Planet Coaster - Heinrich's Hydeaway (Part 1)

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ah theme parks one of the only places on earth where humans will spend their own money for the privilege of standing in line for three hours under the sweltering Sun for a two minute experience simulating the sensation of certain death and they'll walk away with a smile hello everybody and welcome to Provost gaming and planet coaster a game that I would say is in many ways the spiritual successor to the roller coaster tycoon franchise it is tremendously fun for a park management game and you know considering I just got back from a vacation at arguably the most famous theme park in the world at Disney World I thought you know what this is the perfect opportunity to play some planet coaster but Mina do it for a while so we are going to look at all these featured creators with their hilarious crowns this game actually has a tremendous modding community with some very very talented and creative people and for that reason alone the game is awesome but let's go ahead and play a challenge mode there is of course a career a sandbox and challenge I don't want to have a total free pass in sandbox and I want to be limited by a career so we're a start from scratch with a brand new Park but it's not gonna be super duper easy we're have to research our own new rides we're going to start with limited funds and so on it's gonna be great there are several different map types we could pick from I'm naturally drawn to the desert but I think we will go ahead and pick you know let's go ahead and the Alpine region I like Alpine we could play on Hard difficulty but to be honest you start with so little cash it's not impossible I could definitely do it but then you're just building one merry-go-round and then waiting for like an hour to get enough funds to actually do anything else so just for the sake of expediency will play on medium though I could play on a little bit harder alright let's start a video game and enjoy some planet coaster uh here we are it's beautiful and expansive look at all this free open space that we get to use the maps are beautiful graphics are great not too real to be like uncanny valley territory characters in particular are a little bit cartoony but overall it just it looks so good and there's so many good rides and you can write every single one of them in first-person mode I love it now obviously starting off we're gonna need to place down some basic rides and we're not gonna have a whole lot to work with we do have insanity which is kind of a double inverter psych cola teacup rides ojos or vomit-inducing if there ever was anything Venetian carousel the whirly rig in the wild blue you can see that every ride does have an excitement of fear and a nausea value generally you want to have as much excitement as possible kind of middle-of-the-road for fear unless it's a gentle ride and intended for kids and relatively low and nausea values will research more of these as time goes on if we did have access to some DLC which I have not purchased because I'm a cheapskate we could access a whole lot more from the get-go but we haven't done that yet tract rides we do also have some boats and some cars I do have a quick-draw DLC that's all pretty fun whoo river rapids I like seeing those and of course the glorious coasters which are very expensive if you're gonna get anything really good and I have downloaded quite a few off of the Steam Workshop because I'm not kidding when I say there are some tremendously impressive rides available on the Steam Workshop right now they're expensive in game but boy howdy you can't tell me that doesn't look really cool that is a person's creation right there so when not paid by the developers I love it alright we're gonna go ahead and place down a couple of rides let's start with something pretty middle-of-the-road the insanity does have an unpleasantly high nausea factor but a good healthy dose of fear to remind people to pray before they go to bed every night so we're gonna place this little thing right over I don't know right along here I guess I don't to be too close to the entrances I may want to place a bunch of shops there and stuff but we'll do a ride kind of like that right there okay now in order to make this work of course gonna have to place down an entrance I want to have something relatively close to all the cars so people can access it quickly we can file people in and out of there rather quickly and then let's see we'll need to place down some pathing you can change the width and the length of your pathing you can see here I made a pretty wide entrance just because I imagine there's going to be a lot of traffic and you don't want to have people kind of jammed up in a tight corridor but at least for an exit to a ride something relatively minor here should be fine we could do something like this if we really wanted to and that would be just fine - yeah we'll do something kind of like this I like using curvature in this game it's a lot better than some of the old rollercoaster tycoons with a very grid based pattern you can make things feel a little bit more organic and realistic in this particular game gal of planet coaster for that reason we'll do a simple brick key because I think it looks pretty nice and then as everyone knows queues have to be deceptively long kind of curving in upon themselves so that you think you're getting really close to the entrance but no you're not actually close to the entrance you got another 30 minutes of waiting to go that's how theme parks are supposed to work we'll do something