Belle and the Beast (2007) | Full Movie | Summer Naomi Smart | Matthew Reese

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[Music] once upon a time in a land not unlike your own there lived a beautiful young woman named Bill she was kind and thoughtful selfless and hard-working above all Belle loved God and her family Belle spent her time pursuing her education and working to help her family she brightened the day of all who met her with her cheerful outlook on life a reflection of her faith but in the same land lived someone concerned with no one but himself he had great wealth and lived in the utmost luxury yet no one envied him he was a ruthless cold-hearted man his name was Eric Landry but throughout the land he was more commonly called the Beast mrs. Hagan yes Eric what is this breakfast no it's not when you find anything for me to eat I'll be in my office I'll just toast a bagel an IVA Snider file done and I got a call from Jensen corporation they want you to come out and consult for a week joy look put this in my office then I have some emails for you to follow up on you're welcome Oh Eric the repairman is coming by today to fix the fireplace do I care just to remind her mr. Sagan when have I ever cared about your mundane reminders just keeping you informed so you don't blame me later for not telling you and what does that ever happen two weeks ago when you screamed at the electrician for interrupting your need for solitude you live alone Eric what do you need solitude for anyway [Music] ready Oh stir just have to pull these files you go ahead I'll lock up we'll do want me to do it for you you know you have your homework no I'll be fine and I totally heard your tone there what don't knock the homework thing I have complete respect for it it's been there you've been there and for some reason you're still there I don't know what you gonna do with an MBA anyway oh I don't know probably by this practice and fire you for mocking me oh ha ha sorry salon for tomorrow uh with your cousin yeah do you like him Greg he seems nice he's not bad-looking yeah it's not that I just don't know him yet well you can get to know tomorrow at the art exhibit ok see you later ok bye you are the most incompetent assistant ever I told you not to call until I approved but you did no I specifically said do not make a move until we had them locked in okay this is gonna ruin my relationship with them like you have a relationship with anyone you're fired you know what don't bother I've had my resignation typed up for weeks yep well the judging by the date on this then I don't have to pay for the last few weeks now do I idiot I am so sorry sir I didn't mean to you didn't mean to did nobody tries to be an idiot it always just happens do you have any idea how much this is worth okay this is worth the lives of 10 people okay 20 if they're you I am terribly sorry mr. Landry what can I do to make it up to you you couldn't possibly do enough I'm calling your boss first thing in the morning start looking for a new job no sir please I need this job I don't care what you need this is broken my day is spoiled and you're to blame for both now please mr. Landry I can't lose this job I can't be fired my children depend on me get out now before I call the police I got a 79 on my math test but Miss Parker says she's gonna curve the test anyway you're lucky she does that yeah I know yeah I know Mike stop acting like a seven-year-old Mike stop thinking like a seven-year-old you know why not try harder so you don't have to rely on the curve dad we're ready dad what's wrong you've been quiet all night any start looking for any job why what happened wasn't an accident I broke something that mr. Landry's and he said we'll call my boss in the morning did you talk about it of course I did but the man's a beast you threatened to call the police on him it was an accident that doesn't change anything I've only had this job a few months mr. Landry is a powerful man and a spiteful one everyone knows it at church in town everyone let me see what I can do no bail this is my problem dad we need you to keep this job if there's something I can do I'm doing it is Eric Landry available he doesn't know me it's Belle Watson my father from the repair company today thank you [Music] what are you doing in my property are you mr. Landry I came to ask you not to call my dad's boss you're the repairman's daughter well you must be an idiot too excuse me but that's uncalled for as is the way you treated my father treated him you want me to reward him for breaking priceless art no of course not but don't call his boss my family relies on him we need him to keep that job do you know what fine art costs please I have a sister and two brothers one who's away at college and they need our support have your mother's start working then my mother died years ago I do what I can to help but it's my father's job we rely on lovely sob story it doesn't change anything I was wrong it was an accident and if you want it made up to you will I'm sorry we can't pay anything close to what the art was probably worth but firing my father won't help it'll make me feel better will it please there's got to be something I can do some way we can make this right all right I just fired my assistant today you'll replace her you'll work for me until I feel the debt is paid off but I have a job you want me to call your dad's boss where do you work I'm a part-time assistant of an orthodontic office the you work