just saying hmm I know you guys are super excited for me to talk about this video how determine if a man wants a relationship with you are you being played with or planned with Neill but before we jump into the video I want you guys to follow me on Instagram which should be right here okay follow me follow me follow me follow me I've been super active on the gram lately I'm just saying I just had a photo shoot so I'm really excited for you guys to see the photos it's gonna be crazy why do I always have to have like a weird accent okay also do not forget to subscribe to this channel if you have not already turn on your pro specifications so you guys notified every single time that I post all the information for everything that I'm currently wearing in every video is always in the description box below so make sure that you guys always check that out before you guys ask me what it is that I'm wearing because more than likely it's already there let's jump right on into this video okay in all seriousness if we know that a man is supposed to do three P's protect profess and provide you should understand that when a man really wants you and he's attracted to you a men's pursuit and seeing you and wanting to have sex with you means nothing without commitment which means that the willingness to commits and invest will determine your position in their life men value sex woman value commitment rule of thumb don't at me this is very true I was even on Instagram today and I personally loved Steve Harvey so um yeah whoever else anything to say don't care oh well but I really do love Steve Harvey and I think that he has a lot of valid points of course in any person including myself you take what you want or what you can and you apply it to your life as you see fit always weigh in what anyone is saying in any given circumstance I want you guys to know that as a rule of thumb but at the end of the day I think we can all unanimously agree that when a woman is involved in a relationship with a man or she's striving to be in a relationship with a man there's a reason why in some cases depending on where that man is in his life mentally there's a reason why it freezes when when something premature is done sometimes you will encounter people that things can go and this is for a lot of men things can go whichever way which means if you're going to show that you are someone that's worthy of being you know courted and dated and all of these things he's gonna fall in line with those things because you already put out that standard if you are someone that ever you know you're an easy time where the first time you guys meet hey he took you to Applebee's that's fine with you Red Lobster that's great on you then you guys go back to his place the connection was so strong you just you guys slept together because you did like him and the next thing you know you're thinking you're gonna assume on your end Oh like we have such a good time like he's totally going to be mine all this stuff and then and you realize it's been three months now and he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet what's going on during this time he has progressively put in less and less effort in not only speaking with you but also even in seeing you it sort of becomes some sort of late-night rendezvous instead of someone that actually wants to see you in the daylight and actually do things with you outside of just dinner and meat and movies or a dinner and the Netflix sing at his house whatever he says I don't want to hang out with somebody that every five seconds all we're doing is eating alright like I don't want to just eat my feelings to death I want to have experiences I want to live life okay I want to live like making me lose my temper for me it gets very boring and it's a little redundant yes it's nice to go out to eat all these things but I'm an adventurous person so I want to yeah I mean honestly I'm really girly or whatever but I do like to stay active I like to work out can we run together I'll even go hiking maybe if I just laced myself in citronella so that no mosquitoes come and you know bite me or like I get any ticks or whatever I've a special wig for that you know because I'm not gonna wear this thing mm-hmm on that hike honey I can tell you that but I so look cute did it come on like can you relate pause the video let me know if you're late I digress a lot of the times we find ourselves in situations where we thought things were going so well and we weren't bringing up the conversation at all and sometimes guys don't realize it but we kind of want to just say how we feel as we feel it and to them it's like calm down relax like just go with the flow and it's like I've been going with the flow I'm not talking about like a month knowing someone I'm talking about these are this four people in this specific instance that you've been seeing someone for three months and and longer and you're wondering why it has not progressed at all that's what relationships do they progress to the next level and that's how you can gauge the seriousness of whether or not someone want to be with you and that's one of the ways I should say so if there's absolutely no progression there's no dates all you guys do is you go over his house you may go to dinner here and there it's not even that nice of a place either and then you guys just like you may sleep over watch Netflix that's really it and then you get upset because to you it's like oh at least we're spending time together but you're not you're spending time with him maybe once or twice a week at you know 10:00 p.m. and later and it's not like you guys are hanging out going for a walk at 10 p.m. and talking and having fun it's just you driving over to his place or maybe he's driving over to your place and you guys just watching movies