Pitching Love and Catching Faith | Free Romance Movie | HD | Full Length

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(shoe scrapes loudly) (ball thuds loudly) (dramatic droning music) (shoe scrapes loudly) - [Woman] Let's go, Heather, you've got this. (dramatic droning music) (ball thuds) (crowd cheers) (crowd cheers) (dramatic electronic music) - [Group] Give it your best, go! (players and crowd cheering) (dramatic electronic music) (calm acoustic guitar music) (people cheering) ♪ Strap in green light ♪ ♪ Deep breath hold tight ♪ ♪ Get ready to fly ♪ ♪ Right here, right now ♪ - Give good cheer my friends. Victory, victory, victory will be ours. - You've got it Brandon. - Good job, Big Brand, we'll get them next time. - Ew, I broke a nail. Is that two outs? - Yeah. ♪ Don't look down, you're on your way now ♪ ♪ They won't stop you now ♪ ♪ Don't look down ♪ ♪ There's nothing left for you on the ground ♪ ♪ Keep your eyes on the sky ♪ ♪ And don't look down ♪ (sighs) - [Brandon] You finally decided to come. - I've got you bro, step aside. - Hey we're losing and it's not pretty. - No worries, I'll pinch hit for you. - Sounds good. Hey, we're down by two and there's two outs. Good luck. - This is softball, a girly game. Oh yeah, you're in trouble now. - Are you sure you're up for this? - I think I can handle a little bit of slow pitch softball. Coming your way, she better be ready. - That's if you hit it. - I'll hit it, don't you worry about that. - Cocky. - Confident. - Ready for this one pretty boy? - Oh, aren't you in for a pleasant surprise? (screams) - Whoa. Whoa. Hold on here. I thought this was slow pitch. - That was a strike. (whimsical music) - I only need one. - What's the problem? You afraid of the ball? - Okay. If that's how you want to play, give me your best pitch. (whimsical music) - Strike. - I thought you only needed one. That was strike two. (whimsical music) Ready for this one, pretty boy? - Ready for a home run, sweet thing? (crowd cheers) ♪ Heart is racing, feels amazing ♪ ♪ You're in the zone ♪ ♪ Follow your dreams ♪ ♪ Just gotta be me ♪ - Hey Tyler, how's it going? - Hey. Hey. That was a nice pitch. It's right where I like it. Come on, don't be a bad sport. It's just a game. Hey, don't mess with the bubble. (whimsical music) Bet you and I could be a real hit. - Don't get your hopes up, because if you're thinking about asking me out, forget it. I'm not for sale. - Oh. Well maybe I could lease you then? (whimsical music) (car engine roars) (calm twinkling orchestral music) (calm orchestral music) (vacuum hums) (calm orchestral music) (moans) (calm orchestral music) (car engine rumbles) - Softball's been what I love to do ever since I can remember. Anyway, look at me rambling on to you. Thank you so much for tonight Seth. I had such a good time. - Yeah, no problem. You know Heather, there's something that I've been wanting to tell you. I mean it's been on my mind. You're a great girl and a great person, but I need someone in my life who believes in what I believe in. I guess what I'm trying to say is we're not going to be seeing each other anymore. (soft instrumental music) (door slams) (soft instrumental music) (sighs) (soft instrumental music) - Hey, you okay? (sniffs) - I just want a guy to love me for who I am. - I totally know what you mean. Sorry. - I just want to fit in and not feel like I'm someone's project. - But you do fit in. Not all guys are like that. - Easy for you to say. (sighs) (dramatic synthesizer music) (bat smacks loudly) (dramatic synthesizer music) - Nice work. - Thanks man. - I'm Rod Alan from the Angel's Farm Organization. We'll definitely be in touch. - Okay, I'm your man. - Oh I know. - Hey. - How you doing? - Is that who I think it is? Dude, you'll soon be playing in the majors. - That's the plan. - Just think about how many video games we could buy. - Do you know the minimum salary of major leaguers? - No, I don't, but I do know that Kami's on the prowl to get your heart back. (growls) She's like a lioness. (growls) So you in? - I got you bro. - No? Okay. See you at the apartment. - No, it's not. - No it is. So what did he say? - He just said he was gonna call me soon and they were interested in me, so I think there's actually a really good possibility that I might get recruited. - Well that's exciting. I hope it works out. I'm gonna miss you if you end up leaving though. And hey, thanks for the help. - No problem, is this the one? - Yeah, that's why we're standing in front of it. (knocks) So can I ask you a favor? - Sure, anything for you. - Don't patronize me Ty. So one of my roommates is having a hard time rebounding right now. - Stop right there. - No, Ty, this one is different. - Not interested. - I really, really need your help on this. - I don't need any distractions right now. Women are not my focus. - What about the anything