part-time but you claim your family's desperate I work and I go to school part-time well I guess you have your work cut out for you then don't you when you're not working you'll come here you got the way you came in [Music] thank you [Music] Craig should be here soon what remember exhibit today I can't go I'm sorry why not it's a long story but Craig's been asking about you ever since you guys met he had me set this up to see you would come I know I'm sorry just thinking about him you don't like no it's it's not that it's just I have another commitment to Ryu name and I promise I'm not trying to blow this off really hey hey I gotta go I'm sorry she's gonna have to come with us another day why is it something I said you must be the new assistant I'm mrs. hey good come on in now don't let him frighten you he's right in there thank you [Music] oh you're here you have a name da good when I ring you come no it means beauty you say so follow me you'll work here when you're not running errands errands [Music] I understand that but your mid-level managers are abysmal do you mind put the documents right there kid suits go in my closet Don look I'll be honest with you you either need to retrain them or rethink your quarterly projections one of the other [Music] what are you doing sorry I was looking for the right room this look like a bedroom I have no problem going back in our deal I've got the number for your father's work right on my desk I'm sorry could you maybe show me which room is the right one I have some fresh pie ready or equity likes them sure I'll be right in you come to bail Thank You missus hey kid go ahead thank you when you're finished I want you to alphabetize the books are you sure I can do I want you to alphabetize the books okay now I can do more than filing and alphabetizing if you want I'm pretty organized well then this shouldn't be a problem what do you live bill uh just a few blocks from here actually down on that I'm reading hi Belle that bills home can we eat now hey guys so how was your day yeah was the Beast as bad as everyone says hey that's what everyone calls him last week in Sunday school mrs. Robertson used him as an example of pride and anger thrilled to hear that but it's still not nice she says that's what keeps him from coming to church that and the alcohol that's enough Kelly does he mean John McCoy said land you chasing down this mr. Lantry mic mr. Matthew chasing down the street one day what did John do he seduces all walks in that flame that's lame stuff it like holes it bearable [Music] there's a phone number on my desk I need it right away no not this one maybe it's on my credenza [Music] it's a guy who Craig was he hey Bill hey Greg I thought we could go get some ice cream oh okay they saved us a trip oh thanks I was really looking forward to spending time with you the other day why did you come with us we had to work really yeah so you were leaving work I have a second job second job mm-hmm they think that's a bit much here we can handle it and I said you're in school too so so isn't school already like a second job so that's two or three mug golf babies how you settle down let somebody take care of what can take care of myself for you all you know what I mean like a boyfriend or a husband it's time to find the right guy maybe sitting right next to you we haven't even been on a date yet I can fix that what I mean is we don't even know each other sometimes you just have to trust your feelings and if you're not sure you can trust mine let it go um I'm an exam coming up thanks for the ice cream don't where's your second job the Landry mansion good morning bill want some breakfast no no thank you is mr. Landry here he's in the spa room he just asked for you a spa room mm-hmm mr. Landry ah Belle there's a book on my nightstand in my bedroom bring it you can wait in the next room read a book if you'd like well I still be able to find one easily Bell yes get me my towel what are you doing with that reading it was on your shelf I hope you don't mind get rid of it what why I said get rid of it it's a nice copy how could you do that it's just a book no it's God's Word isn't that sacrilegious you think I care I haven't cared what God thinks for years Oh maybe that should change look I don't know you or your reasons but you don't know me or mine please don't be so disrespectful it's my house if you don't like it you're welcome to leave then deal with it I'm going out of town tomorrow in my office there's a list of things for you to do while I'm gone for now go pack my bag missus hey good what's for breakfast hello I can't stand him wait what are you talking about Eric Landry Landry as in scary Landry Landry mansion scary rich Landry yes to all him so dad broke something at Landry's house when he was repairing a fireplace and so Landry threatened to call dad's boss and have him fired so I'm working for Landry until he thinks that that's been paid off is that where you've been lately because Craig thinks you're avoiding him now that'd be mean so is his house like amazing Anna what would your dad's boss even fire him it's hard to save him being so new to the job plus with Landry calling got it so what's bugging you now he's such a jerk he's purposely making this harder than it has to be he has between the stupidest little jobs he insults me constantly and he has absolutely no respect for anything it's nothing so sounds like all the rumors are true you know he's a drunk right yeah I've heard that but I