and we all know where that's gonna lead it's 2019 baby you know what it is you don't want to fall into that trap and that's why a lot of the times when you bring it up and if some guys like trying to dodge the conversation cuz cuz the girl they always will where you're just like Chris is going and for me normally I don't even feel the need to bring up where anything's going as long as it's not getting hot and heavy as long as as long as it's you know on an even playing fields where it doesn't really feel like anything's getting too hot I don't really feel they need to bring up anything because I just feel like like I'm fine going with the flow whatever it is I'm fine with that but once I feel like that sort of thing is being pushed you know and not even in a way where it's like weird uncomfortable but you know just naturally like you have an attractive someone and like guys always want to like you know get the ball rolling fear the better on their end so that's what I find that my brain starts to like start thinking like okay slow cuz you want you want to start this over here and I don't know what's going on over there I don't know what's going on with you so we need to have that discussion how about it so if they want to be comfortable enough to push for that well then you can bring up I'm not doing anything outside of a commitment and does it happen yes it does you know I think and again this all depends on the guy too I mean some guys I don't I haven't heard of instances like that where someone will just be with you like one time and literally never speak to you again I think it has to be done like has to be quite a bitch'll you know thing where he's putting in it you know he falls into the trap of putting in zero effort let's say you made that mistake and you're like ding it like kind of move prematurely I want to reel it back in and this only happened one time okay like legitimately don't matter yourself it happened one time you can have that conversation and say listen I do like you I do care about you but I really just want to make sure that we're not moving too fast in terms of that I've been I understand that things already went that direction but that's not all that I'm you know in for this you know for and hopefully a decent amount of time has elapsed why you're able to bring up this conversation like like at least not a day right like you know like cause on the first day it's like it is kind of weird to bring up but you fight you'll find yourself into a situation where you feel like I don't even really like know this person and like I feel like they just like seen everything and I don't even really know them like you don't want to be in that sort of position I hope I'm making sense to some of you hopefully all of you you don't want to be in that position that's why women value commitment men do value sex if a man is consistently pursuing you and showing genuine interest and everything doesn't feel overly sexualized okay it's always gonna feel some degree little sexual come on don't my lady it is um that's something I find that the younger that I was to I would like avoid and I was like I guess coming off like super prude cuz I'm like why are you bringing this up timeout I'm not like that scale it back cut it out and then I realized that sell down the Anisha link it's okay if you like croc jokes about it like be a little bit more you know loosen up a little bit your little site then like it doesn't mean that something's going to happen you understand what I'm saying like you can embrace what it is that they have to say without you know being like God like you know just like chopping them up like karate chopping them up immediately but you know the difference that's up for you to determine and for you to discern if somebody is constantly every little thing is like literally a joke to the point where you are starting to feel like a walking joke talking to this person then you kind of know you kind of know what it is you know what I mean but don't necessarily be offended by someone being you know kind of sexual with you because obviously when there's a mutual attraction with you know two individuals something like that's going to you know happen or be brought up but I say all that to say this it's very obvious when someone is overly sexualizing everything and to the point where there's no substance to this individual other than like a sex joke you know like hey I was going running earlier and obviously this is this example is you know extreme I'm just literally making this up this doesn't actually really apply but let's say you were like hey I was going running what time did you say that you wanted to meet oh you're going running yeah so what were you wearing it are you wearing those um booty shorts again I love it when you wear that but you know what actually I know we planned to meet but I something came up with work it's taking a lot longer than I thought it was and it looks like I'm not gonna be able to you know take you out to dinner tonight like I really wanted to I was really looking forward to it but I still want to see you I still want to see you and but I don't know it looks like I won't be getting out til I feel so bad this is crazy late like 9:45 tennis I'm so upset I really do want to see you though is that is that cool with you oh um yeah sure I'll I'll be there just some send me your address boom that's how they got you okay he all of a sudden okay not busy now that's not to say that sometimes guys really aren't busy like you know sentencing but there are certain instances and I'm talking about the guys that are players okay where they literally will have an excuse to not take you out when you know like your gut is telling you your intuition not you just like oh reanalyzing like on your own I'm talking about your