for you favor? I wouldn't normally ask you to do this for me, but a lot is on the line right now. She's a really nice girl. I think you guys are gonna get along really well and she's cute and she's athletic. Come on, I really need your help. Not to mention you're very good with women and you're available. - Gee, thanks. Who is it? (cans clanking) Having a rough day ladies? - Thank you. (cans clanking) - You know what? Let me get something to put these in, I'll be right back. - Oh, it's okay I got it. - No, I got you covered. I got you covered. - He's my brother. (whimsical music) (peppy synthesizer music) - One of those days huh? I've had a few of them myself. - Yep, it's horrible. I can't seem to hit anything. - If this is horrible, I hate to see a good day. - Trust me, this is a good day. - I love batting. That feel of a bat in your hand, when it meets the ball, it's a rush. Your eyes are beautiful. - Thank you. The bat please? - Can I show you something? - I know how to bat. - Really? Come on. - This better be good. - I got you. So place your hands right here. I like to hold the bat like this for better leverage. Make sure your elbows are up. Widen your legs just a little bit more. Then you want to use your waist. That's where the power comes from when you swing. Close your eyes. And visualize the ball coming towards you. And you swing right at that perfect moment as the ball is crossing the plate. (tender orchestral music) Your form is perfect. (sighs) We should get together and practice sometime. - Yeah, so thanks for the lesson. - No problem. Is that a accent I detect there? Sounds a little southernish. Where are you from? - Florida, I guess I should hide it a little better. - No, you shouldn't. It's what separates you from everyone else around here. (phone rings) - Is that your girlfriend calling? - No, but I do have to take this call. I'll see you. - Okay, see ya. - Why are you here so soon though? I, hey what brings you here man? - I'm in town for a couple of days. Thought I'd drop by and see you again. She's a great catch isn't she? You two make a good item. It's good chemistry. Don't worry about it. Observing is what I do for a living. - We're not-- - Loyalty, I like that in a man. If you're able to stay in a relationship and be committed think there's a place for you in our organization. Yep. We'll be giving you a call real soon. Don't let me down. (whimsical music) - It's obvious, Heather. Like I could see you two together. - [Brandon] So he thinks you're dating her? - Yeah. - [Brandon] Well why didn't you just tell him? - I tried, it happened so fast. - We used to date. I'm surprised you're even dating him. - We're not dating. - Has he told you he's never even kissed? - You could have a lot of fun with this. - You're probably thinking the same thing I did. There's no way a guy like that hasn't kissed. Good looking, a jock, popular, but it's the truth. (whimsical music) - You're not? Dude, she's not your type. - He won't kiss till he's found the perfect girl-- - Why are you telling me this? - Are you up for a challenge? - My type or not I gotta make this work. I mean I wanted this ever since I was a little boy. - [Brandon] Whoa dude, this is deep. (whimsical music) - Of course I am. - He may be sweet and charming, but be careful you don't become another one of his projects. He's Mr. Missionary. - Don't worry, I won't. Because he's going to become one of mine. ♪ Your eyes are shining ♪ ♪ They shine like diamonds up in the sky ♪ ♪ You're mine tonight ♪ ♪ Feels so exciting ♪ ♪ Love strikes like lightning ♪ - So tell me about Heather. - Do you want the textbook version or are you talking like The Diary of Anne Frank? Well you know that I grew up in Florida. It was just me, my mom and my dad. And seriously, I had the most incredible childhood. I would have run around barefoot and I would pogo stick around the entire neighborhood and I wouldn't fall off, like I never fell off. I never really had my thing though. Then my dad put a softball in my hand and that was it, I had finally found, I had finally found my thing. And after that well I was on top of the world after that. - Okay, next time I'll ask for the textbook version. ♪ From different worlds ♪ ♪ Like we're travelers ♪ - No. I know what you mean. It's like when you're on the field, nothing else matters. It's sublime. The smell of newly cut grass, the cracking sound of a bat when it meets a ball and the feel of a glove after you've broken it in. It's like a perfect fit. (soft orchestral music) You know I could be playing professional baseball here pretty soon. - Really, that's cool. (soft orchestral music) - Okay, who's turn is it? - Yours. I bet you can't make this shot. - I can make it with my eyes closed. - Mm-hmm. (balls crack) Ooh. (laughs) It looks like pool just is not your game. - Well maybe if someone hadn't