Planet Zoo: Australian Pack - The Kanga-Zoo! (Part 4)

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hello everybody my name is professor and welcome back to more planet zoo in the kangazoo looking great we got little kangaroos running all over the place it's amazing we're also just raking in the dough at this point oh god that's exactly one of the things i did not want to see happen no no no no no you know what before you get a little inbreeding congrats you get released into the wild like now oh he looks so disappointed it's like wait wait what just happened what just happened sorry what was i saying all right we're rolling in the dough at this point um that's one of the things about this game is i do find that as long as you're willing to be patient and really make sure you invest in each individual habitat and you don't over extend yourself the business aspect of the game is usually not that hard it's not particularly difficult we see me doing just fine and dandy don't we yeah my gosh that was so unbelievably funny okay so some vet research is done on more things we're just going to continue working on some of these little exhibits though it looks like we are finishing up on at least a few of them in fact it looks like the um what's the titan beetle and the burrowing cockroach are all that remain very well we shall also make sure that we are really on top of mrsa since we know that apparently kangaroos can't be infected by that now what do we want to do today well i did say that i want to set up a salt water crocodile exhibits now of course that requires that there are actually some salt water crocodiles to be had which there is indeed one okay that'll work i guess let's take a quick look see you are of least concern your natural habitat actually does include australia so that counts uh only one to two generally not a lot of crocodiles desired and you probably don't need that much space either this honestly could be a pretty small exhibit the question is if i want it to be a very small exhibit or not um i wouldn't mind it though if i said like a little overhead path over here and then just like a very simple little exhibit down over here for some saltwater crocodiles you walk upstairs a little bit and you can see into the entire pen does that sound pretty good i think that sounds pretty good let's go ahead and build exactly that here we go something like this should be just fine of course we do need to get our standard gate right along over there all right before the crocodile disappears as it seems to do on occasion let's go ahead and grab one of those i do believe and i could be wrong on this so i hope i'm not wrong but i do believe that um part of the markets at least some of the animal market is actually uh related to what's actually happening online as far as like how they're tracking other players and what animals they're selling off and so on that might be a total lie but i think it's correct so sometimes you just have to wait for other players to actually go ahead and sell some animals and stuff in theory right maybe alrighty so we have a crocodile on the way i can just about guarantee you that uh they are gonna wish they had a lot of water and we will of course set that down there's some more research for that titan beetle um you know what let's go ahead and cancel the titan beetle for a moment and actually until we place down the crocodile we can't start researching it i wish you could start preemptively researching some of these animals and stuff you know i think that would be highly appropriate i want to know as much as i can before i import an animal into my zoo right poor hapless creature it's like it has to go through a trial period of suffering well anyway there it is hello bagus baggis that's a great name look at all the confetti he's so confused it's like what the crud is going on why is there grass everywhere where's the water it's a very good question there bagus all right we'll come back to research on you in a little bit so first things first terrain wise yeah you're not thrilled not a lot of navigable swimming areas are there no well let's see we're gonna start with the terrain here i think and let's go ahead and start sculpting some things down now as far as uh pushing down probably with a good amount of intensity in a pretty large area larger than that i would think we'll go ahead and start drastically reducing this area here the question to me is do i leave some space on the edges just in case maybe not um because i don't know if they can like poop over here we need to have access for our keepers to walk around but i'm really hoping not so we'll just go ahead and do something kind of like this i wanted to be somewhat asymmetrical though just to be of interest and we'll do probably a little bit more off in the corner kind of like so this should be fine bring it down like this and so on okay so i feel like this ought to be pretty good right and then if you go to water uh we want to set down well calm water or rough water i'm assuming we want calm water so we'll go ahead and set a water level right about there and how does that feel for you it's still calculating and decides that's actually plenty of water good good i'm glad to hear it okay now let's set down a bit of rock uh let's say we'll set some down off in this direction and these corners because i don't expect there to be much growing over here if we have anything to say about it so that's pretty good uh we are going to need a bit more soil and i can certainly arrange some of that kind of like so do and a little bit more like this da dupe we don't need this much long grass at all maybe a little bit more short grass instead how's that sound pretty reasonable okay so this is gonna be our crocodile pen oh no in a kangaroo died of old age well that just makes me sad alright for environment what do you need now interestingly enough it looks like crocodiles do not require any sort of a hard shelter they just want to sleep in the water which is fine that's actually great i appreciate it so as far as plants are concerned aquatic and tropical is what you are looking for uh yeah i'd be happy to accommodate for that let's go to oceana and go to biome for aquatic and tropical uh let's see let's actually start with just the aquatic we can place down some nice beautiful mangroves now i wish that some of these trees didn't follow the curve of the uh terrain quite as aggressively as they do but that's fine we can make something like this happen right along over here and then we can have a bunch of reeds good lord we know that crocodiles like having lots of reeds right that makes them feel real good about themselves or something yeah do something like this and maybe some over here as well there we go couple little mangroves perfect uh yeah let me just go ahead and set up a bit more of this and let's see if we can beautify this uh environment there we go something like this we'll probably do but again with like the plants being all kind of angled in a weird way because that's just how