gut feeling your intuition is literally telling you that this person is literally lying you guys have been planning to do this the entire week and magically he got busy with work you own your own business like IQ denotes he'll the day of that all of a sudden you are not gonna be available till 10:00 p.m. but you really want to see me that bad so I'm just going to go over to your place so Oh dinners cancelled taking me out it's canceled all the effort part is canceled but I'll just like be at your place anyway skirt what Bop no I don't think so like watch out for things like that ladies you know I've seen so many different instances with people where a guy will always avoid trying to take you out somewhere like you want to do other things other than be locked up in his house like some sort of barefoot and pregnant person like - the pregnancy and actually experience things be seen in the daylight together go do things other than Netflix thing and chilling and him trying to make you meals like stop like honestly you can t cook that good anyway I don't want it I want to taste it order in order in he's not even try to order you food he was hoping that you would come there on a full stomach ready to watch movies I'm ready to get it on and poppin yeah we're on to you okay game over this might sound crazy but actually someone that's mature will tell you that he actually is looking for something serious or something that's more serious it's not uh well let's just see where it goes like go with the flow you guys know how I feel about when people tell me let's just go with the flow go with the flow of what because if we're gonna go with the flow and freefall our way with no plan whatsoever miss me with that you make plans to go to dinner with your colleagues you make plans to do whatever it is that you want eat healthy you have to have a plan goals you have to have a plan how you want your business to do at the end of the month you have a plan so why is it that when it comes to relationships you want to just go with the flow you don't want to have some sort of planning your head why is it that you're so fearful of of having that in general is it because you genuinely are fearful you don't want to have expectations because something in your past or is it because you don't actually want that at all you just want what you could get and see if he'll I'll decide if I want it or not when I'm done uh skirt no Bob I don't think so sorry about it I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that anyways guys will tell you if they're very serious that they are interested in something more how do I know because it's happened to me before of course there have been people that I have been interested in people that I have not been interested in that have expressed to me you know I am looking for something that is more serious and and I have not always felt the same and I did Express that to them that the feeling was not mutual but I wasn't a jerk about it you know guys normally are not that fearful of expressing that because a lot of the times stereotypically bear with me women are not usually as afraid of commitment as men are so sometimes a lot of the times with a guy like they get like really scared of feeling like trapped and committed like whoa whoa slow down slow down what do you like what do you what do you mean just because we've been banging for six months that were boyfriend and girlfriend no we're not no we're not but I was kind of wondering are you free tonight because you know I I could use a massage oh oh oh really well you're on your own tonight Tony because I am done with you you guys understand what it isn't I'm saying of course people can say whatever it is that they want and why because people do lie but normally with something like this guys don't normally just say that for no reason unless if they're really just young and really immature but normally like someone that's older and more mature wouldn't normally joke around about something like that they would let you know immediately because they want to weed out you know the party girls and the ones I want to go out every weekend and get like hammered and not remember what they did the previous night they want to weed out those types of you know women that are afraid of commitment or not serious and not for what it is that they're looking for now when it comes to someone expressing to you that let's say he is interested in something more and seeing where that could potentially go it is up to you to determine and discern his actions and whether or not you feel intuitively that this is this person is telling the truth and this is something that I can see myself progressing in so you know good and well if you plan a date with with a guy or he blends date with you and he never follows up with you in regards to those plans well I'm sorry he's not thinking about you how do you know guys think not you he's gonna hit you up I mean there's no science to it it's just like and honestly it goes for anybody like normally in any situation if a guy is thinking about you if a girl is thinking about you half the time they're gonna text you but as we know men are hunters they like a little chase chase chase chase chase if you just like showing a little flirty interest you know um if you are actually interested you know you don't just like give it all you know emotionally physically everything like all at once you don't just drop that thing right on I'm like no you don't you don't do that but at the end of the day rule of thumb is if a man plans something with you and never follows through with any of the plans he's not thinking about you he's thinking about someone else he's playing games he's distracted he's doing something else you know if he's always wanting to go for drinks trying to get you