haven't seen him drink anything well sounds like he act like a drunk this is so helpful fine this back then he's gonna be a jerk I gotta get through this I can't to come off and have him fired me and called my dad's boss that you can do something more important what's he do anyways I heard he got he's a cousin or something I don't know well want to blow this off catch a movie yes no he's going out of town but I still got tons to do plus schoolwork ooh like you hang in there Thanks talk to you later [Music] you're home yep I thought you'd be at the mansion you say it like it's glamorous or something Landrieu's out of town so what are you doing looking up stuff about his business do you think he's really out of town I mean what if he has a double life Oh like Batman not likely how do you know have you ever followed him no and I never will but you could be a sidekick bad girl Kelly I'm trying to work fine but if he does end up having a secret identity you have to show me the Batcave [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back what are you doing with that reading you have a typo on page four what gives you the right to landry call him eric dear Eric it's my job your job is to do what I tell you you know dissipate what you may believe I can think for myself and if you really want a decent assistant let me do something besides running errands for you do you think you know anything about what I do I'm beginning to you help companies identify problems so they're more profitable for example you think this company is far understaffed I have time for this look you might as well let me do something more useful you only have so many shirts I can take to the cleaners I can buy more what do you have to lose I'll still do all the menial stuff just give me a chance to show you what I can do even here a couple of weeks do you think I'd trust you with anything you want a real assistant then yes fine read all these when you start to understand what you're really dealing with then we'll talk [Music] [Music] this is hey good I didn't know this was back here yep this is the staff kitchen aren't you the only staff I didn't build the place sounds like you've been keeping busy yeah lots of shouting since you've come I imagine you'd hear that even if I weren't here you have it oh that's just how he is if it's not wrong with me Mrs Hagen why is Eric the way he is I'm sure you've heard the rumors there are plenty but I can't believe that more than half of them are true about ten years ago Eric was married he'd started a business with a couple of his friends it was a big success he went to church as strong as everyone else then his wife died Sarah was her name it was an accident but Eric took it very hard he blamed God for it stopped going to church then he started drinking so that is true alcohol affected Eric so much as business partners so-called friends now stood him from his own company it was alright financially as you can see that just make matters worse he was drinking so much his whole life was out of control but I haven't seen him drink once since I got here well got so bad he finally checked himself into one of those rehab clinics he hasn't had a drink in five years hard times but he pulled through okay all things considered built himself a good consulting firm and all keeps him busy why is he so mean yeah everybody takes hard times differently for Eric he still blames God and all those rumors don't help either I should go thanks for talking with me I should have time then just a couple of days to start if we need more we'll talk okay bye mark Eric I have to go to my other job now it's 2:15 yeah I have the ending shift and then I have class after that fine I'd like to take these home to read tonight if that's all right well I'm a little busy here do you think I care hello hi Craig what's up wanna go out to dinner I already ate but thanks what about a movie Anna's been really wanting to see in the middle of something but maybe this weekend oh okay what are you doing your blows out for a book work actually if you're sure yeah I appreciate the invite though I really do okay bye [Music] is that Craig yes Kelly is he a good kisser Kelly we're not even dating well he is a boy when you kiss a guy how do you coordinate everything I mean just girl tilt her head to the right and the guy to the left or the guy to the right and the girl doesn't wait who's left are you really asking you this it's a good question how do you know not to hit heads and what about noses you're not gonna show me are you I'm kicking you out of my room so you haven't kissed Craig he devolves that the reason this is offered is that a majority of those opting to participate in this program cannot make the payment in full at the end did you finish reading the reports yes okay tell me what you learned thought your analysis was pretty good that means so much to me you're really smart I mean I figured you'd have to be intelligent with what you do but what you've written down and figured out you're really smart now that we've established I'm smart did you learn anything okay companies obviously come to you for recommendations on how to be more efficient and profitable and from what you wrote they all can improve they'll be thrilled to hear that keep finding faults I've never even thought about and your analysis makes my head spin with revenues and cutting back debt I'm just a little bit confused on your recommendations though oh really just seems like you're a little harsh