been cheating so much I might have won by now. - Ooh, lame excuse. All right, how about the next shot wins? - [Tyler] You're on. - How about we make things more interesting? You seem like one who's a wagering enthusiast. How about if you miss this shot, you have to give me a kiss? (whimsical music) - Okay. (whimsical music) So why a kiss, not money or dinner? - What's the matter? You're not afraid to kiss me are you? - No, of course not. - Good. Then chalk up and chap up pretty boy. (blows air) (whimsical music) (takes deep breath) (whimsical music) (takes deep breath) - Well I guess pool just isn't my game. (whimsical music) (crickets chirping) (crowd cheering) - Come on, come on, oh ho ho, I'm the king of this mandom and this is a cause for celebration. - Finally dude, all right let's go get some ice cream. It's on me. - Sweet. - Dude, who are you texting? - Hey, how did your date with Heather go? - First off, it wasn't a date. We actually just hung out and played pool. - Whatever, look just be careful with her. My latest intel says that she has some tricks up her sleeve. - Consider the source. - Dude, it's Kami. She still has the hots for you. - No, she doesn't. - Oh yes she does. - She's just messing with me. - Oh she couldn't keep her eyes off you at the game the other night. - [Tyler] Well, that's Kami for you. - Dude you are so humble with women. - I don't know about that man. Honestly, they're kind of like my gift and my curse-- - Surprise! - Hi. - I hope I'm not interrupting anything. - She's storming the castle. - What's that smirk about? - Nothing, what can I help you with? - Let's go hot-tubbing. - Right now? Of course. - Have fun. - Wow, you guys keep a really clean apartment for bachelors. - Thanks. - Go put your suit on. - Okay. (whimsical music) (Heather sighs) - This feels so good. What? - You're trying too hard. - And you need to smile more. You don't look like you're having very much fun. - More than you know. - What are you thinking about? - I assure you pure thoughts. - Good. - I wouldn't want you to have impure thoughts. So what's your deep, dark secret? - Uh, I don't think I have one. - Oh come on, you don't need to be mysterious. Everybody has one. (swelling orchestral music) Where are you going? - It's getting late. I have a busy day tomorrow. I have to get to bed early tonight. - It's 8:45. - Call me tomorrow, we'll do something. (whimsical music) (calm acoustic guitar music) (laughs) - Oh yeah. - That the best you got? - Oh no, I'm just warming up. - Do you realize I'm leaving in two weeks? I'll be living the dream man. - You are the man. So he called you? - Yeah, I'm in. I'm just happy he didn't talk to Heather that night. - Thank goodness man, about Heather, she's kind of something I wanted to talk to you about. Speak of the devil, no no, don't turn around. - Well well well well, what a pleasant surprise. (calm pop music) - So girls, sit down join us. - So what brings you here? - Nothing special. We decided to just get out of the apartment for some fresh air. - Actually what he's embarrassed to say is that I beat him in a game of football. - Well, everyone needs a victory. - Ha ha ha. - Isn't it past your bedtime? - Would anybody like to hear a joke? - I would. - It is clean, right? - Of course. - It better not be another one of your blonde jokes. - Come on, be a sport Kami. So there's this blonde who's having financial troubles. She decides to kidnap a little child and demand a ransom, so she goes to the park and she grabs a little boy and she takes him behind the big oak tree. What she does is she writes a note that says I have kidnapped your child, leave $10,000 behind the big oak tree by 7:00 a.m. signed The Blonde. She attaches the note to the boy and she sends him running home. - Brandon, tell the punch line man. - Dude, what's your problem? Do you have ants in your pants? - Get to the punch line so Tyler can get some beauty rest. - Past his bedtime. - I know, he needs to go to sleep. Okay, so where was I? Okay, so the blonde goes back to the oak tree and finds a brown bag. Attached to the brown bag is a note that says I can't believe one blonde would do this another. - Rude. - Good night Tyler. - Good night, everyone sorry I had-- - He left his curling iron on. (tense instrumental music) - Hey. You're hitting well. What's going on? You never called me. - Been busy. - Well did I upset you? Fine, if you're not gonna talk to me, I'm out of here. - Hey. What was with all that stuff under the table last night? - What are you talking about? - [Tyler] You know what I'm talking about. - No, I don't. Unless you're referring to the fact that you were totally ignoring me. - I think under the circumstances I had a right to be, I mean don't you think you were being a little--? - Distant. - I was thinking more along the lines of overly flirtatious. - Flirtatious? I