drunk in hopes that you're gonna go home and sleep with him why is that always what you're trying to do like go for drinks go for drinks go for drinks how about we go for dinner any we can order drinks - Wow who would have thunk like who would have thought or he simply just doesn't want to take you out he just doesn't want to take you out for whatever reason he doesn't want to take you out there are many types of different people in this planet people are weird uh people get weird and they're and how they choose today where they choose to take you how many times they think that they should be taking you out I don't know what it is why guys don't think that they're supposed to be taking women out on dates I don't know who raised you I don't know what you're used to I don't know where that comes from um but let me help you you're always supposed to be doing that because it shows consistent effort it's a gentleman thing to do yeah you don't and I see dates I didn't say dinner I didn't say every five seconds worth sitting down at mr. Chow's that's not what I said planning dates that shows effort but shows you're actually interested in getting to know someone and it's just you know the right thing to do you guys know this don't play with me if he's always trying to Netflix and chill with you or yes like I said to you guys before this new trick they try to pull cooking for you and here you go oh my god he is like so nice like he's honestly trying to cook for me like no one has ever cooked for me before I honestly feel like you really really likes me or he's trying to cook for you because one that's cheaper for him everyone knows cooking for yourself is cheaper than going out to eat uh-uh and then he already gets you to go to his house to his place on his turf and then of course naturally when you read someone you're not gonna want to leave them immediately after like up wipes turn off the napkin oh well gee thanks thanks for dinner um well I'm gonna go home now no okay you're gonna be like like I don't want to leave I don't wanna spend time with you and then using like so you don't have to leave now and then you're like okay do you have any like movies to watch and then he's gonna be like yeah there's this one and we all know where the story's gonna end okay so that's why especially like especially on a first date girl what cooking for you on the first date like nothing about that is romantic at all to me how is it romantic when I don't even I don't know if I like you yet it's like what is happening here like another way to know if a guy is interested in something you know more with you a relationship is listen to how he speaks listen to what he talks about and pay attention to the willingness to talk about relationships or a relationship in general because like I said in the beginning this video a lot of guys will dodge the conversation completely and never address it and once you recognize that and you start to feel the uncomfortability of that of you trying to talk about something and then that individual just like dodges the conversation don't talk to him again don't talk to him again because that's hope that's my rule of thumb I gave you one chance because by time I'm bringing that up it's for a reason I'm not sitting here asking someone to literally tell me what's going on this the second I just meet them depending on how things are going with me in that individual I see fit when it's the right time to bring something up and I'm never wrong about it I don't know everything but I know some things okay just saying so that's up for you to determine in your in your dynamic in your situation where things are going and if the individual is very very pushy towards you know getting intimate extremely you know prematurely like you just met him like a day ago or last week or something like that it's like all right if they're gonna keep pushing for that then you are entitled to bring up how that you don't want to do anything outside of you know commitment because you don't want to focus so much solely on the sexual aspect of it because a lot of the times it's very easy for sex to become a distraction in the process of trying to get to know someone why do you think there are so many instances where women have done that because they wanted to and they were attracted to that individual and it went nowhere more times than none and guys can use the argument of well that is how I'm getting to know you no it's not because having sex with someone doesn't mean you know them right or wrong Oh AIDS case in point so you always want to make sure that someone's getting to really know you it's a very awkward feeling when it feels like someone has seen all of you but you don't know this individual still they don't know you emotionally or on a mental level or anything of that nature they just know you naked and sexually and that's not all you are you are not walking sex am i clear here all right if you're being played with okay you will always get a murky answer you'll always get something very indirect very confusing you'll feel like you had a discussion but you really still don't know what it is that they just said and that's an answer confusion is an answer because if it's not a yes the answer is no there is no maybe do you like me yes or no do you see this going somewhere yes or no well I I feel like yes or no yeah because guys always want to bring that energy of like getting physical everything like that but they well when it comes to actually having a discussion about being in a relationship they want to all of a sudden get scared have that same fear when you're trying to get in these pants have that same beer how about it I mean come on and I know you guys can relate to what it is that I'm saying I know I know you guys can why is that why is that well aside