just like this there we go and of course we want to place down some scenery something like this should certainly help a little bit just to beautify the area also apply a little bit of shade not that I think it really matters in the game per se but I mean having stood in a bunch of lines rather recently I can tell you shade is horribly underestimated anyway it beautifies the path a little bit makes people more willing to queue you can also play it please down some props and other special effects those tend to be pretty fun people tend to like that sort of thing a lot but we don't have any research so I'm gonna have to use good old fashioned mother nature for the time being all right so for our ride insanity - for some reason I'm gonna go ahead and raise up a ticket price because new rights tend to draw a lot of extra attention and people are willing to play a premium to ride on them could customize the ride color could change up the operations I don't want to have people waiting for any more than let's say 90 seconds to get on there with at least half a load if possible we could change up the sequence as well make this ride felt longer shorter you know you name it whatever you want but for now I think the default should be just fine we're gonna go ahead and open up the ride unpause there it is brand-new opening for a ride awesome alright where's all the people aha here comes some of the people wait I should double check am i charging people to get into the park as of right now no I am NOT charging anyone a flat fee to get into the park they have to pay on a per ride basis which I find is often pretty good at the beginning of the game though as you progress here and will start charging people a lot of money just for the privilege of entering into your beautiful beautiful park alright here come that PayPal look at all that happy Dappy customers they're thrilled should also make sure that we are placing down a few benches because if people do get a little nauseous we want to give them an area to sit down anyway so I spent almost all my money and this is all I've got a show for it one ride with a few trees I really hope this pays for itself eventually you guys want to ride the ride I kind of want to ride the ride let's go ahead and hop into a camera like this there we go Oh somebody's seeing something okay yeah this is a little scary both whoo just blue sky everywhere as far as you can see but yeah there we go oh man now see I'm a coward when it comes to theme parks I actually have a very distinct phobia of roller coasters and I've only recently been trying to overcome with my wife so rides like this you know even if it's not a roller coaster would probably have really upset me growing up but you know I'll report to you guys I was brave in this last vacation I had a very good time shockingly but yeah that's uh that's pretty severe right there yeah look at that hang time look at that hang time these guys aren't feeling terrified then I don't know what's gonna scare them of course we are making a pretty good amount of money right now but if we want to really kickstart this park we're gonna need a lot more than this so what I think we need to do is go to park management and probably take out a loan at least of let's see you know a $3,000 loan at 18% interest is just not good enough I think we'll take the $10,000 loan at 20% interest and yeah it's gonna cost me a lot no I cannot afford to pay a whopping $1,500 a month although for some reason it thinks I can afford a thousand oh my gosh well this is gonna suck okay $10,000 it is let's see if we can make this work now it might be a tad aggressive but placing down an early roller coaster actually doesn't seem like that bad of a cash generator especially with the madness which comes pre-loaded into the game an excitement value of five point nine six isn't absolutely stellar but for the price of three point point seven thousand dollars that's not bad as far as coasters are concerned so if I place it let's say I will probably want to do something a bit more this will way to be a bit more space efficient something kind of close the park entrance get people a little on the excited side yeah and then let's raise it up a tiny bit like so there we go that's what we're looking for okay we're gonna place down a roller coaster and hopefully this guy is gonna end up paying for itself okay something like that looks pretty nice maybe a tiny bit chaotic but it's all the scenery I've got to work with at the moment now I don't have the ability to open up the ride quite yet we would need to run a test first though one thing I would like to do on this ride is add in an extra train so we'll have three of those running at any given time just increasing IV capacity I have at any given moment kind of cycle through our visitors a little bit faster get that money going a little bit sooner as well maximum wait time shouldn't be more than let's say in 95 seconds I'm gonna shoot for a full load if possible but we'll go for the three quarters if at the very least make sure we're getting a pretty good amount of people through it any given time there is a priority pass option if you want to have people pay to skip a lot of the queue and that's a pretty sneaky way of making some extra money but we're not quite there yet in the meantime let's go ahead and test out the ride and you know what when testing it's a perfect opportunity just to go ahead and ride the dang thing so let's unpause there we go and let's actually enjoy the ride there we go look at this oh so sophisticated so cool bye alright up we go oh gosh even simulating this gives