the surface works it's just kind of like yeah not exactly a fan of that but all right to release the southern cassowary have 1300 grabs and no crime no crime i can't control no crime all right so that does seem to be a fully functional uh habitat for our saltwater crocodile the only thing left then is to make sure that we get some enrichment going actually way too many plants oh um i'll be honest i don't think i have ever had that problem before so we're just going to go ahead and relieve some of the excess uh reeds and stuff i placed around the edge that don't really serve any particular purpose aside from trying to look good but since the crocodile clearly does not appreciate my efforts well then we're just gonna have to live with that won't we there we go now we're sort of in the green you know i just don't think this crocodile really appreciates art not that i'm exactly artistic in how i do this it's just i try to make things look nice and he just he just spits in me spits in my face all right here we go so now he's in the water so he's just gonna get around and have a lot of fun oh he looks so excited doesn't he well that's pretty cool um now we need to make sure we set down some sort of place for him to eat of course and any other facilities we can get and then yeah we will have to uh try to research some upgrades for our crocodile when the opportunity arises oh and of course he likes blood sense yeah that makes sense an animal died oh gosh another one of my kangaroos they're all getting old and plopping over dead oh boy pretty soon we are gonna have some inbreeding issues and i'm just gonna have to get rid of the mail and just pick up a whole new one that's probably the easiest way to do things right yeah probably you know something i haven't touched this entire time and it probably would be worth doing is actually sending some of our workers off for training and try to get them to a higher level not all at once i still need to make sure that we have enough folks around to actually manage things here back at home but at least having a few you guys getting trained up would be nice we'll do the same here with vets and stuff like that so it's gonna cost me a little bit of extra money and surely they are gonna ask for higher salaries but i think it's worth it i'm also going to go ahead and start placing down some more shops just because it looks like it's getting a little overcrowded in these areas and i like to try and disperse people around a little bit more free me up for some more exhibits and stuff right what kind of food did i end up getting let's see we have hats that's a new thing hot dog squad a hot dog squad that sounds amazing let's see if i can place in here why is it that's weird usually these pre-built buildings are actually pretty good and effective but it looks like for some reason these don't actually line up with where they're supposed to oh that is highly unfortunate so as cool as this thing looks it's not actually going to work ah we did finally get one of our southern cassowaries to mature uh it still looks like a chick to me but the icon says it's an adult now when are you gonna transform for me any second now did you still look like a little cheeky chick i know you're supposed to be an adult i know you're supposed to be it said you're supposed to be hello and now they're fighting each other because of overcrowding and stuff because the little chick hasn't actually grown up oi that doesn't seem appropriate and rihanna stop being so mean oh good we finally get some more research on the southern crocodile cool what have you learned about you what do you like you like anything good well you like prey scented sacks okay it's just a bag that smells like food it doesn't you don't get anything out of it it just feels right no food enrichments unfortunately but we can at least give you some more habitat enrichments and also apparently you like balls and sprinklers and rubbing pads well that's kind of nice i mean we do have one of those things um rubbing pads sure let's set something up over this way and then we'll have a prey scented snack up over i don't know right along over there that seems pretty good and how about a big honking sprinkler in case you want to cool down right over here nice oh no my last titan beetle died okay we're going to find ourselves some more that's fine i went from having more titan beetles and i had a clue what to do with to all of a sudden having none these guys just have like a really short lifespan or something that sucks oh i just noticed that the uh koalas apparently aren't particularly thrilled they don't feel like they have enough space anymore huh is the issue that some of you guys grew up or something no it's only two of you you guys should be fine what's the problem infertile benjamin is an infertile little koala oh that's actually somewhat tragic um now fun thing about koalas is they actually can't co-exist with other australian species if i wanted to move these guys for example over to the kangaroo exhibit they would be more than happy to oblige but yeah um i think we re-home you somewhere else and uh you know i'm okay with spending a little bit of money to just kind of get rid of you for the time being so how is audrey feeling still doesn't feel like there's enough space and mainly because she's feeling very crowded more than anything else so basically she sees too many people and it's starting to freak her out a little bit well that is one good reason for why if we go to our mechanic research maybe we want to research new barriers right find that one-way glass so that they feel a little bit more isolated and maybe things would be better for them there is by the way one more little exhibit that i still haven't placed down that does contain an australian creature i found out it can place you right along over here somewhere that looks pretty good to me we are missing the eastern brown snake i think is what it's called that is the only other creature that is based in oceania which i believe does include australia if we can find the darn thing uh eastern brown snake that's the one right there zoopedia where are you from australia see what did i tell you so this is the last one the last creature we can possibly add that is exclusively for australia or exclusively of the region of oceania but includes australia everything else that we adopt from here on out unfortunately is going to need to be of some other random place in the world which is not a really bad thing per se it's just you know it's kind of cool to stick to a theme as long as we could right i think so all right as far as layout and stuff nothing we can do at the moment let's go ahead and reduce that temperature a bit increase that humidity because apparently this is a more tropical snake of some sort and actually that was pretty darn close to perfect right there not bad all right there we go oh we finally can have some food enrichment for my crocodile and apparently they like frozen blood pumpkins frozen blood pumpkins gross okay now one thing we