from the fact that that's just in their nature that's not even something that we should be upset about it's up to us to determine how that's going to go if it's going to go so pay attention to that sort of thing I always pay attention to someone's willingness to discuss anything would that be pertaining to a relationship what does that be pertaining to their emotions are they always you know dodging every single thing to like show me who they really are you know what I mean it's like who would you do think it's me but would you say to have your way would you give up I'll try again if I hesitate so that you win I'll let you peace out a payable till on the pies I'm keepin oh yeah I'm sorry so it's just okay so back like I never left on if I sound a little different it's because it's definitely like 2:30 in the morning so yeah just like life happens I was distracted I went to go eat yada yada back to what I was saying there will never be a mystery with somebody that wants you with a man that wants you he's going to let you know that he wants to be with you when things do progress sometimes prematurely a lot of the times prematurely that could potentially endanger the relationships progression you know when a man wants to commit when he's direct and he communicates he's consistent he's reliable and also he's asking you questions like genuinely trying to get to know you like we are not the only ones that are detectives when a guy really wants to get to know you and I feel like so many of us don't really know what that feels like for someone to you know just really ask us questions outside of you know the norm like so like what's your favorite color and stuff like that it's just more in-depth and you know when someone is genuinely trying to get to know you and you know how you think and just what makes up you and lastly I would say that a man that wants a commitment with you will be protective in a healthy way he will teach you things he'll be patient trust me you'll know and more importantly he will just simply say it now a lot of the times there are a lot of games being played especially into an 18 but the right person will come along and you'll start to see things a lot more differently a lot more differently I really do promise you that there will be no guessing no ghosting you will find that you will be a lot less strategic in how you go about that relationship it will be so effortless that you won't even realize that you don't need to be so strategic when the person is the right person when somebody is matching your efforts when someone is reciprocating your efforts it'll be effortless and that's how it should be it should never be a potent ugh I wonder how he feels because if the answer isn't yes then it's a no like there is no maybe and any of this I want you guys to understand that it's important because a lot of the times we read into confusion as sign to dig further and the older that you become you're gonna realize that confusion just makes you upskirt walk away because it's not interesting it's not it's not interesting when you realize that time is the one thing that you can never get back I don't care how much money you have and you don't want any of your time to be wasted so when somebody is extremely hard to read and they have just so much going on and they're just such an unhealed individual you want to stay away from that type of person because it shouldn't be hard it really should it be hard life is really honestly meant to be enjoyed okay it's not always gonna be perfect but this should be progression right life is it perfect in general but this should be progression and you should never feel confused about how someone feels about you you deserve your knight in shining armor honestly and this goes for all of us Thank You angel so much for you I'll be today and for watching this video I can't believe I literally took that long of a gap in between me filming because my camera battery was exhausted which hasn't happened to me ever on this camera I digress if you're not subscribed subscribe rights now also follow me on Instagram all these things will be in my description box below also I just want to point out guys coming out with merch is the hardest thing ever okay I am going crazy but nonetheless I promise I promise when it's out you guys will be very happy as will I in all honesty and that's a wrap I'm gonna go to sleep cuz I have to be up in like 4 hours you guys probably don't care but like I do have a busy day tomorrow I love you and God loves you and I see angels in my next video mmm Trey I was like yo Trey do you think you go buy me a bottle of Rose a okay let's get it now I'm winning excuse me I'm sorry I'm really such a lady I rap Young Money you know slim baby and we be doin doughnuts on me living in the 380 we give a lot of money to the babies out in Haiti young all around the world do you hear me do you like my body in a Nicki rest in peace to enter Nicole Smith I don't my god I remember the rest of the words why am I like this can I get some I'm a nut remember man che I was like y'all trained don't you think you can buy me a bottle of bouncy i Robert out
Channel: Asha Christina
Views: 37,734
Rating: 4.9409595 out of 5
Keywords: level up, relationships, relationship advice, advice, beauty, Shallon Lester, dating guru, Matthew Hussey, sheraseven1, Bella barz, asha c, asha cee, dating, dating advice, school of affluence, Anna bey, pink pill, the red pill, red pill, the pink pill, millennial dating, teen dating, leveling up, classy, style, sophistication, Carli bybel, toke makinwa, breeny lee, Isabel palacios, hailey gamba, mindful attraction 2.0, Chloe_, quality queen, quality queen control, QQC
Id: T1J2bHwNaOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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