me a tiny bit of anxiety I'm a total coward I'm not even kidding but I've learned to appreciate them at least a little bit for what they are and the funny thing is despite the fact that I was terrified of rollercoasters ever since I was a little kid oh I always enjoy playing things like roller coaster tycoon because I don't know I guess it was a way of conquering my fear or at least the mathematics behind roller coasters are pretty awesome up till nope there we go yeah I don't know I've always enjoyed it I've always had a fascination it's only reason that I've actually had the courage to actually try them this one's pretty nice it's not too complicated but you can see it's got some good angled banked turns and stuff to it to make sure that the nausea factor is relatively minor so that's always nice keep the intensity down a little bit but some pretty solid drops there nothing outrageously complicated though let's go ahead and open this thing and yeah I'm gonna charge people 11 dollars to ride my roller coaster you better believe it and look at all these suckers lining up to pay it's beautiful now I'm gonna be increasing our cash flow a fair bit more because I'm still running on a loan that's you know pretty expensive I'm gonna be paying that off as time goes on and we don't have enough cash flow to manage a staff or any let's say food and drink and so on so at least one more ride I would say it's an absolute necessity gentle rides I mean they're good for kids and stuff but really they're not the money generators we probably to go for something like psych Cola maybe a wild blue while blue seems to have better stats but I also know it doesn't it doesn't house a lot of writers for every cycle so cycle is probably a better value for us right now so we're gonna go ahead and place this thing down does it fit any particular theme no but we haven't researched enough stuff that I can have the luxury of a very themed ride right now let's rotate this guy around kind of like this probably and we'll try to make use of a lot of the scenery for the same entrance and cue line if at all possible and also let them listen to the delicious screams of all the roller coaster riders so they get hyped up about going on a second time in paying Twilight and 11 bucks you know let's go ahead and place on the exit like so we're gonna connect up a quick entrance ah let's see I'm gonna go ahead and do let's say a blue path this time around just for funsies and we'll go around this away whoops down over here kind of want it to circle in on itself a little bit snake around some of these trees again we could be placing down some really scenic props and stuff if we wanted to and that is always kind of fun but they're a little bit expensive to maintain something like this is the best looking cue I've ever made now not at all but we're gonna do it anyway and let's place down a quick little exit right over here try to join some of this up beautiful I think one of the things that makes me happier about this game than it probably should is just placing down all the trees and stuff it kind of reminds me of placing down good parks and stuff in cities skylines remember how into that I was same kind of concept now of course I can't really see a lot of what's going on in here so maybe I've overdone it but I don't know it looks pretty natural and organic to me the trick is diversity of plants now so far we managed to get away with building up this tiny little park without any staff we are gonna have to change that soon but I definitely want to meet some my other guests needs so if we go to park management here we can look at the guests and for the most part they're actually pretty satisfied but we know they're gonna need to have a toilet pretty soon they're gonna want to get some food and some drink in them so on and so forth so it would behoove us probably to set up a few shops and facilities if at all possible we could take the blueprints right here quite a few options including the absolutely terrifying Bozo the Clown Park entrance and bathroom thing that looks horn now we're not gonna place that down at all some of these buildings do come like pre themed up so we could view something like this right here for our bathrooms which is nice it looks great and it makes people happy because it looks very thematic alternatively we could just place down these it doesn't look as good but only costs $200 as opposed to a few hundred and considering were this early on in the parks development I think we're gonna have to make do with something like this so let's go ahead and set up a quick little food court slash shopping kind of area with some toilets and an ATM if at all possible who we haven't researched that yet nevermind just so we can meet everybody's needs and keep them in the park longer to keep spending money and rewriting all of the rides there you go nice little area like this using some of the existing theming rather than you know just placing down some of these stalls so we got a little bit of chief beef food over here and some cosmic cow milkshakes over here that should do the job to spine now can any park manager game though you're gonna have to place down some benches or alternatively you could place down some picnic tables if stuff if you wanted to but and all they were too worried about that Appy moments let's just place down a few park benches right here maybe something right over here enjoy some of that scenery show off the food to everyone who walks by it's delicious please eat at chief beef please I need the money and it will place down a little bit right over here and then another