have to worry about that we haven't touched so far is uh keeping water clean and this is one good reason why you probably don't want to be placing down a lot of aquatic creatures too early on but usually you need to have some sort of a water treatment facility you can see this ought to be a nice dark blue but it's turning a little bit light blue and that means it's starting to get dirtied up so we need to place down a little water cleaner somewhere over here and understandably the guests aren't exactly thrilled about this is considered to be at least a little bit of an eyesore but if this does get taken care of i think it's well worth this so why is it green i assume green means that it is taken oh there you go now it's blue okay there we go perfect all right so now we have some good clean water so our animals don't get sick and our guests don't think that it is horribly horribly filthy if you are gonna have a lot of aquatic creatures it's usually worth building a lot of those ponds all in one kind of big radius covered by the same water treatment plants and you can see they do extend a pretty long range so just plan appropriately and you can minimize just how many of these you're going to end up needing although it also occurs to me that technically we kind of needed one over here as well oops oh i just got a fine for an injured animal why didn't no one tell me that was an injured animal what's wrong to people all right well apparently that just cost me a little chunk of money we are actually starting to bleed a little bit all of a sudden can't decide how much that is because i just keep placing down more nature and i spend all my money that way that's entirely possible what is going on with these dingoes the dingo see me doing just fine there's just a whole load of them okay and there goes our other titan beetle uh-huh i don't really want to like breed you guys but it feels like i constantly am going to run out of you i suppose one thing we could do that we haven't been doing is actually start doing some marketing for the zoo that could be kind of fun poster campaigns cereal box adverts and stuff newspaper adverts yeah all this sounds pretty good what about family hour there we go let's go ahead and begin a marketing campaign for about a year that should be nice now that we're having any issues with our profit margins we're actually fine but it would be nice to start seeing the streets kind of get filled out again you know that way i can start building out some more exhibits speaking of extra exhibits i think we should go ahead and start planning some what would we like to bring in that's a good question uh we could get some hyenas aardvarks those are kind of fun to peers to peers are a very bizarre creature i don't think these guys originate down in australia or anything they're from central america but i mean yeah kind of works they do tend to like hotter temperatures we could probably make something like these guys work and they're kind of weird right they do prefer to have only small groups of one male and one female though so a very large exhibit is unnecessary in this case uh yeah i think that this is a perfectly fine idea let's go ahead and set up some de beers although admittedly it's a little hard to see what the heck is going on with the rain being what it is right now but there we go nice little pen right along over here we'll add in some windows in a little bit first things first let's go to the market and get ourselves some to beers beards to pierce specifically you'll do fine and we'll just go ahead and pick you up as well perfect what wonderful names by the way watsi and it's paplatul or however the heck you're supposed to say it i'm not sure there we go okay we got ourselves some de beers now these guys apparently also do like to have a fair bit of water so i like that it means i get a mess of the terrain a little bit so first things first we'll add in a little bit of hills along this way and then we're going to go ahead and drop things down a fair bit right along here now this might be a little bit too high intensity so we'll go ahead and pull back a little bit there we go there we go okay nice yeah let's give him a fair bit of room for some swimming now unfortunately i think we are placing this again kind of farther away from our um water treatment plants than we're supposed to so this might actually be slightly messed up but it's all right i got plenty of money we'll be able to take care of it right i think so there we go and they do seem to prefer mostly soil and simple short grass one shelter appears to be more than enough for you no enrichment at the moment but that's okay what else do you need let's see plenty of plants and you're from south or central america which means we need tropical grassland and temperate plants okay also apparently i accidentally have a sentry plant inside the exhibit i'm not really sure how that happened because they're all outside the exhibit but okay if you say so there we go something like this should be at least passable for the tapir so let's take a quick look see are you happy for the most part but you're really lacking in your enrichment which is not a whole lot that i can do with that at the moment though i am curious if it does tell me what other kind of creatures you can live with the giant ant eater can fit inside this biome pretty nicely also the colombian white-faced capuchin monkey i don't feel like i want to deal with any of them right now though so you're just going to live on your own let's see that's all looking pretty good oh gosh we got some more inbreeding that looks like a very young one if you don't mind me saying um he knows something i think it might be time to go ahead and release this is a male oh i don't know where you came from time to go ahead and release you into the wild go on get on and get all right there we go and let's go ahead and place down a couple more small animal exhibits nothing too crazy how about a simple yellow anaconda you seem like fun we'll go ahead and place you in there and maybe also the mexican red knee tarantula yes people like spiders right that's always a crowd pleaser okay i'll go ahead and beautify some of this area up a little bit but there we go so between a couple new exhibits off in this direction and another one over here and some little animals and making sure our finances are mostly in order things are growing pretty nicely you gotta admit this is actually looking like a pretty decent zoo but of course all things must come to an end and i do think that we have maybe one more video in us for this very short series of planet zoo so thank you all very much for watching and your continued support i do hope you enjoyed if so they would ask you hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 117,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Planet, Zoo, Australia, species, dingo, kangaroo, cassowary, management, strategy, guide, part 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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