don't know where you'd get that from. - The footsie thing under the table. - I don't know what you're talking about, but that wasn't me. But that explains a lot. I could see why you wouldn't want to talk to me. I didn't know you and Kami dated. I can't picture you with her. - I guess that's why it didn't work out. - Well, I gotta go, so we're good? - Yeah, we're good. - [Heather] Cool, see you. - See you. (intense synthesizer music) Hey whatcha doing? - I'm just checking up on what you're doing. - Hey how are you? - Tyler is that a girl's voice that I'm hearing? - Hey, can I call you right back? - I guess that's a yes. - Heather? - Tyler, I gotta go. - Hello, hello, hello? - Hey I brought you a plate of cookies. - You did not have to do that wow. - You know, I was just wondering maybe I could take you out to eat tonight you know just to say thanks for the other night. - These cookies are delicious by the way. - Oh, thanks. So do you want to go out? - Well let me just see if I have something going on. - No, I totally understand if you're busy or something, that's fine, that girl that was on the phone. Was she your girlfriend? - No no no. It's not like that. Okay, sounds good. - Really? - No, that girl I was talking to she's just a friend. - Hey girl. Long time no see. - What are you doing here? - Did you just forget that we're going out? - Kelsey, I know that we've had this plan for a long time-- - You look really good. - So do you. I don't think this is gonna work out. - Come on, just for old time's sake. - But I'm seeing somebody. - (laughs) We're just going to eat. - I shouldn't. - Your favorite food, your favorite restaurant. - It's tempting. - Come on, a little support for the troops. (dramatic orchestral music) - Hey. - Hey. Do you need some help? - Sure, do you want to slice these carrots for me? - Yeah. So thank you for being there for me the other day. - No problem, that's what friends are for. - So how are things with you and Ty? - Good. Can I ask you something? - [Tiffany] Sure. - Is it true your brother has never kissed? - Well, yeah, that I know of. - That's why he made that shot. - What? - [Heather] Nothing. - Why do you ask? - No reason. (somber piano music) - Look, you may find it odd, but let me tell you the real reason he hasn't kissed. When we were growing up Ty and his friends had this club you know the kind where no girls were allowed and they each swore they wouldn't kiss until they found that special girl. Well all of the other guys have broken their pact, except for Ty. - Wow and he kept it? Hm. (somber piano music) - Wow. This is beautiful. And dinner was great. You sure know how to win a girl's heart. - Thank you. And to top things off, I have a little surprise for you, something to remember me by. - Remember you by? Are you going somewhere? (tender guitar music) Well thanks. Ah, that was sweet, I love it. What does it stand for? - [Tyler] It's a purity ring. - It fits perfectly. So tell me more. - It just means do the right thing, make good choices. - Do you make good choices? - I try. - Am I a good choice? - Of course. - Ah, that was sweet. Actually, I have something for you too. And what a perfect time since we're exchanging gifts. - You do? - Will you close your eyes for just one minute? Please just close them. It's not like I'm gonna do anything. Close them, something you've never had before. (Tyler sighs) (whimsical music) (tender piano music) There you go, something to remember me by. - (laughs) Well thank you. (laughs) - [Brandon] What's up man? - What's up bro? - Oh my. It looks like she got you. - No, she didn't. It was a joke. - Oh, that's funny. It's all part of her ploy. She's out to get you. ♪ If it takes all night ♪ Hey pray ye not that you enter into temptation my friend. - I just need to come clean with her my man. - [Brandon] She intrigues you, doesn't she? - Maybe, what do you know about her? - I know a lot of stuff about her. I could tell you things that'd really make you want-- - Aren't true. Look man, you know I'm not into the whole gossip thing. I know there are some things about her that are questionable, I know man, I get it, but those are just people's opinions of her man. That's not who she is. - Dude, love has blinded you. (languid instrumental music) - So your roommates are gone tonight? - I love the air up here. - Yeah. Are you okay? - Why don't you go to my apartment and I'll meet you there in a minute. - Don't be long. I'll be waiting. - Well hey, I had a real good time tonight so thank you. - Hi. Who's this? Oh, I want to be a part of the group hug. - Um, who is she? Okay wait, is this your girlfriend? - No, no, this is someone-- - Hi, I'm Heather. - This is my sister. - He didn't tell you? - Wait, your sister? - I thought you were-- - I was on a date-- - Okay, you guys don't think anything alike. - I could not stand