on them I'm wondering why I mean you're supposed to be helping them I am helping them I tell them what they're doing wrong yeah but shouldn't she be a little nicer look my clients don't pay me for fluffy compliments look you view the company as an entity right right but it's run by people people are influenced by emotions wouldn't it help to be a little more diplomatic okay look you read a few reports and you think you know it all yeah that's enough shut the door behind you I'm just I don't care you don't know what you're talking about [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're done for the day pick up my shirt from the dry cleaner on your way in tomorrow okay Jessica we'll see you later mm-hmm you're quiet today I'm working ah speaking of how's your other boss is it really worth it I mean your dad could find another job eventually and it took him months to find this one class with James away at school and Kelly and like we need the stability what about you I mean you're the one who's working with the beast I wouldn't call him that he does deserve some respect even if you know good evening Eric nice to say good I found these in the theater room do you want them in here yes dinner's nearly ready we'll be I'll be around to join us do you see her here just wondering don't be too long or the food will get cold I'll be in in a few minutes [Music] I'm so sorry I thought you were already in the office like I should have checked sorry it's good thing I wasn't in the shower yeah I'm just gonna wait in the office I'm taking the day off feeling very well did you want me to get you something or missus hey go to your doctor my doctor what do you think's wrong with me nothing I just never mind what I just figured you'd have one on hand or something was that it fit big house well-off guy the on-call doctor maybe that's just him everything baby yeah Bell I'm sorry about my behavior yesterday you read everything and I anyway my apologies feel free to take the day off okay Thanks see you tomorrow [Music] can I ask why you keep it excuse me doesn't it kind of a temptation well this coming from someone who would never understand have you ever had a drop of alcohol in your life it's a reminder for what to never go there again this is Eric Kyle yes the 21st and work just fine hello mr. Landry's office he's on another call right now actually mr. yielding it's my fault I failed to get it out in time yesterday I'm very sorry you should have it first thing in the morning who's that mr. yielding a packet that's it it's no problem I'll just take it out right now if you want mr. yielding please [Music] is Eric here he's walking outside he asked that you wait in the great room chuckle fetch you umm yes dear which one's the great room the one right off the entry Eric's bedroom no that's a nice room no need to give it an ego I'll show you so why is it called the great room because it's big everything here is big you covered for me on the yielding thing I didn't even think about it yesterday I just that's what I get for taking the day off you were sick yeah but it's not an excuse but thank you for what you did I'd like for you to read this analysis make it more diplomatic we'll go over tomorrow oh there you are Hey just finishing up on the diplomacy revision you're still working on that yeah it's not the State of the Union come on no it's not done let me see what you have I'd really rather explain my not so just whatever I was thinking see the good in the manager respect the CEO he brought you in too harsh too critical to mean Eric why would they listen to criticism with no hope I was going to type those up and explain what they meant yeah there's no need they're quite clear finish there's more well great I can't wait to hear how else you think I failed at what I do look you asked me to help you with this I know what I asked you to do now I'm telling you to stop but you think you understand this business simply because you can read I know my clients and what they need to hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry do you have something you wanted me to do yes actually I did have a list of things I thought you could help me with but don't don't worry about it right now you know I'd rather pick up your dry cleaning and have you yell at my work look I'm trying to be nice your notes were correct and just I'm not used to criticism that's ironic how someone so critical can't take criticism come on come on I find this clears my hand I thought you might enjoy it through even working pretty hard up there it's just writing and revising I didn't mean to disregard your work you should you his grounds are beautiful my wife she she left flowers and plants and data think she could grow cheap money most of this how long ago did she pass away ten years ago but you knew that didn't you Mrs Hagen has a tendency to talk about my history I'm sure she's already told you plenty of how they didn't know it must be hard for you listen I have some phone calls any make but I'm sorry about before I do appreciate your work [Music] what's this sorry it's just a little hole mark I already fit right auditing really advanced yeah it is grad school MBA yeah what did you get for your undergrad English knowin they didn't take you where you wanted to go you have an error there I know I've been trying to figure out why look your formulas wrong oh sure like a choice oh it's an emergency I was lost in the dark you kept your favor and showed me a new way and I've learned