one right over here and so on okay perfect so we'll open these up now unlike in some other games every one of these shops actually is gonna have some staff associated with them that we are gonna have to train and pay and they can absolutely be getting overloaded so we can go to the park management tab here and take a look at the staff these are all the different people that we could be hiring if we wanted to and we will need to do that pretty soon alternatively let's go over here at all staff and you can see exactly what they're thinking they get think they're paid with their of what are they are worth right now so they're relatively happy they are running a little bit low on energy though so at some point we are gonna have to address some of that and probably give them a place to just kind of kick back and relax a teensy-weensy bit let's look at staff management there is a big staff building but that's a that's a little more expensive than I think I'm willing to pay right now so how about just a quick little staff building it's nothing fancy but to be frank at this point they don't deserve anything fancy we'll just place one right over here tucked away in the corner and that way if they need to go and rest up they are able to do so hopefully relatively quickly you know we actually have enough money we could totally afford a place down another ride let's go ahead and do the teacups I mean yeah it's huge and probably not that exciting but even so kiddos will love to go on and it's a bit more family-friendly it's gonna place one right there for example let's place down a quick entrance over this will way place an exit right next to the pathing so that that's not gonna be much of an issue and yeah this will keep our kids occupied for a bit so the parents can go and sit back on the benches and take a breather there we go it looks lovely okay we'll charge people a whopping six bucks to ride on this stupid teacups again like I said yeah pay for the privilege of vomiting all over my park now we are starting to get to the point where I'm going to wish that I had somebody wandering around to repair these rides keep the park clean and so on so let's go back to the staff these guys are indeed running really low on energy that's a bit of a problem but okay let's place down a janitor let's say one right there should be just fine I wouldn't mind also having a mechanic so let's place one down there and then we'll also want to have a security guard because pickpocketing absolutely is a thing in this game people will get robbed all the dang time and you want to try to catch those people and resolve the crimes but otherwise your Park rating is going to suffer but now we're gonna start seeing that our Park operation costs are going to be going up a lot because there's just so many people that we are gonna have to pay now I don't really feel like we have enough cash reserves to be placing down say the boom boat which is a giant water ride as cool as it is just don't think it's a good investment at the moment can't really afford something like whitewater either so we're probably gonna want to start researching some new rides and that's where the research tab comes in handy we'll open up the research now let's see do we want to research some specific rides like something called all about airtime or dangling delights free-spinning I don't think these are actually specific rides I think that is kind of giving you a hint as to what you will be unlocking runaway coaster okay maybe I'm wrong maybe that actually is something specific could be kind of nice it would however cost us somewhere between three thousand and four and a half thousand dollars to research which kind of sucks festive for a track ride we could go for a family ride rock out with the family alternatively a couple of other thrill rides those are usually a lot cheaper to research and since thrill rides tend to be your bread and butter I like to focus on those if possible I do want to research an ATM very cheap to research but this is what's gonna help people to keep drawing money out into the park so they can stay in here a little bit longer we could also research let's say a hotel or some small attractions or maybe even a restaurant which wouldn't be so bad either um alternatively just hats you know people like to buy things souvenirs and stuff sure let's go ahead and research the hats and then a crazy classic there we go now of course it's gonna cost me a fair chunk of money per month but it's gonna open up a lot of absolutely needed options so we can continue using this cash to actually continue sustaining our efforts going forward without going into bankruptcy okay now we've run into a small issue where some of our shops don't actually have any vendors because they're all off taking a break the lazy little buggers the funny thing is in career mode at least in some of the levels you don't even have to worry about any of this so let's see they're currently heading to the shop they're resting in the staff building yeah I mean in theory they'll be getting back to work pretty soon so maybe we'll be okay but this might be a good excuse to actually spend some money to train them so that they're not only effective and serve the customers faster but hopefully don't lose their energy quite as quickly either when we give them a corresponding pay raise as well to make sure that they stay nice and happy okay they're actually getting paid a little bit too much you know what you get a demotion enjoy some of that looks like too many people are trying to buy milkshakes you know what that means means you raise the prices