him. Okay, I had him bring him home. He was not respecting me, I told him I do not kiss guys and for some reason he got really turned on by that. He wanted you know that-- - Um, good night. - Thing guys want from girls. - So that went well. - I'm your sister, really? That's original. - Well the fact that she met my sister today probably didn't help with the credibility of the story. - But your weren't lying, I am your sister. I'm Sister Heather and you're Brother Tyler. How are you Brother Tyler? (laughs) - So who was that guy you were with? - Do I sense some jealousy? Just this guy visiting from out of town. - This guy, right, probably an ex. - Just this guy that I used to date a long time ago and we had this plan before I met you, so I guess I just forgot. - Do you think I hurt Susan's feelings? - I'm sure she'll get over it. If you're really worried about it, I bet you could go back there and kiss her. That would make it better. (laughs) Since we're on the subject of kissing, why haven't you kissed anyone? Me? Why haven't you kissed me? I'm sure we are well past the third date by now. Am I not attractive to you? - No, it's not that. It's more like timing. - Timing? I don't understand. - You won't. - Well try me. (door clicks open) - Timing, like I said. - Tyler. - Is that him? I was waiting for you. (somber piano music) - I can't. - What's wrong? (somber piano music) What happened to you? A couple of weeks ago, this wouldn't have been a problem. - I'm just not in the mood. - What happened to the old Heather, the fun, free-spirited girl I used to know? - I wouldn't expect you to understand, but I'm just not that girl anymore. - Wow, this guy's really affected you. - Good night. - Yeah and this is all I get. (motorcycle engine thrums) - Tyler, Tyler wait. (motorcycle engine thrums) ♪ I've been broken so long ♪ ♪ So long feels like forever ♪ ♪ I've been lost so lost ♪ ♪ Where I've been I can't remember ♪ ♪ And all the fear and hurt ♪ ♪ Is telling me I don't deserve ♪ ♪ A second chance ♪ - I am trying not to get involved. - Then don't. - Why are you being so rude to her? - You don't need even know what's going on. - I do know what's going on. I see a girl who's trying to change for the better and then there's you who seems to think this whole thing is a game. - Are you off your soapbox now? I shouldn't even be dating. - What does it matter at this point? You seem to have other aspirations. - I should never even gotten involved with her and then none of this would have ever happened. - What would have happened? - This, this dating conflict of interest. - You've fallen in love with her, haven't you? - No. Women are not my focus right now. It's baseball. Look, she's a cool girl and all, but I can't marry someone that doesn't believe the same way that I do. - Ty, look. I just hope that you don't end up breaking her hurt and honestly it would have been better if you just not dated her at all. - Well thanks for setting me up with her then. - Ty, will you just talk to her? - About what? There's nothing to talk about. I'm leaving in three days and this will all be over. - Tyler. Tyler. (somber piano music) Why are you acting like this? What would Jesus do? - He wouldn't date. - Ugh! Ty, look, it is my fault. I'm sorry I got you into this mess. I shouldn't have played matchmaker. I was just trying to help her out. I just thought she needed somebody who wouldn't judge her and would accept her for who she is. I didn't think it was gonna turn out like this. I just figured she could use a good friend and someone who's charming and fun to hang out with. And FYI, she doesn't like Kelsey, so please talk to her. (somber piano music) (knocks quietly) - Kelsey and I go way back, but I'm not interested in him any more. And what about your girlfriend? - Hey, I didn't ask her out. - Are you sure about that? - It was a plate of cookies. - And mine was dinner at my favorite restaurant. It's hard to believe you haven't kissed anyone. - Well, it's true. Believe me, it hasn't been easy. Can I let you in on a little secret? - Sure. (clears throat) - I know you're wondering why I haven't kissed anyone. It goes way back to a pact I made with my friends a long time ago when we were young, but the real reason I haven't kissed anyone is my mom taught me to save it for someone special, someone I'm in love with. Ever since she passed, it's all the more important to me. - That's really cool. I wish more guys were like you. - No you don't, girls want a guy that's a good kisser, not one that hasn't. - You're right. I bet you tell girls that all the time so they'll want to kiss you. - Whatever works. - Mm. - Why, has it worked on you? - If it has what are you gonna do about it? (soft pop music) ♪ It's like I'm finally waking up ♪ - They say things worth having are worth waiting for. - You really are a nerd. ♪ You take me to