to see the beauty of my now that I can find in my dreams I am shy I can fly [Music] I will always be [Music] I feel a change from within myself it makes me smile like a son came around you took a chance and now I understand and I feel like I've been given [Music] [Music] yeah somebody's here to see you early mm-hmm okay who's winning she is you seem happier Eric that's not a bad thing it can't be a grouch forever it's just nice to see you smiling again great hey what are you doing here it's been a while since we've been able to get together I wanted to see you well that's sweet but you should see me at my home not here you're never there I tried to catch you at home a week but yours here is studying well the man himself look I'm sorry I haven't been around it's just I couldn't really busy lately I understand I just hate to see Hanna disappointed oh no we make plans and you have to bait I see Anna at work all the time and she's fine with it all right I hate to be disappointed I just want to see you more I get to know you go out to dinner okay you're a nice guy and as your cousin and I know she's just trying to do us both a favor but I can't just drop everything and go to a movie with you I can't stitch my family to go to a restaurant I touch them for here what when I stopped by the other day your dad said he hardly sees you anymore into my life I barely know you when you're visiting my family no I'm just are you dating this guy because if you are there's no way that any of us can compete with mr. riches now you're being mean I just don't want to see you could drag down to his level because you're spending all this time with his level you know despite what you or others may think eric is actually a nice guy Eric that's informal what do you expect me to call mr. Landry all the time to make me feel better and I call our boss that they were that honest office by his first name and what's the difference the difference here is that your boss is rich in questionable questionable I have to get back to work fine just be careful I don't like the idea of you working for this beast don't call him that well I appreciate your concern Craig but I won't let you disrespect him especially not when you're standing on his property Eric yeah you going somewhere I thought I lost this oh um you got a message from Kyle Kincaid he wants to know if Thursday still works for you oh it's a dinner meeting with him in the CEO are you free that night me yeah it's a business dinner I'd like my assistant with me yeah I have a class but I should be done by 6:00 then I'll pick you up at 7:00 okay so tonight's the big date it's a business meeting that's all mm visits me that you're gonna get all dolled up more do you even have a dress of course but it's no big deal please don't talk right because this guy go get all jealous it's okay he's Mike hasn't you're my friend I'm not gonna force you to date him I prefer somebody else thank you but it's still not a date by the way I don't think if Eric is anything other than my boss is he picking you up at your house yeah well then he thinks for the day no it's logistics I have a class until 6:00 and then I have to hurry to get ready so he's picking me up on the way uh-huh okay sure [Music] [Music] you look very nice thank you it's nice to see that sit somewhere than the dry cleaners [Music] this is Bill it's nice to meet you my date Julie this is my wife Diane so Eric let me tell you what we're thinking it's good to have you here it's nice to have brought somebody by what do you mean what he usually comes to these things alone really well to shut down that division and let people go but we think the new model worth and you factored in the cost of pensions and severance and so forth of course what sorry did you want to answer well are you sure you want to let go the people you already have well layoffs are a part of business yes but a new model is gonna take a lot of manpower with a little training couldn't they easily take over the new production or we can find new people who already know how to do the job your current people could be trained I mean it'll take time and money but I think that a long run you'd be better off you don't know some of our people though I mean change just doesn't come easy well it never does but when faced with the alternative you'd be surprised how many employees are willing to go through new training you wouldn't have to worry about new hires or quick turnovers overloading your HR department I mean think of all the time and money that's wasted on employees that bail after the initial bonus kicks in and they won't all be ready to work I mean you're gonna need to train them at least on your company policies and procedures ok if not further well maybe that's something you can look into Eric when you come up to our New York facility sure it's so nice to meet you both very nice to meet you thank you so much thank you you did well tonight I don't think Kylie appreciate it but I had to say well he doesn't have your compassion you know compassion it's not a bad thing in business I didn't say it was do you have some time right now [Music] [Music] this is beautiful so peaceful I didn't even know this place was up here it's hidden away well enough thank you how'd you know what was here my wife she's to come up here take pictures Photography was her hobby she loved it up here so what got you into consulting I liked it better than dealing with the whole company because of what happened with your old