people get priced out none of people are consuming milkshakes it reduces consumption suckers and even if it doesn't it just means more money for me when the demand is high and the supply is low the prices will rise about to finish up with some of our research there it is hats fantastic and the ATM is ready to go cool let's reveal those researches boom they look so cute and I write reveal that one too perfect all right we'll have to place down some ATMs and make sure that people keep withdrawing more money to spend in my park because you aren't spending enough dang it all the pec all right let's say atm now this thing's gonna be pretty small so we don't have to worry about too much all this placeit let's say probably right over here it should be somewhat space-efficient perfect all right doesn't take a lot to build and upload that thing anyway and then we go to the gifts a hat shop you know what wait no I don't want to place it no I don't want to place it on that same building there we go okay we could rotate you around you know I could place it in the same area and that would look okay I suppose alternatively is there somewhere else that we would like to place this thing how about right along over here ish okay and then we'll just join the pathing up together it's gonna create a nice little island instead that looks pretty good yeah maybe not quite like that though hang on I'll get this I'll get this give me a second yeah Derek Burt Brunner what's ugly there we go I think that looks pretty good okay I love it I love it the park is coming together guys man and it just runs like freakin silk look at this so smooth I love it oh cool I got an achievement rise to the challenge sweet I completed a challenge what did I complete and sure no staff leaves for two months oh good no one no one quit I get some free money because no one quit awesome you know we might need a higher self an extra vendor just be absolutely sure nothing bad happens he's gonna have nothing to do at this exact moment in time but that's perfectly fine I'm just trying to make sure that my buildings don't have an unnecessary amount of downtime let's pay him a little bit more even though he's doing absolutely nothing helpful there we go many guests are thirsty oh yeah whatever shall we do obviously we need more milkshakes alternatively we could go and research something new just so I have a bit of extra variety in the park how about a goal P who doesn't like goal B's goal bees are good ah good we can unlock a new thrill ride what are we gonna get we get the kickflip oh it is indeed a classic I happen to know this one also usually ends up being pretty darn popular now let's go ahead and place one of those down we do have a little bit of cash available let's see kickflip you guys remember this thing I don't know why I always called them like the giant zipper or something like that growing up I have absolutely no idea what would have possessed me to do such a thing but I ah let's see we're gonna place this if you want to be space efficient we could put them kind of close to the inverter over here that wouldn't be such a bad idea and if we do let's do something kind of like this a little bit off-center and then we'll place an entrance over here so the cue can go that away and an exit right next to all the shops and food so that they feel inclined to spend their money there we go another ride to please the masses probably would help if it was open it is open well then why is no one going to the ride hello I opened up something new for you people you should probably go and use it there we go we got our first victim I mean customer few challenges have twenty people visit a hotel they really want me to build hotels don't they I don't think we're nearly large enough to justify any hotels so I'm just gonna have to ignore that probably now let's see we do have some more research currently available the goal be okay for some extra drinking potential nothing really fancy it's just another little brick building but I mean hey it'll do the job certainly tip shot I don't even know what that is do you want to research things like the restaurant you know what's research a small attraction I actually have never used these but we probably should and then maybe compressed air swinging into action could be good or maybe we actually could use another good family ride you know we're gonna go for another family ride hey we caught a thief let's go look at the thief there he goes caught by security change your ways ah we all know that that's just a lie Shana you're gonna keep feeding until the day you die well fricking heck tell me that doesn't look cool look at this this is how we can sell our gulpy with a giant evil looking tree hey not sure we need that right now we're gonna have to place that down in the park at some point cuz that looks pretty darn awesome alright we're gonna go ahead and call this video here I don't know how long this videos gonna end up being just because I will be using jump cuts but you know I don't want these videos to go on for outrageously long we'll continue building out on the park and see just how far we can get but thank you all very much for watching I hope you're as excited about this series as I am if so then I would actually hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 36,683
Rating: 4.9597988 out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Planet Coaster (Video Game), roller, coaster, planet, theme, park, challenge, strategy, simulator, part 1
Id: vwS9Z39CTEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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