another place ♪ - That hurt. - Doesn't mean I can't kiss you. ♪ You're getting closer and closer. ♪ - Is there a hidden agenda here? ♪ Let go let go let's let go ♪ - I'll show you a hidden agenda. - Heather, I'm serious, do not start something that you cannot fish. - I'm not scared. - Just because I hit a home run off of you does not mean you can keep my lucky hat captive. I'm serious, don't do it. Heather, don't do it. ♪ If you ever baby just let it go ♪ (screams) - Oh my gosh! - My lucky hat! ♪ It's better now with you ♪ ♪ Three little words on your lips ♪ ♪ Say them now, don't resist ♪ ♪ Baby I'll say them too ♪ ♪ Let go let go just let go ♪ - Time to rise and shine. - Don't look at me, I'm scary. How did you get in here? - I have my connections. - Ah, thank you. - Did you sleep good? - Are you kidding me? How late were we up last night? - Late enough that we saw the moon set. Oh, I forgot milk I'll be right back. - Oh no, I like them plain. - I made some toast for you. - So? Did you guys talk last night? - Yeah, yeah. - So, did she tell him? - Tell him what? (mischievous instrumental music) (languid acoustic guitar music) - What? ♪ It's the touch of your hand ♪ ♪ Breathing you in ♪ - Come here. - Where are we going? ♪ Makes me believe in love again ♪ ♪ You're feeling it soon ♪ - Turn around. Turn around. - Okay. - It's all right you can trust me, ready? - I'm ready. - Okay. ♪ You're always on my mind ♪ Are you ready? - I'm ready. Oh, I love it thank you. ♪ Baby where do you start ♪ ♪ Where do I begin ♪ ♪ I'm falling in love ♪ ♪ With all I am ♪ ♪ He sees me and waits for one last kiss ♪ ♪ Must be love and we're the lucky ones ♪ ♪ It's the look in your eyes ♪ ♪ That makes me see ♪ ♪ You don't need words to get through to me ♪ ♪ I let you in ♪ ♪ No stopping now ♪ ♪ What I feel is real baby there's no doubt ♪ ♪ You're always always on my mind ♪ ♪ Our hearts are tangled up again ♪ ♪ Baby where do you stop ♪ ♪ And where do I begin ♪ ♪ I'm falling now with all I am ♪ ♪ He sees me and waits for one last kiss ♪ ♪ Must be love and we're the lucky ones ♪ ♪ It feels like the stars have aligned ♪ ♪ And I'm coming home for the first time ♪ ♪ Our hearts are tangled up again ♪ ♪ Baby where do you stop ♪ ♪ Where do I begin ♪ ♪ I'm falling now with all I am ♪ ♪ He sees me and waits for one last kiss ♪ ♪ Must be love and we're the lucky ones ♪ ♪ Must be love and we're the lucky ones ♪ - Oh ho, I win. So loser, when do I get to beat your butt again? - (laughs) You got lucky. - Oh, whatever, I like beating you. You know it's been really refreshing and fun to date you. I know that sounds really weird. I don't know, I've been a lot happier since we started dating. I'm not really used to guys treating me well. I like it though. - Well, I guess it's just who I am. - As a kid I just I always admired the way that my father treated my mother. My dad always said that every girl is like a princess and just treat them like one. I just I've always had a problem with guys that use girls for their own selfish reasons and I don't want to hurt you. - Well, your values are definitely different than most guys. I admire that. - It's not all you admire though, right? - Maybe, anyway, I've gotta go. I've got stuff to do today. I'll call you later? - Sounds good. (dramatic music) - Hey, Kami told me where I could find you. I just wanted to apologize about the other night. Heather, I miss what we used to have. Is this the guy you tried to corrupt? (dramatic music) - Well I guess I was wrong about you. - No Tyler, you weren't wrong-- - Hey let him go. - Let go of me. - He's not your type, let him go, you're better without him. - Let go of me, Tyler! (slap rings out) Tyler! (tender instrumental music) He won't talk to me. He won't return any of my phone calls. - Look, I know my brother can be difficult. - I messed up big time. The truth is I dated your brother for the wrong reasons. - What? - I have to tell you something. I'm actually pretty embarrassed to tell you, but I dated him just so I could get a kiss. And it wasn't about that at first. But when I found out that he never kissed before, it was like my competitive side just came out and it just completely took over. - Okay. (tender instrumental music) Hey, let's talk about this later. (mischievous instrumental music) - Any luck with the kiss? (mischievous instrumental music) (lights clanking) (tender instrumental music) - Thought I'd find you here. (groans) Look, I know right now probably isn't the best time, but there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. It's not something I'm proud of. Really, it's something I have a hard time talking about. I never told you that when I was a freshman I went to a party. At this party we were drinking and messing around and I guess I got so wasted. Well Heather was at this party. I don't know what went down the rest