company I get it go in and fix things and I don't have to deal with the day-to-day hassles and politics some people I don't like and it's understandable plus you're better off where you are now than if you'd stayed don't you think no I'd have a bigger house if I were still there oh but I mean it I think things happen for a reason it's not always easy but there's someone looking out for us someone's looking out for us yeah I guess that implies that God wants us to be happy you don't think he does my wife and I were out one night driving we weren't speeding or doing anything dangerous the left front tire hit the road wrong and blew out after that we went off the road there wasn't a single other person on that road no one to help for a highway like that that's pretty unusual it was as if God knew exactly what he was doing and I couldn't do a thing to stop him by the time I woke up she was already gone I prayed and I prayed didn't make a difference as I sat in that car trapped unable to move for three hours until someone even noticed but it didn't stop praying I figured it was the only thing that I could do I was still stupid enough to believe that she might actually be okay she might even live so no I don't really think God cares for me and I don't believe he wants me to be happy I've been such a long time ago you still feel this way I thought what's changed what about getting stronger and growing from your experiences growing I lost everything I became a drunk head with my life on hold sometimes bad things happen to good people [Music] good job [Music] why did you do it alone I mean there had to be somebody you could have gone to for help comfort there was the bottle it's not the strongest solution what did it matter I mean no one saw me is the same the other rumors started I lost my business what else did I have maybe more than you realized [Music] something wrong the wind chills me to my toes as it kicks up lives shifting sands whisper restless thoughts termite timid saw to close my eyes where I the swirling find altars my drifting as this gray and rising to where light shines through searching for life in full color in my home no it's time to twist this kaleidoscope [Music] alright hi do you mind if I study some I have a test today no thanks how's it coming good pretty cold no I'm okay yeah thank you is that really the time I'll shoot I'm gonna be late what an exam it starts at 10 minutes hello Kelly what'd you do no I can't I have an example starts in 10 minutes definitely right now I'm gonna be late push you're just gonna have to fess up to dad then I'll call him Kelly no no I can't talk right now okay I'll figure something out okay what's wrong my little sister she got the trouble at school and principal wants someone to pick her up I'm gonna have to miss my exam what why what about your dad no she doesn't want me to call him plus it's really hard for him to just pick up and leave work like that well I can pick her up really well yeah you've got your exam that's too slow here today anyway I'll just pick her up and drop her by your house are you sure you're gonna be late Kelly you're here to take her home yes do I need assign four or something wait here our principal mr. Daniels would like to speak with you with me I guess my sister sent you what are you in for what cheating let's talk in my office no no Kelly you stay here so is there a reason you wanted to speak with me mr. Watson no no hear me out I know you may want to defend your daughter it's only natural but I'm not mr. please don't interrupt we're concerned that Kelly would cheat she's normally such a sweet girl a little rambunctious but yeah telogen able yeah why would she cheat now I've seen her scores and she's always excelled perhaps there's something going on at home not that I'm aware of look mr. Daniels I I don't have a lot of time I was afraid of that perhaps you should make time she is your daughter quitter wait I see a lot of this in fact it's one of the biggest problems we see in our schools today parents just aren't making time for their children and sometimes the children act out like this cheating to get attention well we'll work on that good good listen to your daughter you'd be amazed how many problems can be solved just by doing that here at our school we listen to our students and I'm very proud of that well you should be so did you do it does your mansion really have secret passageways no it doesn't it wasn't really cheating I couldn't remember this one equation on this one problem so I asked done but then Miss Parker saw me and she tolde me down in the principal's office Dylan didn't even say anything but it doesn't matter because I remember the equation I just couldn't then you know so it's not really cheating you may want to rethink your definition of cheating I'm so dead dad will ground me for sure do you ever feel like your life is over I do and it's not even fair because I didn't mean for it to happen it just looked wrong you know wrong time wrong place yeah dad is gonna be so mad and bail will lecture me I'm sure which means I'll hear it twice because Michael mimicker something about being more responsible and not procrastinating which I wasn't come on you should probably tell me some other deep thing like girlfriend yeah mom wouldn't have lectured me do you think about your mom a lot I guess she'd be more understanding about this well I imagine Bell will be understanding too maybe I think she overdoes it you know trying to make up her mom don't get me wrong I'm glad Belle's around things would have been way bad if she hadn't come back come back she was in California at school when mom died she came back here [Music] Eric sorry that's okay I can tell you later no it's alright what is it thank you for taking care of Kelly that was really sweet of you there's no trouble well thank you anyway um I'm gonna go get your email up Kyle Kincaid should have sent your itinerary by now okay I didn't think you liked fast food why wouldn't I because I never see you eat it you don't know everything about me yeah ask you something sure when your mother died how did you react same as anybody else I guess we were devastated I missed her so much I still do but I knew everything would be all right how what do you mean how did you know God wasn't just putting you through some trial testing you maybe he was but I won't fault him for it he knows what I can handle better than I do and besides it's not like I went through it alone it happened I trusted God and he helped me through it it wasn't easy it took time to heal but he was there for me every step of the way you're stronger than I am I don't know you stopped drinking I started drinking yeah but not everyone can get over it you did it's amazing what you can get through with the right help hello hello tail thought I'd check in and see how things are going fine it's quiet but how how are your classes going no no it's ok call me if you need anything ok I will Thanks all right see you when I get back ok good night bye [Music] so he's been gone yep he gets back in two days so do you miss him well let's make the most of it and do something fun yeah okay you know Craig's been asking about you if you're so open to that Craig what I was kind of rude to him last time I saw him not really but still I should have been yeah he told me about that really What did he say oh I wouldn't worry about it he wants to see you thanks for lunch I rented some movies if you want to cover watching tonight ah thanks but I actually have some studying I need to get to free tomorrow night I just want to maximize my time with you before mr. Richards gets back why do you always make fun of them like that everybody knows he's a difficult guy that's why they call him the Beast thanks village I gotta go look if I seem out of line just because I know how great you are great I just want you to get everything you deserve you're special okay great thanks hey gray how's your date it's alright it's alright I thought you would have so much fun I did I know she's amazing I know she's the one you know I can stand by me and everything I'm supposed to do in life what why he working for this Landry guy I could never spend any time with her cuz she's always at his beck and call well she kinda has to be what do you mean well fellas dad is working at Lindy's mansion and he broke something and he said he would have him fired if you didn't pay for it so now Belle's working for Landry until all good sounds like extortion yeah it's messed up but both dad has his job and that's all that matters right hello Eric hello mrs. Hagan how was your trip good I'm glad to be back though I'll be right in to unpack those thank you have you seen Belle lately yes she's checked in every day really mm-hmm she's a good one yes she is wait again let her off the hook I'd say she's done more than enough time I know you could give her the choice to stay if you want her to yeah but I'm not sure she'd take it might be surprised Derek great I know you might be busy but was wondering five o'clock tonight or tomorrow or whatever I am pretty good I'd rather not I'm just not interested in you like that I mean I'd like to keep our friendship but that's it Belle come on I know you've got a lot going on but I'm willing to wait I know this is right it's not about my schedule hello when you change your mind I'll be here okay I'm not gonna hi this is Eric Landry hello hey how was your trip uh listen I'll tell you all about it I was just wondering if you could come over sir there's probably lots to do no it's it's not that I just okay give me half hour I'll be right over okay hey Dad that horrible horrible man what happened fired me why they got a call from Eric Landry fell I'll get you after all this time watch me were different know what everybody said about G wasn't true I even defended you boom don't I fell for it once this act but I won't anymore you really are a beast Belle wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] so my god what's up wound up the spin that we want [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this Eric Landry I don't think anyone here the gallery we go should be right with you go hey are you all right all the stuff you're not but the later did you terrible speaking [Applause] I was much better off before I got one and [Music] mr. Landry is Bill here no wait wait I just want to talk to her did you ever call me there you got a lot of nerve mr. Landry maybe you think you can get away with anything but you won't hurt my family anymore now go away I'm busy looking for a job yes this is Eric Landry no everything's fine here I was wondering is there a mr. Watson still working for you fired no that wasn't me the called look there must be some misunderstanding hey guys guess what dad got his job back really yeah guess the guilt got to him you called again did you guys save me any dinner victim in a four-hour operation abraeve yeah I got tired of trying to catch up on everything