of the night and everything that happened, but all I remember is that the next morning I woke up and I was in bed next to her. It was awful. I felt so guilty. (tender instrumental music) - I'm sorry. Brandon, you're a good guy man. Do not, do not let this get to you. (tender instrumental music) My mom, she would always tell me, she would always tell me that life is not a do's and don'ts check list. She would also say the only way to be a good person is to love everyone and not judge them. But to do unto others as you would have done unto you. I've been trying to live by that advice my whole life. My mom was an amazingly spiritual woman. Look, I know you're having a hard time with this man and working through it, but look on the bright side, we're here to learn from our mistakes and be better. So move on, man and forgive yourself. (tender instrumental music) - So are you gonna get Samson to fall? You know he's only dating you to get you to join his church. Once you join, then he'll dump you. I overheard him and Tiffany talking the other day. Yeah, he has his own little secrets and he was dating you for the baseball recruiter. In two days time, he is out of here. - Do me a favor. You get out of here. - I was only trying to help. - Ty, I think you're making a big mistake by turning your back on her and probably even at me-- - Look, you can stop right there, okay. Things are over between us and I'm not upset. - Ty, listen to me, just talk to her. - I'm done with her. I'm going to play baseball, okay. There's nothing stopping me from doing that, nothing at all. (tender instrumental music) - I understand how you feel. I know that you're frustrated and that you're upset, but I just want you to know that Kelsey is a part of her past and a part that's she's trying to let go of. Her heart leans toward someone else and I think you know who that is. Can you at least just talk to her? I think you owe it to her. (knocks on door) - What are you doing here? - Shh, I have a surprise for you. - What are you planning on seducing me? - Look, I know you're upset about Kelsey. I get it. - Look how can I even trust you? - Relax, please just be a good sport. Just give me this one chance and we can talk about this later. Somewhere more private, please? - If you're able to stay in a relationship and be committed I think there's a place for you in our organization. - No games, no gimmicks. - Okay, that's fair enough, but will you do me one little favor? - This better be going somewhere. - I told you to trust me. I promise it'll be fun. (sighs) You look cute. Let's go. (tender piano music) (car engine rumbling) (tender piano music) Stay right here, I'll be right back. (tender piano music) - Great. (tender piano music) - Ah ah, no peeking. Ah ah, patience is a virtue. Are you peeking? - No. - Wow. You look beautiful. - Thank you. - Let me go wash up real quick. - The bathroom's down the hall to the right. (tender piano music) - (sighs) Great. (dramatic piano music) - [Heather] Dinner's getting cold. (sink gurgling) - Do you mind if we turn on some lights in here? It's kinda dark. - Sure. - Oh and can we bless it too? - Yeah. This isn't church. (phone buzzes) - Just one minute. - Hello? Well, lucky for you I don't have service up here, so where were we? - I tell you where we were. Why don't we just cut to the chase? You're probably wondering why I brought you up here. - Well I'm sure probably it has something to do with-- - Why was I your little missionary project? Don't play dumb. - Kami told me about your little plan. - I don't know where she got that information from, but why would I be trying to convert you? - So you could brag to all your church friends about how great you are. - Are you being serious right now? - And that's the furthest thing from the truth. And that's not how I work. - How do you work then? Why were you dating me? - Well since you already have it all figured out, what does it matter? I'm leaving after tomorrow. And you know what why were you dating me? So you could just tell all your friends that you-- - When were you planning on telling me that you were leaving? Kami told me about the baseball recruiter. - It is so sad that you believe Kami over me. - You used me to launch your baseball-- - We're talking about using people? You mean kind of like you used Brandon right? - What? I don't know where you're getting your story, but we didn't do anything. Yeah, I was plastered and I lost control, but nothing happened between us. - I don't know what to think about you anymore. - Ditto, maybe stop being so judgmental and self-righteous just because I don't share the same beliefs you do. - Okay, well you obviously don't know who I am. And did you think this was honestly going to work between us? We live different lives. You were never interested me or my values. - You're wrong about me. What you