school and laundry and sleep yeah you want some dessert Kelly tried her hand at instant pudding no I'm okay yeah I can't be too bad you know I am almost glad that I was fired for a while really well you didn't have to put up with all the Landry hassle anymore well that was more his doing than mine but I was happy to do it you gave up a lot just just like me your mother died dad it really wasn't a big deal I have always been proud of you but I want you to start looking out for yourself now dad I was happy to come back I know but you've more than earned the right to the happiness you find it whatever makes you happy for you [Music] please stop calling bill wait let me explain thank you for getting my dad's job back but I've had enough bail it was a mistake yes it was you never should have held my dad's job over his head in the first place [Music] so are you working later what do you mean at Landers no we'll have you talked to her sales so you're still ticked at him wouldn't you be yeah but he tried to make it up to you didn't me you went back on our deal just because his sliver of a conscience got to him doesn't mean I have to do anything for him well at least I have more time for Craig now I'm kidding he told me about the other day you're cruel you okay with it sure I mean Craig's my cousin but I know how he can be this is Eric yeah Belle isn't with me anymore me too hi hi have you been played thanks hey I heard about what happened sorry about your dad and his job yeah I'm just sorry it came to this listen if you ever want to go out get your mind off things I'm here thanks but I'll manage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I am starving because their muffins are great yeah that might be good why am I here again to eat look Greg begged me they just wanted to see you one more time and he swore that if you still felt whatever he'd back off at least it's breakfast I usually skip it and then I'm starving by 10:00 well at least it'll be working through stomach then where is he anyway he called him a banana turned his alarm off earlier hey why did you tell him about my dad I kind of wished he didn't know about him getting fired and stuff well I didn't tell him you didn't know I told about the whole you working for Eric Dilbert well about your dad getting fired I figured he'd rub it in and that's the last thing you need hey girls hi Craig how did you know my dad got fired and I told me no I did it Oh must have heard it somewhere Craig really did you call my dad's work home alright I do that Craig that's an idiot I can't believe this how could you do something like that the guy is awful you feel the spell what you're such a loser Eric fell where's Eric I haven't seen him yet this morning didn't eat I'll call his cell phone [Music] where'd he go I'll check the grounds [Music] [Music] Eric yeah what are you doing here thinking just thinking yeah [Music] what happened to the reminder I got tired of it hanging over my head plus was way overdue Bell I'm sorry about your dad I should never have threatened him or put you through any of this you're right it wasn't all bad really yeah I got to know you instead of all the rumors I should have known you'd never go back on your deal it's not you who sounds like me I don't want to be like that anymore I mean I've seen how you treat others and how you've treated me even after all the terrible things I did to you [Music] you make me want to be a better person you sure it's me you played a big part you helped me see what I've tried to ignore okay but I realized now I was never alone I just wasn't listening and you were right God wants me to be happy are you I'm getting there I mean it's not perfect yet for example I don't have an assistant anymore I was gonna ask you to stay on oh yeah I have to check I still have school and my other job well it's just an excuse anyway an excuse pal I'm only care about myself for a very long time and it's awkward now that I care about you what do you say I'm saying that I want to be with you I know I probably don't deserve it but I'll do whatever I can to try don't have to try too hard you make me happy [Music] with Erics transformation and his renewed faith the people in the land discovered that the beast was gone in his stead was a kind gentle man whose heart had been changed by the power of God and the love of a woman named Bill then while their world wasn't perfect they still then Kathleen [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I'm still holding back I can do I'm not [Music] my I might be shy I may be nervous [Music] I'm not afraid just tell me Oh [Music] I could give you but I'm still holding back I can damn where I'm not over you [Music] I might be shy [Music] I'm not [Music]
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 1,592,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, Beauty and the Beast: A Latter-day Tale, Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and the Beast: A Latter-day Tale - Full Movie, Dani Franklin, Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, B.J. Alexander, Brian Brough, Summer Naomi Smart, Matthew Reese, Everest Bishop, Belle and the Beast: A Christian Romance (2007) | Full Movie, Belle and the Beast: A Christian Romance, Full movie, Full film, faith, Christian film, Christian, Christian movie
Id: wOJIc7-ydjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 3sec (5463 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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