don't know is I've changed since we started dating. I think of things differently because you're different and somewhere in the mix of all of this, I really fell in love with you. (tender piano music) Tyler, I need you to be honest with me. Do you feel the same way about me? - No. No, I don't. (sad flute music) (crying) (sad flute music) Oh shoot. (dramatic instrumental music) Why did I say that? (dramatic instrumental music) Keys, keys. (calm instrumental music) (calm acoustic pop music) ♪ I can breathe you in ♪ ♪ I can breathe you out ♪ ♪ Just the same ♪ ♪ When I feel you ♪ ♪ When I'm with you my heart starts to race ♪ ♪ I love you, but I hate you ♪ ♪ I need you, then I push you away ♪ ♪ I know it's just a moment ♪ ♪ I can't help feeling this way no no ♪ (knocks) - Wake up. Heather, wake up. So how'd it go last night? - How do you think it went? - So what happened? Did you kiss him? - Hm, it's too bad your loss. - Yes it is. My keys, where did he put them? - You did not sleep in your Jeep last night. - I plead the fifth. - What happened? - Look at me. I made a complete fool of myself. I don't really want to talk about it. - Kami, where are you going? Maybe you could tell her the truth. You lied to her about Tyler's plot to convert her. (dramatic instrumental music) - So I exaggerated okay. (calm acoustic guitar music) - Tyler, I am so sorry. Kami twisted this whole thing around and I was never out to corrupt you. I'm just so sorry. Please call me back. ♪ Well my tongue's tied in a knot ♪ ♪ Yeah the words just keep getting caught ♪ ♪ Careful how far you go ♪ ♪ This is the only heart I got ♪ ♪ I keep trying to live it down ♪ ♪ Telling myself I can do without ♪ ♪ But the more I fight, the more I wish you were around ♪ ♪ And I'm left with nothing ♪ ♪ The usual wall it seems ♪ ♪ I'd always knew there'd come a day ♪ ♪ When you'd find a bigger dream ♪ ♪ Because I've been M-I-S-S-I-N-G ♪ ♪ I'm missing you lately ♪ ♪ Missing you missing me ♪ ♪ And I've been all alone singing our song ♪ ♪ You're not here to sing along ♪ ♪ Without you know it just feels wrong ♪ ♪ Easiest way to say it it's just a truce ♪ ♪ I've been missing you ♪ ♪ Missing you ♪ - Look man, she told me that nothing happened between you two okay. She was sincere about it. And she was telling the truth, so just let go of it man, move on. - You're right. - God, I'm gonna miss you man. - Yeah, me too. Hey, cheer up bro. (calm instrumental music) - I just hate to see her get hurt like this. I know that she loves you. (calm instrumental music) (whimsical instrumental music) Where are you going? - Where is she? - She's at practice. (whimsical music) (crowd cheering) (tender instrumental music) - Here, I came to apologize. - Am I the right choice? - (laughs) Of course. - I never meant for it to end the way that it did. - I understand. I do. - You're different from every other guy. You've helped me to grow and change in a way that I didn't even know that I could. - You're not the only one who has changed Heather. I know we're different people and I know we have different beliefs, but love-- - It would never work between us. - I was wrong about you. There was something I should have told you back up at the cabin and I wasn't completely honest with you and I'm sorry, I'm sorry about that. Because I came here to tell you what I'm trying is I love you. - What's holding us back? (swelling orchestral music) - This. (crowd cheering) (triumphant orchestral music) - Looks like you made it safe to first. - Well, if this is first, if this were baseball. - Oh, just shut up and kiss me. (whimsical instrumental music) (crowd cheering) (whimsical instrumental music) (calm acoustic guitar music) ♪ Lately I wake up thinking about you ♪ ♪ Already stuck on you like a tattoo ♪ ♪ Girl, look how you shine ♪ ♪ With your hand in mind ♪ ♪ As I show you off to all my friends ♪ ♪ I finally see that one girl for me ♪ ♪ And I'll never be lonely again ♪ ♪ I've got no doubts ♪ ♪ It's in your kiss ♪ ♪ There's no way out when love feels like this ♪ ♪ There's more than your beauty that heaven sent to me ♪ ♪ It's some kind of magic I can't figure out ♪ ♪ I've got no doubt it's in the stars ♪ ♪ I'll go right in now ♪ ♪ I love who you are ♪ ♪ You keep me laughing no matter what happens ♪ ♪ You make me feel so proud ♪ ♪ I've got no doubts ♪ ♪ I used to find myself making mistakes ♪ ♪ It just proves anyone's heart can break ♪ ♪ You're like an elixir ♪ ♪ A broken heart fixer ♪ ♪ A beautiful, perfect surprise ♪ ♪ You should wear a halo ♪ ♪ Because baby I know it's time that I look in your eyes ♪
Channel: Bjgtjme - Free Movies
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Id: 5qRwcltOcxw
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Length: 89min 42sec (5382 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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